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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Grimwald the Wise

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Faelicia the chaotic neutral female gnome joins the fray.


Str 18/74, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 7, Cha 3.


Faelicia is a gnome who aspires to being good, but who, because of a violent temper often does the opposite. She doesn't as yet know that this is a direct result of the murderous taint in her bloodstream.


Will she overcome it?


Only time will tell, though the omens are not good as she has already killed Firebead and Fuller because they did not reward her generously enough. Phlydia would also have been killed. However she saved against blindness and Faelicia was unable to rest as she has left a lot of hostile enemies in the Inn.


She is well equipped with plate armour, a composite long bow, a mage's robe and a bastard sword. She has 541 gold pieces and a reputation of 7 upon leaving Candlekeep.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Faelicia headed northwards to the FAI where blindness brought Tarnesh to extinction.


The hobgoblins were killed with the bow as were Sonner and his friends. The Ankheg near Tanya was killed with blindness plus bow.


Joia got her ring back and a book was taken to Firebead.


(That was miss-timed as when Felicia got to Nashkel, she was greeted as a "Fine and honest friend"). :(


She picked up the Ankheg Armour, a ring of fire protection, and took Samuel to the FAI.


She had to run from some ambushes as a combination of worgs, ghouls and skeletons with bows looked far too dangerous.


At High Hedge she killed some gnolls before proceeding southwards where she met and subsequently helped Melicamp.


Delivered the sword to Perdue and killed Karlat.


Went to buy mirrored image, invisibility and resist fear.


(I have noticed that having an intelligence of 19 gives a MUCH better success rate for memorisation of spells :) )


(Of course having a low wisdom could be a problem in the future. Low charisma is not a problem in vanilla as friends spells stack).


Killed the spiders in Beregost at the cost of one green potion.


Got the belts north of Beregost using blindness plus bow, similarly killed ogrillons to the south.

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Hard luck with Mulahey's cronies there Wise, but it looks like you have a pretty good rebound character started!
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Grimwald the Wise

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Hard luck with Mulahey's cronies there Wise, but it looks like you have a pretty good rebound character started!


She's doing fine. Just delivered the boots wine etc. to the FAI then headed back to Nashkel.


Had to do a runner in transit as there was a ghast/gnoll ambush. Either by themselves is fine, but the possibility of being held by a ghast seemed too dangerous.




She then went Ankheg hunting which is much more profitable in vanilla.


She thought that she was keeping her anger in check, but when she saw Algernon using his cloak to fleece his customers, she went into a rage and killed him with the result that her reputation dropped right down to 9 again. :(


She then went half-ogre hunting and on the way ran into Teyngan and his thugs. A blindness spell failed, so she ran and tried again, ran and tried again. At last she blinded him, though he hurt her badly. She edged away, healed herself somewhat and then slowly killed Teyngan with her bow.


She then returned and cast sleep. The hobgoblin slept, but the mage didn't. Blindness worked on her though, but she had cast horror. She ran around like a headless chicken but didn't run into any other enemies. At last she was able to finish off the party and go looking for the half-ogres. Having killed them she returned to Beregost and Bjornin gave her a shield and a boost in rputation. :) Now 10.

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She thought that she was keeping her anger in check, but when she saw Algernon using his cloak to fleece his customers, she went into a rage and killed him with the result that her reputation dropped right down to 9 again. :(.


Did the bugger try to talk her out of her armour perhaps?... he was in a bedroom after-all!

Grimwald the Wise

Grimwald the Wise
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Did the bugger try to talk her out of her armour perhaps?... he was in a bedroom after-all!


That would have been no problem, as she is quite willing to be talked out of her armour since after a day of fighting she enjoys a bit of tonsil tennis as much as anyone, and not having a party with her, she has to make do with whatever is on offer in the inn where she stays. Sadly a lot of the more attractive guests are not attracted by hirsute women.


Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die, is her motto.


As it turned out, it was not she who died but Bassilus (after been blinded on the third attempt) Zargal and his cronies. (Mirror image was enough so that she didn't get poisoned. She then went on a vacation to the coast and visited a lighthouse which is a local tourist attraction. Bo that it isn't inhabited by worgs any more, it might be a bit more attractive to tourists.


The next item on her itinerary was an archaeological site which she didn't think much of at all, so she went south and took Brage back to the temple in Nashkel.

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Larudo and friends are slowly progressing through Cloakwood and its Mine, but the scotch dictates that tonight's update be scanty and uninformative. Alive and well they are, and Imoen loves her new Boots of Speed.
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Knockout {4} - melee sorcerer (update 1)
After a week's holiday and then the inevitable catching up with the work piled up I managed to find time this morning to make some progress with the latest version of Knockout.  She's operating under my standard restrictions against healing and antidote use.  As last time she can use any weapons or spells to damage opponents, but is only allowed to kill anything using melee attacks.
Knockout felt pleased with herself in Candlekeep where she viciously smashed open a container with her strength of 6!
Her speed of touch then allowed her to account for a blinded Xzar before he could use LMD on her
and the same spells were also too much for Shoal - her stopping running around blinded within the sight of some wolves didn't deter Knockout from applying a finishing touch.
Now with sleep available (allowing dual-wielding with chill touch to finish off opponents) she quickly got to level 4 around Beregost to get access to invisibility - despite having to resort to blind again after failing to calm Marl down.
With no danger now from ambushes she went to the FAI where she picked up the Ring of Wizardry before invisibility allowed her to get the drop on Tarnesh.
Sorcerer L4, 20 HPs, 52 kills
Level 1 spells
Makes it less likely that opponents will retaliate when briefly attacked and significantly reduces their chances to hit if they do.
Chill touch
THAC0 +4 and cold damage are both helpful early on (the THAC0 penalty on opponents less so).  The weapon is non-magical, so could be used in BG2 against mages running PfMW.  Note that you can dual-wield with it, which is very useful against disabled opponents.
Makes early progress in BG1 much easier.
Can provide a HP top-up against acid blob traps as well as helping nudge opponents nearer to death at range.
The AC improvement should help a bit in large-scale combat.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Mulahey fell to blindness plus two poisoned arrows to be sure. The rest of the arrows were the cheap ones. :)


No posts for a while. RL adventure intervening.


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OK, right. Back into play I go. New install, dropped all buffing for priests and mages though they're still SCS AI enhanced, as well as dropping all the tactical challenges added by SCS. So now it's RR, BG2Tweaks, EE, SCS - prebuffing, and the almost-necessary BG1NPC. I'll be speed-running Benoni through this, though probably not tonight as it's already 2 AM in the morning here. :P


Rolled stats were 17/19/17/15/10/10. I never realized how ridiculously helpful that extra point in DEX was for thieving skills until I made a variant with only 18 DEX and found that I couldn't open locked chests around Candlekeep without investment.


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Knockout {4} - melee sorcerer (update 2)
After heading down to Nashkel Knockout learnt Bhaal LMD and blinded Vitiare before darting him and finishing off by attacking from invisibility.  
Oopah is slow to respond so there was no need for invisibility against him.
Moving on to Meilum she ran out of darts and had to wait for a critical with a non-proficient sling before coming in for the kill.  
She picked up a free +2 dagger from Hentold before moving on to the basilisk area where she only remembered at the last moment to use her PfP scroll!  That then allowed her to kill all the basilisks - luring Mutamin away before going invisible to strand him to leave his pets pretty defenceless.
Now up to level 6 Knockout rested before eventually succeeding with a blind on Mutamin.  He ran around with constant changes in direction, so was still quite dangerous, but Knockout eventually wore him down with darts before a long period of chasing while invisible was eventually rewarded.
She then tried putting Kirian's party into a stinking cloud while Korax attacked, but neither Korax nor blind proved effective and she eventually had to run away after nearly being killed by magic missiles.  
Deciding that party should be left for later she set about doing reputation quests.  Other than Melicamp's sad demise she had no trouble with those, but during that period I was lazy against Karlat and just attacked him continuously to start with rather than nipping in and out.  The result was that even blinded and slowed he hit Knockout for 2 criticals in quick succession (I hadn't even noticed the first one hitting before the second took her down to just 2 HPs :blink:) before she adopted a more cautious approach and finished him off with invisible attacks.
Having got both to 20 reputation and level 7 by returning Drienne's cat, Knockout has just used a charisma scroll to buy things cheap at Ulgoth's Beard.
Sorcerer L7, 33 HPs, 131 kills
Level 2 spells
Allows both safe travel and a free hit on most opponents - meaning they can be nearly killed while blinded at range and then finished off without risk.
Makes nerfing strength for the starting character more attractive and can provide a melee upgrade for the spider form using sequencers.
Mirror image
In addition to making larger scale battles safer, this will help against area damage effects.
Both the AC bonus and the adjustment to saving throws are useful.
Helps to control battlefields (particularly in combination with malison) and offers the opportunity to disable opponents from out of sight.

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Knockout {4} - melee sorcerer (3rd and final update)
Knockout's further adventures started with an impressive one-shot kill of the blinded Delgod.  A few more encounters in the Cloud Peaks ended with the recovery of the charisma tome.  Moving on to Durlag's Tower she made a first use of the frost wand to soften up the two battle horrors, but even with strength slow, blind, chill touch, mirror image and invisibility she was only able to kill one of them before having to retreat after being hit twice herself.  
After resting she went back to find the other one, but unfortunately laziness caught me out there.  I'd used one blast from the frost wand on it, which did 12 HP damage, along with 3 LMDs for a total of 24 HPs.  The battle horror though was still showing as only injured and I decided to risk another frost blast to wear it down further.  That was much more damaging though - the 36 HPs proving too much for the battle horror.
Checking in Shadowkeeper they only have 58 HPs, so it was correct that it died.  I think perhaps I need to do some testing of HP levels for various enemies and what levels of damage the ratings for them indicate before trying this challenge again ...

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Good luck Epsil0.

Sorry to hear about the frustratoins Grond


On un-related topics.... I'm pondering a run as a Wizard Slayer. I've never done that before for any length of time and it sounds exceptionally challenging, given the restrictions on magics. Totally random thought, by the way. I just found myself fiddling with BG2 a couple times when I wasn't up to a focusing on my no-reload run and found it interesting. 


Anyway...on to the 



Current Party Makeup:

Onud, level 4,

Dynaheir level 1, 

Misc level 2, 

Branwen level 3

Xan level 2


For the time being, the group is staying with 2 mage-types : Dynaheir and Xan. It means more people, so experience gets split more and gold is more of an issue, since it means more money spent on potions, etc. But, for now, the combination of Minsc, Dynaheir and Xan is pretty powerful. 


That said, it was Branwen that held Greywolf, making the fight trivial




And Tranzig



And Krumm and Caldo



And Korax



And Teven




All this, pushed Onud to Level 5 and the group headed back to the Gnoll fortress (armed with multiple invisibility spells and some additional fire power this time) to get the focus of Onud's whole reason for being:



With this... Onud now has a 15 Charisma... ANNNNDDD... the "dual class" option is now available:



Since they were collecting tomes, and since invisibilities were starting to get cheap, they grabbed the body-builder magazine. 




Not a huge deal for Onud, but every little bit helps. And this also meant that they could pickup Safana.


When I first started playing BG, years ago, I thought the Black Talon Elite were a cruel trick played by the developers. They constantly would kill my parties before I could get to them. But... a thief hiding, and a magic user with a sleep spell, and they're not much of a struggle. 



I did make  a mistake. Xan was out of sleep spells but had glitterdust, so I thought I'd go for one more group of Blacktalons. Only Xan got too close and <*ack*>



Then, after getting him back, the party got waylaid by bandit archers and Xan *almost* dropped again.



Back in town, I was re-thinking the party again. I decided that, while Misnc is a beast and all, he really wasn't doing much now that Branwen had animate dead and hold. And Dynaheir still wasn't quite up to snuff -- sure, she had lots of damage potential, but with hold and sleep and glitterdust, damage wasn't the main issue.

So, those 2 were dropped from the group.


As a test of the smaller team, they went out to kill some sirines and flesh golums. 



Skeleton Warriors are pretty immune to Dire Charm. 

Xan's glitterdust was only partly effective, but the combination of invisibility, hide in shadows, glitterdust and skeletons proved pretty powerful.


While fighting the last Sirine, Onud made a mistake and became visible.

It was the first time Onud used the Shadowdancer ability "Shadowstep" for those of you without BGEE, Shadow step is basically a 7-second time stop where the Shadowdancer cannot attack or cast spells -- ostensibly because he/she is on the shadow plane. 




It allowed Onud to get the *!@#$!  away from the danger. 



The group summoned one of the Flesh Golems out of the cave, since the skeletons were already there. 



When they went into the cave to get the rest, Onud got too close  to one of them and almost became Golem goo



Closest call so far, but no real issue. 


By the time they cleaned out the rest of the cave, it left Onud as level 6. Here are his stats and his abilities currently



The hide in shadows looks higher than it is, since he has the shadow armor. Even so, I'll be shifting his focus now as he advances and putting more into find traps and open locks and less into hide. Since I hope to dual him to mage, I can offset any hide weakness by potions and invisibility, which, as a 2nd level spell, should be pretty cheap. Find traps seems more important. 


I plan to run him to around 7th, then dual to mage. I'll leave Safana in the party to make up for lack of thief skills. I'll also leave Xan until Onud gets a few levels of magic user. 

Dual classing at 7th is based on the max exp for BG EE (something like 160,000, if I recall). If my math is right, he will have 40,000 as thief, which leaves 120,000 for MU. 120 for MU puts him at 8th level MU/7th thief (ok.. Shadowdancer) so he gets both before moving to BG2 ... assuming he survives. :)




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The Fred

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Marcus and Co's ill-fated delve into Durlag's Tower continues to go pear-shaped at every possible opportunity.


The warders slain, we descend to the level below. The Greater Doppelgangers prove a nuisance here, but not one we can't handle.


However, everything went wrong in the throne room. After grabbing Kiel's Helmet, I fled into the adjoining torture chamber so as to avoid the Cloudkill and lock up the doppels in the corridor. The problem was, Branwen got hit with a Horror and fled into the teleport room, which triggered the appearance of two more of them - behind us. They also seem to change how much health they have when they do their wonky shapeshifting thing, and with SCS they're crazy-fast and spam Mirror Image and Dire Charm and things.


I was able to keep everyone alive, with a sea of mostly-confused-or-afraid summoned creatures distracting them, Webbed them, and fell back to the Teleport room. With hindsight, I could have popped across and hit them with ranged weapons - I don't know if they can follow. Unfortunately, and unlucky Horror sent everyone expect I think maybe Imoen fleeing, and she got cut down. The rest rapidly followed suit.


I thought it was all over, but miraculously Marcus recovered his wits and was able to cast Invisibility from a scroll (for some reason he wasn't carrying any potions), flicking the switch to let him back out. The SCS Doppelgangers are kind of borked, since they were able to follow him even so, but he got away and got the others raised.


I've returned and managed to kill them, but not without several further mishaps. Whilst she was confused, a summoned Ogre decided to hit Imoen, for no apparent reason (I am removing the scripts-for-summons mod next game!). We brought her back with a scroll but a doppelganger did for her downstairs. Safana also got - foolishly - killed by a Lightning Bolt trap whilst searching for potions. Most upsettingly, however, all my gear has vanished! That includes several major magic items like the Boots of Speed! Character death, no big deal. Even chunking, it's not great, but it's better than losing your loot! If I never see this place again, it's too soon!


The Party


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 91 - (2nd and final update)

Obsidian, dwarf kensai (Grond0) & Titch, halfling assassin Gate70)


This pairing made pretty easy work of their remaining tasks in BG1 yesterday.  In the City they picked up the 3 tomes without trouble - Marek avoiding being poisoned as part of that process by dying first.



They also picked up the Cloak of Balduran, but just sneaked up Ramazith's Tower and the Iron Throne.


In Candlekeep the traps were safely disarmed as they moved through to Prat.  His party were singled out one at a time until the main man found his spells useless in his poisoned state.



Slythe didn't attempt to chase after being hit by a dispelling arrow and was another to evade the follow-up poison the hard way :devil:.



Potions were used at the palace and the dopplegangers didn't last long, although the last of them did manage to kill Liia just before it died.



With potions still active assorted jellies were soon squished before Obsidian used a PfU scroll to make killing the skeleton warriors in the maze easy.  At least it would have been easy if a failed attempt to target the second one hadn't resulted in him moving forward through a couple of traps - a quick glug of an absorption potion followed.



Titch used arrows of detonation to kill all the Undercity party except Shaldrissa - she was treated to a backstab.



In the temple Titch used a dispelling arrow to draw Sarevok out.  Obsidian showed himself as a target for Semaj (protected by a potion of magic shielding), allowing Titch to finish the mage off with more dispelling arrows.  


Sarevok then didn't stand up long under a hail of throwing axes and poisoned arrows.




Obsidian, kensai 8, 75 HPs, 174 kills

Titch, assassin 9, 55 HPs, 146 kills, 2 deaths

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Phantasmic 6 {17} - monks party (update 1)
The monks are on (but mainly off) the road again on their latest adventures.  They're attempting to complete BG1 without anyone dying and without making use of any healing potions or antidotes.  While doing that they're essentially trying to fully explore all maps, although I haven't made my mind up yet whether they will ultimately include an attempt on Durlag's Tower if they get that far.
Thus far luck has been with them, with no-one dying from the odd critical they've suffered.  The most dangerous moment was when they encountered an ogre mage while at level 2.  Two characters could have died if magic missile and acid arrow spells had produced high damage, but fortunately they didn't.  
Most of their kills have been using missile weapons, though one or more of them normally try and sneak up to melee enemies with their own missile weapons.  At the moment they have no healing ability, other than resting, and hence will probably keep using lots of missile attacks for a while yet.
Everyone has just got to level 5 while working their way through the Gnoll Stronghold.  
HPs have been very good so far, with only Chimera himself not at the average or above.  To date they haven't actually made use of any magic items at all, but that will probably change relatively soon ...
Chimera - L5, 31 HPs, 68 kills
Spectre - L5, 42 HPs, 79 kills, 0 deaths
Phantom - L5, 36 HPs, 51 kills, 0 deaths
Wraith - L5, 37 HPs, 47 kills, 0 deaths
Spook - L5, 39 HPs, 54 kills, 0 deaths
Spirit - L5, 44 HPs, 70 kills, 0 deaths

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Phantasmic 6 {17} - monks party (2nd and final update)
After not making a lot of further progress from the previous update the monks suffered a casualty.  That makes a good illustration of the difficulty of this challenge for me - there's nothing inherently that hard about avoiding any deaths by the monks (other than in Durlag's Tower) even with the restrictions I've placed on them, but the requirement to be consistently careful over a long period of time doesn't come easily to me.
At the xvart village most of the map had been cleared and the few remaining xvarts around their huts should have been simple.  However, pathfinding around the huts is a problem and that resulted in Wraith getting slightly detached from the others as they retreated to give themselves space for another round of missile attacks.  Although I immediately saw the potential danger of Wraith attempting to run past several xvarts I chose to risk that rather than take the time to control her individually - that resulted in her taking a critical hit for 20 HPs.  At that point I had paused the action and could have controlled her specifically - or at least equipped her fists rather than a missile weapon.  However, it appeared that she had already gone past the group and I didn't expect any further attacks on her.  Wrong again!!  Despite the limited reach of their short swords the last xvart managed to attack her and got another critical - this one for 12 HPs, which was one too many for Wraith to take.

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Lorn, Undead Hutner, 6th & final entry: Mistakes of the Past

Some wise person once said that history tends to repeat itself. Unable to take a lesson from my previous failure with Drasus and his entourage, Lorn ran into a similar trap as Tara before her.

The fighters went down easily, but once again, I was too greedy to use a Potion of Magic Blocking or Scroll of Protection from Magic before confronting the mages. And so it happened that Lorn first got affected by Greater Malision...


...only to die instantly of a single Skull Trap.


What a shame - Lorn, the brave undead hunter, meets her tragicomical end on the wrong side of the powers of necromancy.

I guess some people never learn...


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Phantasmic 6 {17} - monks party (2nd and final update)

Sorry to see the monks vanish so soon Grond0. To be honest, I can't even imagine myself being able to maintain enough focus and concentration to keep such party intact, not considering the lack of necessary skill. I bow down to that in every respect.


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Bummer about Lorn :(  That was a very unlucky skulltrap to have enough damage to oneshot a fighter type of decent level.

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Ah.. sorry Borco. Bummer of a way to loose a character. 


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Sihaya, human Sorceress (Diviner): Introduction

I decided to bring back to the idea of Sihaya the Diviner, although this time she's going to be re-rolled as a Sorceress instead of a specialist Mage. This requires a couple of rules to follow:

  • if possible, Sihaya's first pick from each spell level needs to be a Divination spell;
  • no Conjuration spells shall be allowed as per standard Diviner resctructions (including any spells cast from scrolls, i.e. no Find Familiar etc.).

Furthermore, Sihaya will be limited to 75 attribute points on character creation.


I'll come back with the character sheet in due course.





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Back again, Larudo and his band descend further into the Cloakwood Mines.In spite of several missteps, including Imoen nearly dying to a Skull Trap trap and then actually dying to a Lightning Bolt trap and some aggravated guards. I didn't take adequate notes for these sessions so the summary is: 


Killed Sendai and co


Cleaned out the Xvart Village


Cleared out the Lighthouse except the Flesh Golem Cave (both Imoen and Kivan died, so I decided to leave it for now)


Killed some Wyverns


Killed Drasus and co


Wandered around the mines and stepped on lots of traps, resulting in several deaths


Killed Hareishan, rescued Yeslick, then cleverly decided to rest in the mines (don't do this)


Got ambushed, defeated ambush, then ran away


Beat up an Ogre Mage

Took on a Battle Horror, barely defeated it

Edwina tried to toss a Lightning Bolt from his wand at Davaeorn, but he saved and tosses one of his own back at Edwina and killed her.

Kivan and Imoen move in with Ice and Acid Arrows, then flee


I realize Yeslick has an Innate Dispel Magic ability

Davaeorn dies.

Imoen cheeses a second Blinded Battle Horror to death with BoS and a Wand of Magic Missiles. (takes a long time)

Stephan gets a chunking for his trouble at the hands of an extremely tired, beat up, and frustrated party.

By some miracle a Mustard Jelly never lands a hit on Yeslick or Larudo as they pound it to dust with the Stupefier and Aishideena


New access to Stinking Cloud, Animate Dead, and Haste has dictated a change in tactics. Send in the Skellies!

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Back again, Larudo and his band descend further into the Cloakwood Mines......

I realize Yeslick has an Innate Dispel Magic ability

Yeah, i didn't  understood that, really. Safana having charm person maybe makes sense because she's supposed to be sexy and charismatic. But why Dynaheir has slow poison and Yeslick as dispel, I just don't get. 


Anyway, nice going on the run, except maybe for the Imoen skull trap. If it's any consolation, i did the same thing recently. 


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ONUD Update


Onud's group decided to go after bandits. 



Branwen buffed up and walked into the leader's tent, got targeted then ran out of the tent bringing the enemies out, where the party and the skeletons waited. 

The tactic worked well, preventing the bandits from doing any spell targeting and pulling them out one or two at a time.





Only the mage was left inside, and he fell quickly, since everyone could target him now that his allies were gone



The used the same basic approach to  take Coran wyvern hunting, which worked out well... for everyone except Coran



They killed some spiders and held Drasus' group



Only Kysus had just cast invisibility before getting held, so no one could target him. 

When the hold dropped, he pop-ed back in and cast confusion. Fortunately, the skeletons weren't so confused and whacked him.



Between Xan's  blinding and Branwen's holding, they moved through the mines pretty quickly. 


Davaeorn was annoying, holding both Xan and Branwen -- this was after Xan and Yeslick had already eaten a lighting bolt. 



A slight mis-judgement with Zeela caused Onud to have to Shadowstep again to avoid getting targeted. 



But between blindness and hold, it may not have even been necessary. 

And so, Onud is now 6th level. At 7th, I will likely dual him to mage and re-shuffle the party. 





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