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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Short time lurker. Just wanted to add how impressed I'm with this thread. Much inspiration found here.



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Grimwald the Wise

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Interesting.  I don't remember ever fighting him, though I've definitely got the first riddle wrong a number of times.


I tried it to see what happens if you get the riddle wrong twice. In my set up he attacks also. I got a ruby, but about 10,000 experience less. Don't make the mistake!


Now after playing very little, back to the fray.


Tiny Dragonslayer, halfling Champion of Torm


Upon reaching Amn, I let the others go on their way and went to the circus which was not all that entertaining, but certainly helped my experience.


I then went to the Copper Coronet. The entertainment wasn't much there either. For about ten seconds I was the entertainment.


I went to free some slaves and then I met Nalia. With her I made myself trusted by the thieves but did not actually betray anyone. At least not yet.


With her help I saved the rest of the slaves. Upon leaving the inn, Nalia started complaining and we set off for her stronghold. The journey was


interrupted by ambushes, but despite having to visit the Harpers, we got to her stronghold without further complaint.


The cyclops at the entrance to the fortress hurt considerably. However I was able to rest when needed, so they were not a serious problem. I was


able to save both servants which pleased me. I cooked up the dogs. Not nice I know, but needs must. I then had to deal with a party of strong


trolls. A Spirit Troll caused me to lose my strength. At first I didn’t realise the seriousness of this, but after having to take several potions of extra


healing, I realised just how serious it was. I called upon Nalia to make me invisible which she did without demur. However the Spirit Troll then


attacked her. I threw a potion of speed to her and she led the troll into another room, shutting the door behind her as she exited. We then slept.


What a relief! I was able to heal Nalia so everything was then OK. I suppose that I will now have to go in search of that troll again. What concerned


me was that it might attack the servant that I had saved, but it didn't.

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Short time lurker. Just wanted to add how impressed I'm with this thread. Much inspiration found here.



Welcome Hansefar.  I look forward to seeing that inspiration turn into success for your own run :P.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 79 - (6th and, regrettably, final update)

Risqe, elf wild mage (Grond0) & Pallor, half-elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


After doing well to survive to a stage where wild surges were far less dangerous this pair finally found their luck intelligence ran out yesterday.


We had actually had a session on Thursday that I hadn't had a chance to document, so had made plenty of progress - that had included:

             murdered Mekrath, walloped the Warden, felled the Fallen paladins, trounced TorGal, sorted Sir Sarles, terminated Thaxy, sunrayed the Shade Lord, aided Aran and busted Bodhi

before opening up the Planar Sphere.  


The upper area there was cleared without any real concerns and a demon rendered heartless before the duo moved on to confront Tolgerias.  The initial plan there was to send a Hakeashar to say hello to him, but that was lost in a surge.  Rather than rest and try again Pallor went into the room invisible to encourage Tolgerias to start casting true sight while Risqe tried using PW:stun.  However, that failed to have any effect (checking on Shadowkeeper he has 96 HPs, which is disgustingly high - maximum HPs for a 21 level mage, including a familiar, would only get to 83).  Pallor attacked the supporting mage while Risqe threw in a couple of cloudkills, but Pallor didn't last too long thanks to a wilting followed up with a PW: kill before he could react.



At that point the sensible thing to do would have been for Risqe to run away and revive Pallor before coming back after the true sight had run out.  Instead however, she placed herself on the exit point thinking that she could run away if Tolgerias managed to finish a spell despite sitting in cloudkills.  That was a mistake as Tolgerias instantly used PW: stun to prevent her from taking any action.  


That triggered her contingency, but that was regrettably improved invisibility (it would have been Otiluke's - if she had ever managed to learn that spell) and was instantly dispelled by the true sight.  At her HPs the stun only lasts 2d4 rounds, however, so I was actually still quite hopeful that she would be able to survive.  In fact, looking at this screenshot she did have a chance as it shows that the stun had worn off.  


That must just have been an extremely brief window of opportunity though as I wasn't aware of it at the time and Tolgerias slammed the window shut with another PW: stun.  He then took no further chances by moving forward to finish her off with a maze.


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Wow, lingering in the gas is horrible AI but then PW stun immidiately after the first ran out is incredibly smart AI.. 



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Oof, hard luck Grond0.


I dropped off the face of the forums for a bit to deal with finals, and after those were done about two weeks ago I had such a backlog of activity to post that I put it off and I still have even more...


Nardal, Gnomish Berserker, update 3.


I'm going for a completionist run this time, if anyone recalls that dusty old update from before, so doing almost all the Chapter 2 quests I feel comfortable doing and several that I don't feel comfortable doing. 


Last update ended with Minsc disintegrated and me wondering what to do next: the choice, according to my screenshots, was Umar Hills. We do the Mimic quest for Ilbratha, and go through the dungeon with very little issue at all. The altar was hit by a Sunstone bullet to finish it, and the Shade Lord (not Improved) is dealt with at range anyways:




Mazzy is dropped and Valygar is added, but before we tackle the Sphere it's time to finally fix Trademeet. First we murder the genies, unlike my usual Rakshasha killing tendencies: Jan's had a copy of Prot. from Petrification memorized for Nardal in case Neera ever has to cast a single-target spell on him. I'm not risking a Flesh-to-stone wild surge! Anyways, under that protection and Berserk, Nardal finishes off the genies with fairly little trouble. He bought the Cloak of Displacement and the Belt of Inertial barrier to improve his saves even further, and its on to the druid grove troll mound. The trolls are surprisingly easy, even without any weapon that deals fire or acid damage other than MMM and spells. Troll mound is a bit funny since we almost run out of fire spells on the last troll, having to use a casting of Flame Blade to finish the last one. The really difficult/annoying fight of this location, though, is this:



Can you see any of the four characters that are fighting in that cloud? I can't. And couldn't for the entire battle. The Druids and others are flat out easy compared to maneuvering in this horde: I really should've just run past with Anomen + Blade Barrier + Invisibility, but I gave a fair fight a chance. Never again.  :P Nardal is almost permanently using the Shield of Harmony now, as a side note, and that's how he's in the middle of that fight without CC.


The rest of the druids are fairly easy pickings after being silenced or otherwise crowd controlled by Chaos or similar spells from our two mages. Jaheira... Well, by all rights she ought to have lost vs Faldorn due to the latter's summoning of two Greater Werebears, which I've already noted are nigh impossible to deal with, either for enemies or allies. CTRL-Y solves the issue, which I don't feel too badly about since the other option was tossing an invisibility potion and waiting for the summons to disappear before re-engaging. No EXP from this, obviously, but... Even if I had lost, I simply would've Raised Jaheira and reorganized my spell book to cheese out Faldorn just as much as she did to me.


After these shenanigans we take out the Rejeik for the second time, this time for good, and save Tiris' sweetheart. We settle the feud without blood, and we're done with Trademeet.


Back in Amn, we go for another quest I was dreading: the Planar sphere. I'll just put it this was: I lost count of death counts in here. The only two that didn't ever die were Nardal, obviously, and Anomen. Tolgerais' Pit Fiend almost killed the latter, which would've been pretty disastrous as I don't have a RoR yet and he was the last one up besides Nardal. 3 rests later and we're all up and better though: these fights are taking so many rests now, though, as sometimes the only safe thing to do is send Nardal solo vs opponents with II, Berserk, MI and Haste up together. We finally obtain the Demon heart, and power up the engine and return to the Slums. Valygar is left to tend to the gigantic sphere.


Next it's time to see if we can deal with Beholders without the shield of cheese. 6 Fireballs and 4 Skeleton Warriors per day say yes, and Anomen goes from anemic tank to pretty impressive with -9 AC and the option of casting AoF as well as the gauntlets of DEX are gained. After this we send Keldorn back to his wife permanently unless we need him in ToB, and help Nalia with her keep. No trouble here, and we even take Torgal on in a fair party-vs-party fight. Jan took out the illusions with thieving abilities, Neera hit the exposed mages with Breach, and they all died quickly, followed swiftly by the Umber Hulk Elders. Torgal tried to put up a fight, but Resist fear also cast by Neera guaranteed that he wouldn't do anything of importance. Nardal took the title of the lord of the keep, and Nalia is currently our 6th, at least until she gets kidnapped and we can free her.


Vampires are dealt with up until the blood pit, where Jan and Anomen get level drained once each: we just killed Neb and upgraded the MoD for Anomen and gave the fake illithium to Sir Sarles. Next we're going to either finish the vampires or take on the Planar prison for those boots of speed first.



Nardal, Gnome Berserker 13. 109 HP. 232 kills, most powerful vanquished: Tolgerais

Anomen, Human Fighter 7/Cleric 13. 104 HP. 102 kills, most powerful vanquished: Noble Efreeti

Jaheira, Half-elf Fighter 10/ Druid 12. 91 HP. 105 kills, most powerful vanquished: Spirit Troll

Jan, Gnome Illusionist 11/ Thief 12. 55 HP. 19 kills, most powerful vanquished: Stone Golem

Neera, Half-elf Wild Mage 13. 43 HP (63 with Belt.) 86 kills, most powerful vanquished: Beholder

Nalia: Human Thief 4/ Mage 11. 71 HP. 1 kills, Ice Troll.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 79 - (6th and, regrettably, final update)

Risqe, elf wild mage (Grond0) & Pallor, half-elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


Hard Luck. :(


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Nice work Epsil0, and condolences Grond0/Gate70


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Clangor, LG Cleric Ranger.


Intention was to play on Core but just noticed he did the dungeon on normal so switched difficulty at this point.


The chateau escape saw Clangor using stealth and a pair of war hammers. The trapped genie handed over the Ashideena War Hammer + 2.

Jaheira played target, switching to sling and bullets when some were found.

Minsc switched from 2 handed sword to longbow, then to the Sword of Chaos after the cambion was relieved of it.

Imoen used a magical dagger +1 until obtaining a shortbow.

Yoshimo stuck to his shortbow.




Will decide next session on party composition etc.

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Aerie briefly joins to help clear the circus before heading to the Slums where Gaelan Bayle awaits. After agreeing terms with him Clangor heads to the Copper Coronet and changes the party.
The de'Arnise Hold is the intended destination, but two ambushes intervene. Suna Seni sees her mage killed in the first volley, then her companions cut down to leave her alone. Clangor presses on, only for Renfeld to request aid and require a trip to the docks instead. 
A mad cleric is heavily outnumbered, then Xzar makes a request for help in finding Montaron. Minsc turns a deaf ear but Clangor adds it to the list, and heads out of the city for a second time. A couple of containers are purchased from Sister Garlena without heading into Watchers Keep, and then the de'Arnise Hold is finally reached.
Nalia mentions the troll problem and Clangor looks at his studded leather armour (AC1), then at the plate mail +1 Minsc has snaffled from an ambush (AC -1). Minsc rapidly confirms he's happy to tussle with the trolls regardless of his limited defences.
The chapel/armoury golems are tougher work, Minsc and Clangor both being poisoned. Minsc eventually realises the Sword of Chaos won't harm the iron golem and switches to the Frostreaver axe instead. With the golem broken at their feet there is enough time to slow the poison before anyone dies.
Glaicas saves against two charms but a dispel magic removes the yuan-ti influence and he hands over a flail head before departing. Minsc and Clangor are both badly wounded from this encounter so rest after forging the Flail of Ages +3. 
The basement is a bit of a worry. Clangor can sense a trap that Nalia is unable to find, then he is confused by an umber hulk. Nalia makes up for her earlier failure by slamming the doors shut so Clangor is in one room with the umber hulks in a second and the rest of the party in a third room. 
Clangor makes a more painful mistake, telling Nalia to cast cloudkill at a point where an umber hulk spots her. She completes the spell while confused but her stoneskins peel back as a second umber hulk arrives. Minsc almost dies too but the two beasts fall first. Jaheira uses a Harper Call after resting and the remaining umber hulks all fail their first cloudkill saving throw.
TorGal can sniff the weak armour and lays into Minsc but Clangor uses the Flail of Ages to first slow him and then kill him. Once Minsc is healed up the two remaining trolls are eliminated. Nalia renounces her home and the party return to the city.
Valen and Brus are keen to out-deal each other but we've returned to the Government district in anticipation of party matters and this is indeed the case. Anomen must deal with the loss of his sister, and is guided towards not taking revenge.Delon has beseeched Minsc about helping out in Umar so a brief trip is made to accept the job and Clangor finds the village is in need of a replacement ranger. Valygar doesn't seem interested so we agree to escort him back to civilisation. Before we leave though, Minsc goes berserk against a mimic and the mayor is informed about an abandoned temple to the north which must be investigated.
The mayor is not impressed, until Minsc volunteers to stay and guard the village for as long as is required. Clangor accepts this decision, wondering how long he can stand the company of Valygar or more accurately the exceptional armour Valygar wears that Clangor cannot squeeze into. Hence the Planar Sphere being opened on return to the city, and then left for another time.
Clangor. Cleric 9, ranger 8. 74 kills.
Minsc. Ranger 9, 45 kills > Valygar. Stalker 8, 0 kills.
Jaheira. fighter 8 / Druid 10. 7 kills.
Aerie Cleric 7 / Mage 7, 0 kills > Anomen. Fighter 7 > Cleric 9. 3 kills.
Yoshimo Bounty Hunter 11, 6 kills > Nalia. Thief 4 > Mage 10. 15 kills.
Deaths: 1, Nalia.
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Grimwald the Wise

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Diary of Tiny Dragonslayer

The cyclops at the entrance to the fortress hurt considerably. However I was able to rest when needed, so they were not a serious problem.


I was able to save both servants which pleased me.

I cooked up the dogs. Not nice I know, but needs must. I then had to deal with a party of strong trolls. A Spirit Troll caused me to lose my strength. At first I didn’t realise the seriousness of this, but after having to take several potions of extra healing, I realised just how serious it was. I called upon Nalia to make me invisible which she did without demur. However the Spirit Troll then attacked her. I threw a potion of speed to her and she led the troll into another room, shutting the door behind her as she exited. We then slept. What a relief! I was able to heal Nalia so everything was then OK. We then returned to the fight. Without allies he was nothing special and quickly died. We killed some powerful enemies who wanted the dryad’s acorns and then a host of trolls, me using Lilacor, and being backed up by Nalia with the Tuigan Bow. When they were nearly dead, she switched to fire arrows.

After killing the traitor Glacius, we opened the gates and let Nalia’s troops in. We then went to kill the remainder of her enemies.

Iron Golem was killed easily with Azuredge
Tor Gaal was killed by a combination of attacks from both me and Nalia


We then enlisted the help of Edwin to finish the thief quest before swapping Edwin for Saerileth.

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Eren, Last Child, episode 7: Tragedy
Yep there was some great tragedy this episode. When you get a powerful party you tend to get overconfident, and thats when the game puts its foot up your a**.
First we went for Kangaxx. I learned a lot from the previous encounter so just used a scroll or pro: undead and wooped the liches with instaslay axe and lured Kangaxx outside. 
He does go rampant for a while. Luckely Edwin saves against a trap the soul.
We have trouble hitting him. Eren is protected but Im stubborn and only protected Keldorn with a potion that makes him make al saves and reduces 50% magic damage. Of course he promptly dispells the potion and traps the soul - him :P...
But we cast freedom and buy some more scrolls and Keldorn finishes him a few minutes later. Nice ring, damn, I forgot how OP it is.
Then we do Planar sphere, no problems there as well. We are just too high levelled. I did change into the slayer to quickly kill the yuan ti mages and warden when a chaos got my team.
Im the more powerful demon!
But then a known bug happened. I cant change into the slayer ever again and dont know how to change this, since there is no known fix I believe.. you guys know of any? :(
Warden gets wooped, we are too high levelled for it.
So where was the tragedy then?..
We barely escaped fallen paladins and gythianki warriors, they trapped us so Edwin had to emergency cast freedom and we ran like hell. No problems there..
So where...?
Yeah, it happened when Eren decided to make the human flesh armor, since he now has UAI. He decided to go back to Adalon to ask for some of her blood. She refused though, saying she wanted nothing to do with such nonsense, she had more important things to think of. Things got kinda tense and the bhaal essence of Eren took over and decided to take action. We buffed and surrounded the suspicious dragon-avatar.. 
Adalon was still in human form so we thought we could quickly get in some damage. Unfortunately she has the EXACT moveset of full dragon, shes just smaller. Stoneskins built in, we couldnt hit her, but her contingency triggered with a remove magic. A splitsecond later dragon fear went off scaring both Jaheira and Eren, NOOOO!
Edwins remove fear hit Eren but missed Jaheira by a few feat and Keldorns innate dispel didnt work on dragon fear, so Jaheira stayed panicked. Adalon started to go nuts paralyzing Edwin and spamming icestorms. 
Then her breath hit: 
I thought phew, we barely survived and let Keldorn gulp a superior healing potion. That saved him because the FIRST HALF of her breath only hit us, the second was yet to come. 
YES PEOPLE, Adalon hit for 173 DAMAGE while the npc's SAVED vs breath! I didnt even thought that was possible..
Jaheira, my love, got frozen, then shattered into a thousand pieces along with all her equipment (boots of haste, gorgon plate, etc., sewer cloack, Djinni among other things). 
I was stunned but everything happened legit. Maybe Protection from cold element would have worked but I doubt it because she insta removed magic us all as soon as we turned hostile. What I could have done was treat her as any dragon fight and spread out the map, minimizing the chances of something like this to happen, but I was a bit too confident and didnt expect such massive damage ratings. 
Thank god I made Keldorn gulp one of the big potions before the second wave hit, he didnt chunk, just died. Cloudkills finish off the wounded dragon, we revive Keldorn with a revive wand and pissed of, Eren decided to try the beholder lair again for the greenstone amulet. First he backstabbed all the drows.
We play some hide and seek..
Then get the greenstone amulet and clear all the beholders without gamecrashes leaving only the elder orbs and the allpowerfull hivemother..
Back, still pissed off, we do some major shopping, especially getting fully charged wands, we make the humanskin armor, we get Cernd and Valygar. Eren and Keldorn are now in HLA zone and the paladin can summon a deva, which is nice. I hope to level up Cernd and/or Valygar some more before going for Irenicus, leaving only the sphere and watchers keep quests.  

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What version of the game are you playing Golden28 - v1.3.2064 of Enhanced Edition allows me to do multiple slayer changes.
(if you have Ascension I believe that changes the Slayer & Ravager behaviour but been a while since I looked)


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v2.0.0.1-1 or so Gate 70..




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Ah, could do with an update then but not a good idea mid game.

Clangor and crew make their way through the abandoned temple, picking up Mazzy on the way. Equipment, levels and common sense see them sneak past a huge dragon only to blunder into a Shade Lord. The battle is quickly over though.

Back to the city, Anomen hoping for a promotion but no such luck. Instead Nalia is summoned to a funeral where harsh words are exchanged with Isaea Roenall. Clangor decides to return straight to Umar as he wants to avoid losing his ranger stronghold, and on arrival Mairyn is waiting. Clangor agrees to deal with Lord Igen and heads off to the temple ruins again.

Isaea is waiting and Nalia subsequently arrested. Clangor is momentarily lost but help is at hand.

Then Mazzy starts playing up.
(haha I've investigated this bug already so know it is caused by a script issue and added a temporary override to stop it)

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Night falls as we reach Umar, and Mazzy's amended script sees her talk to Valygar AT NIGHT so the script and dialogue tie up.

(The bodge worked... Success!)



Mairyn thanks us then departs, so it is time to head to the docks and dig up some dirt on Isaea, preferably wrapped in a shiny set of armour.



With our only thief out of action it is a good job someone unlocked Isaea's house for us. He's soon under investigation, with Nalia freed. We celebrate by raiding the entrance of Watchers Keep, obtaining a golem manual, a magical dart +3 and a quiver of plenty. Jaheira takes the dart as Nalia takes the quiver. Anomen has non-magical bullets so is considering switching to melee alongside Clangor, Valygar and Mazzy.

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After another Umar check-in, Squire Anomen insists on another temple area visit. He spies a messenger coming up and grins, only to swear in the most unbecoming manner when Mazzy is addressed instead and ask for a visit to Trademeet. He's too busy throwing a tantrum to notice anything else until Sir Ryan Trawl greets him. We take the south-east exit, stopping in at the Order of the Radiant Heart to watch Anomen obtain his knight-hood.


He's full of it. Stop banging on about the knighthood - we're under attack and Delon has also turned up.



Can't you see I'm busy boy?



Divert to Umar then. Kill a few orogs, rescue Atta and Madulf then report in to the mayor. Job done.


On to Trademeet, where a few wild animals are on the prowl. After dealing with them we head into the Fentan home. It seems Wallace the gnome has poisoned Mazzy's sister Pala. Wallace blames a cleric in the nearby temple so we head there and uncover a Talona plot. Mazzy grabs an antidote and heads home for a day or so, the rest of us return to loot the corpse and run into Rasaad the monk. Clangor mulls over whether he wants to change the party.

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Clangor decides Mazzy is the better option so boots Rasaad.


Delon turns up but only does half a job. Clangor knows the drill though so heads back to Umar (I need to investigate this one).


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Dylan - dwarf swashbuckler (3rd and final update)
After a long gap since his last outing Dylan made significant progress this morning, but ultimately failed to stick to safe methods and paid the price.  
Dylan started the session by returning a necklace to Mae'Var - level 16.  Rayic Gethras was then easy - 2 traps set before he turned hostile finishing him off.  After completing the remaining tasks Dylan set traps throughout the guild before reporting to Bloodscalp and invading.  That all went smoothly with Dylan taking no damage before leading Mae'Var, as the final survivor, into the last of his traps (level 16).  Dylan turned down the chance of leading his own guild.
He finally got around to turning over control of the Copper Coronet to Hendak then went down into the sewers.  I forgot to make sure he had a free inventory space there and as a result he didn't get Lilarcor.  The slavers fell easily enough, although one of the mages turned up unexpectedly and cast a charm person at Dylan (wasted on his saving throw of 0, so he didn't need to use a potion) before they both got burned up in traps.  Reporting back to Hendak took him to level 17.
He did various quests in the Graveyard and then followed one of those up by going to the Bridge District and killing some kidnappers.  He picked up a ransom, although that was a bit of a waste as it appears he didn't collect the pantaloons from BG1.  Back at the Bridge he solved the skinner murders.  The bone golem was the only enemy that wanted to chase upstairs into traps, so Dylan just went up and down a number of times until the assassins ran out of invisibility potions and he could beat them up with the help of the efreeti.  Finishing things off in the Bridge District for now he took down the Fallen Paladins - Anarg failing to survive some initial traps and the rest falling quickly to summons (level 18).
Spreading his wings a bit more Dylan went to the de'Arnise Hold.  Most of the trolls there were killed with acid arrows using the Tuigan bow, as attacking with Blackblood often failed to finish trolls off.  The iron golem took very little damage from traps and was taken down by stealth attacks - despite his nasty habit of being able to send gas clouds after Dylan even after he had disappeared into the shadows (level 19).
TorGal and his comrades were mainly killed using stealth and pre-set traps, although TorGal himself proved quite a hard nut to crack and Dylan had to rest several times before finally being able to finish him off (level 20).
Back in Athkatla Dylan paid a visit to the Temple Sewers - using plenty more traps, including on the lich there.  He was opening up access to the Unseeing Eye and a combination of traps and arrows while beholders were horrified had killed all but one of those by the bridge.  Rather than doing the safe thing and resting though I let Dylan try and finish it off with stealth shots.  After 3 or 4 of those the beholder was badly wounded, but then it managed to get a good enough sight of Dylan to gaze at him.  I wasn't expecting a death ray there and, though I would have had enough time to take a potion, didn't react to the attack - with predictable results.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Hard Luck, or rather hard intelligence Grond0 as you have discovered for the umpteenth time Luck runs out. :(

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Hey guys I have a question,


Eren's about to enter suldanesselar and I want to have the optimal challenge. I have only installed SCS not ascension, but I saw Blackraven use it one time fighting a dragon, a beholderking, a sword of some kind and a shadowlord of some kind, in the last battle, it looked really cool. Is this ascension or just scs? i.o.w. do I need to install ascension? If yes is ascension compatible with enhanced edition do you guys know?




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Serg BlackStrider

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Hey guys I have a question,


Eren's about to enter suldanesselar and I want to have the optimal challenge. I have only installed SCS not ascension, but I saw Blackraven use it one time fighting a dragon, a beholderking, a sword of some kind and a shadowlord of some kind, in the last battle, it looked really cool. Is this ascension or just scs? i.o.w. do I need to install ascension? If yes is ascension compatible with enhanced edition do you guys know?


The fight Blackaven have is from SCS:


Improved Battle with Irenicus in Hell

As with Improved Bodhi, this is a SCS II version of the classic Tactics component of the same name by Wesley Weimer, updated to use modern WeiDU coding (to help with compatibility-friendliness) and SCS II AIscripting. It also tweaks a few details of the battle.

Players of the original Improved Irenicus will recall that it consists of three successive fights (of which the first is generally felt to be much the best). In this version, you can choose (at install time) to have either (i) all three battles, or (ii) a hybrid version, consisting of the first Tactics battle followed by SCS II's version of the battle (which is the unmodified-game battle, but with SCS II scripting and fiend abilities. I say more about this in the Spoilers section.


So nope, you don't have to install Ascension for that particular challenge. But if you ask me, you do want to install Ascension for itself. It changes the ToB part of the Saga (mainly the ending fight on the Throne) and that is how it supposed to be in the first place. Unfortunately it is not compatible with BG2EE at the moment (and I don't think it will be in near future...).


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ahhhw thats a damn shame...


thx btw. Cheers!


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@Grond0, sorry to see Dylan go. :( I guess the Swashbuckler - Fighter/Thief comparison will have to wait for a while.

@Golden, afaik only SCS versions up until v21 contain the Improved Irenicus in Hell component; more recent versions do not. I doubt whether SCS v21 is compatible with the EEs. It's a fun but very hard fight though.
I second Serg's suggestion to play wth Ascension, both for the story and for the entertaining battles. You would have to install the Big Picture mod though (selecting only the Asenscion component unless you want other components as well).

  • Golden28 likes this


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Thanks BR but I only have BGEE..