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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Clangor did a bit more last night. 
Planar Prison: Clangor now has boots of speed so he can keep pace with Valygar.
Temple sewers: Cleared the central areas first then returned later for Tarnor the Hatchetman and his gang.
Skinner murders, Trademeet families.
By this time Valygar was itching for a new weapon, although his family katana is a fine item in itself.

Koshi charges over so he is dropped without moving while Imoen scans for traps. Ketta backstabs Jaheira and vanishes so before a second backstab can cause more damage a potion is glugged. Sir Anomen already had True Sight running and Ketta is wrong-footed by this. Clangor is keeping Maferan and Olaf occupied while Imoen clears one trap and everybody else attacks Ketta - down she goes.

Sion gets a face full of Valygar, then distracts Olaf and Maferan as Clangor moves to their remaining caster. These two brutes are in their element and dish out the damage but once Clangor returns their hopes are dashed. Screenshot at the end of combat with text scrollback to Sion learning about True Sight and elemental attacks.

When the Guarded Compound goes well, this is a sign that the Twisted Rune can be considered. Clangor switches to the Kneecapper hammer for +4 hits so Sir Anomen can use the Improved Mace of Disruption and the Shield of Balduran. Valygar takes Azuredge (he has two pips in axe) while Mazzy has the Gesen bow. Jaheira is stuck with a +3 Crimson Dart and Imoen +1 arrows.

The opening screenshot shows Shangalar getting maced as his buffs kick in (2). Sir Anomen has been de-buffed by Vaxall but Revanek nips in to find himself way out of his depth as a ranged volley arrives. Vaxall dominates himself so Sir Anomen tries to kill him but Shyressa steals the kill (2). She then dominates the de-buffed Sir Anomen, who really should have been wearing a helm to protect against that eventuality, then falls to Mazzy.

Clangor runs around the room, using his speed to keep Sir Anomen occupied without venturing towards Layene. The domination wears off before anyone can come up with a good solution to it, and then Layene gets her come-uppance.

The ring of Gaxx is becoming more and more tempting. The City Gates lich is rushed into defeat, meaning the Old Tunnels are next and then consideration of how to deal with Kangaxx (without using protection scrolls).

The Jaheira romance looks to have ground to a halt (I thought that might happen as I got a Ployer dialogue in the Underdark that had happened several sessions ago and I realised the ambush & Harper scenes weren't appearing). Now the romance is off there's little reason to keep her long term so Korgan could be an option for Kangaxx.
  • Charlestonian Knight Templar, Blind_Visionary, Grimwald the Wise and 1 other like this


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Imoen takes a careless level drain from the vampiric mists before Gaal, Sir Anomen restoring her level once they are defeated. A Shade Lich turns hostile and buffs, extending his stay for a few rounds and requiring a few debuffs before Sir Anomen maces it.

Clangor makes a touching farewell with Jaheira. It's not you, it's me - I have a fleeting need for a surly dwarf. Don't worry there are plenty more Bhaalspawn in the sea. & so Korgan is recruited. The surly dwarf is given the best of equipment that Clangor can consider losing: Generic full plate +1 and the Frostreaver +3 axe. Clangor suggests he settle this equipment in with a nice gentle try-out.

Off to the docks where four thugs are briefly engaged. Twenty seconds in the party is too much for Korgan and he sidles off. Clangor is fuming, the double-crossing was intended to be the other way round, and a quick check confirms the dwarf is not to be found at the Copper Coronet. (I hadn't intended losing Frostreaver, no big deal but I like to hang onto named items).

The party is down to five so Sir Anomen suggests we walk with Keldorn. Clangor can see little point to this but accepts, then obtains a suitable crossbow from Sister Garlena for the Inquisitor to use. Kangaxx is forced into demi-lich form without any issue but after a wilting his imprisonments start and continue at pace. There are a couple of moments where Sir Anomen is at risk of being the next target but on one step back Imoen casts Improved Haste on him. Keldorn is occasionally hitting while Mazzy is regularly hitting but at this rate the summons are going to evaporate. Sir Anomen steps up to the plate again.

Check afterwards: 2 skeleton warriors, Cerebus and flesh golem imprisoned. Clangor owes Sir Anomen big time as it is highly unlikely the skeleton warrior and efreeti being summoned would have arrived in time.
  • Charlestonian Knight Templar, Blind_Visionary, Grimwald the Wise and 1 other like this


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Nice work, Gate70: good luck with the rest of Amn!


Just a quick update: Nardal's still alive and well (barely) after doing the Planar prison with no mishaps and Bodhi's first battle with a close call as he's drained to 4 CON. Jaheira is petrified by the Gate Lich and I manage to reverse the effects, but the out came a Sunfire, killing her at 1 HP and without being in the party. For some reason, I've lost connection with Nardal, though: I plan to put him on hold for now. Back to Candlekeep for now!

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Clangor retrieves the crossbow and tells Keldorn to head home before his personal life catches up with him (nothing triggered, no real desire to have him in the party).

MarVar gets his come-uppance, then Valygar treats everyone to the adventure of a lifetime inside the Planar Sphere. He almost dies against Necre when two determined halfling warriors hit him repeatedly, but for the most part his Celestial Fury blade stuns all sorts. Adamantite golems and intruder beholder are the most notable things to be stunned.

After obtaining a demon heart, Clangor conforms his suspicion that Valygar is closing the kills-gap (Valygar has 86 since the last update, Clangor 49, Sir Anomen 20, Mazzy 23 and Imoen 14).

Valygar stops. His mageometer is off the scale so the party needs to either be careful or brutal. Tolgerias is at least allowed to talk beforehand so his defences activate. Mazzy couldn't care less though as the Gesen bow slices through his defences with ease.

Lavok bequeaths a magical ring to Imoen as he passes away. There are still a few SoA quests to do (Windspear and Unseeing Eye being the two obvious ones).
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Great prgress Gate70, keep it up!


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Clangor crosses off what he can think of.
- Fallen Paladins.
- Graveyard district (tombs, Wellyn, Kamir-Arenthis-Risa).
- Lathander Dawn Ring.

In Progress (almost a game-ender).
- Windspear. Chieftain Digdag is caught by Celestial Fury and killed at the entrance.
- Clangor and Valygar get caught by vampires due to low AC and lack of thinking. Valygar tries a Daystar Sunray but is interrupted so Sir Anomen makes a critical turn as Clangor gulps and runs while Valygar tries to find a gap to run.

- Sewer Mind Flayers.
- Unseeing Eye.

& ignoring.
- Forest of Tethir, North Forest, Small Teeth Pass.

Cromwell is yet to forge Crom Faeyr and Red Dragon Scale.
Wave Halberd and Silver Sword are incomplete due to skipping the City of Caverns. I had plans for both but plenty of alternatives.
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Charlestonian Knight Templar

Charlestonian Knight Templar
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0603 Alturiak, 1370:  Key Event: Into the rear entrance into the Tween Deck of the Slavers Ship we came into the cabin we’d been in before.  No one else was there so we started investigating. Inside a large, circular cell were two trolls that we dispatched fairly quickly. Inside the cell was a little girl & Auren talked w/her & found that she’d been captive there for a while & had seen some ugly things.  We showed her the way out & handed her 100gp to help her (& any other children she could gather). Further on we cut down two Yuan-Ti before coming amidships in a dining room where we met two Slaver Wizards, four Slaver Guards, & an Ogre & found ourselves in a long, tough & crushing battle. I really thought I had a solid battle plan. Jan had been casting Invisibility/Improved Invisibility on all of us as we moved through the ship, As such, we saw what we were up against clearly as Jan scouted all the way around them & came back to report.  So, Auren & I moved to either side of the door ready to ambush Slavers coming thru. Anomen blessed us all & Auren & I likely (can’t remember now) quaffed a potion. The initial strike was to be a Fireball from Tyris who standing way back could not be seen &, I think Anomen cast a Flame Strike on one of the mages. The Fireball caused damage but killed no one as did the Flame Strike.  Tyris surrounded herself w/Fireshield Red while Jan summoned an Efreeti from a scroll.   The Efreeti went into the dining room & started battling one of the Slaver Wizards & most of the rest of the slavers concentrated on him. A couple of the Slaver Guards were trying to get through the door & Auren & I were tearing ‘em up. Anomen likely tossed a Dispel Magic in the dining room while my companions & I stayed in an empty room just off the dining room. The battle was going well, I thought. I don’t know how it happened but I realized the Efreeti was in the room w/us & I hollered @ Jan to direct him back to the Wizards but then Confusion reigned supreme. A couple of my lance were confused, Tyris & Anomen, I think…& also the Efreeti. I tried to focus on defeating my enemies but w/an Efreeti carrying a giant sword in the midst of us, Anomen wandering down the hall toward the Stern where we’d come in…but worse, Tyris was standing wounded, comatose & the Efreeti started to wander aimlessly toward her. My heart was filled w/dread & yet I had to fight.  Anomen was knocked unconscious and then…my sweet Tyris was killed outright.  I loved Tyris so much & more each time she smiled @ me & now, once again, my love is gone.  This time, in the very combat I brought upon her.  Somehow I finished the battle & when finished off our foes but to what end? Just a few short days ago, she sat beside me as I held court @ De’Arnise & I held dreams that she might always be so & now that dream will never be. I got out of there struggling to contain my emotions, got Anomen quickly to a Priest of Helm & then carried my love, Tyris w/me to De’Arnise where we laid her in a grave near the castle in the Licburg where now Nalia & the De’Arnise family rests alongside my dear Tyris. Anomen, as my Priest buried my dead in the manner of Helm.  Tyris was prepared & buried in a full, sealed, stone casket, (with pitch and other substances) with her weapons & armor and a Holy Symbol of Helm. We stayed @ De’Arnise for a few days afterward as I mourned my lover.  What a way to start the year, Alturiak, the Claw of Winter. How lonely I am. 


I needed to stay busy & focused to keep from dwelling in my misery.  My first order of business was to get another to round out my retinue. I reluctantly decided to go back & see if Quayle’s adopted niece was still able to join.  Aerie joined me & has been very helpful.  She has more spells than I’ve ever seen in one person.  As both a Cleric & a Mage she is constantly aiding our battles w/spellcasting, both Arcane & Devine. A HUGE plus in her repertoire is anti-magic spells to help us counter other spellcasters. Now she has Breach, Lower Resistance & Greater Malison.  I’ve always had specialist Mages, an Invoker & two Illusionists but Aerie can use any spell & I need her, more than ever now, to counter other mages defenses & allow us to kill them. 


Before I lost Tyris, I redirected my focus to stopping the Slavers as requested by my friend Hendak, the new proprietor @ the Copper Coronet. Stopping the Slavers might help me to prepare for the assault on Bodhi’s lair with increased arms, armor, potions, etc. After all, that is one of the benefits of defeating bad guys...we get to keep the plunder. I also decided that I might just keep Jan around a while longer than I originally thought.  His thieving skills are very beneficial to my efforts & his Illusionist spells are helpful also. I feel he will enhance my efforts to eventually destroy Bodhi which is the only way I know to find Imoen. Despite my reservations, he seems to get along w/everyone just fine (well, maybe not Anomen) & doesn’t question my authority.


By this point, I had enough gold to free the Solamnic knights & so I went straight to Ribald to do so.  Ribald had us go back to the Planar Sphere where the sorceress would be the next day. I passed on the good news to the knights and the next day she arrived.  She got them home & they were truly thankful.  They gave us a Golden Girdle in thanksgiving.  After they were gone, I started thinking about the next assault on Bodhi’s lair.  I decided to go to the city jail first b/c I’d heard it mentioned somewhere that the Athkatla Guard had captured a demon & were keeping it in the city jail.  Auren, who speaks for me in most cases, spoke w/the guard about taking the demon into my custody. The Guard sent me to the Council of Six Building to see Chief Inspector Brega who sent me to a Public Servant who sent me to someone else & after two more trips to Chief Inspector Brega I was finally given permission to take the demon into my custody. I showed the scroll w/the inspectors mark to the guard who couldn’t read it anyway but said it looked official enough & he was ready to be rid of it as soon as he could, it was obvious.  The terrible demon was a Tiefling named Amber. Tiefling are distant kin of the union of a demonic creature w/a human or other humanoid.  I wanted Amber to join me after speaking w/her so, now that I’ve completed my promise to Valygar, I decided to let him go home & add Amber to my retinue.  Next up I was going to probe Bodhi’s Lair again.


And so, back under the Graveyard District & wherever else it extends to, we battled a total of four Sword Spiders, four Phase Spiders, four Giant Spiders & what I call, 12 ‘big’ Spiders as we went back & forth to rest & heal between the several forays we made.  Unfortunately, as often in this place, we had to back out time & again after some tough struggles w/the Spiders & Vampires.  In between, we battled & defeated three Bandit Clerics, two Bandit Mages & four Bandits in the streets of Athkatla. We are constantly, attacked.  This place makes Baldur’s Gate look like the Nashkel Carnival . 


Finally getting back into Bodhi’s lair we made it into the room where we’d ‘staked’ the first the first full vampire  & were attacked immediately by another Vampire (Note: Durst) who, once again we defeated rather quickly only to have trouble w/a Fledgling Vampire that gave us all we could handle and by the time it was over, Amber, Aerie, & Anomen were unconscious. The battle was even more costly b/c I didn’t get Anomen’s equipment & by the time I realized it & returned it was gone.


After re-outfitting Anomen & resting/healing, I led us back to try & penetrate deeper into Bodhi’s lair.  I’m till hesitant to attack her lair full-on, let alone her & our next battle bolstered my wariness.  Jan scouted down a hall opposite that of the room we’d battled in last. I’ve decided the large entrance room is more of a room for those who seek audience w/Bodhi rather than a Banquet Hall (which wouldn’t make much sense for the lair of a Vampiress).  As Jan searched for traps covered by Invisibility, he scouted a Vampiress & came back to warn me.  I had Aerie cast a Fireball down the corridor simultaneously w/Anomen casting Dispel Magic hoping that wound weaken the Vampiress enough that we could deal w/her easily.  Not to be.  I began a long cat & mouse game w/a powerful Vampiress (Note: Tanova) after killing a very irritating Greater Ghoul.  We pulled out of the fight after taking some injuries & loss of ‘life force’. After resting inside the lair (but near an exit) & having Anomen cast Lesser Restoration on those who needed it, I led us back to where we’d encountered the Vampiress but she wasn’t there.  We continued to the end of the original hall (where we’d cast the Fireball/Dispel Magic) & the hall turned 90’ right & led into a large circular room w/spikes on the floor & blood, both dried & fresh, staining the floor. We were already hidden by Invisibility so I tried the same Fireball/Dispel Magic combo while Auren & I quaffed Potions of Invulnerability. This time we realized there was a Female Fledgling Vampire too but luckily she didn’t follow as we conducted a second retrograde against the Vampiress we’d fought before.  Once, we had her down to where one or two more blows would finish her, but we couldn’t land even one & she was suddenly completed rejuvenated.  I’d thrown everything I had to beat her down THAT far, staying on would have been suicide so I left the tombs hoping she would follow us out & she didn’t. We escaped worn completely out but all conscious.  This next battle here here would have to wait for another day.   


There’s been a guy @ the Copper Coronet hollering @ me that he had an offer if I hear it. I decided to take a break from Bodhi’s lair & listen to his offer.  Lord Jierdan Firkragg, he called himself, hired me to destroy some Ogre’s that were besieging his land in the Windspear Hills.  It seemed odd that a man that seemed powerful enough to hold land that far from the city would not be able to defeat Ogre’s, a rather simple enemy to defeat…but I guess, at one time, Ogres were a challenge for me too, so I decided to do it in exchange for the 10,000 gold he offered. 


So off I led us there w/after a stop @ De’Arnise to enjoy & enjoy a banquet. Upon arrival @ the Windspear Hills Firkragg’s Ogre problem seemed, at first, to be for real. No sooner had we stepped for there, than we were attacked by what appeared to be, by I think I counted an Ogre Berserker, an Ogre Mage, an Ogre, a Baby Wyvern & a Kobold or something. Appeared being the key word! The moment they fell, what fell was not the carcass of a beast, but the Armor & Weapons of a Knights although in the heat of battle I didn’t notice as I would finish one foe & move straight to the next. They were knights, more specifically, Knights of the Radiant Heart, including my friend & companion Ajantis who’d been @ my side to defeat Sarevok.  He’d returned to The Radiant Heart to report that he’d completed his mission of stopping the Bandit's around Baldur’s Gate & was, now I know, on a subsequent mission in the Windspear Hills. Now he lay dead @ my hands.  It was only b/c of one eyewitness, Garren Windspear that we were assured he saw the same thing we did. It turns out these hills are named for him & the man that hired us, Firkragg, actually wrested these hills by engineering Lord Windspear’s downfall. Windspear took us to his cabin & said he would go to the Knights of the Radiant Heart to assure them of our innocence while we used his cabin as a respite until he returned. Shortly after he left, we settled down to rest w/Windspear’s daughter, Iltha, who’d remained w/us.  But during the night, after a breathless runner burst in warning of bandits, suddenly a Bandit Mage a Bandit Dwarf berserker & an Orc teleported in to the cabin.  While we killed them, by the time the battle was concluded Iltha was gone, kidnapped from under my nose. Before I’d had time to come up w/a plan, Baron Windspear, the true Lord of these hills, returned to learn of Iltha’s disappearance.  He’d been successful in his effort to convince the Radiant Heart of my Innocence, especially considering that one of their own, Sir Anomen, serves me.  Baron Windspear thinks Firkragg is trying to do the same thing to me that he did to him, i.e., discredit me for the kidnapping of his daughter, thereby, making a play for my own lands @ De’Arnise. 


After discussing ‘what next’ w/Lord Windspear, we decided it best to search in a huge temple north of the cabin.  We headed out.  On the way we came across a bunch of Gnolls (~20) battling ~ seven knights.  We watched since the knights seemed to have things in hand & once the battle was done we listened to the knights argue amongst themselves for a few moments but it was a strange conversation. Then…they spoke to us & quickly revealed themselves to be Werewolves. After the Battles of Balduran (North & South) a few months ago, Werewolves are a breeze, as were these.  We collected up the loot carried by the Gnolls & then entered the Temple where we were accosted by Hobgoblins.  By the time we had to leave we’d killed two Hobgoblin Captains, two Hobgoblin Shaman, a Hobgoblin Wizard, three Hobgoblin Elite & two Hobgoblin Archers. After the first batch of Hobgoblins (those above were two separate encounters) we destroyed a Crimson Death, & I think, seven Vampiric Mists & three Orcs before swatting two Kobold Commando’s & four Kobolds led by a mage, I think it was a Rakshasa, but regardless we just couldn’t handle him at that time (after the previous battles) & had to bail out of the temple for rest.  I had no idea how long it’d be before I returned.  I left, deciding to rest a night @ the cabin before heading back to Athkatla.


As soon as we arrived we were attacked Slavers (I can’t recall the makeup) & before I knew it, Amber had been kidnapped.  In the little time she’s been w/me I’ve grown fond of her friendship, much like Auren & I had before Tyris & I fell in love.  Auren & I are pretty much all business now but I enjoy talking w/Amber & I feel protective toward her ever since the wench that runs the Inn of the Seven Vales insulted her openly for being a Tiefling & wouldn’t serve us @ b/c she was w/us.  Amber is good, whether Human or Tiefling, & hated to see her ostracized like that. 


We killed the attacking slavers & one of them had a map that led to the seediest parts of Athkatla on a long twisting route down back alleys.  


We finally found the location we were looking for where we were confronted by a number of Guards (again, didn’t count them) & a Cleric/Ranger who we later came to know as Lorraine. Once we’d killed all the Guards & Lorraine was on the verge of death she broke out of a spell she was under & it turned out she’d been forced into the service of a mage named YMMYRT who’d trapped her son’s soul in soul-stone. I agreed to help her find the soul stone & she agreed to fight w/us from the inside. After a break for rest back @ the Five Flagons Inn (staying there again after the Innkeeper @ the Inn of the Seven Vales insulted Amber) I headed back down those back streets & assaulted the building where this YMMYRT supposedly resides. Inside were a Guard Captain & some ~ 20 guards that we defeated in a protracted battle w/Lorraine helping immensely.  After the battle it was back to the Five Flagon’s again after selling what bounty we’d gathered from the battle.  Returning w/a Wardstone Lorraine had given me earlier, we ascended a stairway to a very fine upper floor w/three rooms.  The first was of little interest but contained a couple of minor treasures, the second a library w/a cheerful Imp happily acting as a maidservant & cleaning anything that was dusty – including my boots.  The last was a bedroom w/four evil Dryads, maybe charmed, but regardless they were no friends to us. We realized immediately we were in for a battle, made that much worse by traps around the room that even Jan couldn’t detect.  We defeated the Dryads by isolating them & sending pairs of us against one of them. We took some injuries, including from the traps, but escaped w/a key to a door that we later found to lead to YMMYRT’s lab. Another rest @ the Five Flagon’s & it was back to YMMYRT’s home & lab where it was directly to the door & into the basement where the lab was located. An outer room was unspectacular as was a second, although Lorraine was there but now she was muted, undoubtedly by YMMYRT. Before we entered a door to the east of the room Lorraine was in, I had Jan use Invisibility and/or Improved Invisibility on us all & upon entering, we saw a man I was sure was Ymmyrt.  

So we crept back out & closed the door since the mage had not detected us. I had us prepare for what I thought might be a huge battle w/a tough wizard so in addition to Invisibility/Improved Invisibility Auren & I quaffed Potions of Invulnerability while Sir Anomen added both Bless & Chant & Aerie, Speed. I added Call on Holy Might & Auren used her Bust ability.  Then we slipped back thru the door, which was hidden from the direct view of YMMYRT where he stood.  I positioned us all for the best possible use of our assault & then we executed a nearly perfect ambush, Auren & I going right up to him! While he had some pre-cast defensive spells already cast, Aerie made him more vulnerable w/Breach & Greater Malison back to back. The mage, obviously, very powerful, was so surprised he was unable to respond & could not react to Auren & my blows & Sir Anomen’s spells, including his favorite, Flame Strike. Jan used Blindness & then fired his doubly-enchanted sling stones. YMMYRT was gone in no time & the aid he called for from a Yuan-Ti & an Umber Hulk were too late & ineffective regardless. I know there was one more monster in one of the cells that lined the room but it was so insignificant I can’t recall what it was.  

I went back into the last room, found Lorraine, now able to speak, & gave her the soul gym with her sons’ soul inside.  She was extremely thankful but she obviously has a long road of repentance for the things she’s done under YMMYRT’s control. After that, I tore the place apart looking for Amber, finally getting the idea after a couple of hours to look outside to see & I’ll be darned if she didn’t come walking up to me having already escaped.  Obviously she can take care of herself but, either way, now she was safe & we could head back to the Windspear’s. Before we headed back, I led us to the Council of Six building & had Aerie purchase a Magic License for 5000gp – it seems everything is 5000gp here.  We need to be able to cast spells here w/o being accosted by the damned Cowled Wizards every time we get attacked & try to defend ourselves.  

Before we headed back, I led us to the Council of Six building & had Aerie purchase a Magic License for 5000gp – it seems everything is 5000gp here.  We need to be able to cast spells here w/o being accosted by the damned Cowled Wizards every time we get attacked & try to defend ourselves. 


Just as I emerged from the Council of Six building a runner from De’Arnise approached me breathlessly, imploring me to return immediately b/c Lord Roenall was on the move w/his forces approaching my lands.  I headed back w/o delay, with my loyal retinue ready to serve me faithfully in the defense of my home & the land entrusted to me by Nalia.  On return, Major Domo laid out the situation, I talked strategy w/he & Captain Cernick.  We decided that unlike my forces who are loyal, Lord Roenall’s are there for their pay only or are there fighting against their will.   It was obvious to the three of us, & also to Auren & Sir Anomen that the Center of Gravity in this battle was Lord Roenall himself. Defeat him & his army will dissolve!  And so, Captain Cernick organized my troops and my retinue stood w/me @ the front.  A couple of my Guards dropped the drawbridge & I headed out w/only one foe to find – Roenall. I found him & w/o taking note of any other threat on the battlefield, I moved toward him w/arrows & spells all around me. My retinue took care of other immediate threats he had at his side, i.e. Mages, Clerics, other warriors, etc.,  (I hazard to call them knights b/c there’s not a shred of nobility in his army).  I battled Lord Roenall & defeated him man to man, w/ease.  Sure enough, upon his death, his forces panicked & dissolved in retreat.  My soldiers performed very well against those of Roenall’s & there were many Roenallian’s scattered about the battlefield outside the drawbridge to prove it.  


Treasure of Note: (Purse = 642gpArmor/Weapons: Ymmyrt’s Robe (sold); Bracers of Defense (AC5)(Aerie); Necklace of Opposite Alignment (sold); Dagger +3 (sold), Snow Leopards Skin (sold); Wyverns Skin (sold); two Studded Leather +1 (sold); Jewelry/Gold: 312gp; 250gp; Golden Girdle (Anomen); Potions: Magic Blocking (Gawain); Superior Healing (Gawain); two Invulnerability (Auren); five Extra Healing (General Use); Speed (General Use); Scrolls: Improved Mantle & Protection from Evil (Jan); Wands: Abyssal Pipe (Jan)


Current DispositionBack @ Lord Windspear’s cabin, readying for another foray into the Temple. 


Next Steps:  Attack that Rakshasa, or whatever that thing is, & find out what lies beyond the door behind it.


Level Up:

·         Auren: has increased her skill & is now a Lady (Apprentice/12)  & continues to crush opponents w/her Long Sword

·         Anomen: In addition to recently becoming a Senior Steeleye of Helm/10 (Cleric or Helm/10), Anomen is now equivalent to & holds the official title of Lord/10 (Fighter/10) himself, although as a member of the Knights of the Radiant Heart he is not allowed to keep any wealth or land for his own. Anomen is now a Knight of the Radiant Heart, Senior Steeleye of Helm & a Lord (Honorary) in his own right.  


Current Party (In Order of March): (Reputation: 14 – Popular)

·         Gawain: Ftr/12, (HP119); Full Plate Mail w/Shield of the Stars +3, Helm of Balduran, Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Fire Control & Girdle of Bluntness, Cloak of Reflection & Periapt of Proof Against Poison ; Bastard Sword +1*****, Hammer of Thunderbolts +3*, Flail of the Ages (Acid); Bastard Sword***** (Bone Golem)(1)




·         Auren Aseph: Ftr (Apprentice//12), (HP77); Studded Leather +2, Girdle of Piercing & Ring of Invisibility w/ Long Sword (Ras +2)***** (SWS**); (Shade Lord)(SCS Ease of Use, Setting 1)(2)

·         Anomen: Ftr/Watcher of Helm//10/10, (HP57); Plate Mail w Large Shield, Golden Girdle & Amulet of Power; Mace (Mauler’s Arm +2)***, Warhammer**, Staff of Curing, (SSS**); (Greater Fire Elemental)(Cleric Aggressive)(3)

·         Jan: Illusionist/11//Thief/12 (HP34); Jan’s Adventure Wear, Jen’s Techno Gloves, Jan’s Spectroscopes & Flasher Launcher w/Flasher Master Bruiser Mates & Abyssal Pipe; (Thief Adventurer)(Spider)(6)

·         AerieCleric/11//Mage/12 (HP35  ); Cloak of Protection +1 & Bracers of Defense (AC5)(w/ Sling +2* & Club* (Warhammer*, Staff*), Wand of Fear & Black Spider Figurine; (Roenall Guard)(Mage Defensive)(5)

·         AmberThief/15//Fighter/6 (HP87); Leather Armor w/Amber’s Earing’s & Gillian’s Bracelet; Long Sword (Slaver Guard)(Amber’s Combat Script AI)(4)

·         Tyris Flare: Fighter (Amazon/9)//Mage [Fire Only]/10; HP31; Tyris’ Leather Armor, Cloak of Protection +1, Buckler +1; Rings of Acuity, Fire Control; Sling +2**; Spear +2** Spear**; (Skeleton Warrior)(Ranged)(4)



Mods Used: BG2 FixPack _v10; Amber_v4; Auren Aseph_v9; Sarah_v4; Haldimir_v2; : Tyris Flare_v6; Gavin_v20 & Hotfix;  scs-v30 (- Tactical Challenges); MegaModKits v1.01L (Anti-Paladin, Charming Rogue, Priest of Sylvanus, Bladesinger, Amazon, Apprentice, Ninja, Samurai); Divine Remix_v8 (Nightcloak of Shar, Holy Strategist of the Red Knight, Batleguard of Tempus, Strifeleader of Cyric, Bowslinger, Forest Runner, Wilderness Runner) ; Rogue Rebalancing; bg2_tweaks-v16; Item Randomizer-v6.8; level1npcs-v1.9


Blue Font: New information;

Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)

(Best kill)(Current AI)(Chain of Command)

* Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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Sion gets a face full of Valygar...   

The Jaheira romance looks to have ground to a halt (I thought that might happen as I got a Ployer dialogue in the Underdark that had happened several sessions ago and I realised the ambush & Harper scenes weren't appearing). Now the romance is off there's little reason to keep her...

Great one liner that first one...


The second one sounds like sour grapes, dude!   :)  Kickin' her to the curb.  lol

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Ruzzel and his band of a berserker, thief/mage, and 3 other mages.

Levels: mostly 13


Party decided it was time to finally take care of this Unseeing Cult business. So we adventured into the Temple Sewers, most of it already being clear. We sought after Roger's Sea Troll for him, but ran into an otygugh same time - this was difficult with the otygugh being mostly immune to our ranged fire - so the party unloaded with magic missiles on both creatures to spead things up - success!


We got to the "trap" with the cloudkill and the vampiric mists - this area did a number of us damage-wise, as well as level-draining us. We needed to rest to not gobble up all our potions. Once we got the key to the door, we talked the ex-unseeing eye priest, and took out a lich while we were here (using pro undead scroll). Battling to the old Temple of Amaunator wasn't a problem, with Stealer's excellent thief skills, as well as Tank's great ability to deal with the beholders (because of his SoB)


We then encounter a large number of undead in the feeding pit. For trash mobs, the mages ranged while Tank...tanked. For the powerful undead by the Gauntlets of Dexterity (which no one needs, but keeping in case Tank gets chunked and we need Keldorn or whoever) we used a pro undead scroll - which happened to drop from a trash undead before entering this room! But we were prepared, so we didn't actually need that freebie...


Tank did fine with the SoB to clear the beholder's lair. Stealer creeped up invisible, and Disabler, Blaster, and Exploder put a whole bunch of mojo on the blind priests - they had no chance.



It was time to battle the Unseeing Eye itself. Despite putting a large number of protections on the party members, Disabler was still killed by the Unseeing Eye shortly before it died (it didn't last long) - probably by a power word: kill. Fortunately, Ruzzel had the sense to do SI:N to be sure to not die from such a thing, as well as spell turning.


Time to return the rod to the old temple - no automatic death for Ruzzel thank you. Task almost complete, time to deal with Gaal once and for all. We weren't particularly brave about dealing with him. Stealer crept up by herself, and the genie (from  lamp) and a single lesser earth elemental kept the enemies occupied. Eventually, after a few of the enemies were slain, the party moved up to assist to speed things up. We then looted the sleeping quarters of the ex-worshippers of the Unseeing Eye, leaving behind any ammo that we were never going to use.


Finally, time to return to the Head of the Temple of Helm to report our success - and we were giving a meaningless flail in return. We have very little left in Chapter Two to do, mainly Windspear Hills and the Temple Quests other than the Unseeing Eye - will probably do those things next session.

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Beautiful write-up CKT, a pleasure to read. Did Tyris get chunked by the Efreeti? Or do you no longer allow resurrections? Either way, am sorry to see her go...

Nice to see you back in action Corey, best of luck with your last Chapter 2 tasks.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Tiny Dragonslayer RIP


The final battle was against Ustrain and was the hardest battle that I have ever fought. It didn't help that I was not buffed. It also didn't help that I didn't have Carsomyr, and that none of my paladins were sufficiently intelligent to wield Warblade of Twilight, another +5 two handed sword. Thinking about the battle afterwards, I realised that I could have used a potion to buff intelligence :(


I now know why you get wished intelligence at the High Hedge.


Not only was Tiny lacking intelligence, but so was I.


In future Ustrain is one of the last battles.


However, a very satisfying game. :)


I was pleased to have defeated the Tower of Deception. :)


I like the Darkest Day Mod. Yes it does give powerful weapons, but it gives enemies to match. :)


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@Wise: Tough break there. But at least you had fun.

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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Beautiful write-up CKT, a pleasure to read. Did Tyris get chunked by the Efreeti? Or do you no longer allow resurrections? Either way, am sorry to see her go.

No, she's another victim of the 'chunck.' Dynahier, Jaheira, Nalia, Tyris, Coran & Khalid have become 'Chunkees' (not' Chuckees'   :devil: ) since I started BGI/TotSC.  


I still allow Raise Dead/Resurrection, although you might note that I call those that have  gotten to zero hit points, as unconscious, like they did in AD&D.  


I'm all over the map right now.  


Oh, a bit of advise...If you use Tyris DO NOT use level 1 NPCs on her.  Take her as she comes.  She's much more lethal straight out of the mod.  CKT

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Condolences Wise. I do not know the Darkest Day mod, let alone the Ustrain battle, but after Tiny's stellar work against several dragons I believe you when you say it was a very hard batle.

CKT, thanks for the info. In my current run with Butch I'm applying the same principle to character deaths (counting them as unconsciousness, allowing resurrections), and like you there's already a number of chunkees. I must say Sir Gawain's love life has been particularly tragic so far.

I've already modded Tyris with Level 1 NPCs :(

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Serg BlackStrider

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Another Mini-update of Impish Face & Co (or two down).


Against Firkraag we decided not to reinvent a bicycle and performed nearly the same approach as vs Thaxll'ssillyia. Buffed Impish Face (Pro Fire, Pro Evil, Resist Fear, Chaotic Commands, Haste, Barkskin, Blur, Spell Shield, SI:Abj)  led Aerial Servant, Greater Elementals trio and Planetar into the fray (most of them were immediately scared by Dragon Fear though as I cast resist fear before summoning them... :blush: ). Firkraag was buffed with Minor Spell Turning so Impish Face fired Spell Thrust followed with Breach. Firkraag tried Remove Magic twice and Lower Fire Resistance but SI:Abj blocked both.




While Impish Face and Greater Earth Elemental (who alone wasn't affected with fear) occupied Firkraag Nalia and Imoen approached to hit with Pierce Magic/Lower Resistance*2 Trigger and another Breach (as Firk clothed in some more Stoneskins). 




Seems that Firkraag indeed is not that bright (or wise) as he stubbornly fired Abjuration spells (now it was Breach) on SI:Abj-ed Impish Face...




Meanwhile Viconia cast Harm and being Hasted and wearing Boots of Speed rushed forward to firmly embrace Firk. This time she was buffed with Righteous Magic but that was irrelevant. Vith'os!




I intended to let her claim a well-earned coup de grace but Impish Face was lightning fast:




It seems Firkraag was better versed in jewelry than Thaxll'ssillyia as he dropped Ring of Free Action along with Tuigan Bow +1 and of course Carsomyr




Now the real challenge awaits us - to gain another set of Kangaxx's body parts and face a spellcasting SCS version of himself first time ever...


Current state:


Impish Face: Fighter (15) / Illusionist (14), 843 kills (Firkraag);

Jaheira: Fighter (14) / Druid (14), 268 kills (Elemental Lich); 4 revival

Nalia: Swashbuckler (5) / Mage (18), 175 kills (Unseeing Eye);

Viconia: Cleric (23), 51 kills (Mogadish); 3 revival

Mazzy: Fighter (21), 270 kills (Adamantite Golem); 1 revival

Imoen: Thief (7) / Mage (17), 24 kills (Yuan-Ti Mage); 2 revival.


to be continued...

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Eren, Last Child Episode 5, TOB
I decided to do the new npc's quest for the thrill of the unknown. Unfortunately the first, Hexxats, was very, very bland -_-... In the very boring round dungeon, I didnt know the puzzle so I thought Hexxat was trapped. So I made her backstab the enemies to death..
The lich fell very easily.. 
Hexxat dies scripted, and that was that..
Then we do Rasaads quest. We have to take on legions of Sharassians. We take them all on, but they brought the pain as well.
In the main building we even had to retreat a bit. The dwarven allies were jokes and the enemies were all 20+ level warriors and mages. Even multiclass minibosses!
We still had a planetar though :)
But then the fighters obliterate fallen planetar... Wait WUT?? I guess teaming up on it with +3 longswords tanking its blade barrier is enough.. 
Rasaads criticals do obscene amounts of damage sometimes. 
Eventually, it was a lot closer then I would have thought.
No cutscenes happen so I decide to take the main gate out. There are another 8 high levelled enemies waiting. Sigh, ok here we go.
I dont know what Tallus was doing, but he did a blue attack hurting all in the area every two rounds that could knock people down. Eren even got knocked down one time, but usually it was his own fighters.
We're down to the mage who summoned 3 demons which we all dispatch easily enough. 
I'll finish Rasaads quest and then probably kick him out of the party. I might want to finish Neera's as well, but Im in doubt because there will most likely be a lot of high level mages, and those are nothing to mess with.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Condolences Wise. I do not know the Darkest Day mod, let alone the Ustrain battle, but after Tiny's stellar work against several dragons I believe you when you say it was a very hard batle.

CKT, thanks for the info. In my current run with Butch I'm applying the same principle to character deaths (counting them as unconsciousness, allowing resurrections), and like you there's already a number of chunkees. I must say Sir Gawain's love life has been particularly tragic so far.

I've already modded Tyris with Level 1 NPCs :(


I'm not sure, but I would have thought that deleting her files from the override folder would have rectified things regarding Tyris.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Another Mini-update of Impish Face & Co (or two down).





Why do you have so many containers? Don't you have bottomless bags of holding?


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@Wise: my mage parties often have ton of scroll cases, allowing both casting from scroll when needed, as well as green scrolls and of course scrolls of restoration if no cleric in the party. Extra gem bags to carry rings used for special cases, (such as RoAC) - it's easier to find things in those containers than searching bag of holding with 50 completely different items...

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Serg BlackStrider

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@Wise: Corey is right - it's far more convenient. One gem bag for useful jewelry, second - gems for sale. Three scroll containers for each *red*, *blue* and *white* scrolls, fourth - for *greens*. Potion cases - well, I just have two of them. Furthermore, I have *Slightly expanded storage capacity for containers -> Use the recommended storage capacity value (999)* from aTweaks installed, not *bottomless* ones as per readme //The difference between this tweak and similar components from other mods is that containers with the recommended storage capacity of 999 (or below) shouldn't slow down the engine as much as the truly bottomless containers.// SCS pre-buffs and multiple spell effects in tough fights slow down the engine enough already.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Condolences Wise. I do not know the Darkest Day mod, let alone the Ustrain battle, but after Tiny's stellar work against several dragons I believe you when you say it was a very hard batle.


He started by "holding" Aerie, my only mage. Therefore no spells to remove his protections. Then numerous timestops etc. By the time I was able to do much only Tiny and Korgan were still alive, and Korgan just barely. He was panicked and all I could hope for was that Ustrain's protections would wear off. However whenever they did, another time stop and they were back again. With Carsomyr it would have been another story I think.

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Ruzzel the illusionist with a berserker, thief/mage and 3 other mages Update:


The party worked on the Temple quest. We tried to give the alloy to Sir Sarles, but he didn't like it - the Temple of Helm did so all good there. We did get some illithium from Neb as well (he didn't survive 5 x 5 magic missile orbs coming at him...)


Tank said he would like some level drain immunity like Ruzzel has. So this meant we needed to work on the main quest. First, we battled Lassal - this was a bit anti-climatic, as a single round of magic missiles from all the mages forced a retreat - all Tank had a chance to do was enrage for level drain immunity before the fight was over.



Tank soloed the traitors at the Five Flagons, while the party unloaded magic missiles into the contact - that was too much for him as well, though we had some snares too, just to make sure...


Next step was look for the Dawn Ring. We found it easily, but Exploder took a while to return it to the Temple, she liked how it looked so was wearing it...


Then we went to the Graveyard, penetrating just far enough to get the mace of disruption. We also dealt with Tanova, by sending one summon at a time until we were out. Then Tank enraged and charged her - this worked. We then return to the docks to forge the IMoD.


Now that IMoD was forged, was time to deal with Kangaxx once and for all. Tank soloed Kangaxx with the IMoD with the party waiting by the door. Party did have MMM's just in case they needed to finish a low morale demi-lich. But it was unnecessary, as the IMoD killed the demi-lich quickly. We surprisingly were able to pick-pocket Kangaxx before the fight, meaning both Tank and Ruzzel both have a Ring of Gaxx. This puts Ruzzel saves to negative for spells, but not quite low enough to save vs. FoD yet or Symbol: Fear...


We finally dragged Exploder kicking and screaming to the Temple to give them back their Dawn Ring. As compensation for her loss, we said we would get some fresh air, so headed to Windspear Hills to get rid of our acorns finally.

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Eren, Last Child Ep.5, TOB
So I missed a whole part of the mine with the dwarves, does that say something about my play or about mediocre level design?
Anyway we find the area and Rasaads quest can continue. Although it has a lot more action and originality, it has awful voice acting (except for Rasaad himself) and writing. The voice 'actors' have terrible accents and try too hard, like a gentle female voice talking in a harsh matter: It just doesnt work. Its like a live action roleplaying (larp) event where scrawny kids try to speak with an orc voice.
And that writing.. Read this:
You're as stubborn as an incredibly stubborn mule?... seriously? 
Ok thats enough complaining. We take out more powerful goons and get sucked in the plane of shadow with Rasaad. Pretty Exciting! We havent rested at all, so no planetar or timestops. 
And the cave is sealed! :o
Such suspense! Then Yxtrazzal shows his true form. I'm thinking: ah, a lich or something..
No, a huge, upgraded shadowdragon. OMG. Here we go!
We go for the evil monk first. Ok so Alorgoth doesnt die... -_- (thats another thing, no explanation at all, he's 'just' immortal..).
Valygar is knocked down by the earthquake activiting every 2-3 rounds. Korgan is drained to level 11(!). 
But Eren.. Man.. He just keeps going.. Carsomyr obeys him and strikes at the evil that is Yxtrazzal.
Dispel him Carsomyr!
Slay it Eren. You are a half god!
After the dragon dies, earthquakes, fear effects, insta blind effects, and firestorms go of. It becomes clear we need to get out of there.
The dragon has a stone which can re-open the portal.
An emotional moment when Rasaad wants to finish Alorgoth at all cost, even trapping himself in the plane of shadows. We try to convince him and probably select the best dialogue options, but he declines (Im guessing we didnt have the charisma or wisdom to convince him and no romance of course) and sacrifices his life. That kinda hurts as I really liked the monks personality, a lot more than Hexxat, for example. 
After we save the dwarves more terrific writing:
"This is so great"   :P..
A bug.. The shadowplane instablind effect keeps happening..
Only after having killed Korgan and Valygar and resurrect the effect goes away..
The 'newness' is enough for me to try Neera's quest I think, although, as I said, their quests havent impressed me writing wise, although Rasaad's death moved me somewhat.. At the least it shows Bioware's original awesome accomplishment with this game.

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@The Wise: That's too bad, much fun to follow you!


Nicely done with Eren Golden28. Maybe someday I'll buy the EE versions.



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Ruzzel the illusionist and his berserker, thief/mage and mages update - Windspear Hills adventures


Ruzzel decided to visit Windspear Hills - we defended ourselves from what we thought were monsters, but were actually paladins. Fortunately Garren Windspear was willing to talk to the Radiant Heart for us and cleared our reputation. But his daughter got kidnapped by Firkraag so we pressed into his lair.


The hobgoblins of course were of no threat (any of the mages could have soloed those groups). We were careful to let only Tank deal with the vampiric mists though. We attempted to deal with the group of archers invisible but it didn't go that great, as Stealer was being pummeled by enemy archers - she gulped a lot of potions before we defeated all the orcs. Golems were carefully taken down by the boomerang dagger, Tasheron's short bow and Crimson Dart - though of course we had to use our blunt weapons for the clay golem.


We put a protection from undead scroll on Tank, but he resisted it (ring of Gaxx) - so we took off the ring and tried again and that time it worked. He soloed the undead in the lair, but there were no vampires (at first). The party moved up but then the vampires all of sudden spawned - fortunately we had auto-pause enemy sighted - the party quickly closed a door, while Tank got to business.


It was time for Samia's group. We did what prep that made sense, and laid down 3 snares and no summons. The enemies spawned close together and Tank got in their faces. Three different mages opened with skull trap - the effect was devastating, as only the enemy mage survived.


We then did pierce magic, illusion detection (Stealer, who has 75% skill) and finally breach - but the mage died before the breach could even hit.


Tank soloed the genies, once we gave him good protection from fire. We badly need a bag of holding, but none yet. Massive magic missiles were far more than the Director could take. We looted the Dragonslayer sword and shield (both went to Tank) and had to leave to sell and return.


On the return, we had to deal with Greater wolfweres, who put a good fight at first, but a skull trap weakened them sufficiently to clean them up. More golems and orcs, but no problems. Tazok's group was taken a few at a time.  Some snares laid down for Conster.


We talked to Firkraag and returned to Conster by the imprisoned girl. For once, the party worked on removal of spell protections of the enemy - once his protections went down Conster was finished. I remembered to do SI:N on Ruzzel - no FoD, thank you very much!


By the way, during all of this the party (except Stealer) is now level 14 - poor Ruzzel has two level 7 slots but doesn't actually know any level 7 spells - forgot to give him some. Here is our preparation for Firkraag:




We don't have many summons and one turned on us, but we did what few we had. We were careful to give everyone fire resistance (arcane version) as well as resist fear. Tank used equipment for 100% fire resistance. The battle went pretty well. We opened with pierce magic and lower magic resist x4. After that, the party started unloading as many magic missiles as they had - Disabler tried blind two times. Firkraag did a wing buffet, but our counter-attack finished him. Firkraag should have known better to pick on 5 high level mages...Stealer got the kill shot.




We got a lot of welcome spells here, including such things as minor and spell sequencers. But time to return to sell - we had 40,000 gold (for a moment), but blew our gold at Ribald's (down to 7000 now) as well as spells from Watcher's Keep. Blaster was very happy from the WK visit, as she finally knows stoneskin - she hasn't had it the whole time.


Next session will deal with Bodhi and maybe the mind flayers in the Temple Sewers....

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