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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Grimwald the Wise

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Diary of Lady Longsword


We helped the thieves on the premise that they were better than the alternative.

We afterwards tried to help Xzar since we were unaware of what he was doing. It ultimately led to his demise, not that I feel guilty about that.

We had a rather difficult fight before going into tha Harper Stronghold as we were ALL confused and in addition I was panicked.


Aerie and Nalia however showed their worth by defeating them without too much trouble without my aid. I was however badly hurt.


In the Gate District we killed a lich.


We went to help in the Umar Hills and almost accidentally helped Mazzy who went home. We went to Trademeet only to find that their problems were caused by those in the Druid Grove. We are now in the middle of trying to help solve those problems.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Diary of Lady Longsword


In the druid grove, the party was unexpectedly attacked by Ihtafeer. Upon hearing their cries for help, I entered but was unable to save them.


I therefore went to the temple of Helm in the Temple District and paid for Aerie to be raised. After healing and resting, she raised Nalia.


Saerileth also joined us there.


I'm beginning to think that Lady Longsword is a little sexist as the entire party is now female. it couldn't be that some mod makers are a bit sexist could it?

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Hear text as mp3,





Seems the bridge district needs sorting out so we returned… this time we stood our ground against the gith, solved the tanner murders and rescued the bards… as usual a single ‘death fog’ did the trick.

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Sarah has fallen during a raid of the guarded compound. Viconia dealt with the down stairs summons by casting ‘protection from evil 12’ and we charged up the stairs to face the enemy.





Hexxat disarmed the traps and Neera got out a summons before falling victim to multiple backstabs then Sarah suddenly had only 1 hit point out of a possible 13?


Her two options were drink a health pot or change into the slayer to counteract the transformation… I should have just taken the 2 rep penalty.


Death by polymorph… a classic case of pilot error!

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Sorry to see Sarah's desire to get in touch with her inner squirrel getting the better of her :(.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Seems the bridge district needs sorting out so we returned… this time we stood our ground against the gith, solved the tanner murders and rescued the bards… as usual a single ‘death fog’ did the trick.


Last time that I used death fog, I couldn't reach the staff. :(

Grimwald the Wise

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Diary of Lady Longsword


After Saerileth joined us, we were asked to deal with a dragon.


This we have done. :)


I thought that we were going to have to rest in order to get some more spells, but not so. :)


Now we can rest. :)



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Last time that I used death fog, I couldn't reach the staff. :(

What staff is that?

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 95 - (update 1)

Frindall, dwarf berserker (Grond0) & Dhaorem, human dark moon monk (Gate70)


After cracking on through BG1 in a single session a little while ago, we had the opportunity today to make some progress in BG2.


Dhaorem tended to take the lead in the dungeon (being a quick mover) and I thought he was being a bit optimistic attacking Ilyich and his friends with Frindall still out of sight - however things worked out well enough. 


There was one worrying moment later on when a mephit salted Frindall and, while he was stunned, did the same to Dhaorem.  However, the monk was made of sterner stuff and despite his record showing an active stun kept on flinging his punches (there were a number of other glitches we noted with the implementation of the dark moon monk in EE).



After restoring the circus and giving the Copper Coronet over to Hendak a trip to the Docks provided some upgraded armour for Frindall thanks to Officer Dirth.  Then, while seeking out a necklace for Mae'Var, the Suna Seni ambush was given a good kicking.


We cleared the first two floors of Rayic's house, but then chose to slink away rather than pit our poor saving throws against the mage's spells.


With funds available Gaelan Bayle was paid off and Lassal sorted for Aran Linvail.  On the way to find the Guild Contact Renfeld was rescued and the duo had no trouble making their way past Prebek into the Harper HQ.  Back at the Bridge District they dealt with the Guild Contact before deciding the Rune Assassins should be on.  They were, although Frindall was low on HPs by the time the last of them fell


and that shortage was nearly critical when he opened a trapped chest without healing ...


With backpacks bulging with potions the next stop was Watchers' Keep to buy a potion container.  While there we decided to dare the vampiric wraiths.  The first attempt at them failed, with Frindall having to take a rare healing potion in order to run away safely.  The second foray killed one of them and though the third also ended in retreat, the fourth attempt finished the job.


The top floor was cleared with the Crimson Dart dealing with the golem guardians, as well as the final statue - Dhaorem also successfully betting his life against the FoD trap there.



After taking on the Fallen Paladins - Dhaorem using the mirror images gained at level 10 to tank the last couple of paladins after Frindall got low on HPs


- the duo dodged the pleas for help of Sansuki before heading for the Temple sewers.  There were no problems with Roger's troll (although Frindall wasted a firebreath potion rather than waiting to acquire fire arrows from the kobold commandos nearby) or the rakshasa.  However, that was not the case after opening up the Unseeing Eye quest.  Dhaorem was successful once more in saving against the bridge trap, but we then had no luck in attempting to separate the 3 gauths.  Leaving them alone would have been the sensible thing to do, but we attempted an attack while they were occupied with the berserk warrior.  That resulted in them immediately switching from the warrior to kill Dhaorem before almost doing the same to Frindall - who took an invisibility potion just in time.  


After restoring the monk we decided we'd pushed our luck enough for one session :P.



Frindall, berserker 11, 107 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 145 kills

Dhaorem, dark moon monk 11, 68 HPs, 100 kills, 1 death

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My barbarian is still alive, I just finished the Unsseing eye. Made a ton of cool pics, now they all TURNED OUT BLACK!


You guys have any idea why and how I fix this?


Thanks Cheers!

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Baldur's Gate by night :D ...


Sorry, no idea but perhaps a litte bit more information helps... which version are you playing? Do you do screenshots in full screen or in window mode?


For the windows versions you could try this: go to properties of baldur's gate exe file, select the compatibility tab and select 'Disable Visual Themes' and 'Disable Desktop Compositions'.


Or you could search for 'screenshots' and 'black'... at least for windows 7 you get a lot of answers.

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Grimwald the Wise

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What staff is that?


Staff of the magi.


Just realised that I misidentified where you were. :blush:


I thought you were in the twisted rune area, but you're not.

Grimwald the Wise

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My barbarian is still alive, I just finished the Unsseing eye. Made a ton of cool pics, now they all TURNED OUT BLACK!


You guys have any idea why and how I fix this?


Thanks Cheers!


Windows 10 by any chance?

Grimwald the Wise

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Diary of Lady Longsword


To report the death of the dragon, I had to CLUA Sir Havun in.


(If anyone knows where he is to be found at that stage in EE, please inform me. However, I think that there is a bug because that area got changed in EE.)


We then went into the sewers where we picked up Keldorn and Saerileth got kidnapped by a demon which eventually I killed myself.


On the way, I became poor again when I had the chance to buy two good shields, illithium ore, bullets +4.


We are now back at the temple ruins.



So far no major problems.

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Grimwald the Wise

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The demise of Lady Longsword.


The shield of cheese doesn't work in EE.


The first beholder that I met was the last. :(

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Congrats, Enuhal!

(I just notice your success. I look forward to reading your posts!)


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 95 - (update 2)

Frindall, dwarf berserker (Grond0) & Dhaorem, human dark moon monk (Gate70)


Getting underway again they headed for the de'Arnise Hold.  The trolls there died without great difficulties as they moved upstairs.  The yuan-ti mage managed to confuse Dhaorem, but that was no real problem given that Frindall was enraged.  


There was a bit more of an issue with Glaicas whose hasted attacks hit Frindall hard.  Dhaorem supposedly blinded him, but he totally ignored that and Frindall had to resort to a potion of invisibility after being taken down to 5 HPs.  He then made use of that by blocking Glaicas and allowing Dhaorem to target him with the Crimson Dart.  


Everything then ran very smoothly up to pulling Tor'Gal back and killing him.  Taking on the final giant trolls then seemed safe enough, until Dhaorem decided to repair a bit of damage by using vampiric touch on one of them - a critical and follow-up hit punished the attempt.  


After a temple visit the duo returned to find Nalia - and reject her offer of a stronghold.  


Deciding to improve Frindall's defences the next target was the liches.  For the cost of a scroll of PfU each, plus potions of speed and fire giant strength for Frindall and a scroll of PfP for Dhaorem the city was relieved of the burden of 4 liches.



Thinking Dhaorem deserved his own upgrade the Graveyard was cleared and the pale green ioun stone acquired to prevent future criticals.



The final target for the session was Trademeet.  The genies gave up their treasure on the way to the Grove where various trolls were quickly dispatched.  There was a bit of anxiety when Dhaorem was scared by a horror spell from the first lot of druids (who were still coded as non-hostile) - fortunately he ran the right way and encountered no trouble.  The efreeti was used for the first time to lay down a stinking cloud for Kyland Lind's gang - one of them managed to target Frindall with insects, but wearing the Ring of Gaxx that just tickled a bit.  


After clearing everything except the rakshasas the duo watched as Cernd had a spot of dinner.




Frindall, berserker 12, 110 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 279 kills

Dhaorem, dark moon monk 12, 77 HPs (incl. 7 from ioun stone), 160 kills, 2 deaths

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Aerie is stuck in trying to initiate dialogue saying 'yes'.... 'what can I do'.... over and over. Any ideas how to fix that?





Edit: Fixed it. It was the: 'sunrises are much more beautiful in nature' dialogue. She couldn't say it because she was dead at the time and a bug caused her to want to say it after resurrection..




So no worries. I'll upload some pics and reports soon. 



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Grimwald the Wise

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Aerie is stuck in trying to initiate dialogue saying 'yes'.... 'what can I do'.... over and over. Any ideas how to fix that?





Edit: Fixed it. It was the: 'sunrises are much more beautiful in nature' dialogue. She couldn't say it because she was dead at the time and a bug caused her to want to say it after resurrection..




So no worries. I'll upload some pics and reports soon. 




Others might find it helpful to know how you fixed it. This problem could and probably will re-occur.


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Alexander BG2 1st episode


Alexander has pretty much been shredding through Amn. I think what made it easier was the metagaming and, taking after Blackraven, only make spellcasters pre-cast when created in my line of sight. This made the mage battles A WHOLE lot easier.


Here he is, after Irenicus' dungeon. As I said in my bg1 run, he is made in my own image, so his stats arent very powergamy at all..



Get containers, some xp, and steal some mannneeeyy.



Start doing the thieves guild quests. Rayic Gethras is able to fend of a first attack, but after Alexander stumps his golems, Yoshimo throws a trap from the corner and it works.



After that its time to do some big side quests and get the FOA.


Hilarious. I forgot to switch over to katana, so Yoshimo CRITS Glacius with a dart of stunning from behind while invisible (hide in shadows) and the warrior is stunned. I LoL'd. 



We lure Torgal into a heavily trapped room (thanks to Yoshimo) and kill him.


Next is the Unseeying eye, which fell by fireballs. 



With our high levels, we thump Mencar and co.



Cernd and Faldorn exchange insects, but Cernd has healing potions and hits harder.



Aerial servant singlehandedly wrecks unimproved (install cant handle improved vampires, leads to crashes) Bodhi, hitting her for about a 100 damage. It was over before I knew it..



We still get ambushed, no running away bandits even though we were relatively high levelled. Aerie got backstabbed but priests cast hold person at raged Alexander... :/



I wanted to do the planar prison for boots of haste and maybe Haer Dalis before heading for spellhold. Unfortunately this caused 2 deaths in 1 fight. I didnt take screens because I was running for my life, but what basically happened was:


Raelis Shay started the summoning ritual in the five flagons, and we stupidly cast stoneskin, causing 4 high level mages to spawn and trapping us inside the room (on the right side of the room, being cut off from the stairs).


While we retreated the fight with the planar creatures continued, and the game treats Haer Dalis as an ally, so the mages attacked and, very rapidly, killed him for good :(.


After that they came for us, and while running for the stairs, they ADHW'd our team and cone of cold Yoshimo, who gets splintered along with a few good items. 


Well... that was awkward..


After fleeing and resting we head back into the inn, this time without the thief at our side. We destroy the first group with relative ease. Again, the no-prepare mode for mages renders them quite weak. 






Master of thralls has low hp and cant take the beats.



When the wardens huge array of protective spells finally ran dry, we were able to hit him. 



Now its on to spellhold. Nothing really worth mentioning happens except we do avoid Perth cause we cant backstab him without a thief.


Some never seen before dialogue here, nice.



Preparing for battle in the asylum. 



Aerial servant dealing freaking 74 to beholder.. bye bye..



A group of yuan ti decided to show here. What were they doing here?



Even though underequipped, the yuan ti mages cant take Keldorns 1.5x level dispel + poison weapons.



I prepared big time because I was scared and itemless, like last time facing Jon. But as I said, due to install he didnt trigger his usual 10 protection spells. Which.. I must say.. is logical, as he was surprised big time. 


So when I saw a golden opportunity to trap Jon between our men, I took it! Being trapped, Irenicus couldnt go anywhere! 

He seriously was trapped for like a minute by loonies, summons and our team, desperately trying to get any spell off. Even Tiax interrupted him once when he got a hit in XD... freaking hilarious. 



Hoped you'all liked this episode. Next is the underdark.



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Grimwald the Wise

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@Golden 28

I was a bit confused by the Cernd battle. You said that Cernd had more potions. I thought that you lost them all before the battle?


In my games he is usually well buffed before the battle as a result of potions and/or other party members' spells.

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When part of the team, you can simply put potions from any inventory into Cernd's inventory, I roleplay it by suggesting we 'threw' some potions into the arena Cernd's way. Faldorn uses potions too, so... :P


And yes is well buffed but improved insect swarm can still kill quickly (haste speeds up the damage tick).



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So this place seems to be dead, hah.... I finished BG2 but wont bother writing when there's nobody to read it....

I'm out.




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Congrats on the finish, activity here does go in fits and bursts.


Daorem the solo monk was collared by Irenicus last night. Unlike his multiplayer incarnation, he's unkitted and I forgot to un-bug his BGII:EE armour class. I realised after 19 minutes so halted the session so I could reset it. I thought about restarting the session but decided to continue unless anyone objects!


Recording of him from booting Imoen to reaching the dryads, plenty left for him to do in the opening area now his AC is corrected.


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