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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Trio Update #2 (Attempt #2) - (Corey_Russell, Grond0, Gate70)


The Trio started with clearing out the last of the graveyard - the room with the two shadow fiends and mummy. Not as much trouble as it would have other wise been, since Axer used Arbane in the off=hand. Krem wanted some critical hit protection, so then the Trio worked their way through some spiders and defeated Pa' naii. It went pretty smooth, except while down here, Axer got poisoned 3 times - this left only one antidote left after curing himself.


The Trio then defeated Lynnis for Wellyn - piece of cake. But while doing this we got ambushed we got hit with the Renfeld ambush, so then we returned Renfield. The Cleric of Cyric couldn't stop us and then Renfeld was returned. The Trio decided to do some of the Docks quest while here. This was rather fateful for Vommar. The Trio attacked Prebek and company with the idea that Vommar would draw out their confusion (and in fact Vommar was confused). However, what was worse is Vommar got held too - Krem and Axer charged doing their best to kill the mages. The mages were killed, but not before a well aimed lightning bolt got Vommar to badly wounded and then a simple goblin arrow was enough to finish Vommar - so a quick temple visit was made to put Vommar back together.


Next up was Maevar''s quests. All the quests went fast - Rayic Gethras was duoed by Krem and Vommar, as Axer was too afraid of a possible FoD. After killing Maevar the party was working their way back to report their success when a nasty vampire ambush (Sunsuki) happened and Vommar and Krem were far away from Axer! Axer tried running but it wasn't working, the vampires were too fast - fortunately Krem handed Axer an invis potion and Axer hid - but then Vommar's situation was serious, even with the AoP, so then Axer assisted with Azeuredge and eventually the pesky vampires were slain, although Vommar rather disdainfully gulped at least one potion to stay alive.





Harper's Hold was also cleared without much incident.


After Maevar, the party had a lot of cash, Axer thought Trademeet would be a good place to spend it. The Trio defeated the genies and then headed for the Druid Grove. Axer got a lot of kills here, as he was the only one who could kill Trolls. The fights went smooth, with Namuraa being used against the shadow druids to good effect. Now that Axer has shield of harmony he handed the Arbane to Krem. Krem now has zero for saves vs. death thanks to the cloak of displacement.

Druid Grove screenshots:



As expected, Cernd wiped out Faldhorn. We reported our success to the Mayor of Trademeet and saved our session there. Incidentally, we have been in a huge number of ambushes. Axer normally goes for the mages with his dual-wielding plus elemental damage from his Stonefire.



Party Stats:

Vommar (Gate70), level 10 cavalier, 112 HP, 274 kills, Vampire

Axer (Corey_Russell), level 10 fighter, 116 HP, 284 kills, Spirit Troll

Krem (Grond0), level 10 kensai, 108 HP, 266 kills, Crypt King


The kill count is sitll very, very close. Axer was lucky to hold onto the lead for one more week, but the other two couldn't kill trolls, so lucky him...Krem now has Belm, so he easily could pull ahead next week, we'll just have to see...

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Trio Update 3 (Attempt #2) (Corey_Russell, Grond0, Gate70)


Waaaahhh! I had just finished my post and just needed to put two screenshots into it to be done - so went to photobucket but right then my free AV program tried to tell me to upgrade to the new one - I had meant to close this pop-up but closed the browser (bye, bye post). But I had the post in the clipboard! But I rather stupidly opened photobucket first, put the 1st picture to clipboard, went to BG site, tried to paste post, and then realized photobucket just overwrote my post! Why did I make this mistake? Not sure but being sick probably doesn't help. I don't feel like doing it all over. So instead a summary:



Session went really well, with only one death - somehow the Fallen Paladins got a few huge, fast hits and Vommar and killed him. So we had to put him back together. But all other encounters here went smooth.


* A few ambushes - success (Including a few vampire ones)

* Skinner murders

* retrieved Horn of Valhalla

* Fallen Paladins destroyed

* Viconia rescued then released

* Umar Hills quests completed

* Undead in the old Amaunator's Temple cleared. Axer didn't know it but he had a huge advantage in both him using Azuredge and also Krem forced to use a non-proficient magic weapon. Axer also lost his +2 axe somewhere along the way. Shadow Dragon left alone. Shade Lord once again apparently was unable to survive Azuredge.

* Lilacor quest completed

* Captain Haegan and bunch cleared out


Next stop: D'Arnise Keep


Kill count: Axer, 346, Krem 320, Vommar, 320


Axer managed to hold to his lead one more week. But doubt it will last, because has decided staying alive is more important to him - so using Shield of Harmony will not only greatly boost his AC but also the immunity to hold, confusion and charm is quite useful with this spell saves only being 7.




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It had been a while as unfortunately some real life issues got in the way but here's the next update finally...


Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 16)
Being raised by humans and more or less like a human Dyara wasn't really familiar with elven culture and customs and so she was a little bit nervous when she climbed to the surface as for the first time she would be among her own people with no other humans around. The greeting by the elves hardly could have been called friendly; despite being an elf Dyara was considered an outsider who was not to be trusted. Nevertheless the elves and Dyara had to team up as Irenicus had overrun Suldanessallar and sealed its entrance. To re-open the entrance the Rhynn Lanthorn was required but the artefact had been stolen by Bodhi and taken to her lair below the Graveyard district in Athkatla.

Travelling through Small Teeth pass and the northern forest Dyara returned to Athkatla. There the other half of the silver sword was given to her and after fighting some Cowled Wizards and beheading a magical sword Dyara went "Back to Brynnlaw"...


At spellhold more Cowled Wizards had to be fought...


... until finally Dyara got back the small part of herself she had to sacrifice some weeks ago in her dream...


In Athkatla then Lord Ketlaar Argrim was imprisoned and in her lair below the graveyard Bodhi was put to eternal rest...


For Dyara feared an ambush now that she had the Rhynn Lanthorn she rested in one of the empty tombs and prepared herself (equipping ring of free action for immunity to stun/hold and slow, shield of harmony for immunity to confusion and the thieves' hood for immunity to backstabs). And so right she was as just as she left the graveyard district she became ambushed by some "Chosen of Cyric" led by the assassin Venduris...


Dyara could have made them leave in peace but with all the shiny items they had she decided to teach them a lesson instead (especially as she had paid a lot of gold for that chain contingency scroll).

The fight started with Venduris making his gang invisible by using his ring (Mass Invisibility). Dyara quickly closed the gap by activating Greater Whirlwind hoping that her 'Detect Illusion' ability would reveal her enemies just in time. Dyara was attacked by the half-orc fighter Grok triggering the chain contingency (3x "Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting")...


... killing both the sorceress Selina Shadowstorm and the fighter/mage/thief Zaeron T'ane. Dyara then used her remaining GWW attacks on Venduris...


... leaving her with just the aforementioned Grok, the halfling fighter/thief Bodak Hangthorn and the human priest Kerith the Bleak. Protecting herself from Magical Weapons...


... then brought the fight to a temporary halt used by both sides for healing their wounds. Dyara also summoned some elementals but then somehow the cleric was able to "Harm" her (apparently by a ranged "touch" attack)...


... reducing Dyara's hit points to just one (or two) again. A quickly quaffed "Potion of Invisibility" got her somewhat save again and the summoned elementals bought her enough time to heal up once more...


When the fighting went towards the northern parts of the area Dyara was even able to set a time trap...


... killing both Bodak and Grok in the process...


A solitary Kerith the Bleak then stood no chance against Dyara and two elementals...


and the next hour was spend with looting the corpses. Dyara replaced her boots with the "Boots of the Fox" (+1 AC, increased movement rate) and her cloak with "Venduris' Shadowcloak" (+1 AC, +1 saving throws, +50% HiS, immunity to backstab). Also "Venduris' Luckstone" (ioun stone with luck+3) sparked her interest and she decided to give it a try.

Using her remaining traps the illithid enclave below the temple district was cleansed, the alhoon was destroyed using the mace of disruption and another "Magical Sword" was beheaded...



Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 144    9,293,350      2,152      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...

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Trio Update 4 (Attempt #2) (Corey_Russell, Grond0, Gate70)


The Trio made excellent progress, though not without a death.


The Trio had ended their last session at the entrance of D'Arnise Keep. This entire keep was cleared without hardly any difficulty. The entire team hits hard and since Axer usually uses a shield, he is a good tank as well. Krem welcomed a good flail at last (flail of ages), Vommar didn't mind finally having something to kill trolls if need be (Frostweaver). Vommar also welcomed the full plate. We another good item for Krem, the shield amulet, but Krem disdains protection - so guess Axer can use in case magic missiles are a problem.


Axer wanted Tasheron's Bow in preparation for the coming fight with Thaxxy. We also did Tiris while here in Trademeet. We also got the throwing hammer for Krem, as well as Ras for Vommar. We can buy a lot of stuff thanks in part to Vommar's 20 CHA. Last bit was dispelling arrows from Waukeen's Promenade. While here the party took down Mencar's group - the Trio are far more powerful than Mencar's group it was clear. Risling the thief got webbed by Kithix and died fast - his groupmates didn't do much better - Mencar's group's only achievement was badly hurting Vommar. Axer reminded the group don't set off the petrify trap on one of the chests. His group listened to him this time...


Dragon hunting time - the party headed to Thaxxy's Lair. We had a few weak summons. Important prep was clarity potion on Krem (so he wouldn't be affected by chaos - Axer and Vommar are immune thanks to items). Resist fear by Vommar also important. The general plan was for Axer to use dispelling arrows on Thaxxy while the other two killed him. This was working OK at first, but Krem was getting hit hard - in addition Vommar got confused by a chaos! So Axer had to take a time out and shoot some dispelling arrows on Vommar to get everyone back in the fight. Both Krem and Vommar were badly hurt, so Axer charged with his Stonefire and +1 mace - Vommar retreats to safety and sure enough the dragon falls, with Krem getting the kill shot.


Next up was some adventure in the sewers. Axer thought the party would fight Tarnor or even the Rakshashka first, but no the other party members had other ideas, but without telling Axer what was going on. This lead to Axer pulling some of the minions by the Rakshashka, including the Rakshashka himself (though Axer didn't know it until too late). Vommar managed to get held by a kobold shaman - Axer moved down and asked the party if they wanted him to dispel the hold with an arrows - the party said don't bother but complained about the rakshashka (who Axer didn't know was following him until too late). The rakshashka did get a hit on Vommar, but Krem and Axer killed the rakshashka almost instantly, so Vommar narrowly escaped death.


The next bit was clearing out Mekrath's lair, including Mekrath himself. The mephits were easy. Mekrath tried to protect himself with Protection from Normal Weapons - predictably, this was no help against bunch of +3 magical weapons coming his way and he fell pretty fast. The Umber Hulks did a bit better, confusing Krem. Axer didn't want to wait so fired a dispelling arrow at Krem - Kensais pretty easy to hit and all. But the other party members complained by an extra arrow hitting Krem - might be because Krem as usual didn't have a lot of HP at that moment...However, once the party was in control of themselves, the enemies in this area couldn't stop us. Axer protected himself with a spare green scroll of electricity protection - this worked well.


One of the last bits of the session was the epic battle with Tarnor's Group - so much happened that is hard to describe the whole battle - let me describe the important parts though:

* Vommar got killed by a Finger of Death - Krem was courteous to bring Vommar back with Rod of Resurrection - however the enemy cleric immediately held Vommar! Keep in mind Vommar is naked - Axer switched to bow and dispelled the hold, then switched back to his normal axes to pound on Gaius. 

* Problem with Vommar dying is now the enemies concentrated attacks on Axer. Axer was forced to gulp potions like crazy this fight. Krem was forced to withdraw because he was badly hurt after his attempted surprise attack on Gaius in the opening stage of the battle. Axer retreated to the right, but now full group of kobolds are also attacking Axer - so there are about a dozen enemies attacking our Hero. Axer attempted an invis potion, but the kobold shaman quickly dispelled it. So Axer kept running around the sewers while Krem and Vommar focused on killed Gaius - and they killed him right when Axer arrived with his enemies.

* With Tarnor's mage being dead, the enemies were unable to put up stiff resistance, and the party were able to mop all enemies up, though they did get hurt a bit.


There was about 10 minutes before out of time, so the Trio worked on getting the key from Gaal. Krem and Vommar enjoyed being stuck in a web trap, while Axer knew enough to stay away. The vampiric mists managed to level drain Axer - fortunately he had a scroll of restoration to fix himself. The Trio regroups by the lich's crypt and saved our session here.


Screenshots from the adventure:


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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric entering BG 2/ToB portion of the trilogy no-reload challenge...


Reem II has defeated Sarevok and made it to Amn. Here is his character sheet after escaping Irenicus' dungeon and solving the circus problem:




Dealing with dungeon enemies were pretty clean. Only two things happened of note. For one, the vampire escaped. The other thing is I got a random loot of a +2 spear. Sweet weapon really, too bad I can't use - so sold instead. The Ashideena was bought - the elemental damage could be quite helpful vs. mages and the like. This did make Reem Ii pretty much broke.


Next session: Reem II will talk to Galen, then get a +warhammer just lying on a table in the slums. Then he will go get Oficer Dirth's full plate. Finally, he will go to Watcher's Keep to get potion bag - he is quite overflowing with them at the moment. As is my habit I used Shadowkeeper for a bag of holding since solo. After getting Ashideena, obtained gem back and scroll case to help with inventory.


Once those things are done, helping Hendak get free should be a piece of cake since the only dangerous thing is the hold person the casters cast, but free action stops that stuff.


The adventure continues...

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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric - update 2


Just a brief update. Reem II is now a level 9 fighter/level 9 cleric - he put his proficiency into flails for Flail of Ages. That would be a nice weapon against casters, plus there aren't really a lot of ways for Reem II to actually kill a troll, unless Reem II wants to put a ridiculous amount of spell slots for flame blade or buy the Blackblood Club for its outlandish price (he has no skill in clubs - primarily because Corey_Russell is not aware of any +4 clubs he can use (which are helpful in the endgame in ToB) - there might be some deep in the bowels of Watcher's Keep, but Corey_Russell can only clear the 1st level safely).


As predicted, he helped free Hendak easily. It took a while though - I think Hendak got lost (because Reem II's skeletons were blocking Hendak), so it took a while for Hendak to actually find Letithan, but find him he did. The only item for sale that Copper Coronet merchant had (drawing a blank on his name for some reason) that Reem II actually wanted and that he could use was the sling of seeking. He had a bit of cash left over, so got the glasses of identification. Surprisingly, he actually has some lore (23 I think) - but this is only enough for really basic items like +1 daggers and +1 quarterstaffs, etc. Any item that he would want to use immediately, he would need the glasses.


A scroll of undead protection from the spell merchant in Waukeen's Promenade was bought - Reem II needs more cash, mainly for the Ring of Air Control as well as green scroll of protection from petrification so that then he should be able to deal with the genies of trademeet safely. So with the scroll, the graveyard would be cleared (except for the lower crypts). Actually, since his save vs. death is -1, he might as well as deal with the spiders for the loot that Panaii is guarding while he is at it.

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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric - Update 3


Reem II got some more done this session - at the end of the session he had like 35,000 gold, most of which he blew in Trademeet for these items:


* cloak of displacement

* Forget name, but the +3 warhammer that can be used in melee or thrown, with bonuses to giants and ogres. Reem II didn't have any +3 items so this is quite useful in that regard. BG 2 doesn't have anything better than + 2 bullets, other than a few rare sun bullets, so having a +3 thrown weapon can help against golems and such.

* Belt of the Inertial Barrier


In a temple also purchased a charm helmet (if I dual wield and face vampires then would need this) and boots of grounding (didn't have any boots so might as well - it could help when facing shadow druids in the druid grove too).


Reem II has been in many, many ambushes so far - he has weathered them well. One of his favorite tactics is to use sanctuary, move to edge of ambush map, then buff/summon skeletons and then attack - for Suna Seni ambush for example, the buffs were so effective he didn't even take ONE damage!! 


One other item obtained is the Fortress Shield. The one weakness of the shield of harmony is because it's a small shield, it doesn't help with piercing attacks like daggers/short swords of thieves or arrows - thus the Fortress Shield is far better protection in those cases.


The Umar Hills quests were completed without incident - other than he accidentally sold his bejuril gem, so had to buy it back for 2200 gold...


To solve the undead problem in the old Amaunator temple near Immesvale, He used Fortress Shield and Ashideena to deal with most enemies here. He tried dual-wielding, but he got hit quite a bit doing that - seems better to use sword/shield style, to be far harder to hit (he was -12 to piercing/blunt and slashing this way). Reem II thought about  using a green scroll vs. the Shadow Lord but then thought - hey I can buff myself to protect from bad effects (resist fear, death ward etc). So Reem II did max buffs then attacked shade lord (after killing altar with a sun bullet) - this worked! Note shadow dragon left alone for the moment, no level drain protection yet.


Next session will do D'Arnise Keep WITH Nalia - this is because he needs her 10500 gold to help pay Galen, but she doesn't give you that unless she is alive and in group when you exit the keep after Torgal has been killed.


Screenshots of the adventure:



EDIT: Forgot to mention for those that are curious, he is a level 10 fighter/level 10 cleric at the moment. No access to level 6 spells but he just got his 2nd level 5 spell (he has chaotic commands and righteousness memorized - the righteousness can help in a tough battle, but the main purpose actually is to bash chests and doors - combined with DUHM Reem II can get 25 STR which can open most (though not all) doors/locks).

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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric - Update 4


Reem II is making very good progress. Here are some screenshots from his adventure so far



Things accomplished:

* D'Arnise Keep cleared and saved. Nalia assisted, mainly because I wanted 10500 gold you get if you leave the keep with mission accomplished and she also alive. But I did a new dialogue option (for me) and learned something new! She had something on her mind and she wanted me to control the keep - I ALWAYS get the fighter guild, so wanted to do the cleric stronghold this run - which meant I declined to run the Keep. I also declined her company. But as a result, she ALSO gave me 650 gold - the reward you get if you save the keep if she's not in the group and you report back to her! All this gold was of course in addition to the gold I got selling the loot of the keep. Was nice for me to get this. After doing this quest, the Flail of Ages is a new tool, and could even became the main weapon once I get another flail proficiency.


* Saw no reason to delay Lilacor so got the out of the way. With skeletons and Shield of Harmony, as well as paying attention to location of traps, there was no way I could fail this (and didn't).


* Cleared slavers holed up in moored ship - I approached from Sewers - by approaching invisible and being 25 STR and dual-wielding, the cleric of cyric was quickly killed - the fotress shield was then donned and the enemies could do nothing. For the 2nd group, summons distracted, while Reem II did things like silence x2 and hold person x2 - then he used his throwing hammer - clean victory. It was tough to find Hendak - found him by the ****** area - perhaps he was partaking?


* Did Sir Sarles quest. With AoP, the IMoD isn't necessary for level drain protection. However, I can't use Azuredge, so might nice to use against undead if I ever got mace proficiencies - also if there's a different amulet I want to use for an encounter, that would be an option if I had the IMoD for level drain protection instead.


* Reem II continuing to do very well in ambushes


* Tarnor's group defeated - Once I got a level 6 spell, I wanted to deal with these guys (I also want to do Kangaxx quest, which is easier to kill two liches with one undead scroll if Tarnor's gang isn't in the way). I had initially planned on using Blade Barrier/Sanctuary idea - problem? I got the Blade Barrier confused with some level 6 spell looking like a sun. So the idea failed. I had some skellies as backup - I thought let's send them maybe they can kill something (they couldn't, not by themselves anyways). They DID draw out some spells, however. So then I got the right spell, Blade Barrier, memorized and rested and tried again. Gaius died fast, and the others followed suit - Blade Barrier kills all of them! Fun.


* I was really liking Blade Barrier now! So then I used it in an ambush - easy victory! Was almost getting real exciting for me then...but then a mini-disaster happened - because blade barrier was active when arriving in the docks, it killed a bystander and made a nearby citizen hostile and I lost 7 reputation! Doh! Ran to Graveyard to rest and get rid of the Blade Barrier. Oops.


* Helped Wellyn the ghost - easy peasy - not like the thief even had the tiniest chance of victory...


* Dawn ring recovered - again, enemies couldn't really do anything, but die.


* Getting a ton of use out of the ring of invisibility. It allows me to rest almost anywhere in the city. It's really convenient for those quests that happen at certain times (Travin can only be found at night, Ore Merchant takes a day to show up after taking order for illithium alloy, etc.)


Reem II is clearly becoming a very capable character - but that's what I expected and was hoping for. I don't have a solo no-reload yet, perhaps Reem Ii can do that for me...


the adventure continues...

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In case people are curious, the word that the web site is hiding is w h o r e. Not sure why it is, as that area where Hendak was standing really was by the w h o r e area. Best guess is BioWare doesn't want people to call female users of the forums to be called such.

Grimwald the Wise

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In case people are curious, the word that the web site is hiding is w h o r e. Not sure why it is, as that area where Hendak was standing really was by the w h o r e area. Best guess is BioWare doesn't want people to call female users of the forums to be called such.


It does seem a bit strange, particularly when you have to talk with ladies belonging to that profession in the game.


In RL, I was slightly amused when we were choosing a name for the Street Angels Project in my town that next door there was a lap-dancing club called Angels. We therefore chose another name to avoid confusion. Despite doing that, there have ben instances of confusion. :D


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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 17)

Once Cromwell had crafted Crom Faeyr Dyara made her way back to the Underdark exit. There Elhan took the Rhynn Lanthorn; they all went to the Forest of Thethir where the lanthorn revealed the entry to Suldanessallar. Somewhat exited Dyara followed Elhan into the elven city.
At first Dyara was overwhelmed by the beauty of Suldanessallar; only at second glance she saw all the dead bodies, the blood and the destruction caused by Irenicus' attack on the city. On her search for the high priestess Demin Dyara had to fight lots of golems, rakshasas and demons...


To open the entrance to the palace Dyara even had to fight a real dragon...


... but everything went more or less smoothly (besides that somehow some insects managed to fly through a fire shield). The same was true for the fight against Irenicus at the Tree of Life. Switching from Flail of Ages to Carsomyr and finally to an ordinary longsword...


... allowed Dyara to win the fight within one and a half round.

When Irenicus crumpled, his words dying on his lips, a strange quiet enveloped the scene and Dyara wondered if she had finally won, if it were all truly over now and what about what Irenicus had stolen from her, what about her soul? Then Dyara felt a small tug inside herself, a pull that seemed to come from the apparition that rose from Irenicus. It was gentle at first, but quickly in became urgent. Within seconds, Dyara was unable to breath, she was drawn inexorably to where Irenicus fell. Apparently Dyara was still connected to her stolen soul, but it was no longer among the living. Released in death, her soul didn't return to her, but was falling away from the mortal world and Dyara was dragged along with it.

Finally the pain subsided but when Dyara opened her eyes the horror was beyond imagination. It was an assault to her senses, a collection of nightmare sensations. This, surely, was Hell. Unsure why she was there Dyara started to explore her surroundings. The huge cavern she had arrived was empty besides the statue in the middle. There was a large door that did not open and five stairways leading down. Unsure what to do next Dyara took the stairs to the right of the large door...

The stairs led her down into another cavern occupied by a demon greeting her. Apparently she was in her father's realm now, Irenicus had stolen her soul but, so the demon said, not all of it. And so Dyara and Irenicus were tethered together, neither truly dead and neither truly alive. To end this Dyara had to seek her soul by gathering the "Tears of Bhaal"...


The demon then told her about a terrible and powerful creature holding one of her father's Tears but after a while the demon admitted that fighting this creature was not required as it would hand over the Tear when nicely asked. Using the Tear on the large door opened the first eye and got Dyara some elemental resistance.


In the next cavern Dyara had to face her fears. She felt brave enough to refuse the evil cloak and fought the beholders instead...


Using the Tear on the door got Dyara immunity to +1 weapons and less.


To get the next Tear without losing herself to Bhaal (and without taking a commoner's life) Dyara had to sacrifice a part of herself...


Using the Tear increased her magic resistance by 10%.


In the next cavern Dyara refused to kill the genie and was rewarded with +2 to all her saving throws.


In the last cavern Dyara was surprised by her brother Sarevok - or something that looked (and talked) very much like him. Regardless Dyara felt no wrath against her brother, she just pitied him and what he had become.


Back in the main cavern Dyara prepared herself a little bit for whatever might come (stoneskin, immunity to fire/cold, spirit armor, SI: Abjuration, spellshield, improved haste, potions of invulnerability/giant strength/heroism, some traps) before using the last Tear to increase her charisma and wisdom. Then the large door opened and Irenicus popped in, ranting as usual. Too afraid to fight her alone Irenicus summoned some Balor and Glabrezu and immediately turned into the Slayer (perhaps caused by some traps exploding under his feet).

While Dyara fought the first Balor, Irenicus called a Fallen Planetar. The Balor went down quickly...


... exploding and interrupting the Slayer's spellcasting...


The Planetar was killed next...


... and so was the first Glabrezu, the second one and the second Balor as well...


... and after a while the fight was over...


... and Dyara woke up in the Temple of Rillifane with Ellesime being at her side. In Dyara's honor a great feast took place and then Dyara left the elves for the "Throne of Bhaal" add-on.


Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 142   10,008,950      2,212      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric - Update 5


A few things, but this post mostly catches up on screnshots was unable to put in the last post. Reem II is currently working his way through the Unseeing Eye Quest - he wants his stronghold! He is about 2,000,000 experience by this point.


* Thaxxy was defeated. Key prep was Shield of Harmony to foil chaos, resist fear to make sure dragon fear was a non issue, AoP of course to be immune to level drain, and lots of bullets (in my install, returning weapons can't hurt dragons). I also used a haste potion as it was taking forever to kill the dragon. Luckily there's an alcove that the dragon can't fit, which means as long as chaos/level drains don't work, I can fire bullets all day until the dragon falls. I have to keep my hand on the pause though, as I got blinded many times and when that happens the character foolishly tries to get into melee range , which I have the stop - but the dragon does fall. This got me a level as well the Crom Faeyr Scroll - I do want to forge the Crom Faeyr this run.


* Kangaxx defeated. His parts was obtained using protection from undead scroll, and Kangaxx himself defeated by a protection from magic scroll, as well as a haste potion once the demi-lich form appeared. Note the weapon used to kill it was the Giantkin Warhammer - I usually find this weapon pretty useless, but the fact that it counts as a +5 weapon means it can hit anything not immune to blunt attacks, which makes it useful to keep in the pack. The ring puts his save vs. spell at 0 - not quite immune to FoD yet (though if I know that can happen, death ward should be active...)



* Here are some screenshots of this session and last session:


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Congrats on making through Amn, Dyara! Best of luck for Throne of Bhaal areas! And don't let Draconis win - he deserves to go to go down for all the no-reloaders he has taken down over the years...

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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric - Update 6


Reem Ii has been making great strides - though not without its setbacks. The Unseeing Eye had finally been defeated - and when Reem II returned he got his stronghold at the Lathander Temple. The Dawn said a lot of stuff and I thought he said Reem II got his own room (but maybe he meant that could be earned). So Reem II foolishly looked into some chests, thinking it would be OK in his room - well none of the rooms were his room, he was spotted and made the Lathanders hostile! Oops! Sanctuary time! Reem II suspected he would lose reputation if he fought, so instead ran away - but this did mean if he did anything in the Temple area he needed to sneak past the Lathandarites every time....



As mentioned the Unseeing Eye was defeated the the quest completed including defeating Gaal - the globe of blades has seen a lot of use this run and to good effect on the whole. Just gotta be careful of collateral damage... (see Unseeing Eye screenshots:



There have been other mishaps - such as forgetting if I looted the stand on Rayic Gethras' top floor - not realizing that fireball trap was a REPEATING trap - thus for the first time this run Reem II got critically injured! A Rod of Resurrection was used for the 1st time this run to put himself back together (it was night-time so easily could have been ambushes waiting for him).


Reem II got to -20 piercing defense in prep for pursuing Reijek - but even so still got hit hard by the Rune Assassins - however, Reem II's Globe of Blades also hit hard and thus victory was achieved.


Trademeet issues were finally (and easily) solved.


Fallen Paladins were destroyed - when you have a hard-hitting Fighter/Cleric, plus assorted buffed summons assisting, the result was never in doubt.


Screenshots of the adventure:



Incidentally, should be noted that next cleric level (15) means skeletal warriors! So useful for SoA portion...

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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric - Update 7


One of the first things done was eliminating Maevar. The enemies had no chance - Reem II is just too powerful, and in Maevar's case, the chanted/blessed skeletons certainly didn't Maevar.


Many ambushes were weathered - Globe of Blades (plus Reem II's excellent saves) have been winning easily every time.


Linvail's quests were worked on - dealing with the traitors, watching Mook's murder, and destroying Bodhi's guild. I think Reem II could have chunked vampires, although corey_russell remembered that in my install, Tanova is not classed as undead - so summons were used after all, mainly to draw out maze. Bodhi herself surrendered very fast.


Some other miscellaneous things were worked on, like helping Taris(?) of Trademeet, clearing out Trademeet tombs, purchases (tons of cash - like 50,000 gold), some Bridge District quests that weren't done yet, etc.


Looks like there are three things left to do then headed for Brynnlaw:


1) Windspear Hills, including Firrkraag's dungeon. The fire resist gear from this area would be particularly helpful. Need hammer of thunderbolts, so have to go here for that too to get key.

2) Planar Prison - will finally get some gauntlets to use. 

3) Planar Sphere - Want the Crom Faeyr, so need to get ogre gauntlets from this area.


These things will be done in that order.


Screenshots from the adventure:


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 106 - (update 1)

Barak, dwarf kensai (Grond0) & Flugg, elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


This pairing were originally expecting to go on to Siege of Dragonspear, but the latest update seems to have created a MP problem with that so they skipped on to BG2 after defeating Sarevok.


They made a confident start in Amn with the death of Ulvaryl capping a trouble-free escape from the dungeon.  


The circus was soon restored and the Copper Coronet handed over to Hendak (had to do that twice when the game hung in a cutscene).


Suna Seni made an unwise choice of ambush victims.


Renfeld's kidnappers fared no better before Barak baffled Prebek and Sanasha with improved invisibility before looting the harpers.


Watcher's Keep was visited for the potion case and the left hand side rooms were cleared to get the golem manual and crimson dart.  We didn't risk opening the main door to see if vampiric wraiths were lurking behind it.


Back in Athkatla the temple sewers provided a new(ish) cloak for Barak.  


The Unseeing Eye quest was started to get access to the lich there before Mekrath was hacked down.


Flugg hasn't yet got the benefit of a magic license, which partly explains why the run has been very melee focused so far.  For harder opponents Barak has been given spirit armour and that, with the occasional use of improved invisibility, has been enough to make progress pretty comfortable to date.





Barak, kensai 9, 119 HPs, 126 kills

Flugg, fighter 8 / mage 9, 70 HPs, 48 kills, 0 deaths

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Reem II the solo dwarven fighter/cleric - FINAL Update!


I could talk about everything he had done, but all that really matters is what happened with his fateful encounter with Tolgerias. Several things went wrong. First he was seen before he had a chance to do any buffs. Second, he was casting Deva and the AI foolishly had Reem II charge, losing the Deva spell in the process (which I know from experience can often solo this fight). And lastly while I knew FoD can't hurt Reem II, PW: Stun sure could! (and did...)






What's Next: Been meaning to do an EE run - maybe can do Dragonspear too? So will roll a MP party to give me best chance of success at both. Stay tuned...

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Sorry to see another stunning victim Corey.  Have fun with SoD - you'll need to beware of the changes in AI in that compared to BGEE.

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Trio Update 5 (Attempt #2) (Corey_Russell, Grond0, Gate70)


The trio made solid progress this session - though not without one death. It wasn't Axer, thus thus the run continues.


The Trio worked on completing the Unseeing Eye quest. Krem volunteered to brave both the prismatic spray trap and the petrify trap - and he had to do it twice due to an unplanned disconnect - what a nice guy! Overall, the party did well vs. the undead, however, the undead guarding the Gauntlets of Dexterity did a great showing and put a massive beat down on the party. Corey_Russell was getting a lot of lag - and in his attempt to speed up his computer made himself lose his network access - meaning he had to reboot. Eventually it became clear a windows update was what was slowing him down. In any case, Axer used Shield of Balduran to clear out the beholders. Namurra was used to try to silence the blind priests. Unseeing Eye managed to kill Krem, so a RoR charge brought him back.


When we reported our success to the Temple, we noticed we hadn't done Sir Sales quest yet. Axer wanted the IMoD - both for level drain protection as well as a weapon against Kangaxx. So party worked on the Sir Sarles quest. While there was a lot of running round (and a few ambushes), the party did well. We eventually obtained the illithium.


But now we need the Mace of Disruption. So we worked on Linvail's quests - first two are quite easy. The party easily obtained the MoD - then we forged the IMoD as well as the shadow dragon armor. There was about 15 min. left in the session, so decided might as well finish off Bodhi's guild. The trickiest opponent was probably Tanova - Vommar borrowed the IMoD and approached via sanctuary to an attempt to one-shot Tanova - he didn't kill her but he did get himself stunned! Krem and Axer rapidly lent their assistance - as did Kithix. Tanova managed to last a while due to her defences, but eventually she was slain. Vommar was stunned entire fight.


Rest of the guild was pretty easy for this team, even Bodhi died very fast - this is a hard-hitting group.


Last bit was to use the Temple in the Government district to restore Krem - Krem found out they don't have restoration - so Axer said use a scroll. Krem did, the trio parked at the edge of the area and saved our session here.


screenshots from this session:



Party Stats:

Axer (Corey_Russell), level 14 half-orc fighter, 128 HP, 451 kills, Unseeing Eye

Krem (Grond0), level 14 dwarven kensai, 122 HP, 446 kills, Thaxxll'syllyia

Vommar (Gate70), level 13 human cavalier,  121 HP, 380 kills, Lassal


Incredibly Axer narrowly holds onto his lead on kill count. Krem is very lethal with Belm combined with his Kensai damage. There were a lot of undead battled this session, so Azuredge (and to some extent the IMoD) managed to keep Axer's lead.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 106 - (update 2)

Barak, dwarf kensai (Grond0) & Flugg, elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


This pairing have made a bit more progress and continue to look promising.


The session started with clearing the Graveyard tombs before picking up some headgear for Barak courtesy of Pai'Na.



With plenty of cash we took a trip to the Government District to pay off the mage extortioners then, still in the mood for spending money, we also gave Gaelan Bayle a bag of cash (but got some good items in return from Aran Linvail).  It didn't take long to force Lassal to stop feeding on Mook's body or to check out the Guild Contact (who never had the chance to announce himself thanks to Kitthix's web).


While in the Bridge District Flugg picked up the berserker horn, despite using the wrong spell immunity spell to defend against the maze trap - good thing that's not a game ender in MP.  The Rune Assassins managed a single backstab on Barak before being cut down


and the kidnappers didn't do much better.


Moving on to the vampire HQ Barak decided to try his luck at a quick kill on Tanova while she was casting true sight - and Azuredge came up trumps again.  


The other vampires didn't last long either, but we still took the precaution of resting to ensure there were some summons to occupy Bodhi's attention - she made little impression on them before running.



Barak, kensai 11, 137 HPs (incl. 12 from ioun stone), 202 kills

Flugg, fighter 9 / mage 11, 85 HPs (incl. 5 from helm), 82 kills, 0 deaths

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 18)

It has begun.

Even before Dyara left Suldanessellar, the news had already begun pouring in from everywhere... tales of armies on the move, whole towns being destroyed to get at some lone wizard, massive carnage and destruction along the entire Sword Coast. It all linked to the Bhaalspawn. They were being hunted, or hunting each other... whatever the case, wherever a child of Bhaal was, violence soon followed. And so the fear and panic had spread, with any innocent even suspected of having the taint being driven from their homes or killed outright.

Even the elven lands were not immune, and Dyara had sensed considerable relief upon her departure from the very city that she had helped save. Ellesime, at least, had offered her some advice... there was a part of the old elven woods that housed old ancestor spirits of the elves, spirits locked within giant carved faces made so long ago not even the elves remembered when they were created. It was a sacred place reserved only for royalty, but Ellesime had allowed Dyara to enter the dale and glean what wisdom she can...


But as always with these kinds of things Dyara ended up with more questions than she got answers...

Bhaal's Servant deceived, Five led down a false path;
A hidden traitor lurks in thy midst.
The Servant of Bhaal knows death and destruction,
The face of an ally, the mask of a foe.


Who is this 'Servant of Bhaal', who are the 'Five' and even more important, who is the 'traitor'? Still thinking about it Dyara felt someone approaching. Not sure where the ambush would take place Dyara laid her traps all over the area. Illasera, too eager to kill Dyara, overlooked the trap lying to her feet and so...


Once Illasera's companions were either killed or ran away Dyara found herself in some sort of hellish pocket plane greeted by a Solar first and then by her dead half-brother Sarevok. Before she could leave the place again, Dyara had to pass a challenge in one of the many side rooms.

After fighting lots of kobolds, doppelgangers, gnolls, ogres, sahuagin and drow, incarnations of some of her old nemeses appeared. Bodhi went down quickly...


... but Sarevok caused some serious injuries so Dyara had to go invisible. That did not fool Sarevok but at least Irenicus could not see her making most of the wizard's spell casting meaningless...


... and thanks to the ring Dyara had gained from the "Chosen of Cyric" fight even "True Sight" did not change that...


When Dyara was at full health again Sarevok was killed...


... and when finally Irenicus was out of "PfMW" spells he went down as well...


Dyara then left her pocket plane for Saradush, a city under siege and ruled by the bhaalspawn Gromnir Il-Khan. Among the first people she met there was a woman named Melissan who explained the whole situation to her. Apparently Gromnir had locked himself in his fortress and so Dyara had to find a way inside to speak to him. Before doing that all the minor problems of the Saradush citizens were solved (resurrecting the boy's father, finding refuge for some elves, getting Lazarus's spellbook from Hectan, bringing Kiser Jhaeri to justice). Exploring the old prison and the sewers finally allowed her to enter Gromnir's castle...


After a short break caused by some drained levels that had to be restored Dyara entered the second floor of Gromnir's castle. Being a man of action rather than of words, Gromnir immediately attacked before Dyara could say a word. However neither Gromnir nor his entourage stood a real chance against Dyara whirling the upgraded Foebane bastard sword without proficiency but with great speed (doubling her hit points in the process)...


So the diplomatic mission had failed but fortunately Melissan wasn't too angry and Dyara got a second chance to save the city and its citizens. Via her pocket plane Dyara made it out of Saradush and to the Northern Forest where for the first time she met some real Fire Giants but Gromnir's helm, the Defender of East Heaven and her hardiness ability made her immune to crushing attacks...


At the Forest of Mir Gorion turned out to be actually a Master Wraith and thus was destroyed easily. Same was true for the skeletons and other undead. Then Yaga-Shura's former foster mum Nyalee told Dyara how to kill the giant and Dyara went to the Marching Mountains to retrieve both Yaga-Shura's and Nyalee's hearts. There more Fire Giants had to be fought, also a little dragon...


... and finally Imix, the Prince of evil fire creatures...


... until at last Dyara got the two hearts she had come for. Back at the old Bhaal temple Nyalee extinguished Yaga-Shura's heart but had second thoughts afterwards, triggering a time trap Dyara apparently had lost the first time she was here...


Before attacking the Siege Camp Dyara returned to Saradush for some final shopping.

When Dyara arrived at the bridge leading to the Siege Camp she saw the plume of smoke billowing from nearby Saradush. In several places its walls had been breached, and its utter devastation showed a city that had been completely sacked by invaders. Bodies of soldiers were everywhere, as was the stench of death. Some innocents attempting to flee were chased by soldiers but Dyara's appearance probably saved their lives. Using stealth Dyara got close enough to Yaga-Shura to start an assault but once hit the giant ran away screaming for reinforcement. Again stealth (and occasional attacking) was used until Yaga-Shura was found a second time...


Switching to Foebane Dyara stepped back and fought some of the soldiers instead, temporarily doubling her hit points in the process. The fighting continued ...


... until there were only Dyara and Yaga-Shura left...


When the giant fell to the ground Dyara was summoned to her pocket plane again for another lesson with the solar. This time the lesson was about her past, that she and Sarevok as well were to be sacrificed on Bhaal's altar but saved by Gorion who had to leave Sarevok behind as he could save only one child. Hearing this Dyara had to admit that perhaps there is a debt between herself and her brother. When Dyara was taken back to the Siege Camp Melissan was there as well. As promised she told Dyara about Yaga-Shura's allies Sendai and Abazigal and about on ally of her own, Balthazar, who was the Chief of a Monastic Order in the desert village of Amkethran. However before going there Dyara had to face her second challenge...


Afterwards Dyara gained the ability of mass healing.


Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 142   12,339,120      2,580      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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@Dyara: Nice progress! Keep up the focus, not too far now...

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 106 - (update 3)

Barak, dwarf kensai (Grond0) & Flugg, elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


This fighting pairing started this session by reporting Bodhi's death to Aran Linvail and promising to return soon to board a ship - first though they had a few jobs to do.


At the Planar Prison they entered invisibly and hacked down the Bounty Hunter mage before he could respond.  


Flugg sucked up a couple of spells from the thrall mage, but after resting to heal up he buffed Barak to take down the Master of Thralls - being held himself not being a problem.  


The Warden was surprisingly undefended and didn't last long either.



Back in Athkatla the duo took on the Fallen Paladins.  They were crushed in a comprehensive fashion - none of them managing to get a hit in.



The Sir Sarles quest provided some illithium to upgrade the MoD before doing a quick tour of the lich hideouts.  Kangaxx was the final victim there, his demi-lich form going down to a single blow of the iMoD.



Next up the de'Arnise Hold provided a bit of light exercise - Barak accepting the stronghold after the defeat of TorGal.



Moving on to Trademeet more trolls made no greater impact.  Kyland Lind did manage to just get away after surrendering virtually at the start of the combat, but all the other druids died before Faldorn woke the beast in Cernd.  


Tiris and the tomb completed work in the town before leaving.


After investing a bit of money in shopping, particularly for Vecna, we decided to go to Spellhold next in order to even up our running speeds.  An invisible assault relieved Perth of his wardstone ready for use next time.


Barak, kensai 13, 163 HPs (incl. 14 from ioun stone), 337 kills

Flugg, fighter 10 / mage 11, 86 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 133 kills, 0 deaths

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Trio Update 6 (Attempt #2) (Corey_Russell, Grond0, Gate70)


Axer is still alive. Unfortunately, though, he lost a team-mate. More on that in a bit.


The Trio decided to head to Windspear Hills to get the Carsomyr for Gate70. The bandits at Garren's cabin and other surface enemies were easy. Much of the basic enemies inside Firkraag's lair were pretty simple for the group as well. A protection from undead scroll, plus belm (borrowed for a moment from Krem) and the IMoD made short work of the large group of undead. After protecting himself from fire, then Axer sorted out Samia's genies. Samia herself had a heck of a time vs. the party - Axer spammed silence from Namurraa, and the party hit hard - clean victory. At one point AI was on and Axer got slammed by a golem to badly wounded - but a pause, RoR heal fixed him back up. A nice use of the rat form was used against a group of golems in another area.


For Conster, Axer used RoAC + potion of invulnerability to be immune to FoD - as a result Conster's defeat was certain.


Time for Firkraag! A few buffs used, such as haste potions, fire resistance and of course resist fear. The battle was going well at first, with Axer dispelling Firkraag's buffs with dispelling arrows. But we ran into a problem - Krem got held! The trio weren't sure what to do, so Axer tried RoR - but there can be a delay in activation, and the delay made Krem CHUNKED!!!


Gate70 and Grond0 say they normally end their runs when this happens. But since Axer is still alive, what will happen is the Trio is now a duo with Gate70 and Corey_Russell. Those two will play at different times. And then a new Trio will be rolled up, with Gate70 the protagonist in that one. So Axer's run was paused, and a new Trio rolled up to be mentioned in Gate70's report.


The only minor compensation is Vommar did get his Carsomyr - hope it can make up being down a party member


Screenshots of this session:


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