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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Yay, well played Dyara, and congatulations...  :D   :wizard: 

Why the 'perhaps one day in Amn'? Do you not want to take her into SoA?

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Butch Baylen, 5th BG1 installment

After the dust-up with the bounty hunting amazons at Feldepost's, Butch and his gang decided that it was time to leave town again and either lay low somewhere in the wilds, or seek out the bandit syndicate that - according to the letters found on Mulahey, Nimbul and Tranzig - were the ones who wanted Butch dead. The rogue was sick and tired of assassins and bounty hunters trailing him wherever he went, and had resolved for himself to face the bandits head on, so as to leave the business with his invisible enemy behind him once and for all, for better or worse. The letters had told him that the bandits had a secret location in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, so Butch knew where to look for them. He considered this forest as fine a wilderness area as any to shake off any remaining bounty hunters, but Branwen, who had been growing ever more attached to Butch, had come up to him to confess that she missed the salty air and the bustling waves of Seawolf, her hometown on one of the Norheim Isles. She didn't say she wanted to return home, but she did long to behold the sea again. Butch didn't really object to spending a few days on the coast, and the others seemed to care even less where they went, as long as the group stayed together (Quayle) and there was adventure to be had (Keiria), blood to be spilled (Shar-Teel), or death to be feared (Xan).

We traveled to the southwest, crossing the lands where we had slain Bjornin's Half-Ogres. For days we trekked through canyons and over rocky slopes that provided little cover and that were inhabited mainly by wild animals (wolves, bears). But on the third day of our journey we came upon a Xvart settlement. We didn't take long in discovering we were not welcome. I didn't notice any of their females (maybe they all look and sound the same), but boy they reproduce like rabbits: we had to fight for our lives against overwhelming numbers. And worse, they had massive Cave Bears fighting for them.

Shar-Teel had to fight most of the time with a wooden staff after all her greatswords had broken. There were helmed Xvart Protectors and they even had Shamans who liked to cast Hold Person at us.
Quayle and Xan were the only ones who didn't get held, but despite a Blindness by Quayle, their combined power was insufficient to slay all the Shamans before they could critically hurt Branwen.
Ironically the one person we had undertaken this journey for, now required us to abort it, albeit not before Quayle used his innate Invisibility spell and a Sanctuary to loot what scant treasure the Xvarts kept in a cave. The nearest temple was that of Helm, in Nashkel. Father Nalin patched up Branwen, and we rested at the local inn.

A single day in Nashkel proved to be too long, we found out as we left the inn. A new group of bounty hunters, led by one Molkar, had found us. We reflexively retreated into the inn to take away part of our foes' advantage of surprise, but found the inn too cramped to fight the enemy, especially a hard-hitting Dwarf. We ran outside, at least Keiria, Branwen, Shar-Teel and I did. Xan and Quayle apparently decided to stay inside and fight. The Dwarf and a Gnomish battlemage followed the girls and me. I had us split up. The girls entered the store, while I continued running toward the southern edge of town, to the Amnish guard. The hasted Gnome kept up with me with ease, but I lost the Dwarf. Later Keiria told me the latter had followed them into the store. Branwen had held him, and together they'd slain the warrior.

I swigged a potion of invisibility in front of the Gnome, whose magics I was wary of, and the Amnish soldiers. The soldiers kindly finished the runt off for me.
When I hid in shadows and went to check on Xan and Quayle in the inn, I found that they had not fared well. Molkar and his Cleric companion stood triumphant over what seemed to be my comrades' dead bodies. Molkar must have sensed my presence as he followed me outside and into the Nashkel store. But there the ladies and I made short work of him.
Finally, a backstab and a couple of my snares killed the priest.
From our enemies' corpses we took some valuable equipment. We kept part of it (armor and helmets that provided some elemental protection, and a helmet that protected against Charm), and sold the rest. [Note: the party sold weapons which I considered OP due to extra APR or overly generous Thac0/damage bonuses]. Nalin helped Xan and Quayle back on their feet. Of course he doesn't travel with the party, but his loyal and affordable help almost makes him a party member to me.

Our second attempt at visiting the coast failed just like the first, albeit not because anyone of us required medical care. We battled bandits, Ogres and a Mountain Bear in Ogre's Reach (earning us a pair of Boots of the North), and at an excavation site near the coast we protected an archaeologist against bandits (and against his own men who went berserk in a foul-smelling ritual chamber we entered). We also ran into Brage, the Nashkel guard captain who according to Nalin had killed his own family. He seemed eager to do the same with us, but we calmed him down, and escorted him to Nalin. The priest rewarded us with no less than 1,000 guilders. The source of Brage's wicked ways had been a cursed greatsword. Nalin gave it to us, and we took it to Thalantyr, who lifted the curse and enchanted the blade, transforming it into a Sword of Rage +3 for Shar-Teel. Finally a weapon for her that shouldn't shatter as easily as the unenchanted blades she had worked with up till then. The encounter with the Xvart Shamans inspired us to buy a Ring of Free Action from Thalantyr as well.

Third time lucky, they say, and so it was for Branwen. We left Brage - the third and last of the fat bounties we had wanted to claim after Bassilus and Prism - in Nalin's care, and a day or two after that we finally reached the coastland, west of the High Hedge. As expected the land was plain, with scarce vegetation, and windy. What we didn't expect, was the presence of Sirines and Nereids. It was a good thing that we rescued a small boy from three Worgs near a lighthouse, because an old man appeared and warned us of Sirines guarding the treasure of Black Alaric, a pirate captain, in a cave on the shore. This meant that Branwen would only observe the sea and the beach from afar, because getting too close could easily mean death at the hands of the extremely territorial Sirines. I, however, was intrigued by the alleged treasure. Keeping to the shadows, I slunk past the Sirines, and entered the cave. It was trapped and guarded by Flesh Golems, but I managed to disarm the traps and to take out the Golems with sneak attacks.

The treasure included a Wand of Lightning, a Manual of Bodily Health that I read with great interest, a Bard's Cloak, and a Bard's Ring, well worth the hassle. When we went to see the old man, he somehow knew that I had entered the cave and taken the treasure even though all the loot was safely stashed away in our Bag of Holding. Maybe he'd had one of his man spy on me. Either way he ordered his men to attack. The battle that inevitably ensued ended in their deaths.
Further north the we slew a band of Ogres, including Berserkers, Half-Ogres and Ogrillons, and I got beguiled by a Nereid until Shar-Teel struck the creature with her new sword and ordered it to remove the charm. The Nereid complied, but then an Ogre Mage Dimension Doored in. It was in league with the Nereid and scolded the sea creature for not having killed us. My special snares and a Silence by Quayle allowed us to slay the evil creature before it could do us any harm.
The north coast was otherwise peacefcul though, so we could relax for a bit.

We met a man who called himself the Surgeon and warned us of his evil brother Davaeorn, a wizard, and we had a friendly encounter with a Gnomish riddler. The sea air, the winds, the peace and quiet, and the mere fact that we had sacrificed some of our time for her, seemed to mean a lot to Branwen. The looks she gave me, and her smiles even suggested that she harbored something more than a friendly affection for me.

The party postponed their exploration of the Wood of Sharp Teeth with an excursion to the Valley of the Tombs, the area where Butch and Xan had left the Nashkel Mines. They dispatched various undead there,

and got into a fight with a selfish wizard that didn't want to share with Quayle the details of a Slime/Jelly summoning spell he had developed. Xan charmed a bounty huntress and had her slay the wizard with enchanted arrows, but the Elf himself succumbed to the spit attacks of two Mustard Jellies.
Who else than Nalin restored the Elf to health, and the party traveled to Beregost to rest and to prepare for their incursion into the Wood of Sharp Teeth, but before they left they killed a thespian, Silke. This was ironic because she had actually hired the party to protect her, against three thugs. The reason for this turnaround was that the 'thugs' proved to be innocent men and that Silke attacked as soon as the party refused to kill the three. Quayle Blinded the woman, rendering her pretty much helpess against the party's collective firepower.
In the vast Wood of Sharp Teeth, the party had violent dealings with numerous bandits, many of whom wearing insignia of the Black Talon mercenary company, and with different types of Wolves, the creatures that had given the forest its name.
It was a pair of feuding Druids however that gave the party the hardest time. The first Druid wrongly accused them of having slain a member of his order. He had many powerful spells, including Call Lightning with which he struck Shar-Teel down, and after Quayle Silenced him, he fought Xan with an enchanted club that dealt poison damage, causing the Elf to fall some time after Butch had slain the frantic Druid.
The second Druid had initially come to the party's aid, but when the party insisted on an explanation why he had attacked his fellow Druid, he too attacked the party. Thankfully the party didn't have as much trouble with this one. Branwen attacked him in close combat, while Butch and Quayle attacked with their missiles and spells. Keiria, highly esteemed by Butch, inspired the companions as always with her Skald song and gave them tips as to their enemy's vulnerabilities.

The party traveled back to Beregost to have Xan and Shar-Teel treated by Keldath Ormlyr at the Temple of Lathander. The two recovered fast, and soon the party found themselves deep in the Wood of Sharp Teeth again. It was in the Peldvale area that they were ambushed by a group of bandits accompanied by no less than three (initially invisble) Ogre Mages. The bandits and the Ogres were all hasted, which provoked Xan into Hasting the party as well. The bandits weren't a much of a threat, after all Haste won't convert a poor marksmen into a deadly sniper, but the Ogre Mages proved a tougher nut to crack. Branwen silenced two of them, reducing most of the battle to physical as opposed to arcane combat, but the Ogres were fairly good fighters too. One of them struck Quayle down, while Keiria got Charmed. Branwen, Xan and Shar-Teel had to alternate melee duties various times until the party finally overcame the monsters.

Another visit to the Temple of Lathander was necessary to get Quayle back up on his feet before the party could continue their bandit hunt.

Several more bandits fell in the Peldvale area but it took the party another day before they would find the syndicate's actual camp. The companions approached it invisibly, thanks to Quayle who had learned to cast Invisibility 10' Radius. A first reconnaisance of the area taught the crew that the camp harbored circa twenty Chill Hobgoblins, ten Black Talons, another ten to fifteen bandits of non-descript appearance, and a handful of Gnolls. That was not counting any bandits in the seven tents that made up the camp. The companions then discussed strategy. It was agreed that Shar-Teel and Butch, bolstered with potions of defense and oils of speed, and keeping plenty of healing potions at hand, would reveal themselves and thin the bandits' outer ranks, preferably without being noticed. Keiria would follow them around, invisibly, inspiring them with her song (that had become almost indispensable to the party) and upsetting the bandits. The others stayed behind, invisible, but ready to cast their spells should the situation call for it. 
Shar-Teel fought with her Sword of Rage, and Butch attacked with Bolts of Biting he had bought at Thalantyr's and in Beregost. The idea of sneakily thinning the bandits' ranks didn't really pan out. Soon an alarm bell sounded and the entire camp came after the two, including bandits that had been in the tents. Either way, with their buffs and protections the duo proved hard to hit, and whenever one of them did suffer a hit or two, they would quaff a healing potion. (This applied especially to Shar-Teel who, as a melee fighter, drew more aggression then Butch.) When they had slain a few of the bandits, the two noticed a heavily armored Black Talon commander amongst their many foes. The two isolated him and finished him off first,

gulping potions of Magic Shielding in the process, as soon as they discerned a wizard amidst their pursuers. That wizard became their next target. He got poisoned by one of Butch's bolts before Shar-Teel severed his torso above the waist.
The Chill leader (who dropped a Tome of Leadership and Influence), and countless other bandits followed soon after, until they were all dead. Branwen, Xan, and Quayle's spells were never needed.
In one of the tents they released a prisoner, Ender Sai, who told them that the masterminds behind the bandit syndicate and the sabotage of the Nashkel Mines - and thus the ones to want Butch's scalp - were the Iron Throne; a merchant consortium known for exclusionary practices and cut-throat competition to drive out rivals but not for vandalization, raids and outright murder. According to Ender Sai, they had a secret base of operations in the Cloakwood.

I had mixed emotions regarding our assault on the bandit camp. On one hand it was a resounding success as Shar-Teel and I, backed only by Keiria's song, completely routed the entire camp of what must have been at least sixty bandits. It still sounds unreal when I think of it. On the other hand we did not find Tazok, we did not find whoever wanted me dead, and what we did find seemed as unlikely as it seemed worrying. Why would one of the most influential mercantile organizations in Faerun want me dead? And what am I expected to do against such a powerful institution?

I kept having sinister dreams, dreams in which some voice would criticize me, threaten me. I have no idea who this 'presence' was supposed to be, other than that it seemed to be male. When we rested at the Friendly Arm Inn, shortly after our destruction of the bandit camp, I had one in which a bone dagger flew in the dark until it struck a statue of myself. The statue cracked slightly, but the pain I felt was very real. "You were made as you are," taunted the voice, "and you can also be broken." I awoke with the power to cure afflictions (poisons, disease).

My life seems to be a big puzzle pf which I've barely managed to connect a few pieces.

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Great work and very nice to read :).


Yay, well played Dyara, and congatulations...  :D   :wizard:

Thank you :)



Why the 'perhaps one day in Amn'? Do you not want to take her into SoA?



Yes of course but I'm not sure what to do next... perhaps another bg1 playthrough with a different char. But even if I'd go for BG2 it would probably the 'other' Dyara and BG2 without SCS first.

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Serg BlackStrider

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Well done, Dyara! Congrats!

And keep the nice progress/writing, Blackraven!

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Nice Dyara!


I lol'd at the 1142 kills.. Truly a child of Bhaal.. :)



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Well done to Dyara and Dyara.  Whether Dyara carries on with Dyara or reverts to Dyara I'm sure the entertainment will continue.

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Well done, Dyara! Congrats!


Thank you :)


Nice Dyara!


I lol'd at the 1142 kills.. Truly a child of Bhaal.. :)


:D  but only 1142 isn't that much I think. My previous Dyara had much more kills - and she was with a party.Actually I think this Dyara was a very peaceloving and pacific person who always tried to solve things without bloodshed and many people getting killed :D.


Well done to Dyara and Dyara.  Whether Dyara carries on with Dyara or reverts to Dyara I'm sure the entertainment will continue.


:D thank you as well... at the moment all the Dyaras and bg2 are on hold as I've rolled a jester for another BG1 playthrough.

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Grimwald the Wise

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As a peace loving Child of Bhaal, I once played the game with 0 kills, not even Sarevok! That bit was a fluke I must admit. I was beating him up with my fists as peace lovers do, when he was killed either by a trap or by an explosive arrow shot at my character. :(

Both were going on simultaneously. I don't think that it could happen with my current set up, but it makes your character look distinctly warlike.

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The Fred

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After some time, the feeling came upon me to try this again. After a few failed attempts (with which I won't bore you with the details of) I seem (touch wood) to be getting somewhere. Enter Marcus, Chaotic Good Male Elven Fighter/Mage!


Being Chaotic Good gives you the Faerie Dragon via Find Familiar, which in BG1 is ridiculously overpowered, especially at low levels. With Mirror Image, it's a risky but effective "tank", it moves fast (I'm not sure if it should - I think it's only fast relative to the BG1-style slow movement mod I have) and its 24h-duration mass Invisibility allows travelling and resting without risk. Combined with Sleep and darts/daggers, Marcus was able to make short work of many of the early quests with relative ease, getting a couple of levels under his belt from all the XP (IIRC, Melicamp died, and I skipped a couple of the quest pack quests, but he still had plenty).


This time, my strategy was to learn Protection from Petrification (once I could get into High Hedge to buy the scrolls) and head straight for the basilisk area. Korax the Friendly Ghoul can pretty much solo this lot himself, but with SCS I didn't want to take chances. So, my familiar scouted invisibly whilst Korax tanked and Marcus used a bow. We even lured Mutamin's basilisks away from him, netting several thousand XP and reaching something like L5/5.


However, I didn't fancy doing the whole game solo so I rescued Branwen who, as a L5 Cleric, has access to the excellent Animate Dead. We then swept through the lighthouse area (using Invisibility to raid the cave without fighting the flesh golems) before heading to the Nashkel mines, where Xan joined our team.


After a run-in with some would-be assassins (I think they did get Xan) I was nervous about assaulting the bandit camp. Cautiously, I did, and the alarm was sounded and I had to flee. Across the course of several skirmished, though, the trio were eventually able to kill pretty much everyone, using (buffed) summoned creatures and skelebobs as fodder.


The Cloakwood, however, is proving to be far more dangerous. Promising to rescue Tiber's brother led us to a nest of spiders and ettercaps ruled over by a cursed sorceress, and a Sword Spider did for Branwen (interrupting her Animate Dead then chasing her out of the nest). Luckily, Xan and Marcus alone were able to cleanse the area, relying mostly on copious summoned creatures, and Marcus' excellent bow skills (augmented by The Dead Shot, a famous bow found in the Bandit Camp).


Currently, the party stands as follows:

Marcus, CG Elven Fighter 6/Mage 6

Weapons: The Dead Shot / Spider's Bane  (this hurts his AC, but it's worth it)

Most Powerful Vanquished: Greater Basilisk


Branwen, TN Human Cleric 7

Weapons: Sling +1 / Ashideena

Most Powerful Vanquished: Shoal the Nereid

Deaths: 1


Xan, LN Sorcerer 8

Weapons: Darts / Moonblade

Most Powerful Vanquished: Sword Spider

Deaths: 1

Spells: Most commonly used are probably Monster Summoning I, Mirror Image and Magic Missile. Just got Improved Invisibility as his L4 pick.


I can't actually remember exactly what mods I have installed, but it's TuTu and most notable are probably SCS, Item Randomiser, Hard Times, and Full Plate and Packing Steel.


Now I'm not quite sure what to do next. I think we'll need a competent Thief to do the Cloakwood mines, and I'm cautious after the druids there ended a previous no-reload run. I'm considering a visit to Durlag's Tower, though again, I won't be completing it just yet.

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Grimwald the Wise

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The Cloakwood, however, is proving to be far more dangerous. Promising to rescue Tiber's brother led us to a nest of spiders and ettercaps ruled over by a cursed sorceress, and a Sword Spider did for Branwen (interrupting her Animate Dead then chasing her out of the nest). Luckily, Xan and Marcus alone were able to cleanse the area, relying mostly on copious summoned creatures, and Marcus' excellent bow skills (augmented by The Dead Shot, a famous bow found in the Bandit Camp).


If you want to avoid getting your summoning spells interrupted, you can summon them outside, and then lure the enemies outside. In my opinion this is a reasonable tactic as you would expect there to be a lot of spiders inside a spider's nest.

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The Fred

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Firewine Bridge proved to be a poor place to visit.


Xan was killed by the Mighty Kahrk, and we fled. Upon returning to seek out the Ogre Mage, Xan was killed again, this time by a skeleton archer. We raised him again, but Kahrkstill proved too powerful, slaying him with a Flame Arrow. We did seem to exhaust pretty much all of his spells, but Hasted and protected with Stoneskin he proceeded to chase Branwen and Marcus all over the area. Since Marcus couldn't damage him until he'd gotten through Stoneskin, and Kahrkwas hitting on a 3, we fled again.


So I figured, third time lucky. Unfortunately, it wasn't. I was wise to Khark's Sunfire shenanigans this time, keeping enough summoned creatures in reserve, but a counter-productive Stinking Cloud put them all out of commision anyway. Xan was helping a lot and could probably have Magic Missiled him to death alone, but the Flame Arrow came out again. This time, Branwen was also slain with a Melf's Acid Arrow/Magic Missile combo (the summoned Sword Spider didn't help).


After glugging some extra-healing potions and a potion of Invisibility, Marcus is now hiding just south-east of Kahrk and his pet on the Firewine Bridge, having grabbed what he could of the other two's gear. Looks like the rest might be a write-off... and it came pretty close to being all over, too. Might by that the Mighty Kahrk is just too mighty...


Branwen: Deaths: 2  (Sword Spider, Kahrk)

Xan: Deaths: 5  (Lamalha and co, Kahrkx 3, Skeleton archer)

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Good to see you in action again The Fred.


Dylan {2} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 1)
I can't remember which version of Dylan this is - I think it's only the second, but I'm prepared to be corrected!  I considered starting something else instead or carrying on with the RP run that's been sitting in Amn for a while, but decided I needed something I didn't have to think about much.
Dylan has quickly done the rounds of the Sword Coast, tackling all the main encounters available prior to the main quest line other than the TotSC expansion.  As usual I started off seeing how long I could keep him going without taking any damage - I think he managed up to L5 when he got hit at surprisingly long range by Sendai's sword.
He started off essentially tackling everything using either archery or stealth attacks.  However, he's put quite a few skill points into setting traps and has more recently started to use those as a major tactic (since he took damage, as prior to that he didn't want to risk being hurt by his own traps).  Here Bassilus fails to see the danger until too late.
He used one invisibility potion to avoid an archer ambush while still undamaged and another recently in a basilisk ambush.  Normally I would just run straight down away from those with a solo character, but Dylan was travelling back from the carnival to Beregost and didn't expect to see a basilisk on that route.  The wolves appeared first and he had already started running west when the basilisk arrived and I wasn't sure whether he would get out of range before it focused its gaze.
He also had to take a quick potion when Kirian recovered from being paralysed by Korax and came to find him despite him having been in stealth since the last time she saw him.  
Other than that he's made reasonably comfortable progress and hasn't used any healing potions yet.  His HPs were looking pretty sad, but die rolls of 6 and 5 in his last two level-ups have got him back to only a whisker below average.


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Dylan {2} - dwarf swashbuckler (2nd and final update)
During his initial journeying Dylan maximised his reputation and bought everything he wanted, including the invisibility ring.  That was used to go through the Nashkel Mines to find Mulahey.  Five pre-laid traps ensured none of his support troops survived while the initial couple of backstabs on Mulahey and 2 more traps saw him attempting to run in vain.
Nimbul didn't notice a trap being set beneath his feet when Dylan faded immediately back into the shadows.  However, the trap was not needed anyway thanks to a critical hit.  Tranzig turns hostile even if he can't see who's calling on him, so traps were set outside the door for him.
At the Bandit Camp Dylan was intending just to loot the main tent and leave.  Unfortunately though my mind was clearly on other things and he neglected to detrap the chest :(.  The resultant lightning bolt took him to within a whisker of death, forcing him to choose between the frying pan (bouncing lightning bolt) and the fire (lots of archer attacks).  
He went with invisibility to avoid the archers and died moments later when the lightning struck him for the second time.


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Ack Grond0, bad luck I guess.


Perhaps you should try another character class?




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Thanks Hansefar.  I've had a bit of variety with a multi-player session this morning ...


Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 80 - (update 2)

Evan, halfling shadowdancer (Grond0) & Porril, human ranger (Gate70)


This pairing made significant progress this morning, generally performing well.


They started off heading for the basilisk area via Arabelle and Meilum.  The basilisks were quickly shot down, while Mutamin and Kirian's crew were also mainly shot - mainly not reacting to stealth shots from distance.



With a few levels under his belt Porril switched to double-handed melee.  A practice with Greywolf proved successful with the bounty hunter failing to hit Porril at all.  


He then cut a swathe through the Cloudpeaks, consistently killing all comers before Evan could get into the action.


After collecting Samuel the duo went up to the FAI.  Recovering Joia's ring got reputation to 20, but they still invaded an ankheg nest - Porril taking a couple of criticals in one battle,


but otherwise tanking successfully while Evan sneaked round behind for a few backstabs.  At Ulgoth's Beard Evan made some purchases: he was particularly pleased with his upgraded staff - not only does that mean no more backstabs for 5 damage, but the improved weapon speed gives him a fighting chance of attacking before Porril has made all the kills.


The next major encounter was the sirines.  Porril took a potion of clarity there to allow him to tank them.  


He also meleed the flesh golems rather than mucking about with archery.  


Evan made a mistake there when he walked straight through the third trap after disarming the first two - fortunately saving against the effects.


The Doomsayer was rolling well and forced Porril to take 4 healing potions before falling,


allowing the duo to complete their journey back to Nashkel courtesy of Brage.  At the inn there Neira thought she had a clear target of Evan for a hold person, but the shadowdancer disappeared under her nose to allow him to follow up with a free attack.



In the Nashkel mines Mulahey's conversation didn't seem to trigger properly after being backstabbed by Evan and targeted Evan with a rigid thinking.  However, he saved and the cleric didn't last much longer.



The amazons lost one of their number to an oil of fiery burning from the shadows.  Evan then moved in for a backstab, only to find that the remaining amazons all switched immediately to attack him despite their initial focus on the approaching Porril.  He managed to save against a hold person though to avoid the danger.



The end of the session saw the first death and nearly the end of the run.  Nimbul survived a backstab from Evan and put mirrors up as Evan ran into the inn.  He followed inside and started to cast horror, prompting Evan to run back outside.  However, Nimbul not only followed him, but finished his spell outside - affecting both Evan and Porril.  It was lucky in that situation that Porril ran round a bit closer to Nimbul,


taking all but one magic missile spells, which proved too much for him.  


Eventually Evan came to his senses and got his revenge before going to enrich the local temple.




Evan, shadowdancer 7, 34 HPs, 63 kills

Porril, ranger 6, 64 HPs, 149 kills, 1 death

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Condolences Grond0 with Dylan, but it's good to see you enjoying the game again :)

Butch Baylen, 6th BG1 installment

When we left the Friendly Arm Inn to travel to the Cloakwood, we were accosted by a band of four holy warriors of Torm who accused us of being murderers of innocents. Our earnest protests failed to convince them of the contrary, making battle inevitable. Two of my thrown traps instantly killed two of our foes. But their leader, a woman named Najara, showed Xan that she was the superior fighter. At least she was until Quayle Blinded her.
She fell soon after. Their last member, a battle priest, was paralyzed, also by Quayle, with a wand and subsequently slain.
A bounty notice we found on Najara’s corpse claimed that my party and I had destroyed a village and all its inhabitants, including women and children.
In other words my enemies now availed themselves of outright lies in order to turn even good folk of the Sword Coast against me.
The letter was signed “P.W.” which were two more initials to remember, in addition to “M.S.” (the initials below the message that one of the Elven bounty hunters by the bridge to Baldur’s Gate had carried).

We made it to the Cloakwood the next day, eager as I was at that time to find the hidden Iron Throne base. The outer reaches of the forest were gentle and accessible to visitors unadjusted to the wilds like ourselves. Yes there were savage animals, and even the odd Huge Spider and a pack of Tasloi that we slew (yielding me a nifty Cloak of Non-Detection), but at the same time the hand of man was still palpable in the area. For example, there was a bridge in good working order that allowed us to cross a river. On it stood Coran, an Elven archer that proposed to us that we work together to slay a Wyvern and receive a handsome 2,000 Guilder reward for the creature’s skull from Keldath Ormlyr in Beregost. Xan protested, considering the undertaking too dangerous, but the rest of us were interested. We offered Xan some time off - he agreed to wait for us at the Friendly Arm Inn - and we welcomed Coran into the party.
When we wanted to set up camp, Coran pointed us to Aldeth Sashenstar, a hunter from Baldur’s Gate. Aldeth invited us to his lodge where he had food and wine for us, and where we were allowed to rest. We left on the morrow but were detained by a group of Druids that accused Aldeth of having murdered one of their order. They had come to kill Aldeth, but our host denied the allegations. Aldeth had been most hospitable to us and the Druids had no evidence of the purported murder, so we tried to persuade them to look for a peaceful settlement. Alas, this proved impossible. The Druids started casting summoning spells and other incantations, and when Branwen Silenced most of them, they proceeded to attack us with their Staves. The unfortunate result was a bloodbath in which all the Druids died.
Aldeth thanked us for saving his skin and invited us to visit him at the Manycoins Merchant League in Baldur’s Gate.

As we ventured deeper in the forest, the wilderness became harsher. We had a major scare when we crossed a ramshackle bridge and four Phase Spiders took our party by surprise. One of them poisoned Shar-Teel, and we generally had a hard time defeating them.
When the monsters lay dead, a desperate young man, Tiber, approached us from the bushes and begged us to find his brother Chelak for him. The brother had gone Spider hunting with a legendary blade specifically created for the purpose of Spider slaying: Spiders’ Bane. We agreed to help him find his brother, but as we proceeded we became the ones who needed help. Shar-Teel inadvertently triggered some sort of trap that caused a giant web to spawn where we stood. It held Shar-Teel, Coran, and Keiria, while eight Huge Spiders were approaching them. I slew most of the monsters with a ranged trap, but Branwen, Xan and I took too long to save our wedged comrades from the Spiders’ poisons. Keiria and Coran especially looked to be in dire conditions after we had slain the creatures. Shar-Teel had been poisoned as well, but she recovered well enough with antidotes.
We trekked back to the Friendly Arm Inn to have the Gnomish priestess Gellana Mirrorshade use her restorative magics on Coran and Keiria. The cleric was more successful with Keiria than with Coran. Keiria could immediately join us, but we were told that Coran required days to fully recover, so we left him in Gellana’s care.

Rather than returning to the Cloakwood, the party decided to see if Baldur’s Gate had already become accessible, what with the recent dismantlement of the bandit syndicate at the hands of Butch and Shar-Teel, and also bearing Aldeth’s invitation in mind. According to Ender Sai, there had been Iron Throne offices in Baldur’s Gate too, so they might as well look for answers there rather than in the uninviting forest. Unfortunately the party was once more denied access to the city. 
The band then traveled further north to the village of Ulgoth’s Beard. According to Keiria the village had a small port. She advised her friends to see if they could find passage on a ship bound for Baldur’s Gate so that they could enter the city via the docks. The plan was sound yet it didn’t work. There were no ships bound for Baldur’s Gate anytime soon. Apparently water transport had been strictly curtailed as well as overland traffic to the city. The companions’ visit to Ulgoth’s Beard was nevertheless not in vain, for the local innkeeper sold Keiria two magical harps (one that dispels Confusion and one that can be used to Dominate unfriendly creatures). [Note: regular items such as Aule’s Staff, Greenstone Amulet, Sandthief Ring were all Item Randomized away.]
In the village they met a woman, Yness, who begged the party to rescue her husband from Orcs in the Fields of the Dead, north of Wyrm’s Crossing. Yness told the party it was very dangerous, and that she had no reward for them. Keiria, ever kind, assured the woman the party would look into the matter,
but the apparent peril and the lack of a reward had made Butch lose interest as much as he lamented the woman’s predicament. Far more interesting to him was an offer by a fellow named Ike, for a guided tour at Durlag’s Tower. As none of the companions felt a great urge to return to the Cloakwood after their near death experience there, Butch soon had his comrades convinced to join the excursion.

They had a swift and uneventful journey with only a single alarming moment: a confrontation with two Battle Horrors on a narrow stone bridge that led to the tower. But Branwen, Shar-Teel and Butch (with his staff for a change), inspired by Keiria, soon proved to be too much for the creatures to handle.
Ike’s tour started on the massive tower’s ground floor. There was really not much to see there; just a large, almost empty reception room, and narrow corridors surrounding it, but Ike told the party that nothing was what it seemed, and that there were traps everywhere. Durlag the Dwarf had really wanted to convert the tower into an impregnable fortress.
The tour was brusquely interrupted by a Demon Knight that appeared out of nowhere and promised to kill everyone. Quayle quickly paralyzed the creature with his wand, allowing the party to slay it before it could do any harm.
It dropped a suit of full plate mail armor, a curious Helmet of Opposite Alignment (which Butch considered placing on Shar-Teel’s head some time when she wasn’t looking), and an enchanted large shield. After the incident Ike called off the tour, and the other tourists went away, relieved they hadn’t died. But Butch and his companions continued their exploration.

The Demon Knight wasn’t the only dangerous creature in the tower. A spell casting ghost was very displeased with the party’s visit. It used a plethora of advanced spells to protect itself, such as Stoneskins, a Fireshield and Improved Invisibilty, and it forced Shar-Teel into submission with a Cloudkill. Butch and his friends only prevailed after Quayle had used another charge of his wand to paralyze the apparition.
In hindsight the whole excursion to Durlag’s Tower was a mistake on our part. There wasn’t nearly as much treasure as I had hoped to find, there were traps that even my supposedly nimble fingers failed to disarm, and we faced enemies that could have easily killed us. Eventually one of us would pay dearly for our entering the tower.
With the Ghost’s Cloudkill having knocked Shar-Teel unconscious, I let my comrades look after her while I did some exploring on the different upper levels of the tower. Most floors were structured in the same way as the ground floor but inhabited by Ghasts, dangerous creatures even though my Ring of Free Action protected me from their paralyzing touch. I patiently took them on, relying mainly on sneak attacks and the occasional trap.
The top floor housed a Demoness, Kirinhale she called herself, that had somehow been made a captive within the tower (even though she was not chained, bound, or gagged or anything). She needed to take possession of a living body to be free. With difficulty I convinced her not to attack me, as I falsely promised her another scapegoat. Quayle was that supposed scapegoat, but with his enchanted helm that protected him against the creature’s charms, there was little Kirinhale could do against the Gnome. While she kept trying to dominate Quayle, I repeatedly attacked from the shadows until she fell.
I can’t say we didn’t get anything out of the tower, because I found a Cloak of Protection +2 (Spirit’s Shield), a Staff of Striking, and an enchanted Halberd. But it all lost meaning when we got back to Nashkel to have Nalin restore Shar-Teel to health. She turned out to be suffering from a long-lasting trauma and she couldn’t continue with us, much like such valuable past companions as Imoen, Kivan and Kagain (who were still slowly recuperating).
At the Friendly Arm Inn, recovered Coran took her place.
[Note: Although I don’t have the tweak installed that reduces the likelihood of permanent NPC deaths, Shar-Teel was already the 5th NPC after Imoen, Isra, Kagain, and Kivan that could not be properly raised/resurrected. They were all yellow circled and according to Shadowkeeper suffering from all possible negative status effects. I would have to manipulate their state flags in Shadowkeeper to be able to use them again, but I’ve decided to raise them and dismiss them from the party, leaving them in the care of a healer in a temple. They can no longer be used in BG1, but since they never really died, they should become available in SoA. I’m not sure if BGT actually functions this way though. I might have to remove the negative state flags shortly before transitioning to SoA, or just accept the NPCs’ absence in SoA.] 

During their sophomore visit to the Spider-ridden area of the Cloakwood, the companions showed they had learned from their first unpleasant experience. Quayle’s Invisibility 10’ Radius allowed the party to explore the area, without having to worry about triggering any web traps (which happened various times indeed). Unseen, they detected several Huge and Giant Spiders, Ettercaps, Phase Spiders and a Sword Spider, but the most striking creature they encountered was a Dragonling.
Butch, relying on his own stealth skills rather than Quayle’s invisibility spells, showed himself before a female Druid. She introduced herself as Selene and asked him to slay the Dragonling for her, as it had chased her and her companions out of their grove. Without really knowing what to expect, Butch and friends decided to help the woman. The rogue attacked from the shadows to discover that the young dragon already had quite the fiery breath, typical of mature dragons, he knew.
Coran got a near fatal taste of that too, but the party’s combined strength made them prevail over the monster.
In the same area Butch entered a Spiders’ nest and found it the dwelling of a morbidly obese female with six pets that she set on him: two Sword Spiders, two Giant Spiders, and two Ettercaps. The rogue rushed outside, toward his companions, with the monsters at his heels. Keiria then made a painful mistake in trying to slay some of the pursuing monsters with Skull Traps; she ended up critically wounding Branwen.
The Skald somewhat made up her mistake by saving Quayle with an Invisibility spell after a Giant Spider had Webbed him.
These initial upsets notwithstanding, Coran, Butch, and Xan successfully prevented the monsters from doing further harm.
When Butch and Xan entered the Spiders’ nest again, and found the female alone, she was quick to surrender. She told them she was Centeol, a once beautiful Elf that had been cursed by one Jonaleth Irenicus. 
Xan made her very happy by removing the curse. In her gratitude Centeol left Butch and Xan a treasure trove with such prizes as Spiders’ Bane and the Golden Girdle. And then she departed, allegedly to exact revenge on Irenicus.
The duo also found Chelak’s corpse in the nest, but when the party returned to the point where they had met Tiber, after slaying many, many more Spiders and Ettercaps,
they discovered that the lad had gone. This was hardly a surprise, because days had passed since they had first met.

The company traveled back once more to the Friendly Arm Inn, where they - Keiria most of all - would be relieved to see Branwen recover swiftly in Gellana’s care.

Soon the team found themselves in the Cloakwood again, this time keeping a low profile, stalking invisibly past a Druid grove for example. They spent a few days looking for Coran’s Wyverns until Butch, the party’s scout, found a nest in a reeking, blood-smeared cave.
He lured them outside where traps and an assault by the party meant the end of the wicked creatures. Inside the cave Butch found a Shield Amulet (that he would later see upgraded by Thalantyr to set Quayle’s base AC to 4).

In Beregost, the companions received the 2,000 Guilder reward from Keldath Ormlyr. Half of it went to Coran, who left the party (not to Butch’s regret, for he’d had little patience for the Elf’s pointless ramblings about all that was female).

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Butch Baylen, 7th BG1 installment

On their third(!) trip to the Cloakwood Butch made it clear to his companions that he meant business. He would not be sidetracked, nor would he leave again before having paid the Iron Throne base a visit.

The second time we approached the Cloakwood’s Druid Grove, an older Druid asked us whether we were associated with the Iron Throne, because he had a message for them. I told him we were sworn enemies of the Throne, and was glad to discover that his message would have consisted in our hides, had we been Iron Throne members. Not that I considered him capable of slaying the five of us, but it was good to know the Throne had more enemies than just us. Quayle must have had similar thoughts, because after the encounter he observed that it might be a good idea to reveal ourselves and our agenda to the other Druids. We might find allies in them. 
As gifted as the Druids were at making us feel like interlopers in their territory, their Archdruid Amarande did instruct one member of his order of Shadow Druids to join our party to confront the Iron Throne, and to report back to him when we were done. She was a hot-tempered Avenger Druid by the name of Faldorn.

With Faldorn as our guide we didn’t take long in reaching the Iron Throne base (though still more than a day during which increased guard and Black Talon patrols indicated that we were getting closer; we slew them all.) 

The actual base appeared to consist of two unimposing wooden structures, little more than large sheds, but according to Faldorn there were mines below them. The compound was enclosed by a wooden fence and a canal. The only access was over a narrow bridge over the canal. The two structures themselves were separated by another canal and connected by a second, unsheltered bridge.
We first cleared the outer area, which meant dispatching circa ten guards / Black Talons,

as well as a man that presented himself as the Archdruid of the Cloakwood. Faldorn dismissed him as an impostor, but he was dead serious. He took us for Iron Throne hirelings and might have hurt us if it wasn’t for Quayle’s wand. With it the Gnome timely stopped the man’s spell casting, allowing us to dispatch our foe with ease.
[Note: The Arch Druid, whom I remembered to be a very difficult foe, dropped some very OP gear, as is common with DSotSC and Dark Horizons enemies. I either ignore or sell such loot, but I do allow my characters to use mod items that I find sufficiently balanced. In the case of Faldorn for example that included a pair of Boots of the Forest that give her slightly increased movement speed plus free action, and an amulet called Heart of the Wood which grants her immunity to acid.]

Still from outside the compound we saw a quintet of Black Talon Elites guarding the bridge between the two structures. We attacked them with ranged weaponry, only to discover that they were no regular Black Talon Elites; they were amongst the best marksmen that we had encountered up till then. They downed Xan in no time (despite his protections), and only became manageable for us after Faldorn caught them in a web and had them attacked by a Dread Wolf she summoned, and after I weakened them with two thrown snares.

With the coast clear, we fully healed and prepared for entering the complex. I asked Branwen, Faldorn and Quayle to take care of Xan, and Keiria to stand watch, and approached the complex on my own. I snuck past four guards that looked different than the others. They weren’t outfitted in the typical Iron Throne gear or Black Talon gear. Two of them appeared to be wizards. As I continued my reconnaissance I saw a Black Talon General whom we had attacked when we saw him on the bridge between the two buildings. He was severely injured, so I decided to try and finish him off before he could alert the four special guards I had just bypassed. Unfortunately my sneak attack failed to slay the warrior and soon the four special guards came looking for me. I managed to hide, thanks in part to Faldorn’s Dread Wolf that was still around and served to distract the guards, but when I retreated one of the wizards came after me and attacked me with a Wand of Fire.
At that point I had already protected myself with a potion of magic shielding. I took down his defenses with a bolt of dispelling, and finished him off with bolts of biting.
When I returned to my comrades to warn them that the guards had noticed me, I witnessed the other wizard Dimension Dooring right into their midst. With another bolt of dispelling I rendered him vulnerable to our attacks.
Quayle disrupted one of the wizard’s spells with a well-timed Magic Missile, and Branwen finished him off.
With both wizards gone, I could strike the Black Talon General and one of the special guards down without having to worry about any arcane repercussions.
Finally, our party dispatched the fourth special guard together, with Faldorn getting the kill.
We had to battle our way past a few more guards in our search for the actual mine entrance. In front of it, we cured what slight wounds we had suffered, had Quayle turn us invisible, and descended, unsure what to expect but prepared for the worst.


What the mine had in store for the party was indeed not pretty. It was operated by rag-dressed and underfed slaves under the supervision of mail-clad Iron Throne guards like the ones they had seen on their patrols in the woods.
One of the miners was standing in front of a massive plug. Butch, less reliant on Quayle’s magic to remain unseen, revealed himself and asked the miner what the plug was for. He explained that it kept an underground river from flooding the mine. The miner could open the plug and inundate the mine if brought the key from the master of the mines, Davaeorn (a name that Butch hadn’t encountered in the Iron Throne correspondence but knew he had to heed regardless, thanks to the Surgeon’s warnings). The two devised a plan that involved the release of an imprisoned slave resistance leader, Rill, who would know how to get the other slaves to safety before the flooding of the mine. The miner further advised Butch to speak with another prisoner, Yeslick, who was the last surviving Dwarf of the clan that used to exploit the mine, and had been the one to design the plug.
The party descended one level, stalked past a few hapless guards in charge of storage,

and reached the prison via a hidden door that Quayle detected. They gave Rill 100 Guilders to bribe a number of guards in order to set the slaves free, and they liberated Yeslick, who would become their guide and champion in the mine. Butch asked Branwen to take Xan with her to the Friendly Arm Inn, because the Elf was in pain. Both were still invisible so there was little risk. (Butch realized he might miss Branwen because they had become close friends, and more recently even lovers.) [Note: Yeslick is a Battlerager/Cleric in my setup. This is a Berserker/Cleric, but the NPC kits mod renames the Berserker kit to Battlerager for Dwarves.]

The Dwarf was given most of Kagain’s gear (which Butch had kept in the party’s Bag of Holding ever since he had taken it from one of the carts in the Nashkel Mines where Finch had left it), and he soon needed it: various guards, including a female wizard, had followed them through the halls while others were approaching from the other side of the prison. The Dwarf enraged, and when a Minor Sequencered Ray of Enfeeblement and Blindness came his way, he quaffed a potion of magic shielding to become immune to the female’s spells.

He almost single-handedly dispatched the opposition, with Butch being the only one to help out (the other companions remained invisible).
The two cleared the entire level, and repeated their work on a third level. It had fewer human guards than the second level and more Hobgoblins, who were actually weaker opponents than their human colleagues. Yeslick showed the party the way; all they had to do was follow.
Even two wizards, foes that Butch would normally engage with the utmost caution had nothing on Yeslick. The first one was a human female, whom Butch had scouted in one of the level’s many small rooms. She had several magical protections active, he discovered as a trap she triggered did not hurt her in the slightest. When Butch communicated his findings to his new Dwarven companion (who had been making himself very well-liked in the short while he had been with the party), Yeslick told him he knew how to handle the Mage. He entered the room, did not see the woman, but then he cast Dispel Magic which revealed her and removed most of her protections. It made her an easy kill for the duo.
The second wizard was an Ogre Mage. Again Butch approved of Yeslick’s approach to battling the creature: he Silenced it. The Ogre Mage reacted with a Vocalize and would injure Butch with a number of Invocation spells (including a Chromatic Orb, pretty scary because of a Petrification risk). But Yeslick’s axe and Butch’s bolts killed the monster soon after, and
the party moved further down to a fourth and final level.

It was much narrower, with only a single corridor that led to a large, open room. During his adventures Butch had developed a keen eye for traps, which was a good thing, because he encountered many. While he was in the process of disarming them, he was discovered by Black Talon Elites and assaulted with arrows of detonation.

Yeslick and he did a fairly good job at dispatching the mercenaries, although the Dwarf had to swig a few potions of extra healing to keep going, especially after a hitherto invisible assassin stabbed him in the back.
The duo slew her and found a pair of Boots of Ensured Quickness (= Boots of Speed). [Note: Dark Silvia also dropped a very awesome Cloak of the Assassin, which would have been a great BG2 item, but OP for BG1.]

They had barely slain the Black Talons and the assassin, or Davaeorn the wizard showed up, flanked by two Battle Horrors. Behind him stood another Mage. Strangely, Davaeorn moved toward invisible Keiria, Faldorn and Quayle, but he undertook no action to dispel their Invisibility. Having to deal with one wizard at a time made things a lot easier for Butch and Yeslick. Butch applied an oil of speed and smacked the associate wizard in the back, slowing his foe with his enchanted staff. The latter then activated a few basic protections as well as an Improved Invisibility that Yeslick promptly dispelled with a Invisibility Purge. The Dwarf slew the Mage with ease,

and the Battle Horrors after that.
Around that time Davaeorn cast a Teleport Field at the entrance, causing the invisible party members to seek out one of the rooms to wait in. The master of the mine tried to overcome Yeslick with Cones of Cold and fire magic, but Yeslick was hardy. Butch dispelled Davaeorn’s protections with a bolt of dispelling, and injured the wizard with bolts of lightning. The killing blow was for Yeslick.
He dropped a Tome of Clear Thought, the river plug key, and letters revealing some of the Iron Throne’s plans. The sabotage of the Nashkel Mines had given the Iron Throne a monopoly on iron, which explained the exorbitant prices for mundane weaponry at stores and smiths. The Throne had purchased a noble estate in Baldur’s Gate to serve as their base of operations in the city. And a fellow named Sarevok was to be installed as the commander of the Throne’s mercenary forces.


We looted the mines, and then flooded them. Upon leaving the compound a Druid named Wendell informed us that he had come to avenge one of his kin, Miranda, whom we had killed according to him. Faldorn knew neither this Wendell nor the Miranda he spoke off, and explained to him that she was a Druid of the Cloakwood herself. It was to no avail. Wendell and two companions attacked us. They summoned a Cave Bear, hampered our movement with Plant Growth, and nearly killed Keiria with a Call Lightning

before Quayle Silenced most of them (but not Wendell who saved vs spell with a roll of 1).
I got Flamestruck and Yeslick suffered a number of Lightning strikes, but we had enough healing potions to keep us going, and when they had run out of their most dangerous spells, we had little difficulty finishing our enemies.
We returned to Amarande, the Shadow Archdruid, so that Faldorn could report our success at the mine. Amarande wasn’t very impressed but content nonetheless. I was about to bid Faldorn farewell, when she requested Amarande to let her travel with us to Baldur’s Gate to deal with the Iron Throne higher-ups. Amarande met her request and gave her a White Oak Large Shield (+1, +1 vs missiles, +1 CON) to protect her on her travels.

At the Friendly Arm Inn we learnt that Xan was the sixth of my friends that required lasting medical care. He was in no condition to rejoin the party. Branwen and Gellana Mirrorshade told me they would do all they could to fully restore the frail Elf to health.

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I did some experimentation, which revealed that my items were still lying around Firewine if I returned more or less immediately after getting Branwen and Xan raised (if I rested once there were there, and persisted even if I rested lots, but if I rested in Nashkel a second time, they weren't). On the first of these I actually managed to kill Karhk, but this being a "fork" of a save of my no-reload (since I was only checking how the item system works) I made myself load back up and do it "for real".

(This feels a bit close to reloading, but whilst it's certainly metagaming I'm prepared to accept it)


Finally we succeeded in bringing the brute down; it seems that Improved Invisibility was the key. With Xan and Marcus invisible (Branwen had been invisible to lure Karhk out - he can still detect your presence, and in fact has Detect Invisibility) he wasted his single-target damaging spells on summoned creatures, though I think Marcus still got hit by the Flame Arrow (his greater health and Helm of Defence making it much less of an issue). Marcus and Xan saving vs Chaos helped a lot, too.


Marcus killed the summoned Sword Spider rapidly with Fire Arrows (and the aid of the summoned creatures) then used normal ones to plough through Mirror Images and Stoneskins in between Magic Missiles. Branwen drawing Karhk out was a double-edged sword; it gave him time to buff, but also meant that he had less actual combat time before Shadow Door worse off. Once it did, Xan started unloading Magic Missiles, in between topping up the summoned creatures and using Invisibility. Branwen also swapped Defensive Harmony for Animal Summoning I this time so we had plenty of buffer, and an ill-timed Sunburst meant that it lasted longer than his buffs.


For all that, just over 3k XP and no great treasure to speak of (scroll of Flame Arrow which was handy, and some valuables, that's it). Not worth the risk, the money spent on raises, or the potions chugged - but I wanted to get him. ;-)

Despite reclaiming my gear, I may still have lost some things - I seem to remember having a second suit of magical leather, which has now gone, but I forget.


Returning to Beregost, we found that Branwen's Ankheg Plate Mail was finished. Under Full Plate and Packing Steel, it actually gives her a worse AC than her Studded Leather did (since it lowers her Dex). However, it gives her close to 50% resistance to most physical damage (Crushing is a bit lower) and only slightly hampers her speed, which the Paws of the Cheetah make up for. It does harm her ranged attacks too, but they're not her strong point anyway.


In search of Durlag's Tower, we headed north to Ulgoth's Beard (the Big World mod appears to make it impossible just to "find" the tower), clearing some zombies from a farm and killing some more Ankhegs on the way. Shandalar wanted us to do something for him, but we told him to wait and headed to the cursed tor at the behest of Hurgan Stoneblade. We've just killed the Battle Horrors, who proved tricky but beatable in melee (some summoned creatures soaked up some hits, and Marcus with Armour, Defensive Harmony and Improved Invisibility is OK, even though they interrupted his Mirror Image). I remembered them being resistant to magic too, but Xan's Magic Missiles proved effective.


I'm debating doing some of the upper levels of the tower (the basilisks and the altar with the tome, but not the ghost or Kirinhale); I don't feel up to the rest just yet, and could do with a Thief. I might recruit Safana (in this run, Imoen is a Sorcerer, for no real reason). The experience with Karhk has also warned me that I need to up my game; I recall one of the mages outside the Cloakwood Mines having a similar setup, and though I've killed him before on a no-reload under SCS, I think I might want a bigger party. Mind you, I only need another ~8000 XP each (so 24,000 between us) for Marcus to reach L7 as a Mage, and Branwen L8.

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Quad multiplayer attempt 4.
Session 2.

The session started with a couple of minor tasks, down to Nashkel for the ankheg armour then back to Beregost for Mirianne's Ring of Protection +1. Then up to the Friendly Arm Inn, returning a ring for Joia and trading in a ring of wizardry so Coreheal could squeeze into full plate armour. There was even enough cash left for Brazil to upgrade to a sling +1.

Down to the Carnival, silencing Zordral and purchasing a protection from petrification scroll. The rock garden basilisks targeted Corheal while all four party members used range attacks. One or two basilisks switched to melee but did little or no damage. Mutamin managed to talk his way into trouble then a rest was called for before Kirian and co were silenced.

An entangled Baerin took heavy missile damage but Lindin lag-jumped to Wewa, forcing her to run. Corheal switched to melee and commanded Lindin, then Brazil charmed him while down. Corheal held both Peter and Kirian as Lindin re-entered the fray just in time to help defeat Kirian. As he was the caught in the entangle it seemed sensible to shoot him down too.

Beregost was closed for business so Wewa acquired a magical bastard sword and the party retired to the nearest inn after killing Silke for her quarterstaff, and promptly retired Karlat from bounty hunting. After resting, any surplus gear was sold and a magical shortbow purchased for Wewa. Some house clearance activity saw Landrin the gnome dole out a reward for a spider corpse, a bottle of plonk and a worn pair of boots.

Zal and Vax were the next marks, followed by Caldo and Krumm who were held just as a charmed cave bear bit into them. Strofe tried to lead the bear southwest towards a wolf cave but his colleagues shot it down instead. Further west, there was an oddity that stopped play for about 10 minutes (3 games froze, 4th crashed) as Gnarl found himself lost for words due to unexpected death.

Once the session was re-established, Strofe masterfully(*) led the way to the coast. After Ardrouine was aided Strofe expected Coreheal to summon skeletons against sirines. Oh no the halfling way is to not bother with that when you can stand in between them wielding a morning star at kneecap level. It worked too, thanks to the potion of clarity. Sil and her sirines got the skeleton treatment though.

Inside the cave of Black Alaric, Corheal stood his ground against a flesh golem while magical arrows whizzed past him. He was very quick off the mark to the second golem meaning everybody else had to race to help him, Brazil using her quarterstaff to good effect too. For the third golem Corheal took a couple of big hits and Brazil stood in only to get a third hit. Wewa may have felt a bit left out because Strofe thinks she got a thump too.


Gate70: Strofe, Elven Stalker 5. 79 kills. Composite longbow.
Corey Russell: Corheal, Halfling Priest of Lathander 5. 12 kills. Morning Star +1 / sling.
Grond0: Brazil, Half-Elf Fighter 4 / Druid 4. 42 kills. Sling +1 / Quarterstaff +1.
Dogdancing: Wewa, Elven Thief 6. 10 kills, 1 death. Shortbow +1 / Quarterstaff.

Masterful: Going in the wrong direction, doubling back to another map nearly as indirect, leading the party through gnolls, skeletons and other nasty things. All in a days stalking.
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@Gate70 - it should be noted that Corheal didn't summon the skeletons for Sil, as the technique used for the 1st batch would have worked for her as well. Instead, Corheal brought them out to help with the Carrion Crawlers, since they can hold us and we don't have hold immunity - with the skeletons attacking too, I figured even if someone got held we can kill them in time.


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As the Complete Bards Handbook allows bards of any race (and as the potrait I'm using has too pointy ears for being a half-elf) I tweaked the game so that I could make my jester an elf.

First Sarya fell victim to bandits while travelling to Beregost, next Sarya became killed by kobolds. I guess I'm not really up to playing the 'weaker' classes but I wont give up that easily and so here's Sarya number three:

Sarya, elven Jester, NoReload take 20

I just hope she lives a little bit longer (and doesn't catch a cold)...

1 Mirtul, 1368: "Today's probably the happiest day of my life as early in the morning Gorion had told me without giving me any reason that we're about to leave Candlekeep - finally! I don't want to appear ungrateful as all those years (nearly) everyone here (besides the Keeper of the Tomes, Ulraunt) had been very nice to me, some of them had become my friends and leaving them makes me feel a little bit sad but with each day Candlekeep had felt to me more and more like a prison. Bards are supposed to see the world singing their own songs but how can I do that if my world is just a towered fortress library? So I guess I just say good-bye to everyone and then I'm ready to leave..."

A few hours later Sarya had taken leave of all her friends, most of them were happy for her as they knew how much she longed for seeing the world outside of Candlekeep. Some like Fuller or Hull had even given her presents like a magical dagger or an unbreakable long sword (not that she was proficient with any of them but she thought it's the thought that counts).

But not everyone was friendly to Sarya, twice she got attacked by assassins but thanks to luck, a potion of healing and combat training she was able to fend them off...


After meating with her stepfather Gorion in front of the large library they both left Candlekeep heading to the Friendy Arm Inn where they were supposed to meet some friends of Gorion.

2 Mirtul, 1368: "What had started as my happiest day finally became my worst. Gorion is dead and I'm hunted by an armored fiend. 'Hand over your ward,' the fiend had said. I still shiver when I remember those words. Who wants me dead and why, I have no idea. At least I'm not alone as Imoen has found me. Together we'll go to Friend Arm Inn where hopefully Kladid and Jaheira are waiting."

On their way north the two desperate girls met Xzar and Montaron. Together they continued their journey reaching the inn at midnight. On the stairways to the inn Sarya and her companions became attacked by Tarnesh...


After taking in Khalid and Jaheira, exploring the area around the inn, cleansing it from any hobgoblins and finally resting, the party left the Friendly Arm Inn for Beregost. The journey took the whole day and more than once it was interrupted by attacks from gibberlings, dire wolves and bandits. Looking for some rooms to spend the night they entered the Feldepost Inn...


3 Mirtul, 1368: "If I'd ever wanted to get an engagement as a performer at the Feldepost Inn that door was closed today I'm afraid. And it doesn't really matter that we were just acting in self-defense. Perhaps Imoen and I should choose our companions more carefully?"

Exploring the surrounding areas the group came to High Hedge. South of it they saved a speaking chicken from becoming wolf food. With some alot of luck (and a dead companion) they managed to beat Zargal and his band getting Imoen a nice new weapon...


Back at High Hedge unfortunately Mellicamp didn't survived the antichickenator spell.

From Beregost they went south reaching Nashkell within one day despite becoming attacked at every opportunity. At Nashekll Sarya entered the inn to ask for rooms when another bounty hunter recognised her. She tried to run outside but too late, she got trapped by a 'Hold Person' spell. Her companions tried to help her only to become held as well..."[/i]


Jaheira, Khalid and Xzar were killed, Sarya, Imoen and Montaron ran outside when finally the spell wear off. Unfortunately there weren't any soldiers patrolling the street, but with some help of a monk they were able to succeed...


Xzar and Montaron remained in Nashkell while Sarya agreed to help both Edwin and Minsc to find the witch Dynaheir. After a lot of fighting they finally rescued Dyanaheir from the gnolls. Sarya then convinced Edwin that there's no reason to kill Dynaheir (or perhaps it was the large sword Minsc was holding in his hands). The group (as you can have only five companions - minus Edwin who went directly to Nashkell) went north where they became attacked by an ogre berserker and some hobgoblin elites - well actually the ogre berserker and the hobgoblins became attacked by a group of adventures).


Everything was under control (one hobgoblin was unconscious, two were dead) ...


...until Jaheira (AC -8 vs. crushing) got killed by the ogre and the third hobgoblin appeared. Then Minsc was killed as well and Khalid (only 1 HP left) was about to follow his wife. The ogre berserker then went after Dynaheir (who ran away) while Sarya used a scroll of color spray on the hobgoblin elite.


Once the hobgoblin elite was dead Sarya, Imoen and Khalid shot their arrows at the ogre who still was chasing Dynaheir. Finally the ogre went down as well.

It wasn't easy to divide all of their dead companions' gear but eventually they were able to walk back to Nashkell - only very slowly but fortunately without getting waylaid. At Nashkell both Minsc and Jaheira were raised from death, then Minsc and Dynaheir left the group making room for Edwin again. The five went to Nashkell Mines but were ambushed by some brigands who were killed with some help if Dorn but without any problems. With Dorn who had joind the group they continued their journey to the mines where they defended the sculptor Prism against the bounty hunter Greywolf...


Then Sarya wanted to explore the areas to the east but...

20. Mritul, 1368: Today the half-orc Dorn had joined our group. He looks so impressiv, so strong and dangerous. I think I'm a little bit afraid of him but also at the same time he fascinates me. I wonder how it would be if ... uhm... but I guess he isn't really interested in that anyway. At first I thought he might be as powerful as the man who had slaughtered Gorion but that was before Dorn got killed by kobolds.

As for the rest of my group Khalid and Jaheira are doing pretty good. Especially Khalid seems to be much more self-confident than he was when I met him at the Friendy Arm Inn - for example he didn't panicked when we fought that ogre berserker at the bridge, both Minsc and Jaheira were dead and he was very close to death (1 hp only) as well. Jaheira is our healer and our tank as she has by far the best armor class (and the best gear).

Imoen manages to stay out of trouble most of the time and with her bow she had killed quite a few enemies so far.

Edwin on the other hand is a bit of a problem as he talks a lot about how superior he is but besides some weak spell casting we haven't seen much of him. And he can't even use a ranged weapon properly.

As for myself like Imoen I'm trying to stay in the back playing my song sometimes but more often I'm using my bow (as it seems I'm our best archer).

Our biggest problem however is that both Edwin and myself don't know any good spells (color spray is most likely our best spell). Well, I'm just a bard so I'm excused but Edwin? I wonder what they're actually learning at wizard school in Thay (besides acting arrogant and pompous all the time).

At Nashkell Dorn was raised and Sarya decided to go back to Beregost, perhaps buying some spells at High Hedge.

Current party:

Sarya: Jester(4); HP 24; XP 5,467; Kills 49; Kills XP 5,709; Winter Wolf (975)
Dorn: Blackguard(2); HP 17; XP 2,690; Kills 1; Kills XP 7; Kobold (7)
Imoen: Thief(4); HP 28; XP 5,008; Kills 32; Kills XP 2,909; Cave Bear (650)
Jaheira: Fighter(3)/Druid(3); HP 32; XP 8,032; Kills 35; Kills XP 3,593; Zordral (900)
Khalid: Fighter(3); XP 4,809; HP 32; Kills 37; Kills XP 3,949; Greywolf (1,400)
Edwin: Conjurer(2); HP 10; XP 3,346; Kills 5; Kills XP 652; Sendai (600)

Former party members:

Montaron: Fighter(1)/Thief(1); XP 1,163; Kills 17; Kills XP 1,667; Marl (650)
Xzar: Necromancer(1); XP 1,097; Kills 3; Kills XP 1,315; Ghast (650)
Minsc: Ranger(2); 3,136 XP; Kills 44; Kills XP 4,091; Winter Wolf (975)
Dynaheir: Invoker(2); 3,263 XP; Kills 0; Kills XP 0; -

To be continued...

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Serg BlackStrider

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Wish Sarya to enjoy her journey alone with her friends, see lot of new places in the world and live long to sing the tale!

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The Fred

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Marcus and co's brief excursion to Durlag's Tower proved eventful and profitable enough.


The gang ran into several skeletons, who were a nuisance, and some doppelgangers, who with SCS were scarier (not that hard, but they're Mirror Imaged and Hasted, so you can't outrun them and they attack rapidly). We also had to take down a Battle Horrors and a Doom Knight; again, Branwen and Marcus went into melee, and suffered some injuries.


Inside the tower, we killed some ghasts, raided a couple of chests, met another treasure hunter (but parted ways), suffered some traps, discovered an empty altar (I guess Item Randomiser randomised it?) and then headed out onto the roof. This was a bit dodgy; Xan had been stunned by a trap so we just left him, but ran right into a (lesser) basilisk. We fled back inside so that Marcus could cast Protection from Petrification on himself, but it followed us. Branwen fled, but Xan got in the way. Marcus had to use arrows on it, but luckily it seemed to be stuck and couldn't attack the stunned Elf either.


Likewise, Marcus appeared on top of a Greater Basilisk further up the tower, but killed it with his bow (I think he may have finished it in melee, in fact). Branwen followed and summoned some skeletons who helped him make short work of two further serpents.


All in all, we raided a small amount of loot, but Marcus and Branwen both levelled up. For now, I think that's enough Durlag's Tower; we really need a Thief to progress further. I'm not sure I feel up to fighting Kirinhale or the Ghost, either.



Currently, the party is as follows:

Marcus, CG Elven Fighter 6/Mage 7

Weapons: The Dead Shot / Spider's Bane  (this hurts his AC, but it's worth it)

Most Powerful Vanquished: Greater Basilisk

Spells: Sleep is still his favourite, but he doesn't really use it any more. To be honest, he spends most time shooting. We need to get him some L4 spells though, now that he has a slot for them.


Branwen, TN Human Cleric 8

Weapons: Sling +1 / Ashideena

Most Powerful Vanquished: Shoal the Nereid

Deaths: 2  (Sword Spider, Kahrk)

Spells: Cure Light Wounds is her most-used, but Animate Dead is a definite top pick. Now that she has more slots, I'm planning to give one over to Dispel or Miscast Magic, and use a L4 for Animal Summoning I. We might be getting to that stage where we need more healing, though.


Xan, LN Sorcerer 8

Weapons: Darts / Moonblade

Most Powerful Vanquished: Battle Horror

Deaths: 5  (Lamalha and co?, Kahrk x 3, Skeleton archer)

Spells: Monster Summoning I is surely still his top spell, though Magic Missile is the most cast.


Next stop... probably back to the Cloakwood.

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Hey Dyara. Nice to see you with a different character :)
Good luck, and I hope for her she'll learn Protection from Cold soon :P

Take care in Cloakwood and the Mines The Fred...

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 80 - (update 3)

Evan, halfling shadowdancer (Grond0) & Porril, human ranger (Gate70)


A short session saw this pairing tick off a few more encounters, though with a couple of nasty moments on the way.


The session started with an encounter with Tranzig.  He defiantly shouted out his intention to fight to the end - an instant before attempting (and failing) to run away :blink:.



The first potential difficulty was at the Bandit Camp.  Entering the main tent there Porril found the Greenstone Amulet wasn't very efficient at protecting against Venkt's acid arrows.  However, healing potions just kept him alive long enough to cut through the mage's mirror images, just as Evan ended any threat from the archers.



They just ran through the Cloakwood, not attempting to get hold of Spiders' Bane.  At the mine Drasus was pulled away to his doom,


before the same was done to Genthore.  Unsupported, the mages didn't last long.  


There was a potentially fatal situation on the way down to Davaeorn when a ghast managed to pull off a lag-jump to get a paralyzing hit in on Evan.  Porril was quickly there in support though and finished off the ghast before it could do the same to Evan.



Davaeorn managed to dire charm Porril in their initial encounter, but didn't take the opportunity to attack again so Evan just stayed out of the way until Porril was back in control of himself.  After resuming the attack Porril quickly got rid of Davaeorn's remaining spells and Evan joined in for the finish.



The duo flooded the mine and will be arriving at Baldur's Gate shortly.



Evan, shadowdancer 7, 34 HPs, 83 kills

Porril, ranger 6, 64 HPs, 202 kills, 1 death

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