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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Thanks everyone for the good wishes :).  I have restarted the same character - just arrived at Baldur's Gate so far and hopeful of making further progress, though I won't be documenting the run this time.

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Grond0 - I am pleased that you followed my advice for your last Wizard Slayer - he DID bash Melissan! Just not quite enough...don't forget you can use Mazzy's sword in the off-hand to be immune to stun if you think stun might be a problem!

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Excellent work, Grond0- even if the conclusion was less than ideal.


Looking forward to your next run.







Btw. You mentioned that the crash may have been associated with Mel's death script. Have you replayed and tested whether this may be a recurrent problem in your install? I'd hate to see the same thing happen again. 

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Excellent work, Grond0- even if the conclusion was less than ideal.


Looking forward to your next run.






Btw. You mentioned that the crash may have been associated with Mel's death script. Have you replayed and tested whether this may be a recurrent problem in you install? I'd hate to see the same thing happen again. 

Thanks Alesia.  I haven't done any testing, no.  The installation is unmodded so I wouldn't expect that to be a permanent failure point.  I did note in going through though that I'd had far more crashes in BGEE than I'm used to in BGT, so the crash itself was not a great surprise - it was just the timing that was so annoying.  I will try and remember to make saves between battles at the Throne next time though, just in case ...

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Makes sense.


Good hunting, Grond0!





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Martha, half-elven Totemic Druid, trying to make progress in Athkatla together with Jaheira, Minsc, Yoshimo and Aerie


Same early quets as with my Sorceress Glasya: Circus, Coronet, Slavers. No problem. I am now positive that taking on the slavers from the street entrance is by far the safer option. Especially with my setup where everyone can set off traps, and some of the slavers take a lot of damage from their own traps...



"YOU? You betrayed me in the Undercellars! And now you have the audacity to suggest we spend the night?!"




Martha was furious. Maybe, maybe if he had begged on his knees and pretty much pledged his allegiance to her for the rest of her quest, she could eventually have forgiven him (after all, a backup mage would have been useful). But no, no such plans on his part. So Martha took out a small revenge on him. She played along and gave him some ideas about how they would spend the night, then she dropped him like a wet rag. Serves him right.




Mencar fight was a disaster this time around. Poor planning, yes (especially forgetting the cheap Remove Fear was bad), but I am pretty sure bad luck played a part as well. The initial trapping killed Amon, and then Orcslicer as he approached the party. MVP in the whole fight was Pooky the imp. It incapacitated two of my characters plus a fire elemental. First, it Horrored the elemental and Jaheira, then it hurt Aerie with several MMMs, eventually taking down her Stoneskins. One of the MMMs interrupted a Remove Fear casting that may well have saved my whole party if it had been cast. Pooky, Mencar and Brennan lucked out in managing to corner the scared Jaheira:




Pooky also did this, right when I was about to give Minsc an extra healer:




+6 bonus to save, and he fails. Sigh...


Aerie had been so busy casting offensive + utlity spells that she hadn't given priority to healing herself or to renew Stoneskin. Big mistake:




Only two characters under my control now, and Martha had had her Iron Skins depleted (with AC 6, they almost never miss her). Yoshi took damage but stayed on the move and drank healers, trying to keep himself alive and to draw the two enemies away from the (still) stunned Minsc. Martha took a much needed time out downstairs and cast Wondrous Recall followed by Iron Skins. Here is her comeback to the fight (and elemental is on board again):




None of the enemies could damage the elemental. (They were, however, smart enough to attack Minsc instead. Crap.) 

I took advantage of this by having Yoshimo in shadows blocking the doorway:




Of course, I was now destined to miss out on killing Brennan but that felt unimportant at this time. 


Went to Ilmater temple to resurrect Aerie. Then we rested so Aerie could resurrect the other two.




We licked our wounds, bought Mercykiller Ring for Yoshimo and some useful spell scrolls for Aerie. Then it was time for the Bridge district, time to avenge Glasya!


Found a "cutpurse" (a merchant, rather) who had a very nice selection of goods for sale. So good that he's a bad target for my attempt at stealing back fully charged wands. I'll try the one on the Promenade instead.

Yoshimo found an ankheg shell. Great, now Martha can hopefully soon get some passable AC.


Rune Assassins, watch out! Yoshimo trapped the stairs down, then he and Minsc went hiding upstairs. Jaheira lured the assassins up, while Aerie cast True Seeing. First guy up sure took a beating:




Jaheira went downstairs to lure up the second assassin. Aerie laid down the hurt with Holy Smites and Minute Meteors:




YES, Glasya is hereby avenged:




Kind of neat that Martha dealt the death blow, and that she did it with a measly dart.


Aerie reached level 11 Cleric here. I had found a Bone Club +2 (+3 vs undead) in a house in this district. I gave this club to Jaheira and she passed the shopped Staff Mace +2 over to Aerie. I think I may actually use Aerie as tank for a while now (unless outdoors in the city). With two spare Stoneskin at the ready, decent AC from her good DEX and high-level Barkskin from either of my druids, she should be able to hold the position well. And she will use Blade Barrier!



Martha, level 12 Totemic Druid, 73 HP

Jaheira, level 10/12 Fighter/Druid, 67 HP, 1 death, CON=16

Minsc, level 12 Ranger, 78 HP, 1 death, CON=15

Yoshimo, level 12 Bounty Hunter, 80 HP

Aerie, level 11/11 Cleric/Mage, 37 HP, 1 death, CON=8




Question: if I lose the challenge against Faldorn with Cernd or Jaheira (certainly possible with SCS), can I challenge her again with another druid? Or even with the same druid, after a resurrection?

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Jianson said...

Question: if I lose the challenge against Faldorn with Cernd or Jaheira (certainly possible with SCS), can I challenge her again with another druid? Or even with the same druid, after a resurrection?



While I can't speak with certainty for SCS, in vanilla you can challenge as many times as you want, as long as you have a druid to challenge her with. Even the same druid, after resurrection.


My berserkers had a tough SCS battle with Mencar too. We had one death and badly battered but we did win. Keep it up, Jianson!

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Serg BlackStrider

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Question: if I lose the challenge against Faldorn with Cernd or Jaheira (certainly possible with SCS), can I challenge her again with another druid? Or even with the same druid, after a resurrection?



While I can't speak with certainty for SCS, in vanilla you can challenge as many times as you want, as long as you have a druid to challenge her with. Even the same druid, after resurrection.


You can challenge her as many times as you want with SCS installed as well. In my latest run Jaheira failed vs her like three times in a row (I'm trying to play fair and the SCS' improved Faldorn is quite formidable opponent).

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It would be odd to challenge again with the same character but I see no problem sending in a different Druid... just my two bits mate.

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True class mage {8} (update 1)
I successfully passed through the dungeon (and none of the traps came close to killing me), with Ulvaryl the only survivor - I tried to finish her off with the lightning wand, but was surprised that she managed to just survive before disappearing.  I wasn't restricting rests, so progress there was easy and there was more resting immediately afterwards when I encouraged the Cowled Wizards to take their best shot - though I realised in preparing for that I'd forgotten to pick up the amulet from the dungeon giving an additional second level spell :(. They were alerted by casting invisibility before being stuck in a concoction of web, stinking cloud and cloudkill (while malisoned).  The odd one managed to take an action, but nothing too threatening.  Their treasure was pretty pathetic though - the first 4 groups didn't have a single scroll between them.  The final group didn't go quite according to plan: firstly Zallanora managed to survive and cast all her buffs and prepared spells before dimension-dooring away - the pit fiend left behind then killed one of the cowled wizards to steal my XP.  My experience is that Zallanora does often survive, but I hadn't expected Radeel to arrive at 5.00 am looking for directions - and reputation took a hit there.
After investing all the gems found at the temple in building reputation I quickly restored the circus to order before doing the same to the Copper Coronet
- the reward for that taking me to level 12.
On the way to pick up the potion case from Watcher's Keep a cloudkill and a friendly air elemental made short work of the Suna Seni ambush.  
There were no vampiric wraiths there this time, so my skull trap surprise for them was wasted.  
I opened the FoD trap relying on my saving throw of -1 - good job I didn't skip blur while getting saving throw down!
There was quite a bit of running round throwing darts at the first 2 statues and to speed things up for the rest I bought an animate dead scroll from Sister Garlena and produced some of those before finishing the final statue off in running melee.
Arriving back in Athkatla I was just in time to save Renfeld from some attackers.  After returning him I used cloudkill and invisibility to watch Prebek & Sanasha die
before looting the harpers and watching Xzar die (level 13).
After starting Mae'Var's tasks I continued experimenting with traps.  Despite the later 'spell ineffective' message I was badly wounded by a lightning trap despite MSD (the spell wasn't used up by multiple hits), so there's obviously still something odd going on there (MGoI protected properly against the other similar trap in that temple).  
I tried to buy something from Mistress Ada, but she was too busy looking for her lost necklace so I had to go to the other temples to get PfU scrolls.  Last run I played fair with the undead in the Graveyard, but this time I just used one scroll to help clear the upper tombs and another for the Southern Dungeons below.  Clearing the lower area finished with Pai'Na.  I was expecting her to call up some spiders, but as she didn't see me she decided to tackle the flesh golem by herself - big mistake.

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Corezerk II and his band of berserkers and berserker/thief - FINAL Update!


While the team made a lot of progress, all that really matters is the last two encounters. The party absolutely destroyed Captain Dennis party (this is SCS). So I thought we should be able to defeat Tarnor's Gang - I was wrong! Tarnor's gang destroyed us. Honestly they feel stronger than Irenicus! With how strong that party is, feels like they could rule the city.


Think next run will be group of fighter/druids. Will keep ya guys posted.



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Tarnor's gang destroyed us. Honestly they feel stronger than Irenicus! With how strong that party is, feels like they could rule the city.


Whoa! I plan to take them on soon. Maybe think once again about that.


Sorry for the end of your run, but GL with fighter/druids. I like druids, their spells are a strange mix of awesome and less-than-stellar stuff.


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Thanks, Jianson. There are definitely some so-so druid spells - which is why a party of pure druids is so much harder. But being part fighter means my team can be less dependent on spells, so hopefully can make good progress.


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Trio no reload (#1 - update 7)

(Grond0, corey_russell, Gate70)


The session started with taking a quick revenge on Lassal for Mook's death.  


The Guild Contact then led them on a vampire hunt, though they were distracted on the way by seeing that Pai'Na had not yet been done.  Ragemage dealt with the spiders there by fireballing them - taking the reasonable line that the pair of burly fighters accompanying him wouldn't mind being warmed up :devil:.  I only just noticed on the screenshot, but it's nice to see Pai'Na responding so quickly (even in advance) to Forem's command to die ...



A number of vampires in their HQ were killed, but Forem was drained a couple of times in the process.  With significant lag on the connection adding to the normal difficulty in MP of knowing just where things really are, it was hard to get into position for a safe melee attack even with Ragemage acting as tank.  Even at cleric level 4 Forem still had a sanctuary, so just went to pick up the MoD before leaving to find a temple.  Once restored, Neb was tracked down to get his illithium and the iMoD forged to provide a means of protecting against level drain in the future.


Ragemage treated himself to the Shield of Balduran and led the way to confront the Unseeing Eye.  The undead on the way were only led by a greater mummy so there was no need to use a scroll of PfU.  Forem couldn't resist using turn undead there and managed to explode a few things, though most of them were just sent running all over the place - Miseri was caught off guard and diseased by a mummy when transitioning into the beholder area and coming under immediate attack by a pair of those.  After sorting out the blind priests with the help of some summoned elementals


Ragemage stormed through the beholders.  Miseri tried to stay out of the way of the Unseeing Eye and fortunately a PW:kill was targeted at a skeleton rather than him as the Unseeing Eye took its last shot.



Stats (cont from BG1)

Miseri, thief 11 (wizardslayer 13), 125 HPs (incl. 11 from ioun stone), 454 kills

Ragemage, mage 12 / berserker 9, 102 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 448 kills, 2 deaths

Forem, cleric 11 (kensai 11), 99 HPs, 430 kills, 5 deaths

With Miseri and Forem handicapped by loss of their fighter levels Ragemage has hugely outscored them recently and will take the lead in kills early in the next session - though Forem will recover his kensai abilities fairly soon now and start chasing.

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True class mage {8} (update 2)
At the Bridge District the spell immunity scroll picked up from Pai'Na allowed me to get the berserker horn.  Next up was solving the skinner murders.  The first Rune Assassin made short work of the flesh golem waiting at the top of the stairs, but the second realised he needed more than his +1 sword against an air elemental and the ghasts and the bone golem couldn't help him out either - the reward for that bit of work took me to level 14.  
Rather than take a reputation hit I just released Lady Elgea.
Neb survived 3 skull traps from out of sight, but a death fog was too much for him.
His illithium was handed over to Sir Sarles (and his head to Inspector Brega).  On the way to doing a task for the Lathander temple I came across Parisa and decided to attack her.  However, I hadn't memorised enough damaging spells for the purpose and struggled to overcome her regeneration.  Eventually Kitthix managed to web her and a few scrolls picked up as loot and the fire wand from Jon's dungeon proved just enough.  
Skull traps were then all that was needed against Borinall.
The sewers under the Copper Coronet were soon cleaned out.  Captain Haegan and his merry men were more victims of skull traps cast amongst them (using MGoI for protection) before I needed to dig into my scroll case again to find a couple of fireball spells for the trolls. Vampiric touch provided a HP boost against the acid trap, but mirrors worked their magic there anyway.  A death fog then killed most of the remaining slavers.  Coming back from the front entrance I was surprised to see that Cohrvale & Bregg were still alive - that was soon remedied though.
Back at the Docks I finally gave Mae'Var the necklace he wanted and went to sort out Rayic Gethras.  I took no risks there - just throwing in summons from out of sight.
Rayic had a welcome mordy sword scroll that was successfully learnt.  Completing the remaining tasks and reporting back to Bloodscalp was enough for level 15.  I cleared out the top floors of Mae'Var's guild house just using melee before pulling out some summons for the chief and his support crew (skeleton warriors, now at full power, were never going to have any problems there).
After looting both thief guilds I went to the Bridge District to have a go at Dracandros.  I was surprised at how quickly his buffs went up: they beat the casting time 1 PW:stun, so it was a good job it was just minor spell turning and not its big brother that activated.  
Skull traps and a death fog then supplemented melee attacks.
In the same area Captain Dennis was made easier by the ability to pre-cast webs.  The captain himself was the only one to survive skull traps and death fog - and was saving regularly against web.  However, at near death he was another sucker for a PW:stun.
Still in the mood for a party I went to the temple sewers.  While waiting for Gaius' true sights to wear off I worked round everything else before finishing off with the rakshasa in the middle.
Tarnor's group then got the treatment, though (rather like being subjected to Thai massage) they may not have fully appreciated how much good it was doing them :devil:.
Mekrath died to a couple of skeleton warriors - as did his yuan-ti guards.  The acid blob trap there picked out the correct form, but fortunately didn't do enough damage to kill (I hadn't used vampiric touch to increase HPs that time, so it was a potential danger).
I'll be aiming to work through the beholder hordes next ...

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True class mage {8} (3rd and final update)
On the way to the temple on the Unseeing Eye quest I opened a trapped container.  That appeared to generate a couple of sword spiders and a wandering horror in addition to the normal cloud - though surprised I managed to fend them off.  The beholders at the bridge were attacked with summons and area damage spells.  The final beholder to survive was targeted with a PW:stun following the first use of a mislead spell, but something prevented that from working properly and wand fireballs were needed to finish the job (level 16).
The undead were worked through using summons to shield me from the lich.  I was surprised to see that greater mummies could not hit a skeleton warrior (nor could a skeleton warrior hit them) meaning the crimson dart got a good workout there before the second skeleton warrior finally breached the lich's defences.  Moving on to the beholders, a first skeleton warrior evaporated in a death spell, but a second killed everything with eyes before being joined by a first use of mordy swords against the blind priests inside a cloudkill (the skeleton warrior did eventually go hostile in there, but too late for the priests).  A final skeleton warrior for the day was then entrusted with the destruction of the big, bad, Eye (level 17).
After returning the rod and selling some junk to make room for more I went to call on Gaal.  A webbed cloudkill killed some guards, but when I went to investigate Gaal wasn't actually in the room with them. Oh well, after a rest his turn came!  Reporting back to the temple pushed reputation up to 20 and, with about 152k gold in the bank, I decided it was time to buy a few items.  Purchases including Staff of Rhynn, Vecna and a number of new spells brought gold down to a slightly more reasonable level.  While shopping in the Promenade I also decided to tick off another area by making a bit more room in the local hotels - Brennan being targeted by summons initially to ensure he didn't run away before a couple of symbol stuns eliminated the remaining opposition.
Clearing up another bit of work at the Bridge District I destroyed the Fallen Paladins - another enemy unable to hit elementals.  Then I finally got around to following up on Haer'Dalis.  Following him invisibly into the Planar Prison I got out of sight of the mage and produced some summons to kill him.  The skeleton warriors progressed on round and killed a group of yuan-ti with the help of some area damage.  That was just enough for level 18, but I didn't bother resting before a mordy sword and an elemental joined the skeleton warrior to fight the Master of Thralls (while I stayed out of sight). The same group tried their luck with the Warden, but couldn't finish him off, but the yuan-ti mages helped them out by killing the Warden with skull traps when another elemental from the staff joined the battle. A mislead was then used to allow me to safely finish off the mages.
Deciding it was about time for a bit of lich hunting I went to buy an improved haste scroll from the Cutpurse in the Bridge District and then rested up to learn lots of MMM spells.  Two phantom blade spells and an oil of speed supplemented a PfU scroll while killing 3 liches and Kangaxx's initial form.  I then switched to MMMs and improved haste to attack the demi-lich, but was missing too often so took a couple of potions of mind focusing and a potion of power.  Now hitting with a 3 I kept up the attack, though the delay in using the potions meant I also had to read a scroll of MMM to do the final damage.
The next intended target was the Twisted Rune and I prepared for that by visiting Bernard and buying spell sequencer and simulacrum scrolls.  After resting to set the sequencer up I entered the Rune building and activated Shangalar before using a PfU scroll and shooting him up with the Boomerang Dagger.  I was thinking that a skull trap sequencer, added to by the simmy would kill Vaxall, but it didn't quite do so and he immediately moved forward into the attack.  Fortunately though he used an anti-magic ray on me first and didn't have time to follow up with a death ray before taking the final few HPs necessary to finish him off.  
Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking clearly and immediately moved forwards to cast an incendiary cloud where Layene was - ignoring the fact that there was still a vampire out there and that with no PfU now operating my standard spell save of 4 left me as a sitting duck for domination ...
Edit: just loading the autosave to check on something I noted that Vaxall was indeed very lucky to survive the initial attack on him :angry:

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Sorry to hear that Grond0 - good news though the group of fighter/druids are still going!

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Martha, half-elven Totemic Druid, adventuring in Athkatla with Jaheira, Minsc, Yoshimo and Aerie


No particularly exciting stories this time. I'm taking it slow, trying to play with little risk. Not sure why, really. Been focusing on most of the smaller quests in Athkatla. I've secured Jan and Viconia as companions (should I need them later) but I have not yet visited the Temple district.


We made our first visits to the Graveyard district. Yoshimo scouted out the tombs. But he wasn't prepared to be scared stiff immediately in one of them! Ah, so that's a passive Mummy attack that works even when they are unaware of characters. With my party down at the map entrance, I knew there was not much time to save Yoshimo. Aerie threw a Remove Fear, Jaheira shifted to wolf form and ran over to help. Fortunately, it took several rounds (at least it felt like that) before Yoshimo became visible and thus, attacked. Just when Jaheira entered the tomb, all our Skins spells timed out. Dammit! Well, she had to hold the front anyway:




Minsc and Martha came over. Martha cast Iron Skins and replaced Jaheira for a few rounds while Jaheira went outside to cast Iron Skins herself. All went well.


Aerie tried out some soloing in another mummy-infested tomb:




Blade Barrier was OK, not as effective as I had hoped but still did good damage now and then. Aerie used up the half MMM buff she had left, plus a full extra and some Magic Missiles before she was standing there looking over three Mummy remains. Cool.


Martha had some bad experience with her Vampiric Touch power earlier (it failed to work), so she tried it again, on Uncle Lester. It worked this time, far and beyond what it was supposed to. He crumbled from that single attack, and look at the HP boost that was delivered (she has 73 HP normally):




Note the reasonably good AC for a crappy-DEX single class Druid. That's from the Ankheg Plate that Cromwell crafted, and a Buckler. Later, I found a +1 Buckler in the Shadow Thief guildhall.


Fighting Xzar's creations and apprentices:




We entered the place under Pixie Dust, so we could take up the best positions possible before the fight started. The spell Aerie cast here was a good old staple that isn't stopped by Minor Globes:




Yup, Emotion. She had to dance around a little but there was never any trouble keeping the distance to that ghast.


More vampire encounters:




Two NPPs were cast immediately: Aerie protected Jaheira and Jaheira protected Minsc. One of the vampires pursued Yoshimo and level drained him twice. He drank oil of speed so he could keep the distance. Martha did not feel like moving when she had started to cast Call Lightning, so she also suffered a level drain. Here is Aerie's best Minute Meteor so far:




(But of course Minsc is the main force in these fights)


We made it through Boo's kidnapping despite getting both riddles wrong (I wonder if Elenya is really as powerful as she and the Cowlies think - I was too cowardly to find out this run...).


Next vampire encounter, just a one on one. We were invisible so they were passive. I buffed Minsc (had to make him visible first - he dropped an item and picked it up) and he approached in shadows, put on his plate and started vampire whacking:




With the vampire dead, the shadow thief was passive. Not wanting to be outdone, Yoshimo laid down some traps and backstabbed the shadow thief (1700 exp). 


We've now left Athkatla for the first time and have made it to Imnesvale. Hopefully we are still low enough in level to avoid liches spawning in the ruins.


Aerie tried out this combo:




The first one died but the second one saved 3-4 rounds and wasn't even damaged when the minute was up. Brought in Minsc so they could kill it together (Lilarcor protects him from confusion).


Note the fully charged wands. I boosted Yoshimo to 175% PP and stole them from the merchant in Gaelan's house. 


I avoided a fight with Jafir the rakshasa. Paid for the command word for the flask instead. So now I have one use of Limited Wish way before anyone can cast it (unless they want to waste a scroll). Any wish recommendation?

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Jianson - Nice update! I don't use LW much, but the one use I like for it for many of my parties is another glasses of identification. You just can't seem to have too many of those things...

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Jianson - Nice update! I don't use LW much, but the one use I like for it for many of my parties is another glasses of identification. You just can't seem to have too many of those things...


Not a good choice for my party. Aerie has 93 Lore, she's failed to ID about 3 items in total (all of them cursed, I think). When she does, it can be taken care of next time we rest.

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Martha, half-elven Totemic Druid, adventuring in Athkatla with Jaheira, Minsc, Yoshimo and Aerie

Martha had some bad experience with her Vampiric Touch power earlier (it failed to work), so she tried it again, on Uncle Lester. It worked this time, far and beyond what it was supposed to. He crumbled from that single attack, and look at the HP boost that was delivered (she has 73 HP normally):



Yup, Emotion. 

VT is pretty much un-fixable w/o tweaking it fully. The bug is well-known and documented. Well, one more reason to use it I guess.

Emotion is (imo) in vanilla game one of the best game spells, ever. It's an AoE save-or-die that bypasses most immunites (sleep immune isn't common) and goes through MGoI. EE changes sleep so creatures awake when struck, ToBex has such an option as well. I'm glad to see this spell in good use.


Btw - one nasty trick with Blade barrier (apart invis) is hasting your character. Due to way haste works with these spells, barrier gets triggered twice per round, effectively doubling it's damage output.


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Ah man all my hard work in vain. :crying: :( 
Wynter got himself killed by a snare in Irenicus' bedroom. As an avid Thief player I'm fairly familiar with the locations of many of the game's traps, but in most cases not with what they do. Wynter was protected by MI, MGoI and Stoneskin. Apparently that wasn't enough. Maybe it was one of those acid blob traps that did him in? I shouldn't have soloed with a single class mage with my lack of trap knowledge. Perhaps I won't try again until I have a comprehensive trap guide with locations and characteristics, at least not in nightmare mode.

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Ah man all my hard work in vain. :crying: :( 
Wynter got himself killed by a snare in Irenicus' bedroom. As an avid Thief player I'm fairly familiar with the locations of many of the game's traps, but not in most cases not with what they do. Wynter was protected by MI, MGoI and Stoneskin. Apparently that wasn't enough. Maybe it was one of those acid blob traps that did him in? I shouldn't have soloed with a single class mage with my lack of trap knowledge. Perhaps I won't try again until I have a comprehensive trap guide with locations and characteristics, at least not in nightmare mode.


Sorry to hear that Blackraven. Wtih his mages/wild mages, I believe Grond0 often uses vampiric drain on a random mob before tripping traps, to boost the HP. Sounds like what was needed in your case.

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Thanks Corey. VT might have worked. I hope I'll remember this tip if/when I become enthusiastic again about trying to take another solo mage through BG1.

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Wynter got himself killed by a snare in Irenicus' bedroom. As an avid Thief player I'm fairly familiar with the locations of many of the game's traps, but in most cases not with what they do. Wynter was protected by MI, MGoI and Stoneskin. Apparently that wasn't enough. Maybe it was one of those acid blob traps that did him in? I shouldn't have soloed with a single class mage with my lack of trap knowledge. Perhaps I won't try again until I have a comprehensive trap guide with locations and characteristics, at least not in nightmare mode.


Sorry to see that Blackraven, though dying like that is hardly foreign territory for me!  Do you know where in the room Wynter was - I might then be able to say what the trap was?