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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Duo Update 1 (Attempt #1) (Corey_Russell, Gate70)


As mentioned in my previous post, the Trio for my character Axer became a duo with Krem chunked and Grond0 not wanting to re-roll. Axer and Vommar made great progress this session. One of the first orders of business was dealing with all the loot we got after losing Krem and killing Firkraag. It was necessary to take two trips to loot/sell, which is a lot of respawning enemies to deal with, though they were easy for this group.


After selling gold was great with 100,000 gold. Axer noticed this sewer key, and decided might as well use it. Some prep was needed for the duo to engage the illithids:

1) Potions of genius needed (boatloads were obtained)

2) Potions of invulnerability obtained (otherwise Axer and Vommar would have been stunned)

3) Vommar decided Axer needed potions of mind focusing too. They did boost AC so they did help after all.


For safety, the duo used potions of speed. The plan was for Axer to get to 25 INT and closely watch his INT and to gulp potions of genius whenever he got drained - he had to gullp 4 times - but success and not deaths! Vommar will eventually use the Crom Faeyr so he kept the hammer of thunderbolts.


While in the vicinity duo decided might as well do Kangaxx. But they needed some more scrolls of  protection from undead. Once obtained they also used potions of speed and together destroyed the shade lich, elemental lich, gate lich, and Kangaxx all on the same potions of speed and scroll of protection from undead! The duo had used a protection from petrification for the trap on the door, were immune to level drain, and used potion of fire giant strength + DUHM to bust down the two doors in the way of all this. Kangaxx defeated very fast, probably due to the IMoD.


Planar Sphere has the FoD trap and the Warden and the Master of Thrulls both stun - so duo decided dealing after HLAs was safer. Therefore, the duo bought what few things they haven't already bought from Ribald's and headed to Brynnlaw. The duo did not waste time and immediately went after Perth - he died pretty much instantly. Axer easily defeated Bhaal.


There was just enough time to get the bag of holding, do two puzzles, and clobber some mephits, a rakshashka, a greater werewolf and pit fiend. Surprisingly the pit fiend was defeated very fast. Guess when you have Stonefire, Frostweaver, and Carsomyr all beating down on you, you just don't last long.


We were out of time so saved here. No deaths this session.


Screenshots from this session



Party Stats:

Axer (Corey_Russell), level 16 half-orc fighter, 134 HP, 548 kills, Kangaxx the Demi-lich

Vommar (Gate70), level 15 human cavalier, 127 HP, 480 kills, Firkraag

Krem (Grond0, chunked)

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 106 - (update 4)

Barak, dwarf kensai (Grond0) & Flugg, elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


I've had a poor recent run with single player and got chunked out of our trio in the last session :wacko:.  However, this duo is still going well ...


The fighting pair had only one small spot of bother dealing with the opposition in Spellhold.  As they were still relatively low level there was no lich to worry about and no yuan-ti mages guarding the exit from the first level.  Flugg was stunned by the mind flayer, but it was killed too quickly to suck all his brains out - and Barak then resisted the strong temptation to summon the beholder before Flugg recovered :P.



Jon was critically injured by an initial assault and made a run for it immediately after the time stop.


As the Murderers arrived Flugg realised he perhaps should have cast stoneskin, but wasn't hurt too badly anyway.



After taking ship to Fish City the king, as usual, regretted trusting a pair of strangers - prophecy or no.  The prince belatedly came to the same conclusion.



After eventually finding the required bit of rope the Underdark awaited.  After being killed recently by the kuo-toa at the bridge this time they were taken down early.


After a balor was stuck into a stone coffin,


Vithal was helped out and then attacked.  As seems to be typical for us though he managed to rebuff at near death and dimension doored away under cover of a time stop.



The beholders and illithid were left untouched this run, but the kuo-toa tunnels saw some demon knights being smashed before a combined attack on the kuo-toa prince overcame his regeneration.



After checking in at the drow city N'ashtar and the remaining ambushers were harshly dealt with by a buffed Barak.  The dwarf was ready to try the same against Phaere's kidnappers, but Flugg had a better idea ...



After doing a couple more tasks the duo tried to swap some eggs at the temple.  However, rather than sneak out invisibly they decided to pick up the XP for some golems - and some guards - and some more guards - and a matron mother.  Hang on a minute, was that Matron Mother Ardulace? Yes, indeed it was, so there was a rapid ran for the city exit before that could be locked.


There was no more fighting on the way back to Athkatla, where Kruin was allowed to take the Silver Sword.  Gesen was restrung though and the Wave Halberd put back together before moving on to the final target for the day at the Umar Hills.  There were liches in the Temple there, but they couldn't make anything stick against Barak's saving throws, though the greater mummies managed a few meaty blows before being struck down.



Thaxy didn't last long at all after being debuffed by Flugg and failed to penetrate a rare use of mirror images by Barak.  


The Shade Lord was then given a nice cremation courtesy of Daystar.



Barak, kensai 19, 163 HPs (incl. 14 from ioun stone), 625 kills

Flugg, fighter 13 / mage 13, 91 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 214 kills, 0 deaths

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 19)

Dyara left the destroyed city of Saradush for Amkethran but on her way she became ambushed by some Tethyrian soldiers when she came by an oasis...


That proved to be only a short delay and a few hours later Dyara arrived at Amkethran; a village nestled into an outcropping of rock amidst a desert so dry and sparse of life that she wondered how such a place was able to survive. Dominating the village and seemingly carved out of the stone face of the rocks themselves was a large and ornate fortress, its purpose unknown (but most likely the residence of her contact Balthazar).

While searching the village for Balthazar Dyara helped the locals as best as she could (Priest of Waukeen, Asana Haraad, smugglers). Finally she met with Balthazar who was rather unfriendly but provided her with the required information about Sendai's Enclave and Abazigal's Lair. At the inn Dyara was approached by some Marlowe who apparently had some problems with a lich named Vongoethe. Dyara convinced the lich to hand over Malla's soul stone in exchange for Marlowe's soul but decided then that trading in souls is not an honorable business and had to be fought tooth and nail. Vongoethe raised lots of undead but Dyara managed to get rid of them very quickly...


When Vongoethe summoned stronger allies (like a Cornugon, a Bone Fiend, a Magical Sword, also a Dark Planetar) the tide turned somewhat...


but not so much for Dyara as for poor Marlowe who was slain by the Magical Sword...


The Dark Planetar and the Cornugon were killed quickly but the Magical Sword proved to be very resistant against vorpal hits. Dyara had expected the Ravager would kill it very quickly as there's no saving throw but to her surprise it did not. In the end she switched to the Silver Sword which finally got the job done while lots of harmless skeleton archers were watching the scene...


Fireballs than killed the skeletons also making Vongoethe join the fight again...


... but then the lich was out of PfMW spells and went down quickly...


While there Dyara also played with the four tables. When fighting the Fission Slimes she used a club Cespenar had made for her some time ago resulting in some strange visual effects...


Finally Malla got her soul back and also some gold for going back to Calimshan.

Without resting Dyara left Amkethran for Sendai's Enclave but when she arrived there she was a bit at a loss as there was only wood but no enclave. Fortunately there was a friendly woodcutter around, telling her about some "funny-looking" elves he had seen somewhere to the west. When Dyara approached, she found the drow and also a Hive Mother...


but no entrance and no Sendai. Back at the lodge the woodcutter told her about strange voices he had heard when visiting his wife's grave just north of the lodge. Again there where some drow...


... but no entrance and no Sendai. Dyara was about to lament to the woodcutter when the man, previously helpful and friendly, turned out to be a drow too and attacked. However the death of the woodcutter somehow revealed the entrance to Sendai's Enclave. Some Myconids, Umber Hulks, all sort of spiders and more drow tried to block Dyara path but failed of course...


To venture forth Dyara even had to fight the lich Odamaron in his lair. Dyara killed one of the lich's apprentices and skeleton warrior...


... but was forced to run while quaffing lots of healing potions...


After a while however Odamaron seemed out of spells allowing Dyara to fight back again...

When Dyara left Odamaron's lair more drow and even two beholders were awaiting her but with the help of a simulacrum they stood no chance...


Ogremoch, the prince of evil earth, was destroyed despite unlimited stoneskins...


... and in the next room the priestess Diaytha was stabbed in the back, the vampire then was killed by traps not before triggering the time trap which was used to kill the Demon Knight and the priestess...


Finally the Hive Mother and the Nabassu went down without any problems. The mind flayers in the next room caused only some minor distractions...


... and then (after some resting in her pocket plane) Dyara was ready to enter Sendai's inner sanctum.

There Dyara was awaited by Sendai and some statues of hers. Dyara quickly got rid of the Sendai on the north-western platform but was forced to go invisible then...


On the south-western platform another Sendai was destroyed...


Protection from Magical Weapons allowed her to kill most of the appearing drow warriors...


... until finally she had to go invisible again...


Again invisibility was used to heal and then the next target was selected...


Another Potion of Invisibility was used, another Sendai was killed and again Dyara went invisible afterwards...


That left her with three Sendais, two drow mages, two Skeleton Warriors, also some Ogre Berserkers and Ettercaps. Unfortunately Dyara also was trapped on the north-eastern platform


... but taking down one of the Ogres set her free again...


... and the fifth Sendai statue was destroyed...


... but again Dyara was trapped on one of the platforms...


... but then the Ogre Berserkers were unsummoned leaving her with just two Sendais once the two drow mages were killed...


Unfortunately her strength was somewhat reduced by Called Shots so she couldn't move (but still quaff a potion)...


Despite being invisible Dyara was targeted by Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting but the damage was quickly cured by a healing potion...


... and then the last but one Sendai was taken down but again Dyara was hit by Called Shots, unable to move and also seriously injured forcing her to move all but a few of her potions into her potion case and quaff another Potion of Invisibility.


With only one of the statues left Dyara prepared three of the platforms (N,NW,EW) with all sort of traps. When Dyara attacked the last statue it teleported on the northern platform triggering the time trap on the north-western platform (but for some reason leaving the traps on the northern platform untouched) and so the last Sendai statue was destroyed as well...


... forcing the real Sendai to come out but when she teleported to the northern platform all the traps were triggered killing her in the process...


Immediately Dyara was taken to her pocket plane for another lesson. This time she learned about the prophecy and her role within. In her third challenge Dyara met with her innocence but there was no going back to what had already passed and her innocence turned into the Slayer...


When the Slayer fell down Dyara reclaimed her lost "Draw Upon Holy Might" ability.


Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 142   14,392,530      2,967      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...

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Duo Update 2 (Attempt #1) (Corey_Russell, Gate70)


When we last heard of the Duo, they were in the 1st level of Spellhold. First order of business was dealing with the Yuan-tis by by the statue - no problem for this team. The enemies managed to do ONE point damage to Vommar and that was it...


The monsters that spawn when you try to get the free action ring were a bit tougher - but actually the only monster that did anything dangerous was an umber hulk confused Axer (Axer forgot to equip his shield of harmony for that encounter). Fortunately, Vommar had the sense to stay away until the confusion wore off. Then the team beat up some kobolds and some Yuan-tis by the Crystal. Vommar got confused at one point, so Axer just stayed away while a confused Vommar trashed the enemies with his +5 weapon....


Umber hulks and the Yuan-tis or undead (we aren't sure which because we didn't get close enough to find out) were skipped. The undead on the way to the vampire on the other hand really needed to be dealt with. With the high experience of the party, a lich seemed likely - so Axer used a protection from undead and beat them up with his Mace of Disruption. Good thing, as there were also two greater mummies - nasty enemies. Dace of course had no chance, with the team being immune to level drain.


The trash enemies on the next level, were, you know, trashed. Really only potentially tricky parts were the trapped painting with instant chunking or Bodhi. Fortunately, Vommar's death ward made the traps fairly harmless. And mace of disruption insured Bodhi didn't do anything problematic. Shield of Balduran dealt with the gauth and his minotaur buddies.


Next major encounter was Lonk - he died in maybe 5 seconds - Irenicus didn't do much better - but can be understood with Stonefire, Frostweaver and Carsomyr all hitting him quite hard as well as disrupting spells.


With the Cloak of Reflection, then Vommar could assist Axer against Beholders, so Saemon's help was accepted. The City of Caverns was extremely easy for this team. To add insult to injury, Vommar suggested Axer use the shield of reflection to reflect the enemies' stun bolts right back at themselves! The King was pleased with the Rebel's death and the duo left for the Underdark.


Large groups of elementals were cleared without hardly any trouble. Spore colonies did nothing to the team. The drow war party couldn't do much before being mowed down, though they did last a while with their mass of summons. To save the gnome village, Axer dual-wielded his axes plus used shielding potion - Vommar did a few buffs then attack - the demon lasted a while, but could only land a single hit on Vommar being being slain.


Next major encounter was the Beholder's Lair. Axer and Vommar worked together and did well. The area with the elder orb was skipped - Vommar might get imprisoned and Axer has no way to bring Vommar back. He doesn't want to be solo. Vommar got stunned by the illithids in the area, but Axer managed to kill the enemies before they could could kill Vommar. Greenstone amulet was obtained the duo headed out.


There were only a few minutes more left, so we cleared the war party in the way of getting to Adalon easily. We noticed as drow our rings with regeneration effects were making the characters "skip". Thus the ring of regeneration and ring of Gaxx were removed until the Duo are themselves again. Session saved and ended here.


Screenshots of the adventure: (screenshots there now)



Party Stats:

Axer (Corey_Russell), Level 19 Half-Orc Fighter, 143 HP, 678 kills, Kangaxx the Demi-Lich

Vommar (Gate70), Level 17 Human Cavalier, 133 HP, 592 kills, Firkraag


It will be pretty tough for Vommar to catch up to Axer in kills, in part due to Axer's sometimes dual-wielding, but also his haste boots get him into action faster. After Underdark, am sure party will get boots for Vommar, but until then the kill count will likely go Axer's way.

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 20)

Sendai was defeated but with Abazigal there was another of the Five yet alive and so Dyara went to the place Balthazar had marked on her map. This time however there was no searching required as the entrance was visible from afar. After some preparations Dyara moved forward but was stopped by a man who claimed to be Abazigal's son Draconis. Politely Dyara asked him to step aside as she had no quarrel with him but Draconis refused to listen...


The next couple of rounds were spent with both Dyara and Draconis dispelling each other's spell protections...


Pretty soon afterwards Draconis decided to reveal his true form...


Running around Draconis Dyara waited for his PfMW to wear off. Then some GWWs brought the dragon to injured, forcing him to go invisible...


Invisible was quickly dispelled, more attacks got Draconis down to badly injured...


... again he went invisible and again invisibility was quickly dispelled...


... and finally after taking 633 damage Draconis, son of Abazigal, was dead...


Chopping off the dragon's head and dragging it near the door then opened the entrance. Inside Dyara was awaited by some lizard men...


Another dragon tried to block Dyara's path but failed...


... and same was true for some Greater Water Elementals...


Next Dyara had to go back to Amkethran for she had no rope to explore the other tunnels and when she came back more dragons were trying to stop her...


The first one, Zirimanat'ryl, was quickly killed using an old Time Trap (from the Draconis fight)...


The next one, Olinissimous, stood no chance against improved hasted Dyara wielding Peridan+2 (not that good actually, should have used Angurvadal+5 or FoA+4 instead) and Scarlet Ninja-To+3 (10 attacks/round)...


The third one was somewhat harder but in the end Ithy'nassendra went down as well...


... and finally Carnifex, who had a hot breath but otherwise he was harmless...



Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 142   15,068,530      3,021      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 106 - (update 5)

Barak, dwarf kensai (Grond0) & Flugg, elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


After reporting the Shade Lord's death to the Mayor at Umar this pair continued with tidying up a few loose ends:

- first on the agenda was the Twisted Rune - PfU scrolls foiled Shangalar before Vaxall was quickly taken down by a Gaxx-hasted Barak.  A bit of buffing to ensure Layene couldn't hurt Barak then finished the job.

- next up was the Guarded Compound.  Flugg exposed himself to a bit of acid erosion upstairs in order to give Barak a free pass to take down the mage before he could buff.  


Ketta got a backstab in on Barak while he was killing the cleric though, taking him below 100 HPs and both Barak and Flugg ran around for a while avoiding further backstabs before Flugg renewed stoneskins to protect himself and Barak quickly finished off the opposition (celebrating his first HLA in the process).


- moving on to Windspear Hills the duo moved through there easily enough.  Barak found killing a group of greater werewolves harder than expected (the result of having non-proficient Dragonslayer sword equipped), but was never in danger.  There was no equipment failure when slaughtering Samia's intended ambush


and the area was neatly finished off when Firkraag failed to buffet Barak away in time.



Back in Athkatla Bodhi's hordes of vampires failed to make an impression against Barak dual-wielding the iMoD and Kundane - and Bodhi herself fared no better.



There was a problem in Suldanesselar, however, when I left the computer to answer the door - but without pausing.  That sort of behaviour has ended quite a few of my runs and nearly did so this time as Gate70 was in the inventory screen and only came back to the main game screen just in time to prevent a golem from getting a killing blow.  


Having survived that the remaining obstacles were easy enough with another dragon claimed before the Avatar was used to clear the temple.



On the Tree of Life Jon used up his best spells on a few summons before Barak came into melee range to finish him off.  



In the Hell Trials Barak chose the evil route against the genie.  That was less a desire to get Blackrazor than a feeling his saving throws were already good enough and extra HPs would be a greater benefit. The alignment change resulting from that meant he was no longer entitled to use Azuredge - but is still able to do so until the axe is unequipped.  That made killing the dangerous balors easier and with those out of the way Jon didn't last long.



There was just time to make a quick start on ToB with the first Pocketplane challenge.  Surprisingly there were no high-level opponents generated at the end of that, making it not much of a challenge.


Barak, kensai 24, 194 HPs (incl. 15 from ioun stone), 842 kills

Flugg, fighter 16 / mage 15, 96 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 261 kills, 0 deaths

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 21 - Abazigal)

Using the rope Dyara dove through the large water-filled tunnel and ended up in another large cave, empty at first but when Dyara advanced she encountered lots of strange eyeball-like creatures. Minor Globes of Invulnerability got her somewhat safe however...


Pushing forward Dyara stumbled upon some larger eyeballs...


... but very good saving throws and high magic resistance allowed her to prevail...


Then a group of three young and promising adventurers helped Dyara to obtain a beholder's eyestalk, which in turn was exchanged for the Scroll of Reversal, which in turn was used to obtain the Wardstone, which in turn enabled Dyara to enter Abazigal's inner Sanctum, which she did - after some preparations were made. Inside she was immediately attacked by some baby-dragons so setting a time trap failed. Unfortunately that wasn't the only thing that didn't went as planned as these dragonlings had high magic resistance so Dyara's chain contingency (3x Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting) was wasted (and the precious scroll too). Nevertheless using her superior speed Dyara was able to kill the four smaller dragons and the frost salamanders one-by-one while trying to stay out of reach (more or less) of both Abazigal and Tamah and drinking a healing potion every now and then...


When there were only Abazigal (still in human form) and Tamah Dyara switched to Carsomyr and using Greater Whirlwind attacks Tamah fell (surprisingly) quickly...


... and a short time later Abazigal revealed his true form...


Unfortunately Dyara wasn't really well prepared to fight the dragon (especially when a Remove Magic dispelled all her protections) and so she was on the run for some rounds while in turn quaffing healing potions and oils of speed. She even panicked so much that she forgot to make some screenshots. After a while however when she was at full health again she managed to use her 'Ring of Elemental Mastery' to summon a bunch of elementals. While the elementals were unable to harm Abazigal they were good enough to buy Dyara enough time to prepare herself a little bit (Spell Shield, SI: Abjuration, Prot. from Magical Weapons). Dyara attacking with Carsomyr and Greater Whirlwinds then for the first time forced Abazigal onto the defensive...


... and then after a second Greater Whirlwind Abazigal realized his defeat - somewhat to my surprise actually as I had expected him to have much more hit points (SCS's "Dragons have a substantial hit point increase" installed) but NI proved that for some reason he had 200 HP only (but 5HP/second regeneration).


Anyway once Abazigal was dead Dyara was summoned to her pocket plane for another lesson. This time she learned the "truth" about "The Five" and that Balthazar is one of them. In her fourth challenge Dyara met Cyric who wanted to test her (personally). Dyara thought to herself that perhaps men and gods were very much alike but passed the "test" easily and afterwards she was rewarded with "Negative Plane Protection" and plus 5% Magic Resistance.


Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 142   15,379,030      3,060      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 22 - Balthazar, Ravager)


In the previous update Dyara had learned the truth about "The Five" and so she traveled back to Amkethran to face Balthazar, last of "The Five". As Elminster had suggested Dyara went to the Smuggler's Cave (without getting into fights with Balthazar's army) to meet, albeit grudgingly, with her old "friend" Saemon Havarian. Dyara however couldn't get herself to trust him and so she took the alternate route into the Monastery through the Cave of the Dead.


If Dyara had ever thought to ambush Balthazar that plot was foiled as inside the Monastery she was soon discovered and brought in front of Balthazar. Much to her surprise however Balthazar was quite different from the other Bhaalspawns as he had no intention bring back the Lord or Murder...


Balthazar: "I have vowed to exterminate all of Bhaal's children, forever wiping the Realms clean of his tainted existence."


Dyara: "But you're a Child of Bhaal as well - what happens to you?"


Balthazar: "Once I am certain I am the last, once I know there are no others, I will perform a ritual suicide. Bhaal's evil will die with me. But first, I must end your evil existence."


"So he wants me dead not for base motives but for the greater good", Dyara thought to herself somewhat relieved, "perhaps we can work on this a little bit."


Dyara: "You sound like a hypocrite to me, sentencing those he had no right to judge!"


Balthazar: "Actually, I am the perfect person to judge, Dyara. I, too, contain the taint of our father within me. I, too, have felt its yearning for blood, its effort to exert chaos upon my life. I have mastered it... but only barely. Too well I know what it is capable of. But regardless of our wishes in this matter, our destiny has been written for us. Some may run from it or deny it, while others embrace it... but each and every Bhaalspawn has a seed within them that has sprung forth a fruit laden with blood and murder. Do you deny this?"


Dyara: "You would make as out to be victims of circumstance rather than masters of our own destiny."


Balthazar: "You believe yourself to be the master of your destiny, do you? The destiny foreseen long ago by Alaundo? You believe it by choice alone that you ended up here? You mistake the path for the journey, my friend. Whatever paths you have taken since leaving Candlekeep, the journey has ended here as it was always meant to. Destiny masters us... we do not master it. If only we had met under other circumstances, Dyara... i would have liked to sit and compere the paths that have brought us to this point. If we had not been forced by destiny to bear this taint upon our souls, what would have become of us? I regret what I must do, yet I know it must be done."


Dyara sensed a hint of a doubt in the monk's voice and decided to push him some more.


Dyara: "You don't honestly see yourself as the force of righteousness in all this, do you? Look at all the suffering you have brought to Amkethran! Your monks terrorize the innocent at your command! You hire soulless mercenaries that cut down the innocent at the slightest provocation! And all for nothing! You call these the actions of a good man?"


Balthazar: "I... I thought it a great sacrifice, necessary to maintain secrecy, to attain my ultimate goal that they, in their ignorance, did not know would benefit them more in the end. But... it is how we treat the most helpless of our brethren in the worst of times that marks the goodness of a man, does it not? I... I am ashamed, Dyara. I sought... only to do what was best for us all."


Dyara: "And what becomes of Melissan, then? Is she free to raise Bhaal and complete her plans?"


Balthazar: "Of course not. It is she that holds the key to Bhaal's resurrection. After you are dead, she too must be destroyed."


Dyara: "And you're going to stop her alone? Have you given any thought to the fact that maybe you've been helping her all along, that she's been playing you like a harp? She used you to get rid of the other Bhaalspawn, obviously. Think about it! She knew what you were planning all along. She wanted all the Bhaalspawn dead... and she wants us to fight! She wants this to happen!!"


Balthazar: "I... perhaps you are right, Dyara. I see the wisdom of your words. You... you question me, and I have no good answers for you. My heart tells me that you must be killed, but I am not sure if I should listen to it. What... what would you have me do?"


Dyara: "Join me, Balthazar. Let us fight Melissan together, instead of doing what she wants us to do."


Balthazar: "Yes... you are right. I will join you. Let Melissan tremble when she sees us together, and we shall strike her down as she deserves. Even if Bhaal himself is resurrected, he will not be able to hold out against us both."


Dyara was surprised but also infected by this sudden outburst of euphoric optimism. Perhaps there was a chance actually, perhaps everything would turn out well after all. Balthazar promised to meet her at the Throne of Bhaal when the time came and Dyara once more was summoned by the Solar.


In this lesson Dyara learned the truth about Melissan who actually was Amelyssan the Blackhearted, Bhaal's most trusted Deathstalker. To her Bhaal had entrusted the secrets of his resurrection; after Bhaal's death, she alone had retained access to his essence and her power had grown whenever one of Bhaal's mortal children had died. And then she had betrayed Bhaal.


It was Melissan who had created "The Five", she also had masqueraded as protector of Bhaalspawn to lead the last Bhaalspawns to Saradush and have them slaughtered there.


Melissan: "The Five were the last thing I had to deal with before I could become the Lady of Murder myself... and you've dealt with them nicely."


Dyara: "It's not over while I'm still alive!"


Melissan: "I have most of the essence of Bhaal under my control, fool! I am nearly a goddess! I control the entire Abyssal realm that once was Bhaal's, all of the Throne of Blood. Do you dare come and face me there! Or shall I have to hunt you down like the sorry dog that you are? because make no mistake... one way or the other, every last drop of that divine essence will be mine."


Dyara: "Oh stop. Now you're scaring me. *yawn*


Melissan: "Then why wait?! Let's see how the prophecy ends right here and now!"


Dyara was up to a fight too, but unfortunately the Solar intervened. In her last challenge Dyara had to fight what lay within her, the ultimate expression of her power, the last of the barricades she had erected between herself and destiny... the Ravager...


Some Magical Swords were summoned to distract the Bone Blades...




... Carsomyr dispelled the Ravager's Blade Barrier but also all  of her own protections were dispelled by the Ravager's attacks...




... and the Ravager hit really hard so Dyara switched to her Soul Reaver making the Ravager's attacks less dangerous...




... and after a while (and some GWWs) the Ravager was badly injured...




... and after some more GWWs he was near death...




... and Dyara hoped to defeat him quickly (and especially before her Magical Swords were unsummoned) but things do not always happen as we want to...




Out of GWWs Dyara continued to batter the Ravager desperately hoping that her next hit would be the killing blow. When Dyara realized the Ravager had more hit points left than expected she was already surrounded by the Bone Blades and it was too late to cast "Prot. from Magical Weapons" as it might get interrupted. But luck and a Potion of Superior Healing saved her...




... with the Ravager gone the Bone Blades disappeared and Dyara was rewarded with 25% resistance to physical damage.



Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 142   15,436,030      3,064      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)


To be continued...

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Nice work, especially meleeing The Ravager.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 106 - (6th and final update)

Barak, dwarf kensai (Grond0) & Flugg, elf fighter/mage (Gate70)


Our resolve to play safely got rather lost yesterday and we eventually paid the penalty.


In Saradush Lazarus was persuaded to open up his spell shop before we performed a rare breaking and entering routine on the prison.  After resting we moved up through the palace - Gromnir being easy enough after both his mages were chopped down while trying to cast true sight.



Moving on to the Temple of Mir Flugg omitted to cast resist fear and almost paid the price when Barak's race to cut down the opponents just beat their race to catch up with Flugg.


Not warned by that episode we attacked the skeleton crew without buffs and had to retreat into invisibility after taking damage from the skeleton warriors and backstabs from the skeleton assassin.  A few abortive attempts to kill them followed without doing a lot of damage while we regenerated a few HPs, before Barak hacked down the assassin using a Gaxx hasted kai.  That should have been the signal for him to retreat and think again about the 2 remaining skeleton warriors, but I thought with 65 HPs he would be able to stay in a bit longer.  However, these skeleton warriors have double the attacks (and more than double the HPs) of standard ones and before I properly realised the danger the guillotine was bringing down the death screen (though Flugg was still able to take a screenshot showing the fatal battle).



That was rather a waste as that pairing had a realistic chance of success.  Things are not likely to proceed as smoothly with our next random selection of a wild mage and a blade :blink:.

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@Grond0: My condolences :( ...


.... especially meleeing The Ravager.

Fortunately I didn't had to pay for my mistakes :D. But on the other hand that leaves much room for improvements. But I guess when I come there the next time I have forgotten already :D.

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Dyara (Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Update 23 - Ascension - part I [Irenicus+Bodhi])

As Dyara stepped into the Abyssal plane, the first thing that struck her was how suddenly alien it felt. A chill wind swept across an empty void, screaming in her ears that she wasn't welcome there. Several strange, towering structures were present, suspended in the void by an unknown power. All her immortal senses told her, however, that the powerful essence of her dead father was close and that this place was indeed the Throne of Bhaal.

At the throne Dyara was already awaited by Melissan. Balthazar was there as well and Dyara wondered what the two were talking about while waiting for her. The place became even more filled when Melissan summoned Dyara's old nemesis Irenicus, Dyara's sister Imoen and even Irenicus' sister Bodhi. While Melissan left the stage for some more Bhaalspawn essences absorbing, Imoen turned into the slayer, Irenicus and his sister attacked, two Fallen Solar appeared each bringing two Marilith, an Alu-Fiend and a Succubus along and unfortunately the lengthy conversation had dispelled Dyara's precast improved haste...


It was two against thirteen (if we think of Imoen as a temporary enemy) but only for a second or so as Bodhi failed her saving throw on the first stroke and was destroyed...


Also two "Melf's Acid Arrow" (minor sequencer) and a "Creeping Doom" were rebound to their original casters by a precast "Spell Turning", effectively taking out Irenicus...


While Balthazar fought the group of the right Fallen Solar Dyara went for the left one killing her quickly (despite her immunity to slay... iirc in the original Ascension they weren't immune :unsure: )...


The remaining GWW attacks were spend on an Alu-Fiend...


... and then Dyara turned her gaze upon Irenicus...


... while carefully watching Balthazar's health. With the former elven wizard gone Dyara decided to join Balthazar killing the first of the four Marilith in the process...


Then Balthazar was healed using a "Rod of Resurrection"...


... and finally the monk scored his first kill (a skeleton warrior)...


Dyara then killed the second Marilith, the last Alu-Fiend and also the other Fallen Solar...


Next the third Marilith was taken down by Balthazar while Dyara slayed the last one...


Once the remaining Skeleton Warriors were destroyed there was some time to say good-bye to Imoen who somehow had survived. But the fight wasn't over yet as there still were the two succubus hiding somewhere. Dyara's ability to Detect Illusions wasn't able to reveal them but a "True Sight" spell did fortunately...


... and when the last succubus fell...


... Dyara breathed a sigh of relief (as I don't have the time to play whole Ascension without any breaks because you can't save the game because there are invisible and undetectable enemies around).


Name   Level                          HP    Game Kills XP  Game Kills  Strongest Kill  Deaths Pips
Dyara  Fighter(18)/Mage(17)/Thief(22) 142   15,658,030      3,076      Bodhi           -      Longsword(***),Flail(***),THS(**),TWF(**)

To be continued...


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Duo Update 3 (attempt #1)  (Corey_Russell, Gate70)


Mostly a smooth session today, though there was the odd death. Fortunately wasn't Axer so the run continues. First bit of business was the running around/fighting of the Ust Natha quests, as well of course taking advantage of the Ust Natha merchants. We stayed pretty focused on the main story line (e.g., no fighting liches or hunting heads of drow clerics, etc.).


The hardest part without question was the illithids/umber hulk ambush you have to weather when rescuing Phaere. While Axer had automatic save vs. illithid stun Vommar did NOT (his spell save is at 4). Vommar paid for it dearly as he was quickly stunned and killed. Fortunately, Axer was well buffed and had whirlwind available, which he used to quickly mow down the illithids. A RoR charge brought Vommar back to life and the rest of the Ust Natha quests were pretty straightforward.


Axer was concerned about Nash'tar's mazes so his group was skipped at first. But Vommar said eventually we will forget to sneak past and trigger the fight when we weren't prepared. We noticed that Nash'tar didn't have  detect invisible script or any buffs - so the duo sneaked to Nash'tar and burned him down quick - the rest of the enemies then failed to stand vs. our might.


There was one other thing note while doing the Ust Natha quests. We paid a stop to the demon knights. We made sure to be protected vs. level drain and FoD. But Vommar was getting clobbered badly, and even Axer was too. Vommar was near death twice and both party members had to use a RoR charge to heal themselves during the fight. However victory was achieved with no deaths. Vommar decided to immediatley use the Amor of the Hart, as it has much better armor stats than the fire dragon armor.


The duo decided to pass on the Illithid lair, once again because Vommar does not have automatic save vs. stun and no chaotic commands available. The only equipment of note is the ring of fire control, but the duo feels they have enough fire resistance armor for ToB portions (such as Yaga's Temple).


We had a little scare as we had nearly left the Underdark when some drow threatened to follow - if they do, then Elhan can auto-kill you. So we made sure they were dead and no others could follow before leaving the Underdark.


First bit of business was to go to our bank in the Waukeen's Promenade and pick our stuff up now that we got our bag of holding. But just before that, had to decide what to do with the Githyanki. Vommar wanted to engage, which Axer agreed and with the help of Ras the duo won fairly easily. However, Corey_Russell ran into an graphic bug (which you can see in his screenshot below). But it reverted to normal when the fight was over.


Axer intends to use the Foebane - quite useful againt Irenicus demons as well as Melissan. So Watcher's Keep 1st level was cleared (mostly). We didn't fight all statues, as we just needed to trigger the 1st two for the Foebane, which can trigger simply by looting the book on the altar. The Silver Sword got an auto-kill this fight. The other thing of note is Axer intended to get the experience turning in the slippers to the lich in the sarcophagus before leaving - but problem was apparently nobody had looted the slippers!! Woops, big fight on his hands...he ordered Vommar to retreat. Axer liked Vommar's parting comment - we will leave the lich for some other adventurer to deal with. We wont' be returning to the Keep.


Axer thought it was high time to get some haste boots for Vommar. So the planar prison gem was given to the Troupe - the trash minions that spawned when making the portal easily defeated. We saved and ended our session here, to be continued next week.


Screenshots from the adventure:



Party Stats:
Axer (Corey_Russell), level 21 half-orc fighter, 149 HP, 719 kills, Kangaxx the Demi-lich
Vommar (Gate70), level 19 cavalier, 149 HP, 627 kills, Firkraag

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@Grond0,Gate70 - sorry to hear the end of the promising run you and Gate70 had. What's next?


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Hello everybody! I've been watching the no-reload runs on this thread for quite some time, but I've never posted one of my own. I'd like to start documenting my own no-reload runs here, but I'm new to the website and don't know how to upload pictures. Can anybody help me?


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Hey there, hi there, everyone!

I'm just dropping by to say that I'm very excited about Dyara's run! I'm on the road and haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I'm absolutely looking forward to it. Best of luck to the greatest F/M/T in challenge history. And best wishes to all the other active challengers!


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  • corey_russell likes this


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Hello everybody! I've been watching the no-reload runs on this thread for quite some time, but I've never posted one of my own. I'd like to start documenting my own no-reload runs here, but I'm new to the website and don't know how to upload pictures. Can anybody help me?

I don't know if a moderator is reading this, but there really should be a sticky topic for this as all new users/posters ask.


here's the deal. You don't actually upload any pictures here. Instead, you use a photo site (like photobucket.com) to upload your pictures. They then have a link you click which copies it to the clipboard the code needed to display the image. Then, in a post here at the site, you paste that link code into your post and then the BG site displays the picture.




So for example, the above picture code is {img=http://i550.photobuc...klqz.png}{/img}except you use the square brackets instead of these squirrely ones.

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So for example, the above picture code is {img=http://i550.photobuc...klqz.png}{/img}except you use the square brackets instead of these squirrely ones.

If you quote someone else's post (or edit your own) and press the icon on the top left of the reply menu the post will change to show you the underlying code rather than the results of that.  Seeing the code can be helpful if you're not sure how someone else has done something.

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Hello everyone, I have been following these threads for a little while and thought I'd have a try. Usually I play SCS with a Big World set-up using limited reloads- with some kind of penalty for each death. This time I thought I'd try something new, so I'm using EE with a swashbuckler pc in a no-reload, first time for all of those! However I am just using a slightly improved AI rather than tackling the full SCS experience for a no-reload, it will be good practice for when I play through with my daughter! I tend to roleplay things a little so my character doesn't always make the best choices.

So far I have completed the easy early quests, with some alternating good and evil solutions. My character Musa- modelled slightly on the Gray Mouser, is at level 12 and is accompanied by Angelo, Kivan, Minsc, Branwen, and Aran. He is NE with a bias towards pickpocketing, lockpicking and trapfinding. So far there have been some close calls with Confusion spells, and we have just succeeded in outraging Bernard when a charmed Panther turned hostile in the middle of his bar- possibly he also spotted the Harper-slaying scimitar in Anglelo's possession!

All in all it's been a fun change of pace for however long it lasts!

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Welcome and good luck, Kingingreen.


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While on vavation, I've come across this bad news: good old bioware forums are closing!
Which means we'll no longer have those 600+ pages threads for no-reloaders!!! We have several weeks to copy everything, so that the community's efforts were remembered and stayed with us. Please, if anyone can do it, it would be good to copy old bioware forums into the BG no-reload thread on Beamdog boards (yes, it will take some time but it will worth it).
It's a sad day, and it will be even worse when the forums will be closed...

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Serg BlackStrider

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Ygramul from Beamdog forums has a proposition:





I would encourage, if a reasonable format can be found, to move the contents of both threads to here for future as well as past posts.

I'm not sure if it is sensible to copy and paste every past post here separately as a new post (we would ramp up to something like 1200 pages in a day). But perhaps posts copied as combined document files (whatever our attached file limitations per post are) can be posted.

Idea: Say, um, the BG1 thread posts from 1/1/2014 to 1/1/2015 are collated as a Word or PDF file (essentially a copy-paste job) and posted as the "BG1-2014" collection. .... and repeated so on and so forth for both threads and for all years.

This would add a few dozen posts to this thread and I can index the links to them and add them to the original post so that people can find them easily.

What are the opinions on this? Any further ideas? Let's arrive at a consensus first. Once that is done, some volunteers can "reserve" the necessary post sequentially (by posting place holders first) and begin moving the content here, if agreed.

Let us provide a home to the dedicated Bioware no-reload community here.

(P.S. Could one of the Bioware forum veterans please pass this post along as an invitation onto the two Bioware forums. Thank you.)

What do you think, friends?


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In terms of options for the future posters on https://forum.biowar...sing-down/ have identified:


1) Unofficial Bioware Forums: http://biowaresocial...ork.boards.net/

A newly created set of Forums covering all the games previously under Bioware Forums.


2) The possibility of extending the Neverwinter Nights forums: neverwintervault.org

That would need confirmation as a possibility and would somewhat change the nature of the existing Forum.


3) Sorcerer's Place:  http://www.sorcerers...unity/index.php

A long-established set of Forums with a decent amount of continuing traffic.


4) Beamdog Forums: https://forums.beamdog.com/

The most active current Forums, with an established thread for no-reload attempts (albeit with slightly different rules).


Anyone got any further options or opinions on what to do?

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4) has the advantage that I (and perhaps most of us) already have an account there.


1) look promising too. Seems there's already a lot of activity and it has the advantage that we continue there without any changes.

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