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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Millen the fighter/ilusionist - Update 4

Traveling with: Ajantis, Shar-Teel, Branwen, Imoen, Garrick


Millen's team continues to make progress. We have cleared the road areas of hostiles, from Candlekeep to Nashkel. The Flaming Fist or Amn did not compensate us, so guess it's good we got a little bit of loot doing this (not much though).


After gulping a potion of genius and potion of mind focusing, Garriick can now cast a single web. We thought it's high time we use this to get some good loot, we still need a ton of cash. So we head to the Three Tombs area. Branwen approaches the Amazon Aassins via sanctuary. Garrick does web and Millen tries a few blindnesses, but they all get resisted. So then the party assists with ranged fire and Branwen tries to get some hold persons/silences off. Branwen gets targeted the most, so she had to gulp a ton of blue potions to try to stay together and then try to get some spells off. We finally took down a cleric. But 3 more are still left. Ajantis was using darts, so when he attacked a thief he got in the web. Worse, he got held by an enemy cleric and is poisoned to boot! Millen and Branwen send a heal to Ajantis several times - Ajantis does do antidote when the hold (and web) wears off. Nevertheless ranged fire does in fact win the day for the team, and with no deaths.


We sold the loot, and Millen was feeling brave, so the party had to deal with Narcillicus and his jellies. Ranged fire, especially some darts of wounding Ajantis picked up from the Amazons, killed Naricillicus fairly quick. At the last moment, I realized Millen's Halberd will not be effective against the Mustard Jellies as it counts as piercing. So Branwen loaned Millen her magical flail and she activated her spiritual hammer, and the party attacked a mustard jelly with melee weapons. Ajantis was getting hit very, very hard, he was gulping potions of all kinds (both blue and green) trying to keep together. Millen eventually told Ajantis to try to get away from the jelly and heal, while the party kept whacking it. Eventually both jellies did die, and Ajantis didn't die either, though was close.


We then leave, both to get more blue potions as well as to get a protection from undead scroll from Thalantyr - by the far the safest/most effecient way to deal with the Three Tombs. During this time got caught in a 10 bandit archer ambushes (twice!) - the party refused to be cowed and held their ground - victory achieved but yes more blue potions gulped. In these ambushes, the back 3 (Branwen, Imoen, Garrick) always get hammered, but they've learned to be quick with their blue potion use so they didn't die.


Finally we return to the Three Tombs, and Ajantis, using a protection from undead scroll clear them and loot them. Garrick was the big beneficiary, as he appreciated both the magical chain mail and the monster summoning wand.


We felt tough enough to deal with this Bassilus problem we have heard so much about. We go to the area south of High Hedge. We have Branwen approach via sanctuary - somehow Bassilus knows she is there and talks to her. After their talk, all the undead disappear. Good job, Branwen. Branwen backs off and tries a slience (which works) - the entire party then initiates ranged combat - Bassilus falls before he could even get into melee range. We report to the Beregost Mayor our success, and we think finally have enough for full plate.


Yes, we do. Shar-Teel gets the full plate and Branwen gets the hand-me-down ankheg plate.


With the levels and HPs we have gotten in our recent levels, I think the party is finally tough enough to try to take on the enemies in the Ogre Areas. We'll do that once we clear High Hedge and the area south of High Hedge of enemies. The run continues...


Party Statisitics:
Ajantis, level 4 Paladin, 41 HP, 131 kills, Revenant
Shar-Teel, level 4 Fighter, 29 HP, 121 kills, Mustard Jelly
Millen, level 3 Fighter/Level 3 Illusionist, 28 HP, 223 kills, Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen
Branwen, level 5 Cleric, 29 HP, 31 kills, Caldo
Imoen, level 5 Thief, 32 HP, 51 kills, Ankheg
Garrick, level 5 Bard, 24 HP, 30 kills, cave Bear

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Short update. So I killed Karlat (Battleguard's spiritual weapon+Hold basically), Silke (Enrage+Sunscorch which only Blinded her+Hold she did not save against. I also killed her mercenaries, "just in case" they were actually evil), cleared the Gnoll Fortress (nothing interesting here, only some XP and Hold abuse), sold a bunch of items and levelled up, gaining access to level 3 Priest spells. Oh, also, Sari's AC is -2 not -1 o.0 for some reason I had mistaken that in my previous post 'bout her journey.
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Dagny, Gnome Cleric/Illusionist (take 5), 1st & final BG1 report

had this amazingly long deja vu experience. There were things she could do differently from how she remembered them though. Have you all seen the movie Groundhog Day? It was a bit like that. 
Everything started with Dagny's departure from Candlekeep with Gorion, who would fall mere hours later at the hands of a man she knew well enough: Sarevok Anchev. She also knew what his plans were, and where he resided, in the city of Baldur's Gate, but the Gnome wasn't allowed into the city. 
So she went XP farming: her first few level-ups she got on the Coast Way, but the true XP jackpot she hit later, in Ankhegville (thanks to the Ring of Wizardry and Sleep), the Golem Caverns, Basiliskland, and at Durlag's Tower (Kirinhale skipped, too hard to hit).
Soon after, powerful individuals like Greywolf (2x Hold), Bassilus (Silence->Hold), Droth (Silence + Skeletons), and Meilum (Skeletons) all fell before the Gnome's might. 

Before she knew it she was one of the Sword Coast's most reputed, powerful and affluent individuals again. Her attire consisted of Robe of Neutral Archmagi, Helm of Charm Protection, Large Shield +1, Ashideena, Sling +1, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Cloak of Deflection, Amulet of Protection +1 and Greenstone Amulet, Ring of Wizardry, and Wands of Fire, Paralyzation, Frost and Heavens.

She revisited the Nashkel Mines where she scorchered Kobolds and also Mulahey after Silencing him. (His minions died from their burns as well.)
She used her Turn Undead ability to loot the Valley of the Tombs, knew that the Amnish soldiers could be trusted to finish Nimbul for her, had her Skeletons deal with Tranzig, and used fire and more Skellies to Molkar & Co out of the way.

At the Bandit Camp she summoned Skeletons in a corner away from Raemon. She was amazed that the others didn't notice or pretended not to notice her, but she didn't complain. A security Wand of Paralyzation charge froze Venkt, after which the Gnome and her army didn't take long in quelling the bandits.The Skellies fighting on one side; Dagny discharging fireballs from her wand on the other.

Dagny knew that Ender Sai was going to direct her to the Cloakwood, and that's indeed where she went. When she left the bandit tent, she was waylaid by Lamalha and friends. ('Hey that wasnt supposed to happen, you ambushed me in Beregost!') The Gnome saw herself facing overwhelming numbers and left the area hurriedly. She took things pretty easy in Cloakwood, except in Spider territory, where she slew most of the monsters (with Wand of Fire and ranged attacks) plus Centeol in order to get a second Wand of Frost.

At the entrance to the Cloakwood Mines both Rezdan and Kysus removed Dagny's protections, at different moments. One of the Remove Magic came right before a Spook. Dagny did not save against the latter spell. Fortunately speedy Drasus and Genthore (ranged attacker) were not in sight. Rezdan was, but he demonstrated he wasn't the brightest practicioner in his profession. He cast Confusion on a Skeleton that Dagny had summoned, and Dire Charm on Dagny (who was wearing the Helm of Charm protection).
Dagny paralyzed Drasus with her wand, and saw her Skeletons entice the mages into wasting most of their spells.
Thus, she prevailed.

Two magic protection potions helped Dagny endure Davaeorn's crowd spells (several Webs, Stinking Cloud). The evil mage was so friendly not to cast Remove Magic at her, but that didn't stop Dagny from destroying his Battle Horrors with her frost wand, nor from sparing Davaeorn for that matter. Skeletons helped her get rid of his many protections (MIs, Stoneskins) that she had no means of dispelling. A Holy Smite did him in.
In Baldur's Gate enemies she knew had something for her they weren't willing to give voluntarily, such as Resar, Ramazith, Jalantha, Marek, all experienced the anguish of being paralyzed and subsequently beaten to death.
When blue-circled Lothander got stuck and couldn't leave, Dagny slew him as well, but she later regretted that. She had been disgusted by his manipulations even if they were inspired by desperation, but she found that killing him went a bit too far for her. (I considered changing Dagny's alignment to Chaotic Neutral, but I think that could cause issues with the familiar, Murphy the Rabbit.]

She fought most of the Iron Throne cronies two at a time, as she was unsure whether she'd be able to stand up against all of them at once. Skeletons, different wand charges, and even melee combat were the ingredients for success.

[I made the mistake of having Dagny rest after she had reported to Duke Eltan, but before she had a Bard lower her reputation. She therefore got a rather superfluous DUHM-Bhaalpower. Reputation was then lowered after all, in order for the last Bhaalpower to be the desired Divine Wrath ability.]

Dagny knew Sarevok was trying to frame her for the murder of the Iron Throne executive board, so she rushed straight to the Gatewarden, but she still came too late, and saw herself arrested, imprisoned, and teleported to the Keep's catacombs, where Knock spells allowed her to loot three vaults.

She traveled to the FAI to restore part of her reputation and to acquire the Golden Pantaloons, to the Nashkel Carnival for the violet potion, and to the Hugh Hedge for the Claw and Horn of Kazagaroth. Cloudpeaks and Euric and Noralee helped Dagny's rep back to 20.

In the Undercellars Slythe and especially Krystin gave Dagny a hard time. She remembered dealing with Slythe alone, but this time Krystin wouldn't leave his side. Twice did the woman remove Dagny's protections (incuding Stoneskins), making the Gnome particularly vulnerable to Slythe's backstabs. Skeletons, circa five charges of the Wand of Monster Summoning and the odd Magic Missile helped Dagny overcome the two assassins.

She rested and made her way to the Ducal Palace. Initially none of the Flaming Fists believed her when she told them most of the spectators were in fact Greater Doppelgangers, but the creatures showed their true form when Dagny presented a letter from Sarevok containing the instruction to SLuthe and Krystin to kill the Dukes. Dagny had already buffed herself at that moment, and summoned four Skeletons and a Giant Spider. The summons were PfFear, PfE and Hasted. Things looked dire when Dagny's Slow only affected a single Greater Doppelganger, but things turned out fine after she cast a Chaos (from scroll) at the monsters.
Belt transported Dagny to the Thieves Guild where Dagny found a failiar maze that led to the familiar Undercity. No one noticed her as she was invisible. The last time she had dealt with Sarevok, she had taken on his minions first, one at a time. This time she decided to try how she fared against all of them at the same time. She soon received two Remove Magics. She responded with a potion of magic shielding (since invisiblility might be detected and could have exposed her to another spell with a still turbid aura).
She found Angelo on his own, and had Wand summons provoke him into wasting his spells before she defeated the battlemage in melee combat.
Loads of wand fireballs and scorchers (she really didn't have many other means), resulted in Semaj and Tazok falling at the same time;
Diarmid suffered the same fate shortly after that.
Skeleton Warriors suffered fire damage as well and were generally finished in melee combat (this worked well with Dagny hasting to the skeletons as soon as she saw them equip their bows, at least those who used bows).

Sarevok saw his plans crumble and his life forces sap out of him due to Dagny's scorchers and sling bullets.

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Congrats Blackraven! I hope Dagny has a long life, and who knows, maybe godhood too...

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Nice work, Blackraven!


Looking forward to seeing Dagny in Amn!





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Good to see Sarevok taken down again - though perhaps he could actually be on Dagny's side in the future?

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Nice run BR. Let me follow you to Amn!
Alexander 2nd, Final Episode.
Enter Alexander 2nd, based on myself, this time an underpowered Barbarian with 14 strength and dex and 16 con.
I can't bother with a big write up as I did this before, so I'll keep it short. Alexander starts with hunting basilisks and tries to elope his fate, running into Edwin the red mage on the way. 
We pick up the lone ranger Kivan. A very tough unholy blight from mad Bassilus kills him and hurts Alexander badly.
But we get him with wands after.
Edwin kills himself with a lighting bolt in the siren area. Why does the bolt revert back every time? That must be a bug of some sort..
We dont need him here though and loot the place/ slay the golems. Alexanders berserk was very important for both the sirens and the traps here.
Fireballs and missles kill Drassus' group.
We slay Daveaorn the usual way: scroll of magic protection, fireball necklace and acid arrows.
In BG we get all the tomes and some nice xp and gold. We do major shopping and pick up a thief for the traps to come.
Tiax is pleased as we kill Cadderly (for the first time ever). Nice XP though :o!
We clear the Candlekeep ruins easily, even bombard Prats group with fireballs. Strangely, Prat dissapears never to be seen, but his whole party falls.
I downloaded a mod in which the flaming fist hunts you tirelessly with hundreds of men after Candlekeep..
.... ok joking, this was after 30 failed sleep attempts in the city.. :). Looked cool though..
I see: 'Slythe attacks Edwin' and I make Edwin run all the way to the other side of the area. There I try to hide in one of the rooms and attempt a quick invisibility. Slythe says 'no'... Bye Edwin..
I recruit both Quale for haste and wand use and Viconia for a bit of backup. She gets tagged hard in the palace but doesnt chunk. Only the female duke falls although Belt gets hit to badly injured...
On a sidenote, the tomes are useless for Eren except strength, con, and intelligence, so I gave all the other tomes to the one I thought it be most useful for, pretty Viconia. I dont know if I'll play her yet but I think I will. This gives her higher wisdom to cast more spells, and even better dex (20!) This is how I want Viconia's stats in BG2 (I'll shadowkeep them):
In the final fight, I buff both Kivan and Alexander to work on the 5. Angelo kills Quale.
Diarmid gets shot by Kivan and pummeled by Alexander, and finally falls. 
Semaj gets dispelled twice with arrows and then destroyed by a 42 damage crit. 
In the end, even Sarevok falls.

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Millen the Fighter/Illusionist - Update 5

Traveling with: Ajantis, Shar-Teel, Branwen, Imoen, Garrick


Millen has made a lot of progress since the last update. The party has cleared/explored the bottom 3 rows of the map (except Durlag's) - the party is much better equipped and more HP, and thus does much better. Garrick finally got his crossbow of speed, so he's a solid contributor now, although his great ID of items has been very helpful.


There's not much to comment on the easy areas, so instead will mention the harder ones, such as Melium's area and Basilisk Country. First, the party battled Melium - was a bit anti-climatic - Branwen tried to hold him, but he was slain before the hold person could actually land. The party was not afraid of Kahrk. The party summoned a massive army, equipped what little magical ammo the party had and attacked him. Took a little while but was a complete victory.



Since Gullykin was nearby, the party headed there - rested, a few buffs then battled Molkar and gang. Branwen did a silence and the party did ranged fire - complete success here too. By should mention, Ajantis is using the two-hand sword +1, composite bow, full plate and protection ring +1, which has been working much better. His ranged weapon was darts, but he has no skill with that, only bows. So this makes him more effective. He of course has to use the gauntlets of dexterity or he would be hit all the time.


What's really handy about beating Molkar's party is one of the loot items is a potion of absorption - which is all that is needed for a fighter to clear out Landarin and his ogre pals. So we head into the ruins, using the entrance from the halfling house. We did a lot of buffs, especially on Millen - we destroyed the ogre mage fast - good! The party then holds its position, while Ajantis charged the ogrillions and Landarin, buffed with pro evil, potion of absorption, heroism and hill giant strength. What's important is Ajantis to approach Landarin at an angle - this way the lighting bolt goes sideways and is harmless - otherwise, the bolt can travel down the hallway and hit the party (which has happened to me before - ended a run even, a bard I think). Landarin's own bolt kills him, and the ogrillions/kobolds are then a simple matter to clear up. Millen fails to scribe the cloudkill scroll, but successfully does fireball, so guess that will help - whenever he can cast level 3 spells (which he can't yet).


After selling all this, we decided to spurge on the protection from petrification scroll, get potions of mirror eyes, in case of ambush - don't want Millen to be petrified. Then we headed to Basilisk country. As is usual for me, I take on Kirian's party first, then have one character clear out the baslisks. Skeletons, silence, and concentrated range fire was far too much for Kirian's party to survive.


The next task was Mutamutin. First, Millen made Imoen invisible, turned off AI, and Imoen found Mutamutin's location. The plan was for Branwen to silence him from a distance - she tried to follow Imoen's path (there were no enemies) but must have been off a bit, because a basilisk spotted her! She tries to run away but the basilisk fires off a gaze and pursues - she saves! Amazing for a human...Ajantis puts up the green protection from petrification scroll and charges the basilisk with his two-hand sword +1. Instead of attacking, the basilisk was trying to get into range of Branwen - she risked sanctuary - it worked! She lives, and Ajantis takes a while but does take out this pesky basilisk. Now back to the plan - Branwen carefully aims her silence and yes Mutamutin is silenced! Ajantis had a few darts of wounding that he doesn't need at all now that he using a bow, so he uses them up on Mutamutin, just so Ajantis doesn't have to deal with Mutamutin's friends at the same time.


Ajantis then proceeds to clear entire area of enemies with no problem at all, though he was a bit slow.


The party rests at the Jovial Juggler, and probably will take on Sirine Country next session. We don't have any immunity to charm, so the plan is to make Imoen invisible, turn off AI - skeletons will then approach the sirines and attack, then at that point the party will assist with ranged fire - we think (hope) this will work.


Party Stats:

Ajantis - level 5 Paladin, 49 HP, 213 kills, Greater Basilisk

Shar-Teel - level 5 Fighter, 38 HP, 176 kills, Kahrk

Millen - level 4 Fighter/level 4 Illusionist, 37 HP, 324 kills, Vampiric Wolf

Branwen - level 5 Cleric, 29 HP, 47 kills, Dread Wolf

Imoen - level 6 Thief, 38 HP, 95 kills, Molkar

Garrick - level 6 Bard, 29 HP, 52 kills, Mountain Bear

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Congrats to Alexander on his victory! Hopefully, he can keep up the success in BG 2/ToB.

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Serg BlackStrider

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Well done once again, Blackraven! You've already grandmastered BG1, time to make SoA/ToB that way as well!


And congrats to Golden too!

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.... ok joking, this was after 30 failed sleep attempts in the city.. :). Looked cool though..

Well done Golden.  One of my long term ambitions is to get a screenshot with 100 guards crowded around my character, but I've never got above about 70 before a successful sleep!

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Grimwald the Wise

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I don't know the answer Wise - you should probably make a new topic for this problem and just post a link to the topic in this thread. I did that for my Berserker/mage run and I got a pretty quick fix!

I have run into a problem. After saving Maretha we went to visit the Cloakwood mines, only they didn't appear.


This is the first time that I have played with Jaheira in the party with this set-up.


Do I need to leave using a different exit point?


Or do I need to CLUA my way there?


(As you may gather, we defeated the bandits and the shadow druids).


It was quite straightforward.



I discovered the problem.


:blush: After defeating the bandits, I went to fight Tranzig and never went back for the papers.


Have now got to the Gate having only two minor scares in the mines. We got hurt a bit by a lightning bolt, but Gavin sorted that, and then Khalid was charmed, but we charmed him back.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Congrats Blackraven and Golden.


Golden. Did you realise that if you use Algernon's Cloak after each failed sleep attempt, you can have an army to fight against powerful enemies?


Ulgoth's Beard for example when you return with the dagger.

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Thanks everyone for the congratulations! :)
@Serg, thanks, yes I'd like to become as adept at BG2 as I am at BG1. I've considered completing BG1 runs of Glorydd and Sellhana to have three characters in BG2, but knowing myself I'll just continue with Dagny.

Well done Golden/Alexander! Especially with a nerfed character that for being a Barbarian (as opposed to say, a Sorcerer or a Totemic Druid) would have benefited noticeably from maxed physical stats. keep up the good work.

@Wise, glad to see you've got your issue solved. Good luck with final stages of the game!

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A quick update on Millen and gang - Most of the Pre-Chapter 4 content (except TotSC areas) has been cleared now, except for the bandit related areas (Larswood, Pelvale, Bandit Camp) plus the Thayvian Wizards area. We did use skeletons against the sirines, but it turned out, they were probably weren't even necessary, as concentrated ranged fire from 6 party members kept interrupting the sirines' spells. The CON tome of course went to Millen. Ajantis put down his two hand sword and and bow and donned his Ashideena and large shield +1 for Ankheg country - he and Shar-Teel tanked this area very well. One ankheg locked on to Millen, and dropped 1/2 Millen's life in a singe hit, but Millen gulped blue potions until it was dead so its attempt to take out the party's leader failed.


While we do have lots of gold (about 13,000), we still need more for Millen's desired purchase of robe of the good arch magi. Bandit areas will be dealt with next session. The party needs lots of experience, so the intent is to slaughter the bandits for the experience.

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Congrats Blackraven and Golden.


Golden. Did you realise that if you use Algernon's Cloak after each failed sleep attempt, you can have an army to fight against powerful enemies?


Ulgoth's Beard for example when you return with the dagger.

You'll need a better example, Wise - in vanilla at least, you can sleep in Ulgoth's Beard all you want, no guards ever appear it's a free rest.

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Millen the fighter/illusionist - Update 6

Traveling with: Ajantis, Shar-Teel, Branwen, Imoen, Garrick


The party has dealt with the bandit areas. There's quite a few archers in these areas, which can be quite dangerous to our thieves and casters. But with our skeleton escort, the party managed to clear them without deaths. Below is an example of such:




Bandit camp was also cleared. Khosann managed to fail his save vs. either wand of paralyzation or hold person, not sure which - took 3 tries to make them stick however.  We did a lot of buffs then entered Tazok's Tent. Entire party did ranged fire and also Garrick and Millen did magic missiles at Venkt - he died very fast and wasn't able to cast a spell - the rest of the tent was pretty easy to mop up after that, though we concentrated on Brikt first, as he's next most dangerous. Brikt's bow went to Millen, and Ajantis got Millen's old composite bow +1.


One great thing is Millen can finally afford the robe of the good arch magi, so he will rarely wear armor, maybe never again, we'll have to see on that. We'll get to that now.

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bgee run update 1.7,


Trouble comes in three's;


Hear text as mp3,


We have arrived, not that many people noticed… I stopped at the first inn and Imoen was keen to visit the Hall of Wonders which turned out to be the hangout of a nice young thief in training by the name of Alora and the party more or less adopted her.


Imoen good-naturedly accepted an invitation from a feisty barmaid at the docks which proved my sister needs to listen more carefully before saying yes to someone… I gave her the gloves from the lady in question to remind her of this lessen. Then we visited another bar and got into another fight which we had under control until a certain wild mage tripped up and turned our allies against us with an unfortunately placed blast but we extracted ourselves without becoming hunted by the law… this accident prompted me to arm Neera with a new polymorph wand that she decided to test out against some ******-queen Cerics… prompting them to turn hostile and resulting in our third fight in as many days.


In penance, we helped the local law dispatch some impostors and agreed to return home to Candlekeep after spoiling a plot to poison us and we plan to have a consultation with the leaders of the iron fist tomorrow which I expect will clear up all mis-understandings, after all we are meeting them in the middle of our fortified home town… what could possibly go wrong?

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Wrecking Crew {14} - dwarf fighters (update 1)
Being a sucker for punishment - particularly when you're handing it out as well as taking it :D - I thought I would restart the Crew immediately.  They will still be restricted to no use of healing/antidotes in this run (for me it makes encounters more interesting to see how they can share damage out in order to triumph as a unit), but I may be a bit more inclined to use other potions this time.  I'll also not require them to do every possible encounter and fully explore all maps, which hugely adds to the time taken, without giving much game benefit.
I considered tweaking their starting specifications, but decided not to do so.  There will be slight changes to weapon proficiencies over time though - in particular Al will acquire a secondary expertise in hammers in order to make use of the dwarven throwing hammer in BG2 against some enemies.
The Crew have made a good start so far this morning.  Given I gave relatively full coverage of their run just ended I'll only provide a summary of their adventures this time.  Progress to date:
- in Beregost they spoke to Firebead, Mirianne and Marl and chunked Karlat with a sweetly struck blow.
- in Nashkel reputation was increased to 10 before resting to give Al a CLW.  Having 2 of those will significantly reduce the amount of resting required in BG1 and early BG2 to restore HPs.
- on the way to the basilisk area they saved Arabelle and acquired Arghain's sword for Baby Face.
- at the basilisk area Bugsy received the green scroll.  The others tried to help him a bit initially, but after Mad Dog was stoned Bugsy was left to finish the basilisks alone (with a bit of help from Korax at the end after Mutamin was shot down).  The party did well resisting spells from Kirian and Peter, finishing that combat with only Vito disabled.  That encounter also provided armour for the 3 characters walking around naked up to then.
- at Firewine Meilum handed over his bracers (the Crew won't be doing Kahrk or the Ruins this time though).
- despite his potion of speed, continual missile hits on Greywolf ensured he never even got an attack in on Carlo.  His death also ensured everyone had some sort of magical weapon.
- took a quick trip through the Cloudpeaks to get the charisma tome.
- returned Samuel to the FAI, picking up a 3rd belt on the way.
- at the Lighthouse area Carlo used a potion of clarity to tank the sirines.  They tried seven or 8 charms on others, but everyone saved :) (in any case they had nearly always equipped fists before the charm struck).  
The golems were shot with +1 arrows to allow Carlo to get the tome and boost his constitution to allow regeneration (more golems were killed at High Hedge and Melicamp restored while doing that).
- Vito became the party's first casualty to persuade Shoal to summon up a walking Helm of Defense.  They subsequently took their revenge on Shoal to get everyone up to level 5.
- they ganged up on the Doomsayer, trying to get him to concentrate on those with non-proficient weapons who were unlikely to hit him anyway.
With reputation now stuck at 20 they'll probably head for Ulgoth's Beard next.

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Go Grond0! Best of luck.


Here's my newest attempt




In short, vanilla kits/spells/HLAs/items, minor tweaks to spells with Spellpack (nothing drastic, since I probably won't use any of them :D ), minor tweaks to few items with Item Pack (sans Greenstone, I won't be using "per equipped" immunities), full SCS + aTweaks demons/elementals with buffed HP. 

I won't be gating demons this time, I'll focus on killing them instead. 

BG1 part is a bit spiced up with BGSpawn + UB, and rest of the game is as per usual.


The party is a  custom made trio of demon hunters:


Parthis, fighter/cleric, protagonist



Burth, barbarian (slightly tweaked, I removed his MS bonus since it annoys me to no avail).



And Satzee, a female elf archer



A figher/mage is much better than anything else for killing Balors, but I don't want to waste too much time buffing and similar; hence no arcane casters here. One thing I will use unlike in my previous runs are dispel arrows in BG1 to make certain battles last shorter, I won't be using those in BG2; one more rule is my standard no mundane weapons vs PfMW.


To game. We did minor stuff in Beregost and surrounding wilderness first. All Parthis' spell slots are filled with a single spell - Command. That spell is insane for it's level and effect.

Whatever is killable, it's knocked down first.



Greywolf survived all three attempts, but died anyway.



We had a minor bump in Ankheg farm - hobgoblins spawned. In between them, a cleric that casts Hold, which sticks on Parthis (that reminded me, there's a certain female gnome waiting to be killed just north....). No problem still, we killed them before they caused any harm.



Shoal and her pal ogre were also slain - I bought few +2 arrows from Beregost just for this (they bypass PfnM). Command did them both.



I didn't have Ice damage to deal with Weird, but 1 damage attacks proved effective anyway.



We cleared out the rest of that area with no more setbacks.

More XP farm with basilisk - poison arrows were effective vs Muta, and basilisks were all slain under Pro Petrify scroll. Kirian's party wasn't tackled.



Further north, we fought a spider infestation in woods.I was surprised how potent ettercap poison is - it just wouldn't stop ticking! This is about the half of damage it did.



Bassilus - stealth-poison arrow-failed save prevented any further casting attempts





Returned Bragge to Nashkel. Got a CTD there (around Nimbul's spawn area), probably some invalid animation.  :angry:



I wanted to visit Ulcaster, but we had a very ugly spawn there- Orc Mage + 2 barbarians. Orc Mage has a Spell Sequencer nad he buffs with Pro Mag Weapons. :blink: Sequencer can be loaded with anything, including 3x Skull Trap. I ran away and never returned. This guy is more damgerous than Sarevok and all his goons combined.



Did a minor visit to Durlag's (no problem with Lighting traps this time, Absorption potion used), and killed Mulahey (barbarian and archer got level 7 there).

Since going near Nimbul's original place caused CTD; I CLUA'd him in, and killed him. He did quite big damage with a minor sequencer loaded with MMs, but my archer is way to accurate to care about his boots.



Sold a lot of stuff, bought Fireball potions, and demolished bandit camp.







I accidentaly installed that crap which moves assassins to random places - I don't like that but what the hell. Amazons spawned in between 1st and 2nd Cloakwood area, and died very quicky. I even got a Chant off. :D



2nd party spawned between 2nd and 3rd Cloakwood area. Not a HP lost.



CLoakwood mine entrance battle - Satzee hasted-stealth-2xDetonation arrow. One mage dies instantly, other still lives.



Drasus dies next.



Then bad things happened. Burth gets Dominated, while Parthis gets Emotionalized. I hate that spell. Gethore died.



I run away with Satzee, she's the only operational member of the group and hide in shadows. I try to hit the mage, who Spooks her.



She recovers in time to kill a summoned Gnoll who was taking pot shots at Parthis.



We all recover soon from disables, and kill the mage.



Unlike these guys, Davaeorn was a joke. Two dispel arrows from Duralg's hit (Satzee under Pro Magic scroll) and he tps away quickly.



His teleport wasn't far enough, and two more well placed arrows kill him. Whole battle lasted 2 rounds or so.


  • Serg BlackStrider, CrevsDaak and Golden28 like this


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Glad to see you back in action, Aasim!


Good hunting!





  • Aasim likes this


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Congrats Blackraven and Golden.


Golden. Did you realise that if you use Algernon's Cloak after each failed sleep attempt, you can have an army to fight against powerful enemies?


Ulgoth's Beard for example when you return with the dagger.


Thanks Wise.


I didn't realise that actually, thanks for sharing. 



  • Grimwald the Wise likes this


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Great upload Aasim, I really like your style!


Close call with the mage eh ;)



  • Grimwald the Wise likes this


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Great upload Aasim, I really like your style!


Close call with the mage eh ;)



Emotion is a bit overwhelming I think (an AoE save or die for AI, actually, with benefit of MGoI bypass).

They  changed the spell in EE, you awake when you're hit. ToBex can do that as well, but I left it be.



Parthis, 2nd and final BG1 update


BG city was done swiftly, tome of WIS aquired by brute force. Bought a number of dispel and detonation arrows.

Used darts of stunning (these are better than Celestial Fury!) to make poison quest a short endeavor.



Stealthed for the documents, and used Detonation arrows on all who need to die.





Prat also got a dispel arrow. He's annoying, but once dispelled, worthless.



Krystin & Slythe

Since I had 3 Pro Magic scrolls which I wanted to use vs Sarevok, I wanted to fight these w/o them. I killed Slythe quickly and exited the area.



Just to remember I forgot about the papers....ffs. Back to Krystin. She awaited outside for her dispeling demise.





Dopes - Satzee goes after mage with dispel arrows. He eats four of them and dies.



The rest was a mop up. Liia died to Sarevok, but who cares.



Potions + Ring of Fire got us through maze safely. Skipped the party there, went straight for Sarevok. Everybody buffs with Pro Magic, Satzee adds Invunerability potion to buff her AC. She starts the battle by posioning Diramid. Epic.



I do my usual Detonation-invis potion routine, and they start falling. I wanted to hit Semaj with Dispel arrow, but it was unneccecary. 



Angelo did get no less than six of them however.



We don't really have summons (protagonist could cast Animate dead, but he doesn't really cast much for now), we just attack. Tazok breaks his invisibility and dies.



First we do the skeletons, drinking healing potions to mitigate Sarevok's blows.



And then the big cahuna.



Parthis will be entering BG2 part later today.

  • Alesia_BH, Grimwald the Wise, CrevsDaak and 1 other like this

Serg BlackStrider

Serg BlackStrider
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Returned Bragge to Nashkel. Got a CTD there (around Nimbul's spawn area), probably some invalid animation.  :angry:



Since going near Nimbul's original place caused CTD; I CLUA'd him in, and killed him. 




Aye, I had that CTD there (approaching the Inn from the North) as well. There will be more (some skeletons wearing bad helmets, guards fighting the Trolls inside Nalia's Keep). That's why I don't install //BG1 Animations for NPCs -> Most relevant creatures: v5// anymore this days. Just tweak my party NPC into BG1 animations with SK and that's it (I don't care about how the rest are looking).


In any case, grats on beating down Sarevok! All the best and save travels for your gang in SoA!

  • Grimwald the Wise, Aasim, Blackraven and 1 other like this