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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Nice to see you underway in BG2 CKT - best of luck for a long run!

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Curiosity killed the Gnome:

(The trap on the painting in Neb's house, which I knew was there, proved quite deadly, which is something I didn't know.)

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Grimwald the Wise

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Curiosity killed the Gnome:

(The trap on the painting in Neb's house, which I knew was there, proved quite deadly, which is something I didn't know.)



It is one of the worst traps there is and the rewards aren't that great!

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Curiosity killed the Gnome:

(The trap on the painting in Neb's house, which I knew was there, proved quite deadly, which is something I didn't know.)


Sorry to hear that blackraven. Personally my solo characters never trip that trap, knowing that it can do lots of damage. And in parties, the NPCs trip it instead.

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Condolences, Blackraven. What's up next on the character list?

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Unfortunately my knowledge of what trap does what is very, very limited. :( Kathlen had 69 HPs. I couldn't imagine that being insufficient for a damage trap.
I should make a BG trap guide... mentioning not just their locations but also their effects.

@Epsil0, thanks. I want to roll another Cleric/Illusionist. I think they're great!

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Yeah... I'm willing to bet my trap knowledge is worse than yours, though, since I usually travel with a party including some thief or another. I know the locations now, and some deadly ones... But I have absolutely no idea which ones are "safe" to travel through! Good luck with your next attempt.


Rhythm, NG Half-elven Skald, Introduction to SoA

My pacifist chanter's managed to make it through Sarevok and onto Amn! Though he may've done one or two HP damage directly, he's yet to get a direct kill, and indeed, that is one of his limitations. Which gives me an interesting problem fighting the Bhaal-avatar in the dream, which I'll have to get a good solution before getting to Spellhold. Summoning items and scrolls seem to be the way to deal with this, though...


Mods: A new list of mods are in play, and my Weidu log is here. The summary is the White Queen quest addition that I've never played through before, Questpack which I've never played through before, BG2Tweaks and Rogue Rebalancing which I've played with before, and SCS which... is going to be dubious as before. Fewer tactical challenges are installed, though the general AI is improved, besides for Demons: the script wouldn't install that component for some reason or another. Another important thing to note is that I'm not going to go mad against Spirit Trolls this game. This is more important to my sanity than you might think.  :rolleyes:


We've only just set out, releasing Jaheira from her cage and then using EEKeeper to fix a couple stats: Rhythm kept an extra 6 HP though he doesn't have his Familiar, Imoen used the Tome of DEX in BG1, and Jaheira's missing her +1 STR and +2 WIS she accumulated via tomes.



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Ruzzel and his band of mages and berserker update:


The party buffed to the max - we saw a party at the Seven Vales and weren't sure they were friendly - nope they weren't. We battled them head on, showing ourselves and letting the battle begin. We concentrated on Brennan first (and got him), mostly with MMMs, then Mencar, Orcslicer and then the enemy mages - clean victory. We did take a little damage, and one of our mages got confused, but otherwise pretty clean win.


We've been carrying these shadow scales for quite a while now, we decided to get the shadow armor forged. We also did a task for the Harpers - we let Tank care of it. He enraged, Ruzzel put improved invisibility on Tank, then Tank used his sword of flame - complete success. We then tried to find Montaron, but no luck - did find a few heal potions and a few spells we were missing though. Turns out this bird we found was an assassin - tough break Xzar - since Xzar couldn't use his staff or bracers anymore, the party used them for upgrades.


While we were in the area, we started the task for Renal Bloodscalp. We will try to get that necklace from the priestess of Talos next session.

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Unfortunately my knowledge of what trap does what is very, very limited. :( Kathlen had 69 HPs. I couldn't imagine that being insufficient for a damage trap.
I should make a BG trap guide... mentioning not just their locations but also their effects.

Sorry to see Kathlen exploring not wisely, but too well.  For an illusionist, mirror images would be an obvious ploy before triggering damage traps - did you try that?  The acid blob traps like that one (and one in Rayic's room) do a maximum of something like 80 HPs I think.  69 is on the high side, but I wouldn't risk it unprotected with those HPs (though I probably would with mirrors, which is no doubt why I also die in traps from time to time :D).

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@Grond0, there were some MI's lleft from her encounter with Neb, but I understand now I should have refreshed.
Haha I know you have a history of falling to traps. Anyhow, thanks for the tip!

@Epsil0, hopefully your pack has made it through Irencius Dungeon :)
@Corey, slow but steady :)


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The other thing I will do when being cautious is to use vampiric touch and/or LMD on summons to boost HPs past the point of danger.  Typically my mage characters will do that to make sure they survive Irenicus' dungeon before falling back into my bad habits ...

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Rhythm's record of his travels in Amn, entry 1:

Date: Unknown. Several... what, days? Weeks? Imoen claims it was weeks. Since we overthrew Sarevok, and 12 or so hours since escaping.


I suppose I should introduce myself. Well, if anyone finds these ratty pieces of parchment that I'm scribbling this out on in this portal room while I keep watch for the other four, I'm Rhythm. Or at least that's how friends call me. Gorion's Ward or the Lonely Child of Candlekeep or even the Pacifist Bhaalspawn may bring recognition; I've been known as these as well over the course of the past two - no, if Imoen is right, closer to three, months since Gorion was slain by Sarevok and all this pandemonium really began. Or in the case of the Lonely Child of Candlekeep, the past... 20 years. Brings back memories of monks calling me and Imoen that, though how we were both lonely I still don't quite understand. But I digress.


I awoke this... morning? Evening? There's no windows, and no way of keeping track of time. I'm going to claim morning. Since we were captured, my memory's been a haze of flashes of bright lights, a deep malicious voice cursing me and even Gorion for my absolute lack of preparation. I can't remember too much, but from what I can piece together my captor's trying to increase my power to do... something. And almost all the "preparation" that this man, this craven cur, and that's an insult to all dogs out there, had to do with getting me to kill something or someone.


I suppose I should explain this too. I've already introduced myself as a Bhaalspawn, the deceased god of murder (ironic, isn't it?) so can't it be assumed that with his blood coursing through my veins, that I've killed my fair share? Well, no. Gorion's teachings. From an early age, he drilled this into me: I was not to even harm a single living being, outside of insects. I think I would've killed myself if I couldn't swat mosquitoes. But I digress again. He knew all along I was a Bhaalspawn, of course, and he realized that danger would follow me wherever I went, maybe precisely of because who I was. He taught me to manipulate the Weave in a different way than most; I can magically boost the accuracy and weight behind any blows that I choose, as well as giving those same allies a weak deflection aura around them. In this way, he taught me to fight without killing. No one has died directly to my blade, which I hope is enough. Gorion's last note to me noted that I was quite possibly the only hope that the entire continent wouldn't be drowned in blood, and only, ONLY, if I never kill a soul. Otherwise Alaundo's prophecies would unfold in the other direction, and death will strike the land without mercy.


Anyhow. This man failed to get me to kill anything in the time he's had me captive, not for lack of trying though. He modified my ability to affect the Weave, swapping out a couple of my memorized spells for anything aggressive; in accordance to Gorion's principle, I have not memorized a single spell that could possibly directly kill somebody, so that failed. He was called away from this... torture session, I suppose, by a golem mentioning something about intruders. The man, who I know now is Jon Irenicus, teleported away to deal with this threat, but not before he cast a quick spell to knock me back into unconsciousness. Next thing I remember is hearing Imoen's voice, urging me to get up and GO.


She had a haunted look in her eyes, and a fearful quiver in her usually-cheerful that I hadn't heard before, even through the peril of Sarevok and all the troubles of the Sword Coast. As soon as I stood, she tried to dart away, claiming there was equipment in the next room, but I grabbed her arm and forced her to look me in the eyes. I had only just begun my question in as stern a manner I could before she divined my intentions; no, this Irenicus had not forced her, as I had greatly feared. If he had... violated... and broken... the only childhood friend I ever had, the one who's been with me through thick and thin... Gorion's principles might have been very heavily defied, consequences be damned. I nodded, and made to let go of her arm, when she shook her head slightly and told me to keep holding on. Surprised, I asked why; she answered that Irenicus had, in fact, done something to her, though.


Her soft flesh turned hard as rock beneath my fingers as she muttered a few words. I let go in shock; the last I knew, while Imoen was fiddling slightly with Tarnesh' spell book from all that time ago, she had never grown powerful in the Weave. Now she managed to cast, with no effort, a spell of the fourth circle of the Arcane Weave. I can't even - well, couldn't even - do that myself, and Gorion himself could only cast up to the fifth circle from memory. It was the same level Neera could cast at, wherever she vanished off to; I DO remember her attempting to cast a spell when we were ambushed, only to be teleported away by some wild surge. Imoen explained hurriedly; she was, through some manipulation of Irenicus', a very competent mage herself now. She had comprehended more than I had about his conversations with her. He was also preparing her for something, though what it was, she didn't know either. She said he mentioned a fitting trade though, siblings for siblings. I have no idea what she meant, but from hereon out, there was no time to ask questions. Imoen beckoned with her stony arm - it's going to get used to her as a powerful spell caster - she was right. It was time to go.


We found armor and weapons in the next room, as well as a key to another cage in another room. In the next room, there were two people, one I recognized instantly. Jaheira! So she was also here, alive; indeed, she's very much alive, if her snoring is any indication. If she and Khalid didn't get a different tent or room when we stayed at an inn, I think that snore would've driven me absolutely batty. If I'm not already, that is. Jury's still out on that. (And Imoen does NOT get a say on that jury. We both know what she'll say, but we also both know she's completely biased.) The second was a tall, brawny man; it took me awhile to process his face, but eventually I remembered seeing him at Nashkel months ago.


The conversations were short and hurried; we had no idea when this Irenicus would come back, and I had already wasted so much time talking with Imoen, not even three feet out of my cell. Imoen did bring a smile to my face for the first time in awhile as she practically jumped at Jaheira, stone and all! But there's time for information, and time to get-the-heck-out-of-Amn. It was now the latter, which both of them comprehended... to a point. This man, Minsc, isn't bright. At all. He understands violence, and staying alive, but he's concerned with the death of a certain mage - Dynaheir, who we rescued from a pack of gnolls in the past. He'll definitely be of use getting out of this dungeon, and he's proven his worth with his sword, but Gorion taught me to surround myself not with just warriors, but intelligent ones who understood why I had to do what I do, why I have to avoid killing anything. I tried talking to Minsc about that earlier, and he simply cannot understand why I don't enjoy fighting and the killing of things. He even held down a Mephit at one point for me to take the finishing blow, before Jaheira swiped the head off the creature with her paws. He'll probably be dismissed to report Dynaheir's demise once we escape.


Khalid, my other guardian and loyal fighter, was and is still nowhere to be found, nor Neera, though after her accidental teleportation I wasn't expecting much else from her. Wish they both were here; I'm sure they'd have something helpful to say. Well, Khalid at least. Neera might want to get back at me for the whole "smarter than a goblin" exchange I teased her with. Anyways. Enough about those missing in action, or in inaction, as the case may be.


The halls are infested with Duergar and Mephits, though with the aid of my manipulation of the Weave, my three current companions, minus Yoshimo of course, made easy work of them. There was even an Otyugh and a Cambion mixed into the group. More mindless killings, though we tried numerous times to negotiate with the Duergar, to no avail. One, the apparent leader of this band, was carrying a bunch of acorns, which we discovered the use of a bit later.


We found a group of dryads, and by the words that they were saying or rather not saying, this Irenicus HAD indeed ravaged them. Imoen was being saved for some purpose then, or someone, since it apparently wasn't against his morals, whatever little he has, to rape somebody. I could see her face turn pale, and there're still fingernail marks in my palms. I should probably cut them. Right, right. Digressions. These three dryads said that they could be released, in fact the ONLY way to release them was to return the acorns we found to someone called the "Fairy queen" or something in the Windspear hills. Never heard of them, though this should probably be done as soon as humanly, or in my case half-elvenly, possible.


Nothing else of interest has really been found, or at least nothing I can make sense of. Imoen raided a room past the dryads, and two badly-put golems almost immediately beset us, yelling something about "the mistress' sanctuary" or something of the sort. No idea what that means, the dryads had no idea what that means, and Imoen came out with a couple keys and assorted items. There was one thing though interesting in those items: the pommel gem of a famous sword, the Equalizer, that I've really only heard of in legend. No idea what happened to the rest of the sword, though. We also found a portal to the elemental plane of air, of all things! A genie there bargained for his release from this living hell, which I would've done even without the dagger he gave us.


Anyways. Shift's almost up, candle's getting short, and the moving lights of this portal really aren't conducive to good handwriting and eyesight. We're jumped through the second portal, where we encountered Yoshimo. Though he hasn't said as much, I think he's part of the team that's assaulting this base, and for now, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, especially where my abilities with the Weave come into play. Minsc is stirring now; he's up next, and I need to ready my own Weave manipulations; I can now also cast a single spell of the fourth Arcane Circle.


Rhythm, signing off.



This... if I keep going at this pace... is going to take FOREVER. Gameplay-wise, I'm almost out of Irenicus' dungeon: just the Assassin encounter remaining. Rhythm got to level 10 before resting at the Portal room where you meet Yoshimo; with a recasting of Find Familiar the next morning, his health now stands at 75. Here are the stats as they stand right now (not at the portal room; I didn't take enough screenshots of all the stats to figure those out.)


Records: (including BG1)

Rhythm: level 10 Skald, 75 HP (12 from familiar.) 0 kills. Favorite weapon: Sap. Favorite spell: CLW

Jaheira: Level 7/9 Fighter/Druid, 74 HP. 306 kills. Favorite weapon: Wolf Shapeshift Token. Favorite spell: CLW. Most powerful vanquished: Angelo. 3 deaths.

Imoen: Level 9/7 Dualed Mage/Thief, 63 HP. 266 kills. Favorite weapon: Shortbow. Favorite spell: Armor. Most powerful vanquished: Shoal the Nereid. 1 death.

Minsc: Level 9 Ranger. 93 HP. 41 kills. Favorite weapon: Sword of Chaos +2. Favorite spell: CLW. Most powerful vanquished: Cambion (he REALLY hated this Cambion. Two critical hits in a row...)

Yoshimo: Level 10 Bounty Hunter. 76 HP. 3 kills. Favorite weapon: Bow and arrow. Most powerful vanquished: Duergar.

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This... if I keep going at this pace... is going to take FOREVER.

Nice story though - I'm sure it would be worth dedicating your life to :P.

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Quad multiplayer attempt 2 - (update 5)

Grond0, Dogdancing, corey_russell, Gate70


After a bit of an Easter break the Quad were back on duty today - although a few glitches (apparently due to the reflection shield being corrupted) meant it was about 40 minutes before they were able to get into some proper action.


Eventually under way they reported the demise of the fallen paladins before heading into the temple sewers.  The party's newest member was Avenger, a freshly created undead hunter, in place of Corthief who was chunked last time.  Although starting with just 89,000 XP his low AC made him immediately able to mix it in melee and the rakshasa's cloak gave a further slight boost to that.



Static had obviously been made a bit impatient by the waiting to get going and was being quite aggressive.  That resulted in him being first stuck in a web (though while in the shadows) before being level drained by a vampiric mist.  


After getting that treated he was drained again by a wraith, but this time didn't bother with treatment.  His thieving skills have been mainly used to boost stealth and with find traps ability of 25 and open locks of 35 he's not going to be too useful at those tasks for quite a while.  As a result Avenger took his life in his hands to walk through the prismatic spray trap near the bridge


before Wewa successfully fought off the effects of the petrification trap.  Between those traps Avenger tanked the undead and a lone gauth - the Shield of Balduran making that easy.


After talking to Tad the party made their way downstairs to find some more undead.  Once more Avenger tanked those - after being told by Static not to bother wasting a PfU scroll on a group led just by a skeleton warrior - they fell without trouble.


Just before going into the beholder area proper it was Wewa's turn to get a bit over-aggressive.  She looked in severe danger after being paralysed by a ghast, but fortunately Avenger had the RoAC available to turn her invisible.  


The beholders were no trouble with the SoB; the priests in the central area did a fair amount of damage despite largely being silenced by 3 charges from Namarra, but the odd potion kept everyone in good health.  


The Unseeing Eye itself was eventually closed by Carthus.



After returning the rod to the temple Gaal died to a backstab.  Carthus then did a nice job of setting up the elite guards with stunning blows - allowing Static free backstabs at 3 more of those.


On the way out of the sewers Carthus got a bit close to Tarnor's group and they turned hostile - but everyone quickly backed away and left them for another day.



Stats (cont. from BG1):

Grond0 - Static, fighter 10 / thief 12, 87 HPs, 553 kills

Dogdancing - Wewa, monk 12, 61 HPs, 118 kills, 8 deaths

Gate70 - Carthus, monk 12, 71 HPs (incl. 6 from ioun stone), 310 kills, 6 deaths

corey_russell - Avenger, undead hunter 8, 93 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 47 kills, 0 deaths

                  - Corthief, fighter 9 / thief 12, 87 HPs, 307 kills, 5 deaths (chunked)

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Heya! It's me: Alesia.


I'm just writing to let everyonel know that I'm back from my trip and ready to start a new run. I haven't gotten up to date on everyone's progress yet, but I'll do so soon.


Good hunting everyone!






@Blackraven. I'm sorry to hear about Kathlen. Like Grond0, I use MI and VT to protect my arcane characters from traps. Other spells that I find helpful for this purpose are Blur (save bonus), Improved Invisibility, (save bonues), Spirit Armor (save bonus), Stoneskins, Minor Spell Deflection, Protection from Fire, Protection from Acid, Protection from Electricity, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Immunity:Conjuration, Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Deflection and Protection from Energy. The particular combination of spells that I'll use depends on the circumstances.


The L5 arcane spell Protection from Acid will protect against acid blob traps. A Protection from Acid scroll can be purchased from Jayes in Waukeen's Promenade.


@Epsil0. I'm glad to see Rhythm singing his way to victory. Keep up the good work!

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I'm just writing to let everyone know that I'm back from my trip and ready to start a new run.

Looking forward to it already :rolleyes:.


Brat - dwarf berserker (update 4)
After a few days in limbo Brat and his gang of trouble-makers were on the warpath again this morning.  As signalled previously they are no longer doing a true RP run as I was finding that too tedious, so they are benefiting from meta-game knowledge about who to speak to, location of traps etc.  However, I will still be assuming they have no knowledge before deciding what action or reaction they will use during encounters.
Back in Athkatla there were more party problems as Aerie was summoned to help Quayle an instant before Reviane arrived to try and arrest Jaheira.  Surprisingly, that was the first time that the party had seen the need to use arcane spells in the city and they were immediately warned about their future behaviour.  
That was a hard fight and there were even a couple of healing potions used, but eventually the party triumphed.  
One of the enemies had some full plate armour that Brat gleefully grabbed.
After resting up, Minsc was keen for the party to go to Umar, so after Brat checked with Quayle that his quest was not urgent, they travelled there.  They reported to the mayor and supplied some boys with swords and ale, but just warned Jeb not to be rude (therefore missing out on the beljuril).  Brat's rage saved him against the mimic and he made short work of that.  
Brat's experiences to date have made him less credulous than he once was and Madulf and his gang suffered as a result.
After picking up Ilbratha from a grateful mage the party travelled to the temple area.  Jaheira spoke to Dermin there and renounced her harper status before Minsc got the killing blow against Anath.  
Resting after that combat, Yoshimo had some thoughts in their discussion around the camp fire:
"Brat, that cowlie we helped at the village - well, I been thinking.  You know his friends in Athkatla warned us against using spells there.  I heard you can pay for a license, but thems acting like a bunch of thieves not mages and I don' know if you want to cough up for that.  You do know that my traps work just fine whether on thief or wizard don't you ..."
Inside the temple Mazzy produced a convincing argument that she was not a shadow, but Brat was not swayed enough to invite her to join the party.  
The undead groups within the temple were just led by skeleton warriors, which didn't detain the party long.  During that Jaheira gained a level and the ability to summon a fire elemental.  At the end of the dungeon Yoshimo demonstrated what his traps could do against a worthy target ...  
That was easy as they had already scouted the location in advance.  They had not checked out the location of Shade Lord outside the back entrance in advance, but his initial spell was disrupted by ranged fire
and, though he resisted an insect plague, massed attacks took him down moments later anyway.
Once more in Umar some rangers spoiling for a fight signalled where Valygar was hiding.  Brat was swayed by his loathing of the Cowled Wizards and Minsc's pleas on behalf of a fellow-ranger though and agreed to let him join the party for a while.
Back in Athkatla Dermin gave Jaheira a final warning, while Aerie was nagging Brat about helping Raelis Shai.  The first port of call though was the Planar Sphere where Valygar opened the door.  He was determined to go straight on in, but Brat said he already had too many other commitments and parted company there.  Generously though he allowed Valygar to keep the magic ammunition he had been provided with.
Still in the Slums the final action of the session was to go and pay Gaelan Bayle. That took Brat to level 10.  I'm not sure yet whether he will crack on with the main quest next, do some of the other work already agreed to, or end the menace of the Cowled Wizards ...
Life is confusing.  Things seemed so simple back in Candlekeep, but now it appears that everyone I meet either wants to kill me or seeks my help - if only I could at least be sure which was which!  Perhaps a good night's sleep will make my future choices clearer.

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Alright, so much for journaling; like Alesia, I just want to play BG!  :P The play's still somewhat role-played in my head, but no more spending two hours writing for a half hour of gameplay... Maybe after I die succeed.


Rhythm, Half-elf Skald, update 2:


So, activities of note: as I had planned, I released Minsc from my service almost as soon as I left Irenicus' dungeon, giving him the Sword of Chaos and a Splint mail for his journey. We restore a circus to normal, with the amusing effect that all three remaining members leveled up after restoring Aerie. Rhythm gave me a scare as he was brought into low HP by two swipes from werewolf claws, which shouldn't have happened since they aren't supposed to do any damage, being illusionary and all... A potion fixed him up though. Aerie helps in the assault against Kalah, and I elect to have the sweet Avariel stay with Quayle for this portion of the run, anyways.


The plan is to gather my planned team: Rhythm, Jaheira, Yoshimo, Anomen, Rasaad, and Neera before rushing to save Imoen. Part one: get Anomen. Simple. As an aside, this is one thing I love about single-classed Thief or Bard classes: your NPCs start out at high levels. Part two: Bridge district, do some stuff, come back north to trigger the encounter with Neera. Unfortunately for me, the stuff I chose to do was the Skinner quest, and without proper invisibility detection available. Yoshimo ends up being chunked by the last Rune Assassin's Potion of Invisibility Backstab, as I was too miserly to spare a potion for him. Oops!


We see Neera, she heads to the Wild forest, and I need a thief again. Jan Jansen seems like the only real choice right now, since I don't really trust Nalia's level 4 Thief abilities. After recruiting him, he tells us the price of a magic license, which I'm all too happy to spend to avoid the Cowled Wizards. We head for the gates: Rasaad is at Trademeet, so that's going to be the quest line I'll be taking to get my 15k gold. We stop at the Wild Forest first to re-recruit Neera, and off we go to Trademeet. Second rest of the game to prepare for the trolls, so this would be where I wrote my second journal that may or may not ever happen.


I soon realize upon encountering the trolls that there's a really, really big problem with my not having done any other quest line: I have almost no magic weapons. Rasaad's +1 fists and the Skeleton Warrior's +1 swords are basically the only things that can physically connect with the Spirit trolls which thankfully are NOT disabling everything they see with Greater Command. The number of Acid and Fire spells I have are limited as well. However, we manage to clear the Troll mound and continue after one rest before remembering this is SCS. The Druid Grove's upgraded.


Remember the fact that I have no magic weapons? Well, there's the spear of the unicorn. Which is very, very fortunate since that's the only weapon that can hit this monstrosity. Neera and Jan both unloaded their spell books on it beforehand, and Jaheira's non-proficient with spears. Whatever possessed me to make a team where the two warriors are restricted to Druid and Cleric weapons and the other members are all restricted to Thief weapons?


The two Druid Fights are dealt with by scrappy fights with the Skeleton Warriors and a couple Chaos spells from the dual mages. Next stop of the upgraded grove is the set of fungal colonies on that bridge. Anomen deals with that after a rest by casting Blade Barrier. Jan unveils the Rakshasa, preventing me from spending any of my meager coffer on potions. I try again with a Blade Barrier, but none of the three Rakshasa's took damage from it. Continuing on, Rasaad is confused and killed by a couple Myconids, and talking to Cernd teleports me past the last Druid fight. I'm afraid they'll disappear if he wins the challenge, and Gnasher is crucial at this point, being a +2 weapon that Jaheira has proficiency in, so we leave.


The fight is absolute chaos. Without any of my summons, and still having to get through Iron Skins without being disabled by any Insect Plagues, as well as Grizzly bears we skipped past also reinforcing from the east... Two of the druids summon a Fire Elemental and two Greater Werebears. (What mod changed this, by the way? I don't think they're supposed to summon these ridiculous creatures, even from a 6th level Priest spell!) Anomen is killed, and Jan throws a fast Invis 10' to get the rest of the team out of danger. All of their portraits, save Rhythm, are covered in red. One druid out of 3 fell during the chaos.


Rest and Harper's call, repeat the engagement. Another druid falls before Jan has to hit the escape button; only the warrior remains. One more rest, one more fight, they're finally all dead and we now having Gnasher for Jaheira. Going back into the challenge pit area, Cernd and Faldorn begin their fight again. Well, Faldorn does. Cernd just stands there. Since the end is generally scripted anyways, I don't feel bad about intervening with a Control-Y to destroy Faldorn and fix the chain of events.


I forget how little gold you get until you also get the Djinns out of the place. I don't know their scripts, so I elect to fight the Rakshasas. Well, probably fight. The issue of magic weapons is still there. Jaheira gets them to waste all their spell dodging in and out, and with Rhythm singing invisibly I hope that she can melee them to death with Gnasher. This fails epically; she can't hit without a critical, though that goes for them as well. Three of them though, and she ends up dying. I'm about to call it quits when I bring Anomen in to summon as many things as possible to distract the tiger-ladies. One of the summons was Summon Animals... Which brings me my own Greater Werebears, and the two of them to my surprise absolutely maul the three and ending the battle at full health. Well.


Skin dancer quest is finished. Feuding families are dealt with by giving it to the High Lord. Back to Athkatla to buy the shadow thieves favor, and right now we're doing minor side quests while waiting for night, and Mook.


Current team: Rhythm, Jaheira, Anomen, Neera, Rasaad, and currently Clara instead of Jan as we clear out Hexxat's quest. That upstart vampire's going to die.  :ph34r:

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Nice start there Epsil0. I find the Djinns easier and more rewarding than the Rakshasas, but glad you pulled through.

@Alesia, good to see you back! I hope you had a great trip :D
Thanks for the tips re: the traps. My next Cleric/Illusionist shall avoid as many BG2 traps as possible because I don't know very well what most of them do. The avoiding is a challenge in itself, for me, Blackraven.
Good luck deciding on your next character!

@Grond0, keep up the good work.


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Brat - dwarf berserker (update 5)
On the way to see Aran Linvail Sansuki called for help.  I decided Brat's rage should last long enough to deal with the vampires - and it did.
Immediately after that Jaheira disappeared yet again and Brat went to the Harper Hold in search of her.  Some mercenaries guarding the entrance didn't last long and, after Jaheira rejoined the party, further mercenaries were hampered by a stinking cloud.  An insect plague then shut down the casters, but not before all the mercenaries were hasted and they proved able to hit Brat quite easily.  He eventually resorted to a potion of speed to avoid further attacks and needed a CLW from Aerie to ensure he survived the loss of his rage just as the last of the enemies fell.
The vampires suffered further setbacks as the party dealt with Parisa on the way to sort out Lassal.  
An orog ambush on the way to the Bridge District didn't detain them long and the Guild Contact managed to survive just long enough to allow a hold to take effect.
Emerging from the Five Flagons, more vampires led by Tanova started homing in on them while Brat was still in a post-rage fatigued state.  Quickly ducking back into the inn the party buffed up before smacking down the vampires.
After resting again Aerie made some smart-ass sarcastic comment about helping Raelis Shai next time they were in the vicinity of the inn.  
Although not previously intending to do that, Brat was caught at a bad moment and agreed to go and talk to her.  He was directed to look for Haer'Dalis in the Temple Sewers.  Aerie said she had a rough idea of where to go and that proved to be the case (I gave her a 60% chance of being correct and the Excel random generator came up with a figure of 0.597972!).  Aerie didn't know that there was trouble lurking on the way, but Yoshimo scouted ahead in the shadows and reported a well-armed group including a mage who was able to cast true sight.  After 2 of those had expired there was no further attempt to unmask Yoshimo and Jaheira produced some summons before the party showed itself.  
Gaius survived Yoshimo's opening backstab and somehow managed to avoid being affected by an insect plague.  He first scared the fire elemental off with a symbol:fear, then PW:stunned Yoshi before finishing him off with a FoD.  
He also disintegrated a nymph, but with his death the others were left pretty defenceless and quickly put out of their misery.
After resting, Aerie raised Yoshimo and the party continued on to find Mekrath - dismissing Keldorn's offer to accompany them before discovering his secret door.  The mage no doubt would have been willing to do a deal for Haer'Dalis' freedom, but Brat didn't find the appropriate conversation responses
and quickly called for a retreat.  Some summons soaked up Mekrath's dangerous spells before Brat led the way back in.  He was hit by some spell damage, including a bouncing lightning bolt, before Jaheira cast an insect plague on Yoshimo that jumped to the mage and shut him up for good. 
Another rest then allowed Yoshimo to scout out enemies for a nymph confusion to take hold on the yuan-ti mage accompanying some salamanders - allowing a relatively easy victory there.  
The party have made their way back to Raelis Shai and watched her being kidnapped.  Brat will be, reluctantly, following her next time.
Events continue to conspire against me.  I still feel that we need to track down Imoen as soon as possible, but other party members seem to have so many other problems of their own.  I do not believe that Aerie would be capable of rescuing Raelis Shai on her own and have given my word to help her.  After that though I will expect everyone to concentrate on Imoen's cause.

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Oof. A touch of carelessness and a wild surge in an area where I most DEFINITELY didn't want one leads to a scripted end to Rhythm's run. While I was sending Rhythm to talk to Aran Linvail, I had Neera resupply her MMM's... And she let off a real fireball in the area in a wild surge instead, turning all the shadow thieves aggressive and so Aran killed Rhythm by script.


I'll continue on for a bit to experiment with the mods, though, with a save before that, but Rhythm is out of the No-Reload challenge in any case.

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@Episilo: A very interesting way to end, but tough break nonetheless. 


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@Epsil0, bonus points for originality, but my sympathies nonetheless. 
Hope to see you back soon with a new creation.


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Condolences Epsil0. Wild friends can lead to trouble. BG is like life in that way.  :P


Good luck with your next attempt.





Charlestonian Knight Templar

Charlestonian Knight Templar
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So the three of us started to try to find our way out of this Dunjon. We were tripping over the corpses of rogues strewn all over the floor.  We finally found a room that contained seven Lightning Mephits & a machine that shot lightning out randomly. Luckily Lightning Mephits don’t pack much of a punch & we took care of business there & found a mechanism to turn off the Lightning Machine. Having finished them & turned off the lighting machine we looked behind us w/o finding a way out we had no choice but to go forward. In the next room was a Djinni that posed a riddle to Imoen before releasing an Ogre Mage on us for being right in our response. Unfortunately we were not at our best & didn’t kill the thing before it disappeared. The Djinni, nonetheless, told us to find Rielev to aid us which we eventually did.  We then found a room full of tanks of some liquid filled w/the bodies of humans past any hope. There were also Mist Mephit & Ice Mephit but they aren’t there anymore. We killed 11 Goblins four w/Short Bow & Short Sword, seven w/Short Sword in the hallways (I’ve never seen a Goblin before – there were Kobolds galore in/around the Sword Coast but no Goblins.  We moved on trying in vain to find an exit, before we found a library where we killed a Smoke Mephit & six Goblins, two w/Short Bow & Short Sword & three w/Short Sword before reminiscing for a moment over hoe the library reminded Imoen & I of Candlekeep. We kept moving back into a hallway that led us to a room full of six Duerger, two w/Light Crossbow, the rest w/Battle Axes or Warhammers.  Man those things have a crummy disposition.  We killed them & found some loot before we continued down the only hall leading out of there, past a door we couldn’t open & where Imoen found a huge trap in the hallway. She brilliantly Removed Trap before we moved on and found a room at the end of at the hall. Once again there was a welcoming party, or rather a single Cambion. If anyone ever reads this, suffice it to say that a Cambion is the offspring of a Succubus & a mortal man.  They’re nasty but w/the Demon Knight, Aec’Letec & Sarevok in our wake he was little trouble once Imoen figured out how to turn off his protective barrier.  This being a dead end we turned around and tried a door just down the hall but it wouldn’t open.  We found a room w/a Smoke Mephit & a huge Golem.  We killed the Mephit & but, once again, the Golem wasn’t hostile.  He said something about conducting his duties for the master but I couldn’t get him to do anything until he told me about a stone in a room we’d passed earlier that contained another one of those tanks w/a barely living creature inside.  We’d helped him to die & escape his torture but didn’t see the stone the first time. Minsc retrieved it and we activated him w/it so he took off down the hall & we never saw him again. We continued back tracking, killing three Goblins w/Short Bows & Battle Axes in a narrow hall before coming into a room w/a nasty Otyugh that popped me good & Slowed me but I finally killed him.  We found some decent treasure including a key of some sort. We then found a really nice room but it radiated great danger &, sure enough, Imoen Found & Removed three traps before we were able to loot the place (including a strange statue that turned out to be important) & a leading to the left to a giant wheel that found ourselves on a little dirt road near some beautiful trees where we met three gorgeous Dryads.  They told us they too were prisoners of, Irenicus.  So that was out captor.  It just so happened that we’d picked up some acorns we found earlier (we learned to pick up things that seem out of place in Durlag’s Tower & now we’re in the habit of it). The acorns were just what they needed to escape but we’d have to take them out of the dungeon to their queen to free them.  We found an immaculate, but dangerous, room filled w/about six traps that Imoen handled before she picked up some decent treasure, a key like the first one & a key of a different sort. As we departed we were attacked by two Lesser Clay Golem’s which I guess reacted to a bell that rung when were first entered the last room. We left there & returned to that door we couldn’t open b/c Imoen insisted the statue would fit in a little whole she’d seen in the floor. We passed thru & found ourselves on a dock in the Elemental Plane of Air. Down the dock a long extension to the left led us to battle an Air Mephit & Mist Mephit & another Air Mephit & Smoke Mephit.  Continuing, Imoen moved ahead Finding Traps Invisibly & returned to tell us there were five more Mephits; Ice, Magma, Mephit, Steam & Air. Minsc & I attacked the Magma Mephit first, then knocked them out one @ a time. A little to the left was a circular dock w/a Djinni that we released from a bottle.  He wanted a flask that could fully release him in exchange for something he had of mine?  He mentioned the flask might be w/one of the Golems or his concubine Dryads & we found it w/the latter. We returned, freed him, & gained a Sword of Chaos. I don’t know how it was mine since I use a Bastard Sword but Minsc loves it, especially since he lost Spiders Bane. We took the odd key we’d just found & went to one of those mirrors (we’d seen another back by the cells we’d been kept in).  The key walked us right through into a gate to another level. 


We tumbled onto a floor in a room w/another mirror but more remarkable b/c I found another follower, or at least someone else who wanted out of here. His name was Yoshimo & I’m not sure his exact skills but I’m sure he hails from Kara-Tur, east of Faerûn on Toril. Between Kara-Tur and Faerûn stretches the Hordelands for hundreds of miles.  (I actually have him kitted as a Ninja as I have Valygar kitted as a Samurai). Yoshima joined w/us & was able to give us the information to pass thru the next two rooms. The next contained Ice Mephit, Magma Mephit, Radiant Mephit & four Mephit Portals. The portals, themselves, had to be knocked out b/c they produced the Mephits one after another just as Yoshimo had told us they would.  Continuing we found another room w/those tanks filled w/liquid but these all contained clones of the same woman. One of them had escaped & was fighting an assassin, who she dispatched before turning on us. Sadly we killed the Clone.  It then became trial & error looking for a passage out.  We killed Ice Mephit & Assassin & then six Goblins, two w/Short Bow & Short Sword & four w/Short Sword, an assassin.  The next room was trapped galore but we’d been picking up those keys I mentioned.  There was a Duerger & an assassin in the middle of the room but they were killed by the traps.  Imoen worked along the left wall unlocking one wand @ a time, we had five of six we needed but Imoen showed us how to skirt the one we didn’t. Then we found a room off of that one on the center left wall.  Two assassins, one a mage were fighting a Vampiress. We helped the mage @ first as her companion was dead & we weren’t yet sure she was an assassin. We killed the Vampiress & then had to kill the mage when she attacked us. On the other side of the room was another forge room w/six Goblins, four w/Battle Axes & two w/Short Bow & Short Sword which we dispatched.  Off to left in another alcove we four Duerger’s, two w/magic ability. I was incapacitated w/a Horror Spell while Imoen, Minsc & Yoshimo dusted them.  When I finally got my wits, they’d gathered the loot & we moved to another room opposite the room w/the Vampiress.  There were two rooms, one w/some fat, weird little dude begging us to get him out w/a key in a nearby chest. We loaded up on some loot but the fat guy stayed right up our butts the whole time until he turned into a Doppelganger & gave his life for his trouble.  Finally we found the tunnel that led to a room w/three Assassins one of whom accused us of being Shadow Thieves. We couldn’t convince them we just wanted out so we killed them before finding a staircase @ the far end of the room with a passage way leading up above ground where there was obviously a battle raging.                     


Key Event: At first there were what turned out to be Shadow Thieves attacking the Mage Irenicus.  He blasted them & Imoen, in her rage, blasted him w/her Magic Missiles when suddenly a bunch of unknown mages appeared. The later turned out to be the Cowled Wizards. Before I knew it, they arrested Irenicus, who appeared to go of his own accord & insisted that Imoen go too. Poof. She was gone, they all were. This all happened so quickly, my mind is still in Baldur’s Gate & yet my body is what I now know to be Athkatla & my best & oldest friend is captive to a mysterious group of wizards.  


We got into Athkatla, unloaded our loot, & tried to find an inn w/room for the three of us in Waukeen’s Promenade but couldn’t. We had to head through an area called The Slums where we were approached by a man named Gaelan who said he could help me find Imoen.  We had to follow him to his house where he offered to introduce us to the Shadow Thieves for only 20k gold.  In the end I see no option right now.  He had his nephew take us to a place called the Copper Coronet where I was able to find three adventurer’s to help me find the gold I needed. The first is, Auren Aseph of the Fighter/Apprentice Class & has already shown her incredible skill w/a long sword.  The second is a noble w/Rogue skills but is dressed as a mage, her name is Nalia. She is anxious to get our help in ridding her land of some attackers.  The last called himself a Warrior Cleric (Watcher of Helm).  They all seem to be safe to travel with.  We finally found a room in a place called the Bridge District, where we were informed by the Captain of the Guard that some grisly murders had been taking place there of late. Nalia seemed to think we needed to help them out despite her desire to get home & save her land.    


Treasure of Note: (Purse = 3,936 gold) Armor/Weapons: Bastard Sword +1 (Gawain); Dagger +1 (Imoen); Quarter Staff +1 (sold); Helm of Infravision (sold); Bracers of Defense AC8 (sold); Two-Handed Sword of Chaos +2 (Minsc); Girdle of Bluntness (Gawain)Splint Mail x3 (Minsc & I, one sold); three sets of Chain Mail;  Gems/Jewelry/Gold: Laeral’s Tear Necklace;  Potions: Extra Healing x11; Scrolls: Dispel Magic; Fireball; Wands: five: Frost, Monster Summoning, Cloudkill…


Current Disposition  Resting @ Mae’Vars Guildhall in the Bridge District


Next Steps:   Nalia seems to want to help solve the murders in Athkatla, despite wanting to get to her lands ASAP. We’ll start here & if she gets antsy, we’ll head there & return. Right now I need gold to try & find Imoen. 


Level Up:  None


Current Party: (Reputation: 12 Average)

·         Gawain: Ftr/9, (HP105); Splint Mail w/Medium Shield, Ring of Protection +1, Girdle of Bluntness & Bastard Sword*****

·         Auren Aseph: Ftr (Apprentice//9), (HP68  )Studded Leather +1 w/Long Sword +1***** (SWS**)

·         Anomen: Ftr/Watcher of Helm//8/8, (HP51); Splint Mail +1 w/Delryn Family Shield & Mace +1***,(Warhammer*, SSS**)

·         Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/9), HP76; Mail of the Dead +2 w/Two-Handed Sword of Chaos +2***, (Mace**, THWS**)

·         Yoshimo: Thief (Ninja/11), HP64; Studded Leather +1 w/Katana +1***, Darts +1*

·         Nalia:  Mage/Thief//9/10, (HP54); Studded Leather +1 w/Short Bow +1* & Short Sword +2* (Dgr*, Crossbow*)


Mods Used: BG2 FixPack _v10; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; NPC Haldimir NPC for BG2_v2; Sarah NPC Romance Mod_v4; NPC Angelo_v5; Tyris Flare NPC_v6; Auren Aseph NPC_v9; Gavin NPC for BG2_v20111125 Beta &  Hotfix for Gavin for BG2_v20; Rogue Rebalancing; scs-v30 (- Tactical Challenges); bg2_tweaks-v16; Item Randomizer-v6.8; level1npcs-v1.9


Blue Font: New information;

Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)

(Best kill)(Current AI)

* Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class

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Nice to see you out of the dungeon CKT.  Hope that bodes well for a long run in BG2!