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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Ouch Grond0. My first thought was 'He made it!' when I read 6th and final update... :(
Traps can always end a run. Maybe the Bhaalspawn wasn't the ideal character to activate it, just in case of bad memory of the player (tell me about it).

Thanks Alesia! :) It's fun! I hope to post another update later today. The run nearly ended at the Bandit Camp.

Grimwald, what other pockets are there to pick in Ulgoth's Beard. Shangalar I think, for his spells no? I normally don't bother with him.

There are a couple of items the Gnomes still wish to buy at the inn though (Invisibility ring, number of scrolls) so I can see them return. If they arrive invisible, they should make it into the inn before Dushai might start casting detection spells).

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Grimwald the Wise

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Ouch Grond0. My first thought was 'He made it!' when I read 6th and final update... :(
Traps can always end a run. Maybe the Bhaalspawn wasn't the ideal character to activate it, just in case of bad memory of the player (tell me about it).

Thanks Alesia! :) It's fun! I hope to post another update later today. The run nearly ended at the Bandit Camp.

Grimwald, what other pockets are there to pick in Ulgoth's Beard. Shangalar I think, for his spells no? I normally don't bother with him.

There are a couple of items the Gnomes still wish to buy at the inn though (Invisibility ring, number of scrolls) so I can see them return. If they arrive invisible, they should make it into the inn before Dushai might start casting detection spells).


There is also the hammer +2 on the dwarf in the inn. (The one that wants the soulknife) By the time you get the soulknife, the axe is hardly worth getting. I do take the scrolls from Shangalar if I have a thief good at pick-pocketting. A ploy of mine is to use one thief for locks and traps and another for pickpocketting, usually not at the same time. There may be others worth pickpocketting, but haven't tried. There is the merchant virtually giving stuff away that you COULD pickpocket, but it is not worth it.


Once I have Dushai's ring, I usually stop pick-pocketting him as it is not worth the risk for the web scroll.

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Sorry to hear the end of the monks, Grond0. The Magic Resistance monks get at level 14 sure is a long, long way away, isn't it?


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Cimorene, elven sorceress, 2nd entry:
Ok, as Cimorene's already in Cloakwood I guess it's high time to catch up on her story. I'll try to keep this brief and focus on the breaking points.
She left Candlekeep with Shield and Blindness (a tribute to Narva) in her grimoire. The first thing in the morning after the assassination was to procure her a familiar, a Pseudo Dragon, whose movement speed, combat abilities and Blur has made it an invaluable companion throughout the early levels. Cimorene had been using it constantly until level 7, after which it retreated into the safety of her backpack. 
She had procured herself the Ring of Wizardry before moving on into areas with cheesy exp (Shoal, basilisks) to pump up some firepower and was able to extend the repertoire of her spells soon. 


I am still being rewarded for picking up Invisibility as her first L2 spell. At first, I was mainly inclined to get in for RP reasons (being a friend of every outsider), however the spell proved to have a huge impact on Cimerone's play through in terms of safety, utility and strategy and has indeed been my favorite therefrom (thanks for the inspiration here Alesia).  
The next task was to earn enough reputation points in order to have a large scale shopping spree around Sword Coast (although I'm pretty sure that Cimorene herself would come up with a different justification for her motivations to that end). Areas around Beregost and Nashkel that served this purpose had been fun but rather calm. On the other hand I was forced to retreat from the Spider Forest area east of Larswood, as random spawning Giant and Phase spiders were just too dangerous to be around. 
As there were not many items to stick to, Cimorene has soon been able to hoard a veritable fortune from selling all kinds of stuff. By various actions of kindness and courage, she has earned a status of a local hero - although it was uncalled for and felt somewhat uncomfortable, it did allow her to get some crazy bargains on highly enchanted items such as Robe of ArchmagiCloak of DisplacementDarts of Stunning and more. With Greenstone Amulet she dared to confront Sword Coast's infamous sirines and even ventured to the upper levels of Durlag's tower (she dared not to retrieve the Book of Wisdom yet due to the unknown nature of the trap).

Combat wise, Cimorene relied heavily on BlindnessMM and her familiar, supplemented with ShieldPro Evil and Mirror Image buffs throughout the early levels. Later on, I granted her MMMs and Haste, which I consider as a less "aggressive" approach compared to for example Skull Trap and Flame Arrow, but allowing for more utility. L4 does spoil for choices but since Cimorene believes that a good defense is the best offence, I did opt for both Stoneskin and Improved Invisibility without much hesitation.

With that extra Con point from the Manual of Bodily Health (Sword Coast's edition of Muscle & Fitness) she ends up with 50 HP on level 9 (including that familiar bonus). 
Anyway, in order not to litter this post with any more information I'll be covering the main quest line in a separate entry.
Cimorene's grimoire (lvl 9):
L1 - Shield, Blindness, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Chromatic Orb
L2 - Invisibility, Mirror Image, Resist Fear, Web
L3 - MMM, Haste, Remove Magic
L4 - Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility

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Grimwald the Wise

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Like Borco, it is high time I caught up, but haven't had time available on the web.

Suffice to say that Jardik the Axe has just awoken in Amn and has met Imoen a friend of his who he hasn't seen since before the ambush when Gorion was killed.

They were such close friends however that he is absolutely delighted to see her again, though she has changed considerably as she has learned to use magic.

There were some hairy times which I hope that you will be able to read about tomorrow.


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Bartholomew, 3rd BG1 update

The tricksy three had explored most of the Sword Coast and reached the stage where they really had to look for excuses not to help the Nashkel mayor and his people with their troubles in the mines. They found one such excuse: the Ankhegs that had been terrorizing farms over Chionthar. This was urgent!
Or not so urgent... On their way north, the Gnomes made a bit of detour, and ended up having an unfriendly encounter with four hunters near Mutamin's garden. With their Skeletons, Blindnesses and Hold Persons, a Web from Quayle, and a backstab by Bart, the Gnomes prevailed.

In the Ankheg-plagued farmland north of the FAI, plenty of Sleep spells and a couple of Skeletons helped the Gnomes drastically reduce the Ankheg population, making the lands a bit safer for their inhabitants. [Note: Bart reached lvl 6 as a Cleric there.]

The three then traveled south again, via Gullykin (where a second Sling +1 was procured, for Quayle), to the Nashkel Mines. They encountered them occupied by Kobolds, annoying little buggers - a racial enemy of sorts for Gnomes - and quite dangerous in large numbers. Stealth and invisibility allowed the trio to slip past most of the Kobolds. A few small packs they eliminated with fire though. Deep down in the mine they met a Half-Orc priest of Cyric, Mulahey, who proved to be the leader of the Kobolds.
[I was still trying to roleplay here. The Gnomes didn't know for sure Mulahey was the leader, so they wouldn't attack before having spoken to him.]
Mulahey got nervous when he faced the Gnomes. He betrayed his allegiance (to one Tazok), summoned Skeletal and Kobold minions, and started a familiar-sounding incantation. Imoen and Quayle cast Sleep at the approaching Kobolds, causing the creatures to lay down and block the way for Mulahey's Skeletons. The Half-Orc then Held Imoen, right before a painful sneak attack from Bart caused him to beg for mercy.

The Gnomes were willing to accept their foe's surrender, but he started casting another spell. Bart disrupted Mulahey's casting with a Flamestrike of a Wand of the Heavens he'd bought in Ulgoth's Beard. Quayle saw himself forced to cast a Web at the Kobolds - whom he had thought sound asleep - when an Elite Kobold somehow found its way to them. Bart then disrupted another of Mulahey's spells with a sling bullet, and saw his foe fall soon after.
Bart, Quayle, and (as soon as she could) Imoen finished off the Kobolds and Skeletons with fire and ranged attacks. The three released an Elven prisoner and made their way back to the surface through a long tunnel.

They resurfaced in the Valley of the Tombs, rested and met a wizard who was overly protective of his alleged intellectual property, a Slime Conjuration spell. He Blinded Bart for asking him for the components of the spell, and he might have Charmed Quayle if it weren't for the Helm of Charm Protection. All three Gnomes found ways to go invisible however, and they patiently waited for the wizard's buffs to exire. When that moment came, Uncle Quayle (Wand of the Heavens) and Imoen (Wand of Fire scorcher) fried the wizard.

Bart looted the area's tombs and, Protected from Undead, slew the undead creatures that were guarding the tombs.

The three reported back to the Nashkel mayor, and became local heroes in that town. This tasted sweet but the Gnomes had little reason to celebrate. They were no fools; they had studied some of Mulahey's letters. The letters suggested a link between the iron ore contamination in the Nashkel Mines and the rampant banditry on the Sword Coast, and so the Gnomes feared having become involved in a big plot to destabilize the land, and they feared having made powerful enemies. These fears proved justified when an assassin tried to kill them in front of the Nashkel inn. Thankfully Amnish soldiers intervened and made short work of the man, but the Amnish military would not accompany them elsewhere to guard them. The trio realized they'd have to try and find evidence in order to expose the conspirators, and maybe get the Flaming Fist to deal with them.

In Beregost a wizard who was clearly a member of the secret organization gave the Gnomes directions to the bandit stronghold before he died.
There was also party of female assassins or bounty hunters that had come after them. Bart felt very sorry at this point about having dragged Imoen, who could have simply stayed at Candlekeep, and Uncle Quayle, who'd had a job at the Nashkel Carnival, into the mess he found himself in. [This was actually a nasty situation. I had just started the session this morning. Bart & co were standing at the Beregost town border where I had left them yesterday. Within a second or two Lamalha and her friends appeared out of thin air.]

Thankfully Quayle and Imoen were invisible (but so were Telka and Maneira, which was dangerous). Bart decided to quaff a potion to go invisible as well. He walked off and summoned two Skeletons at a safe distance to occupy the ladies (and to cause the invisible ones to reveal themselves). One of the rogues followed Bart into a house he had entered to hide in shadows. With a backstab, an Invisibility Purge, and another backstab Bart took care of the woman.

Back outside, Imoen Blinded a priestess when she tried in vain to Hold Bart. The two Gnomes finished her off with range attacks. A second priestess (who had been near the house that Bart had used for stealth purposes, and had thus missed the attack on the first priestess) awaited the same fate. This time it was Quayle who appeared from invisibility to cast Blindness.
The last amazon, a rogue, was invisible inside the aformentioned house. Quayle had the least HPs but with buffs (Ghost Armor, Blur, though no MI memorized), the best AC. He suffered a painful backstab before Imoen Blinded the woman outside the house.
The trio then finished her off with ranged attacks.

Bart's feeling of guilt toward his companions translated itself into him deciding to face the bandit camp alone. That is, the party infiltrated through a patrol of bandits in Peldvale, and Imoen emptied almost all the chests at the camp, but it was Bart who addressed the bandit leaders in the camp's main tent. These bandits were highly aggressive and included a wizard that removed a number of the Gnome's preventive protections. Bart swigged an invisibility potion, and three fire protection potions, so that the inferno he was about to bring about with his Necklace of Missiles and explosive potions would actually heal him.

The tent was soon cleared, save for an Elf who turned out to be a prisoner. The Gnomes released him, and in return the Elf had a name for the organization: the Iron Throne, with offices in Baldur's Gate and a secret base in Cloakwood. 

Imoen and Uncle Quayle were still invisible when they left the tent. Bart was hidden in shadows. A potion of defense he had quaffed earlier was still effective, and so was his fire resistance. It occurred to the Gnome that he might try and leave an impression, a message that he and his friends weren't to be messed with. Slaughtering dozens of people was very unlike him, but he realized - with a sense of horror - that it might be the only way for him to be left in peace. And it was not like he was about to kill innocents.
His first target was a Black Talon lieutenant clad in full plate mail, but soon after a number of bounty hunters turned up. Apparently they didn't see the bandits as competitors, for they operated in concerted action with the bandits.

[I could have had the trio travel to places they'd already visited for no other reason than to trigger Molkar's appearance before the Bandit Camp, but that wouldn't have felt true to the spirit of this more or less roleplayed run.]

With an oil of speed Bartholomew could outrun his enemies (except one or two who also applied oils of speed, and had to be dealt with separately), hide in shadows, and find good spots for fireball-attacks.

This process had to be repeated several times before the coast was clear. It cost Bart all the remaining charges of his Necklace but one, all of his potions of explosions, and a second oil of speed. In return he got lots of sellable scalps, and some enchanted weapons and suits of armor. When he returned to Imoen and Uncle Quayle, a near death experience awaited him. A priest (Drasus) Commanded Bart to sleep right, and attacked with a hitherto invisible Gnomish battlemage. Both were hasted, courtesy of the latter, and very close to unconscious Bart. Ergo: both got two free hits each. It's a wonder that Bart still got up after that (he was down to 3 HPs). He did get up though, and crucially saved against another Command before he managed to gulp a potion of invisibility.
Imoen and Quayle saw Bart's plight and intervened, which moved the dandy Gnome to no small degree. He learned that his friends were there for him, whatever the circumstances. Uncle Quayle used a wand to paralyze the priest just after the latter Animated a Skeleton, and Imoen Blinded the battlemage. The summoned Skeleton and the appearance of two Hobgoblin bandits couldn't stop the trio from felling the priest and the mage,
nor from reaching the shelter of the FAI run by their Gnomish friends Bentley and Gellana Mirrorshade. The Mirrorshades told the companions that another Gnome had recently been with them, Finch, a priestess of Deneir and an old acquaintance of Bart who had previously visited Candlekeep when he still lived there. Finch had traveled to Beregost.

The trio decided to see if they could catch up with Finch in Beregost. (They were going that way anyway, to get Uncle Quayle a Robe of the Neutral Archmagi. Imoen had got herself a Good Archmagi Robe after the Lamlha & Co iirc.)
The Gnomes split up to look for Finch. It was Bart who found her, at the Red Sheaf Inn. However that place also harbored a Dwarven assassin that was after Bart's hide. A backsmack had the Dwarf cower in panic, but when he regained his valor, he quaffed a (hill giant) strength potion and he brutally struck down Finch before Bart could finish the Dwarf.

[The disadvantage of the Level 1 NPCs mod's system of making NPC join at level 1.] Bart told Imoen and Quayle. Sorrow and sullenness took control of the trio.

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Grimwald the Wise

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With Level1 NPCs, you have this option:


~LEVEL1NPCS/LEVEL1NPCS.TP2~ #0 #4 // Joinable NPCs more closely match the player character's experience -> On initial joining and rejoining: v1.9


Having this option has pluses and minuses.


I think that the pluses outweigh the minuses, however the choice is yours.


In that particular fight, I usually lead Karlat outside IMMEDIATELY as Silke then attacks Karlat. (At least in my set-up)


Of course there is the danger that Silke will get killed and you lose some experience, on the plus side, if that happens, you get her equipment.


(Silke will also attack spiders but that is definitely bad for her health)

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Well! Good to see that this place is still thriving. I was away without internet access for a month and a bit, and I've kind of lost track of my own character. Benoni the drow's story will be continued another time, I think, when my skills are somewhat back up to par. He might completely restart from Candlekeep, since I have absolutely no recollection of what's passed between the basilisks and the Cloakwood, where he is now. In the meantime, introducing another (I'm sure short-lived) contender for the Throne. Enter Esther, the Undead Hunter.




I don't intend this to be a role-played run, though she may develop a personality along the way. Her pips are 2 in crossbows for the undead-hunter stereotypes, and 2 in maces.

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Welcome back, Epsil0!


Best of luck with Esther!




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@Epsil0, good to see you back! Hope you had a nice trip/vacation(?)
Safe travels with Esther who looks very cute for an Undead Hunter  :wub:


@Wise, I don't think Karlat follows my characters outside, and would be very surprised if he attacked Silke in my install. Maybe I could have spoken to Finch during the fight to recruit her and level her up.


@everyone, but mostly myself: I should probably have made Quayle and Imoen intervene with an Invisibility when Bart was unconscious. This didn't occur to me, or at least not on time, because I was initially unaware that Drakar and Halacan were Hasted. Had Bart failed his save vs the 2nd Command, I might have tried Invisibility, but with only 3 HPs that would have been very sketchy anyway.

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@Wise - well done and I'm looking forward to some hairiness :).


@Epsilo - welcome again.  I'm sure your prediction for a short life will be comfortably exceeded ...


@Blackraven - nice to see that 'living on the edge' Bart hasn't toppled over :P.

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Phantasmic 6 {7} - monks party (update 1)
Right, the monks are on the road again hoping against hope that it will be erm 7th time lucky.  I imagine interest in the details of their encounters will be pretty sparse by now, so let's just say that thus far practice has seemed to make reasonably perfect.  The only really dangerous moment so far was an ogre mage ambush - fortunately they just had time to spread far enough that only 1 character was slept and sharing spell damage around made it fairly easy to deal with the ogre mage after that.
One slight difference this time was that I finally got tired of Tenya taking advantage of our good nature - this time the monks took revenge for her unprovoked assault on them.
They've done a lot of the major encounters and just done the basilisk area to get up to level 5 - completing their work there with the destruction of Kirian's party.  
They've also maximised reputation and done some shopping, so further high XP gains are on offer next at Durlag's and the lighthouse area.
HPs this run are once more extremely good overall with everyone being above the 36 average with the exception of Spectre - she's looking pretty exposed as the front character at the moment given the others have got nearly 50% extra HPs on her ...
No healing potions used so far and it will probably stay that way, although I wouldn't absolutely rule it out in the right critical situation (you know the sort: the PC is down to 5 HPs with a Melf's Acid Arrow active on him - do you risk it?) :blink:.
Chimera - L5, 39 HPs, 44 kills
Spectre - L5, 28 HPs, 45 kills, 0 deaths
Phantom - L5, 37 HPs, 38 kills, 0 deaths
Wraith - L5, 41 HPs, 46 kills, 0 deaths
Spook - L5, 46 HPs, 64 kills, 0 deaths
Spirit - L5, 42 HPs, 34 kills, 0 deaths

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Go Team Monk!





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Grimwald the Wise

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@Wise, I don't think Karlat follows my characters outside, and would be very surprised if he attacked Silke in my install. Maybe I could have spoken to Finch during the fight to recruit her and level her up.


In my installation it is Silke that attacks Karlat, not vice versa. Karlat still goes after Charname if he is in sight, but if Charname takes a potion of invisibility, casts sanctuary, or goes through a door and is hence out of sight, Karlat will then turn his attention to Silke,


I have had some quite amusing battles as a result, (except that Charname isn't battling, it is characters over which Charname has no control).


Talking to Finch would indeed have been the answer for you. A similar occurence can occur with Isra against Greywolf. If you want Isra to stay alive, running, going invisible and sanctuary are all bad ideas.

Diary of Jardik the Axe

Firstly a selfie as I exit the Inn at Candlekeep


In Beregost, I attempted to charm Algernon with Lord Foreshadow's Ring, but failed. :(

Upon gaining Algernon's Cloak I charmed some of the Guards etc. in Beregost as a wall of protection for yours truly. They selflessly gave their lives to protect me. :)

Duplicate Karlats chased me whilst Silke chased them!

Eventually three Karlats ganged up on my charmed allies.

I left Beregost along with Kagain and fortunately we were able to defeat Tarnesh

After agreeing to help Tania, we fought and defeated an Ankheg.

Heading south, I came across Isolde. I lured her away from her lover and was then able to dispatch her to the lower realms. :)

South of Nashkel, I killed Greywolf, but was unable to help Prism.

The Karlats killed a Morninglord Guard.

I then headed westward where I killed a mountain bear, Neville and some hobgoblins.


Returning to Nashkel Carnival, I tried to save Bentha, but was unsuccessful. However justice was swift.

I then proceeded down the mines where I was attacked by some duerger assassins. After killing them I returned to the surface to rest. Whilst resting, I was attacked by kobolds, but the nearby mine guards meant that the battle was soon over in my favour.

The necklace of missiles proved to be effective against Mulahey and his cohorts.

Upon leaving the mines, I killed the Revenant.

And Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen.

Having enlisted the help of Gavin and Safana, I was asked to deal with Mutamin, his pet Basilisks, and Medusae.




Due to the presence of Safana, I decided to raid Durlag's Tower where I first dealt with battle horrors:


Eventually we fought Kirinhale who charmed Gavin and I. That could have been awkward, but Safana wisely kept her distance:


After the charm spells wore off, we were eventually able to kill Kirinhale.

We then killed a ghost:

Before going downstairs where we killed more battle horrors.

After looting that level, we returned to Beregost where we fought and defeated Silke.

Fortunately the lightning was not dangerous. :)

We then went to the bandit camp where we killed Tazok,

Brotus Bloodthirsty,

and an ogre Mage,

before taking on the bandits themselves,

We then returned to Beregost where we killed Tranzig and



To be continued

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Phantasmic 6 {7} - monks party (update 2)
The monks got a bit of an XP boost from daring Narcillicus' jellies before a bigger helping from battle horrors, ghasts, dopplegangers and basilisks at Durlag's Tower.  That meant that clearing the ogre clan and their associates from Shoal's area was enough for level 6 and they celebrated by partying with the sirines there.
There were more fun and games, but even fewer alarms, with the sirines at the lighthouse before the monks finally got on with the main quest.
On the way to the Nashkel Mine they tried to kill the Doomsayer, but he disappeared almost immediately in search of the idol (that they'd sold).  The Mine proved no real problem.  The kobold chieftain poisoned Spook with an arrow, which was a bit worrying, but he would have survived easily enough even without the CLW Chimera gave him.  Inside the cave Mulahey was stunned before he could finish casting anything.
After getting a lift to the Bandit Camp the monks once more tried to cage Tazok.  Once more he managed to somehow slip out on the first attempt, but some hard work and a minor deviation when he had to run round a rock allowed them to try again - this time there was to be no escape.
Annoyingly though the party had a casualty at the Camp.  With the bulk of the opposition dead and the battle virtually won I took my attention away from Phantom for an instant too long.  He seemingly still had plenty of HPs at that time, but not quite enough to handle a 32 HP critical from Britik :(.  
Rather than open up an XP gap between the characters the other monks ran away at that point before coming back to finish the job.  True to form Chimera insisted on opening the trapped chest in the main tent, but there was only one bolt of lightning this time!
As usual after one death I found it hard to remain careful and Spook died of poison in a nothing battle against a phase spider welcoming party in the second Cloakwood area.  After that they avoided most combat on the way to the mine, where they used fireballs to kill the mages before mobbing the fighters.  
After clawing their way through the mine Wraith nearly killed Davaeorn using a scroll of PFM, but had to abandon him to try and help the others who had been unable to stealth to avoid the newly arriving guards.  I was within a whisker of making space to take action there when Spectre's luck ran out an instant before a dart arrived to kill the last guard surviving from a couple of groups.
Rather than finish Davaeorn off and open up an XP gap the party retreated and took the long trip to a temple.  On the way back they had another fatality when Phantom died of poison in an ettercap ambush.  That was something of a comedy of errors as all the ettercaps were dead and Chimera tried to cast CLW on Phantom to top his HPs up prior to travel (though he could have made it without).  However, I had a script running forcing the monks to try and hide whenever possible and I didn't realise until too late that Phantom had gone into the shadows just as the spell was being cast!
Finally back at the Mine, the monks persuaded Davaeorn to play a game of 'Stairs' - he lost.  
After looting his quarters they dodged the slave outside and went to Baldur's Gate to do some shopping - in particular equipping everyone with a wand of heavens - before reducing reputation and resting to get Bhaal horror.
Chimera - L6, 46 HPs, 88 kills
Spectre - L6, 38 HPs, 1645 kills, 1 death
Phantom - L6, 40 HPs, 111 kills, 2 deaths
Wraith - L6,  50 HPs, 137 kills, 0 deaths
Spook - L6, 50 HPs, 121 kills, 1 death
Spirit - L6, 45 HPs, 97 kills, 0 deaths
Edited to correct stats

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Grimwald the Wise

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Diary of Jardik the Axe Continued
We headed for Cloakwood, defeating Centeol and a dragon. On the way Safana tried to pickpocket a druid and failed. :( Sadly, this led the druids' demise.



An attack by other druids led to us killing them and their pet polar bears:

In transit to take the wyvern's tail to the temple, we were attacked by Molkar plus cronies. We won.

However, we then decided to rest at the FAI to memorise spells. Whilst there we were attacked by some good guys who had been deceived. They wou;dn't listen to us, so they died. :(

We returned to Cloakwood mines and took on Drasus et al.

Going down the mines, we met Hareishan who was disabled by a silence spell after which the battle was easy.

At the lowest level summons caused some of our enemies to fight each other. However the battle horrors then attacked us and died.

Davaeorn then died quickly.

Followed by Dark Silvia and cohorts.

On arrival at Baldur's Gate Bridge, more assassins attacked,

and died,

Imanel Silversword didn't like holy smite and he and his wolves became hostile and died.

Similarly, holy smite in his house caused Degrodel to become hostile and died.


We then killed a basilisk:

We then agreed to remove a curse and got attacked in the process,

We chose the peaceful way of ending one conflict.


We then had a hairy moment when ambushed by ogre mages at Candlekeep.
Their spells disabled ALL of us!!

Fortunately, Valerie's web disabled some of them also, so we survived to tell the tale.

Inside Candlekeep web combined with Cloudkill proved invaluable.


Prat hid with some spiders to no avail.


Petrified adventurers warned me of the medusae, so I took a potion and lived.

I then visited Shoal. We won't be visiting again.

In the Iron Throne we divided and conquered.



Shennara backstabbed Safana and killed her only to be killed herself. Fincj raised Safana almost immediately. :)





Slythe was no problem.

Neither was Krystin due to "True Sight".

At the Duchal Palace, a combination of wand of monsters, web and wand of sleep was enough to defeat the dopplegangers.

At the final battle, summoned monsters were used to divide and conquer.






The End
Amn next. :)


One very temporary death. Safana raised by Finch.

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Congrats, Wise! Hopefully you can keep up the success in Amn!

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Well done, Wise! An excellent, clean run, if bizarre at times (with your triple Karlats fighting Morninglords while being chased by Silke tee hee).

Safe travels in Amn!

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Well done Wise - Baruk Khazâd for ever :D.

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Congrats, Wise!





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Serg BlackStrider

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Well done, Wise! Keep on rocking in Amn!

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Grimwald the Wise

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Well done Wise - Baruk Khazâd for ever :D.


He has ***** in axes and ** in two handed weapons due to the fact that a mod that I have installed has very good two handed axes. I couldn't use the ** in two hande3d weapons in BG1, but they will now come into their own. :)


When I first saw Baruk, I thought that it was an alternative spelling of Baruch meaning blessed in Hebrew, but Google proved me wrong and pointed me to Tolkein.

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Bartholomew, 4th BG1 update

Will try to keep this brief. Dandy and Immy are well, but an immersion-breaking bug resulted in the departure of Quayle.

The three traveled to Cloakwood to find the Iron Throne base. They spoke little due to the still fresh incident with poor Finch. On a Tasloi they slew Imoen found Gurke's Cloak of Non-Detection. She donned it it after the Dwarf told her to keep it, back in Beregost. The three dealt with Silke (Blindness) after it became clear she had tried to fool them, and Imoen pickpocketed potions of defense off the men the Gnomes had been hired to kill. Two of those men went hostile, but the third thanked the Gnomes for their intervention. Garrick, however, was displeased with Imoen's roguish ways.

Bart told Imoen, who had seemed somehow attracted to Garrick, to not let him get to her. They were upright, genteel Gnomes. All they did was reserve the right to other people's properties, but that wasn't that bad.

An example of their good intentions was their attempt to peacefully resolve a dispute between Aldeth Sashenstar and Seniyad. The latter was implacable though, and Gnomes had to defend themselves. (All the Druids were Blinded before they fell.)
Deeper in the woods, Bart went Spider hunting with his Ring of Free Action. He only had difficulty with the Sword Spiders, that were fast and too powerful to melee. The Wand of the Heavens and Animated Dead helped him there. 

The trio reached the Iron Throne base in good order (transitioning invisibly between areas). Bart scouted Drasus and co, which justified the animation of three Skeletons. But roleplaying prohibited him from backstabbing Kysus or Rezdan.

Bart retreated as far as possible with the Skellies to buy some time before the wizards would join the fun. When he 'discovered' that Drasus was hasted, Bart, in true Blackraven-style, applied his last oil of speed while he had the ring of free action still equipped.

The Skeletons managed to bring Drasus to injured before they fell, and they also soaked up a couple of spells from the Mages.

Invisible Quayle and Imoen were followed for a while by Kysus, but found a hiding spot away from the wizard. In the meantime Bart invested three invisibility potions in the elimination of Drasus.
Imoen (with 70 Detect Illusions) twice dispelled Kysus's Mirror Images and one Invisibility, allowing Bart to Flamestrike the wizard to death. I tried timing Greenstone-protected Bart's attacks in such a way that they'd disrupt Kysus's casting, but the shrewd wizard still pulled off a mean Flame Arrow before he fell.
Rezdan was Silenced, which prompted him to cast Vocalize. With a turbid aura, there was then little he could do against Bart's Flamestrike and Imoen's wand-scorcher.
Bart - injured in the screenshot below after he had enthusiastically rushed to Rezdan's corpse to pick up loot without heeding the prolonged scorcher effect of Imoen's wand - did Gentore in with backstabs.

The three entered the Cloakwood mine, and found it littered with guards. Bart hadn't forgotten how he had nearly overplayed his hand at the Bandit Camp, so he decided to rely on stealth this time. Quayle and Imoen were invisible and would remain invisible until the Gnomes found the master of the mine, Davaeorn.
Bart slew a single guard at the entrance to Davaeorn's lair, disarmed a handful of traps, and quaffed two potions of magic protection to escape the effects of Davaeorn's magics. He then finished two Battle Horrors with sneak attacks.

Davaeorn would sometimes seek move to invisible Imoen and Quayle, but Bart intervened to make sure he'd be the wizard's target. When the Davaeorn's MIs expired, Imoen quaffed a potion of magic shielding and attacked with her acid arrows and wand of fire. In return she suffered moderate injuries from Davaeorn's MMMs. Quayle appeared not much later, but he got injured by a Magic Missile.
A WotH-Flamestrike disrupted Davaeorn's casting of Remove Magic. Bart's rapid movement enabled him to get out of sight of Davaeorn whenever the latter started casting his Invocation (fire/ice/lightning) spells. And Imoen's acid arrows and Bart's sneak attacks eventually got rid of Davaeorn's Stoneskins. The wizard's morale failed and caused him to run but Bartholomew, shod in the Boots of Speed, had no trouble keeping up and finishing his foe off.
The crew slew a Mustard Jelly, looted the place and supposedly flooded the mine. Due to a bug however only Imoen and Quayle would be placed outside the purportedly flooded mine. Bart stayed behind near the river plug. I quick-saved and reloaded from the auto-save from Davaeorn's lair and the same thing happened. In the end I removed Imoen and Quayle from the party, so that the game couldn't reprimand him for not gathering his party before venturing forth. Imoen rejoined outside but Quayle, presumably due to Bart's heroic reputation, was unwilling to associate himself any longer with Bart and Imoen.

I would roleplay that Quayle considered it time for the Imoen and Bart to stand on their own feet after his help in unraveling the mystery of the bandits and the iron crisis, but that's hardly reconcilable with Quayle's parting words:

I was very enthusiastic about this run. I already imagined Dandy Bart in Amn, reunited with Uncle Quayle and accomanied by Quayle's protege (and Bart's love interest) Aerie, and by Jan Jansen, searching for Imoen and Irenicus. But Quayle's parting on bad terms is rather meh :mellow:  Bart and Imoen have safely made it to Baldur's Gate, but I need to see whether I'm going to continue this run, and if so, whether it'll be with or without Quayle in SoA.

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Sorry to hear about Quayle, Blackraven.


Friends have falling outs. That's part of life.


Recall also that Bioware wrote a personality transformation into Quayle's character arc.


I see no reason why Quayle's personality change -intersected with the rescue of Aerie and Quayle at the Circus- can't lead to a warm reunion in Athkatla.


RP the spat. Roll with it.





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Sorry to hear about your adventures in the flooded mine Blackraven.  That seems to be a fairly common bug - particularly in multiplayer games.  For that particular one I'm happy to just use the console to move the stranded characters outside.

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