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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 75 - (4th and final update)

Ruff, gnome cleric/thief (Grond0) & Justice, human inquisitor (Gate70)


Ruff and Justice had meted out plenty of pain to others on their travels without getting too much in return.  Their joint abilities would have given them a realistic chance of success against all future opponents, but in this game death can always strike without warning.  Up to this session their record included no deaths, but when one finally arrived it hit the wrong character ...


Their first action was traipsing into the Temple Sewers in search of some illithid.  On the way though they came across Tarnor's gang.  Justice took advantage of his many available dispel magics to dispel Gaius' true sight rather than just waiting for it to lapse.  That allowed Ruff the opportunity for a fatal backstab on the mage


and the rest didn't last long.  The illithid were easy enough - Justice just needing to be ready to retreat immediately if sucked given his intelligence of only 9.


It seemed rude to leave the sewers without paying a courtesy call on Mekrath.  He took the precaution of putting up stoneskins during discussions, but they disappeared after he shook hands with Carsomyr and a backstab ensured there would be no replacement.


Going down to Amaunator's temple, Justice made use of a newly purchased Shield of Balduran to make his way past the beholders at the bridge.  The duo then continued on to an undead infested area en route to find more beholders.  They had some problems identifying just where the lich was there and Ruff started running scared as a result of a symbol: fear.  Fortunately his route took him past Justice and another dispel sorted him out.  


The lich also tried a FoD on Ruff without apparently having been in sight and he hastily had to borrow Justice's rings to ensure he would make his saving throw.


Justice also had a few problems of his own - having to retreat a couple of times from greater mummies which hit him rather too easily for comfort.


Eventually all the undead were gone and the apparently easier task of the beholders awaited.  Justice quickly cut a swathe through those - a number petrifying themselves on the way.  The blind priests were not just blinded, but silenced as well.  That didn't stop them from trying to cast when Carsomyr dispelled their silence, but I'm not sure that any of them actually managed to cast anything while being assaulted by the Sword of Justice :rolleyes:.


With just the Unseeing Eye to go Justice got into position to attack it along with a summoned efreeti, while Ruff put together the two halves of the rod.  It took a couple of seconds longer than expected for the Eye to appear, but when it did Ruff targeted it with the rod - and fell down dead.  


The likely explanation appeared to be that the Eye had sent a FoD off in his direction rather than buffing itself.  I don't recall that behaviour before, but possibly being dispelled by being hit by Carsomyr might have affected its normal routine.

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Hmm sorry about that Grond0 and Gate70... It's a shame to see that nice pairing fall.
I don't know very well about vanilla Liches' behavior (do they Remove Magic a lot?) nor about vanilla Beholder's behavior or the effects of Carsomyr on it. Did you purposely not use Death Ward in your dealings with those creatures?


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Sorry to hear that guys, I had high hopes for your pairing. I concur, death ward is a must if available for that encounter. Doesn't the Eye have several death effects? (death ray, wail of the banshee, etc.).

The Potty 1

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Sorry got sidetracked, but Thon is still chugging along slowly. He killed the harper just inside the harper stronghold, which now seems to turn Jaheira hostile. Had to kill her :(


What next .. right, bridge district, paladins, looted berzerker horn, solved skinner murders (no bone golem, so a doddle), buried alive, and decided to have a go at the lich. Without tactical mods this was pathetic, Thon retreated from the initial spell protections, then returned after four rounds and summoned the berzerker. It responded with death spell, but kittix drew a firestorm, which allowed Thon to get off a couple of Azureedge throws, and it was all over. Hit 1M XP on this, so Thon headed to the Daystar lich, and one-shotted it as it's initial protections went up.


I'm actually going to do all the liches now, and then Kangaax, but I will grab the broken protection from undead scroll for the demi-form. I haven't actually gone near Kangaax for about 5 years, ever since SCS2 came out really, so this is all kinda new. That said, I really don't expect to get very far with Thon, I'm bound to hit some encounter that throws up something unexpected, and die stupidly.

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I'm actually going to do all the liches now, and then Kangaax, but I will grab the broken protection from undead scroll for the demi-form. I haven't actually gone near Kangaax for about 5 years, ever since SCS2 came out really, so this is all kinda new. That said, I really don't expect to get very far with Thon, I'm bound to hit some encounter that throws up something unexpected, and die stupidly.

You should be aware that PfU is not guaranteed protection against SCS liches - watch out for remove magic!


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Hmm sorry about that Grond0 and Gate70... It's a shame to see that nice pairing fall.
I don't know very well about vanilla Liches' behavior (do they Remove Magic a lot?) nor about vanilla Beholder's behavior or the effects of Carsomyr on it. Did you purposely not use Death Ward in your dealings with those creatures?

We tend to be pretty light on buffing generally, so while death ward might sometimes have been used against liches it would be by no means automatic.  My experience with the Eye itself has been to kill it before it finishes its own buffing, so I've never used spell protections there - I don't previously remember that causing a problem ...


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We tend to be pretty light on buffing generally, so while death ward might sometimes have been used against liches it would be by no means automatic.  My experience with the Eye itself has been to kill it before it finishes its own buffing, so I've never used spell protections there - I don't previously remember that causing a problem ...

Ok, understood. My experiences with the Unseeing Eye are similar. (With Liches it can be different though.)

Scintilla, Gnome Cleric/Illusionist (first BG2 update)

Continuation of BG1 run

Scintilla woke up in the dungeon of one Irenicus she would learn. Imoen released her from her cell, and the Gnome in turn released to other prisoners, Minsc and Jaheira. None of the three would accompany her though during her escape from the dungeon. She cast Shadow Door once to enter a room containing a ward stone, so that Duergar wouldn't harrass her. A second Shadow Door saw her safely reach a room with a Golem that needed the wardstone to open a number of doors. In that room she slew a Radiant Mephit,

and cast invisibility on herself before she followed the Golem to the chamber that had been locked. In it she saw an Otyugh, but she left it in peace.

A corridor guarded by Duergar was cleared with the help of Skeletons and a Hold Person.

In two heavily trapped rooms her Stoneskins and an MGoI protected her against a couple of snares she triggered while grabbing a number of useful items: Metaspell Influence Amulet, Claw of Kazgaroth, Bracers of AC8, and a portal key. She used said key to acces a second level of the dungeon. Scintilla entered invisibly and rested in a corner away from a door behind which she sensed danger. (This was necessary because once Yoshimo speaks to the party, the Mephits in my setup will open the door and attack.)

When she woke, she summoned four Skeletons, cast Ghost Armor, PfE 10' Radius, Resist Fire/Cold, and Haste. She met a Bounty Hunter named Yoshimo who wanted to join her, but she politely refused. In the next room the Gnome and her Skeletons destroyed four Mephit Portals and the Mephits they spawned.

The Skeletons also helped Scintilla slay hostile Shadow Thieves, and more Duergar and Mephits.
A Cloudkill finished a Vampire and her Shadow Thief opponents, and a Sanctuary allowed the Gnome to steal a Girdle of Bluntness from a band of Duergar. They surrounded her so she went invisible and cast Shield, Holy Power, DUHM, and MSD which meant she'd have little to fear from the Duergar when she became visible again. With Magic Missiles and her hammer he took out the one Duergar that was blocking her path. She escaped, went invisible, forgot to convenrt three keys she had collected into wands (Cloudkill, Fire, Monster Summoning), and escaped.

On the surface she witnessed Irenicus' power and his and Imoen's arrest by Cowled Wizards for casting spells. The Gnome discovered she was in Athkatla, Amn, where magic was prohibited. After selling some loot, restoring peace at a Circus in turmoil,

and exposing a skinner/murderer in the Bridge District for Lietenant Aegusfield, she bought a Reflection Shield +1 at an Adventurer Mart and a Spell Casting license in the Government District.

These are her current Character Record and Inventory Screen:



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Brat - dwarf berserker (update 6)
Brat and party put on some basic buffs before entering the Planar Prison.  Inside, the mage's PFMW kept him going for a while, but by the time that ran out, the others were all dead and the mage swiftly followed.  
Yoshimo scouted ahead and used his traps to help with various additional enemies before coming across the Master of Thralls.  He saved against a paralysing gaze there and retreated while Jaheira quickly produced summons to lead the combat - Brat raging to join in.
After Brat broke the orb the Warden killed some thralls, but then decided to open up against fire elementals with a sunfire - he soon regretted that choice.
Brat sent Haer'Dalis on his way and set his mind on finding Imoen.  Aran had told him to search the Graveyard and he remembered previously seeing an axe for sale that looked good for use against undead, so went to buy that while disposing of surplus loot from the Planar Prison.  While there he also picked up the Sling of Seeking as a slight upgrade to Jaheira's +1 sling.
At the Graveyard Brat searched most of the tombs before finding a route down.  Regrettably that took them close to the vampire HQ and he failed to discover Pai'Na and her ioun stone.  Rage allowed him to clear most of the vampires on the top level, although once Tanova showed her magical abilities he retreated and allowed her to attack summons until she was neutered by some insects.
Downstairs, a pair of elementals made the vampires simple.  
Back upstairs, Brat had already been hit by a spike trap in the room of blood and bones, so sent Aerie with stoneskins and chaotic commands to find Lassal and bring him out to play.  Brat didn't bother resting before summoning Bodhi to her latest beating.
Before going to report to Aran the party went to the Promenade with the initial intention of restocking magical ammunition.  However, while browsing they found a few other goodies to spend all their money on, including Robe of Vecna, Vhailor's Helm and AC3 bracers.  They've just arrived in Brynnlaw.
Finally I feel I am in touching distance of Imoen.  Soon now my companions will be reunited and, with a full party, I am confident we can handle all the challenges thrown at us.

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The Potty 1

The Potty 1
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You should be aware that PfU is not guaranteed protection against SCS liches - watch out for remove magic!


Cheers for that, but I was feeling super lazy when installing, so only did the official patch, Ascension, and the Fixpack. This means all opponents are pretty stupid, and liches more so.


EDIT headed to the temple district, got the illithium quest, and started the unseeing eye. However, I think I'll bail before getting to the beholder bridge, and actually even those sword spiders with that nasty wraith thing is better left for later. I think I'll hit the lich and then go get the illithium.


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Eren the Berserker/cleric, update 1 BG2
Eren at the start of bg2.
Jaheira, our old friend is released by me and Imoen. Minsc followed us hoping to ambush us as revenge for slaying Dynaheir.. :S too bad he has to die..
Nice backstab Yoshimo.. ok.. :o..
We go to loot the thieves guild for gold, potions and easy experience as always. Gethras dies to Yoshimo's poisontraps. Nice. We lack the weapons to deal with the stone golems so ignore them. The Edwin-quests come later, we aren't ready to take on SCSMaevar anyway.
After this we go for the easiest quest, Trademeet and the druids. I take Anomen because he's a level 11 cleric with fighter thaco. Just strong. 
Those ambushes.. hairy hairy.. Erens rage though..  :P
I take Jaheira the insect/lightning caller (and back up plan for Faldorn), and Jan the swiss army knife.
Anomen gets stoned by 2 consecutive casts from the genies.. I saw a bright small pink light moving towards him. Im thinking: better him than Eren, We'll get him back later.
Damn, those shadow druids are dangerous.. We're are almost overcome by insects and high hp, potion gulping, lightning calling, iron skinned druids.. Eren cast a fast remove fear JUST before the insects hit the party.., nice. In the end we get them. 
Because of how good wands are I usually go get a cloudkill and fireball wand for about 18 K at Watchers keep. Jan is equipped and ready!
We slay some trolls. Why are the spirit trolls instadying to cloudkill, the hell? :P
Next is Nalia's keep for the flail. 
For Torgal I usually trap a room with Yoshimo level 11 and then lure him there with an invisible npc, whilst having cast remove fear on the party. It works everytime.
Damn, Torgals lackeys were waiting for us behind that door. RUN Forrest!!!
It gets dangerous as a whole bunch of trolls, both visible and invisible, almost trap the weary party. Lucky escape there..
We de-stone Anomen and ditch Cernd. 
I dualclass Eren and decide to wait for the proficiency points so I can use them for relevant weapons. I decide against it though because he only gets 2 extra.. Not worth it being a level 1 cleric (albeit with high hp) all this time, too dangerous. Especially against hardhitting foes or spells that require saves. So I level him up to 9/9. He's almost ready to take on some old friends....:  beholders :)


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Good progress Golden :)
Careful with the Beholders though? Why go there so soon? For the Cleric stronghold? 

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Thanks BR.

I already did Trademeet and Torgal, so I go there for the XP to level up faster, a beholder gives like 15000 I believe.. Its quite an easy area with cloudkills and undead warriors, just gotto make sure to make no mistakes when facing the tyrants eye tot eye..



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Charlestonian Knight Templar

Charlestonian Knight Templar
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At Nalia’s urging I had us look into the murders in the Bridge District, even though I was ready to go to the aid of her families' keep first. The Lieutenant of the guard, Aegisfield, had given us the name of a courtesan named Rose, a boy named Faraji, and a beggar whose name escapes me. Rose was easiest to find & told us that what she remembered was a certain smell, Guril Berries, she said & directed us to a Merchant named Bel to ask if he might know what would smell like that, besides pie. He mentioned that there was a salve used to enhance men’s vitality, but more importantly, in leather making.  He said there was a Tanner in town that we might ask. We also talked the boy who was of little use, blaming on a ‘witch’ named Miss Kragmoon that we never even found.  We did find the beggar though & he had an Elephant Hide found @ one of the murders that blew the investigation open.  I returned to Bel, who was again helpful & once again mentioned the Tanner being probably the best person to talk to (or someone @ the circus in Waukeen’s Promenade). 


Key Event: I headed to the Tanner’s Shop, Rejiek by name, & after letting him know we were looking into the murder’s we mentioned the Elephant Hide & he became hostile & spilled the beans. He immediately disappeared down some stairs but we had to follow carefully for fear of traps as Yoshimo reminded me. Luckily, Nalia is just as effective @ finding traps as Imoen & she cleaned ‘em up on the ground floor, the first lower floor & then made sure we got safely to a small underground dock w/a number of crates stacked around. A Mage & two Ghasts were also present & we quickly braced for battle. I quaffed a Potion of Speed so that I could close quickly on the Mage. Auren used her brutal & innate Bust ability while Nalia cast a Scroll of Dispel Magic & Anomen a Spell of Silence 10’ Radius around the Mage. Before we could do anything w/him he became Invisible or Teleported or something leaving only the Ghasts which were easy enough…& an Assassin w/Potions of Invisibility Galore it seemed.  Using Anomen’s innate True Sight ability granted by Helm, we kept the Assassin visible until we could cut him down.  We were too late to catch Rejeik 


We collected a small amount of decent loot for our troubles & reported back to Lieutenant Aegisfield who rewarded us & promised to hunt down Rejiek the Tanner. We found a note that indicates he might be headed to a place called Trademeet I think. I don’t know the names of places in Amn as well as those I knew nearer Candlekeep but Trademeet sounds familiar so I must have come across it somewhere in my library studies.


I realized something really weird today.  I was trying to figure out the date when I started this journal.  I asked Auren what date it was & she said it was 10 Mirtul 1369.  How can that be?  I know I left Candlekeep w/Gorion on 1 Mirtul 1369 during The Melting. Dynahier died, I know for sure, on 3 Hammer 1370, in Deepwinter, almost exactly eight months’ time since I left home.  I defeated Sarevok on 22 Mirtul 1370, over a year after I left.  It’s like time stood still while I adventured from North Amn to Ulgoth’s Beard & now I’m in Athkatla in the same month & year I left Candlekeep. I am extremely perplexed. 


Treasure of Note: (Purse = 9,025 gold) Armor/Weapons: Short Sword +1; Gems/Jewelry/Gold: Moonbar Gym, Water Opal, Black Opal x2; Bloodstone Amulet, Sphene Gym, 130 GP; Potions: Scrolls: Contingency;  Wands:


Current Disposition  Resting @ the Five Flagon’s Inn in the Bridge District


Next Steps:   Follow Nalia to her families keep


Level UpNone


Current Party: (Reputation: 13 (+1) Average: Solved Bridge District Murders)

·         Gawain: Ftr/9, (HP105); Plate Mail w/Large Shield, Ring of Protection +1, Girdle of Bluntness & Bastard Sword*****

·         Auren Aseph: Ftr (Apprentice//9), (HP68  )Studded Leather +1 w/Long Sword +1***** (SWS**)

·         Anomen: Ftr/Watcher of Helm//8/8, (HP51); Splint Mail +1 w/Delryn Family Shield & Mace +1***,(Warhammer*, SSS**)

·         Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/9), HP76; Mail of the Dead +2 w/Two-Handed Sword of Chaos +2***, (Mace**, THWS**)

·         Yoshimo: Thief (Ninja/11), HP64; Studded Leather +1 w/Katana +1***, Darts +1*

·         Nalia:  Mage/Thief//9/10, (HP54); Studded Leather +1 w/Short Bow +1* & Short Sword +2* (Dgr*, Crossbow*)


Mods UsedBG2 FixPack _v10; Amber_v4; Auren Aseph_v9; Sarah_v4; Haldimir_v2; : Tyris Flare_v6; Gavin_v20 & Hotfix;  scs-v30 (- Tactical Challenges); MegaModKits v1.01L (Anti-Paladin, Charming Rogue, Priest of Sylvanus, Bladesinger, Amazon, Apprentice, Ninja, Samurai); Divine Remix_v8 (Nightcloak of Shar, Holy Strategist of the Red Knight, Batleguard of Tempus, Strifeleader of Cyric, Bowslinger, Forest Runner, Wilderness Runner) ; Rogue Rebalancing; bg2_tweaks-v16; Item Randomizer-v6.8; level1npcs-v1.9


Blue Font: New information;

Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)

(Best kill)(Current AI)

* Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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Some unique NPC Kits I'm having fun w/this time out:  

Yoshimo, Ninja

Valygar; Samurai

Sarah, Beast Master

Auren Aseph, Apprentice (Great kit)

Tyris Flare, Amazon/Mage

Haldimir – Bladesinger




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Nice progress and great storytelling, like it a lot :)!

The date is probably just incorrect, too bad, funny you noticed that.


Some questions if you dont mind:


-Bust ability?

-Anomen innate true seeing?

-What are those ghasts doing laying on the floor?

-There are supposed to be 3 rune assassins there, not just one? Just wondering.





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Eren the berserker/cleric Episode 2
Its time for the Eye-freaks, the most iconic D&D monsters of all time. 
In the sewers, rakshasha falls after spending all he has on our skeletons. Eren gets to F9/C10 finally. He's a beast now.. 
Draug Fea falls to deathclouds, insect plagues and skeletons. 
We make a deal with Mekrath and then lie and slay him when he's unprepared. His contignency is countered by inquisitor. 
And the first beholders go down with the same cloudkill-skeletons tactics as mentioned before. Quite devastating actually.. I was wondering what would happen if the beholders actually got smart enough to move out of the cloudkills.. But even then they're easily trapped in the clouds and they have to get past the toxic immune skeletons.
The Unseeying eye was hella dangerous as always.. I put in a cloudkill for it, and 3 or 4 fireballs for the tyrants, whilst being backed up by 5 skeletons (making sure not to hit them with the fireballs). I also cast a holy blight, flamestrikes, inquisitor dispells and true sights. I try an insect swarm but it fails. 
Jan is paralyzed but freed with dispel. Keldorn is stoned but not chunked. I keep making sure Eren is raged and protected from death efects (does it protect from getting turned to stone too? I mean I'm assuming it does, I dont even know that :S). 
They finally all fall :D.  
Back to business. We start stealing stuff. Bernard notices us after the 6th or so try. I guess 215 isnt high enough :S?. By then we stole Stonefire, the slowing flail and 4 or 5 high level scrolls. Before that we have stolen a bunch from the Maevar merchant (but not too much as to make it ridiculous).
We do some Bridge district. Dennis & team are challenging especially because of death spell on my summons by his mage friend, but by then all his men are badly injured or near death, so we prevale. 
Maevar dies horribly in a toxic cloud or two while being pummeled by menacing skeletons.
We get enough gold to Linvale. We also get the bag of holding from Hexxat. This is Eren at the end of this session.

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Nice to see a few less eyes around!


I keep making sure Eren is raged and protected from death efects (does it protect from getting turned to stone too? I mean I'm assuming it does, I dont even know that :S). 

Back to business. We start stealing stuff. Bernard notices us after the 6th or so try. I guess 215 isnt high enough :S?. By then we stole Stonefire, the slowing flail and 4 or 5 high level scrolls. Before that we have stolen a bunch from the Maevar merchant (but not too much as to make it ridiculous).

Death ward only protects against death magic, not petrification.


From memory you need 228 to guarantee success against Bernard.

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I realized something really weird today.  I was trying to figure out the date when I started this journal.  I asked Auren what date it was & she said it was 10 Mirtul 1369.  How can that be?  I know I left Candlekeep w/Gorion on 1 Mirtul 1369 during The Melting. Dynahier died, I know for sure, on 3 Hammer 1370, in Deepwinter, almost exactly eight months’ time when I left home.  I defeated Sarevok on 22 Mirtul 1370, over a year after I left.  It’s like time stood still while I adventured from North Amn to Ulgoth’s Beard & now I’m in Athkatla in the same month & year I left Candlekeep. I am extremely perplexed. 


I usually leave Candlekeep on 1 Mirtul 1368?


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Good to see Sir Gawain in action, @CKT.

Nice progress Golden! Glad all worked out well with the Beholders for you. Scintilla is still a long way from Cleric lvl 15 and thus Skeleton Warriors (she's currently level 10/11), but I'll keep your tactics in mind for later. I've also considered buffing an Aerial Servant (Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, green scroll PfPetrification) once Scintilla reaches Cleric lvl 11 and gets acces to lvl 6 spells. Aerial Servants hit hard and go invisible all the time in my install with aTweaks, making it difficult I hope for the Beholders to target them. It's just an experiment though. If it doesn't work, then Scintilla can always come back later.

Scintilla, Gnome Cleric/Illusionist (second BG2 update)

Her first explorations of the city, Scintilla carried out invisibly. That proved wise when she walked into an ambush in a dead end street. Rather than getting away, the Gnome decided to confront the (five) villains. Out of their sight she summoned five Skeletons, buffed with PfE 10' Radius, Ghost Armor, and Haste, and cast a Cloudkill at the ambushers, followed by a Chaos. This was enough to take down three of her foes, the remaining two were dealt with in melee combat.
She left the city at the behest of a boy named Delon she had met near the Council of Six building in the Gov District, to visit the village of Imnesvale in the Umar Hills and investigate the recent killings and disappearances of townspeople.

She found the village without difficulty, and discovered that the source of its troubles was to be found in the nearby Temple Ruins. Before heading there however she rested, and for a local Cowled Wizard she went looking for a Killer Mimic in some of the caves on the edge of town. In front of a chest that she suspected contained such a creature, she was indeed held by one while she was in the process of summoning Skeletons to deal with it. She had only summoned one at that time, but thankfully it lasted long enough to keep the Mimic from killing Scintilla before the Hold effect wore off.
She retreated, healed, and summoned more Skeletons at a safe distance to deal with the dangerous creature.
(Lesson learned: the Killer Mimic does not wait for you to open the chest before it attacks.)
Scintilla rested a second time, and summoned more Skeletons in the Cowled Wizard's home, where something went wrong with the activation of a Stone Golem, causing it to become hostile. Unlike others of its kind, the Golem was vulnerable to normal weapons, so its destruction wasn't difficult to bring about.
The Temple Ruins were inhabited by Skeletons and Shadows (no Greater Mummies, Bone Golems or Liches yet), against which Scintilla potected herself with one of three PfUndead scrolls she possessed. She freed a Halfling lass named Mazzy, solved a number of riddles that earned her a wardstone that guaranteed her safe passage past a dormant Shadow Dragon and various keys that gave her access to a ritual site where the leader of the Shadows was to be found, a Shade Lord. She rested in the Dragon's lair and prepared two Lower Resistances, a Greater Malison, and lots of fire spells (Sunfires, Fireballs, Flamestrikes, Aganazzar's Scorchers) and Holy Smites. Scintilla cast another PfUndead on herself and with the fire spells and Holy Smites she killed the Shade Lord after his MR and saves had been lowered, as well as many Shadows. A Shadow Altar that kept producing Shadows was highly resistant to magic / magical fire, and immune to her normal weapons, so Scintilla had to destroy it with her Spiritual Hammer.
She was hailed by the Imnesvale mayor and the townspeople as a heroine, and thanked with a suit of highly enchanted leather armor she promptly sold.

Scintilla returned to Athkatla where she bought the Robe of Vecna, and left the city soon after, to help another troubled town, Trademeet. It had two problems: incessant animal attacks likely caused by vindictive Druids, and a number of Dao Djinns that had crippled all trade in Trademeet. She first sought out the Shadow Druids. Invisibly, she traversed the wilderness in which the Druids had set up their base (making sure to pick up a pair of Bracers of Archery and an enchanted scimitar on the way). Right in front of the Shadow Druid stronghold she had her Skeletons kill a guard. He dropped a number of enchanted weapons, including a Club, Gnasher +2.
She entered the stronghold invisibly with a Druid of a different, less aggressive order. This man, Cernd, defeated the Shadow Archdruid in a duel, with an Insect Plague, Fire Elementals and Mountain Bears.
Scintilla also solved Trademeet's second problem: the Dao Djinns. One of them she Breached and Slowed, allowing her Skeletons to slay it.
It dropped an Efreeti summoning bottle. Two more Djinns faced a heavily buffed Scintilla (Stoneskin, Blur, MSD, PfE 10' Radius, II). Their leader Khan Zahraa fell to a Cloudkill and a series of Magic Missiles.
As in Imnesvale, Scintilla became a heroine to the people she had helped. The rewards she received were much larger though, a Shield of Harmony and thousands of gold. Part of the gold she spent on a Belt of Inertial Barrier, the Blackblood Club +3, and a handful of scrolls.
Before she left for Athkatla, she ran into and slew Rejiek the skinner, and she dispatched a number of Skeletons including two Warrior variants, with Sunfires and divine buffs (Holy Power, DUHM), securing the Mantle of Waukeen which she left with Trademeet's High Merchant.

Back in Athkatla, Scintilla visited the Copper Coronet, and discovered that its owner, Lethinan, exploited slaves. The Gnome Slowed a beast master who was in on the slavery, and slew him with Aganazzar's Scorchers and sling bullets for a prison key. (His pets were Cloudkilled.) Next she released the prisoners and with them, she dispatched Lethinan and his guards.
For Hendak, the leader of the (now ex-)slaves, Scintilla went looking for an entrance to the Slaver Stockade via the sewers below the Coronet.
With her summoned Efreeti she dispatched a band of Hobgoblins and an Otyugh,
and with a Skeleton she dealt with two Jellies.
A number of Kobolds (interestingly already hostile, and coming toward her rather than waiting for her in their usual place) died to a Cloudkill, and so did a second group of Hobgoblins (Scintilla lured them into a Cloudkill trap).
With a number of curiosities and the solving of a riddle she became the owner of Lilarcor before she entered the Stockade extremely well-buffed (Stoneskin, Remove Fear, PfE, MGoI, Fireshields Red & Blue, PfNW, and Haste). Two Sunfires, a Divine Wrath and foes hurting themselves on Scintilla's Fireshields soon saw most of the Slavers killed.
Their captain remained remarkably impassive (did he know that she was immune to his normal weapons, and that his Fireshields or Reflection Shield would hurt him?). Scintilla's Skeletons finished him off, and they also helped her slay two Trolls (though those creatures slew most of the Skeletons before that). The Gnome's Find Traps spell showed her a way past a trap,
to an area with more slavers and slaves. Scintilla released two children, quaffed a potion of Stone Form for improved saves and injured two Yuan-Ti by exposing them to the Prismatic Spray effect of another trap,
She injured and blinded a number of guards with a Holy Smite, and her Efreeti helped her deal with the Yuan-Ti and with some of the slavers as well.
When two slaver wizards lay dead,
her Efreeti left the prime material plane and Scintilla was getting low on spells, the Gnome decided to call it a day and report back to Hendak. She cast Sanctuary on herself, left any guards that followed her to the City guards, and was rewarded by Hendak with some of Lethinan's wealth. 

A woman named Valen wanted Scintilla to meet her mistress at the Graveyard District. Scintilla first went to the Adventurer Mart where she bought Vhailor's Helm, and then went to see Valen's mistress, Bodhi. She offered the Gnome a means to get to Irenicus and Imoen, at 15k GP (which was cheaper than another offer she had received from a rogue in the Slums). However most of that sum she had just spent on Vhailor's Helm, so Bodhi would have to wait. 
Also at the Graveyard District, Scintilla dug up a man named Tirdir, who had been buried alive, and she ran into the restless spirit of a young boy that wanted its teddy bear. The Gnome humored the spirit by retrieving the bear from a Dwarf in the Copper Coronet, and she went looking for Tirdir's buriers in the Bridge District. On her way however she was ambushed by three thugs that had just poisoned a man. Scintilla cast a Holy Smite, and then retreated in order to safely Sunfire the thugs without hurting the poisoned man. Soon the thugs were all dead, allowing Scintilla to take their victim to the Docks District for medical care as fast as possible, although a mad Priest of Cyric held her up for a while. PfNW, Stoneskins, and Fireshields meant there was little the Cleric could do against her, but he had three potions of superior healing that kept him going for quite a while.
When she finally made it to the Bridge District, Scintilla didn't take long in finding the kidnappers and buriers of people. She was low on spells thanks to the thugs and the mad cleric, but her Skeletons and her Efreeti helped her out when Tirdir's kidnappers went hostile,
and against a number of muggers.

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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Nice progress and great storytelling, like it a lot :)!

The date is probably just incorrect, too bad, funny you noticed that.


Some questions if you dont mind:


-Bust ability?

-Anomen innate true seeing?

-What are those ghasts doing laying on the floor?

-There are supposed to be 3 rune assassins there, not just one? Just wondering.




1.  Bust ability comes from the MegaMods Apprentice kit & I gave it to Auren Aseph as it seemed to fit her background better than anything else (sort of reminds me, in a way, of the the youngest Stark daughter, Arya, in the Game of Thrones series who studied under the finest sword master she could.  If you read Auren's background as a inquisitive, tomboy in Beregost the kit fits perfectly.  Here's the kit:  


    Apprentice are Swordsmen and women that travel the known world and study under various masters to perfect their swordsmanship. They follow a unique code of honor, somewhat like that of a knight or samurai and utilize their speed, power, and unique sword techniques to stun and decimate their foes.

- Bonus -2 to AC
- An Apprentice starts off moving at +2 move and recieves another +2 move at level 12
- Bonus -1 to speed factor for every 4 levels
- Bonus +1 to hit and +1 to damage for every 6 levels
- May use 'Bust' ability once per day per 6 levels
- Bust: lasts 24 seconds, granting the Apprentice +5 to hit and +5 to damage. As well, all of his attacks do maximum damage for the duration. All attacks force the victim to save or be stunned.
- Gains 'Sword Heaven' abilty at level 14 and the Apprentice may use it once per day
- Sword Heaven: lasts 24 seconds, granting the Apprentice +5 to hit and +5 to damage. As well, the Apprentices' attacks per round are doubled and all of his attacks do maximum damage for the duration.
- May not wear armor greater than studded leather
- Cannot become proficient in weapons other than swords
- May not become proficient in the 'Sword and Shield' style
- May not dual or multi-class
- Can only be of a Good or Neutral alignment

- Only Humans and Half-Elves may become Apprentices


2.  Anomen has innate 'True Sight', not 'True Seeing' as I typed & slept @ the same time last night.  It comes w/the 'Watcher of Helm' kit, which you know is a subclass of Cleric's in the vanilla games in both BG/TotSC & SOA/TOB.


3.  I don't know about the Ghasts on the floor.  For some reason, every now & then, my team, in essence, knocks an enemy out when they've been pummeled to ~ 1HP.  I'd normally respond that it was a result of Anomen using his two Command spells but I'm 99.9% sure that spell does not affect the Undead.


4. I don't know about the other two Rune Assassins.  Maybe there were three w/one Potion of Invisibility each, rather than one Rune Assassin w/three Potions of Invisibility. Again I was sleeping & playing @ the same time.  I certainly haven't done anything to weaken the game (Playing @ AD&D level) & using SCS w/all but 'Tactical Challenges' installed, including, e.g. Smarter General AI, Better Calls for Help, Improved/Smarter Spider's, Dryads/Sirine's, Basilisk's, Golem's, Fiends, Genies, Dragons, Celestial's, Beholder's, etc.  Regardless, Gawain, thought there was only one Rune Assassin.



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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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I usually leave Candlekeep on 1 Mirtul 1368?

That would make perfect sense.  I don't know except that I recall @ one point or another, reading that there were issues @ one point w/the Journal portion of the game.  Now that you say it, though, I think I recall 1368 in earlier games myself.  


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@ Corey and CKT


Thanks for answering my questions :)

I have to say CKT, that apprentice kit seems overpowered, its like a kensai on mega crack :P


@ Blackraven


"Nice progress Golden! Glad all worked out well with the Beholders for you. "

-Thank you ^_^


"Scintilla is still a long way from Cleric lvl 15 and thus Skeleton Warriors (she's currently level 10/11), but I'll keep your tactics in mind for later."

-Anomen can cast the warriors at level 11, why can't you?


"I've also considered buffing an Aerial Servant (Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, green scroll PfPetrification) once Scintilla reaches Cleric lvl 11 and gets acces to lvl 6 spells. Aerial Servants hit hard and go invisible all the time in my install with aTweaks, making it difficult I hope for the Beholders to target them. It's just an experiment though. If it doesn't work, then Scintilla can always come back later."
-I wouldn't count on that my friend, they also auto dispel any protections, pummel foes to the walls doing crushing damage and cast a constant stream of lightning at them. The Unseeing Eys casts webs. It wouldn't last a few seconds I think. But I'd love to hear about it.

Btw Scintilla is looking really powerful, I'd love to see her get really far.




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"Scintilla is still a long way from Cleric lvl 15 and thus Skeleton Warriors (she's currently level 10/11), but I'll keep your tactics in mind for later."

-Anomen can cast the warriors at level 11, why can't you?

In vanilla animate dead produces ordinary skeletons up to level 15, when there is a huge upgrade to skeleton warriors.  In Enhanced Edition there is a more gradual upgrade with levels; the earlier versions are called skeleton warriors, though it's still not until level 15 that their abilities are maximised.

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@ Grondo


Ah, that explains, BR doesnt play EE. I do get the big ones at 11 but I guess they aren't maxed out yet. 




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@Golden, I do have and sometimes play BGEE as well, but I've held on to BGT because of the wider range of available mods (I think this changing though). The gradual increase in power of the Skeletons sounds interesting. I've been looking for info on their stats but couldn't find any online (maybe in NI). 
As to the Aerial Servants vs Beholders clash. I was thinking of trying with the three Gauths and one Beholder on the bridge in the old tunnels. Will let you know if I do.

Scintilla, Gnome Cleric/Illusionist (third BG2 update)

Scintilla sought to contract Sir Sarles the sculptor (whose voiceset is terrific imo) to make a sculpture for the Temple of Helm. The artist only wished to work with true illithium however, and not with the lump of fake illithium that Scintilla offered him. The alloy did please the Helmites though. (Scintilla reached Cleric level 11 here, which opened up access to lvl 6 spells.) She obtained 200 lbs of real illithium, from a thief named Neb and with the help of her Aerial Servant,
but when she went to see Sir Sarles, he had already left town. 

Below the Graveyard District Scintilla encountered a spiders' den. She slew the Spiders with the help of her Efreeti's and her own fire magics.
Inside the den she agreed to fetch Spiders' Bane for the Pai'Na the Hivemaster Druid, a service for which she would be rewarded with Kitthix, a Spider servant that could be summoned from a figurine once per day.

In Waukeen's Promenade, she saved a rogue named Sansuki from three attacking vampires. Her Holy Smites and, again, her Aerial Servant were very convincing even though the summons suffered repeated level drains.
After the fight, Sansuki divulged more to her than he seemed to realize when he said to her he was glad to see an ally of the Shadow Thieves stand up for him. It confirmed her suspicions that the organization that had first offered her a way to get to Imoen and Irenicus, had been the Shadow Thieves.

She decided to go to the Docks District to see if anyone at the Shadow Thieves Guildhouse had anything of interest to say to her, but was accosted by Xzar, a wizard that asked him to help his captive friend Montaron escape from a Harper compound where he was held captive. Before she was allowed entry into the Harper building, Rylock, the man she had previously delivered poisoned Renfeld to, requested her to dispatch two evil monster summomning wizards, Prebek and Sanasha. This she did, leaving most of the dirty work to Kitthix (improved by a Dwarven smith named Cromwell) and her Efreeti, before she stepped in to finish the job.
Once inside the Harper building she didn't tarry in finding Montaron, seemingly transformed into a bird, (or in slaying three Spectral Harpists; Scintilla had more love for reaching wizard level 12 than for secret societies). The bird proved to be someone else than Montaron, a Harper assassin that promptly killed Xzar. Scintilla's Skeletons couldn't stop her.

At the Thieves Guild she learnt little about Imoen and Irenicus from the thieves, but she did learn that there was a probable traitor in their midst, and she was asked to find evidence of treachery on the part of one Mae'Var, the executive of a nearby guild hall. Scintilla agreed to infiltrate in Mae'Var's ranks. It took her a number of quests to gain Mae'Var's trust. The most complicated of those quests was taking out a Cowled Wizard named Rayic Gethras.
With her Skeletons still around from the encounter with the Harper assassin, Scintilla lured Rayic's Mephit guards outside for the Skeletons to deal with them.
Kitthix helped with two Stone Golems,
and Rayic Gethras was invited to waste most of his spells on (sanctuaried) Scintilla's Skeletons and her Vhailor simulacrum
before she finished him off with her Aerial Servant and her Holy Smites.
When she finally presented written evidence of Mae'Var's planned betrayal (overtures to the Night Masks), she was asked to eliminate him.

A long, hard fight awaited her at MaeVar's guildhouse. The first few rounds were for Scintilla, whose clerical True Seeing frustrated the backstabbing Assassins, and whose summons (Kitthix, Aerial Servant, Efreeti, Skeletons) did a good job at taking out most of her foes.
It was Mae'Var alone who forced Scintilla to go on the defensive. His Chaos affected both her Efreeti (that nevertheless proceeded to slay another Assassin) and her hard-hitting Aerial Servant.
Scintilla, Shield of Harmony equipped, was never at risk. After the Gnome cast a Holy Smite at the rogue, the latter reminded her with a backstab for 50 damage that her Stoneskins were no longer in place.
The Aerial Servant was even confused a second time (by a Confusion), but eventually it remembered its allegiance, and made sure that Mae'Var would be no threat to Scintilla, in spite of his Flame and Melf's Acid Arrows, and in spite of the fact that a Silence she cast at him affected only herself, not him.
Completion of the Mae'Var quest made Scintilla reach level 12 as a Cleric, making her a lvl 12/12 Cleric/Illusionist. Her character Record and Inventory Screen:

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