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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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It must be a bug as the ANYONE in the code is surely meant for ANYONE DYING turns into shade, not ANYONE DYING - random npcs turns into shade :(..


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Eren the Powerful Episode 4 BG2

After the last bitter goodbyes from Nalia and Jaheira (I accepted their deaths although its buggy as f*ck), we continue..
We take mr. Corthala with us, although he is kinda underpowered.
Next step in the plan is the key to the sewers in Firkraags lair. Rukh did a number on us with skulltrapsequencers. Damn that hurts..
We skip Semia or whats her name because we have NO mage. That means no haste, no chaos, no cloudkills. 
Meeting firkraag in WARP adamantine and stone golems.. 
COME ON!!!?? :X
Luckely they dont trigger Firkraag to become hostile or something. Keldorn mumbles something about wanting to fight firkraag and both Valygar and Yoshimo react to that, very cool!
We cant actually kill the adamantine so get out, hoping it wont follow us. It didnt.
We pick up Jan for the planar sphere.
Halflings get trapped by clouds while we go ranged mode and pelt them. 
Cleric firestorm + 2 clouds = byebye Tolgarias, although with his ungodly hp, he lasted quite long. 
That staff of striking crit!
Gauntlets of ogre strength obtained.
Next is Illithids. Boy did I fracking underestimate this!
The warning when we got stunned that there was something 'incredibly powerful' should have deterred me..
It started out fine, although the dominated fighters hit like trucks!
Then the full power of the SCS insta-Planar travel hits me. My party separated, 4 of them on 2 of us! DAMN.
Yoshimo gets stunned and killed. Keldorn gets psionic mazed (huh?).. I go invisible with Jan and Eren, grab the staff of fire and summon a bunch of fire elementals. They fall like flies, literally in seconds (low intelligence probably). 
There is no way we can take these warping demons on! I decide to sanctuary Eren, get the hammer of thunderbolts, and GET OUT! I run for my life because Alhoon, a complete freak with all kinds of weird triggers and abilities, True Sights.
But then Illithids got us stuck! Theres just so many! Keldorn cant move and Eren and Valygar were (almost) sh*tting themselves of fear from Alhoons true sight. The true sight message went off time after time but he kept to the rooms west where he had slain more then a few fire elementals. If he wouldve ever decided to join his brethren, we wouldve been dead easy as 1 2 3.
(on a sidenote, illithids also go insta-invisible when not fighting now :S).
Valygars summons another 5 fire elementals, who, although getting insta-stunned, distract the group of freaks enough for us to sneak past them. 
We are lucky to have escaped with our lives. I will NOT underestimate them again.
Before we go for Brynnlaw we do some shopping and captain dennis and party fell within seconds from the firestorm. Powerful spell this.
Next stop, pirate isle! 

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Eren the Powerful Final Episode BG2


Eren has fallen by Irenicus hand. JUST F*CKING BARELY...


Irencius was badly injured and about to flee when his fallen planetar decided to throw one last flame arrow at Eren, dealing what must have been 50+ damage. I had the option: all items are taken away in the asylum dungeon installed, so I couldnt prevent any of it. So damn close...



The amounts of bad luck are incredible guys, check it out:


1. Wanev summons a pit fiend that starts to kill all our friendlies.

2. Fallen planetar vorpals Keldorn AND Valygar ON THE FIRST HIT!!!

3. Fallen planetar casts double insect plague from his spell list (preventing Eren from casting any healing).

4. Jan found a greater healing potion, goes to gulp it, Irenicus decides to throw a MMM at him from the other side of the room, just killing him before he gulpes!

5. The flame arrow right before the planetar unsommens!


Twas a grand battle, but utterly disgusting :S



















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Lovely run you had :( . Those Planetars are very annoying with that Voprals. I use SR/aTweaks Death Ward which stops them, but it's easilly dispelled/breached. Chunk death on vorpal is kind of annoying - especially in a No-Reload.

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Ruzzel the gnomish illusionist: Micro-update


I intended to get a lot more done, but the boy wanted to play his dad (me) some War Thunder, so took care of my son instead. I was able to get something done though - we solved the skinner murders, it was Reijek. We tried to apprehend him but he got away. We had to deal with some rune assassins, ghasts, and a bone golem. The ghasts were quickly killed by MMM's - Stealer used detect illusions, Tank was taking massive damage, he was swallowing potions of extra healing as fast as he could. The Bone Golem charged the mages, but their buffs (mostly spirit armor, stone skin, blur, mirror image and improved invisibility) kept the mages OK. It took a while to actually kill the golem, but it couldn't do much even so before it eventually died. The Sergeant was happy to hear the good news that we found them and forced the murderer to flee.


Ruzzel decided it was high time to pay off Galen Bayle so we did that as well. Not surprisingly, Ruzzel got both goodies that Aran donated to our cause. Everyone that can use one now finally has a protection item (ring/cloak/amulet).


Ruzzel checked his journal and noticed the Trademeet druid problem still isn't solved - so we got on that. But then RL happened, and so will have to continue the session later.

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@Golden: Sorry to hear of your end vs. Irenicus. Based on your description, I'm not certain what you could have done differently to get a different outcome - not install SCS?

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Oof, hard times Golden. That's primarily why I don't have full SCS installed, mostly just improved AIs and a couple improved encounters... Even then, I'm dying frequently, and I'd like to at least get to ToB before making it even harder on myself!  :P


Nardal, Gnomish Berserker, first update

So despite having finals upcoming, I've been able to sink some time into BG2.  :ph34r: My screenshot coverage is very minimal though, so bear with me here.


Irenicus' dungeon is a breeze, though there was a tense moment where I learned for the first time that Berserker Enrage protects against Hold, but not a Web's Hold. Fortunately all the hostiles were held as well, so Imoen's spell was a net loss, I guess. Exiting grants enough experience to hit level 9, a roll of 10 to end with 97 HP. 4th point put into Bastard swords, though after checking a guide most of the good ones are in the Underdark, and I'm not going to be rushing there this time. I think I'll be roleplaying it in my head as though Imoen dies in Spellhold, so she's ineligible for use.


We sell stuff, pick up Jan and Anomen, and purchase a spell caster's license. First quest is the Skinner quest, since I'm not sure how long I have to stay in the Bridge district to trigger Neera's cutscene. My main mage is going to be, once again, a Wild mage. We end up fighting Suna Seni first during transitions, but no big problem. For the Rune Assassins, I feel confident that with Jan's Detect Illusions, the battle should be easy: not so, as Nardal, Minsc, and Yoshimo all get paralyzed by ghasts at one point or another. Yoshimo and Jan fall to Ghasts and the Rune assassins, but then Nardal and Minsc snap out of it and conclude the fight. Two rests and two Harper's Calls later, we're back in business, though we part ways with Yoshimo here.


A trip traipsing through the Wild Forest gives us Neera, and after accepting a variety of quests from the refugees, we travel back to Athkatla. After berating Anomen about how though he desired companions to do righteousness he completely ignored the slave trade going on almost literally behind his back at the Copper Coronet, we help upset Lethinan's business. The Sewers and the Slaver boat were next, and then finally after all this we took down Kalah. Aerie's not coming with us this time, at least unless other people die. Minsc dies in an ambush after getting Held, but that too is easily fixed.


We get Xzar backstabbed, and Jaheira cursed and uncursed in quick progression. She's just gotten better when she's summoned to the Harper's Hold a second time. The other five of us raid the graveyard in the meantime, and when Jaheira returns...



I think I'll be dropping Minsc and Jaheira at some point for Cernd and... I dunno. Valygar? Mazzy to collect all the shorties? Haer'Dalis? Last one's obviously still up in the air.  :P

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Grimwald the Wise

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Ruzzel the gnomish illusionist: Micro-update


I intended to get a lot more done, but the boy wanted to play his dad (me) some War Thunder, so took care of my son instead.


Glad to see you have your priorities right. :)


Mine have flown the nest. You don't have them that long.




Hard luck. At least it looks like you had a good run. :)


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@Golden: Sorry to hear of your end vs. Irenicus. Based on your description, I'm not certain what you could have done differently to get a different outcome - not install SCS?


Yeah, not much really, not get chunked on the first hit twice or not install the take all your items mod, but I installed that because it is much more 'realistic' and challenging.

Im actually in sort of a bind right now. You guys havent seen me play an arcane caster because as I said starting at this forum, I once finished the game with a sorcerer and I'm done with the overpoweredness of contignency into ADHW.. But  I have tried almost every other build and to be honoust, there isent enough power except overlevelled multiclass pc's or a full party with Edwin to take on planetars or mid to high level SCS mages... I think I am truly kinda done... Unless I start to tweak like Aasims awesome runs, but I wont do that, I prefer the most vanilla game albeit it being SCS-hard. 


I dunno :P...




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Glad to see you have your priorities right. :)


Mine have flown the nest. You don't have them that long.

 My toddler is 3 years old. He doesn't yet show any interest in BG. 

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Dogdancing/Corey_Russell Multi-Player No-Reload

Tcos (protagonst, played by Dogdancing) Fighter/Thief

Zaxxon (played by Corey_Russell) Fighter/Illusionist


The duo managed to battle their way out of Irenicus' dungeon. Because Tcos is the main character, we don't have a bag of holding this time (no ShadowKeeper on her computer), so looting took more time than usual. Thus, we drafted Yoshimo into our service until we got out. Containers will definitely be a high priority for both us.


The 2nd level of the dungeon went pretty smooth, with only several issues. For one, Ulvaryl managed to escape despite being hit with flame arrow and vampiric drain. Also, with the steam mephit on the way to the trap by the pipe, Zaxxon got stunned - Tcos and Yoshimo dived in though, and distracted the enemies so Zaxxon weathered it OK. 


We were able to get a scroll case and gem bag each. Getting a potion bag will be our next major goal. After talking to Galen, Zaxxon made the duo invisible (at Galen's, since no license yet) so that they can weather the coming ambush when they try to go to Watcher's Keep to get the potion bag.


Dogdancing was hurting in real life. so we decided now was a good time to end the session.

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Because Tcos is the main character, we don't have a bag of holding this time (no ShadowKeeper on her computer),

You could still enable cheats and use the console to bring one in ...

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Grimwald the Wise

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Dogdancing was hurting in real life. so we decided now was a good time to end the session.


Sorry to hear about that. The hurting I mean. :(

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Ooh that's a bummer. I hate planetar vorpal hits, it is so unfair! But it makes enemy planetars something to be feared. And rightfully so, btw.


I lost Jaheira and Rasaad to fallen planetar vorpals, and they too, died in two consecutive first hits! A freak coincidence, or a bug? Doesn't it allow a save vs death? Broken if it doesn't.
What about Balor vorpal hits, one vorpalled Hexxat in final hell fight but, Hexxat was not chunked. It is weird that demons do not perma-kill, but angels are quite a lot more grotesque that they defile their victim's corpses so badly they are not raisable.


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I lost Jaheira and Rasaad to fallen planetar vorpals, and they too, died in two consecutive first hits! A freak coincidence, or a bug? Doesn't it allow a save vs death? Broken if it doesn't.

What about Balor vorpal hits, one vorpalled Hexxat in final hell fight but, Hexxat was not chunked. It is weird that demons do not perma-kill, but angels are quite a lot more grotesque that they defile their victim's corpses so badly they are not raisable.

I'm not sure about Planetars (afaik they do allow a save); SCS Balor doesn't allow a save (but doesn't chunk either); aTweaks Balor has chunk vorpal w/o save.


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You could still enable cheats and use the console to bring one in ...

That's not quite enough information - what's the command line to do it (bring in a bag of holding)?


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I'm not sure about Planetars (afaik they do allow a save); SCS Balor doesn't allow a save (but doesn't chunk either); aTweaks Balor has chunk vorpal w/o save.

Vanilla Balors in Melissan fight have a 15% chance of a vorpal hit, no save offered.


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That's not quite enough information - what's the command line to do it (bring in a bag of holding)?

Open the Baldur.ini file (located in the BG2 installation directory).  Find the line [Program Options] and add the text Debug Mode=1 underneath. 
Press ctrl and space together to open console.  The following command will bring in a bag of holding:

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Open the Baldur.ini file (located in the BG2 installation directory).  Find the line [Program Options] and add the text Debug Mode=1 underneath. 
Press ctrl and space together to open console.  The following command will bring in a bag of holding:


Thanks Grond0! We look forward to trying out your suggestion when we get a chance.

Serg BlackStrider

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Another bit of news of Impish Face & Co:


Phaere gave us some fake Adalon's eggs to overthrow the Matron Ardulace and set herself up as head of the house while Solaufein provided another set for both the Matron and Phaere to be killed by the Demon. Nice plan. Quickly we swapped the eggs (picked a Rod of Resurrection from the container), observed the ritual, looted Ardulace' smoldering corpse for Vhailor's Helm and Belm scimitar, cast Haste and Pixie Dust and rushed out of the city. Even being hasted only Impish Face and Jaheira (who both wear Boots of Speed) came there in time while the rest only has reached tavern as all city went hostile (seems something in my install accelerated the timer... :huh: ). Poor pathfinding ended Mazzy being stuck near tavern and taking heavy damage. She swallowed the Invisibility potion just in time while Jaheira went on the rescue mission to summon some Fire Elementals to distract the Drow. Mazzy was free but Jaheira was Grabbed by Aerial Servant in turn, crap! Impish Face held on the reinforcements coming through the entrance, eventually Jaheria set free as well and we finally escaped that damned city and not turning back (maybe, maybe *we'll be back* in the future, will see).  




Adalon was so happy to get her eggs back that she gave us the Gesen Bow String and helped to nix some Drow guarding the Underdark exit.




And we are finally enjoyed the fresh air again at long last. Had some conversation with elves, fought the Nereids/Water Weirds  in the Small Teeth Pass (nothing what good saves and some fireballs/flamestrikes couldn't handle), found Namarra +2 in tomb guarded by pair of Efreeti in North Forest and looted Robe of Evil Archmage, Blade of the Equalizer from gang of mercenaries there.




After a short rest were awakened by Dermin who came with intention to punish Jaheira severely. Even though he was wrong in the matter we had no intentions to fight him but he gave us no other choice...




Took a look at our Keep (and grab some cash) and headed back to the Athkatla only to be *welcomed* by Kruin's Gish:




Checked Ribald's *special* stock for Shield of Harmony +2 (bought) and Staff of Rynn +4 (not yet). Then made an extensive (and expensive!) crafting with Cromwell: The Equalizer Sword, The Wave Halberd, Gesen Short Bow, Mace of Disruption +2, Vorpal Sword.


With all new gear (and HLA territory for some Crew members: Impish Face (Hardiness, Extra 6 level Spell Slot), Jaheira (Hardiness, Summon Deva), Mazzy (Hardiness)) we are going to tie up some loose ends...


Current state:

Impish Face: Fighter (14) / Illusionist (14), 769 kills (Lea'liyl);

Jaheira: Fighter (14) / Druid (14), 242 kills (Bone Golem); 4 revival

Nalia: Swashbuckler (5) / Mage (17), 151 kills (Unseeing Eye);

Viconia: Cleric (21), 51 kills (Mogadish); 1 revival

Mazzy: Fighter (20), 255 kills (Adamantite Golem); 1 revival

Imoen: Thief (7) / Mage (17), 13 kills (Yuan-Ti Mage); 1 revival.

to be continued...

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Serg BlackStrider

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And the honor of being the first in the to-do list goes to....... Shade Lord! (a standing ovation)


Buffed and under Mass Invisibility we enter, took the position on the south, one-shotted Shadow Altar with Sun Bullet, nixed Shadow Patrick and poked Shade Lord with a stone in the forehead. He gave his speech, fired pre-buffs, we observed them and hit with Khelben's Warding Whip, Secret Word*2/Spell Thrust sequencer followed with Breach. Done:




Got Club +3, Blackblood at last! It's usually Jaheira's weapon of choice and she missed it long enough already. Shadow Patrick spared the Halberd +2, Duskblade and overjoyed Minister Lloyd gave us the Ras +2 Long Sword. Nalia joined the HLA Crew with Summon Planetar (Dragons, beware!).


I think, Guarded Compound will be our next target.


to be continued...

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Great stuff Serg. Keep it up. 

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Nice work Serg - I agree Blackblood is a great weapon for Jaheira - I often don't swap it out for her until we meet enemies that require +4 such as Ravager and Melissan.

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Impressive work, Serg, surviving the Underdark and then some! I usually end up resorting to cheesy stealth-shots to deal with the Shade Lord before he can fire his PFMW script, and being able to just murder him with a trigger must feel good.


Nardal, Gnomish Berserker second update:

There's only one major quest line done in this one, and two large fights: the first Captain Dennis and his men. I'll pass on the Limited Wish quest, I suppose. The fight takes a very long time, with almost all disables irritatingly enough failing to effect the Captain and his men, and without disablers, fighting vs 3 men in full-plate with various potions is really, really painful. Multiple potions had to be quaffed to survive. It's worth it though, since now all 4 Warriors in my party are equipped with a +1 or +2 ring or cloak or in Nardal's case, a +2 Necklace, and with Full Plate Mail to boot.


Second fight is Jaheira's Harper "friends," who come itching for a fight. They get one, but it's not to their liking. More Full Plate: NOW I get them after everyone's fully outfitting.


Neera's quest: It's a freaking enclave of Red Wizards in SCS. I dunno if SCS has touched it or not, but just... clusters of wizards. To keep safe, I spend 2k gold on a Protection from Magic scroll. Could it have seen better uses? Probably, but I need to survive the early-to-midgame first. The proprietor of the Enclave sells some interesting gear, such as a robe that increases movement speed by 2 and magic damage resistance by 25%; almost all our gold was spent on it just to test its usefulness.


Without prebuffs, at least, the mages aren't too big of a problem since their scripts are apparently telling them to buff to high heavens first, but ignoring PFMW mages, we cut through their allies like a hot knife through butter. Namarra is doing work here, as very few of the mages start with a MGoI and those that aren't silenced are hit by the one-two combo of Greater Malison - > Chaos that Jan and Neera successfully pull off. The entire enclave is cleared and I'm looting when I get a bit ahead of myself and have Minsc open a door... And he's disintegrated. Instead of doing inventory shenanigans, I decided to console in my own Bag of Holding, which currently contains random quest items and Minsc's gear; the items weren't destroyed with him, it seems. Our next stop is likely to be Umar hills, or possibly Trademeet. I haven't quite decided yet.

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Serg BlackStrider

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Thanks, friends! I'll try my best to stay tuned further.


Nice work Serg - I agree Blackblood is a great weapon for Jaheira - I often don't swap it out for her until we meet enemies that require +4 such as Ravager and Melissan.

Indeed. I don't even swap it for Club of Detonation or Spectral Brand (if I even get it - not 100% assurance in no-reload). Besides, it harmonizes perfectly with my bloody red outfit  :)


Impressive work, Serg, surviving the Underdark and then some! I usually end up resorting to cheesy stealth-shots to deal with the Shade Lord before he can fire his PFMW script, and being able to just murder him with a trigger must feel good.

Yeah, it much more satisfactory this way. And I'm trying to avoid the preemptive strikes - not much point to install full pre-buffs and then cheat'em out.


Namarra is doing work here, as very few of the mages start with a MGoI and those that aren't silenced are hit by the one-two combo of Greater Malison - > Chaos that Jan and Neera successfully pull off. 


I might be wrong or my memory serves me poor but from my encounter with House Jae'llat I recall that Horn of Silence bypass MGoI...


Anyway, keep good progress everyone!