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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Serg BlackStrider

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@Alesia: sad news we have this morning... :( Hope you'll sort out your installation issues soon and looking forward for Aria's reincarnation (or whomever you'd choose) run in bug-free setup.


@Blackraven: grats on dealing with Bodhi! All the best wishes on dealing with her *brother*. 


Solid start, Grond0. Keep it on!

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Eren the survivor Episode 4
We do windspear hills and planar sphere today, something unexpected happened.
Thats a lotta vamps.. Slowly Anomen kills them one by one with his mace of disruption + turn undead. 
Without buffing but with skeleton warriors our strategy works against the party of 'excavators'.
Then the most awesome, gruesome thing happens. Anomen was argueing with Keldorn all the time about his failure getting into the most noble order of the radiant hart. Anomen has been calling the old paladin 'dog', 'I'd spit on you', and more such talk. They have been fighting but Keldorn has always stayed ferm and gentle. But then they get into this huge fight and Anomen ACTUALLY ATTACKS KELDORN!!
They both turn blue and Keldorn tries to hit anomen but he has -5 AC so cant connect the first 3 hits. Anomen starts chanting..
Then this happens
O my! I never expected this. Awesome! 
I shrugged it of as just another casualty of many.. And hey, it was a fair fight.. 
Bye Tazok, you were something in Baldurs gate now you are just fodder.
We kill conster with summons and leave Firekraag obviously (especially now that Keldorn is dead :(
Next is the planar sphere. I take a whole team. Same toxic strategy for the halflings.
Finally a pit fiend does something, he hurts Lavok. Why Lavok doesnt fight back though, I dunno :(..
Tolgarius falls to his own lackeys stinking cloud sequencers combined with one of our cloudkills.
Framerate drops here :(.
Demons fall easy and now we've done just about all we could do except for one thing. I want to go for Kangaxx next. I never fought him before but I want that ring, it seems amazing, and Im sure I can get there with summons again. 

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Thanks @Serg! I'm wishing you the best of luck with Impish Face's remaining jobs in the Underdark...

Tbh I'm worried about the first part of the Irenicus battle ('Shattered' Irenicus, with Wraith Sarevok, Orb of Fear, Sword of Greed, Dragon of Pride and Selfish Jon). I've only beaten that part of the game once, with ol' Norgath basically trapping the sword and the hive mother to death at their spawning points, and mazing the dragon and setting more traps to finish it off, strategies I now do not have at my disposal. Maybe I should go to Watcher's Keep to become as high level as possible. Scintilla still has two more Mage levels to obtain and three more Cleric levels,  but even with a couple more spells Irenicus is hell remains scary.

@Eren, what a great playthrough you're having. Very interesting to see Anomen kick Keldorn's ass. (Told you that character-wise CN Anomen is a great NPC.) I was surprised, maybe it's to do with Charname's CHA?

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OMG guys my next episode is going to be IN SANE...!......


Check it out as soon as I finish writing it up. Got a busy day today so probably going to be tomorrow.



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@Alesia: sad news we have this morning... :( Hope you'll sort out your installation issues soon and looking forward for Aria's reincarnation (or whomever you'd choose) run in bug-free setup.


Not so sad really. I had been considering retiring Aria on account of the install issues anyways. By that time I was playing with far less caution than I typically do. I'm ok with it.


Setting up an install that I'm comfortable with is really the challenge now. I want to play with v30, but I fear I'd need to do that in the GoG install and I really dislike running in windowed mode. Hopefully I'll get it squared.


In any event, good luck with Impish Face!






@Golden. Nice work! Hopefully this Eren will be the one. I'm looking forward to your next update.


@Blackraven. I can understand your trepidation heading into the Weimer Tactics Irenicus fight. I actually don't have that component installed, since I dislike the style of it, but I used to use that battle in the Tactics days. It's a bit like a puzzle. It can definitely be tricky if you aren't familiar with it. Sometimes it can be tricky even if you are. Good luck! I hope Scintilla pulls through!

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Edit: I started writing this two days ago and haven't had the chance to finish until today, and haven't kept up with updates. Sorry to see Aria fall due to more or less bugs, one way or the other: if not the lightning itself, the install bug that made you careless. Keep Scintilla alive, Blackraven! Take out Irenicus for the rest of us.  :P


Delta, human Kensai/Druid, update 2

Last update saw the overthrow of the slavers in Athkatla, to Aerie's grim satisfaction. We still don't have enough gold, and we certainly don't have the equipment to deal with the Balor in the Underdark: when all my melee fighters get +3 weapons they can use is generally when I finish the Vampire quests and go questing for Imoen. At the moment, only Minsc has a weapon that can damage that Balor with Lilarcor. And while it won't help, really, due to inability to equip it... The next chosen quest line to finish is the De'Arnise keep. Now that I'm not running Item Randomization myself, I'm not limiting myself to not using Rogue Rebalancing equipment. I mention this since Trollmelter is a dagger. It costs the majority of my current gold, but...


What Trollmelter does is adds +2 acid damage per hit, with +4 to Trolls. There's also a 15% chance that an additional 15 acid damage is dealt to Trolls. I can assure you of only one thing: Spirit trolls are dying. No mercy, no quarter. But first, since we're now taking dangerous routes... Suni Sena is crushed first. The acid damage is also good for disrupting casts, of course. :P  The first major battle in Nalia's keep, though, doesn't go quite so well. Yoshimo is again surrounded and killed, and Delta's Ironskins are stripped away with a Spirit troll and a Giant troll taking whacks on him. Without an Ioun stone, this is a bit more risky than I would've liked, so Delta drinks an Invisibility potion and makes a slight retreat to heal. The rest of the battle is a bit scrappy, but we slay all the trolls courtesy of Trollmelter. Harper's call bring Yoshimo up, and we continue.


The Yuanti mage upstairs failed to cast anything, as his first attempt was stopped by a 2 acid-damage hit, and the other strikes stripped him - her - it? of its Stoneskins before it could clear its aura. Glaucus had Dispel Magic cast on him: I'm not sure if this is the optimal solution, since IIRC he wears a Full Plate Mail, but what's done is done. The statues... I feel kind of dirty about this fight. All of the others sans the Iron Golem were killed in melee, but I couldn't figure out a way to kill the Iron Golem safely: again, only two weapons that can damage it are Lilarcor and now the FoA +3, both only wieldable by Minsc. I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain spell is overpowered, so I test it here. Call Animals: two greater Werebears appear, and wreck the Iron Golems face. I was watching their health statuses. Neither of them drop below Injured, and Injured was only there for a second. For fairness, I'm no longer going to ever prepare Call Animals unless I have no other recourse. One more rest is used since I forgot to use one of Aerie's 3rd level spells to remove the Clay Golem curse from Delta.


I made a slight mistake in the Umber Hulk fight. Nalia walked in range of one of their sights while trying to get off her Cloudkill; she didn't get confused, but I canceled her spell in a tad of a panic. Delta quickly shut the door, and I travelled upstairs to rest to either recharge the spell or use the Dog stew... But two of them followed me through a closed door and up the stairs, where they're summarily executed. The rest are dealt with under Ironskin, Barkskin, and Chaotic Commands. Torgal is then pulled invisibly by Nalia, and bludgeoned and stabbed to death after a bit of work. The game won't let me save though, so I travel upstairs... and both Umber Hulk Elders follow me somehow through another closed door and another set of stairs. I'm not actively trying to pull them across barriers, but... What happened happened. After killing them, there's only two Yuanti mages left, and I still have the majority of my summons in the dungeon to absorb spells. They fall, but not before annoying me to heck and back by summoning 4 Skeleton Warriors of their own; I'm low on health and resources at this point, but eventually Delta takes the last one down. And again without resting... We travel up, decline Nalia's offer, and lower the drawbridge to leave. And we're beset on both sides by something like 10 more trolls, when almost all our Skins are down, spells and hit points are also low, and due to dubious dialogue choices on my part Nalia left the party to manage her keep. A good number of potions had to be drunk, but we eventually prevail and make to leave the area.


Before we get there, we meet an evil nymph, courtesy of QuestPack, asking to give us Irenicus' dryads' acorns. I declined, and she ran. No idea if there's a followup. Back in Athkatla, one rest in the Copper Coronet and a ton of Summon Woodland Beings is enough to restore our health to something close to full. Even with Ironskins, it's time for an ioun stone. Thus, a trip to the Graveyard district ends the lives of multiple spiders and Paina, and Delta is finally immune to being one-shot at half-health. On the way to Aran, the first Vampire attack occurs; Delta ends up drained by 4 levels, Minsc by 2. Aerie restores them in the rest, and then we start a trip to the Bridge district to solve the murders when Renfeld's ambush occurs. As the first ambush, this is dealt with primarily with Delta rushing the mage in Wolf form, popping up into regular form, and Acid-interrupting him before the spells can be cast. Aerie attempted to help out with a Silence, but the only ones to fail the saves were my own party and Renfeld, and other random non-casters. Whoops.


To the Docks again, the Harper quest is fully solved: maybe due to Alesia's comments, for one of the first times I didn't abuse the area transitions to make the fight extraordinarily easy. The two Ghasts are killed before they can paralyze anyone, followed by the golem and finally the two mages in a mass swarm. It's not quite night yet for Mook's quest, so we get Jaheira cursed. And one of the very few set of screenshots I took this session...



Ployer's mage friends are not going to be in the house. Even without prebuffing installed, 3 high-level mages in a closed space while I'm currently barring myself from hiding from spell effects is pain. We rest once more to recharge our spells; in the above screenshot, you'll notice the lack of any active buff running on any character besides a single Ironskin on Jaheira. Prebek hit us with a dispel earlier, and we're vulnerable. After resting, we find Mook, put the AoP onto Delta, and he dukes it out with the vampire and easily wins. The sucker (in more ways than one) manages to get off an innate ability first, though, Cloud of Bats... which has the sole effect of stripping Aerie of her Stoneskins. This wouldn't be a problem if the Mugger fight in the Docks didn't choose now to engage, since her 44 HP doesn't take nicely to backstabs. A few potions and a bit of fancy running around secures her safety, though. Both 4th level slots are now Stoneskin just in case.  :D


We're just now continuing the Shadow thief quest line, saving Arledrian first as part of the Rogue Rebalancing mod, specifically the Equipment portion. He drops a +3 dagger that gives an additional +2 vs Vampires, 15% chance a hit vampire will be stunned, and Negative Plane Protection 3x per day. Normally, I would say no... But upgraded vampires are in play against me for pretty much the first time. I'm taking any advantage I can get.


Stats: Delta, Human 9/12 Kensai/Druid. 122 HP (11 from Ioun stone). 138 kills. Most powerful vanquished: Umber Hulk Elder. Favorite weapon: Trollmelter. Favorite spell: Barkskin

Jaheira, Half-elf 9/12 Fighter/Druid. 90 HP (5 from helm). 36 kills. Most powerful vanquished: Jailkeep Golem. Favorite weapon: Wolf shapeshift token. Favorite spell: Cure Light Wounds

Minsc, Human 10 Ranger. 96 HP. 87 kills. Most powerful vanquished: Ulvaryl. Favorite weapon: Two-handed-sword (Lilarcor.) Favorite spell: Cure Light Wounds

Yoshimo, Human 12 Bounty Hunter. 80 HP. 2 deaths. 17 kills. Most powerful vanquished: Mephit portal. Favorite weapon: bow and arrow.

Aerie, Elf 9/10 Cleric/Mage. 46 HP. 21 kills. Most powerful vanquished: Troll. Favorite weapon: Sling and bullet. Favorite spell: Holy Smite.

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Nice work at the d'Arnise Keep Epsil0. I actually find that one of the harder big chapter 2 quests in SCS. As to Scintilla, I'm sorry to disappoint you:

Scintilla, Gnome Cleric/Illusionist, eleventh and final BG2 update

Scintilla postponed her death, that Blackraven expected Shattered Irenicus would bring her, by doing the Planar Prison quest first. It went without any incident even though a Master of Thralls would retreat toward the Warden before Scintilla could slay it.

The Warden was kept busy by Devas and other summons so that Scintilla could buff before engaging the Cambion. The buffing proved unnecessary however, as the Deva took care of the Cambion herself.
She traveled to Suldanessalar with the Rhynn Lanthorn, and went looking for items she needed to get access to the tree of life. One of those items was in the possession of a Black Dragon. Scintilla wouldn't obtain it though. Underestimation of the Dragon's plant growth ability (which, I know now, imposes a -10 Save penalty) meant her downfall. A fortune in magical items awaits the lucky finder in the woods west of Suldanessalar.
I planned a break from BG, but thanks to many interesting playthroughs on these forums and the BG forums, I'm still eager to try again. I would go back to my roots though, with a Thief. Bounty Hunter, my favorite kit, would be the obvious choice, but I'm inclined to give the Assassin another try. Either I re-roll Eydan, preferably with better stats (male Elf bow/swordsman that made it into Amn once, with 'The Nameless One' voiceset and one of my favorite portraits), or I go for a dart-throwing Halfling lass that's not be messed with. In any case Item Randomizer will be re-installed :)

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(double post)

Charlestonian Knight Templar

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3021 Mirtul, 1369:  Travel to Umar Hills from De’Arnise was uneventful. We arrived in Imnesvale & found the Mayor, Minister Lloyd, trying in vain to reassure the locals. It seems people had been disappearing & the local Ranger who normally watches over & protects this little hamlet had not been heard from. In addition, the Mayor sent a group of adventurer’s led by someone named Mazzy Fenton & neither had they been heard from since. Theories abounded as to what was happening: Wolves; an Ogre & a pack of humanoids just north of the hamlet or a Witch of old named Umar. He thought we would be best served by visiting the Ogre or going west to the cabin that their Ranger, Marella, called home. I chose the latter. Marella’s Cabin was easy enough to find & yielded a sense of dread for what lay ahead. There had obviously been a struggle there. In the bedroom & there were bloody footprints on the floor leading to the door. We found Marella’s journal & it seemed to point to the wolves but she mentioned that their behavior had changed & she sensed they were following her but not so that she could see them clearly, more like shadows. So we started out to investigate. We found the Ogre, who calls himself Madulf, & he was obviously not the culprit. He had a meager band of humanoids w/him, deserters from the ‘great army of Sothill in the south.’ Sothill is an Ogre Mage, who along w/his mate, Cyrvisnea, are leading two armies besieging southwestern Amnish city of Murann. Madulf & his band don’t want to fight & even asked me to tell the Mayor that he & his band were willing to protect the hamlet in exchange for infrequent trade. I passed this on to Minister Lloyd & he was excited.


 We were later attacked by a Wild Tiger &, a bit later, a Grizzly Bear. The Grizzly was a handful – I’d never seen one of those further north. The Grizzly was near another cabin northwest Imnesvale. We entered carefully & were confronted by a strange looking man in studded Leather w/two Scimitars, both obviously enchanted. He was a formidable looking warrior & I certainly wanted him to join my retinue.  His name was Valygar (Samurai Warrior/9) & he asked if we’d help him destroy an ancient wizard from his family line – something about a sphere or something that his body would allow us access to. I took him in for a short time but it became apparent that he & Yoshimo were very uncomfortable with one another. I deduce from my readings in Candlekeep & their unique skill sets that they both hail from Kara-Tur.  Kara-Tur is on the far easternmost end of the continent of Faerun. In Kara-Tur, class is strictly followed. Valygar is likely from nobility, Yoshimo from the peasantry. Continuing, we soon stumbled on a cave. As always, going into a cave or similar ‘unknown’, I had us protect ourselves. Anomen cast Chant, Minsc used his Barbarian Rage & I cast Draw upon Holy Might & then we entered.  The cave contained a treasure chest & I knew we had a problem w/o Imoen or Nalia there to check for traps. I decided to approach myself & when I opened it, the chest became a Killer Mimic & attacked us, lashing out w/a pseudopod of huge jaws that tried to swallow me whole while, @ the same time, excreting a glue like substance that Held both Auren & Yoshimo. We defeated him quickly after the initial surprise. We got reorganized & waited until Auren & Yoshimo freed themselves before exploring the rest of the cave, which included two Bug-bears that we struggled w/a bit but took down eventually.


It wasn’t long before we encountered a woman with blazing red hair who wore a set of revealing Leather Armor – turns out it was specially made for her to allow her to cast spells. And, does she cast spells, all of them fire based* - & we all have the singed hairs to prove it. I diplomatically released Valygar from my service, choosing Yoshimo based on seniority & skills, avoiding further uneasiness in my lance emanating between them. At the same time, I brought an arcane spell caster into my service again.** Valygar said if I needed his service in the future he would be at the Mithrest Inn in Athkatla.


Onward w/Tyris Flare, keeping my retinue/lance @ five, we continued further north beyond Umar Hills into a densely wooded forest w/a canopy so thick sunlight could barely penetrate, if @ all. The undergrowth & the darkness made progress painfully slow, literally.  As soon as we entered we saw one of Mazzy Fenton’s party members being killed by something but we had no time to react. We know they were from Mazzy’s group b/c they had a journal that gave us some clues as to what we were facing, i.e., Shadows & Dark Wolves. Continuing, we had to destroy two Dark Wolves & four Shadows before we found…


Key Event: …a cave.  I had us prepare before going in: Anomen cast Chant, Minsc, Barbarian Rage & I cast Draw upon Holy Might. Inside we found a woman eating a dead man. She addressed us immediately & I questioned her harshly.  It appears that while she was the leader of the Umar Hills wolves, recently she lost her power over them to a Shade Lord who’d killed them & turned them to Shade Wolves.’ She said the reason she was eating the man was to gain strength for her final stand @ a ruined Temple of Amaunator, an ancient sun god. She asked me if I wanted to aid her. She mentioned a piece of a stained glass that could be used to bring in just enough light to destroy the Shade Wolves, which I’d read about in that journal we found earlier. I agreed to help & she suddenly shape-changed into a Werewolf & tore out the door. We followed her into an already raging battle w/three Shadow Fiends, five Shade Wolves & 13 Shadows. It was a tough fight w/so many of them & even though Yoshimo adjusted the stained glass we didn’t take advantage of it & move to within its sphere of protection.  We won the battle.  I decided @ that point to head back to Imnesvale & rest but even after we passed out of the dark forest & back to the Umar Hills we still were attacked by two more Shadow Fiends, two Shade Wolves, & four Shadows which we defeated in a drawn out, difficult battle, made all the more so b/c we already had wounds from our former battles in the forest. 


Afterword, I checked in w/the Mayor who had, indeed, come to an agreement w/Madulf. 

Treasure of Note: (Purse = 785 gold) Armor/Weapons: Short Sword +1 (sold); Boots of Stealth (Yoshimo); Jewelry/Gold: Potions: Scrolls: Wands:


Current DispositionResting & recuperating in Marella’s Cabin  




Next Steps: Descend into the Temple Ruins


Level Up: None


Current Party: (Reputation: 12 Average:)

·         Gawain: Ftr/10, (HP105); Plate Mail w/Large Shield, Helm of Balduran, Ring of Protection +2 & Girdle of Bluntness; Bastard Sword*****, Flail of the Ages Acid (Mephit Portal)

·         Auren Aseph: Ftr (Apprentice//10), (HP71  )Studded Leather +1 w/Long Sword +1***** (SWS**); (Cohrvale)(SCS Ease of Use, Setting 1)

·         Anomen: Ftr/Watcher of Helm//9/9, (HP55); Plate Mail +1 w/Delryn Family Shield & Mace +1***,(Warhammer*, SSS**); (Greater Yuan-Ti)(Cleric Aggressive)

·         Yoshimo: Thief (Ninja/12), HP68; Studded Leather +1 & Cloak of the Sewers w/Katana +1***, Darts +1*;(Assassin)(Thief Aggressive)

·         Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/10), HP76; Mail of the Dead +2 w/Two-Handed Sword of Chaos +2***, Mace +1**, THWS**); (Urlaryl)(SCS Ease of Use, Setting 1)

·         Tyris Flare: Fighter (Amazon/9)//Mage [Fire Only]/10; HP40; Tyris’ Leather Armor; Sling +1**; Spear +1**


Mods Used: BG2 FixPack _v10; Amber_v4; Auren Aseph_v9; Sarah_v4; Haldimir_v2; : Tyris Flare_v6; Gavin_v20 & Hotfix;  scs-v30 (- Tactical Challenges); MegaModKits v1.01L (Anti-Paladin, Charming Rogue, Priest of Sylvanus, Bladesinger, Amazon, Apprentice, Ninja, Samurai); Divine Remix_v8 (Nightcloak of Shar, Holy Strategist of the Red Knight, Batleguard of Tempus, Strifeleader of Cyric, Bowslinger, Forest Runner, Wilderness Runner) ; Rogue Rebalancing; bg2_tweaks-v16; Item Randomizer-v6.8; level1npcs-v1.9


Blue Font: New information;

Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)

(Best kill)(Current AI)

* Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class



*  The part of the description of this kit G3 NPC that I thought was coolest was, “Meet Tyris Flare, a red-haired amazon who can kick ass and hurl fire!”  So I tailored her w/the Fighter (Amazon Kit)/Mage.  As an Amazon she had no spells in her kit so I dueled her as a mage to bring in ‘hurl fire’ part.  She can cast Flaming Hands, Flame Arrow, Fireball, Fire Shields (Blue/Red), basically, any spell that involves fire as a component but not Lightning, Meteors, or anything else. As a Mage she can only memorize/cast Arcane Fire Spells but I’ll let her use scrolls like I did w/Quayle (Illusionist spells only) & Dynahier (Evocation/Invocation spells only) in BGI/TotSC. 


** Adding a Ninja & a Samurai to my campaign made me do some research on them since I don’t know about them like I do Medieval European & Crusades Knights and history. Here’s what I found:



-Noblemen that followed the bushido code when they engaged in combat. 
-Warriors that serve the ruling emperor without requiring a fee for their services. 
-Considered an elite class.
-Use hand-to-hand combat weapons, including Samurai Swords.
-Wore metal clad suits of armor.



-Belonged to the lower status of Japanese society and follow an unorthodox style of fighting.

-Hired mercenaries that would be willing to serve anyone who is willing to pay them their asking price in return for their services.
-Preferred sneak attacks, and smaller weapons such as Ninja Stars.
-Wore black outfits of cloth covering all but their eyes.


Members of the Samurai class might ‘hire’ Ninja’s secretly to do things their Bushido Code wouldn’t allow but, otherwise, they lived & remained separated by their class & would not intermingle. 

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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Aria, Half-Elven R/C: Final Update


I have bad news everyone: Aria is out of the challenge. Either she died semi-legitimately, or I need to retire her on account of bugs. In either case, her run has ended.

Bummer A_BH.  I hate when that happens but sometimes it's just best, at least for me, to uninstall completely, I build install again from the ground up.  Sometimes allows me to toss in a new Mod or NPC that I find interesting.  


Still, it's not the same when you're not in here beatin' up bad guys.  :(


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Scintilla, Gnome Cleric/Illusionist, eleventh and final BG2 update


That's a shame, Blackraven. Truly. Scintilla looked so promising.  :(


I'm looking forward to your next run- irrespective of the character you choose.


Will you get started this weekend?






(When you mentioned that you might run a bounty hunter, I almost got jealous. :P I really wish I could play Alesia now, but since I still don't have a stable tested BG2 install, I feel I shouldn't.)

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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1.  Thats a lotta vamps..  

3.  Then this happens....O my! I never expected this. Awesome! 
4.  Bye Tazok, you were something in Baldurs gate now you are just fodder.
5.  I want to go for Kangaxx next. I never fought him before but I want that ring, it seems amazing...

My favorite lines from this post.  :lol:

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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OMG guys my next episode is going to be IN SANE...!......


Check it out as soon as I finish writing it up...


We've all created 'monsters' w/these writeups.  I've spent all day on one write-up & hadn't taken a step in the game.

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@Alesia, she did. She had it all, except a competent handler.  :pinched: There always seems to be something I didn't know about the game...
Having said that, as you know I was very uncomfortable with the prospect of Shattered Irenicus. I'm simply insufficiently familiar with that battle (e.g. would Time Stop + Shapechange Mind Flayer work on the Hive Mother, or would Selfish Jon intervene? How many Magic Missiles does the Sword require? Stuff like that). So I didn't expect to get much further with Scintilla anyway. 


I do look forward to going with a Thief again. Will probbaly start tomorrow. First I'll be adding a mod or two (which hopefully won't mess up my install), and I need to think whether I want to go Bounty Hunting or Assassinating, and whether I want to take a party along, what with Item Randomization calling for completionism anyway.

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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...She traveled to Suldanessalar with the Rhynn Lanthorn, and went looking for items she needed to get access to the tree of life. One of those items was in the possession of a Black Dragon. Scintilla wouldn't obtain it though. Underestimation of the Dragon's plant growth ability (which, I know now, imposes a -10 Save penalty) meant her downfall. A fortune in magical items awaits the lucky finder in the woods west of Suldanessalar.


...planned a break from BG, but thanks to many interesting playthroughs on these forums and the BG forums, I'm still eager to try again. I would go back to my roots though, with a Thief. Bounty Hunter, my favorite kit, would be the obvious choice, but I'm inclined to give the Assassin another try...

Hate that B_R.  Black Dragon, huh?  It's been a while since I've played SoA/ToB but I always seemed to do better than I do in BG/TotSC.  Still, I'd forgotten anything about a Black Dragon.  Yikes.


Glad you're not taking a 'planned break' & that you're going back to your roots.  Fwiw, I think your Rogue PCs are your best. CKT


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Having said that, as you know I was very uncomfortable with the prospect of Shattered Irenicus. I'm simply insufficiently familiar with that battle (e.g. would Time Stop + Shapechange Mind Flayer work on the Hive Mother, or would Selfish Jon intervene? How many Magic Missiles does the Sword require? Stuff like that). So I didn't expect to get much further with Scintilla anyway. 


That's what I don't like about the Weimar Shattered One battle. It's like a puzzle. Once you solve it and have the solution down, it's not too bad, but if you don't it can be frustrating. I wouldn't use it my No Reload Challenge install.


Have you considered skipping that component? Even David has said that he probably wouldn't use it. He only coded it because someone asked him too. It's from the now ancient Tactics mod. David didn't write that.







(Quote from our earlier discussion of the Improved Irenicus component.)



As for the final Irenicus Battle, SCS provides a number of options: Westly Weimer's Tactics Improved Irenicus, Weimer Tactics-SCS Hybrid, and Pure SCS. The Westly Weimer Tactics version is the largest departure from the original and its author had a noticeably different attitude towards modding. If you are seeking something approaching a "canonical" SCS playthrough, it may not be the best choice.


Agreed. I only coded it because someone asked me to; I probably wouldn't use it myself. (I should probably make that a bit more prominent in the readme or something.)


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Sorry to see that Scintilla has been snuffed out - have fun with your sneaky replacement Blackraven!


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Sorry to see Aria fall due to more or less bugs, one way or the other: if not the lightning itself, the install bug that made you careless.


Thanks. Keep on rolling with Delta!






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Thanks everyone for their sympathies. :)

CKT: I'm glad you like my rogues. :) You'll see a new roguish face appear soon enough in the BG1 thread (or an old one, such as aformentioned Eydan the Assassin, or Teyl the Halfling Strifeleader of Cyric/Thief, the only evil character I've ever enjoyed playing).

Alesia: I like your suggestion. Have just installed a number of extra mods (Item Randomisation, Divine Remix and Level 1 NPCs), and don't feel like pushing my luck with more changes to my install, but in the future I might just ctrl-Y my way through the first part of that fight.

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Alesia: I like your suggestion. Have just installed a number of extra mods (Item Randomisation, Divine Remix and Level 1 NPCs), and don't feel like pushing my luck with more changes to my install, but in the future I might just ctrl-Y my way through the first part of that fight.


Makes sense. If you're using the hybrid, then the second part of the fight is identical to the original + SCS script version. The end result would be the same without the re-install risks.


If you've never played the full Weimer version, you may want to do so some time outside of the no reload challenge. It feels dated and inelegenant now, but it's a historically important battle. Weimer Tactics was the fore-runner of modern BG tactical mods. Completing the full Weimer Improved Irenicus battle is a good way to get a feel of the package without playing an installing the whole thing.






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Eren the survivor Episode 5
This is the most insane episode I could imagine. I was physically f'd up after this.. only after a while I noticed I was playing in the dark, it was that intense. 
I go for Kangaxx who I never fought before, so I look up the location of his pieces on the internet and go for the temple one first. 
Summons and raged Korgan do their thing just fine but then this happens:
Never faced SCS one before, ok no big deal. But then it goes for Jan.
Yeah.. fIrst time I see a vorpal hit from these guys. NOOOO Jaaaannn!..
After a while the planetar unsummons and korgan is able to hit the lich just fine until it falls. 
I decide to use a scroll of pro undead, didnt know what it does, thought the one using it couldnt get damaged by undead. Turns out they ignore him completely. Korgan finishes the next lich easily because of that.
Then I go for Kangaxx himself. I knew he has 2 forms. I also notice there is almost no breathing room for our men in his little temple area. 
His first form falls after a hard battle, including 4 cornigons who stun and poison on hit and cast lightning bolts. The pro undead scroll is still active though, so we are eventually able to slay him with Korgan interrupting all his spells. 
But then the demlich comes out, and then this happens:
I read about it somewhere that he has auto-imprisonment, I guess I didnt take it too seriously..? I am able to move my team outside just in time by ditching panicked Anomen, and later sneaking back and picking him up again.
But then Kangaxx follows us and starts WAISTING PEOPLE! :o
Rats and harlots alike get owned! XD
Then he tags Anomen with an imprisonment.
Somehow Korgan is just not able to connect all hits say: weapon ineffective, not just because of of the spell protection from magic weapons. I look it up turns out he is only hittable by +4 or greater.. Even the awesome Frostreaver and Stonefire do squat against him.
There's only one +4 weapon right now, which is the sling of everard. I haste towards the merchant and buy it and haste back before all of the docks gets destroyed. I AM a ranger, I have to do something!
Korgan is still pro: undead and starts slowly chipping with the new sling. He barely connects though. I sent in 5 fire elementals with my new favorite staff of fire, but they get insta-imprisoned.  
More victims for the demilic :o.
I try to upgrade the mace of disruption with Eren while Korgan works on the lich but Kangaxx WARPS IN THE SHOP NEXT TO EREN. I facepalm.
Eren runs out of the shop and uses scroll: pro magic as soon as he steps a foot outside.
Kangaxx promptly breaches it.. 
O right: SCS rules..
Eren manages to get away without getting imprisoned which is lucky. Get him Korgan!
But then (another) disaster: Korgans pro undead runs out, and immediately:
NOOOOO!, He was carrying half our stuff including boots of haste, charisma ring, cloak of sewers, genie bottle, etcetc.. AND THE FRACKING SLING +5!
I feel like a total noob here, I should have either bought more scrolls of pro undead or at least given all his stuff to Eren. I guess I was too hyped so I just played and played..
This is all thats left of our party, and now I cant hit Kangaxx anymore.
I can cast freedom and de-imprison my men, but I looked it up there is not a single freaking freedom scroll in all of Amn until after the underdark. That is amazing, well played gamedesigners, well played.. 
SCS gives the option of making scrolls of freedom accessible earlier, but I've chosen to not install it and it feels kinda wrong to do this as a reaction to my reckless playing. I'm a bit strict about these kinds of things, just like you guys. Besides I like fighting against odds, so I decide to do the 'realistic' thing, take my losses and get the HELL out of Amn!
I pick up Valygar who I left waiting at the thieves guild and Dorn as a back-up figher, whom I like for some reason.
Me, Yoshimo, Valygar and Dorn high-tail outta Amn to Brynnlaw. We'll take care of Kangaxx later. Hopefully he hasnt slain all of Amn by the time I am back. I won't waste any time getting back because of this.
High on adrenaline I decided to backtalk to Dorn right after leaving the ship in Brynnlaw. I was still a bit angry and dissapointed about the whole lich-thing, and then this guy starts to act like he's all that. I tell him I'm above him and he promptly attacks me.. 

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So we are left with this, npc wise:
-Eren, Valygar, Yoshimo in Brynnlaw
DEAD -Minsc, because he wanted revenge for Dynaheir (rp)
-Aerie: Circus, underlevelled
DEAD -Jaheira: petrified and chunked from existence by Shadow Dragon
DEAD -Edwin: not really dead but unavailable, he warped away because we chose the wrong dialogue when he demanded we expose our divine blood to him.. 
-Cernd: alive in the druid grove
-Rashaad: alive in Trademeet
-Mazzy: alive in trademeet
DEAD -Keldorn: Sent to hell by angry anomen
? Anomen: imprisoned by Kangaxx
? Korgan: imprisoned by Kangaxx
DEAD -Jan Janssen: vorpalled by a dark planetar
DEAD -Haer Dalis: killed by stone trap then chunked (bug)
-Viconia: alive in the graveyard district, probably underleveled
DEAD -Dorn: killed by Valygar when I insulted him and he attacked Eren as a result
-Nalia: alive in the copper coronet
-Neera: waiting for us in the forest
-Imoen: imprisoned by Irenicus
-Sarevok: waiting for us in hell
Thats a terrible record he he. I hope I will survive long enough to free some of my old partymembers. 

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@ Blackraven


Au. Plant Growth? Shouldn't SI:Conj stop it, as well as his insects? When I saw the post I was sure Warden had claimed another scalp... :( I was looking forward to Tactic Irenicus (that's one battle that can go so very wrong so very quickly...).

Condolences - it was a lovely run.




Epic stuff...incredible. :D You might want to download some NPC mods. :P

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Serg BlackStrider

Serg BlackStrider
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I'm sad to hear of Scintilla's demise, Blackraven... :( even if you did not put too much hopes into Shattered Jon's fight. It was a great pleasure to follow her run. Looking forward for the next one!

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Au. Plant Growth? Shouldn't SI:Conj stop it, as well as his insects?


In my install, which should be the same as Blackraven's, Plant Growth is schoolless, consequently SI:C won't work. It is, however, coded as a level 1 spell so Globes work. Free Action should work as well. Spells and potions can also allow you to make the save, even with the -10 penalty.






@Golden. That was a fascinating post. I've never seen Kangaxx break free before. He really is a terror. I hope Eren can gather a team and make it through the Underdark. 

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