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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Serg BlackStrider

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What a massacre, USSNorway... :(  All the best with the rematch.


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Hi everyone, I'm a looong time lurker in the no-reload threads and since I have some more free time right now I decided to join in and give it a try! My current install is EE with:


BG2 Tweaks

Divine Remix (no sphere system)

Rogue Remix

PnP Free action




So no crazy mods, just some convenience and realism adjustments (and pnp, I miss 2nd ed pnp). 


I will be playing Eriax, the LE cleric of Xvim.



I don't usually play evil and the god who's about power and domination seems like a good fit for a cleric going through the story. Also Dorn will be accompanying him on his journey because the first cleric of the god of tyranny needs a cohort, and you can't do better than your own blackguard.

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Serg BlackStrider

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Well met and welcome, realmuzzy! Looking forward for yet another SCS/aTweaks run! Safe travels!

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Condolences ussnorway, congratulations Corey and good luck realmuzzy.
I had a Blaggerd in SoA but fairly sure he stupidly keeled over. & a Kaxir who also failed at Sarevok. This Kaxir is playing on Insane, a bit of a ropey idea despite a good set of rolls (15 +25 +6 +14 +15 +7 = 82hp at level 7).
The first hit here of 56 from full health was so heavy Kaxir had to use his Cure Light Wounds and gulp five healing potions before re-engaging to avoid death from a second blow of that magnitude.
 Then there was a moment where I thought he'd gone a bridge too far.
Mulahey was much less trouble, as were the Amazons. Nimbul got the double amulet treatment (Greenstone and Shield) but an over-confident kensai saw Rasaad nip in and steal the kill.
With Tranzig accounted for, it is time to brave the bandit camp.

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Serg BlackStrider

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It's nice to hear from you, Gate! Don't allow Kaxir to dance with death too much!


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Welcome to the challenge, Real Muzzy!


I look forward to seeing a Divine Remix play through!


And welcome back, Gate!






@realmuzzy. Were you able to install the ATweaks PnP Fey component in BG1 EE?

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We first find Eriax in the Candlekeep Inn. As instructed by Gorion he buys some equipment for their upcoming journey and then heads off to the priest's quarters where the rest of his gear is. There he is accosted by an assassin, but quick thinking and the unholy command that sends the assassin sprawling to the floor make short work of the encounter. Troubled, Eriax returns to his chores but is yet again attacked. The next assassin falls to a strong arm and a trusty sling, as Eriax is determined not to give the poisoned blade a chance to cut him.


He tells Gorion nothing, choosing to keep the news of the attempted attacks to himself, and they soon leave Candlekeep to meet friends at the Friendly Arm Inn. Almost immediately they are ambushed by a powerful warrior and his retinue who kill Gorion. Eriax manages to escape and in the morning finds Imoen who offers to travel with him to wherever he decides to go. Eriax refuses but allows her to give him a couple of potions and a wand. He then returns to Gorion's remains to see if there's any clues as to who their mysterious attacker was. Finding nothing, he continues east. At the crossroads he decides to go straight to Beregost. While Eriax was fond of Gorion, he has a suspicion that his friends might share his meddling and moralizing streak. In Beregost he can also find someone to identify the strange ring he found wedged between two rocks and a belt found on Gorion's body.


In Beregost Eriax decides to make Feldpost Inn his first stop. It's the nicest inn in town, and he deserves luxury. There a peasant named Marl insults him, an intolerable offense, so a fight breaks out. Even though surprisingly sturdy, Marl eventually falls to a stream of bullets.




In a foul mood Eriax takes the rest of his anger out on a merchant upstairs who addresses him rudely, killing him in anger. He disposes of the body, taking his obviously valuable cloak, and flees for the house of Firebead Elvenhair who he fetches a book for out of gratitude.  The next morning he is out of Beregost and heading south.

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Thanks everyone!


@Alesia_BH I was not able to, it said not available. It did offer all the pnp creatures for BG2EE which is confusing considering it's the same engine right?

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On the road Eriax encounters a couple of Ogrillions standing over a halfling corpse. He hits them from a distance eventually bringing them down to find a letter he might get a reward for delivering. A group of Flaming Fist mercenaries stops him and accuses him of banditry but the misunderstanding is quickly cleared up. He is thankful it is not the murder back in Beregost they were investigating. Further south he clears up a hobgoblin camp by exploiting his greater agility and staying out of range of their blows. Four bodies nearby reveal a young family who wasn't so fortunate in their dealings with the hobgoblins. 


After some time Eriax reaches Nashkel. The mayor, Berrun Ghastkill recognizes that he is a young adventurer and offers him a reward for investigating a local mine. Eriax is noncommittal but promises that he will eventually do the task. While walking around town he finds somebody's treasure stash, a beautiful pice of armor and a pearl. He decides that since the stash is so carelessly abandoned taking it is not stealing and so ends up with powerful Ankheg armor. A priest in the local church of Helm identifies some items for him, the only thing misguided fool is good for, and tells him of the missing captain Brage. Sounds like something Eriax could take care of for a suitable reward.


His search begins by going west, where he passes a xvart village sanctuaried by the power of Iyachtu Xvim. After some time he rests and spends the night reliving the events of Gorion's death. While there is sadness at the loss of Gorion, there is even more envy at the power the armor clad figure possesses. As he wakes up Eriax realizes his right hand is cold to the touch and the grass underneath is wilted and dead. He wonders if this is a power that can help him with his enemies.


He finds Brage soon after, surrounded by the corpses of the people he slaughtered in his madness. Eriax feels nothing for the victims but he is bound to safely escort Brage back to the temple of Helm, and after a riddle Brage agrees to accompany him willingly. Eriax is rewarded with 1000 gold and decides to return to Beregost and use the money on more supplies.



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Nice to see a new runner underway realmuzzy - best of luck.


Watch out for those criticals at the Bandit Camp Gate70 :P.

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Hail realmuzzy, nice to see a new face. Good luck with your priest. I hope Divine Remix 8 won't give you trouble (Last thing I heard was that it can be buggy.)


Sorry USSNorway :( Angelo sure was on a roll. I hope you teach him a lesson next time round.


Good luck Gate!

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Having returned to Beregost Eriax first locates Mirianne, the woman mentioned in the letter he found, who gives him a magical ring in gratitude for letting her know about his find. With so many duties fulfilled and transgressions punished that night Iyachtu Xvim rewards him with access to higher level powers. They come in more than useful the very next day, when a dwarves assassin attacks him in the middle of a crowded inn. Eriax commands the dwarf unconscious to make space for the long proclamation of doom.




Afterwards he evades the dwarf successfully to malison him and finally lets him take a swing to immediately after apply the paralyzing hold of Xvim.




Unable to defend himself the dwarf is soon dead and the bounty notice collected from the corpse makes it clear Eriax is a hunted man. 


His next stop is High Hedge, the local wizard's abode, where he identifies his magical items. Somewhat nearby he encounters a talking chicken, who turns out the be the wizard's polymorphed apprentice. Eriax agrees for a price to bring him back to the mage, who in turn agrees to reverse the spell. A skull is needed but a skeleton wandering just outside the tower is easily defeated and the spell succeeds.




Back in Beregost he decides to hunt the bandit ogre north of town. His superior agility again gives him an advantage and he takes the ogre down with just his sling.




His success brings a magical girdle into his possesion. After a deserved rest he decides it might be time to contact Gorion's friends at the Friendly Arm Inn, he is meant to lead people after all.


The Inn is an imposing structure and in his admiration Eriax is caught off-guard by a mage sent to kill him. Fortunately there is a corner right next to Eriax that he can hide behind and he casts a silence in the direction of the advancing mage. The mage is silenced, and having nothing in his spell kit to defend against that, falls easily to Eriax and his holy might.




Eriax rests, replenishes his strength, and finally meets Gorion's friends. As suspected they don't seem a good fit for Eriax, so somewhat disappointed he heads back south although he does get commissioned to clear out a spider infested house in Beregost. On his way out he bumps into an unpleasant half-orc warrior, but distracted he lets the incident pass.

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Corthief VI the solo halfling thief entering trilogy no-reload challenge...


Corthief if is level 5, and will be solo for the entire of BG 1. The best I have ever gotten a solo thief is Duchal Palace, I want to try to make it farther. So I gotta keep trying. I can learn something from Grond0's 10 straight attempts with his monks.




Most fights he has won by ranged attacks - a few weaker enemies taken out by backstabs. Strong groups, like Kirian's and Molkar's groups, Corthief VI used fireballs from the shadows. Melium defeated by a LONG duel around a slab of rock, basically run/shoot/run etc. Corthief nearly ran out of arrows, good thing they were the +1 type. He uses the sleep wand if he has to clear weaker enemies, but tries to avoid wasting resources on trash mobs if he can. He using the classic Alesia setup, studded leather, +1 ring, and the shield amulet.


Here are a few more screenshots for his adventure:


Vax and Zal were defeated, mostly by fireballs from the shadows, but finished by a backstab. The main reason to fight them, was to use the bracers to help Corthief vI against Melium - good thing I did that, as Corthief VI nearly ran out of arrows against Melium as it was.



The following screenshot against Tarnesh looks more dangerous than it really is. Tarnesh feared Corthief VI, but Corthief VI had the shield amulet active and ran away, so took no damage.



When the horror wore off, Corthief VI tried to melee Tarnesh, but it wasn't working - so instead Corthief VI ran around a corner, hid and finished Tarnesh with a backstab.



Next tasks are try to get the greenstone amulet and also the cloak of displacement. Would like the Claw of Kazagaroth eventually, but way out of Corthief's price range at the moment - Corthief VI will keep at it.

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Corthief if is level 5, and will be solo for the entire of BG 1. The best I have ever gotten a solo thief is Duchal Palace, I want to try to make it farther. So I gotta keep trying. I can learn something from Grond0's 10 straight attempts with his monks.

There could be better lessons in how to make progress, but good luck anyway :P.

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Dying 10 times with the same 6 characters, though, takes guts nonetheless.  :D

Glad to see another runner beginning the challenge!


Since I'm going to be playing a non-RP run AKA power gaming as much as I can, it only seemed fair to re-install SCS for BG1. And the fully in BG2. I'll be running a custom team, with my Charname again being my "pacifist," Rogue Rebalanced Skald. I have yet to roll them, but I'm guessing the other characters will be an Archer, a Dragon Disciple, an Avenger, a RR Swashbuckler, and either a Wizard Slayer or a Dwarven Defender, with the latter being more likely at this time. At some point, I want to do a bunch of calculations to figure out how much damage on average having a Skald in the party doing nothing but singing provides. (Not as easy as it sounds, unfortunately, since the average DPR and change in DPR from the Skald's song is affected by the AC of the target. I'll calculate for Sarevok if I can find a functional version of his SCS stats.)

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I’m re-entering the challenge with Puk again… Puk is a half-orc Fighter-Druid specializing in the Avenger kit.


Mods: the bgtutu game files have been adjusted to allow the following
// Puk is a Halforc Fighter-Driud multiclass with Avenger kit... I made a basic moonblade item and armed Shank with it (I think Wise first came up with this idea?)
// Moonblade = immune to backstabs in place of any armour or element resistances but now that Puk has equipped it the sword is bound to him until death and will not suffer being wielded by anyone one else… I may allow him to upgrade it in bg2?… I've also made some dialog edits to reflect this plot just for my own amusement.
// Avenger… I also subtracted 2 points of str and con from him in keeping with the kit description.
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods

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On his way south from the Inn Eriax finds a ring that practically radiates magical energy. He seems to be finding these magical rings everywhere, there must be some divine inspiration in these finds. A few days into his journey he is ambushed by a group of bandits. As he is evaluating his position the half-orc from the Friendly Arm Inn appears from the shadows and starts decimating the bandits. Eriax moves out of sight of the archers, malisons the casters and uses a series of hold spells to make the enemies easy killing.




The warrior's name is Dorn, and after finding out that he is an a quest to punish his betrayers (a holy quest in the eyes of Xvim) Eriax is sure he has found his first follower. The two loot the corpses and go to Beregost to resupply.


A good way to test Dorn's loyalty is to go for a bounty so they head out to find Prism, the artist who stole some emeralds down in Nashkel. They find him easily and kill him for refusing to submit to their order to return the stolen property. After collecting the bounty they head over to the local inn where yet another assassin tries to ambush them, a female cleric of Mask. They quickly escape outside to give themselves maneuvering space. Dorn poisons his blade and engages the cleric in melee, understanding that Eriax will work best if given space. Eriax malisons and commands the cleric unconscious




allowing Dorn to finish her.


Satisfied with Dorn's performance, Eriax suggests they as a challenge they explore the area south of Nashkel known to be dangerous. There they meet a hunting party who speak to them in a way that cannot be overlooked. Eriax malisons the party and uses his magical cloak to charm the leader.




Together they finish off her allies, letting her take the brunt of the damage. As they turn on her she realizes the horrible thing she has done but it's too late as Eriax uses his unholy power to prevent her from moving and she dies helpless.




They rest and continue their exploration to find two wannabe brigands. Dorn takes heavy damage from the dart thrower, so Eriax is forced to charm the fighter who turns against his comrade and kills him.




Finally they paralyze the fighter and finish him off.




Nearby a rabid dog attacks them who they quickly dispatch, only to find out it was a pet of a demon visiting the material plane. Surprisingly he lets them leave with their lives. Wishing to distance themselves from the demon they retreat to Nashkel where they rest. Dorn takes the time to do some training and he picks up a longbow as he is finally comfortable with using one.


Continuing their challenge they encounter a dryad who charms them into helping her defend her tree. The two attackers are no match for the party, Dorn peppering them with poisoned arrows while Eriax disables them with his divine powers.




The dryad is happy with them and releases them from her charm with a potion as reward. Next day is uneventful so finding no more challenges they decide to make the long trek to High Hedge where they can identify items and resupply.


They end up buying a powerful Ioun stone that imbues the wearer with knowledge, allowing them to identify a lot of the potions and gems they are carrying. When they mention how they wish they could buy many more things from his store, the wizard informs them of the bounty on a powerful cleric of Cyric who's terrorizing the area. The crazed cleric of the crazed god is both a convenient and holy target for Eriax so he informs Dorn that they found their new task.

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On his way south from the Inn Eriax finds a ring that practically radiates magical energy. He seems to be finding these magical rings everywhere, there must be some divine inspiration in these finds.

Or possibly demonic :P?

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Dying 10 times with the same 6 characters, though, takes guts nonetheless.  :D

I think the statement might read more accurately as "... shows guts ..." :).


However, having seen several mentions of the monks recently has made me consider how appalling it is that they've died 10 times - that's nothing like enough :P.  I'm not sure how many runs I had with a wild mage before scoring a success, but I think it was probably a lot closer to 100 than 10.


I was at a loose end first thing this morning, so made another start.  I haven't tried to be careful, but luck has been with the monks thus far.  Let's see how long before that fickle mistress turns her skirts ...


Phantasmic 6 {11} - monks party (update 1)
The monks made their usual start with Shoal before heading down to Nashkel.  Meilum has given up his bracers and Greywolf his sword and they've just finished clearing the Cloakwood.  There have been a number of close calls for individual monks, but no casualties as yet.  Spook was put down to 1 HP here when I misjudged how far a wolf's neck could stretch.
He had another close call against Meilum when an initial stunning attack failed to work and he didn't withdraw quickly enough.
The only dangerous moment for the party was when they were surprised by an ogre mage appearing late in an ambush when everyone was together running for the exit.  That meant it was too late to scatter and the sleep spell targeted 5 of the party - fortunately 2 saved as the other 3 lay down for a nap.  
The remaining 3 then did well to distract the ogre mage from finishing off one of the sleepers and then spread spell damage around in order to keep everyone alive.
A bit later on the identical ambush triggered.  However, this time the ogre mage failed to spring a surprise and found sleep affecting his allies more than his enemies :devil:.  
Finishing it off was then no problem.

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I think the statement might read more accurately as "... shows guts ..." :).


However, having seen several mentions of the monks recently has made me consider how appalling it is that they've died 10 times - that's nothing like enough :P.  I'm not sure how many runs I had with a wild mage before scoring a success, but I think it was probably a lot closer to 100 than 10.


Perfect monk party names: Perseverance, Tenacity, Persistence, Pertinacity, Resolution and Purpose. It's even RP compliant, monks would totally have names like that.

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Eriax and Dorn find the crazy cleric Bassilus a bit south from High Hedge surrounded by a horde of undead he's raised. Engaged in conversation the cleric loses control of his summons who crumble to dust. Eriax uses the confusion to silence and doom while Dorn manages to land a poisoned arrow on the heavily armored cleric.




Helpless without the aid of his god, Bassilus soon falls and pleased at the demise of a servant of his enemy Xvim immediately rewards Eriax with access to a new level of powers.


On their way back they are ambushed by a group of hobgoblin bandits. A poisoned arrow hits Eriax, forcing him to spend his last antidote potion so he decides to charm the leader and let the bandits fight among themselves. This turns the tide of battle and the duo triumphs hastily leaving the area to collect their bounty. On top of the money they receive, Thalantyr also recognizes Bassilus' hammer as the famous Ashideena a huge upgrade for Eriax.


While they are resting in Beregost they decide to clear out the spider infested house, which they do easily with the help of a fallen champion of Xvim and a few prayers. They collect their reward and move on to hunting the half-ogres south-west of Beregost. When they arrive to the area where the creatures were last seen they summon their skeleton servants but instead of ogres they find another bandit party. The skeleton charges in while Eriax cast silence from a safe distance and Dorn shoots poisonous arrows. With the spell caster disabled, the bandits are easy prey. The fighter and archer get malisoned, held, and finished off.




They find the half-ogres nearby. Dumb beasts just run through a warding seal Eriax set and it's quick work bringing them down. As they are searching for a good place to rest, they meet a drow elf surrounded by a huge group of gnolls. The drow shows terrifying skill, making short work of the gnolls, and the duo decides to not engage him. Instead they follow the trail the gnolls left south.


As they are tracking the gnolls they pass next the xvart village and then head further west into ogre country. They meet Neville the highwayman but as he is trying to get past Eriax's skeleton servant he is doomed and held.




His group of hobgoblin accomplices prove to be no more troublesome. Trying to cross the river, they are forced to kill a polar bear who is inexplicably chasing a merchant in the middle of a temperate forest.


Being careful not to lose sight of the gnolls, they proceed further south. They encounter another bridge and a couple of ogrillions guarding it. The ogrillions dare to ask them for money so they are malisoned, poisoned, held and killed while their skeleton guard is blocking the way. As reward Eriax picks up a stash of potions and a pair of magical bracers. Across the bridge they find that the gnolls have occupied a fortress, and they have no interest in storming the fortress for no clear gain. The two do explore the area around the fortress finding an old tome that radiates magic in a nearby cave. Returning to civilization they do some shopping and identifying, ending up with a tome of charisma, bracers of dexterity, shield amulet, and the one lost gift.

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They decide their next job should be investigating the Nashkel mines. On their way one night they hear the howls of vampire wolves as they are passing the temple of Lathander. Eriax summons skeletal champions and invokes a few blessings and prayers to Xvim. Soon a huge wolf pack descends on them but with some unholy power they melee the wolves down one by one.




They find the mine with no further disturbances. The first level reveals nothing peculiar so they descend to the second level that is teeming with kobolds. They are no threat though to the heavily armed and experienced duo. The next level has even more kobolds, and more worrisomely traps which they have no way of dealing with except healing potions and pure stamina. Finally they find the stronghold of whoever seems to be running the place.


The one in charge is a cleric named Mulahey who is foolish enough to believe they were sent by his superiors. This gives Eriax time to set up a warding seal at the door of Mulahey's room to prevent help from coming while he, Dorn and the skeleton warrior sneak attack Mulahey. The plan is successful at first, Mulahey's desperate prayer to his god is interrupted and he is poisoned.




However they fail to interrupt his second spell cast with their attacks so Eriax is forced to use his potion of invisibility in case the worst happens. It does and he is held leaving Dorn to deal with Mulahey and an incoming horde of his cohorts.




Dorn fights fiercely and using the necklace fireball and his last healing potion, he manages to clear out the enemies. Eriax is still held.




When he recovers they hastily leave the mine through a hidden exit on the same level, and make camp in the wilderness nearby. That night Eriax has another strange dream and again he wakes up sensing his strange new powers. Back in Nashkel they report their findings to the mayor and receive their reward.

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Great progress realmuzzy, and nice writing! Keep it up :)


Corey and USSNorway, best of lcuk with your new runs!

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Grimwald the Wise

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Bg-scs30 update 1.9,
Death by script;
Hear text as mp3,
Imoen opened with her 'cloudkill' pulling Angelo… he popped about ignoring my minions to target Xan and Quayle in melee. I tried to counter him with 'detect' but he must have something helping him stay stealthy.
I didn't catch what buffs Tazok had but Shar-teel and Viconia dispatched him… I'm still popping illusions from Angelo as Quayle plays tag then the big guy shows up and one shots Viconia just as Tazok hits the deck.
Imoen stops spamming summon to cast 'Greater Malison' which proved fatal because Angelo somehow casts a fireball or perhaps puts his swords away to use a detonation arrow… in any event this swipes out most of my minions and kills Quayle.



Scs30 Angelo took enormous damage from Shar-teel in melee… ignored my minions wailing on him… shrugged off 4 wand of heaven strikes, 2 frost wand hits and still managed to cast his explosions? The weird thing is I'm looking forward to a rematch.


Hard luck. I understand your desire for a re-match. It's because the game won. :)

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Eriax and Dorn collect their reward for investigating the Nashkel mine and are now on their way to get some drinks at the local tavern. As they are about to enter, an assassin appears to inform Eriax that he's about to die and then promptly disappears. An impractical opening for an assassin, but Eriax has to admit it has some flair. Eriax asks for sanctuary while Dorn equips a shield to wait for the assault. The assassin appears behind Dorn who manages to hold his own quite well while Eriax prays for help.




However as soon as Eriax shows himself, the assassin turns around and charms him without making a move. Fortunately, as he is behind the corner he has no line of sight on Dorn and just stands there cheering for his new assassin friend. Dorn is in trouble and he immediately pops a potion of invulnerability, and then several healing potions as he gets hit by a barrage of spells. Just as he is about to die, his supplies exhausted, Eriax comes to and throws him a major healing potion. This helps the team recover and a moment later mirror images disappear and the mage can't escape Dorn's poisonous blade anymore, spelling his doom.




The group rests and goes to Beregost to confront Mulahey's contact. Before they are to confront him, Eriax shaken by the close call that was their last fight, summons a band of undead warriors and blesses them with every prayer to Xvim he knows. He barely listens to the mage he is about to kill, and just sends his army to rip him apart while silencing him from a distance.




The mage is now helpless and quickly falls. On his body they find the directions to a bandit camp where the people Mulahey is answering to should be.


Before going there Eriax decides to explore the surrounding countryside a bit while thinking of how best to infiltrate the camp. As they are traveling from one area to the other, they get ambushed by a well prepared group of assassins. Eriax immediately tries to make space just enough to ask for sanctuary, while Dorn tries to charm the leader who's charging towards him. They are very lucky and both succeed, while Dorn resists an incoming spell from the priest




They leave the charmed fighter to distract the enemies, while Eriax continuing their lucky streak lands a silence on all of the assassins.




From that point on they are free to do their usual deadly dance and the enemy is wiped. They let the skeletons finish off the wounded fighter who helped them.




Xvim rewards success above all else so he immediately brings Eriax to a new level of power.


They rest and continue on. They travel far west before anything exciting happens and they meet a nereid. Unsure of her intentions Eriax summons his skeleton bodyguard and blesses them. Dorn talk to the nereid who kills him with her deadly kiss and the skeletons immediately tear her apart.




This is the first real setback for the two, and since Dorn was very useful so far, Eriax gathers as much of his equipment as he can carry and decides to pay the priests of Helm to revive him (as much as he hates to).

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