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Baldur's Gate 2 No-Reload Challenge

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Well Daorem has escaped despite some bugginess around the wand traps. It looked like one key was missing so I went back and checked several areas, then gave up and decided to walk through the trap only for it to not trigger. I went back and clicked the pillar and without picking up any other keys it de-activated. This started at 16m and ended at 20m:11s, at which point you can see I walked across it 3 or 4 times before it finally registered.


I decided not to risk the largest group of mephits near the genie, and a substantial portion of time was spent trying to work out which items I should take out given the inventory restrictions and not having loaded Jaheira, Minsc or The Yoshimo (feared by all) up. 


Splitting the videos down seems like a reasonable idea, the only downside being that unlike the BG:EE video there's no evidence each session has only been tried once.


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 95 - (update 3)

Frindall, dwarf berserker (Grond0) & Dhaorem, human dark moon monk (Gate70)


A monitor failure meant I was relegated to my old computer, but after a number of failed attempts to connect we eventually managed a decent session today for this hard-hitting pair.  


First up we helped out Tiris and sorted out a tomb problem to complete the work started in Trademeet last time.  Then it was on to Umar where the tasks in the village held no real threat.  Moving on to the ruined temple the greater mummy heading up the first main group of undead hit Frindall hard and made him retreat.  However, once he buffed with DUHM and rage he soon took revenge and there were no problems with the second similar group.  



An opening melee assault on Thaxy saw Frindall have to withdraw with pleas from Dhaorem to take a potion ringing in his ears.  He resisted those entreaties though and put up Ras to buy a bit of time while he switched from melee to his new throwing hammer.  In the few rounds the sword lasted Thaxy got to near death and he then made the mistake of wasting time trying to breathe on the speedy monk while another flying hammer blow crushed his remaining defences.  


The Shade Lord tends to be slow to get his buffs up and failed to do so this time - being cut down by a raging dwarf just before Dhaorem was about to let loose with a sun ray.



Back in Athkatla the duo undertook a task for Sir Sarles.  Neb became the first target of a Quivering Palm attack, but managed to shrug that off - not that that saved him for long :P.  Sir Sarles was very pleased to get some genuine illithium (unintentional generosity there, though the iMoD wouldn't be used much anyway).  The Lathander temple also had a problem sorted out before the end of the session.  Next time Frindall will be leading an assault on the Planar Prison to try and get some boots of speed to help his little dwarvish legs keep up with the fast-striding monk.



Frindall, berserker 14, 116 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 344 kills

Dhaorem, dark moon monk 14, 81 HPs (incl. 7 from ioun stone), 191 kills, 2 deaths

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Charlestonian Knight Templar

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Thanks people for your likes and congratulations :) It's nice to be in ToB again, after many months of failed or aborted attempts...


Watcher's Keep, Sendai or Abazigal are next. I'm inclined to go to Watcher's Keep to experiment with the two options I mentioned above (Bardin the Vecna-wearing spell caster vs Bardin the Adventurer Wear-clad damage resister).

 Keep up the momentum Blackraven.  As us University of Alabama grads say, "Rooooollllll Tide Rooollllllll!  CKT

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Grimwald the Wise

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So this place seems to be dead, hah.... I finished BG2 but wont bother writing when there's nobody to read it....

I'm out.




We do read it occasionally even when we are in BG1 as I am currently. Obviously when we are playing BG1, we tend to read that section more, rather than the BGII section.


When I got back to the forum I was most encouraged to find 11 likes awaiting me. :) I think that a number of people only play at the weekend as RL intrudes.

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We do read it occasionally even when we are in BG1 as I am currently. Obviously when we are playing BG1, we tend to read that section more, rather than the BGII section.


When I got back to the forum I was most encouraged to find 11 likes awaiting me. :) I think that a number of people only play at the weekend as RL intrudes.

Yes I read as well. I can't always post, raising family, working full time, other commitments, etc. Probably it's this way for a lot of people. Plus there's a number of people who almost never post but yet regularly read these threads.

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Daorem got as far as Watchers Keep, killed off a few orogs but chasing after the last scared one turned out to be a fools errand. All caught on "film" too, confirming the lack of practice. Interestingly, I saw no attack roll or anything other than the hand, and assumed I'd been daydreaming. Replaying the clip does indicate no final text but the orog is mid-swing.


This was on Sunday, been busy so only just found time to upload the evidence.


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Grimwald the Wise

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Taking a healing potion would have saved your life. :)


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So this place seems to be dead, hah.... I finished BG2 but wont bother writing when there's nobody to read it....

I'm out.

Most of people here aren't really kids anymore. I'm pretty certain quite a few (myself included, just like Corey) have jobs to go to and kids to raise and wives/husbands to please. I don't post as much anymore, but I read this thread on a daily basis. 

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 95 - (update 4)

Frindall, dwarf berserker (Grond0) & Dhaorem, human dark moon monk (Gate70)


Back on my original computer there was a slight hiccup at the start of the session when I realised I hadn't transferred the latest save from the other machine ...


However, with that done we proceeded to make some quick progress.  The initial aim was to get boots of speed for Frindall, so we went to call on Mekrath.  Frindall carefully buffed to make sure he could hit hard and fast - all wasted as the mage became a first victim of Dhaorem's quivering palm :devil:.


After rage did help Frindall plow through some umber hulk guards to get the portal gem, Dhaorem tried his quivering trick again on Gaius - but this time unsuccessfully.  That resulted in him running round scared while Frindall hammered the opposition into submission.



At the Planar Sphere both characters arrived invisible and immediately attacked the mage - successfully killing him before he could buff.  


Frindall's saving throws were now good enough to not have to worry about demonic attacks and the Master of Thralls and Warden both went down quickly.



The last major area not yet visited was Windspear, so that was next on the list.  As usual I remembered after arriving there that we should have picked up the acorns - and as usual some other smart-ass proved to have already done so :P.  Dhaorem was the first to taste trouble there when he somewhat rashly provoked a group of exploding kobolds before Frindall could send in the berserk warrior to take the punishment - he survived though, while plaintively requesting a bit of healing.


Frindall had his own problems after being surprised by a group of vampires appearing unexpectedly and being drained before he could get rage up.  


As that has such a big impact on saving throws the duo took a trip back to Athkatla before carrying on in the dungeon.  Some werewolves and golems have been dealt with, but there's still plenty of action left for next time.



Frindall, berserker 15, 119 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 464 kills

Dhaorem, dark moon monk 15, 83 HPs (incl. 7 from ioun stone), 261 kills, 2 deaths

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Most of people here aren't really kids anymore. 


And then there are those of us who are still kids, but who prefer to play outdoors from time to time. These days, I'm too busy snorkelling with penguins and sea lions to play Baldur's Gate, but I do still read on a semi-regular basis.


In general, despite the changes in times, I think our thread plays the same role in the BG community that it always has. We have a small, stable community of regular participants, and a variable group of active posters. The sum total of participants is never stratospherically high, but the number of readers is non-trivial. Players from other forums are aware of our thread and stop by to read, even if they choose not to post. Gaming ideas shared here are often echoed on other forums. This thread remains relevant to the broader community, even as participation waxes and wanes.


Anyhow. Good hunting everyone!





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Trio no reload (#1 - update 2)

(Grond0, corey_russell, Gate70)


After a couple of weeks break for an urgent chess appointment the trio regathered yesterday to continue their adventures in Amn.  Ragemage had just dualled at the end of the previous session, so the first item on the agenda was to get him a few levels at the Graveyard.  While returning to the Slums to get a teddy bear Suna Seni attempted an ambush and paid the penalty


- the availability of Arbane neatly solved the risk associated with the shadow fiends in one of the tombs.  The Crypt King was the other potential problem - Miseri handled that by running outside when he tried his horror spell before coming back inside to hold him off just long enough while Forem chopped him down to size.



Next up the trio ventured down below the Copper Coronet into the sewers.  They were cleaned out with the exception of the fungi - we didn't bother going back for those after acquiring Lilarcor.  By that time Ragemage could use invisibility on everyone and that allowed the guards in the slaver ship to be killed before activating Captain Haegan.


Invisibility was used again to get the drop on the mages.



With the loot gathered Gaelan Bayle was paid off and the Amulet of Power obtained from Aran Linvail before going to Watcher's Keep to get the potion bag.  While there the left hand side rooms were cleared to get the Crimson Dart and golem manual, but the main room was left untouched in case some vampiric wraiths were waiting.  Ragemage bought a few more choice spells from Sister Garlena and then used a couple of potions of genius to ensure he learnt those.


The final destination of the session was a trip to the Bridge District.  After acquiring the berserk warrior the skinner murders were solved - though not without cost.  The trio were all invisible again going down to confront the Rune Assassins, but Forem decided to go for a quick kill on one of the ghasts and was held by it.  With both ghasts and one of the Rune Assassins attacking him the others could not help out in time.  


Ragemage was in danger of joining him when the remaining Rune Assassin battered down his stoneskin and started stabbing his unprotected body.  However, Ragemage managed to run round well enough to stay alive until the Assassin was persuaded to switch targets to Miseri. 



There was just time to deal with the kidnappers - and to leave Hareishan alone.  Ragemage should reactivate his berserker abilities in the next session and will be much more inclined to do a spot of vampire stomping then :D.


Stats (cont from BG1)

Miseri, wizardslayer 9, 107 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 231 kills

Ragemage, mage 9 (berserker 9), 92 HPs, 176 kills, 0 deaths

Forem, kensai 9, 93 HPs, 293 kills, 2 deaths

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 95 - (5th and final update)

Frindall, dwarf berserker (Grond0) & Dhaorem, human dark moon monk (Gate70)


A lich grab and smash operation resulted in a premature end to this run yesterday.


Starting off in Windspear Hills there was no particular difficulty in completing the dungeon, though Firkraag was left alone in an uncharacteristically prudent decision.  Tazok's key was used to provide access to a bunch of illithid back in Athkatla and they provided more trouble - their area effect psionic blasts holding Dhaorem several times despite his use of stealth and resulting in one need to use the Rod of Resurrection.


An earlier death in the run had been caused by the gauth on the way to undertake the Unseeing Eye quest and revenge was taken on them.  However, things got sticky when descending into a pit full of undead.  Expecting a lich to be there, Dhaorem tried to draw out its spells by going into sight range while stealthed.  However, it appeared that the lich had true sight running and other undead immediately started chasing him.  In itself that wouldn't have been a problem and Frindall moved to intercept them secure in the knowledge that his saving throws would provide an automatic save against anything the lich used.  


However, some of you may remember a discussion some time ago about saving throws and the fact that at certain points there appeared to be a glitch in the game mechanics that meant saves could be failed when they shouldn't be.  That issue seems to have been translated across into the Enhanced Edition as Frindall's save of -3 vs spells failed to save him against a symbol stun.


Dhaorem tried to put the chasing undead off by using the Ring of Air Control on Frindall, but true sight kicked in quickly enough that the undead didn't lose focus and moments later Frindall was splattered.


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That's bad... -3 - (-4) = 1. So even a '1' should have been enough. But perhaps if a specialist mage (lich = conjurer) casts spell of his own school (symbol: stun is conjuration) these spells are (sometimes) harder to resist? A pity that the engine doesn't display the dice roll and the required dice roll.


Some testing (a while ago here in this forum) had shown that this wasn't the case in BGEE but BG2EE might be different: https://www.reddit.c...ialist_mage_do/


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Some testing (a while ago here in this forum) had shown that this wasn't the case in BGEE but BG2EE might be different: https://www.reddit.c...ialist_mage_do/

Thanks Dyara - I've responded to that in the Adventurers Lounge as it's of general interest.


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Trio no reload (#1 - update 3)

(Grond0, corey_russell, Gate70)


The trio started the session in the Bridge District and Miseri shortly disappeared for a while after recovering the berserker horn.  Next up Ragemage fancied his chances against Dracandros.  The others were less confident, particularly after the mage summoned a nabassu despite being confused at the time :wacko:.  They all ran outside and had just enough stamina to deal with the 2 enemies chasing.  


After resting up they went back in the finish the job - Miseri this time going into melee and his hits caused the mage to fail with his intended spell.  A fight with Captain Dennis to get Miseri a magical throwing dagger went more according to plan.  Chaos affected several enemies, including inducing the Captain to run downstairs.  Emotion put a couple of others on the floor, leaving the main opposition from a mage and concentrated attacks soon brought her down.  By that time Dennis had recovered his senses, but a belated screenshot showed the trio still had a bit in hand after defeating him.



Ragemage had been a bit handicapped up to now by not being able to cast outside in the city, so was presented with a shiny new license while the trio were in the Government District to open up access to Umar Hills.  At Umar the tasks around the village were done, but Ragemage wanted some insurance against shadow fiends before going on to the ruined temple - a quick trip to Trademeet provided him with the Shield of Harmony - he got his berserker abilities back again as a result of separating Taquee from an efreeti bottle (and his head).



Back in Umar the temple was easy enough, with the 2 large groups of undead led only by skeleton warriors.  


Thaxy was prudently left for another day, but the Shade Lord was assaulted.  That could have ended badly when an initial assault just failed to kill him before his buffs fired - but Forem managed to pick out the real form among the many mirrors to administer a killing blow.



The final action of the session was eliminating a few rangers on arrival back in Umar - Ragemage having fun back in his accustomed position of leading the charge.


To protect his companion's slightly battered body, Miseri exposed himself to Valygar's bleeding sword.  Forem then picked up Valygar's body and threw it across the room where Miseri neatly caught it and stowed it in his surprisingly capacious backpack.


Stats (cont from BG1)

Miseri, wizardslayer 10, 110 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 261 kills

Ragemage, mage 11 / berserker 9, 95 HPs, 196 kills, 0 deaths

Forem, kensai 10, 96 HPs, 354 kills, 2 deaths

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Grimwald the Wise

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And then there are those of us who are still kids, but who prefer to play outdoors from time to time. These days, I'm too busy snorkelling with penguins and sea lions to play Baldur's Gate, but I do still read on a semi-regular basis.


I'm retired and yet still enjoy outdoor games. Trekking in the Himalayas, Walking/Bird Watching on the North Yorkshire Moors. Will be going walking in the French Alps soon. :) What is more, I still have snowball fights with my PhD daughter. :D


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 96 - (update 1)

Cara, elf enchanter (Grond0) & Helberg, dwarven defender (Gate70)


Continuing their Trilogy run this pairing actually made their way through the dungeon a couple of days ago and restored the circus and Copper Coronet to normal service.  Today's session got down to the real business as they cut their way into the heart of Athkatla.


The first bit of action was tempting Suna Seni into trying an ambush.  The archer there chased Cara so she was unable to get off any spells until late in the contest - fortunately Helberg didn't need any help :).  


It still seemed a good idea to beef up his defences though - Officer Dirth kindly obliging with a suit of armour.


Renfeld's attackers were no better at ambushing and Helberg quickly dispatched Prebek & Sanasha to allow the harpers to be looted.  Looking at the potions stacking up in his inventory he led the way to Watcher's Keep to get the potion container.  While there the left hand rooms were looted (picking up the Crimson Dart and Golem Manual), but they didn't even check the main entrance to see if vampiric wraiths were lurking.


Back in Athkatla they cleared the Graveyard - Helberg impressively taking down Uncle Lester with Azuredge despite there being no apparent throwing animation.  


Cara went downstairs in search of a ioun stone, but found trouble there.  First her cunning plan to put a skull trap up where she knew some spiders would appear failed to pay off when it was extremely reluctant to explode


- that led to her being chased round by the sword spider until Helberg could stop it with Azuredge.  Then she went invisible to go into Pai'Na's nest - only to find herself appearing suddenly when spiders sprang out of the ground at the point she had selected to move (thus creating an attack).  That was easily the most worrying moment of the run to date as she was surrounded and poisoned by spiders while trying to go invisible.  However, Helberg cut one of the attackers down, opening a space for her to flee outside where they rested to get rid of the poison.


Going back in there were no further slip-ups - the skull trap dropped on Helberg was intentional (one of many, many occasions - oh what fun for a mage to have a sturdy dwarf to practice on :devil:).



Next was the Copper Coronet sewers.  Helberg was embarrassed by being held there (I think for the only time so far) and was grateful this time for the skull trap cutting down most of his hobgoblin attackers.  


There were no further problems in the sewers or slaver ship and the funds earned were used to pay off Gaelan Bayle - getting the Amulet of Power for Cara.


There were more sewer encounters in the Temple area where Helberg acquired a mouldy cloak and the duo opened up access to the lich by starting the Unseeing Eye quest.  In order to be able to open the doors for the other liches Cara reluctantly agreed to pay for a magic license.  While acquiring that they also had their first vampire ambush - those tend to be short-lived affairs with Azuredge beign thrown around ...


At the Bridge District they acquired the berserker horn before sorting out the skinner murders.  


The kidnappers also faced swift justice so that Cara could get some matching pantaloons to those Helberg got in BG1.  There was also a potentially dangerous moment when Tanova and 2 other vampires sprang an ambush.  As usual Cara tried to get them to chase her while Helberg threw his axe, but noticed she was apparently affected by vampire fear.  However, that didn't seem to have been implemented properly as the status indicator made no actual difference to her control and the ambush was duly defeated.



Back at the Docks the plan was for Helberg to assault Rayic Gethras while Cara contributed a few summons from the corner.  Unfortunately she put up the berserk warrior after the golem - and the berserker attacked it.  That left Helberg fighting against increased odds, but he did so mandwarf-fully and Rayic only lasted moments after his second stoneskin went down.  


That allowed them to move in on Mae'Var's guild and there wasn't much doubt about the outcome of that fight.



Finally tiring of constantly finding himself injured (largely by 'friendly' fire) Helberg thought it was time to go lich hunting.  A pair of PfU scrolls and an oil of speed each proved plenty - 3 liches and Kangaxx going down before the oils of speed expired.



There was another potentially dangerous moment when doing the Fallen Paladins - Cara was being chased and ran too far, thus activating the Neera cut-scene.  If the paladins had continued attacking during that things would have been extremely dicey - but they didn't.  They got the benefit that the delay allowed the chaos many of them were suffering from to expire, but that did them little good anyway.


While doing the Sir Sarles quest Cara was poisoned again - this time by Neb's dagger.  Unlike with the spiders though she was confident the poison wouldn't kill her and ignored Helberg's offer of a potion - fortunately she was correct.



The final action of the session was taking on Mook and the Guild Contact on the way to find vampire HQ.  Helberg axed his way through a number of vampires to get to the MoD and then suggested going to upgrade that in order to ensure he wouldn't get drained.  Cara pointed out that that possibility hadn't slowed him down prior to that and he agreed to continue.  A few summons helped keep the pressure off downstairs and a rest allowed another lot ready for Bodhi - she fared very poorly against those.







Cara, enchanter 13, 55 HPs (incl. 5 from ioun stone), 119 kills

Helberg, dwarven defender 12, 118 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 300 kills, 0 deaths

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Trio no reload (#1 - update 4)

(Grond0, corey_russell, Gate70)


The trio had just finished Umar Hills last time and moved on to the de'Arnise Hold before going back to Athkatla.  They resorted to the Crimson Dart to deal with the iron golem,


but otherwise progress was not too hard.  It was easy to forget there was a mage in the party looking at the hulking figure dressed in plate mail, but Glaicas found out the truth the hard way when failing to make an impression on Ragemage's stoneskins while a kensai cut him down from behind.  


The only slight concern was when an umber hulk managed to confuse Miseri, but it never had much prospect of taking advantage of that.  


Miseri accepted the offer of a stronghold, although I don't suppose he's likely to spend much time guiding it in the future.


Forem got up to level 11 after reporting to Nalia and decided to dual to cleric.  The combination of kensai and clerical weapon restrictions means that he won't have any missile capabilities for a long while (Big Metal Rod and energy blades were the only possibilities that came to mind), but clerical buffs + kensai bonuses should make him pretty devastating in melee later in the game anyway.


Back in Athkatla they finally found Renfeld calling for help and quickly dealt with the ambushers before storming Prebek's house in order to loot the harpers (getting Corey's favourite helm in the process).



Looking to improve their reputation the final destination of the session was Trademeet.  With the FoA in hand Ragemage made short work of the trolls at the Grove and the biggest delay to progress was talking to Cernd and realising that we hadn't actually spoken to Pauden the druid yet.  With that done it was the work of moments for Cernd to rip Faldorn apart.  


Back in Trademeet Tiris received a helping hand and a tomb was emptied to gather a couple more reputation points.


Stats (cont from BG1)

Miseri, wizardslayer 11, 113 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 307 kills

Ragemage, mage 11 / berserker 9, 95 HPs, 238 kills, 0 deaths

Forem, cleric 8 (kensai 11), 99 HPs, 370 kills, 2 deaths

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P2EE-scs30 Start,

Mods: this is the same scs30 game options that I used for the last run... I switched to v181-b4611 so perhaps the slayer bug has finally been fixed!




I’m re-entering the challenge with Puk Grayzone... a human Avenger  


Starting stats for Puk = 76 + the books from bgee.



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We never did make it to Dragonspear but Jaheira re-joined my permanent group… the genie gave me a nice +2 dagger for setting him free and I gained two levels before reaching daylight, sold the excess gear for a bookcase plus 5k for the licence.

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Trinity - wizard slayer (update 1)
I made one mistake on entering the dungeon - remembering just too late Trinity was caught short without her pantaloons.  She was then caught out again at the start of the dungeon: she had completed BG1 with Edwin and Viconia, but they were nowhere to be seen in the cells so she decided to recruit some others before looking for her lost companions (the SCS dungeon would be quite dangerous for a solo wizard slayer).  I almost never have Imoen in my runs so had forgotten about the restriction on resting more than once there and both her and Jaheira were left with a collection of sub-optimal spells. They persevered though and did undertake everything, but had to make use of a number of healing potions to make it through.
In the elemental plane Imoen used the scroll to produce an air elemental to deal with the mephits, but it neither went hostile nor co-operative and the party had to just let it disappear.  
A stinking cloud failed to affect any of the mephits, so several healing potions were consumed there unexpectedly.  The other problem fight was when the assassin battle mage killed Ulvaryl before Imoen had the chance to finish the vampire off.  
She then gnored all Trinity's hits to cast some damaging spells until her stoneskins finally evaporated.  
Yoshimo did his party piece by setting a couple of traps that killed the final assassin caster and shortly afterwards the party was free to escape.
At that point Trinity dismissed her companions, despite the knowledge that would make it much more difficult to get Edwin and Viconia back.
wizard slayer L8, 105 HPs, 367 kills

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Trinity - wizard slayer (2nd and final update)

At that point Trinity dismissed her companions, despite the knowledge that would make it much more difficult to get Edwin and Viconia back.

Such prophetic words!  I was thinking that it would be easier to get Viconia first, but had forgotten she wouldn't join the party until her enemies were all dead.  Alone against both archers and a caster Trinity was greatly exposed, but didn't want to run as that would mean Viconia being lost for good.  She got out of sight range before a hold person spell arrived - hoping that would cause the enemies to turn on the drow they had originally been tormenting.  However, there was no such luck.  She could probably have survived being held when targetted by a single archer, but two of them were always going to be too much.


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sorry mate, back to bg1?


p.s, Jan is right there man.


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p.s, Jan is right there man.

I know.  The idea behind the run was only to have Edwin and Viconia in the party.  I compromised for the dungeon as it's impossible to recruit them there, although that didn't make sense in a continuing game where they've just been captured with you.  However, I felt I should be more purist once they were available again.  If I'd realised Viconia wouldn't join me for her encounter though I would have gone after Edwin first instead - that would have been more work, but would have been safer.


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 96 - (2nd and final update)

Cara, elf enchanter (Grond0) & Helberg, dwarven defender (Gate70)


Another promising pairing bites the dust (school report - "must try harder").  They made quite a bit of progress first yesterday though:

- clearing Umar Hills (except Thaxy).  There was a moment of danger there when Cara failed to identify an attacking shadow fiend, but a first use of Daystar sunray helped out.


- sorting out the de'Arnise Hold without trouble (getting some rare value from the sunstone bullets from Umar to kill most of the trolls there).

- dealing with a few problems in Trademeet.  That was again done easily, although Azuredge mysteriously disappeared at some point during that.

- snapping the Twisted Rune to get Cara a staff upgrade.  The potential problem there is Vaxall, but Helberg's saves were good enough to hold him at bay until Cara's area damage could finish him off.


- having fun with the sewers party.  For the first time there Cara protected Helberg against both fire and magic before throwing in some area damage (but still couldn't resist using her staff to throw in a bit of lightning damage as well).

- on the way to the Unseeing Eye Helberg attempted to stand and fight against a group of gauths and stood and died instead.  After raising he bought the Shield of Balduran to allow a smooth passage on the rest of the quest.


- he tried stand and fight again against a group of yuan-ti mages after killing Mekrath and this time had just enough HPs to be the last dwarf standing.

- back at Umar Thaxy did better than expected when the summoned efreeti used a fireball on him sending all but one skeleton warrior hostile.  However, Helberg used mirrors to stay in combat while lower resistance and magic damage took the dragon to near death and then a bit of running and throwing finished the job.



Starting the Planar Prison Cara tried to finish off the mage quickly, but her skull trap only took him to near death.  Helberg had gone to concentrate on the others, so Cara tried to finish the mage by attacking with her staff.  However, with true sight running she was potentially vulnerable and got PW: stunned.  Helberg came to finish off the thief attacking her before turning to the mage - just as the mage turned to a finger of death on Cara ...


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