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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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A brief note about Yeenter and gang: the Bandit Camp has been vanquished - Minsc got a few upgrades there, Khosahnn's full plate and also the long bow of markmanship. The Cloakwood Forest is our next target...

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Sorry to hear about your quick death, Wise. We've have some bad ambushes too, including a 10 bandit archer/6 gibberling ambush. Xan went invisible with about 10% health left, was close...Will keep at it - well after I get off work anyways I will.

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Yeenter the Dwarf Update

Traveling with: Minsc, Viconia, Imoen, Xan, Dynaheir

Permanently dead/gone: Xzar, Montaron, Kagain, Khalid, Jaheira


No deaths this session - I'm amazed how long Xan is living - I've had many runs where he dies left and right and takes thousands of gold in resurrections - guess he knows I won't raise him if he falls. The bulk of the Cloakwood is cleared of enemies. Next session we will work on the Cloakwood Mines.


The key battle, is, of course, the battle with Drassus. We battled Drassus and pals even though we were fatigued. We threw 5 fireballs and emotion 1st round - this killed the mages outright, Genthore was unconscious, and Drassus failed to make an impression on a Xan protected by mirror image - not to mention he felt the full might of the 6 party members.


Genthore of course was easy to mop up, since he still hadn't waked yet when we attacked him.


Here's the stats of the party:

Yeenter, level 6 Dwarf, Fighter, 64 HP, 501 kills

Minsc, Human, level 6 Ranger, 50 HP, 258 kills

Viconia, Drow, level 7 Cleric, 41 HP, 110 kills

Imoen, Human, level 7 Thief, 42 HP, 221 kills

Xan, Elf, level 7 Enchanter, 20 HP, 92 kills

Dynaheir, Human, level 6 Invoker, 30 HP, 89 kills

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Glad to see Yeenter making progress.


That was some fireball!





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Glad to see Yeenter making progress.


That was some fireball!





Thanks! To be a bit more precise, it was 5 different fireballs, all going up at once. We had some potions of explosions and necklace of missiles for the non-mages to help with the explosions.

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Grimwald the Wise

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I decided to do another run with Blackstar the Fiery.


The two runs have been as different as chalk and cheese.


She has got as far as level 7 and I was trying to decide whether to go solo like my last run or pick up a party. I decided to ring the changes by having a party. This will mean lower experience in Amn. That could be a problem as I thought I had loads of experience in my last game and came unstuck at the D' Arnise stronghold, a quest where I rarely fail.


There were three incidents which were noteworthy.


Silke after becoming hostile went inside an inn.


I followed her and was followed by hostile spiders.


Silke dislikes them even more than she dislikes me. However the lightning bolt not only kills spiders, it also kills, Finch, and the innkeeper. I think that she also got injured.




When fighting Tristan and Isolde, I charmed Bob Snickt with interesting results. He fought very well and seemed to be either immune or strongly resistant to hold.




I charmed Geltik to fight Greywolf and didn't position him well with the result that he only lasted one round.



However, fighting Sil my positioning couldn't have been better. She couldn't get past the sirene to speak to me and I was able to kill both of them before she became hostile. My rage was invaluable against them.


I intend having Gavin, Ajantis and possibly Imoen in the party. She is a thief/mage courtesy of Level 1 NPCs.


I thought that I might have Xzar/Montaron temporarily in the party to engage with Shoal. I would have no qualms whatsoever if either or both of them died permanently. If that happened, the Sword Coast would be a better place. :)



I can forsee one problem. Who do I choose if both Gavin and Ajantis proposition me?


I don't know whether either or both of them will fancy a dwarven maid with a temper.


I like her. Sometimes you empathise with a character and sometimes you don't. With her I do. :)

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I like her. Sometimes you empathise with a character and sometimes you don't. With her I do. :)


I'm glad to hear that. I always find that I'm at my best as a player when I know and like my character. I hope you find the the same.


As for Blackstar the Fiery's love interest, I'd definitely go with Gavin. Ajantis's "yeah!" is bad enough as a selection sound. It would be unbearably awful in other situations.


Good hunting!





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Wrecking Crew {13} - dwarf fighters (update 10)
Well I'm installed in a new house and internet connection has been restored.  With boxes everywhere I couldn't face opening the one with a new computer in, so the gang have had the opportunity to make more progress with my existing installation ...
On the third underground level Carlo scouted ahead, triggering traps and bringing enemies back to the main group to deal with.  That tactic made the Ashirikuru pretty easy to deal with
and rests were mainly uninterrupted so dealing with damage taken seemed to be no problem.  However, that led to a lack of attention after the group needed to heal damage caused by the phoenix guard - 2 ambushing greater ghouls would have been rapidly killed, but 4 more then arrived from the other direction.  Carlo went to tank the latter while the former were being killed, but I didn't monitor his health closely enough and only tried to make him retreat after he was down to 1 HP - he didn't make it.
Disaster then almost struck when I picked up his equipment, dropping the teleportation wardstones in the process in order to make room.  On arriving upstairs I realised those wardstones were needed as the route in the other direction went through an instant kill trap.  Luckily I hadn't rested so went back down to go and get the wardstones before taking the long trip to find a temple.  After raising Carlo all the gang had the XP for level 9, but won't level up in BG1.
While on the road the gang nipped back to Baldur's Gate to pick up the Cloak of Balduran before returning to Durlag's Tower.  There they beat up the Air Aspect before tackling Kaldron the Bear - he paralysed Carlo, but the others quickly intervened to save him.
I was originally thinking that a greater wyvern would get stuck in the doorway, but it looks like SCS has fixed that problem.  However, combined attacks quickly killed it anyway.  
The others soon followed before the game crashed - meaning I had lost all the progress since returning from Baldur's Gate and I ended the session there.
The next day I repeated the previous work, trying to be careful (resisting my strong tendency to be careless when redoing something).  Once more Kaldran managed to paralyze Carlo, but didn't have time to take advantage of that.  I did though catch myself not paying proper attention to the first greater wyvern and it nearly killed Carlo before he retreated.  
After killing the wyverns, on general principles I also killed the statues.  There was a nice surprise there when the dwarven warrior proved to have full plate - I hadn't remembered that.
Hack, who had helped with the others, then got the traditional dwarvish thanks for being an ally.
The army of skeletons were largely led away from their maze to negate the effectiveness of their numbers and traps, so they just became a source for fresh magical ammunition.  
With the whole level explored Carlo then went to fireball the fission slime, which had followed him out of its area, but couldn't pass through the hall doorway.
I expected to get teleported directly to the chessboard from there, but that didn't happen immediately.  However, when the gang eventually tried going into one of the elemental areas they ended up at the chessboard instead.  I seemed to remember fireballs being a good tactic there and everyone sent one off on arrival from potion or necklace, although the delay in casting those meant at least one of the attackers bypassed them entirely.  
The fireballs had fried all the pawns though and a few follow-up arrows of detonation finished the rooks, meaning the party was relatively unscathed when they had dealt with the attacking knights.  
The king showed himself when Carlo moved forward and was dispelled and immediately brought to near death - but survived to cast chaos.  Al was the only one affected by that though and fortunately it seemed that the lightning for prohibited movement was switched off by the opposing king's death.
After resting, the party proceeded on to the 4th level.  They had no trouble with the fights there and I'm ashamed to admit I looked up the answers to the questions - after such a hard run it would have been a come down to let Al die as a result of a wrong answer.  There seemed to be slightly fewer traps in this area, so progress was fairly rapid through a group of spiders and then an acidic area.  Grael did manage to paralyse Bugsy there, but I don't think he would have had time to finish him off even without the SCS behaviour that tends to make enemies leave helpless party members alone. A potion of cloud giant strength let them bust open chests to get a magic sling +3 and shield +2 (not identified, but I was sure enough they weren't cursed to equip them).  Even adding DUHM though was not sufficient to open another chest that I think has something nice in.  Near there Carlo went over a spike trap doing 63 damage and the gang rested while separated (I wasn't sure if that trap was repeating, though later found it wasn't).  
There were other vicious traps in the area including a repeating dart trap that would have killed Carlo if it hadn't proved possible to rest (twice) while the trap was firing :o.
Finally getting to the last hurdle, everyone took potions (for the first time in their adventures) before attacking the Demon Knight.  That gave him no chance, but I won't feel too sorry for him!
The gang got Islanne to send them to the surface and will be off to Ulgoth's Beard next.
Al - L8, 89 HPs, 621 kills, ***** longbow / * long sword
Carlo - L8, 100 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 613 kills, 2 deaths, **** flail / ** sling
Baby Face - L8, 65 HPs (-14 from Claw), 615 kills, 0 deaths, **** 2-handed sword / ** crossbow
Bugsy - L8, 88 HPs, 324 kills, 2 deaths, **** katana / ** dart
Vito - L8, 84 HPs, 543 kills, 1 death, **** halberd / ** shortbow
Mad Dog - L8, 79 HPs, 412 kills, 1 death, ***** axe / * 2-weapon
With Carlo and Baby Face closing in on him fast, will Al be able to hold the kills lead to the end?

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Grand performance Grond0, and enjoy your new home!

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I love it. Grond0 moves into a new home. And what's the first thing he does: No reload. He doesn't even unpack. :P


Awesome work. The Wrecking Crew looks impressive. Amn-ward bound!






Btw. It seems like completing Durlag's Tower has become part of the new standard in BG1. That's great. But it doesn't bode well for me: I've never done Durlag's Tower. Ever. In any install or gaming context- no reload or otherwise.

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I love it. Grond0 moves into a new home. And what's the first thing he does: No reload. He doesn't even unpack. :P


Awesome work. The Wrecking Crew looks impressive. Amn-ward bound!






Btw. It seems like completing Durlag's Tower has become part of the new standard in BG1. That's great. But it doesn't bode well for me: I've never done Durlag's Tower. Ever. In any install or gaming context- no reload or otherwise.

I wouldn't feel too bad about that Alesia - I haven't completed Durlag's either, no-reload or otherwise. Also, since most of the time you are solo, you would never need Durlag's for the experience, maybe some items - but most likely the only item you would want would be the wisdom tome. When solo, I personally don't like doing a lot of extra stuff (like Durlag's) if I am at my level cap - I like to only get upgrades/main story line by that point, not get side-tracked on unnecessary side ventures - I think you are the same way.

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Serg BlackStrider

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Btw. It seems like completing Durlag's Tower has become part of the new standard in BG1. That's great. But it doesn't bode well for me: I've never done Durlag's Tower. Ever. In any install or gaming context- no reload or otherwise.



I wouldn't feel too bad about that Alesia - I haven't completed Durlag's either, no-reload or otherwise. Also, since most of the time you are solo, you would never need Durlag's for the experience, maybe some items - but most likely the only item you would want would be the wisdom tome. When solo, I personally don't like doing a lot of extra stuff (like Durlag's) if I am at my level cap - I like to only get upgrades/main story line by that point, not get side-tracked on unnecessary side ventures - I think you are the same way.


In my humble opinion you both missed at lot by skipping Durlag's... It's great adventure and well worth the time spent there. Personally, I run it from top to bottom in all of my runs. Always. Just try it and, I think, you'll not be disappointed.


And congratulations, Grond0, with both moving in your new home and defeating the Demon Knight!

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In my humble opinion you both missed at lot by skipping Durlag's... It's great adventure and well worth the time spent there. Personally, I run it from top to bottom in all of my runs. Always. Just try it and, I think, you'll not be disappointed.


And congratulations, Grond0, with both moving in your new home and defeating the Demon Knight!

Serg - you understand, of course, that I often do portions of Durlag's, just not the whole thing. Also, Dogdancing and I could not finish Durlag's WITH RELOADS. That little detail doesn't bode well for a no-reload attempt doing the same thing...the other detail is that I don't know Durlag traps like the back of my hand, like I do for the rest of the traps in BG 1, so that kind of discourages a solo attempt through there.


I do agree with your statement that Durlag's does reward you for the effort.

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In my humble opinion you both missed at lot by skipping Durlag's... It's great adventure and well worth the time spent there. Personally, I run it from top to bottom in all of my runs. Always. Just try it and, I think, you'll not be disappointed.


Yeah. I'm a little silly in that way, I guess. I love BG, obviously. And I've been playing BG for years, obviously. But there are still things that I've never done. Durlag's Tower. The Demi-Lich in Watcher's Keep. They're both examples.


I just find the RP justication for Durlag's Tower so absurd in the context of the adventure, at least given the personalities of my characters. The Sword Coast needs to be saved. Gorion needs to be avenged. And I take a huge, uber-dangerous side trip for a dagger? In real life, if Hurgan made his proposal, I'd be all: "You lost your dagger, huh? Bummer. Good luck with that. See you around!"


On top of that, I'm scared. I may seem fearless as a player, but I'm not. Fear is a guiding emotion in my approach to the game. I'm always afraid.


Whatever, though. I should do it. Eventually I will.





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- Good luck Grimwald, with your Dwarven lady. I 

- I agree with Serg in that Durlag's Tower is fun and worthwhile. With my solo characters (the majority of my playthroughs) I don't tend to bother, but I've tried a few times with a party. The last time was with Butch, who prevailed, but I also remember my Skald Euphonia and my Mage(3)->Fighter Victor meet their doom there.

Glorydd (take 2), TN Dwarven Fighter/Thief

Here's the selfie:


I did something I'd never accomplished before: I had Glorydd reach her BG1 level caps, i.e. 140k XP, before even doing the Nashkel Mines. I still don't really understand how I pulled that off. Of course, Mutamin's Garden including Kirian (27k XP), Durlag's Tower's outside areas and top levels including Kirinhale (35k XP), Tenya/Brun/Ankhegs (25k XP), Lighthouse area (20k XP) helped Glorydd well on her way. But that still leaves circa 30k XP she apparently accumulated elswhere: Charleston Nib, Brage, Greywolf, Meilum, the easy FAI-Beregost-Nashkel quests, Bassilus, and what else? I wonder. Shoal for one is still alive.

Hereinafter I'll focus on sketchy moments and on the plot quests.

After Dagny (who'll get another chance, or several, in the future), Glorydd felt powerful and vulnerable at the same time. Powerful because she kills faster than Dagny, for now at least, and more vulnerable because of mages and their debuffs. She got an early taste of that from Mutamin. The devious Gnome cast Remove Magic at her, with two of his pets still around, eager to add Glorydd to their sculpture garden:

Mind you she was hasted (oil of speed), so she could make off before the magical energy of the spell would reach her. Her PfP was not removed by the spell,
which prompted the Dwarf to finish her work in the area. A Greenstone Amulet charge protected her from mind-affecting spells (and possible Hold Persons, not sure if Mutamin casts those though). 

When she was done her oil of speed was still active and she was still Greenstone-protected, so she backstabbed Kirian and co. Bassilus was also neutralized with the Greenstone Amulet.

The Battle Horrors at Durlag's Tower fell to backstabs; the Basilisks were tackled with potions of mirroring eyes (of which she owned five and used up three). A real scare she had inside Durlag's Tower when she missed a trap, and found it to be magical in nature.

I had no idea what kind of effect the trap would have, so a potion of magic blocking was expended. My memory of which trap does what is rather poor, due to my traditional predilection for playing Thieves.


Glorydd entered the Nashkel Mines as a lvl 7/8 Fighter/Thief, as mentioned before. She owned pretty much every available item she had any use for at that point: Helm of Charm Protection, Shadow Armor, Claw of Kazgaroth (that unlike her PfP did get dispelled by Mutamin), Boots of Stealth, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, two dual-wielded Short Swords +2 (one bought from Raoul, a Song & Silence addition, one taken from Zargal's chunked body), a composite shortbow +2 (Rogue Rebalancing item for sale in Ulgoth's Beard), Sandthief Ring, Greenstone Amulet, Girdles of Piercing/Bluntness/Slashing, Necklace of Missiles, numerous potions, and a nice collection of enchanted arrows.
Only Kobolds that stood in Glorydd's way would briefly know of her presence, right before she Fireballed them into oblivion with her Necklace of Missiles. Mulahey she fought with the protection of a charge of her Greenstone Amulet, although her 3 APR kept him from casting his Hold Persons anyway.

One Fireball and some skirmishing in close combat did the minions in.


Nimbul succumbed to a single backstab, Tranzig required two. When she left Feldepost's Glorydd got another taste of trouble. Leaving the shadows she had been hidden in, she spotted Molkar waiting to waylay her. She moved to a tree to hide again and to quaff potions of freedom and clarity. (I reckoned Greenstone's duration might be too short.) Molkar followed her, did his little talk, and before she knew it she was surrounded by the tree and two of Molkar's friends that appeared out of thin air. She was stuck. A third foe, Drakar stood a bit further away. He summoned a Skeleton that didn't hesitate in joing Molkar and the other two, aggravating Glorydd's predicament. She managed to slay Molkar, but that didn't offer her any means of escape as the Skeleton immediately took Molkar's place. She got badly injured, and decided to use a charge of her Sandthief Ring.

In the screenshot you can see that right when Glorydd went invisible she made a potentially crucial save: against a Rigid Thinking cast at her by Drakar. Or does potion of clarity protect against that spell? It mentions feeblemind, but I'm not sure whether the game classifies rigid thinking as a form of feeblemind.

Either way, Glorydd healed and waited for Halacan's MIs to disappear. She then slew the Gnome, and after that she felled Morvin and Drakar with backstabs (both followed her into Firebead's neighbor's home.)

Glorydd befriended a bunch of bandits in Larswood and had them show her the way to the Bandit Camp. She looted that place with a thievery potion (as she was low on gold), buffed in front of Tazok's tent with a potion of defense and went in, hoping to kill Venkt with arrows of biting. But the wizard proved sturdier than expected as he survived two hits. Hakt came to the wizard's defense; he poisoned Glorydd. The Dwarf went invisible, drank an elixir of health, applied an oil of speed, and grudgingly Greenstone-protected herself. She then finished Venkt just as the wizard failed to Dispel her buffs,

and she perforated the others with her two short blades. (She didn't want to use fire, because of Ender Sai.)

When she stepped outside, she found not only Taugosz but also Lamalha and her friends waiting for her.

Still buffed by her potion of defense and her oil of speed, she decided to try and take on her enemies. This turned out to be a good decision.

Normally a swarm of resilient, potion-quaffing bandits comes to Taugosz's aid, but this time only Taugosz and the amazons followed suit. Maybe Lamalha's script that causes her companions to appear, overruled Taugosz's script, I don't know.


Glorydd Greenstone-protected herself again, and finished her foes without suffering a scratch. Note that Taugosz fell to backstabs; he would have injured her otherwise.


Glorydd's currently supplying herself at Thalantyr's, in preparation of her excursion to the Cloakwood.

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Yay! Yay! Yay! Oh how I hope this run is a success! 


Can I see Weidu logs for BG1 and BG2? 





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Yay! Yay! Yay! Oh how I hope this run is a success! 


Can I see Weidu logs for BG1 and BG2? 





Haha, thanks! I hope so too! :)

It's a BGT install, the same as I last used with Dagny (so including the BG1NPCsSoA mod), so only one log. It's fairly extensive:


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I just read Glorrdd's first post: staring wide-eyed, munching a slice of vegan pizza, following every word. I like what I'm seeing so far!


In my install, Rigid Thinking applies Confusion (128). Potions of Clarity provide protection.


Good work at the Bandit Camp. I hate it when the Amazonians join the bandits, or even just Taugosz. That can be tough.





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A note about Yeenter and gang: Cloakwood Mines enemies have been defeated, including Davaeorn. The mine was flooded by pulling the river plug. Unfortunately for Davaoern, he doesn't know True Sight, so Yeenter protected by improved invisibility was way too much for Davaoern to handle. As is my custom in this area, all mages were never battled by the party, but rather a buffed up fighter, usually by potions, though items/spells would supplement it. Since Yeenter has the most HP (79) of the party, as well as the best saves, he got the job - he did great.


I am really, really surprised both mages of the party (Dynaheir and Xan) did not die in the many, many Cloakwood ambushes - good party coordination perhaps.


There's no time like the present! Thus Yeenter is going to take a stab at completing all of Durlag's. Imoen is almost 100/100 at traps/locks, and next level she will be. She's not far from leveling either. Most of the party is level 7, except Minsc.


I realized that one possible reason Dogdancing and I failed at finishing Durlag's is we were a duo. I have a balanced, well equipped party, so that I do think that changes things, enough to give it a shot.

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I realized that one possible reason Dogdancing and I failed at finishing Durlag's is we were a duo. I have a balanced, well equipped party, so that I do think that changes things, enough to give it a shot.

Indeed.  Doing it without a thief is a pain, but if you use an invisible thief to detect and disarm traps you're halfway there!  Best of luck.

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@Blackraven: Congratulations :)


259 kills (Battle Horror - doesn't Sarevok count?), XP value of kills = 141,800


I'm afraid not as technically it's not your party who kills Sarevok (he can't drop below 1 HP for he has to say his 'What... is this?' line) but the engine that kills him once he falls below 3(?) HP.

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Grimwald the Wise

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If you are a thief or thief multi, even if you have another party member raiding Durlag's is a must.


You can leave your non-thief near the merchant. (Corey, Dogdancing could make the two of you a cup of coffee whilst you raid the tower. It's a bit boring just sitting watching whilst the other part of the team goes solo.)


You don't want to get involved with fighting the guards near the entrance.

You should have oil of speed, potion of perception and potion of master thievery. The oil of speed is no that your other potions do not run out before finishing the raid. Potion of mirrored eyes is also helpful for getting a good scimitar.


You are a thief not a fighter, so you just go through it disarming traps and looting, running from enemies, and when there are powerful enemies near loot, you lure them away from the loot and then dash in and grab it.


With a solo thief I have gone from level 1 to level 5 doing this.


You can then form your party at this higher level or carry on solo.


Doing this you can acquire:


A tome of wisdom,

Durlag's Plate +3

Cloak of protection +1,

Halberd +1,

Scimitar +2,

Cloudkill scroll

A lot of minor items,

A lot of treasure.


Gem bag is also a must.


The thing to remember is that you are a thief. If you get involved in conflict your potions will run out before you have completed the raid.


Note that doing it at level 1 or 2, all your thieving points will have had to have been put in stealth, disarming traps and opening locks.


Note that I haven't tried this with SCS installed.


You can if you so desire return with the heavies at a later date when you are more powerful.


Writing this reminds me that it is a long time since I played a thief.

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That's awesome, Wise.








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bgee run update 1.3, the rangers;


Hear text as mp3,


It wasn't long before Kivan departed to look for his revenge, then we encountered another very famous ranger and he was a good sport about who actually rescued whom from a large pack of gnoll skirmishers but the experience boasted our spirits if not our purse strings. At this point we realised our gear wasn't up to the demands adventuring in this area needed so with the two pallies tag teaming the melee and my sister tossing buffs/ heals from the rear, we managed to defeat a bounty hunter named Wolf (something) which gave us a good sword then we tracked down a concussed guard captain for the church and rescued a female water sprit from her evil pimp handler (nice helmet).


My innate abilities detected Viconias' true nature so we stepped back whilst the Iron Fist mercenary carried out his lawful duty and they also gave me the edge against some more water spirits to recover a boost to my constitution then we helped yet another ranger to rescue his witch from a stronghold in the south-west… we explored a little bit extra for a nice charisma bonus.


After selling the junk and using the proceeds to purchase a necklace of fireballs we descended into the Mines to cleanse them… this proved surprisingly easy with fire and being immune to poison no doubt helped us too. We rescued an elf wizard within the mines and he agreed to join our little troupe of do-gooders until some disaster strikes him dead… this gave us a party member that could finally use these wands we have been lugging about for ages and he seems to enjoy defeating battle horrors even though he insists "we're still doomed!"

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YAY! ;)





ps: as a thief, Glorydd is very carefull, no? ;)

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