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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Welcome to Amn, Bargon!







Btw. Do you have the SCS insect spell nerf installed? I've been agonizing over whether I should install it for Aria's run. The same goes for the blindness nerf. Insect spells and blindness are over-powered, but nerfing both would seriously compromise Aria's ability to deal with arcane casters.


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Bargon, final update


Well, I attacked the Slavers. :D  There were several oddities here, as well as unplanned things. We entered invisibly to avoid getting slaughtered. However, Stalman used Invisibility Purge instantly. Maferan, unlike what he usually does, was running around (I think Polytweak changes him). the moment we got revealed, he usess WW on us.



...and plunges Loa across the field!


(we aren't even hasted here...)



Things get very ugly now. With no space in between us, our enemies being hasted, Sion spamming PW spells and ADHWs - we're expecting heavy casulties. 



Koshi closes the distance, and stuns Clarise before she could hit him with Hold Monster. We're done for.

Bargon gets stunned by him as well, Sion is tossing us as he pleases.





Chop, chop.



Lambs to the slaughter....


The idea was that Stalman wouln't use Divinations, we get to the other side of the room, toss Ice Storms/Confusion/Skull Trap/Spike Growth etc. And get Celestial Fury....well - we certainly got it. :D

Think I'm gonna try a non-Revisions install. It should be easier, faster, and for me - it will feel like a new game alltogether. I haven't played a game w/o Revisions in a long while.

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 Condolences, Aasim.


Finally, we entered the slaver's house, killed Nishruu/Ogres crap, and exited. The guys above are a bit too crafty for now (especially since there's yet no way to protect ourselves from PW spells).


You know, when I read this I thought "Why would he bother entering the Guarded Compound if he didn't intend to fight Ketta and Sion? He must be tempted."


And so I wasn't totally surprised when I read this:



Well, I attacked the Slavers. :D 


Again, condolences. :(


I avoid lobbing stationary AoE stuff from edge of line of sight primarily on fairness/RP grounds, but there are tactical risks associated with that approach as well. You can be lulled into a false sense of security. And if it doesn't work in a situation -or if it can't work due to context- things can go south fast.


Anyhoo. Bet of luck with your next run!




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Btw. Do you have the SCS insect spell nerf installed? I've been agonizing over whether I should install it for Aria's run. The same goes for the blindness nerf. Insect spells and blindness are over-powered, but nerfing both would seriously compromise Aria's ability to deal with arcane casters.

If Spell Revisions is installed, SCS skips those since SR nerfs down both spells (Insects are thwarted by Fireshields and allow a save each round to avoid spell failure, while Nature's Beauty simply charms oponnents instead of blinding them). 

I don't really think Insects are OP since if SCS detects spell failure chance >50%, mages simply won't cast anything. Nature's beatuy...I don't know. I loved this spell ages ago when I first discovered it :D

Right now, I probably wouldn't use it in it's vanilla state since it's kind of meh -  you can actually cast this invisible - even if the oponnents must see you for the spell to take effect, and it works on oponnents which cannot see at all :D ).

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I don't really think Insects are OP since if SCS detects spell failure chance >50%, mages simply won't cast anything. Nature's beatuy...I don't know. I loved this spell ages ago when I first discovered it :D


Even if mages won't waste spells while under insect spells, shutting them down reliably is a huge, huge boon. I think it makes sense for mages to have a way of defending themselves from it, other than SI:C.


Vanilla Nature's Beauty is a little crazy. The True Sight/Blindness tweak helps rebalances it.


Both of the tweaks make sense. But for a solo druidic caster, they are pretty harsh together. It's even worse for multi-class characters, in a sense, since they are more vulnerable to Remove and thus mages.


In the new install that I'm setting up, I've enabled both the insect spell and blindness tweaks. Don't be at all surprised if that ends up being the death of Aria...






Btw. I'm over-posting now because I'm in a BG state of mind but am waiting for SCS to install. I hope this isn't too annoying...


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I avoid lobbing stationary AoE stuff from edge of line of sight primarily on fairness/RP grounds, but there are tactical risks associated with that approach as well. You can be lulled into a false sense of security. And if it doesn't work in a situation -or if it can't work due to context- things can go south fast.

I'd avoid it if I played vanilla - as it stands, enemies respond instantly, hence it really buys you about 3 seconds of time you have before the goons get to you (in case of Maferan, it wouldn't buy me a single second since with Polytweak he moves about 3 times as fast as without that mod...it's crazy when you see it...like he's on acid or something. Scary stuff.). For some reason the only enemies which don't respond properly are Sarevok and his crap gang. 

I don't really mind risks - I knew what I was getting myself into. There were two options how this battle will begin - either they'll purge invisibility instantly or they won't. They did. :D I really didn't expact Maferan to be so quick - that was something I didn't predict.

Thinking about it - the only caster with stoneskins was Invoker. And I completely forgot about Ketta chunkstabs.... :wacko:

Chances of success (in addition, Sion put up GoI, making himself invurnerable to Ice Storm) were lower than 5%. I checked Sion in NI now, Enchanter with PW:Kill, Blind, 2xStun, Time Stop; amongs others. I could possibly pull it off with some summons hackery-packery and hiding, but hardly.


Even if mages won't waste spells while under insect spells, shutting them down reliably is a huge, huge boon. I think it makes sense for mages to have a way of defending themselves from it, other than SI:C.

Btw. I'm over-posting now because I'm in a BG state of mind but am waiting for SCS to install.

Vanilla Insects are mayhap a bit on the OP side, but I wouldn't really sweat over it. 

"...waiting for SCS to install..."  :D

I'm still on Trilogy biffing.... :(


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Aria, Half-Elven R/C: Trademeet (or The Laughing Stock of Waukeenville)


Here's an idea: Why don't I post some content rather than spamming the thread with random BG related musing? Good idea, huh? Let's try that.


So: Trademeet. This was a fiasco: a total fiasco. I'm sure there are more ways to screw up this quest, but I definitely exhausted all the options I can think of, short of getting Aria killed. Aria may be the hero of Trademeet, but I am the fool. 


To begin with, I engaged the trolls with the intention of using Flame Blade to finish and with no other cost effective options available. See the problem?



It's that big green guy and the other two invisible ones like him. Spirit trolls are immune to non-magical weapons. And Flame Blades -magically created though they are- act as unenchanted. No fire damage, no dead spirit trolls: total screw up. A Potion of Invisibility would extricate Aria from the mess I got her into, but that would be far too clean for the worst Trademeet execution ever. I just had to misclick and waste a Potion of Frost Giant Strength first before doing the right thing. I did.


I actually didn't screw up the next part: I totally walked invisible all the way to Cernd (amazing, huh?). But then I got it precisely wrong again. In earlier versions of SCS, Cernd always beats Faldorn if he fights her out of the party. I vaguely recall hearing someone say that he always loses in more recent versions, but instead of doing the smart thing and learning from my peers, I decided to see for myself.






A lengthy conversation ensued in which Aria tried to convince Faldorn that, as an R/C, she is basically a druid. Faldorn wasn't buying it, and so Aria was forced to leave the grove in search of Jaheira.


Back in Athkatla, Aria caught up with Jaheira. They agreed to travel to Trademeet. But how about a quiet drink first?



Yeah. It's been eons since I've partied with Jaheira. I totally forgot about this. And now Aria was in an awkward situation. To safely fight mages, she needed the Shield of Harmony. But to get the Shield of Harmony, she needed to fight mages. Catch 22.


I'm on a roll huh? But wait: there's more screw ups! I botched the Ployer quest. Even when I did party with Jaheira, I always skipped this so it's been over a decade since I've done it. I vaguely recalled a mage or two. Three mages, I didn't expect. And I totally didn't expect them to be far enough apart to prevent Insect Plague from shutting them all down. Aria's Chaotic Commands was dispelled. And with her aura clouded by her Insect Plague cast, she couldn't use her emergency Potion of Clarity. One of the mages tossed Chaos. I panicked.



I'm 99.999% averse to using area transitions to avoid spell effects, but seeing as how it was mind boggling stupidity on my part that got Aria into this mess, I felt I owed her the privilege of being a 0.001 percenter- at least this once. That worked- or very nearly. The Confusion effect hit Aria at the exact moment that she crossed the threshold. She made it outside, but she was confused.



Ok: So what do you do when you are alone at night in a strange city, disoriented and out of sorts? I don't know what you do. And I'm not sure what I'd do. But I can tell you what Aria does: she chunks kids. Two kids, about Delon's age. Bummer.



(Has anyone ever wondered whether an R/C can fall? The answer is no, apparently. Chunking the kiddies brought Aria's reputation down to 6 and yet she is still a ranger.)


The confusion effect wore off eventually, but Aria still had a Ployer to kill and a lock of hair to collect. A Potion of Clarity let her do the deed. A Potion of Invisibility let her pick up the goods and skedaddle before the mages could nix her. Aria felt no need to mess with them.



Jaheira was raised and equipped. And while she was beginning to doubt the wisdom of putting herself in my care, she accompanied Aria to the Druid Grove. There, she defeated Faldorn without difficulty under buffs from Aria. So yeah, despite my best efforts, Faldorn did fall.



EDIT: Now that I think about it, Faldorn may not have behaved properly here. Faldorn cast Iron Skins, but then she basically stood around and let herself get jacked with a Flame Blade. Jaheira's Miscast Magic may have succeeded (I didn't check the battle record). But Jaheira was also under RoAC II and if my hypothesis is correct regarding mage behavior in response to II in this questionable setup, that may explain her behavior. If the Miscast Magic succeeded, shouldn't she have at least attacked in melee? Can other SCS v 30 players comment on Faldorn's behavior? I'm begining to think that I should restart Aria prior to the Faldorn encounter, rather than before the ambush that raised concerns.


With that squared, Aria completed the quest by nixing the Dao. Insect Plague and a Potion of Invulnerability made this safe.



With the Dao dispatched, the Waukeeners celebrated the resumption of trade. They then held a vote to determine who should be dubbed Hero of Trademeet. Aria narrowly defeated Jaheira to claim the title. On the same ballot, the Waukeeners selected their new village idiot: me or Neeber. I won by a landslide. I accepted the honor in memory of the fallen children of Athkatla, the wasted potions of Aria, and the pain and suffering of Jaheira. Long may I hold the crown.


I'll post on the Umar Hills next.





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I have similar issues with Faldorn (she whips Cernd so hard it's not even funny if he's not buffed AND controled). What she does; albeit this may or may not be specific to SR-installs, is she summons if the oponnent is invisible - Fire Elementals, Nymphs and similar. I don't think your SCS install is messed up - mages usually do what they can within the rules. Given the randomness of SCS scripts, some simply have no AoE spells to work with or invisibility removals; hence are stuck doing what they can. Same thing would probably happen if you have Harmony shield, and the mage has Chaos/Domination left to cast. He wouldn't until you take away the shield.


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Yay, I always love it when things get messy :D
At first I thought, 'oh well, a (potion) misclick, happens to me all the time', so I was glad to see that the mess was a bit bigger than that. Of course I was also glad that Aria pulled though of course: I never want Charnames to die, I just enjoy it when they have to improvise or when tehy narrow escapes.
Btw I almost made the same mistake with preparing Flameblades rather than Spiritual Hammers for the Shade Lord & co, who I knew to be vulnerable to fire but probably immune to unenchanted weapons. In a rare bout of lucidity I read the spell descriptions and prevented trouble.

I think a Ranger's rep needs to be lower than 6 for them to fall, 4 IIRC. But I just checked on the internet and apparently CLeric/Rangers can't fall.


Kudos for generally not using area transitions to evade spell effects. I do it sometimes because it saves resources, but it does feel less heroic (which is yet another reason I like playing rogues).

Can´t say anything about SCSv30 Faldorn. I always fight SCSv21 Faldorn with Cernd myself.

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I have similar issues with Faldorn (she whips Cernd so hard it's not even funny if he's not buffed AND controled).


She didn't whip him hard actually. They both just swung at each other with staffs. I half expected Cernd to pull off the victory. Neither of them cast spells, save an opening Iron Skin attempt by Faldorn.


I don't think your SCS install is messed up - mages usually do what they can within the rules. Given the randomness of SCS scripts, some simply have no AoE spells to work with or invisibility removals; hence are stuck doing what they can. Same thing would probably happen if you have Harmony shield, and the mage has Chaos/Domination left to cast. He wouldn't until you take away the shield.


I suspect it was fracked. I just replayed the ambush that raised concerns in a new setup and both the mage and the clerics made far more sense.


Faldorn's fight against Jaheira was really weird in my first v30 install. She literally cast Iron Skins and then just stood there. Regardless of buffs, how could that be right?


I guess the question now is whether I should restart Aria from the Chateau, or continue from her save (the only one I have is post Faldorn, sadly). I feel like I should restart her from the Chateau, but I'm not super-enthused about doing the early game again. Not sure.






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Yay, I always love it when things get messy :D


I was pretty severely sleep deprived when Aria did the Trademeet Quest. I was also texting and drunk. And driving a car.


I think a Ranger's rep needs to be lower than 6 for them to fall, 4 IIRC.


I always thought it was 8. But I'm such a goody-goody that I wouldn't know. Almost all of my characters have been model citizens.


Kudos for generally not using area transitions to evade spell effects. I do it sometimes because it saves resources, but it does feel less heroic (which is yet another reason I like playing rogues).


That has always felt dirty to me, though I understand why other people use it. If Aria does succeed in this run, it will have an asterik in my mind on account of that area transition use. I don't allow tactical use of area transitions. My characters can run, but they can't use transitions to evade spells or separate foes.






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She didn't whip him hard actually. They both just swung at each other with staffs. I half expected Cernd to pull off the victory. Neither of them cast spells, save an opening Iron Skin attempt by Faldorn.



I suspect it was fracked. I just replayed the ambush that raised concerns in a new setup and both the mage and the clerics made far more sense.


Faldorn's fight against Jaheira was really weird in my first v30 install. She literally cast Iron Skins and then just stood there. Regardless of buffs, how could that be right?

This is odd. In my game, she buffs with skins instantly, slams him (Cernd) with Insects, and proceeds to summon either Elementals or Bears, followed by Nymphs. In any case, if Cernd is left out of the party, he's dead in 10 seconds tops - he only attacks with staff, doesn't even shapshift. 

Frankly - this is one battle were I'm always tempted to use CTRL+Y. :P  It's supposed to be cosmetic.


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This is odd. In my game, she buffs with skins instantly, slams him (Cernd) with Insects, and proceeds to summon either Elementals or Bears, followed by Nymphs. In any case, if Cernd is left out of the party, he's dead in 10 seconds tops - he only attacks with staff, doesn't even shapshift. 


That's what I'd expect based on the battle reports I've read. Her behavior was nothing like that in my install. All Faldorn and Cernd did was trade staff blows. It took a late rally from Faldorn for her to win.


The Jaheira fight was even worse. Faldorn didn't even use her staff in that one. She just stood there.


I'm pretty sure something was amiss in that setup. Looking back though, the only time Aria really benefitted was in the second Faldorn fight. She was funky in the first, but Cernd still lost. The mages with Ployer seemed fine. The ambush mages, while funky, were and would be irrelevant. The warriors and thieves were fine.


The question now is whether it's worth going all the way back to the Chateau just to get a better fight out of Faldorn. I'm thinking no. Unmodded or in an earlier version of SCS Cernd would have won the first fight. My inclination is to continue and to just view this run as having been completed with a nerfy/vanilla Faldorn. I'm feeling lazy like that.






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Aria, Half-Elven R/C: Umar Hills


Those of you who like messy are going to be disappointed with the Umar Hills Quest: it was as clean as Winthrop's Inn. I'll keep this brief.


The welcoming committee was taken down in buffed melee.



Smites helped nix the Shadows. The Shield of Harmony foiled Shadow Fiend hold.



Sling bullets felled the Bone Golem.



Pro Undead for the Shade Lord, because cowardice is in this season.



Next stop: De'Arnise Hold.





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I was pretty severely sleep deprived when Aria did the Trademeet Quest. I was also texting and drunk. And driving a car.


Ha, in that case good job! ;)
Interesting to know you aren't such model citizens like the bulk of your charnames.


That has always felt dirty to me, though I understand why other people use it. If Aria does succeed in this run, it will have an asterik in my mind on account of that area transition use. I don't allow tactical use of area transitions. My characters can run, but they can't use transitions to evade spells or seperate foes.


In my defense, I generally prebuff litle (except if my charnames know what time it is or if there's no roleplaying involved whatsoever). Retreating to devise a plan, confuse the enemy, buff etc. is a logical thing to do for many of my characters.


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In my defense, I generally prebuff litle (except if my charnames know what time it is or if there's no roleplaying involved whatsoever). Retreating to devise a plan, confuse the enemy, buff etc. is a logical thing to do for many of my characters.


A warrior who never retreats is probably a fool. I frequently run away to escape or regroup.


There's a distinction between tactical retreat and area transition abuse. In my book, leaving an area to flee or regroup is fine. Leaving an area to separate enemies, less so. Going back and forth between areas to separate and or avoid spell effects, less still. But we all make our choices. Mine are just mine. I respect the choices of others.






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Aria, Half-Elven R/C: The De'Arnise Hold


Hey everybody: check this out.





You know what that is: it's the first dead troll in the De'Arnise Hold. And you know what's next, right? The highlight of SoA: the slaughter of Nalia's pooches.


I thought of a few creative ways for Aria to kill Nalia's pooches. But they all seemed mean and Aria likes animals. If you're too kind hearted to beat'em, join'em, right? Aria agrees.



Instead of killing the pooches, Aria charmed them and fought along side them, with the expectation that the Keep's invaders would do the deed. This didn't really work out as planned. The Otyugh, for example, basically ignored them. And the pooches proved to be hit and run experts. Sparky was the best warrior among them. I think he's part pit bull.



You know the phrase "like herding cats"? Well do you know what herding cats is like? It's like herding Nalia's poches. Except herding cats is probably easier. You probably could herd cats with a laser pointer. It's way harder to get the attention of Nalia's pooches. They constantly random walk all over the place. They're like embodiments of the second law of thermodynamics, and Aria can't summon a Maxwell's demon.



Somehow some way, she got the gang together to fight the rampart trolls. But the pooches would get bored after one nip and the trolls had no interest in killing them. Even Sparky, the pit champion of the Otyugh Wars, disappointed here.



Eventually they just wandered off and Aria had to whack them with the Sleeper.



Heading back into the courtyard, I was pleasantly surprised to see the De'Arnise Guard being something other than pathetic. It always irked me that you go through the trouble of letting them in just to see them fail miserably in every attempt to do anything. This time, however, they came through. They nixed both of the giants trolls on their own and did most of the damage to the greater yuan ti. I was almost impressed untill the inside crew -which usually can whack a troll- botched their job. Still, I give the guard a C- this time, which is better than their usual F.



Up on the second floor, I was amused to see that David had apparently repositioned the big trolly-troll in an attempt to stop Santuaried priests from swiping the Keep key out from under the yuan-ti mage's snakey-nostril holes. But us divine casters have given up a lot of arcane power for that Sanctuary and we refuse to be denied an opportunity to stupidly abuse it. It took a few tries, but eventually Aria succeeded.



Eager to finally get her hands on a magical weapon that does fire damage, Aria went straight for the fire head and then immediately assembled Ages + 2. Those infinitely irritating spirit trolls finally got their comeuppance.



Then it was time for Glaicus. Aria over buffed here...



only to see her nymph land Hold Monster...



and steal the kill.



All buffed up and with nowhere to go, Aria decided to nix the golems. I found that the iron golem's Gas Cloud was way more effective in earlier versions of SCS. Have others found the same?



While I had initially intended on leaving Torgal for later, Aria did take him down. I'm kind of fading here though, so i'll cover that in another post when I get the chance.


Current character record and inventory.









NW: The ioun stone in Aria's inventory is not the Pale Green. It's Aria's personal item, gifted to her by her deity, Angharradh. Angharradh is the goddess of birth, defense, fertility, planting, Spring, and wisdom. The Stone of Angharradh grants +1 to saves, -1 to AC, and immunity to fear. Aria received the stone after securing her stronghold in the Umar Hills.

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Yeah. It's been eons since I've partied with Jaheira. I totally forgot about this. And now Aria was in an awkward situation. To safely fight mages, she needed the Shield of Harmony. But to get the Shield of Harmony, she needed to fight mages. Catch 22.

Lots of interesting stuff going on with Aria I see :P.  Why does she need to fight mages to get SoH - is that reward not available in your installation for just killing the genies?  


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I prefer to take care of Faldorn, report to Lord Copirth, and then get the Dao quest from Busya. The storyline makes more sense to me that way.


Recruiting Jaheira, getting her cursed, going to Trademeet for the Dao quest, returning to cure her curse, and then going back to Trademeet to kill Faldorn would have been a little silly. The other issue was that I wasn't certain of the mechanics on Jaheira's curse. I wasn't certain she'd survive the trip back and forth, and I wasn't certain she'd be raiseable if she died. And with Cernd already gone, Jaheira represented Aria's only hope of completing the Trademeet quest.


As for the myriad goof-ups in that quest, my earlier statement was partially true. I wasn't drunk or texting or driving a car, but I was severely sleep deprived. And once I brought Jaheira into the Sea's Bounty, I found myself caught up in a quest which I literally haven't done in a decade, while in a drowsy state of delirium. Under the circumstances, it went swimmingly well. :P







Btw. I am rusty from my one year break. Arcadia's over-poweredness obscured it, but it's there. I wouldn't be surprised to see more goof-ups in Aria's run.


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Aria is like Eren, they both suck sometimes but then pull through somehow :D. Great reads.


Btw I use the blind and insect nerf as it seems way more realistic, but I almost never solo..




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Aria is like Eren, they both suck sometimes but then pull through somehow :D. Great reads.


Aria will hit her stride. I've never played a R/C before and there is a learning curve with every class.


I'm glad you're enjoying her run. :)



Btw I use the blind and insect nerf as it seems way more realistic, but I almost never solo..


Both of the nerfs make sense. But with a solo druidic caster, they hurt. I'm ambivalent about the nerfs in this case.





The Potty 1

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.. my earlier statement was partially true. I wasn't drunk or texting or driving a car, but I was severely sleep deprived.


Well I'm really happy to see this post, because I was about to **** on you from a dizzy height :P


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Aria, Half-Elven Ranger/Cleric: Torgal


Ok. Now seems like a good time to tack on the Torgal fight.


The Torgal fight was a little sketch. I wasn't really certain that Aria was sufficiently levelled to take on Torgal and his cronies, and at the same time, I was reluctant to burn consummables. Aria's questionable readiness -combined with the fact that I'm try to minimize use of ranged, hit n' run, and separation tactics made this fight more harrowing than it could have been. Nonetheless, Aria prevailed and she was never really in serious danger.


The plan was to take spell buffs, shut down the yuan ti with an Insect Plague, and then drop Torgal in melee.


Here's Aria pre-battle character record.



And here is the opening.



The plan was going well at first. Aria immediately engaged Torgal and quickly brought him down to Badly Injured. Had I been willing to pre-buff with an Oil of Speed and a Potion of Hill Giant Strength, the extra attack and the added strength point (24 to 25) probably would have allowed Aria to finish Torgal quickly. Minus the consumables, however, Torgal's buds had time to converge on Aria. Her Iron Skins were peeled by criticals and she was forced to disengage.


Pulling back to the doorway, I was pleased to see Torgal and his buds doing a good job of staying together. This did make life more difficult for Aria though, since Torgal's allies clogged the doorway, preventing Aria from resuming her assault. At the doorway, Aria nixed the Umber Hulk Elder and some of the lesser trolls. She also tried to keep the pressure on Torgal with a Holy Smite.


Unfortunately, Aria buffs expired before she was able to re-engage Torgal. That forced her to quaff the two potions that I had been hoping to conserve: the Oil of Speed and the Potion of HIll Giant Strength. Re-engaging, Aria once again came up just short in melee with Torgal. And this time she took significant damage, motivation a Potion of Invisibility quaff.



Torgal sees through invisibility, so the Potion of Invisibility alone couldn't keep Aria safe. But with Aria at movement rate parity with Torgal -and with the super-fast enemies either nixed or duped by invisibility- Aria was free to stay on the move and heal. Aria would just have to stay away from the Divination spell packing yuan ti. That meant going south rather than north.


Torgal followed, naturally. And while I had intended to fight everyone together, given Aria's level -and given that she had already nixed many of Torgal's allies- I felt comfortable letting Aria finish Torgal one on one. She had given Torgal a fair chance: it was now time to end him. Holy Smites and melee.




Having finished her task, Aria returned to her cabin in the Umar Hills. She is now resting and planning her next move.





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Eren BG2 Episode 1.
Suna almost gets us...
Because I want to dualclass at level 9 I need to redeem myself as soon as possible and do the shadelord quest. That is my goal. Problem is both the Dragon and the Lord are SCS and way too hard at 8..
Naaaaaaaahhhhh.. Im going for it!! :D
But we need some decent weapons first. We kill the genies so we got the flask and a scimitar +2, and then loot Arnise keep for frostreaver and the flail, without actually doing Torgal because I want to use the XP for my cleric class and we need to recruit Nalia for the 11k gold.
Glacius cant hurt our airservant
After this we head straight for the cabin and the shadowtemple. 5 of Anomens skeletonwarriors wade through all resistance up until Thaxxlsyllia himself. We prepare:
-Summon skeletons and air servant, spread them out
-Put some traps in the pillar cubby in the corner, as a last resort -> we will hide there as a final resort when all goes wrong. 
-Buff up with spells and potions, haste.
We surround the dragon and Jan puts 3 cloudkills on him while he fights our skeletons. He also gets in an acid arrow or two and yoshimo uses a slow magic missle wand. We had enough negative plane protection for Eren, Jan and Korgan and I plan to move any unprotected npcs away as soon as the dragon starts to target. Unfortunately.. that doesnt work..
He's injured when he targets Jaheira and even though she moves all the way to the top right corner he chunks her..
Then the game crashes...
I try again and it crashes again, but only when Jaheira gets targetted. So I reload, put jaheira out of reach and try to kill the dragon without her. That goes fine, we dont even need the traps because our efreeti absolutely MURDERS the shadow dragon

But now hes dead and it doenst feel good.. I mean our first try chunked Jaheira, and it was my own fault. So for realism and because this is a no reload challenge I chunk her myself, including throwing away all the items she was holding because they get chunked by shadow dragon breath as well. Yes that means magical weapons, potions, full plate but much worse, we lose the shield of harmony... 
Another bad thing is that almost nothing can harm improved shadelord because he has spell turning, blade barrier and mirror images. The only thing that worked for me before were insect swarms and lightning calls but those are now gone. I still decide to go for it.
I focus all fire on the shade altar and because the shade lord now has an auto-level drain aura that activates every 4 or 5 rounds (SCS) I move the unprotected from level drain (remember, no amulet of power or anything) in the down corner fighting shadow patrick and some shades. After the altar is destroyed, korgan, an air servant and efreeti distract and try to hit the shadelord. Jan tries an acid arrow after a few rounds to test the spell turning. Nope, its still active.. wait a little longer..
After a while the shadows are dead and then a key attack from Korgan through the mirror images actually interrups Shade lords blade barrier! So he's unprotected from melee attacks from the efreeti and the airservant that hit hard, not to mention korgan. All magic attacks from jan and anomen bounce of his magic resistance, but concentrated attacks and a few big hits from the servant do him in..
I level up and..........
Oh I CAN dualclass?? THE HELL??

Turns out all of this was unnecessary because I actually could dual class my fallen ranger. He would not be able to cast any spells but it would solve the wasted XP issue. I thought I had to redeem myself first, but that wasnt necessary, and I only found out AFTER killing the shadelord, he he. 


Oh well.. :o



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Alesia, it's a rare day when I have a piece of BG2 knowledge that you don't, but I suppose this is due to playing parties rather than solo. You weren't exactly in a catch-22 there, since you can bribe the mages that are with Ployer by visiting the Government district, asking the Cowled wizard representatives inside the council building; they'll answer they know nothing about it. Outside the door, then, one of the three mages will stop you and allow to be hired away from Ployer for 1k or 500 gold, if your charisma is high enough. You still get 19k experience from doing it this way, if I remember correctly, though no scrolls are dropped, obviously. Ployer is then by himself, and he's a wimp.  :P


Oof, Golden... Hard luck with Jaheira, though kudos for keeping the past result, even if the game crashed. I almost refuse to fight Thaxxy until much higher levels since getting NPP on everyone is nonrealistic, and the other option is having enough levels to avoid being chunked by one breath. And on SCS at that; I'm frankly surprised you won that fight at all!

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