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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 101 - (update 4)

Sean, half-elf stalker (Grond0) & Joak, elf diviner (Gate70)


Gate70's had a few problems recently with his internet connection, but that lasted long enough for a bit of progress yesterday.


Starting off in the beholder hive, skeleton warriors were the main means of dealing with the floating tanks (and the priests).  


The Eye had just long enough to try a wilting, but missed Joak and Sean, while 3 skeleton warriors and Cerebus all shrugged it off with their magic resistance.



After returning the rod and punishing Gaal the duo recovered the Dawn Ring for the temple before trying their luck at the Twisted Rune.  Shangalar was baffled by the sudden disappearance of the character he'd been talking to (scroll of PfU) and only got a brief glimpse of an axe whirling towards him before he disintegrated.  Some skeleton warriors were produced for Vaxall, but held back while the berserk warrior soaked up a death spell.  Unfortunately the skeleton warriors were then delayed in their progress towards Vaxall by the sudden appearance of Shyressa and Revanek - resulting in Vaxall moving forward just enough to see Sean and Joak.  Sean took an immediate invisibility potion while Joak cast an invisibility spell.  Vaxall though had already fixated on her and sent a number of glances her way - including an anti-magic ray.  Back visible again Joak was vulnerable to further attacks and died to a death ray just as Vaxall was struck down.  


Layene didn't last long allowing Joak to pick up her spiffy new staff.



Moving into the Planar Prison Sean managed to get behind the Bounty Hunter mage just far enough for a backstab and prevent him buffing


- the others soon fell as well.  As usual skeleton warriors played a prominent part moving round the area - though they didn't have time to reach the Master of Thralls before an improved hasted Sean had struck him down.  Moving straight on to the Warden the skeleton warriors did more of the work, though again it didn't take long.



Exiting from the prison I made the comment that that had gone very smoothly, but found that I was talking to myself as Gate70's connection had finally dropped :blush:.


Sean, stalker 16, 147 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 548 kills

Joak, diviner 16, 63 HPs (incl. 5 from ioun stone), 166 kills, 4 deaths

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Corethief X the dwarven assassin entering Trilogy No-Reload Challenge...

Traveling with: Hanna (halfing bounty hunter), Imoen* (human thief/mage)

* She was of course kidnapped after her cutscene.


I am pleased to report Corethief X, Hanna and Imoen made it out of Irenicus' dungeon without incident. We didn't skip any encounters, but we did fail to kill the vampire. Here is Corethief X and Hanna:








I forgot there was one near death - Hanna got stunned and badly hurt, but Imoen's single target direct damage spells was enough to kill the offending mephit before Hanna went down. Imoen has been kidnapped, so will be Hanna and Corethief X for quite a while...

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I forgot there was one near death - Hanna got stunned and badly hurt, but Imoen's single target direct damage spells was enough to kill the offending mephit before Hanna went down. Imoen has been kidnapped, so will be Hanna and Corethief X for quite a while...

Gosh. Seeing that girl stunned at half health makes me really anxious. I hope she doesn't die.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 101 - (update 5)

Sean, half-elf stalker (Grond0) & Joak, elf diviner (Gate70)


Yesterday saw further significant progress for this pair.  


They started at the Planar Sphere - after going to retrieve Valygar's body.  Sean was disabled twice by halflings - first getting scared when Kayardi surprisingly managed to complete a spell when under assault from the FoA and later running into a chaos spell from Necre aimed at summons.  However, neither occasion proved a problem and the duo moved on.  Lavok was left to the berserk warrior (guided to attack by Sean under stealth), while a demon proved to be heartless after facing a fully-buffed Sean - it's companions proving unable to survive a death spell.



Sean tried to get rid of Tolgerias quickly using a backstab, but failed to get the kill and retreated out of sight.  Joak then tried an assault, but died when Tolgerias and his mage friend combined to send a long stream of magic missiles at her.  


After using the RoR Joak buffed up Sean to finish the job.  



The hot and cold rooms provided a bit of light exercise, aided by Joak's favourite death spells.  


Then it was on to hunt golems in the engine room.  Joak activated the engine there while Sean was still fighting the last golem - meaning he couldn't retreat if necessary - but the golem was stuck trying to get through Cerebus's mirrors and posed no danger.



After a brief return to Windspear to drop off some acorns the final task left in Athkatla was an assault on the Guarded Compound.  After cutting down the demon downstairs the pair rested to allow Joak to set sequencers before going upstairs.  This time Sean's backstab on a mage was decisive and his further attacks were made easier by a number of enemies falling over to a malison and emotion sequencer.  


While looting the bodies however one of them proved to still be active - Ketta appearing from invisibility with a backstab - though not for long.


After taking ship to Brynnlaw Sean didn't bother buffing for Perth.  He was ready to run out the door if necessary, but his backstab got another clean kill.  Perth's book provided another summoning option for Sean with Wyvern Call.  Inside Spellhold Joak suddenly acquired the ability to produce Dark Planetars.  One of those didn't last long enough to finish off the lich, but a replacement completed the job.  


The only moment of concern was when Sean tried to hack down the beholder quickly and failed - getting hit by anti-magic in return.  He quickly ran round a corner as his save vs spell of 2 left him vulnerable to petrification, while the beholder was left to commit suicide by banging against the fire shield of a paralysed efreeti.  


Jon was beaten up before his pet murderers found themselves with the unenviable task of trying to backstab a planetar :o



There were no problems with the cut-scene on the ship and the game was saved on arrival at the City of Caverns.


Sean, stalker 19, 156 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 728 kills

Joak, diviner 19, 61 HPs (incl. 5 from ioun stone), 238 kills, 5 deaths

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Gosh. Seeing that girl stunned at half health makes me really anxious. I hope she doesn't die.

You do realize that's 1/2 THIEF health, not warrior health? And that secondly, as thieves we have no critical hit protection and can easily die at 1/2 health. And finally, we have THIEF Thac0 - we miss a ton! So yes, she could have died there despite your obvious mocking.

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Perhaps this is near death enough for you Vellin:




We were fighting a mage near a wall in Renfeld ambush, and he fired a lightning bolt - but I thought it was chain lightning so didn't move - but then when we got hit when he was dead, I realized there was a lightning bolt going off (I couldn't see it, there was a building in the way) so we moved. My character dropped to 2 HP.


Incidentally, when Hanna is tanking she is routinely being dropped to 1/2 health from whole health in a single hit.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Is Hanna your daughter?

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Is Hanna your daughter?


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You do realize that's 1/2 THIEF health, not warrior health? And that secondly, as thieves we have no critical hit protection and can easily die at 1/2 health. And finally, we have THIEF Thac0 - we miss a ton! So yes, she could have died there despite your obvious mocking.

Haha I wasn't mocking. I hate those mephits. I just meant that my protective instincts kicked in when I saw that screenshot.

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Haha I wasn't mocking. I hate those mephits. I just meant that my protective instincts kicked in when I saw that screenshot.

My apologies - I re-read your statement and now it doesn't seem like mocking. Thanks for the clarification.

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Grimwald the Wise

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It's good that you have a hobby that she likes too. :)

My son and I still go birdwatching together, he is in his thirties and now knows more than I do. :)


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It's good that you have a hobby that she likes too. :)

My son and I still go birdwatching together, he is in his thirties and now knows more than I do. :)

You misunderstand. That is simply my daughter's portrait and her character uses a voice set she created as well. But she never plays BG. She does things like watch endless number of Pokemon videos, or playing Garry's Mod (a Steam game) day and night.



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My apologies - I re-read your statement and now it doesn't seem like mocking. Thanks for the clarification.

Yeah no problem. Anyway the reason I posted here was I like reading these journals, and I wanted some feedback from people here regarding an item I'm cooking up for a fighter/mage PC in SCS/Ascension Throne of Bhaal.

I want to make an armor on tier with Robe of Vecna because I've had to equip the PC with Robe of Fire Resistance from 1000xp to 6kk.


I haven't created an item before, but I have seen some of the overpowered items Tactics introduces to SOA and I'm worried that mine might be too powerful. But with my playstyle this would be useful against mooks and as a slight counter to enemy Wish:Breach, which the PC experienced from Kangaxx, WK lich, and Twisted Rune lich.

Did any of the modders of old make guidelines for adding balanced resources to the game?

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Martha, level 14 half-elven Totemic Great Druid, liberating the de'Arnise keep alongside Minsc, Yoshimo, Aerie, Edwina and Nalia


First screenie is taken because I was so confused:




What is this about? The voice was distinctively female, very different from the usual.


Yuan-ti mage on second floor was bombed by three traps from just around the corner of a bookshelf, after Kitthix and the bottle Efreeti had cast some spells and attacked it. Efreeti was unsummoned. Yoshimo sneaked in to check out the mage. Mage was silenced by the horn, and Yoshimo could also set another trap:




Yoshimo got killed by the Iron Golem because I was clumsy and underestimated how much damage they can do. So he's now down to a CON score that doesn't give him any bonus HP but he still has plenty of them. Minsc also received a poison protection scroll and finished the golem slaying. We rested and Aerie raised Yoshimo.


We managed to take the non-violent solution vs. Glaicas. A first for me.


Yoshimo sneaked past the umber hulk room and put the dog stew in their burrow. Every time he was visible, I saw messages of all five of them attacking him, no matter how far away from them he was. He used that to his advantage to slam the back door in the prison shut, then hide in shadows. He then scouted them out for Edwina who wiped them all out with a Death Spell.


In the SCS boosted keep, TorGal is accompanied by two giant trolls, two yuan-ti mages and an umber hulk elder. I left the party by the basement entrance and we buffed with long-lasting buffs. Martha with Chaotic Commands. You never know when you're going to need it.


Yoshimo opened the throne room door and let TorGal sniff him out. The troll leader pulled back a little. One of the mages cast Oracle, but it was of no use because of the Non-Detection cloak we found earlier in the keep. Eventually, TorGal decided to pursue Yoshimo by himself, just as I had hoped. Just before we reached the first room, Martha conjured up a spirit bear and Aerie Hasted us. Alone, TorGal was no match for us (but of course a quadruple trap pack that got him to Badly Injured instantly must have helped tremendously). The only special powers I noticed was that he can cast Cloak of Fear and that some of his hits drain Strength. Piece of cake:




The rest of the enemy party soon arrived. I sent in some summons but left the floor when a mage appeared in the room.




It chased us up and down a few times and it cast Web in the basement. We went upstairs before anyone had to make a save. It didn't follow us up this time, so Martha sprayed Pixie Dust on the party. I sent Joolon a bit further into the room so the doorway wouldn't be blocked. One of the mages started to cast one of those revealing Divination spells but we went upstairs to foil it. Being invisible allowed us to reach a better fighting position:




Minsc (holding Lilarcor for Confusion protection) acted as a door guard while Aerie and Edwina planned to cast Death Fog into the room with the enemies. Edwina's spell was mis-aimed so she started to walk towards the room. I stopped her, got her into a better spot and started the casting again. But by now, the enemies approached so Minsc shut the door with only Aerie's spell in there.


Hm, looks like the trolls can open the doors but the umber hulks can't. Anyway, that Death Fog was pretty efficient. I had Aerie and Edwina make themselves invisible again, once the melee critters had entered our room. They stopped just early enough so that Aerie and Edwina could stealth bomb again: Aerie with Skull Trap and Edwina with Death Fog. This had the desired effect:





Second mage was at near death. I thought first that Minsc could hit it with the FoA from his invisbility but decided to go the safest path using firebreath potion:




So, much better this time than last. Metagaming knowledge is powerful, but so was my party this time. I took the keep far later than last time.


Edwina has levelled up to 14 now. Aerie is jealous of his/her ability to cast 7th-level spells and feels it's unfair. Edwina has 1.5 million XP while Aerie has well over 2.4 million and can't cast them. To lift her spirits a little, Martha pointed out to Aerie that Edwina can't bring back the dead. 


We found the Mace of Disruption in the throne room. Nice. Minsc has ** with maces so he gets if for now. Martha took over the Blackblood club and ditched the Pixie Pr* to the sales pile. Nobody ever seems to fail their save against it anyway. Then again, Martha usually prefers throwing her Boomerang Dagger rather than going melee.


Not sure what I am going to do now. Several NPC quests depend on them being in the party for a while. Edwina stays until she's transformed back, I suppose. Not sure if I want Nalia, Jan or Mazzy in the meantime. Then there's Anomen who I haven't even spoken to yet. It would be nice to level him up a little so I'd have the ability to summon skeleton warriors. In my setup, they are extra good vs illithids* (who only have their vanilla abilities, just with slightly smarter AI) and would be a staple in their sewers lair. Aerie can't summon them for a long time still. 


(* The name of the installed aTweaks component is 'Prevent skeletal and incorporeal undead from being affected by Illithids' Devour Brain attack')

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Corethief X the dwarven assassin run - ON HOLD


Corethief and Hanna got a massive reality check by a mugger ambush that occurred at night and near the temple in the slums. We couldn't run past, we couldn't lay snares and there was no place to hide. So this meant basic melee/range and the results were just terrible. Our armor is still really bad (studded leather). Armor we would actually want and use costs a fortune (Aegur's Hide is a good exanmple - 12,600 gold) - a fortune we just don't have right now. We only stayed together by drinking an absurd amount of healing potions (at least 10, but maybe even more than that). I need to ponder what would be the best way to proceed, but nothing obvious comes to mind.


For some time now, I've itching for true solo play (er, with a character I know I can make progress with). I had a dwarven fighter/cleric before and he went really far - going to see if I have his starting save, else will re-roll and start him in Candlekeep.

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 4)

Dyara had returned safely from the Astral Prison. However there wasn't much time to rest as the Unseeing Eye quest was still on her list. So she went down into the sewers again, she found the cult, she spoke to the cult's high priest Gaal and she agreed to retrieve the artifact. The beholders behind the bridge were weakened using a wand of lightning and killed with bullets. Before entering the Unseeing Eye's lair Dyara made a short trip to the City Gates where the Daystar sword was acquired...


That sword then was put to good use a short time later when Dyara had to fight lots of undead...


Finally Dyara reached the lair of the Unseeing Eye. Again the beholders down there were weakened using wands of lightning and killed one-by-one using stealth attacks...


To not get trapped in the small pocket Dyara merged the two parts of the Rift Device in the middle of the lair...


Although her traps were completely misplaced the Unseeing Eye was killed without any problems (and without the two Death Tyrants interfering)...


... and the misplaced traps then were used to fight the Death Tyrants...


Naturally the cultists' leader Gaal was none too happy about the course of events but couldn't do much about it (other than virtually committing suicide by attacking Dyara).

Traps were used to kill the Shade Lich and the Elemental Lich...


... and to weaken Kangaxx the Lich (unfortunately immune to poison). For some reason (actually very bad scripting) the Lich refused to change into the Demilich form so I had do this fight I guess ten times or so but eventually Kangaxx the Demilich appeared - only to get defeated some moments later...


Dyara felt almost ready to leave the City but there's still one thing to do. A large building in the Temple District had piqued her curiosity and so she entered. Immediately two of the building's inhabitants asked her to meet with the rest of them on the second floor but before she could go there she was forced to take care of some obstacles trying to block her path...


Thanks to an invisibility potion no-one noticed her when she arrived on the second floor...


Dyara took care of the traps and explored the rooms. A scroll of Confusion then was used to cause... confusion. Koshi attacked Sion who escaped into the room to the right where he became an easy target as Dyara could fight him undisturbed by the rest of the group...


Olaf Rassmusen, Maferan and Ketta started to search for Dyara but nevertheless Dyara managed to kill the Orog...


The Berserk Warrior then was used as a distraction for Koshi and Stalman. Not very lasting but still it allowed Dyara to get rid of the cleric...


Koshi however hit her very hard (Arbane in the offhand saved her from getting stunned and most likely killed) so Dyara had to retreat but killed Koshi using stealth attacks...


The (improved) Kitthix was summoned as bait for Ketta and it worked quite well...


Dyara took all the valuables, left the building and went to the Docks where Cromwell merged the Boots of Speed and the Boots of Stealth. A rest at Sea's Bounty Tavern was disturbed by some pirates making a noise in a nearby cave but Dyara shut them up and in the morning she left the city for De'Arnise Keep.

Looking at the screenshots I realized that somehow Dyara never fought (and killed) the minotaur Maferan at the Guarded Compound. Opening the save game with NI then revealed that he's 'hiding' in the dead-end alcove on the left side of the floor...


Pretty smart but most likely futile now that I know where he is :D.


Name   Level                          HP       Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill        Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(12)/Mage(13)/Thief(15) 108 (+5)  1.508.297        577      Kangaxx the Demilich  -      Longsword(***),Flail(**),THS(*),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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SEE2 -06, 


Slaver Exterminatious;


Hear text as mp3,


We made it back to the slums without ambush and set about freeing slaves from the tunnels… because the streets above aren’t safe for me. I was assembling a sword from various bits when a goblin sharman dropped my new head-circlet then the slavers put up a spirited (if unimaginative) defence of their fort… Haer’Dalis is too low to truly tank but he has some tricks that help with his own defence.





I allowed him to die towards the last fight so as to stop him leaving the group until we made it back to his theatre… tuff love and all that. With the extra loot sold I have enough gold that both the thief and vamps called a temporary truce against me and we returned the bard only to see him arrested for his crimes against the under realms.

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 5)

On her way to the De'Arnise Keep some Orogs tried to ambush her but Dyara was in a hurry; it was nearly two weeks that she had spoken to Nalia, she feared for the worst and therefore she had no time to linger around. When she arrived the Keep was still standing but had been overrun by trolls and yuan-ti. Using the backdoor Dyara entered the keep, most of the trolls were easily dispatched; only the spirit trolls proved to be annoying but improving armor class made fighting them much easier. At the forge Dyara assembled the Flail of Ages+3, the flail then was used to fight the golems at the chapel...


After opening the drawbridge to let the De'Arnise Keep soldiers in, Dyara took the stairs down into the Keep's dungeon where she hoped to find the troll leader and perhaps also Nalia's father.

In the past days Dyara had practiced wielding two-handed swords and these exercises allowed her to kill the Umber Hulks using Lilarcor...


Then some preparations (including three normal traps and a time trap) were made for fighting the troll leader TorGal...


... but still a lot of hard work was required until the tremendous troll fell to the ground...


Once the remains of TorGal's army were destroyed...


... Dyara returned to Nalia and accepted the position as Lady of the Keep...


When fighting the trolls the Flail of Ages already became a valuable weapon but rumor had it that the flail could be improved even further by attaching more heads. And one of these heads was rumored to be in Watcher's Keep, an ancient castle located somewhere to the south of Athkatla. So Dyara immediately (and without resting first) went there. Outside the keep she met some priests of Helm; these Knights of Vigil as they called themselves were charged with keeping guard over the keep, where Helm himself once locked up an ancient enemy, only called 'The Imprisoned One'. Unfortunately the old wards were about to break apart and Dyara was asked by the knights to go down to the lowest level of the keep and renew them. Actually Dyara had come only for the flail head but agreed to help the priests nevertheless - not that she had much choice if she wanted to enter the keep. On the entry level that looked like some sort of church there was no flail head unfortunately, only golems, some trolls, slimes and shadows...


The keep's library also had a vermin plague but a pest control operator was at hand...


The nave of the church had statues, lots of statues, but fortunately these statues were just statues... for now. However later, when Dyara put the bell and the candle on the altar four of the statues came to life. Dyara vanished into thin air and then used stealth attacks to destroy them easily...


Dyara was (more or less) out of spells, she had no traps left (she hadn't rested since she had left Athkatla a weak or so ago) but decided to perform the ritual regardless. As expected the remaining statues came to life and again stealth attacks were used to destroy them one-by-one...


Once all the statues were dealt with, Dyara used the portal to reach the next level. Down there she was attacked by golems (who were defeated easily)...


... and fire giants (who hit her really hard by throwing heavy boulders at her)...


... but the first one fell to the ground when his rage expired...


Of course the boulders didn't looked like 'normal' missiles but also Dyara did not expected them to be magical. However exactly that was the case as 'Protection from Normal Missiles' provided no protection at all. Nonetheless using stealth attacks (and a lot of running away) brought the second giant down as well...


To gather the four scepters Dyara killed the Guardian of Air, the Giant Snake, also the Ice Golem and finally she assassinated the Fire Giant...


While the vanilla Chromatic Demon has high resistance to melee damage but can be beaten normally the SCS version is vulnerable only to the opposite elemental damage. So for fighting the Chromatic Demon Dyara searched her bag for some wands (Lightning, Fire and Frost) and put them in her quick slots. Apparently the demon knew that in BG2 there are no wands doing acid damage so he stayed in air form most of the time (and never turned into ice form) but eventually Dyara was able to wear the demon down...


Dyara used the portal to go down but after speaking to Yakman (twice) she decided to leave further explorations for another day and returned to Athkatla where Cromwell improved the Flail of Ages by attaching the flail head Dyara had found in a pool in the slime laboratory but refused to work on the bard's gloves as Dyara had no rogue stone (so now where's the nearest rogue stone?).


Name   Level                          HP       Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill        Deaths Pips

Dyara  Fighter(14)/Mage(14)/Thief(17) 113 (+5)  2.359.602        695      Kangaxx the Demilich  -      Longsword(***),Flail(**),THS(*),TWF(**)

To be continued...

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Nice progress Jianson, and Dyara. Both of you are doing very well. I wonder Dyara whether you'll venture into the demon level any time soon. My solo Cleric/Thief Bardin hates the place. He's feels kind of stuck there and might abandon the Keep because of it.
@USSNorway, I didn't know Haer'Dalis would leave...

Yeah no problem. Anyway the reason I posted here was I like reading these journals, and I wanted some feedback from people here regarding an item I'm cooking up for a fighter/mage PC in SCS/Ascension Throne of Bhaal.

I want to make an armor on tier with Robe of Vecna because I've had to equip the PC with Robe of Fire Resistance from 1000xp to 6kk.


I haven't created an item before, but I have seen some of the overpowered items Tactics introduces to SOA and I'm worried that mine might be too powerful. But with my playstyle this would be useful against mooks and as a slight counter to enemy Wish:Breach, which the PC experienced from Kangaxx, WK lich, and Twisted Rune lich.

Did any of the modders of old make guidelines for adding balanced resources to the game?

@Vellin, no one answered your question. Personally I see no issue with the robe. Vecna is still better imo.

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I wonder Dyara whether you'll venture into the demon level any time soon.


The plan is to do everything but Demogorgon before going to spellhold.



My solo Cleric/Thief Bardin hates the place. He's feels kind of stuck there and might abandon the Keep because of it.


Can't say Dyara loves the place but it's doable (at least it was in a test run a some month ago). And there are so many things to get afterwards :D. Biggest problem was the Tahazzar fight (inevitable for good chars) as you (or at least I do that usually, not sure if there are other possibilities) enter from a dead magic zone and the spell casting failure effect lingers for up to two rounds. A time trap (laid immediately when entering the area) and 'gwwed' Carsomyr (to dispell the demon's protections on hit and without losing precious time) finally did the job. Current Dyara is neutral, also she's proficient, later perhaps specialized in THS, and so this should be much easier I think (or hope :D).


So current plan is to do Trademeet, Windspear and Umar Hills (not yet decided in which order), then Watcher's Keep (all but Demogorgon) and then sail to spellhold.

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 6)

At Watcher's Keep Dyara had found these really nice looking (bard) gloves but other than the look there was nothing special about them. The dwarven smith Cromwell however said that he might be able to improve them but it would require among other gems a rogue stone and Dyara unfortunately not only had none, she also didn't knew where to get one. When the old dwarf saw her desperation he suggested Trademeet as a place to look for rogue stones. And so Dyara went east to the prosperous merchant town of Trademeet...

However the small town had to face a number of problems. First nature itself seemed to have turned against it and also its trade had been monopolized by some genies, threatening to ruin the city unless the rakshasa Ihtafeer was hunted down and her head returned as a proof. Among other things Dyara was promised by the Guildmistress Busya a rogue stone and so she agreed to help. Not sure where to look for the rakshasa, Dyara (after talking to druid Cernd - and borrowing the efreeti bottle) went to the druid grove to further investigate the animal attacks on the city...

Upon arriving there Dyara immediately became attacked by trolls... lots of trolls...


... and the local shadow druids weren't really much friendlier...


When crossing a bridge Dyara felt overwhelmed by myconids but at least Lilarcor had some fun...


By luck then Dyara found the head of rakshasa Ihtafeer. Still attached to the rakshasa's body but that was changed quickly...


A short time later Dyara's life was saved by a potion of invisibility when she became attacked by more shadow druids and also some grizzly bears...


Dyara had learned that the druid grove had been taken over by a shadow druid named Faldorn. Both Dyara and Cernd entered Faldorn's lair so Cernd could challenge the shadow druid. But while Cernd was dropping all his items (even the werewolf claws - they were returned to him by Dyara in time) Dyara saw Faldorn cheating by previously casting ironskin. But as she had expected as much from the evil druid Dyara had (also previously) casted improved invisibility on Cernd to counter the expected cheating. Once the challenge had begun Cernd shifted into a Greater Werewolf and then he ripped Faldorn apart...


Dyara returned to Trademeet where she was declared the Hero of Trademeet and her likeness was displayed on the central fountain forevermore...


After solving other problems and some shopping (Belt of inertial barrier, cloak of displacement) Dyara returned to Athkatla where Cromwell fashioned the 'Wondrous Gloves' for her.


Name   Level                          HP       Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill        Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(14)/Mage(14)/Thief(17) 113 (+5)  2.682.412        890      Kangaxx the Demilich  -      Longsword(***),Flail(**),THS(*),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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Grimwald the Wise

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Close run thing there! :)

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 7)

Some weeks ago Dyara had been asked by Lord Jierdan Firkraag to clear his lands from invading ogres and finally she found the time to travel to Windspear Hills. Upon arrival, Dyara was attacked by some monsters who actually were paladins. Dyara found shelter at Garren Windspear's cabin but had to witness the kidnapping of Garren's son Taar. Apparently for some reason yet to discover this Lord Firkraag had tricked her to come to this place, he had made her kill the paladins and now he wanted her to go after him. And so Dyara entered the old ruins to the east of Garren's cabin where she became attacked by a group of hobgoblins, a Rukh Transmuter, a bunch of orogs, some golems and lots of undead...


Later then Dyara met the adventurer Samia who asked her to fight some guardians, watching over the grave of King Strohm III. There was something suspicious about this Samia but Dyara agreed to help her nevertheless. Thanks to immunity to fire damage fighting the guardians was rather easy ...


A director had to go down as well and then Dyara found the tomb of King Strohm III. On her way back she was ambushed by Samia but that was expected and thus...


Dyara then continued her search for Firkraag, some Greater Wolfweres tried to stop her but failed...


Tazok hadn't learned much from previous defeats and then Lord Jierdan Firkraag turned out be a real dragon who had been curious about Dyara's heritage but as his curiosity had been satisfied now he allowed Dyara to leave taking Garren's child with her - if she would get the key from Conster, Firkraag's pet mage. But that happened easily as the mage unfortunately overlooked a time trap...


Dyara returned to Garren Windspear's cabin where she spend the night knowing that she had to comeback as with the red dragon still alive the danger for the people living in hills in general and Garren Windspear's family in particular was far too great. And of course there was this sword she had seen in Firkraag's lair. On top of the stairs leading to the lair Dyara prepared for the battle, on bottom of the stairs a time trap was laid and then she approached the mighty dragon. Both Firkraag's stoneskins and health seemed endless, Dyara had to spend most of her precious potions of superior healing, she had to retreat toward the stairs (to trigger the time trap) but finally the dragon went down...



Name   Level                          HP       Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill        Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(15)/Mage(15)/Thief(18) 116 (+5)  3,174,272      1,026      Firkraag              -      Longsword(***),Flail(**),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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Dyara the (solo) Dragonslayer, that's impressive!

Also, standing in the middle of Samia's war party, duking it out and taking damage - that looks really scary. How do know that you're protected from all the nasty ways they might incapacitate you? I mean, if I was soloing, I wouldn't be this bold and up-front.




Martha, level 14 half-elven Totemic Great Druid, adventuring in chapter 2 with Minsc, Yoshimo, Aerie, Edwina and Nalia


Three outdoor areas interlude

With my setup, I have access to the three outdoor areas normally blocked before chapter 6. I think it's more fun to play them now rather than at a time when we are more or less demigods already.


Found some genies guarding a tomb treasure. Hasted summons are awesome:




We happened upon a Yuan-ti party. My summons slew all the warriors and finally the mage, but unfortunately, the mage had caught sight of Yoshimo and threw a Finger at him. Oops, I didn't know their level is high enough for that. Martha and her stash of potions was a little too far away to pass on some help, so all I could hope for was for Yoshi to roll at least a 7:




There was another war party to the left of the map. A mixed one with mostly humans, an orog, a duergar and a mephit. Aerie opened up nicely:




Thanks for the tip of haste in combo with Blade Barrier. Worth an oil of speed every time, I'd say! 

There were also two characters in the enemy party I didn't see at first because they were invisble, a thief and a high level mage. My summons took care of them, though.


In Forest of Tethir, Yoshimo tried to save Coran with an Otiluke's trap:




but failed pretty quickly with that. Wolfweres can't hit fire elementals, though, so the fight itself was trivial. Lanfear's regeneration was super fast, but after two elementals had softened her, a backstab nailed her.


Mist battle in the cabin:




Nalia and Yoshimo confused by a Mist Horror attack. Nalia still doing OK because of Stoneskin, plus she holds a melee weapon and the mist attacking her (Crimson Death) seems to have no special powers. Yoshimo was soon worse off. He got hit a few times and just before the Wandering Horror was killed (by a sling bullet from Edwina, no less! See her comment below), it released a Cloudkill:




Aerie and Martha took cover from the cloud next to Nalia but things were looking much worse for Yoshimo. Both Martha and Aerie stepped back into the fumes to heal him with spells. Both succeeded. That may have been pretty lucky, and the next thing that happened was also lucky: when only the one mist by Nalia remained, Yoshimo ran over there to fight it. Outside of the cloud!


Everything well now:




except for the annoying level drain on Edwina, but Aerie had a Lesser Restoration ready and we took a rest.


Kou-Toa fight in the cave was more troublesome than I had thought it would be. We did managed to use summons to keep the Wizard away from the party, but both Martha and Edwina were stunned by bolts. Aerie helping her girlfriend here:




Great find on one of the two Wyvern cultists earlier on the map: Aeger's Hide. Yoshimo received this. Hopefully he is done getting confused now...

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Dyara the (solo) Dragonslayer, that's impressive!

Also, standing in the middle of Samia's war party, duking it out and taking damage - that looks really scary. How do know that you're protected from all the nasty ways they might incapacitate you? I mean, if I was soloing, I wouldn't be this bold and up-front....


No risk no fun :D. But I think the risk had been manageable. Samia and the kensai were killed during time stop and the rest had no real chance to do anything nasty - so I thought/hoped at least :D.

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