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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Serg BlackStrider

Serg BlackStrider
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Update of Impish Face & Co (Guarded Compound)


Out of Minister Lloyd's house we were approached by Danno, who told us that Mazzy's sister Pala is on her death bed having been poisoned with a Love potion that went awry. A further investigation revealed that cleric Barl is responsible so we dealt with him and waited for Pala to be cured and felt better.




Back in the City to the Temple District and enter Guarded Compound. After short conversation with Sion and Ketta we pretended that we are leaving and after they DD away took our buffs. Impish Face went on reconnaissance and soon ran back with Nishruu and Glabrezu on his heels. While Impish Face was busy with Nishruu, Jaheira and Mazzy took care of Glabrezu who was quickly brought to bad shape but gated in Balor and escaped via Plane Shift. Once we realized that that indeed is Balor (Glabrezu could gate in one true tanar'ri i.e. another Glabrezu, Marilith or Balor once per day) Impish Face cast SI:A but was split of a second late (he cast it successfully naturally but the effect itself took place a bit late) and was dispelled of his buffs. 




To fight a Balor sans Death Ward is a bit suicidal so Impish Face switched to Rifthome Axe +3 while Jaheira kited Balor just like old times. Exactly at the moment he fell Glabrezu returned from the outer plane only to follow him into oblivion soon after. The rest of the first-floor inhabitants aren't worthy of mentioning: 




As our buffs are exhausted we headed outside to take a nap in the sewers (yeah, just like that - we are short of funds) and were greeted by somewhat familiar person:



Jaheira's matters with Harpers are finally settled and she got a nifty Harper's Pin! Impish Face and his girlfriend are happy.


Back into the compound we took a heavy buffs and went on the second floor invisible. Sion is out of sight so Imoen disarmed traps and we fired the salvo:

Impish Face - Greater Malison/Emotion/Slow Sequencer;

Jaheira - Insect Plague;

Mazzy - Horn of Silence blast;

Viconia - Elemental Summoning;

Nalia - Skull Trap;

Imoen - Chaos.

while Sion spent that first round casting True Sight.


The outcome: Koshi and Maferan are snoozing and confused (even followed Earthquake by Greater Earth Elemental doesn't woke'em up), Stalman is silenced, Sion badly itching (no fire shield on is an oversight for a such skilled Invoker, don't you think?). 




Ketta fell first followed by Koshi, Maferan and Stalman (Olaf died so quiet that was even unnoticed in Elemental's wirlwinds):




Sion wandered aimlessly for a while looking for some shower maybe then hit Mazzy with Skull Trap x3 then Jaheira with Remove Magic (which she lured away from others) and Imoen with Greater Malison (which she lured away as well but wrong direction completely forgot in the heat of the fight about the traps there and got hit with Acid Blob - fortunately survived). 


Sion ate numerous spell protections removers followed with Breach and finally fell not hurting anyone with other than some occasional M&M's (aka MMM).




The loot: Koshi had just two simple Katana +1.  Ketta - Potion of Magic Shielding and 8 Potions of Invisibility. Others - another Helmet of Defense, Robe of the Neutral Archmagi, Sling of Everard +5, Girdle of Stone Giant Strength along with usual stuff for sale


We need some rest again but now with stuffed purse we are going to find some luxury.



to be continued...

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Well done Serg!! Things can easily go wrong in the Guarded Compound, but your work there looked very solid :)

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 79 - (update 4)

Risqe, elf wild mage (Grond0) & Pallor, half-elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


Another session today saw this pair make a bit more comfortable progress - still with no deaths on the run to date.


They started off by tackling the Rune Assassins at the Bridge - at least that was the intention, although only one of them spawned.


Moving on to Trademeet, they massacred the genies before going to find some trolls.  Neither had a weapon that could kill trolls, so burning hands got an unusually thorough work-out as a level 1 spell.  Death fog, with its acid damage, was also used to finish off one group.  


Kyland Lind and his druids failed to escape from a couple of webs before area damage finished them off.  


The last group of druids didn't last long, although Pallor wasn't over-impressed when Risqe's skull trap went through his mirrors to damage him - and there were some mutterings about revenge being a dish best served cold.  Cernd was left to fight on his own - which in this installation means curtains for Faldorn.



After clearing the tomb and helping out Tiris the duo moved on to Windspear.  They handed back the acorns, which Pallor had been foresighted enough to pack and have moved into the dungeon far enough to destroy the first group of golems.


Stats (cont. from BG1):

Risqe, wild mage 12, 58 HPs (incl. 12 from familiar, 5 from ioun stone, -9 from Claw), 232 kills

Pallor, fighter 10 / mage 11, 90 (incl. 5 from Helm) HPs, 512 kills, 0 deaths

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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2415 Nightal, 1369:  I went to try & help the Knights of Solamnia that are stranded in the Planar Sphere.  I found a Mage, apparently a Cowled Wizard, @ the Council of Six Building. He didn’t want to be bothered but he did point me Ribald (where I’d just come from).  Ribald said he knew a Sorceress who’s been known to be able to help others return to their home plane…but it would cost me 9000gp for three travelers. I don’t have the gold now so I wasn’t able to do it immediately. Tyris expressed interest when she heard about the Sorcerous just as I feared.  My heart dropped. 


I remembered the Amnish Guard in front of the Circus Tent & that there was some trouble there.  I thought maybe I could earn some gold by helping there if the situation wasn’t yet cleared up.  The Guard told me they were waiting for the Cowled Wizard’s over two months ago so obviously it wasn’t high on their list b/c nothing had changed.  I told him I’d check it out, so I went in w/my lance/retinue & came face to face w/a Genie. He asked me a couple of riddles that we blew both times & that caused him to attack. Tyris fired off a Fireball, Anomen Dispel Magic, Auren used her Dancing Sword ability from Ras +2, Yoshimo cast Blur on himself & then went on the attack & Valygar used his Samurai’s Kuatoray Technique. I just attacked & the Genie was dead & vanished in no time. He was so easy to hit, I wonder if Anomen’s Dispel Magic didn’t bring down some defenses for us.  Then we ran into an Ogre that had the voice of a female Elf.  It /she claimed that it was an illusion & that she was actually a Winged Elf & that a Gnome Illusionist named Kalah had turned everything to an illusion. She said I’d find a couple of peasant’s on the other side of the tent who were not peasants & that they would have a sword on them that was really an illusion. In fact, it was a key to the ‘chains’ that kept her illusion as an Ogre in place.  We found a woman that looked like a Huge Spider before we found the peasants. They weren’t openly hostile but then suddenly I, then Anomen, the Yoshimo took damage. When attached they turned hostile & we destroyed them, found the sword & took it back to the Ogre/Winged Elf. Sure enough, in no time, a petite, blonde elf named Aerie stood before us offering to join & destroy Kalah.  I told her to remain where she was & that we’d take care of it. Aerie was particularly concerned about her Uncle Quayle. Could it be?  Last thing Quayle said in Baldur’s Gate was that he wanted to go back to Athkatla to be w/his niece. Hmm.  There wasn’t much to the mystery in the tent. We went into the next room & were attacked by & killed five Werewolves & a Shadow. Then we started up a staircase & were met by another Genie but I wasn’t ready to play games.  I blew by him & then into a room where stood Kalah, three Werewolves & a Green Slime (my old companion Quayle).  I let Auren lead the others while I went for Kalah.  In no time he was dead, the illusion was dispelled & we were standing over the nearly dead Kalah, now just a particularly runty Gnome again, in the original Circus Tent. Aerie was so happy to see Quayle, as was I. He has definitely changed – he actually wanted Aerie to travel w//me but I’ve no room as it stands now. I told her I might return & she said she’d be there.  It was good to see Quayle again…he seems to have softened…no really! 


Not much loot after all there so I moved over to the docks to wait on nightfall & try to link up w/this Mook from the Thieves Guild.  We got there in plenty of time & when night fell, sure enough, Mook was there.  We decided to watch her back while she approached whoever it was she was worried about. When she did she was attacked & killed by a powerful looking Vampire. We jumped on him & it wasn’t long before he was almost dead. He turned into a mist & left threatening that this wasn’t over. We reported to Linval & then he had me go find two of his Shadow Thieves that were getting ready to defect to the other Guild. He told me I’d find them @ the Five Flagons upstairs & I did. Auren tried to smooth talk them but it failed so we ended up killing the two of them & just as we did their contact from the other Guild showed & attacked us so we took him out too.  



After that I had to head back to Castle De-Arnise.  One of my servant’s came of behalf of Major Domo to let me know that Lord Roenall has come to see me & that I am needed immediately.  I returned as soon as possible, leaving Roenall waiting a few days.  He demanded that I turn the castle over b/c I’m not of noble blood & that Nalia was too young to name me Lord of this keep & its lands. All of that is guff. I told him to get out of my castle & he & his retinue left but not w/o threatening to return w/a larger retinue.  Major Domo is good @ his job, so I wasn’t surprised that he & Captain Cernick were already preparing my Guard to defend my keep & lands against attack by Lord Roenall’s forces.  I’ll be ready to return to lead my troops on a moment’s notice. 




Afterword, we took the news back to Aran Linval about what happened @ the Five Flagons.  We had a note that we found on the contact. W/this information he deduced that the leader of his rival Guild was a Vampire named Bohdi that we would find in the catacombs under the Tombs in the Graveyard District.  He said she will have undead minions, which I suspect will be other Vampires in great numbers as we’ve seen 10-12 already @ night (hence the reason I try not to travel by night).  He said we would find a huge blue door that led to her lair under the tombs which will also be the heart of the Shadow Thieves rival guild. He said we wouldn’t be able to open the door ourselves – he will send a Mage w/a Golem to take care of that for us.  


And so we went straightaway.  Not knowing where to go we just started investigating tomb to tomb & the first we entered was the haunt of two Skeleton Warriors that we defeated easily. The next tomb we went into wasn’t a tomb, at least not where we were but there was a tunnel leading out of it.  We only just got started before we were blasted w/a Lightning Bolt! We didn’t lose anyone but a couple or three of us had some serious burns & we needed to heal.  .  Outside we were approached by a man who was screaming about an old uncle whose ghost was chasing him.  The Uncle was just a really angry Zombie & I’m not sure who was in the right but we killed the Zombie. On the way out of the cemetery, I heard a man mumbling & realized that he’d been buried alive.  We saved him & he didn’t really know what happened except that someone had dumped him in this grave & he woke up like this.  He thought I might check w/the caretaker of the graveyard & we found him.  He sung like a canary under pressure & told me I might find the guy that paid him to look the other way in the Bridge District.  The man that had been buried alive had a piece of red cloth that he thought might be a clue & that’s the same thing he caretaker mentioned about the color of his clothing.  I’ll check it out. He also said there were three kidnappers involved.  We took some rest @ The Inn of the Seven Vales.


Afterward, I went right back, avoiding the door we knew led us to the tunnels but found another nearby that also led into more tunnels (or possibly the same ones). We didn’t get far there before we were attacked by a Sword Spider, a Phase Spider, A Giant Spider & three ‘big’ spiders. We killed ‘em but both Tyris & Valygar took some serious poison damage.  Time to go back & load up on Antidotes & get ‘em in our girdle pouches for quick access. We have a few in our Medicine bag but they weren’t available when we needed them.  It was back to Waukeen’s Promenade for more rest & healing. 


I went down to the Docks to try & hook up w/an armorer there. At this time he was only able to strengthen Tyris’ armor (by +1), give it 50% Magic Resistance & increase her spell casting speed.  On the way back I went by the Government District as I was told I might find a capable Rogue there. I really need a real rogue. Yoshimo’s skills are just not enough.  I found the rogue I was looking for, a Gnome who got arrested before I could finish talking to him.  I couldn’t lie when the Amnish Guard asked if he try to sell me something. After they hauled him away, I went to see about bailing him out but got sidetracked by a mob trying to kill a Drow instead. She obviously had committed no crime but was being convicted to burn by a crowd of fanatics who hated her for her race, not by proper authorities who had convicted her of a crime. I couldn’t let that happen so I went over & blocked the crowd. I got surprising support from both Auren & Anomen so I freed her but didn’t take her in obviously. I had to kill three fanatics who attacked us for freeing her. 


I decided that for this mission, & this mission only, I’d bring Jan along so I returned the following morning to bail him out & put him in debt to me.  He actually proved to have fantastic Thieving skills, especially Find/Remove Traps, & he was an Illusionist like Quayle too…only more powerful & less cantankerous. (Note: For those that don’t read me regularly, I limit Specialist Mages, e.g., Illusionists, Conjurer’s, etc., to writing/learning only spells from their own discipline but I do give them the ability to cast spells from scrolls of any discipline.  So Jan only has Illusionist spells, sometimes many of the same memorized & in his spellbook). I stopped in Bridge District to see if I could find the man in red.  I almost missed him but he was on the docks & & when we questioned him, he ran into a house.  There his two partners killed him as soon as they realized he’d messed up their scheme.  I ran them down to & we took them out.  I needed to let the Guards know but neither those in the district not the officials in the Council of Six building seemed to be interested. 


Back to the Graveyard the following day, we killed a Crypt King before moving back inside the tunnels where we killed a total of five sword Spiders, three Phase Spiders, two Ettercaps, three Giant Spiders & six ‘big’ spiders.  I saw Aram’s Mage & Golem but I wanted to make sure everything outside was safe first.  I didn’t want an army of spiders attacking us while we were fighting vampires too.  It quickly became apparent that inviting Jan into my lance for this mission was a wise decision – he can detect a trap all the way down the hall & a locked chest is barely a nuisance.


I continued us around the rock ledge that circled the cavern, circling a large dome like thing that was similar to the Cloakwood Nest in more than one way. In front were three spiders (rolled up in the numbers above).  We took time to cast a few spells/quaff potions, as usual, before entering a cave, an obvious combat situation, just as we did, e.g., when we entered the main tent in Bandit Camp or walked into the Cloakwood Nest. Here it was a good thing b/c there was what appeared to be a Half-Drow but there was no doubt she was a Druid b/c she whipped out an Insect Plague that really made things tough. She also called 22 ‘big’ Spiders.  Anomen was swarmed under & fell unconscious.  Every one of us, @ times, were completely overwhelmed w/the bees & other flying, biting insects.  We finally killed her & got out of there but the treasure was nothing to write Candlekeep about. 


After a much needed rest, (we keep needing rest after only a short time in the Graveyard District), we cleared out another tomb & destroyed two Shadow Fiends & a Mummy. Then we moved into the tunnels we’d found. We killed three Sword Spiders, a Phase Spider, two Ettercaps a Giant Spider & two ’big’ Spiders. Then I led us back to where we’d seen Aram’s Mage & the Golem. He immediately had the Golem smash the blue door & then the Golem started kicking tail…on our side before he finally succumbed.  Inside the door we battled hard against two Grimwarders & two Grimward Archers. Then I had Jan use one of his Invisibility Spells on himself while simultaneously using his Find Traps ability to scout a large banquet hall in front of us.  Inside he spied a Vampire (Note: Gellal) & as directed came right back to us thinking the Vampire had seen him & started to chase. The Vampire didn’t follow after all, so we coaxed him out into the foyer where we were & then we destroyed him in a ambush. I found out something. Tyris’ fire spells do big damage to Vampires – THAT is useful information.  We confirmed that in our next fight as we entered the banquet hall & battled a Fledgling Vampire & a Greater Ghoul.  The Fledgling Vampire/Greater Ghoul gave us a tougher fight than the obviously more powerful Vampire we’d just destroyed.  Both Tyris & Auren fell unconscious before we destroyed them. Back to The Inn of the Seven Vales to cast Raise Dead on them which will bring them out of the false sleep they’ve both lapsed into.


Key Event:Then I got sidetracked, we all did.  Jan had a family issue involving the woman he loved but lost to another.  It seems she was abused by her husband & was living w/Jan’s family.  Lissa, the woman had a child w/her husband, who’d hurt their child, Jaella, so badly she was in a false sleep hanging on to life.  Jan’s uncle sent us to a woman in the Government District who further directed us to the sewers beneath The Copper Coronet to speak w/someone called ‘The Hidden’. Jan, understandably, stayed behind w/Lissa & Jaella while the rest of us headed out to find these sewers. This actually took a little work, especially w/o Jan’s skills, because more than once we had to purchase Stone to Flesh scrolls b/c of a repeating trap that would Petrify passersby. In the sewers we found and defeated or destroyed a Mustard Jelly; two Hobgoblin Captains, two Hobgoblin Shaman’s, four Hobgoblin Elite, two Hobgoblins Archers, two Hobgoblin Warriors, a Kobold Shaman, two Kobold Commando & six KoboldsWhile all of that was happening we met a hermit with his friend, a Carrion Crawler.  He said there was a sword here & that he would help me w/the clues to secure it but I’d need to find them first.  I already had a Staff of Goodberry’s that was one of the four ‘keys’ I needed which he said would ‘seal the deal’.  Close by was a room where pipes spilled sewage into the sewers. There were four of them w/inscriptions on three of them that provided clues as to what I was looking for. I kept trying w/just the staff but Lightning kept shooting out so I had the others stay outside the room w/the door closed while I conducted my trial & error (mostly error). Luckily, my Cloak of Reflection protects me completely from electricity! Continuing we found a huge sewage room where we killed an Otyugh & destroyed Mustard & Ochre Jelly’s.  We eventually found a severed hand in a sewer grate in that room which turned out to be the second of the four keys to the sword. We were doing two things @ once but the priority was this ‘Hidden’ fellow.  While looking, we went through a door into a wooden room & fought a pitched battle against Slavers including a Priest of Cyric, a Captain of the Slaver Guards & seven Slaver Guards. Tyris & Valygar were so injured that they fell unconscious from the wounds they suffered so we had to return & rest & allow time for Anomen to revive them. I think now that that room is part of a dry-docked Slavers Ship that we were pointed to a bit later. Up a stairway in the sewers was another wooded bramble w/the Myconid King & two Myconids that we killed but, even so, a couple of us, Auren & Valygar for sure & I think Tyris, were overcome w/the Myconids Confusion ability created by the spores.   We found the third key to the sword, a ring on two Skelton lovers that were embraced on a wall.  But then, finally we found the ‘Hidden’ after killing a Carrion Crawler.  The ‘Hidden’ already knew we were looking for him & what we wanted, i.e., to heal Jaella. The Hidden asked us to help him first, by killing two people who were searching for him. I didn’t question b/c I just wanted to save Jaella. I had to go the The Docks District to the Sea Bounty Tavern. We were told to address the barkeep, who we’ve talked to a few times before, & this time tell him we are ‘seekers’.  We did & he, in turn, sent us to the Bridge District to the Five Flagons Inn, where we stayed when we first arrived in Athkatla.  There we’d find the two we were looking for in a room on the second floor.  We did as directed & found two Githyanki that we defeated but we had to avoid Auren for a while as she was Dire Charmed & attacking anyone she could get close to - she hit every one of us at least once. We spend the night there & then headed back to the sewers.  We found The Hidden & he had already healed Jaella. Upon questioning him about why two Gythyanki would be following him, he shapechanged into a Mind Flayer. He then promptly left & we headed back to find Jaella healed. Sadly for Jan, Lissa promptly broke his heart again & left w/her abusive husband who’d showed up when we did.  I led us back to the sewers, now w/Jan rejoined, & he immediately Removed the Petrification Trap. It dawned on us that the fourth key we needed for the sword was to kill the Carrion Crawler that was the hermit’s ‘true friend’. One of the clues was that the riddle would be solved w/the blood of a true friend. Sure enough, that did it & we left a saddened hermit but solved the riddle; severed hand first; the ring, the blood & then the Shaman’s Staff. We got a slightly cursed but powerful Two-Handed Sword +3 (Lilarcor) but sold it.  


While doing all of that, having been given entrance to the seediest parts of the Copper Coronet, we found a Gladiator Fighting Pit: We were attacked by a Winter Wolf before finding the kennels for all of the animals used in the pits.  Unfortunately, the Beast Master turned them all against us & we killed a Minotaur, a Grizzly Bear, a Panther, two Leopards, a Black Bear & two mutilated Gibberling’s. Had he not turned them on us, the Minotaur & the Gibberling’s might have perished but the animals certainly would not have.  As we killed the animals I thought of Jaheira who I lost to my lance these months ago now. I wonder how she would have reacted.


We found the area where the brothel was but spent little time there, although we did tell an angry wife where her husband could be found.  J  The other thing we found, most importantly, were the cells where prisoners were kept.  There were a boy & a girl in these & a burly dude named Hendak obviously from the Norheim Isles, or one of the other Monshae Isles situated between islands Norland and Aralom (where my first love Branwen is now – but I’ve moved on & I love Tyris dearly now).  Back to Hendak, we freed him & the children (as well as another friend of his) w/a key we found on the Beast Master. Hendak immediately went to work killing all of the Copper Coronet Guards but he really wanted that creepy guy Lehtinan who is the owner of this place & the director of all of the seedier goings on.  He’d captured Hendak & made him a slave for the fighting pits & Hendak was ready to tear him a new one, which he did in no uncertain terms & then claimed the Coper Coronet for himself as payment for Lehtinan’s cruelty to him & others.  He promised to clean the place up & started by giving us a discount on anything we purchase there from now on. He then asked us to do him one more favor – destroy the Slaver’s here in Athkatla – right around the block in a dry-docked ship. He advised not to attack headlong & said he’d heard of a secret entrance from the sewers that would be less risky.  I know where that is & we’ll go there quickly. We need gold for the Knights of Solamnia & for armor, weapons, potions, etc., to fight the Vampires.  I’d also like to purchase a ‘Spellcasting License’ from those crooked Cowled Wizards


I took us back to Castle De’Arnise where I consented to the marriage of one of my household servants, Chanelle, to a local Ranger over a suitor from Roenall’s lands.  When I found out where he was from he was handicapped already but then he spoke & had the same haughty, boastful, self-important vainglory that I’ve dealt w/from Lord Roenall & his snotty son.  Sounds like the Ranger hits the ale more than the average Ranger but Chanelle understands that & obviously loves him anyway. I granted her a 500gp dowry, honoring a promise Lord De’Arnise made to her when he alive.  


Treasure of Note: (Purse = 8,651gpArmor/Weapons: Girdle of Piercing (Auren); Battle Axe (sold); Staff of Curing (Anomen); Two-Handed Sword +3; (Lilarcor)(Sold); Jewelry/Gold: 4,000 (De’Arnise Tax Revenue), three Emeralds, 1,287gp, 724gp; Diamond, Water Opal, 100gp; Potions: Scrolls: Chain Lightning, Contingency, Stoneskin, Magic Missile; Wands: None


Current DispositionRejuvenating & resting @ De’Arnise.


Next Steps:  I need to get back onto Bohdi’s trail but I feel that stopping the Slavers will help me to do that more than another foray into her lair would right now.  It’ll help me release the Knights of Solamnia & between that & stopping the Slaver’s I think I’ll be better ready to go after her.


Level Up:

·         Auren has increased her skills to those equivalent to a Lady (Fighter- Apprentice/11).  Should she have any interest in it she would be equivalent to me as Lord but the title is only given to people like she & I when we become landowners.  She remains 2nd in my Lance’s Chain of Command.

·         Lord Gawain: My fighting skills continue increase as does my resistance to spells, polymorph, death magic, etc. I am now graded as a Lord/12 (Fighter/12) & added Warhammer as my second weapon since I’ve topped out @ Grand Master w/the Bastard Sword & Anomen doesn’t have the strength to use the Hammer of Thunderbolts +3.

·         Anomen has incurred further favor from Helm & has been raised to High Priest of the Watchers of Helm 10 (Cleric/10). As such, he prayed for & tells me he received both Cure Serious & Critical Wounds.


Current Party (In Order of March): (Reputation: 13 – Popular)

·         Gawain: Ftr/12, (HP119); Full Plate Mail w/Large Shield, Helm of Balduran, Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Invisibility & Girdle of Bluntness, Cloak of Reflection & Periapt of Proof Against Poison ; Bastard Sword +1*****, Hammer of Thunderbolts +3*, Flail of the Ages (Acid); Bastard Sword***** (Bone Golem)(1)

·         Auren Aseph: Ftr (Apprentice//11), (HP77); Studded Leather +2, Girdle of Piercing w/ Long Sword (Ras +2)***** (SWS**); (Shade Lord)(SCS Ease of Use, Setting 1)(2)

·         Tyris Flare: Fighter (Amazon/9)//Mage [Fire Only]/10; HP31; Tyris’ Leather Armor, Cloak of Protection +1, Buckler +1; Rings of Acuity, Fire Control; Sling +2**; Spear +2** Spear**; (Skeleton Warrior)(Mage Aggressive)(4)

          Anomen: Ftr/Watcher of Helm//9/10, (HP56); Plate Mail w Large Shield & Amulet of PowerMace (Mauler’s Arm +2)***, Warhammer**, Staff of Curing, (SSS**); (Greater Fire Elemental)(Cleric Aggressive)(3)

·         Valygar: Samurai (Ranger/10), (HP75); Studded Leather +2  w/Scimitar +2 (Rashad’s Talon +2)*****, Scimitar +1*****, Scimitar*****; (Vampire - Gellal)(SCS Ease of Use AI, Setting 1)(5)

·         Jan: Illusionist/11//Thief/12 (HP34); Jan’s Adventure Wear, Jen’s Techno Gloves, Jan’s Spectroscopes & Flasher Launcher w/Flasher Master Bruiser Mates; (Thief Adventurer)(Spider)(6)


Mods Used: BG2 FixPack _v10; Amber_v4; Auren Aseph_v9; Sarah_v4; Haldimir_v2; : Tyris Flare_v6; Gavin_v20 & Hotfix;  scs-v30 (- Tactical Challenges); MegaModKits v1.01L (Anti-Paladin, Charming Rogue, Priest of Sylvanus, Bladesinger, Amazon, Apprentice, Ninja, Samurai); Divine Remix_v8 (Nightcloak of Shar, Holy Strategist of the Red Knight, Batleguard of Tempus, Strifeleader of Cyric, Bowslinger, Forest Runner, Wilderness Runner) ; Rogue Rebalancing; bg2_tweaks-v16; Item Randomizer-v6.8; level1npcs-v1.9


Blue Font: New information;

Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)

(Best kill)(Current AI)(Chain of Command)

* Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

Charlestonian Knight Templar
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Update of Impish Face & Co (Guarded Compound)


...Danno, who told us that Mazzy's sister Pala is on her death bed having been poisoned with a Love potion that went awry. A further investigation revealed that cleric Barl is responsible so we dealt with him and waited for Pala to be cured and felt better....

How is Mazzy as an NPC, SB? Part of me wants to grab her up b/c she is LG but I always end up passing her up.


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I went in w/my lance/retinue & came face to face w/a Genie. He asked me a couple of riddles that we blew both times & that caused him to attack.

Interesting.  I don't remember ever fighting him, though I've definitely got the first riddle wrong a number of times.

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Dylan - dwarf swashbuckler (update 2)
Work's been getting in the way recently, but Dylan did manage a workout this morning :).
He had finished the last session by killing Pai'Na and started off today by clearing up a few spiders.  There was one awkward moment there when he failed to kill a giant spider with a stealth attack and got webbed,
but he successfully resisted against poison before finishing it off.
The Renfeld ambush gave him an opportunity to use horror and traps to cut the opposition down to size for an easy victory.  With his back pack already full he didn't immediately return Renfeld, but went to Watcher's Keep to get a potion case - just running away from another ambush on the way.
Back in Athkatla he returned Renfeld before dodging in and out of Prebek's house to avoid spells before closing in - using Arbane to defend against a casting of ghoul touch. 
After looting the harpers and watching Xzar die Dylan reported in to Mae'Var.  He ran from another ambush on the way to pick up the necklace before going back to Watcher's Keep.  He used all his potions of firebreath there on some trolls before remembering that Firetooth was on sale outside.  However, the greater difficulty of killing SCS trolls meant the last giant troll managed to get up again twice, despite being attacked using Arbane haste.  Thinking it might be third time lucky Dylan came back in after resting to set some more traps only to find that the vampiric wraiths from the main room were piling in after him.  
I've never known them to open the door before the party has done so before - I think they must have done it this time as a result of the troll calling for help from the other side of the door.  It will be a while before Dylan is up to tangling with them and he just ran for it.
Looking for a better troll killer Dylan made his way to Trademeet.  Some pre-laid traps killed the genies, allowing him to purchase Blackblood, along with Ras, Cloak of Displacement and Belt of Inertial Barrier.  He also got up to level 13 there.
There were plenty of trolls in the Druid Grove for him to practise on and he worked through those, just needing to use an invisibility potion once when surrounded, but resting several times as well to renew traps and summons.  A full complement of traps was used to lead the greater earth elemental to its doom.  
Kyland Lind tried to run away after his druids were all dead, but left it too late and a final arrow brought him down. Horror helped him deal with lots of spore colonies.
After buying some potions from Adratha, Dylan cleared up the remaining enemies - getting to level 14 in the process.  Normally I have a strict rule of using no NPCs in a solo run, but in this installation that means Cernd always dies against Faldorn and I decided to let him join the party to give him a chance.  The opening went to plan when an insect plague was swapped with a creeping doom,
but then things turned sour when Cernd attempted to produce a greater werewolf token and had that interrupted (I had thought that was not supposed to happen in this installation).  To compensate for that Dylan lobbed him an extra-healing potion and he then successfully cast a second insect plague on Faldorn.  However, with just 1 APR he didn't make much progress attacking her and Faldorn recovered to summon some mountain bears at the same time that Cernd succeeded with his second attempt to produce his own.  He then managed to place some more insects on her and the combination of those and the bears finally won the day.
Back in Trademeet he used Ras for the first time to help clear the tomb before returning to Athkatla.  I failed to prepare properly there for an attack on Mencar's gang and paid for that when Brennan saved against a web tangle and then followed Dylan down the stairs without him noticing.  A potion of invisibility protected Dylan from any follow-up to a backstab.  
He set traps outside the inn then came back in to attack Brennan - expecting him to follow outside, but this time he didn't.  After hitting him a couple of times I got Dylan to retreat in the expectation that would prevent Dylan making a run for it.  However, while Dylan was summoning some assistance to try and finish Brennan off quickly he annoyingly decided to disappear anyway.  
The others were also pretty reluctant to follow him, although he did eventually get some use out of the traps outside when Mencar's morale failed and he ran out into them.
The final action of the session saw Dylan use his traps to sort out the interfering Cowled Wizards.  A few of them survived the initial trap damage, like Zallanora.
She was the only one though to survive the first round of poison damage, but despite taking a couple of healing potions the third (and last) round of poison proved too much for her.

Serg BlackStrider

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How is Mazzy as an NPC, SB? Part of me wants to grab her up b/c she is LG but I always end up passing her up.

Mazzy is great. I like her personality and she is very flexible character so you could *cook* her however you like. I always want to take Valygar alone with her (they are funny duo) but usually end with my usual team (if only I could join him as 7th crew member...).

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Mazzy is great. I like her personality and she is very flexible character so you could *cook* her however you like. I always want to take Valygar alone with her (they are funny duo) but usually end with my usual team (if only I could join him as 7th crew member...).

Seconded, Mazzy is awesome. I do tweak her to use slings however since it fits her.




You really do *hate* those Cowlies.... :D

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Grimwald the Wise

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Interesting.  I don't remember ever fighting him, though I've definitely got the first riddle wrong a number of times.


Surprised that people ever get that wrong as you can check your result on paper first. Nowadays I know the answer so I don't need to work it out. :)



Seconded, Mazzy is awesome. I do tweak her to use slings however since it fits her.




You really do *hate* those Cowlies.... :D


I like her too. I have level 1 NPCs installed so you can put the proficiency points where you like. I think that it is a great mod as you can change the NPCs to be the characters that you want them to be. With it you could make Mazzy a paladin if you wanted. ( I have never understood why paladins had to be humans. The same with rangers and druids.) The mod could be used for making ridiculous characters i.e. making Xzar a Cavalier. However I think that you have too much sense to do that.


Tiny Dragonslayer, halfling Champion of Torm


Tiny has entered the fray in Amn. Having killed a genuine albeit small dragon in Cloakwood, she has changed her name to Tiny Dragonslayer. She is a Halfling Champion of Torm. Having lost all equipment, she is finding even the dungeon difficult. She only has Imoen with her which could have something to do with it. Also the enemies are "improved" !

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You really do *hate* those Cowlies.... :D

I'm sure they're all very nice people if you met them socially, but when they both demand money with menaces and try to hold on to the high level scrolls they're carrying, well there's only one answer ...


Surprised that people ever get that wrong as you can check your result on paper first. Nowadays I know the answer so I don't need to work it out. :)

Knowing the answer and correctly selecting it are two different things :P.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 79 - (update 5)

Risqe, elf wild mage (Grond0) & Pallor, half-elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


The monsters struck back in their latest session, requiring a first trip to the Temple.  However, the run goes on ...


Risqe and Pallor started off in Windspear dungeon.  There was a slight oddity there when a flame arrow from Risqe failed to kill a comatose troll, but a hobgoblin wizard was kind enough to cast a scorcher on Pallor - allowing him to run it over the troll's body.  The next obstacle was a large group of undead: they survived longer than expected after Pallor was dominated while in the middle of activating Daystar sunray.  However, the ghasts and mummies that continued to attack him found him a hard target to hit


and once he came to his senses he just used Daystar to melee all the undead.


Moving on a protection from fire spell allowed Pallor to melee the genies before setting up a counter-ambush.  Malison, emotion and chaos made it hard for the opposition to fight back.  Pallor was frustrated by Kaol spamming stoneskins continually,


but he eventually died in cloudkills anyway while Pallor finished off the last of the opposition.


Pallor was able to concentrate enough damage to kill various werewolves, but met his match against an adamantite golem.  He joined in the attack for a while using rat form, but that ran out before Risqe's pecking away with the Crimson Dart finally produced dividends.



Conster teleported away from Firkraag to find a couple of skull traps waiting for him.  At near death and without spell protection up yet he was unable to fend off some magic missiles.  


After a discussion though it was decided that too much could go wrong against Firkraag and he was left for another day.


Back in Athkatla the duo finally got around to taking on the Cowled Wizards.  The first 3 groups died from area effects without response.  The 4th group got a brief glimpse of Pallor, but apparently not enough to allow them to take any action.  


The 5th group also died meekly before the Cowlies called on Zallanora to help out.  She had taken lots of damage, but despite multiple cloudkills and death fogs she still managed to complete a time stop spell and dimension doored away during that.



In the temple sewers Tarnor's group got a similar treatment to the Cowled Wizards in order to allow easy access to the illithid enclave.  


After most of the enemies in the first room had been drawn out to their deaths Pallor ventured inside.  However, he had only got spirit armour for protection and, without improved invisibility, he was immediately stunned by the sole illithid there.  Risqe had been hanging back a bit to avoid becoming a victim herself and her attempted improved invisibility on Pallor came just too late to prevent his brains being sucked out - that was partly a penalty for penny-pinching as she had looked at the Robe of Vecna not long earlier and decided it looked a bit expensive.


Risqe had to save against a domination attempt from the illithid before getting away and going to raise Pallor at the temple.  Back again, Pallor used more extensive buffs to melee the flayers - summons were used as well, but nothing available had any decent defense against the illithid and hence only lasted seconds.  Against multiple attackers in the second room Pallor was taken down to intelligence 3 and Risqe had to lob an invisibility potion to him to provide a respite there.  


Finally, however, the job was done to provide Pallor with a bit of revenge for his first death.



Stats (cont. from BG1):

Risqe, wild mage 13, 59 HPs (incl. 12 from familiar, 5 from ioun stone, -9 from Claw), 315 kills

Pallor, fighter 10 / mage 11, 90 (incl. 5 from Helm) HPs, 622 kills, 1 death

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Thon final update. He hit 3M XP in the de'Arnise keep, and used his new whirlwind ability to finish off Torgal. I decided to celebrate by getting celestial fury, because .. celestial fury. This went badly, the classic case of drinking a healer instead of an invisibility potion. I redid the fight to gain some much needed familiarity, and cleaned their clocks.


Anyway, it's all good, I'm not really suited to no-reloading either BG1 or BG2. What I might be up for however, is a no-reload SCS Black pits challenge. As BP is a new component in the EE release, I've started the thread over at baldursgate. I'm not trying to annoy anyone by doing this, so apologies if you're annoyed :P



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Sorry to hear Thon didn't make it, but best of luck with your Black Pits challenge.  I suppose I should really have a look at what BPs offers one of these days - I've never even opened it up yet ...

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Grimwald the Wise

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Sorry to hear Thon didn't make it, but best of luck with your Black Pits challenge.  I suppose I should really have a look at what BPs offers one of these days - I've never even opened it up yet ...


Since I don't have EE yet, neither have I. Do people who have EE prefer it?


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Since I don't have EE yet, neither have I. Do people who have EE prefer it?

No. I have both EEs and strictly use them for playtesting. Vanilla + ToBex is much better for me. It may be a bit slower (loading times) but the customization allowed far surpasses slightly better graphic features of EE. It also features a number of bugs and features I don't like at all.


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Eren, Last Child Episode 4 BG2 - The underdark and a bit of Amn.


Its been a while guys but ive been busy with engagement, birthdays and work. Weve gotten through the underdark by skipping illithids, beholders and death knights but suffered a horrible loss in Amn, read all about it..:


Phaere is easily rescued by backstabbing the illithid for hundreds of damage and chaotic command. 



The game freezes here.. twice.. no idea why.. The third time we dispatch them without trouble with chaotic commands on my men.



Absolutely love the kuo toa bolts, here Keldorn stuns a mage with them. We did get stuck here and took forever to hit those drow with their amazing ac but eventually took them out. 



Once back a few things happened that I didnt take any screens of. 


We took Edwin as a replacement for poor Imoen and went and killed (unimproved) Bodhi wit ease but Anomen along with his improved mace of disruption and a 25.000 gp sling of Everard gets disintigrated by a some kind of warping spell, ehm... I forgot the name, like a teleport field. It has a small chance to disintigrate, I knew nothing of this! I thought it was only meant to confuse opponents. Good thing it didnt get Eren, but its still such a damn shame because Anomen just graduated his knighthood and became quite the unstoppable force, being a lvl 17 cleric as he was...


Second was meeting the chosen of Cyric encounter. It is a battle ment for a 3000.000 xp 7 people party with hla's and we are a 1500.000 xp 4 men fatigued party... I checked the internet and since they are basically an unstoppable team with lvl 23 assassins and level 17 mages and barbarians I opted to talk my way out of this one..


Thirdly we cleared the beholders with ease. Edwin can cast skeletons and spam cloudkills and my men dont get held or stunned or disintigrated any more because of high saves and smart potion usage. We did skip the lich there though after grabbing the dex bracers. 


I also changed Erens picture and avatar to make him a bit darker and more thieflike. 


Next is Thaxxy and Firkraag, Ill report on them soon!



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We took Edwin as a replacement for poor Imoen and went and killed (unimproved) Bodhi wit ease but Anomen along with his improved mace of disruption and a 25.000 gp sling of Everard gets disintigrated by a some kind of warping spell, ehm... I forgot the name, like a teleport field. It has a small chance to disintigrate, I knew nothing of this! I thought it was only meant to confuse opponents. Good thing it didnt get Eren, but its still such a damn shame because Anomen just graduated his knighthood and became quite the unstoppable force, being a lvl 17 cleric as he was...

That would be a Sphere of Chaos - glad it didn't choose to scatter Eren into little pieces.

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I had a little time to play so another episode as promised ;)
Eren, last child the kensai9/thief20 Episode 5 BG2
The new Eren, love it:
Still wearing Jaheiras necklace, awwww (L)...
As I said, dragons are next. Thaxy is first. We meet a lich and I always get scared when I spot one. A welcome surprise: It falls in the lava :)
2nd lich gets his body-shell eaten away by acid, until it falls.
The dragon. Edwin starts with 2x lower resistance. Thaxy blinds and drains Keldorn once, but its only level 16 to 11. Keldorn burns him for 20ish with a firebreath potion. He gets to badly injured after a few attacks and spells. 
Then the shadowdragon decides to stop playing as he deathspells our 4 summons and malisons our party. He comes rushing! Only to meet 3 traps in the face. Its a lot more than he can take. 
Because of the rediculous bugs with this guy he is unimproved which makes him a joke.
We dump Mazzy and go for the Windspear Hills. Keldorn dispel + backstab = dead ruhk.
Adamantine golem gets vorpalled by keldorn
Our team feels quite powerful. I hope to hit UAI soon.
Next is big red.

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Doing very well there Golden! 
You're getting better at the no-reload challenge very fast.

The portrait is a favorite of mine too. (I had a solo Elven Assassin last year with that portrait, Eydan; died in early SoA though.)

Congrats on the engagement :D

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Serg BlackStrider

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Update of Impish Face & Co.


While still in the Temple District we decided to assault (or at least to try to...) the hidden Mind Flayers' base in the sewers there. We thought that one single Planetar himself would be sufficient to perform the cleaning with the rest of the Crew being relaxed audience. Right?... Wrong!

As it turned out the Planetar are easy enough to be stunned with Psionic Blast for quite a long time... Furthermore, in my SCS setup Mind Flayers can't see through invisibility (//Smarter mind flayers -> Illithids have only original-game resistances; Illithids cannot see invisible enemies (matches original game): v21//). So that was quite a surprise when Illithids began to attack my invisible characters ...  :huh:  Some time later I remembered that with Polytweak mod //Ulitharids gain six attacks per round (as they should have) and "Supra-genius" intelligence that allows them to ignore low level illusions.//. At least we discovered in a hard way (at the cost of Imoen's and Viconia's lives) that simple Mind Flayers still can't see through the Invisibility and Pro vs Magic Energy nullifies Detonate damage.




To fight Alhoon we rested, buffed over the top, called for Planetar and Aerial Servant to occupy him and gated Glabrezu while our trio of buffed fighters murdered damned mind suckers who DD-ed right to their doom.




Then Impish Face engaged Alhoon, stripped his protections and together with Aerial Servant killed him (didn't get exp for that, strange... :huh: )




Looted Malakar +2 with Sling of Arvoreen +4 from the *pot* in the center of the room and checked Lich' sarcophagus further in the sewers (closed firmly and we didn't found any kind of key to open it yet - Kangaxx is further sealed away with Randomiser).


Then we tried the Twisted Rune. Starting disposition:




Round 1: Ruby Ray of Reversal (Imoen) vs Spell Shiled + Khelben's Warding Whip (Nalia) vs Spell Turning/SI:A.




Shangalar responded with Time Stop (Remove Magic>Comet) during which KWW ticked two more times so right when time resumed and Comet hit Impish Face fired Breach:




Shangalar answered with ProMW Contingency so Imoen fired another Breach and Planetar destroyed the all-mighty Lich:




Revanek died while Vaxall stripped Impish Face' Spell Shield with Anti-Magic Ray. Got Secret Word in return (vs Spell Turning) and Pierce Magic (vs SI:A) followed by one last Breach. He managed to strip Impish Face' buffs with yet another anti-magic ray but didn't cause any more harm:




Planetar then destroyed vampire, Layene wasted her two Time Stops to cast Magic Missiles on Deva and then Imprisoned her only after being Dispelled of protections. With no more Breach available we didn't bother with Absolute Immunity she cast so Nalia stripped her spell protections with Secret Word and just fried with Wand of Fire:




As a trophy she got the Staff of the Magi, Chain Contingency, Meteor Swarm scrolls and we found Bladesinger Chain +4 on Revanek's remains (along with some stuff for sale). And most importantly we got some strange stone key at last - looks like we need it to open one of two sarcophagus with Kangaxx' body parts.


to be continued...

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Very good Serg! Two tough encounters... Why was your entire party fatigued? Does that always happen there for some reason (maybe after the stun effect in front of the entrance)? Or did you not rest for some reason?
Btw I love the SotM :D

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Wow. Great stuff Serg!

I should be starting a game today as well - as soon as I download the Infinity Animations package. :)

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Serg BlackStrider

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Thanks, Blackraven & Aasim! The fight vs Twisted Rune was very enjoyable - without AoE clouds (Cloudkill and Death Fog) to disrupt Shangalar's castings (my usual approach vs Liches for a long time already). No cheesy blasting him from out of sight with Necklace of Missiles while he just appeared on the table or placing traps in place he teleport to. It always pleasant and contented to try another tactic.  :)


As for party being fatigued - we where Hasted to deal with the group of dominated humans in the previous room and Haste wear off at the moment of facing Ulitharids. As I mentioned in my post we thought that Planetar could deal with them alone so didn't rest. And were cruelly punished...


Looking forward to follow your IA run, Aasim! Love the mod myself a lot, even if for BG1 vanilla character' animations alone - much more appealing for my eyes :).

And hope to see Butch in Amn soon, Blackraven!

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Hey guys,


Eren is still going strong, he might make TOB this way. I have to be patient though, too many deaths already, a huge waste of XP :P.  Eren's almost at 3000.000 xp. 



Episode 6 BG2 Eren, Last Child Kensai/Thief


Team's Eren, Keldorn, Jaheira (romance), Edwin (turned Edwina and back again :P)


Adamantine traps orogs on the bridge.



Traps actually work against them!



They hit so hard though, lol...



Firkraag is next. We challenge him head on including his pet wizard which is dangerous, but the wizard fell quickly with Keldorn dispel + missile weapons. Edwin casts lower resistance and drops a cloud or two. The skeletons attack the dragon as well, but fall within seconds. 


Firebreath does decent damage due to a fast dispel. We get in a few hits and small magic damage. After a while the dragon is badly injured. 



Just as with Thaxy badly injured almost looks like an alarm call for its AI, which seems logical enough.. The red casts malison + some fear spell and thumps Keldorn and runs after feared Jaheira, triggering a few traps which eat his fresh stoneskins. He dispells Edwins stoneskins and kills him in two hits. 


Then he runs for Eren, who runs back into the poison clouds for cover and waits for the traps poison to do its dirty work. I dont feel bad as I always challenge him legit, and most of the time we dont even need the traps. I do always lay a few in a realistic way, in cubbyholes or near stairs, never in sight of the enemy. I also feel they are a legit tool thieves have, although I wouldnt abuse time traps, ever. The poison wittled away his remaining 40 or so hp. It was a close call though..



Next is a series of mopping up quests. Trolls fall like flies against acid club.



Torgal falls to traps and Yuan ti's to poison clouds. 


We kill the deathknights with no problems although instant symbol fear and stun were annoying. 



We try beholder lair in the underdark but game crashes everytime.. I decide to skip :S.. Maybe for the best, a hive mother is no joke!..


Why not guarded compound? We focus Sion and deal 200+ damage to him after Keldorn dispel. HE JUST WONT FREAKIN DIE though...



Even after ctrl Y. Massive bug.. 



To my chagrin we had to retreat because Sion wouldnt relent his spellcasting even though immortal.. Outside we were greeted by Jaheira's hostile harper party, the first one that challenges your party in Jaheiras romance quests. They are a decent level party, around level 12ish I think. Talk about timing!

Edwin casts a spell.... ehhm.... OOPS! :D!!! Cowled ones warp in! Chaos ensues.


We do major backtracking and trap both wizards and the harper party in clouds and missile fire. 



After a while they all die. We go back to the compound and lure the three warriors, including Koshi, downstairs. We kill them with focused fire while Sion keeps casting but we keep interrupting him. I decide to leave without killing the rest and without looting, its too annoying/risky..


Then I decide to challenge ALL the cowlies. The last wave was dangerous, a dark planetar casting 3 firestorms, like 1 every round hehe..



Finally, even Zallanora falls..



After this we do full Jaheira romance and Edwin transgender quests. That cry for help when wounded, hilarious XD!



Next is planar prison, sphere, and Kangaxx. After that, Suldanesselar!



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