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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 96 - (2nd and final update)

Cara, elf enchanter (Grond0) & Helberg, dwarven defender (Gate70)

I hope other things have worked out for you this weekend..... :(


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I hope other things have worked out for you this weekend..... :(

Thanks Aasim.  I was home alone for a couple of days and played quite a bit of BG - with less than stellar results unfortunately, but at least the trio run is still going (albeit only just ...)


Trio no reload (#1 - update 5)

(Grond0, corey_russell, Gate70)


Today's run was all about Windspear.  After spending a bit of time sorting out spells and equipment the trio arrived there from Trademeet and initially made decent progress.  The large group of vampires were hacked down unawares using a scroll of PfU and various werewolves and golems led them on to talk to Firkraag.  Emerging from there Miseri found himself the target of a surprising number of buffs - the others seemed to distrust his ability to stay out of trouble for some reason :P.  That should have made Conster easy - and did.



Forem was well on the way out of the dungeon when Miseri asked him whether Dragonslayer should be picked up.  Forem agreed to turn round, though in retrospect probably wished he hadn't.  A little bit of preparation later and everyone said they were ready for Samia.  Summons were thin on the ground, but things still looked promising early on when many of the opposition found themselves confused.  



However, there is a clue to problems in that screenshot - where Ragemage has just taken his first damage.  He had removed his normal plate armour in order to be able to cast spells during the conflict, but was still in the thick of it relying on his stoneskins.  They went down very quickly, so I guess were actually largely removed in the combats with genies and fire elemental on the way there (we hadn't rested after that).  Moments later, before Miseri could finish off his mage target, he was shouting out to Ragemage asking him if perhaps he needed to run (nearly too late already as Samia has just rolled a critical miss with Ragemage on 1 HP).



Ragemage did his best to take a potion and withdraw, but was only able to take a couple of steps before being cut down from behind.  He did get far enough though for Forem to become the target of choice for several of the opposition.  Miseri abandoned the mage to come and help out - without having his kensai abilities back yet and unarmoured Forem is not really up to it in melee.  Things looked very dodgy there for a moment.  Although in principle Miseri would be expected to beat all the opponents, with several attacking at once there would be considerable pressure on him to use a healing potion, but no certainty that he would succumb to that temptation ;).  At that stage though Miseri was glad to hear a loud 'eek' from Forem.  Initially he thought perhaps that was a mortal wound, but looking more closely he could just see the cause.  That allowed Forem to keep going while his initial attackers were finished off from behind.  



It looked at that point as though Forem would survive - and resting would then have allowed him to raise Ragemage.  However, by this time the mage had been left alone long enough to have recovered from confusion and rediscovered his ability to cast spells and he arrived to pose a final challenge.  Miseri tried to shut him down again, but not before he produced a skeleton that managed to trap Forem in an alcove.  Miseri tried for a quick kill on that, but would probably have been better sticking to the mage as a volley of magic missiles ended Forem's day.



After placing all the gear into storage Miseri went to find a temple, but the action wasn't quite over for him yet.  With HPs low he decided to protect against the possibility of a travel ambush by resting - only to fail to do so 4 or 5 times in a row.  That led to him being chased round the dungeon by a group of undead before eventually dodging his way out.  Back in Athkatla a helpful priest was only too glad to take the party's money to restore everyone to health.  A bit more dodging past opponents on the way back into the dungeon allowed everyone to recover their equipment.


Once more in Athkatla a Rod of Resurrection suddenly looked like a good option to carry in the future and Mekrath soon supplied one of those.  A large group of umber hulks in his rooms failed to cough their way out of a cloudkill and the trio are now poised for an entrance into the Planar Prison next time (when it will be Miseri's turn to dual).


Stats (cont from BG1)

Miseri, wizardslayer 12, 116 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 408 kills

Ragemage, mage 12 / berserker 9, 96 HPs, 284 kills, 1 death

Forem, cleric 9 (kensai 11), 99 HPs, 387 kills, 3 deaths

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Collecting the ransom;


hear text as mp3,


With my licence safely in hand we head into the wilds to start my challenge… the towns people needed my help to make peace with some ogres then I helped Hexxat escape her prison.





With my basic party tasselled we looked about for a good money earner and settled on some murder for hire, that has scraped together enough to head off after Imoen… nobody minds me ridding the town of slavers any way.


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@Grond0. I wasn't relying on JUST stroneskins - I did have Spirit Armor (AC 1) too. All the same, what I really could have used was blur and mirror image in that siutation (which I don't know yet), which combined with improved invisibility which I do have, would greatly increase my staying power in the fight. Let's get those next session.  :wacko:

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Uther Law, straight from BG1, and his party:









We started off by finishing Circus, selling loot from Irenici dungeon and spending that money on Potions of Explosion. They were used to get a suit of Full Plate from Mencar & company.

You can see them flying through the air, and coupled with an Ice Storm from my sorceress made short work of Pooky & Amon.





Only dwarf posed serious threat, and nearly killed by barbarian, but died before he could deliver the killing blow.



That done, it's Copper Coronet - sewers - Lirarcor - assault slavers. Skulll trap opening on cleric prevented any Hold and similar crap.



The slave master wanted to escape the area to sewers, but we didn't allow that.



There was one semi-dangerous instance when their mage hit us with Skull Trap, but all was fairly dandy.



Next, Goverment District, Umar Hills (do Ilbratha quest & Ogres), from there to WK (only mephits spawned, but I didn't fight statues yet) to get some loot, then Nalia's keep. First battle to try out Dispelling Screen:



Yuan-ti mage casts Breach at my sorceress. The buffs stay on, while Dispelling Screen dissapears.



Same thing happens with Dispel Magic he used on us. 



We suffered a loss there, as Inees got stuck in between some summoned spiders and died.





We pre-buffed extensivly for Torgal. Summoned some skeletons, used a Cloudkill wand from Irenici dungeon, and cast two Ice storms on top of it all.



As they approach, we retreat.



Assume positions, and kill them as they come through the doorway.



Torgal is the last to show up. I let my casters take care of Yuan-ti mages while fighters keep Torgal busy.



An Acid arrow does him, and that's it. I refuse the keep as my stronghold.



From there, Trademeet. Barbarian dies for the first time there - getting strenght-sapped to oblivion by uber-annoying invisible trolls.



That wasn't all bad that happened there. Uther got webbed by a spider (he has fairly good breath save thanks to Claw, but not good enough) and nearly died. If poison sticked, he'd be dead. :( His comrades managed to save him in time.



Ihtafeer posed no problem - his Shadow door dispelled, his spells disrupted.





We took some damage to Fireballs & Cloudkill (I always forget to memorize Zone of Sweet Air) but nothing a few potions couldn't handle.

Cernd took care of Faldorn under Imp.Invisibility, and we become heroes of Trademeet, where we do some shopping (Inertial Barrier + Displacement cloak).


From there, back to Alkathla Graveyard to kill Pai'na.



....traveling away from Graveyard is 100% chance to trigger Suna Seni, which we were well-prepared for.



Finally for this report, sewers gang. My summoned skeletons got turned by their clerics, but they bought a few precious seconds to cast two Ice Storms on their position.

Gaius didn't have a Globe - and dies within them.



An ugly thing was that those annoying Kobolds spawned as well, behind us. Skull Trap had to be wasted on those.



I killed the priests standing back with Skull Traps, and fought the dwarf fighters in melee. Lasted a while, but they fell eventually. 





Session ended by killing Fallen Paladins and starting Mae'var's quests.


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Uther Law, 2nd BG2 update


Did Mae'var's quest. We also killed Gethras (he managed to cast Breach once, but relied too much on invisibility which we counter with thieves' Detect Illusion skill).



Marcus refused to hand over the documents, so we killed Edwin to get the key. Mae'var got succesfully dispelled and the battle vs thieves was very easy once he's taken out.







Next were Harpers. I didn't have Remove Fear memorized anymore but it didn't matter - Uther made all his saves.



Next, we go after Shade Lord. The dungeon itself was filled with low-level Undead, he got Secret Word + Breach in the first round



Followed by Lower Resistance, Flame Arrows & melee hits.



My barbarian now sells Lirarcor and uses Duskblade as his main weapon. He looses Charm & Cofusion immunity but I'm willing to trade that for this weapon.



We're now off to Planar Prison. A bit soon, but I need money and we can get a lot of it by going there.

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Uther Law, 3rd BG2 update


Planar Sphere

We started by killing the Yuan-ti mage invisible before his buffs kick in.



The rest of the goons there were harmless.

Had some Umber spawning in the next room; much easier than Yuan-ti mages in any case.



Some careless play nearly got Inees killed...bleh.  I was lucky the final spell coming from that Thrall mage was Flame Arrow, not Cone of Cold or similar chunking spell....



As per Warden himself - I buffed extensively and sent in my sorceress to trigger the fight, dropping an Ice Storm on his location. That won't go through his Globe, but it will hurt Umbers a bit. I retreat her back.



Umbers follow. I hit them with Slow (on a failed save, causes -2 penalty to Breath save) followed up by Chain Lighting (which requires a breath save), which brings all of them to near-death status. :)



Meanwhile in Warden's chambers....



I can't really tank this. I send some meatshields - skeletons, book Golem and Kittix.

Under grave danger, Warden wastes his Time Stop. :P



When TS ended, he fires a sequencer of Dispel-Slow-Malison. With SR, Slow always removes Haste. Golem is still tanking him.



I remove the Slow with Haste. I can't afford crawl-like movement vs Black Blade of Disaster.



Inees gets to debuffing. She can't cast Abjuration spells, but Secret Word is Enchantement and is available to her. With CT of only 1, it's one of the best spell removals in the game.



Warden mazes her. That's just fine - she has 20 INT and will be out in no time. Sorceress casts Pierce Magic via scroll.



I countinue debuffing him and attempt 2x Feeblemind, but it doesn't stick.



After what seemed like an eternity of avoiding melee (he was very focused on arcane casters, I had no Death Ward on them so BBoD was very dangerous) his defences finally open and he suffers a spell disruption on Stoneskin. 



And again...



And final splat goes to Draque.



I pick up the loot, sell most of it and we're on our way to Planes again by killing Valygar & opening the door to Planar Sphere.

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Uther Law, 4th BG2 update


Planar Sphere


Tbh, I expected much worse than what I ended up with. First major battle was vs flesh-eating halflings. I had a bug there which caused a reload (minor inconsistency in between SR and SCS - cleric Gate spell doesn't let you summon Demons with SR, but SCS overwrites that back to demon-summoning. I fixed it locally, since it's both inconsistent and unfair). Anyhow, the cleric there summoned a Death Knight (as it should) which we bashed as the prime target, due to it having a devestating Fireball attack.





Other than that, they posed little threat.



I let my guard down with Taibela, which led to an almost utter disaster - Skull Trap sequencer killed Inees instantly, and sorceress took a hefty amount of damage as well.

There's a reason why I like to play cleric-types - you always have Raise Dead available :D



Gorki ate two Fingers of Death. He survived the first attempt, 2nd killed him.



Then Taibela ran out of steam and died to Chain Lighting.



Next I do Tolgerias. He can be very hard, so I entered invisible and tried a backstab. I was sure the positioning was ok, but it didn't work.



He fires off his buffing sequence (including Spell Trap. There are three spells that can destroy it - Ruby Ray, Pierce Shield and Spellstrike.

I had Pierce Shield scroll found on the desk where Solamnic knights are, which is to be used here - otherwise, Togerias is virtually invulnerable to magic attacks and can't be debuffed.)

I splat the pet mage while at it.



Pierce Shield has two abilities - it removes highest level spell protection and removes combat protections. Tolgerias responds with Alacrity/Absolute immunity, but with his Spell Trap now down, he's vulnerable to Breach.



Breach hits, and does him with Lighting bolt. He still summoned a Fallen Planetar.



He casts Greater Command (it's less game-ending than vanilla version - a save is allowed each round to wake up), Gorki stands up to it and buffs with Stoneskins (ring of earth control can cast this 1xday)



Uther makes his save next round, casts Chaotic Commands onto himself and stand up to fight the thing. Now barbarian  is unconcius.



Few healing potions later, it's done.



Lavok was far easier. No Spell Trap (he was the first enemy to use Dispelling Screen!) meant that a single Secret Word  would be enough to make him breachable. (I don't care about his Globe).



Time Stop disrupted. :P



He gives up quickly.



Next were two pretty awful battles. First, demon plane. I only fought one of those demons, and nearly got Uther killed. Once again, his comrades save his skin. Rarely do I use my arcane casters as melee warriors, but....





And Golems....awfuly played, cost Gorki his life. I'm happy he wasn't chunked by bigger damage hit.





Next is Sion, Ketta & company.

We got in invisible, disarmed the traps, and sent our summoned skeletons ahead. Ice Storms coming. Sion casts an absurd number of buffs instantly, including Spell Trap. Spell Trap works as "infinite" Spell Deflection - it can absorb limitless spells (even AoE) hence he's magic-invulnerable, I have no means of removing it. Be that as it may, weapons do go through...



We eat a Dispel, but goons eat Ice Storm damage.



I summon Golem from book, and kill Koshi with ranged fire.



Sion casts Time Stop/Alacrity/Dispel/PfMW. Sorceress manages to avoid Dispel by casting Dispelling Screen, but Inees is dispelled.



Next he fires of 3xWaves of Fatigue (replaces Chaos, causes various penalties to THAC0, damage, movement, casting speed) at my barbarian. Cool - this means he's probably an Enchanter. Enchanters lack the ability to kill people off quickly. Meanwhile, I keep bombarding the goons with Flame Arrows and Skull traps.



Ketta dies.



Draque eats a Charm sequencer, but Uther is ready for that and cures his condition. I want Gorki as a valid spell target. 



Next, Sion gets do debuffing, while we're trying to kill the cleric before he does something bad.



Few rounds later (and few PW:Stuns later) we clear the battlefield. Only Sion is left, but he has no more defensive spells.



We finish him with ranged attacks, sell most of the loot from there, and are traveling to Windspear Hills.

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Uther Law, 5th BG2 update


Rather short, we finished Windspear hills. Rakshasa there got succesfully dispelled.



We fought our first batch of vampires - took a while, but False Dawn made it a lot easier.





Conster himself was very annoying (didn't do much offensively, but cancelled two of my spells by going invisible), a Chain Lighting got him eventually. I left Firkraag for another day.



With the key to Ilithid hideout, we went back to sewers for some XP. Barbarian died to INT drain once there.



ALhoon was a bit annoying (Dispel Screen doesn't protect against sequencered Dispel magic spells) but all was fine.










We now started working for Aran Linvail, and did 1st of his quests.


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Uther Law, 6th BG2 update


Very short report on WK level 1 and 2 - did 1st w/o problems (I had no mage statues spawning) and 2nd up to Chromatic demon.

I blew the annoying snake with Disintegrate (my illusionist is very limited in offensive spell choices, but both Disintegrate & Flesh to Stone are very valid pick with Spell Revisions)



and ran away from Chrom after buffing with Pro Elements (my sorceress' 1st level 7 pick).



We should probably visit Unseeing Eye next; apart fighting Bodhi there's very little to be done pre-Spellhold- I'm slightly worried to fight Unseeing w/o Shield of Cheese, but we *may* be able to pull it off.

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Uther Law, 7th BG2 update


Bad things happened in Unseeing Eye lair. First we met a spawn of Yuan-ti, no problem there - Dispel + Breach got rid of their mage. Next, some undead, no problem. Then a batch of Gauths + two Beholders. I slammed 2xIce Storm on their location. This isn't enough to kill them, but it will hurt. They use their Anti-magic rays - Dispelling Screen protects against their dispelling properites, but Spell Protections are removed, and spell failure still goes through.



Inees dies to Cause Wounds rays. I figured this won't be a problem - I can revive her once the battle is over. However, notice the "Flesh to Stone" message in display log.

Her portrait is grayed out, she's dead, no?



Apperantly, no. She gets petrified - and her portrait dissapears. 



Don't you just love this stuff? :D

Anyhow, we killed the rest of them with ranged attacks, picked up the loot from deceased body, and left her there. Inees will be missed, dearly.


Unseeing himself wasn't that deadly. We focused on Death Tyrants first.





Once spell failure was gone on my sorceress, I re-activate Dispelling Screen just in time to keep Uther safe from Breach and continue attacking at range to avoid fireshield collision.



Few rounds & healing potions later, it dies.



Our reward is temple service, + this little shield - quite a potent anti-undead item; and we'll need it in Bodhi's lair which is our next destination.


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Uther Law, 7th BG2 update


Did first Bodhi encounter. due to our high levels (sorceress is level 15 here) even Tanova got dispelled, making her easy pray.





Other vamps were annoying as ever, caused few points of CON loss, but nothing we couldn't handle. Bodhi we can't handle however, so Uther ran a ring-a-rosie around the table until she gave up.



We pick up Yoshi now (I want bigger XP for Spellhold entry) and set sail for the island. Not much interesting happened so far - sorceress hit level 16 after slaying a bunch of Yuan-ti.

ADHW is 1st pick.



She died to very next Yuan-ti bunch (I was very careless about this particular battle) but that's fine.



We killed our 1st Lich there, yey! He's a rather low-leveled lich, nothing like those who guard Kangaxx' bones.



Apart from that, whole area was fairly straigh-forward.



Power of ADHW - Yuan-ti mage dies instantly on a failed save. I like this spell.



We're now just in front of the door which leads to loonie bunch, getting our defences ready.

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Uther Law, final update


I'm  gonna make this report rather short - we did Spellhold/Caverns/Underdark w/o much trouble. I has some issues with Beholders, but othing too drastic. Uther found his demise vs Demon Knights. They've succesfully dispelled him



stunned him..



I rushed my party members to help in hope they'd swith targets, even if they have both been level-drained (barbarian was level 12 here)



They didn't switch targets however.



Uther died at level 15/15, having just gained his first HLAs.

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Serg BlackStrider

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Sad news, Aasim...  :(

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Condolences, Aasim. I was just getting excited about Uther's run.


I hope you'll try again!





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Grimwald the Wise

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Hard luck Aasim. :(


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Glasya, level 10 half-elven Sorceress with random spell picks, graduating from the BG1 thread.


WeiDU log:



If I haven't played for a long time, I like playing Irenicus' dungeon. This time, too.


Glasya gathered the close companions and we sorted through that early cache of armor and weapons. The Imoen I carried over here (i.e. used ShadowKeeper to mimic) is a level 11 Thief with all her hitpoints intact (no deaths in BG1) and an extra point in DEX (from tome). 


Imoen is the only NPC I always do this for - all the others I accept 'as is'. Jaheira was only level 7/8, while Minsc was level 10 (more than double the amount of Glasya's XP!).


Glasya's spell progression has been like this:

Start: Burning Hands, Friends

Level 3: Reflected Image

Level 4: Ghoul Touch

Level 5: Identify, Detect Evil

Level 6: Monster Summoning I

Level 7: Charm Person, Agannazar's Scorcher, Ghost Armor

Level 8: Emotion

Level 9: Blur, Haste, Contagion

Level 10: Hold Monster


Even though the Ogre Mage was tough, nothing real threatening happened on the first half of the dungeon (pre-portal).

When Imoen disarmed the floor trap near the Cambion, Glasya levelled up. She rolled some great spell picks. Some of those could easily have been ones I would have picked if I had played by other rules:


Level 11: Invisibility, Skull Trap, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Spell Immunity



Trying to make herself useful, with an unwieldy spell:




As I was welcoming Yoshimo into the party and took a look at his stats, I noticed Glasya suddenly taking damage!

Lesson learned: always pause the game before you enter the stats screen!


Oh crap, the door to the mephit portal room is open. Did they open it? I don't know. 

Right. Oils of Speed for Minsc and Jaheira and send them in to smash the portals. I run with aTweaks 'PnP mephits', so they have more powers than usual, and some of them are really fast. And now three of them were relentlessly chasing Glasya:




She tried to make herself invisible but got interrupted. She kept running. When I figured her aura was clean again, she was so hurt that she drank an extra healer. Imoen and Yoshimo fired arrows at them but didn't manage to kill any. Glasya ran into the portal room:




Minsc and Jaheira are doing a good job destroying portals and not getting disabled by mephits, only taking minor damage. Glasya tries to go invisible once more, but her spell is once again interrupted:




Didn't matter much, though, because the mephits got killed as the portals went down. 


The rest of the place was easy. I sent in one batch of Monsters I to the Escaped Clone. She killed monsters left and right (both with spells and MMMs) but they were too many in the end. The two kobolds with bows were especially useful.


A slight concern in this fight, but Glasya responded in time:




Oh yeah, Call Woodland Beings is greatly nerfed by aTweaks. At her current level, Jaheira gets a pair of Dryads, who can do very little other than cast a few Charms. The upside of this is that choosing Jaheira's level 4 spells gets more interesting. 


We met up with Gaelan, and Yoshimo robbed his place with the help of a Master Thievery potion. We also defeated Cohrvale and Bregg (Damn, how fast they ate up Jaheira's Iron Skins!). 


What I plan to do right now is actually to go and buy a magic casting license. Glasya needs to be able to protect herself, even outdoors in the city.

I am not quite there yet, money wise, but I hope that Yoshi can have some sticky fingers in some more places...

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Glasya, level 11 half-elven Sorceress with random spell picks, early play in Athkatla with Jaheira, Minsc and Yoshimo


When Glasya started BG2, I took away 6 or her HPs because her imp familiar didn't carry over, and it felt wrong to have that bonus. 


I changed my plans a little. First order of business was now to work towards the summoning of a new familiar. I looked up some spoilers and found that my best early bet for such a scroll would be a one-time merchant in the City Gates district. So we went there - and got waylaid by some archers and a mage. Glasya had been paranoid enough to travel invisble but I had not been smart enough for the whole party to travel under Pixie Dust cover (Jaheira's only 5th-level spell slot was for Iron Skins instead). Big mistake.


With no chance to buff us up, I found it best to just make a run for it. Yoshimo got stunned by Chromatic Orb. The rest of us didn't look back...


While at the City Gates, I found no merchant, only a guard and a guy getting checked by the guard.

We rested at the inn, then I decided to go back to a temple to raise Yoshimo. I forgot that it can be dangerous to travel at night before you are ready for it. Vampire...


In my mind, I must have confused this area with a 'getting waylaid in the city' area (They look nearly the same, and the vampire/thieves appearing had the feeling of a waylay spawning...) because Glasya didn't hesistate to attack with spell:




Only one vampire but I think we handled the fight well. Jaheira started off with Call Lightning, Minsc with sword (and he's extra good against vampires). When the second thief died, Hareishan (did she become undead after we killed her back at Cloakwood mines?) attacked Minsc. He ran past Jaheira who buffed him with Negative Plane Protection. Then she cast (seen in screenie) Flame Blade and attacked herself. Of course, the Cowlies had something to say about that Scorcher. Okay, I know, I AM getting a license! Soon.


As I was going into the Ilmater temple on the Promenade, I realized we already have the means to resurrect people: Harper's Call. Great, using that instead of the temple will save good money. Since Yoshi's gear was lost, I bought him a bow and a plain katana (which was pretty darn expensive, 800 gold, ugh! Oh yeah, silly me forgot to cast Friends before bartering, too...). I was now still a good thousand gold away from having enough for a magic license. Hm, maybe I should stick with the usual early quests first (circus, slavers in the Coronet). Okay, circus at least. That went well.


I checked up on that merchant stuff again. Aha, you should go back there half a dozen days after the first visit. Okay, resting at inn until then. This brought all the early dream sequeces, I think, and also a hilarious bath with Minsc and Boo :)


We got back to the Gates and got that one-time merchant shopping opportunity. Find Familiar, check. Plus I couldn't resist a Katana +1 for ~1500 gold (I didn't remember any from the other shops). I figured I owed Yoshimo this one since he lost his own.


Went back to the Ilmater temple to buy a stock of Genius + Mind Focusing potions. I have the scribe scrolls component from aTweaks and it was now time to make use of this. You see, Glasya may well use her familiar to actually fight here in the early game. The Imp can Polymorph Self and especially the jelly and spider forms can be pretty useful in fights. That's why I created Glasya with 18 CON in the first place, to have some margin. That a few familiars (namely, two) can be lost without her losing any max HP. So I suppose I need at least three Find Familiar scrolls quite soon...


Aerie drank both potion types because I really didn't want her to fail at scribing Find Familiar now. She scribed it, memorized it, rested and wrote a scroll for it. (In order to write a scroll, the mage must be at an inn (at install, you can choose 'inn or stronghold' but I chose only 'inn') and have memorized the spell, then you pay a sum for each scroll. Level 1 scrolls cost 50 gold, then the price go up exponentially with level. At this stage, I could only afford one scroll. 


Summoning the familiar raised Glasya's HP by 9 points, to 59. The familiar was right on point with its first comments:




Yeah, I can see how you can't swim much in a sea of a grand total of 14 gold coins!


We are now at Copper Coronet. I am going to free the slaves next, but I am not going to enter by that gang with Captain Haegan from the sewers entrance because when I last did that with my Beast Master Eileth, it nearly ended in disaster. I remember Aerie dying and Eileth almost dying. Gonna try to take on those slavers from the street entrance instead. At this point, I do not want you to tell me if that is a better or a worse idea - I want to find out for myself.


But I do want to know if my Bhaal powers count as spells, as far as the Cowled Wizards go. I suppose Slow Poison and DUHM are OK, but what about my arcane Bhaal powers?



Oh, I almost forgot. Glasya fought Amalas (sp?) in the pit. She buffed with Ghost Armor, Blur, Reflected Image, Haste. While she was casting Haste, Amalas interrupted her (I think she had remained invisible when casting those other spells) so the Haste got borked. She ran around a bit in the pit, got some distance to Amalas and cast Haste again. Gained new distance (much easier now), cast Monster Summoning I. The monsters kept Amalas occupied so she could slap a Hold Monster in his face. Her mighty Dagger +1 and the three remaining summons tore his stiff body to pieces.

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But I do want to know if my Bhaal powers count as spells, as far as the Cowled Wizards go. I suppose Slow Poison and DUHM are OK, but what about my arcane Bhaal powers?

It may depend on your installation, but in mine the Cowlies don't like them.  That's always irritated me, which I suppose is one reason why I so often kill them rather than pay for a license :P.

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Jianson said...

But I do want to know if my Bhaal powers count as spells, as far as the Cowled Wizards go. I suppose Slow Poison and DUHM are OK, but what about my arcane Bhaal powers?




In vanilla, it depends on your class. E.g., if a fighter uses his Bhaal heal power, the Cowlies don't even bat an eye. But if your character is an arcane (sorcerer, mage, bard, wild mage) and uses his Bhaal power, the Cowlies will treat it as a spell.

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In vanilla, it depends on your class. E.g., if a fighter uses his Bhaal heal power, the Cowlies don't even bat an eye. But if your character is an arcane (sorcerer, mage, bard, wild mage) and uses his Bhaal power, the Cowlies will treat it as a spell.


CLW is a priest spell, so that should always be safe, I hope.


But what if that fighter casts Horror?

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CLW is a priest spell, so that should always be safe, I hope.


But what if that fighter casts Horror?


When CLW is under your special abilities section, it's not a priest spell but a Bhaal Power. Yes, I had a fighter cast horror and no Cowlies appeared. But my fighter/illusionist used the same Bhaal power and here come the Cowlies...


Should be noted casting CLW as a fighter/illusionist also caused Cowlies to appear, so again it's class dependent. 

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That's good to know.

But...talk about double standards. :huh:

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Trio no reload (#1 - update 6)

(Grond0, corey_russell, Gate70)


Mono and duo runs may have come to a halt for me today, but the trio survives :P.


The session started at the Planar Prison and entry there was made easy when invisibility allowed the mage to be killed before he could buff.  


Umber hulks caused a fair amount of damage and a rest was required before buffing and dealing with the Master of Thralls.  


More buffs allowed Miseri to attack the Warden and most of his spells fizzled as a result before he went down.



Emerging into the Bridge District the trio came across Sansuki begging for help.  He didn't seem too pleased by Forem casting a holy smite on the area and started attacking us, but he kept his wits about him enough to say thank you once the vampires were all dead.



Moving on to the temple area a few scrolls of undead protection were purchased before the sewer party coughted their way through a cloudkill - Forem giving them a good send-off with a bless spell just after the last of them fell.



With chaotic commands active the illithid looked doable and the first room was soon cleared.  That provided Miseri with his 13th level and he chose to dual to thief immediately.  That left Ragemage slightly exposed as the sole tank, but he performed that role well in the next room as Miseri picked up enough XP to get to level 6.  However, Forem did need to have a lie down after his brains were sucked out after he ventured too close to the action when trying to finish off a panicking illithid.  The third room started well with Ragemage holding the doorway against the illithid.  However, with lots of attacks coming in intelligence drain was always a potential danger and he suddenly keeled over.  


That left a low-level thief and a cleric with no missile capability to see if they could finish off the last 2 illithid and an umber hulk.  That wasn't an easy challenge and became harder when a single hit on the run pulled Forem's brains out through his ears for the second time in quick succession.  


Miseri did an area transition to throw the attackers off the scent before coming back in under stealth.  Alhoon could still see him anyway, but the thief slammed a door on him before going to pick up the rod of resurrection from Ragemage's corpse to bring back his companions.  A rest and new buffs then saw the opposition finished off in moments.



The final action of the session was concentrated on liches.  Ragemage used a scroll of undead protection to deal with the Shade, Elemental and City Gates liches.  That scroll was a bit of a liability though when they came across Parisa and she couldn't be distracted into attacking Ragemage.  The other 2 were both drained before they could get out of her sight and leave her to stand still waiting for Ragemage's flail to drop on her.  Inside Kangaxx's tomb Forem and Miseri were a bit concerned about the possibility of Kangaxx targetting them and ended up using scrolls as well.  That allowed them to block Kangaxx in while Ragemage used Daystar to whack him - even with no proficiency and at 1 APR the bonus damage vs undead from that still killed Kangaxx fairly quickly.



Stats (cont from BG1)

Miseri, thief 9 (wizardslayer 13), 114 HPs, 436 kills

Ragemage, mage 12 / berserker 9, 101 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 348 kills, 2 deaths

Forem, cleric 10 (kensai 11), 99 HPs, 401 kills, 5 deaths

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(after 2 deaths in the session, and being a passenger whenever undead were not popping out of existence, Forem was looking forward to trying his +1/+4 hammer on Kangaxx but a internet drop meant Grond0 and Corey were on their own for the last tomb)