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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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The Fred

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On Marcus and co's trip to the Cloakwood, they were unfortunately beset by not one, but two Ogre Magi.

(I probably should have noticed that two lots of "Ogre Mage: Mirror Image" came up when they started buffing)


These guys weren't as tough as the Mighty Kahrk, but whilst the first was dealing with Branwen's animated dead, the second made a beeline for Xan. Despite him being invisible and possibly Mirror Imaged (I forget), the brute hit for a 30-damage crit. Having already hit and injured Xan once, this was a chunking. It could have been much worse, as Branwen was struck with a Chromatic Orb almost immediately thereafter, but saved (and I don't know what level it was, anyway). The summoned creatures and Marcus' archery finished the others off.


Fortuitously, we ran into Imoen in the woods! (Not Cloakwood - we headed back to Beregost to sell/store some of Xan's gear)

In my current install, she's also a Sorcerer, and in fact basically a slightly better version of Xan (better Dex and Con). She has over 30 health! I gave her almost exactly the same spells, but picked Melf's over Horror (Horror has its advantages, but I was favouring Glitterdust when I used either). I considered Monster Summoning II instead of Imp Invis (and something in place of MS I) and something like Fireball over Melf's Minute Meteors, but Imoen's higher Dex makes me think MMM might be handy (better for Fighter/Mages though, I suspect). Hmm.


Before this, we had also come across some Red Wizards in the forest, who attacked us. Our defence was sloppy, but Stinking Cloud did wonders and we left with Marcus learning Teleport Field from one of their scrolls. As his only L4 spell, I daresay he'll be making use of it at some point.



Marcus, CG Elven Fighter 6/Mage 7

Weapons: The Dead Shot / Spider's Bane

Most Powerful Vanquished: Greater Basilisk


Branwen, TN Human Cleric 8

Weapons: Sling +1 / Ashideena

Most Powerful Vanquished: Shoal the Nereid

Deaths: 2  (Sword Spider, Kahrk)


Imoen, NG Sorcerer 8

Weapons: Darts

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Sarya, elven Jester, NoReload take 20 (update 1)

As planned Sarya and her group left Nashkell taking the road north to Beregost. Again kobold commandos proved to be dangerous foes but fortunately no-one (besides the kobolds of course) had to die this time...


At Beregost the spiders were removed from Landrin's house, another (unsuccessful) assassination attempt took place at the Red Sheaf Inn and Perdue got his short sword (more than once the party was about to throw it away as no-one wanted to carry it - and they had no bag to stash it in).

22. Mirtul, 1368: "We were just about to leave Beregost for Friendly Arm Inn taking the things from the spider infested house to Landrin, perhaps buying some potion of genius from Gellana Mirrorshade when Neera, a young mage begged us for helping her against some 'vicious magic bandits'. These 'bandits' were actually two Wizards of Thay hunting Neera for being a wild mage. Edwin recognised the wizards and suggested that we let them take the girl but I refused because that Ekandor was even more arrogant than Edwin. Then we all were teleported around and Ekandor disappeared entirely. Now Edwin had become the ranking Red Wizard and he ordered the other Thayans to leave without a fight. Neera wanted to join us but Edwin threated to leave since his brethren are hunting Neera. While I don't like to be pressured perhaps Edwin is right. Hunted by assassins and by red wizards might be a little bit too much for our still not really experienced party."

North of Beregost Sarya and her group ran into some caravan bandits. The teamwork of Sarya and Edwin still has much room for improvement as the only victim of Edwin's 'Color Spray' spell had already been charmed by Sarya. And on top of that Edwin got killed by the bandits...


Not far away from the raided caravan they found the ogre the dwarf Unshey had mentioned. Again Jaheira led the attack and the ogre was dispatched quickly. As the 'girdle of piercing' looked rather nice on her Sarya decided to keep the belt for now. At the Friendly Arm Inn Edwin was raised, also Sarya bought all four potions of genius. Once they were rewarded by Landrin they turned south again reaching High Hedge the other day. From Thalantyr Sarya bought lots of spells both for herself and Edwin to scribe. Unfortunately even with their intelligence boosted by potions of genius they both failed to scribe two spells (e.g. 2x hold person).

23. Mirtul, 1368: "When we left High Hedge we became attacked by some flinds. While we all used our ranged weapons trying to take as many enemies down as possible before they could reach us, Dorn swinging his two-hander sword just rushed into their lines... and was killed right away. Perhaps he would be better off becoming at least proficient with a ranged weapon but I wonder if takes that advice from me. I really like to watch him fight but so far he's Jaheira's (and the nearby temples') best customer.

Back at Beregost Dorn was resurrected and party continued to explore the areas to the east of Beregost. Cattack and his hobgoblins were killed easily...


Later then there were some dangerous moments when Jaheira led an attack on a group of wolves including two vampiric wolves, some worgs and dread wolves. The first vampiric wolf was already close to death when Jaheira became paralysed. Fortunately Sarya had an invisibility spell ready but then the second vampiric wolf broke through our lines. Edwin was too slow to get away and became paralysed as well. Fortunately Dorn and Sarya acted quickly and killed the beast before it could harm Edwin any further.


The remaining wolf creatures were killed as well and besides some injuries everyone was fine, Edwin and Dorn even reached a new level. And Dorn used it to become proficient in crossbow.


24. Mirtul, 1368: "I'm very proud of my companions. Yesterday we successfully fought perhaps our most dangerous fight so far and we really worked like a team. Only Edwin still struggles to find his place. But perhaps this will change once he's able to cast the more powerful spells. Might not take too long as we will go basilisk-hunting later in the evening. Of course when we had reached Mutamin's Garden Jaheira had lectured me on basilisks being able to turn people to stone - as if a bard doesn't know that - but I had Edwin memorise six protection from petrification spells and so we are well prepared for our hunt."

Protected by an invisibility spell Sarya had scouted the whole area before Edwin made the whole party immune to the basilisks' gaze attack. Carefully avoiding both Kirian's party and Mutamin Sarya and her friends then killed all the basilisks (but Mutamin's pet) without any problems (besides Khalid becoming poisoned once)...


Sarya: Jester(5); HP 31; XP 10,258; Kills 65; Kills XP 9,599; Lesser Basilisk (1,400)
Dorn: Blackguard(3); HP 27; XP 7,322; Kills 27; Kills XP 9575; Vampiric Wolf (2,000)
Imoen: Thief(4); HP 28; XP 9,730; Kills 40; Kills XP 4,676; Lesser Basilisk (1,400)
Jaheira: Fighter(3)/Druid(3); HP 32; XP 12,816; Kills 49; Kills XP 10,920; Greater Basilisk (4,000)
Khalid: Fighter(4); HP 42; XP 9,569; Kills 66; Kills XP 7,239; Greywolf (1,400)
Edwin: Conjurer(3); HP 16; XP 7,893; Kills 6; Kills XP 687; Sendai (600)

To be continued...

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Grimwald the Wise

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Start of a new game with a nother kit that I have never tried before.


It is the vampyre hunter fighter kit.


The big advantage is immunity to level drain  The big disadvantage is that you can only get grandmastery in stabbing weapons. i.e. Short swords, spears, daggers and darts.


Details below. Used sub-race mod to make him an air genasi. 10% less experience. It gives some useful spells and rearranges proficiency points so that they were more useful for this character.


First is my initial roll which just happened to be my very first roll. I couldn't repeat it thereafter.


Then how the character turned out plus details of the kit and of the air genasi sub-race.








The first major enemies were Tristan and Isolde. Freedom of action made the battle possible to do solo, though clearly a difficult one nonetheless.



I went to Nashkel to get the healing spell and Lord Foreshadow's ring.


Returning to Beregost, after doing the non-dangerous minor quests I got the spiders to follow me to follow me to Silke and the result was carnage.



Near Prism I needed a rest and two Winter Wolves turned up. I cast invisibility on my ally against Greywolf, not wanting Isra to die before she joined up with me.



At the carnival we were unfortunately unable to save a mage.



Heading west, we saved Wolfie before being attacked by Zal and his friend. We won due to freedom of action.



We then helped a dryad.



After getting the gauntlets further to the west, Isra was considerably stronger and less subject to wounding.

We therefore went to help Melicamp which failed and then the boy at the lighthouse. The sirene were relatively easy due to Isra but the flesh golems were a problem.



Because of immunity to poison, we were able to take on the hobgoblins, at least Isra was.



In transit we fought and won against some mustard jelly.




Then, after helping the archaeologist we killed the doomsayer before helping Brage.


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Sarya, elven Jester, NoReload take 20 (update 2)

25. Mirtul, 1368: "While we've dealt a heavy blow to the area's basilisk population especially Jaheira felt that we weren't ready to leave without rooting out the root of the problem. Thus after a rest some preparation were done, then we took our positions (an invisible Dorn had moved behind the Basilisk and the rest of us remained at a ranged distance) while Jaheira approached the mad wizard..."


Once Mutamin became hostile Jaheira, Khalid and Sarya attacked him with arrows and bullets causing Mutamin to panick very soon.


Sarya then put an end the gnome's life while Khalid, Jaheira and Dorn fought the Greater Basilisk.


There was still one slightly dangerous moment to overcome when Khalid became poisoned but Sarya had all of the party's antidotes and she was too far away to give one to him. But that problem was solved and also the Greater Basilisk was put to a final rest...


Sarya and her friends were about to leave the area when they were approached by Korax who wanted to fight the party's enemies. Such a support should not be forfeited, Sarya thought, and so they turned around until they met a certain adventurer group...


For the first time Edwin proved to be really useful...


Everyone thought the fight was already won, when Peter (the cheater who had removed his fear with some scripted spell casting) started to attack again. But after a short moment of confusion Sarya used the magic of her cloak to charm Peter.


The effect didn't last long but long enough to force Peter to cast a 'Hold Person' spell on Kirian. Then Peter got paralysed by Korax and finally killed. Kirian shared his fate shortly after.


While searching for Kirian's remaining companions Edwin was nearly killed when Baerin suddenly attacked but in the end both Baerin and Lindin went down as well...


Back in Beregost the party was hired to protect Silke from some thugs but when Sarya canceled the contract Silke became really angry. First she put Khalid, Dorn and Edwin to sleep...


... then she killed Jaheira...


Simultaneously Sarya and Imoen quaffed potions of invisibility but at once Silke announced a 'Detect Invisibility' spell. Sarya made it into the Red Sheaf while Imoen tried to run but was caught by a hasted Silke and eventually killed. Then Silke came after Sarya but lost her when Sarya left the Red Sheaf.

Once Khalid, Edwin and Dorn had woken up they all went to the temple to raise Jaheira and Imoen. Immediately they returned to Beregost, Imoen sneaked into the Red Sheaf to look for Silke,  then Dorn, Khalid and Jaheira followed. Again Silke tried a 'Sleep' spell but she wasn't as successful as before and then she saw her last curtain fall...


The group left Beregost for High Hedge to buy some more spells. South of High Hedge they put an end to the evil cleric Bassilus ...


As Edwin had been killed by a 'Flame Strike' they had to return to Beregost. They 5,000 gold reward for taking down Bassilus allowed them to raise Edwin. Also Sarya (as raising companions started to become a little bit expensive) bought all the 'Raise Dead' scrolls from the temple.

In the search for Dorn's former companion Kryll the party explored the areas east of Nashkell. Khalid was killed when they were surprised by some ankhegs but was raised by Jaheira using a Raise Dead scroll...


(I had to fix the 'Raise Dead scroll' item with NI as it was bugged: the target was set to 'living actor' instead of 'dead actor'.)

Then a revenant was put to a final rest...


... all the other tombs were cleansed as well and finally Narcillicus was silenced...


At the Gibberling Mountains the party found Kryll...


... and they agreed to take Samuel to the Friendly Arm Inn. On their way north they fought some ogres (with Edwin making good use of the Chromatic Orb spell)...


... Ioin Gallchobhair and friends...


... and the half-ogre Arghain...


They took Samuel to Temple of Wisdom and after some rest at the inn they went south again. On their way they were ambushed by some bandits, Edwin tried to go invisible but failed...


And so the second Raise Dead scroll was put to use...


Finally Sarya felt her party ready to enter the mimes and after fighting lots of kobolds...


... they found Mulahey's lair...


When they returned to Nashkell they were attacked by Nimbul but despite going invisible all the time the assassin stood no chance at was dispatched easily.

Sarya: Jester(5); HP 37; XP 18,371; Kills 110; Kills XP 14,926; Lesser Basilisk (1,400)
Dorn: Blackguard(4); HP 31; XP 15,290; Kills 89; Kills XP 29,353; Greater Basilisk (7,000)
Imoen: Thief(5); HP 36; XP 17,690; Kills 77; Kills XP 7,807; Lesser Basilisk (1,400)
Jaheira: Fighter(4)/Druid(4); HP 40; XP 20,812; Kills 101; Kills XP 14,955; Greater Basilisk (4,000)
Khalid: Fighter(5); HP 55; XP 17,147; Kills 139; Kills XP 16,628; Mustard Jelly (2,000)
Edwin: Conjurer(4); HP 21; XP 15,101; Kills 12; Kills XP 1,743; Kirian (900)

To be continued...

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Entering the BG1 No-Reload challenge, Daelin, halfling fighter:



Weidu log:



In short, BGT-Ascension-Revisions-Refinements-SCS (no atweaks gating demons this time) + a little mod of my own - for now it's only called "criticals". Since this mod isn't available for public yet (I'll upload it today however), I'll briefly explain what it does. First, it strips away "natural critical hit" which occurs on a roll of 20. If you roll a 20, you don't do double damage anymore. Like this:



In fact, roll of 20 doesn't even ensure a hit anymore. Like this:



Instead, every weapon (type) in the game has a chance (5-15%) to do an extra effect when and if  it hits an oponnent. Or you. More about these effects can be read here.

Anyhow, to game:

Daelin will be traveling with Imoen, Kivan (archer kit), Minsc (berserker) and Xan (Enchanter). Kivan and Xan will be available as NPCs in BG2 part as well. Hence, the first goal was to take them all in to round up the party. Still w/o Minsc we did Ankhegs & Shoal for some quick XP boost. Tenya was first helped then killed. I love it  when I manage to do this :D



We killed Dushai for her Free Action ring, then travelled further south to Nashkel, adopted Minsc, saved (and killed) Dynaheir, then finished Mulahey w/o trouble.



Took in Xan. Xan is an Enchanter - since I use one more of my mods (it appears under work name of kmages in Weidu log), his kit is sllighty different from it's vanilla version.



The Amazons were deal with using Wand of Fire + some arrow, while Nimbul succumbed to Charm, and used up his spellbook in vain.



We kind of rushed to Bandit camp; I usually do this much later. Anyhow, a lot of Fireball charges were used up. Charming Khossan didn't hurt either. :)





To get a quick XP boost before tackling Davaeorn Mutamin & his basilisk gang were slain.



Next, Sirens. Oddly enough, Kivan managed to get charmed twice, despite his elven heritage. First time I moved Daelin (he wears Charm protection helmet) near him, so Kivan would suffer huge penalties for attacking with a bow at melee range. However, 2nd time Kivan had a fair distance and hit twice, one of those was an Arm hit shot. 



This is the effect:



All these don't last for long (1 round for this particular effect) but some of them are rather nasty when they do happen.

Be that as it may, we finished the Lighthouse w/o any further trouble, and did Durlag's up to Love&Pride etc. Xan is immune to Battle Horror hits when wearing Ring of Fire resistance, so he soloed them. :)



Following Duralg's brief exploration, we do some minor stuff in the wilderness, parlor with Sarhedra (all my life I tought it was a "she"!!)



..and eventually get to Cloakwood Mines area. Using two Detonations found in Durlag's made short work of Kysus



And still having distance Kivan kills the two fighters. 



The last mage took a while to kill (he summoned a lot of critters) but he also eventually fell.



Traveling through the mines was mostly uneventfull, apart Davaeorn. The idea was that Kivan soloes him under Pro Magic. Didn't really work and I revealed my (otherwise invisible) mages to do some damage on the mage, which cost Imoen her life, making this the first death we had.



Davaeorn's morale eventually broke and he died w/o causing more trouble.



To Baldur's Gate we go.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 80 - (4th and final update)

Evan, halfling shadowdancer (Grond0) & Porril, human ranger (Gate70)


Starting the session in Baldur's Gate the duo targeted the tomes and the Helm of Balduran.  Marek did surprisingly well to ignore all the damage he was suffering and complete not only a chaos (negated by Greenstone Amulet), but two lightning bolt spells as well.  The first was aimed at Porril, but a nasty bounce saw it hit Evan twice as well - good job he managed to take an absorption potion just in time.  


The second was also aimed at Porril, but this time the bounce was not so kind to Marek!



Ramazith was rather less successful at casting ...



After sneaking into the Iron Throne it was off to Candlekeep.  A potion of perception allowed Evan to disarm all the traps there in order to loot the tombs.  On the way out Prat's comrades were attacked from outside Prat's sight range before moving in on the main man.  He lasted long enough to persuade Porril to take a potion - though he cursed when Prat died before he could finish a spell.



Back in the City Evan pickpocketed the Cloak of Balduran before Slythe was pulled away from Krystin.  Despite being dispelled he performed surprisingly well in melee against Porril and forced him to take a couple of healing potions before eventually succumbing.  



At the palace some potions enhanced fighting skills.  Porril meleed, while Evan supported with dispelling arrows.  Liia died, but Belt survived relatively untroubled.  



The potions lasted long enough to clear the maze of enemies before the duo moved into the Undercity.  A series of stealthy exploding arrows from Evan knocked most of the fight out of the party there, allowing Porril an easy job to finish things off.



In the temple Evan shot a dispelling arrow at Sarevok, prompting Semaj to teleport out.  Faced with characters protected from magic and using dispelling arrows he didn't last long


and Evan went back to pull Sarevok out on his own.  The difficulty of targeting him without pausing meant the action resembled a curious dance form for a while, but at least Sarevok had no idea what was going on!  Some shots did tell though and by the time Porril had had enough of trying to shoot and went into melee it only took a single hit to finish Sarevok off.




Evan, shadowdancer 9, 46 HPs, 102 kills

Porril, ranger 7, 75 HPs, 237 kills, 1 death

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@Grond0, Gate70 - grats guys. Now catch up with Ruzzel and gang... : )

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Serg BlackStrider

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Well done, Grond0 & Gate! Stay tuned in Amn!

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Congratulations, Grond&Gate :wizard: ... I'm always impressed by your multiplayer noreload playthroughs. I've played BG multiplayer (BG2+ToB with iirc impr. Abazigal, Demogorgon, Balthazar) only once, it took us ~ half a year, we had started with 6 players and ended with only 3, and while it was a lot of fun and definitely a challenge, it was very far away from being a noreload challenge :D.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Congratulations Grond0 and Gate70 :)

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Daelin, 2nd and final BG1 update


The city had no real challenges for us, we stole the documents under invisibility and rushed back to Candlekeep w/o bothering with little quests there; in Candlekeep we killed IT leaders and sneaked out of the catacombs invisible.

Killed Slythe and Krystin via Pro Magic on Daelin + some ranged shots from Kivan.

Slythe managed to get few stabs in but nothing a healing potion couldn't fix.





Still under Pro Magic, I rush my party to ceremony, and kill off the dopes. The mage there was a bit dangerous with his dispel, but did no harm afterwards.





Surprisingly enough, even Liia survived.

Now, rush to fight Sarevok. Pro Magic expired at the last trap (magic missiles), otherwise we cleaned the maze area of various monsters that inhabit it.

As for Sarevok, the idea was to bombard them with Detonation arrows (Kivan) 'till they die. Unfortunately, Angelo was fairly quick to use his Detect Invisibility, forcing a different tactic. Daelin was under Pro Magic scroll in this battle.



2nd charge of Paralyzation nailed Angelo. Summons via wand were used to keep  Sarevok, Tazok, Diramid and Semaj busy until we punch through Angelo's stoneskins/images.



Just as he dies, Diramid approaches.



He isn't really accurate and can't hit Daelin, who specializes in sword&shield style for uber anti-missile AC. Kivan, left to his own devices, craps him down in a few rounds with Acid arrows.



Now, Tazok approaches. Semaj & Sarevok are nowhere to be seen. The big blob is very weak actually, with his Rage expired he suffers hefty penalties and dies quickly.



Now we trigger the rest of the fight. Summons are used to distract Sarevok while Kivan deals with Semaj.



Kivan nearly died to a single Flame Arrow. Here the battle was fought at three places - Daelin & Minsc vs Skeleton warriors, Sarevok vs dogs, Kivan & Xan vs Semaj.



Paralyzation wand got Semaj pinned down.



And now it's mostly done. We summon more meatshields while Kivan demolishes Sarevok.





Daelin will be entering BG2 part soon.

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Serg BlackStrider

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Congrats, Aasim! Swift run. All the best in Amn!

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Grimwald the Wise

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Congrats Aasim


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Thanx. Whole BG1 was done in approx 3 hours I think. Having an archer on team does speed things up drastically. :P

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@Aasim: congratulations to you as well...


Sarya, elven Jester, NoReload take 20 (update 3)

7 Kythorn, 1368: "At Feldepost Inn an invisible Dorn approached Tranzig. One hit was enough for the mage to surrender. He begged for mercy but we couldn't let him go as he would most likely inform his superiors and we couldn't let that happen..."


On their way to Larswood Sarya and her party became ambushed by Lamalha and her amazons...


This time Edwin's horror spell had no effect, but luck was on his side again when he survived a backstab attack by Maneira. Saving against a 'Hold Person' spell cast by Lamalha, Khalid and Jaheira fought Telka while Sarya used her cloak to charm Zeela.


Zeela then was commanded to cast 'Hold Persion' on Lamalha but failed (twice). Instead the leader of the amazons put Dorn to sleep...


Telka finally was killed by Khalid, then Lamalha and Maneira went down as well with Imoen scoring both kills. Zeela was last when the whole party turned on her.


While searching Larswood the party was attacked by Teven and his group...


Some Black Talon Elites proved to be much more powerful as they managed to kill Dorn...


The search for the bandit camp came to an abrupt stop when the party was accused of murdering some druids and was attacked by the druid Osmadi and three powerful bears of different sort. They party was helped by Corsone, another druid, and so they succeeded but it came not without a price as Jaheira was struck down by a lightning spell and there was no 'Raise Dead' scroll left...


And it came even worth as it turned out that this Corsone actually had poisoned Osmadi and the other druids. In the following fight Corsone died quickly but not before casting an insect plague spell at Edwin and parts of the swarm then jumped to Khalid and Imoen. Both Imoen and Edwin panicked and therefor weren't able to use potions of healing. Neither Sarya (no Lay on Hands, no resist fear) nor Dorn (no healing scroll) were able to help their companions and thus all they could do was watching their companions slowly die (actually they couldn't watch Edwin die as he ran away. Also it weren't the insects but a nearby black bear that killed him... perhaps he took pity on screaming Edwin)...


With only half of the party still alive, for now they had to abonden their search for the bandit camp and returned to Beregost where Sarya had her companions raised. At High Hedge Edwin bought lots of spells and with the help of a potion of genius he scribed them all. From there the party travelled west. Shoal was released from Droth's bondage...


Also a group of ogres was fought successfully...


Further south the group became attacked by hobgoblins but again they managed to succeed...


An invisible Imoen than sneaked into Black Alaric's Cave, disarmed all the traps and took the treasure while Dorn and Jaheira, protected by potions of absorption fought the flesh golems. At the Archaeological Site Sarya and her party helped Charleston Nib. Sarya couldn't resist and took the Idol of Kozah. Once they had left the tomb they were attack by a Doomsayer...


Not far away the party met Captain Brage and brought him to the temple of Helm at Nashkell.

Sarya: Jester(6); HP 48/54; XP 26,959; Kills 129; Kills XP 25,403; Doomsayer (2,000)
Dorn: Blackguard(5); HP 41/50; XP 23,667; Kills 116; Kills XP 41,963; Greater Basilisk (7,000)
Imoen: Thief(6); HP 42/48; XP 26,221; Kills 89; Kills XP 15,122; Sirine (2,000)
Jaheira: Fighter(4)/Druid(5); HP 45/53; XP 28,724; Kills 115; Kills XP 18,024; Greater Basilisk (4,000)
Khalid: Fighter(5); HP 55/65; XP 25,695; Kills 168; Kills XP 25,459; Mustard Jelly (2,000)
Edwin: Conjurer(5); HP 27/30; XP 23,593; Kills 17; Kills XP 4,228; Droth (975)

For writing down the statistics I usually use the EE Keeper and then I saw that I had accidently installed the 'NPCs cannot die permanently' tweak. As I didn't want that I've removed the 'Disable permanent death [295]' effect from all my companions. Perhaps this makes it easier to find room for Coran :D ...

To be continued...

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@Aasim: congratulations to you as well...

 'NPCs cannot die permanently' tweak. As I didn't want that I've removed the 'Disable permanent death [295]' effect from all my companions. Perhaps this makes it easier to find room for Coran :D ...



I think that SCS tweak doesn't really make chunk impossible, iirc it affects mostly fire-based damage like sunfire/DB. Massive physical (probably cold as well) can still blast your NPCs, as can level drain death.

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A nice morning's work Aasim - now let's see you complete BG2 in the afternoon :P.
Dylan {3} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 1)
I still like the idea of this character being able to summon a familiar to match his portrait, so decided to give him a further start.
As usual he's started off mainly using ranged attacks, with just the odd stealth melee attack, such as against the Revenant.  
He's kept off the main roads almost entirely so far to reduce the chances of a ranged ambush, but still used 2 invisibility potions during ambushes.  He's also used another one against some skeleton archers when he failed to rest multiple times until his stealth failed - but that still leaves him with 2 more.
He's done all the encounters he wanted outside the main quest except for the basilisks and the lighthouse area without taking any damage so far.  With his reputation maximised he's bought all the items he wants for now - that includes the invisibility ring and careful use of that gives him the opportunity to maintain his undamaged state.  That should provide me a bit of incentive to look after him better this time - as should the fact that HPs are slightly above average.
Lots of use of stealth and running round shooting things has meant he's already spent more time than Aasim's BG1 run, but things should speed up now that he's bought some items to help ...

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Congrats to Aasim, Grond0 and Gate70.
Grond0 good luck with Dylan the third.


Butch Baylen, 8th BG1 update


From the Friendly Arm Inn we journeyed to Baldur’s Gate, where we would thank the Gods upon finding the city gates opened for once. En route we met a squire Cavalier by the name of Ajantis who wanted to join us to “fight evil”. Such noble aspirations weren’t necessarily mine, but given the protracted recovery of friends like Kagain, Shar-Teel, Kivan, and battlemage Xan, I knew our party needed another sword-arm to stand by Yeslick in the frontline.


At the city gates the Flaming Fist commander Harold Loggerson, or ‘Scar’ as he called himself, offered us 2,000 Guilders to gather some information for him. We were to investigate a trading company named the Seven Suns, in the city’s South-West quadrant. The Seven Suns was reported to have made a series of unsound business decisions, which had raised suspicions of possible criminal activity (extortion, blackmailing). But since a couple of questionable transactions were as such insufficient cause to warrant official Flaming Fist investigations, Scar had decided to look for outside help. Ever since I left Candlekeep, intelligence and counterintelligence had become a requisite for me to stay ahead of my enemies as well as my chosen vocation. We accepted Scar’s proposal.


I liked the walled city a lot. We entered it through the East Gate, one of only two overland entrance points (the other being the Black Dragon Gate on the northern edge of the city). Within Baldur’s Gate another wall separated the swankier northern and western quarters from the more low-key southern and eastern quadrants. But even the latter parts had good security, several stores offering all manner of useful goods, and many interesting business opportunities for me and my company. 
When we had just entered the city a man called Magnad accosted us. He told us about a place called Fealn Datoon or the Fields of the Dead, the same land north of Baldur’s Gate where Yness’s husband from Ulgoth’s Beard had been captured by Orcs. It turned out that this Magnad’s children were held there too. Yeslick gave the man our word that we would try to help.

There would be little or no payment, meaning there was also little or no interest on my part in going to those troubled lands. But as I wanted to keep Ajantis on board for the time being, I went along with Yeslick’s promise. At any rate we decided to rest and resupply first, and we also had Scar’s job to perform, Aldeth Sashenstar to visit, and the Iron Throne waiting for us.

Before we knew it we spent two days running lucrative errands and doing quests all over the city, without even having asked for them. One such errand, to which Ajantis surprisingly did not object, was to retrieve a corpse from the sewers for a wizard named Arkion. What Arkion didn’t tell us, was that there was an Ogre Mage down there co-existing with two Phase Spiders and a ton of Carrion Crawlers.

We went back up, but were followed by the two Spiders, some of the Carrion Crawlers, and the Ogre Mage. The latter was the biggest threat, and had me fear for a moment for our party’s reputation when it Confused Ajantis.
Fortunately Keiria’s magical Harp of Descant dispelled the enchantment, while one of my bolts of dispelling exposed our foe to the party’s lethal force.


At the Seven Suns trading coster a visiting merchant warned us that merchants he had known for years had started to behave very strangely:

The only creatures we knew capable of such behavior were Doppelgangers. (We had run into a few of those near Durlag’s Tower.) After we pressed some of the “merchants” for information about the recent goings-on at the coster, they shifted into their natural Doppelganger forms and attacked. We slew the creatures with ease and liberated a man named Jhasso, a friend of Scar’s and the owner of the Seven Suns. We then reported back to Scar and received not only the agreed payment for investigating and clearing the Seven Suns, but also a hefty reward for slaying the Ogre Mage we had met in the sewers. Easy money, though the business at the Seven Suns left us wondering what had made the Doppelgangers infiltrate the Seven Suns. 


The plot thickened when we visited our friend Aldeth Sashenstar at the Manycoins Merchants’ League estate. The picture was familiar: concerned merchants commenting how two of Aldeth’s partners and a number of subordinates had been behaving unlike their usual selves. I discreetly entered an office and found some anonymous letters to one Shalak that indicated that Aldeth’s partners had been killed and replaced by Doppelgangers, and that Aldeth would be next. I decided to confront and expose one of Aldeth’s faux companions. It shifted right in front of me, and soon many other Doppelgangers on the building’s different floors revealed their true nature. We slaughtered every single one of them. Aldeth felt deeply indebted and gave us a bastard sword enchanted for the specific purpose of slaying shapeshifting creatures.

After the incident, Keiria cynically remarked that it was a funny twist of fate that Doppelgangers should infiltrate and debilitate the city’s two principal trading houses just after the arrival of a new consortium, the Iron Throne. It had us all thinking. I must say I had come to like Keiria’s style. She wasn’t much of a talker, saving her voice for her battlesong, but she was always on point whenever she had something to say.


As referenced above Butch and company did several smaller jobs. It would go too far to go into the details of all of them but the most prominent ones shall be mentioned here.
First of all Butch did a couple of commissions on his own. In addition to some freelance work this mostly involved harmless larceny with/for the Thieves Guild, earning himself a solid position and some influential friends at the guild, such as Narlen Darkwalk, who stood up for him against Alatos the guildmaster, and Black Lily, a fence. Butch confided his exploits to Quayle but kept them secret from some of his more morally principled companions. 

The party slew two rivaling wizards to release a Nymph that had been held captive by one of them. There was an awkward moment when one of the mages, Ramazith, lay dead but everyone except Quayle and Butch were confused by a Chaos spell. Thankfully Quayle prevented the others from killing each other with two Invisibility 10’ Radius spells.

From a wizard at the Low Lantern inn - whom they ended up killing as well as two aggressive females that dropped a Tome of Understanding -
they retrieved a book of curses that would enable a mother to save her cursed daughter’s life. Another wizard that did not live to regret his mistake of attacking the companions was a fellow named Sunin (whose home contained a chest with a Honorary Ring of Sune that Quayle eagerly put on his finger to cast more divine spells).
The party secured the corpse of a priest of Tymora’s son from the Temple of Umberlee where the child had been caught by one of the priestesses, allowing the father to resurrect the son. The companions saved themselves from death by poisoning at the hands of two Iron Throne employees. One of them they had to kill for the antidote, the other they let off after it became clear he had been placed under a geas to perform tasks for the Throne.


General Jeydan of the Flaming Fist asked the party to help him against a new bandit organization, the Grey Clan. The companions’ contribution was limited though [because of a minor bug that ended the Grey Clan mod quest: an injured soldier not recognizing that battle had come to a conclusion prevented the quest from progressing]. One of their jobs for Jeydan and the Fist, finding a bandit hideout in the South-West quadrant, brought the companions into contact with a particularly unpleasant wizard, Degrodel. His home was inhabited by six monstrous guards for them to slay: two Invisible Stalkers, two Helmed Horrors, and two Doom Guards. Degrodel congratulated the crew on beating his guards, and then offered them a deal. They would be paid 5,000 Guilders if they were to obtain the Helm of Balduran from a petrified Elf, Vail, at a nearby manor house. Butch turned Vail to flesh and obtained the Helm of Balduran as well as the Cloak of Balduran via a courtesan that had been Vail’s lover. When the band returned to Degrodel with the helmet, the wizard paid them the reward he’d promised them but he also set more of his guards on the party. The company attacked the wicked man, but he simply vanished, taking the helmet with him. In hindsight Butch reckoned they should have kept the helmet because according to Keiria it bore powerful enchantments.

One of the Dukes of Baldur’s Gate, Eltan, offered us 2,000 Guilders to do something we had already planned to do anyway: investigate the Iron Throne headquarters for proof of criminal conduct. Well in all honesty our intention was of course not merely to investigate but rather to retaliate. Either way we readily agreed. Eltan had a second job for us as well, namely to look into a number of disappearances that a Flaming Fist citadel on the north border had witnessed.

When a merchant at the Iron Throne told us that the board of directors was away on business in Candlekeep,
we decided to look into matters at the Northern Citadel and in the Fields of the Dead first. After all, we didn’t have any tomes of great value to get us into Candlekeep.

At the Northern Citadel, we had to question all the (uncooperative) soldiers and monks to find out who had disappeared and who or what could have been the cause of those disappearances. Initially I got the impression that the cause was an internal one, power-hungry people killing each other to obtain the positions they desired. But we discovered that the opposite was true when we entered a nearby mausoleum using a key we had found on the abbot who was slain during our absence. A mighty Ogre warrior aided by a small band of Zombies and Skeletons turned out to be responsible for the abductions and killings. Some of the Flaming Fist warriors were already battling them; we joined the fray. The Ogre was a real juggernaut and nearly killed Ajantis. But to his credit our new companion never despaired. He had Yeslick take the vanguard for a few moments while I laid on hands and he healed himself with potions, and then he returned in time to deal the monster the killing blow.

The other creatures weren’t much of a hassle, but there were powerful traps that I failed to detect let alone disarm (even after swigging a potion of perception). They nearly wiped out the entire company.
Our campaign against the Orcs of the Fields of the Dead was no less violent. I reconnoitered the area alone, hidden in shadows. There were about twenty Orcs and Orogs, including a few priests and mages. They held their captives in a corral, like cattle. I wasn’t sure to what purpose, but I feared the worst when I observed three men speared on poles.
When I returned to my comrades, a single Orc Priest caught sight of me, but we dispatched it without ado. The other Orcs and Orogs we tried to engage a few at a time, taking advantage of our superior speed. Yeslick enraged various times and did most of the melee work, assisted by Ajantis (protected by a potion of magic shielding until the potion’s effect wore off and he was brought under the effect of Hold Person and Rigid Thinking spells, at which point Keiria cast Invisibility on him). I contributed with my traps and my crossbow, Faldorn was useful with Insect Plagues and Chromatic Orbs, and Quayle with the occasional Blindness.
Amongst the prisoners we found and released were Yness’s husband and Magnad’s children. In a cave guarded by an Ogre Mage and more Orcs and Orogs we would set free another prisoner, Reedrig, after we lured the guards outside and slew them.
I felt oddly satisfied about our virtuous deeds. It was a different kind of fulfillment from that which I was used to (which used to involve material gain).

With the business up north behind us we returned to Baldur’s Gate to see if the Iron Throne management had returned from their stay at Candlekeep.

The party learned that the Iron Throne leaders were still at Candlekeep, but they decided to investigate the Throne headquarters anyway when one of the merchants told them about a strange group of acolytes with a secret agenda, assembled on the fifth floor.

Butch led his companions to the fourth floor, but went up to the fifth on his own. Hidden in shadows he appraised the acolytes, battle-ready as if they had been waiting for him, and snuck past them. In one of the backrooms he saw the corpse of a woman, Emissary Tar from Sembia, whom he had met downstairs. An identical-looking woman was standing among the acolytes. Butch understood that the acolytes had replaced Emissary Tar with a Doppelganger. He snuck downstairs, and instructed Quayle to cast Invisibility 10' Radius on the party. The six then went back upstairs and snuck silently past the acolytes to one of the backrooms. The narrow doorway would give the party the opportunity to bottleneck the acolytes, and thus a way to be in control of the battle that would inevitably follow. Butch set four traps behind the acolytes, proactively poisoned an Iron Throne battlemage with a bolt of biting, and then hastily retreated (thanks to an oil of speed) as the acolytes came after him.
Invisible Ajantis and Yeslick had quaffed strength and magic protection potions and applied oils of speed. The two warriors kept the doorway blocked, attacking the first acolytes to arrive while Butch finished of the battlemage he had previously attacked from the shadows.
The other companions remained invisible. Butch got Enfeebled by one of the wizards, an effect he countered by swigging a potion of strength. It allowed him to reposition himself and murder a second caster acolyte.
Ajantis took several hits and had to continuously heal himself with potions. When he looked to be going down, Quayle intervened with a successful Hold Person that froze three of the acolytes in place.
The Gnome’s move provoked Faldorn into revealing herself as well; she cast an Insect Plague to scare and disrupt the enemy.
Overwhelmed, the few acolytes that were still in control of themselves fell one after the other; the Held ones followed after them.
Finally the party questioned a rogue named Thaldorn for information (learning nothing they hadn’t known already), and then liquidated him.
They found two letters that confirmed the Throne leaders’ sojourn at Candlekeep. One of the letters was written by Sarevok and addressed to Rieltar. Apparently Sarevok was Rieltar’s son. In the letter Sarevok stated that the mercenaries led by Butch would no longer trouble the Iron Throne because he had dealt with them personally. This piece of information puzzled Butch. Why would the son misinform the father? Keiria and Quayle, the shrewdest of his companions, had no explanation for this either.

The party reported their findings (except the contents of Sarevok’s letter) to Duke Eltan. The Duke gave them their reward and a valuable historical tome that would grant them access to Candlekeep. Butch’s journey was about to come full circle.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Diary of Bane of Bhodi


The two of us at last went to investigate the mine and soon found ourselves being ambushed again. Because of my invisibility however,  it was the assassins that were ambushed. :lol:




However, their strength caused us to exit the mine to recover. We took the ring of Joseph to his wife and then decided to go hunting. First the Ankhegs were killed and then the basilisks. It is my firm belief that the green party will never prosper on the sword coast. :lol:






After killing some assassins on the way, we returned to the mines and disposed of Mulahey.



After exiting, we killed a Revenant.



and then a mage.



In Nashkel we foiled another assassin.



We joined up with Imoen and then went to the bandit camp and killed Tazok followed by yet more assassins.






Imoen cast web at the camp which enabled us to defeat the bandits easily.



She used the same tactic in Cloakwood.



We then killed a dragon. It was only a small one however. (It has been nerfed. Is the original dragon available anywhere?)



The next set of assassins confused Imoen so we had to run in case she attacked us. The assassins were already dead.





These assassins thought that they were fighting on the side of righteousness.



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Congratulations, Grond&Gate :wizard: ... I'm always impressed by your multiplayer noreload playthroughs. I've played BG multiplayer (BG2+ToB with iirc impr. Abazigal, Demogorgon, Balthazar) only once, it took us ~ half a year, we had started with 6 players and ended with only 3, and while it was a lot of fun and definitely a challenge, it was very far away from being a noreload challenge :D.

Our first run-through took a long time as well, but now we're used to each other styles the game moves at about the same pace as single player (although we run at 30 fps).

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Dylan {3} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 2)
At Durlag's Tower stealth attacks and a first use of fireballs killed a couple of battle horrors on the way to grab the tome.
Moving on to the basilisk area I realised Dylan hadn't brought many arrows, so he had to carefully melee the monsters, using a mixture of stealth attacks and rapid pausing to ensure they didn't have the opportunity to attack him back in melee.  Korax was then only slightly injured before halting Mutamin in his tracks.
Korax managed to paralyse Kirian immediately, but was soon finished off by the others.  However, a necklace blast and a stealth shot finished her off while the others were running round.  
Lindin chased him in vain
before he used another fireball on Peter.  With him at near death he missed with a couple of stealth shots before failing to hide and resorting to his invisibility ring - the next shot then telling.  
Baerin was a pain to track down, but finally a necklace blast, a couple of stealth shots and a LMD to finish sorted him out.
With another level from that lot Dylan has now pushed his set traps skill up to 100%, so can now use those (not done previously due to the danger of injuring himself).  Traps duly helped with some of the sirines - here one follows him back out of the cave to find a nasty surprise waiting.  
A spot of impatience cost Dylan in the golem cave.  The safe thing to do would be to lead them outside, but he tried to kill the first inside using some of the many +1 arrows discovered on his journeys and had to use an invisibility potion when a second golem appeared as he was about to finish off the first.  
With the third at near death it stopped following him round a corner and looked like it had turned back.  However, when Dylan reversed course (without having stealthed first) it was waiting.  It still looked like it was out of reach, but those extendable golem arms reached out to inflict Dylan's first damage - his immediate retaliation being of little comfort.
Without the need to worry about taking small amounts of damage in future Dylan should now make rapid progress ...


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Dylan {3} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 3)
In the Nashkel Mine Dylan fireballed the kobold roadblock,
but otherwise just stealthed in to find Mulahey.  The twang of springs was covered by the (brief) screams of his support troops arriving,
while the cleric himself never saw enough of Dylan's stealth shots to chase him into more traps.
Two traps set under Nimbul's feet meant it was probably academic whether Dylan hit him or not, but he certainly did hit him!
Bentan was finished off by standing on traps - I was thinking that would reduce reputation, but it didn't do so.  That was bad news for a peasant that spotted Dylan stealing from his house.  
Tranzig managed to survive a pair of traps, but a LMD proved the final straw.
On the way to the Bandit Camp Dylan was ambushed by Molkar, but just went invisible and left.  
At the Camp he just went to investigate the main tent (remembering to disarm the trap this time).  His stealth proved good enough to get in and out undetected without even needing invisibility.
He just ran through the Cloakwood - saving throws even meant he didn't get stuck in web traps, although he was invisible at the time anyway.
At the mine he successfully restealthed twice after using fireballs.  
The third time he failed, but both mages were dead by then anyway.  
Some pre-laid traps took Drasus to near death and even his enrage didn't save him when Dylan hit with a critical.  
Genthore was scared by a Bhaal horror and ran into a final couple of traps after suffering numerous arrow wounds.
After sneaking down to Davaeorn, Dylan killed the initial guard and disarmed the traps.  He used stealth to hang around while guard reinforcements arrived and then fireballed the lot of them.
It would have been safer to use a scroll of magic protection after that, but Dylan continued to use stealth and fireballs to finish Davaeorn off.
He flooded the mine, but dodged the slave in case he wants to make use of the reputation upgrade later.  He's just arrived in Baldur's Gate.

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Sarya, elven Jester, NoReload take 20 (update 3)

To give her party more combat training Sarya decided to explore Durlag's Tower. Two Battle Horrors guarding the way proved to be no match...


They party had to fight their way through lots of ghasts but did so without any problems...


13 Kythorn, 1368: "In one of the upper rooms I encountered a strange woman, a succubus who claimed to be imprisoned here by Durlag himself. Also she said that she wouldn't let me go, unless I help her to escape by tricking another person into willingly accepting a lock of her hair. A part of me wanted to fight her but another part just wanted to please her. I don't know if she had put some spell on me or if I was just keen on the reward she had promised. In any case I remembered that fool Riggilo we had met downstairs and he happily accepted the lock. When I returned to Kirinhale (that was the succubus' name) she just left without rewarding me first. Suddenly I felt very bad and guilty. I tried to apologise to Riggilo, perhaps there was a way to help him as well but he merely insulted me and tried to kill me, so my surprised companions had to slay him. They don't know what I did and I have no desire to tell them."


On the roof of the tower the party did some basilisk hunting with Jaheira claiming all the kills. Once all the upper parts (besides a single room that appeared to be hunted by a ghost) of the tower were explored they turned towards the lower levels of the tower. First an invisible Imoen disarmed all the traps (one way or the other) ...


... then the party started to fight some Greater Doppelgangers...


... also some skeleton warriors


They had solved quite a few riddles and they were only one bottle and probably a fight away from gaining access to the next level but Sarya felt they should leave the tower. On their way back into civilisation the party was ambushed by Molkar...


Edwin went invisible right away while Sarya used her cloak to charm Halagan...


Imoen, Sarya and Jaheira attacked Drakar while Dorn and Khalid were supposed to fight Molkar. However, Khalid couldn't resist a 'Hold Person' spell so Dorn was on his own...


Edwin tried to dispel the hold effect but failed. Better news were heard from Jaheira as she took down Drakar with a critical hit...


Now the party was clearly on the winning side as the charmed Halagan casted 'Haste' on the party while Edwin stunned Morwin with a 'Chromatic Orb' spell...


Now everything went very fast with Molkar dying first, Morwin following immediately and Halagan being last...


The group was really tired now and longed for a rest but some bandits thought differently giving Edwin the opportunity to show the party a new spell...


Selling some of the gear they had taken from Durlag's tower gave Sarya enough money to buy Dorn a really nice full plate armor while Imoen got a new black leather armor. At Friendly Arm Inn Sarya bought all the potions of mind focusing and then Edwin, helped by a potion of genius and a potion of mind focusing scribed all the spell the party had found at Durlag's Tower...


Sarya: Jester(6); HP 56/62; XP 41,231; Kills 137; Kills XP 30,733; Doomsayer (2,000)
Dorn: Blackguard(6); HP 50/60; XP 37,901; Kills 131; Kills XP 58,044; Greater Basilisk (7,000)
Imoen: Thief(7); HP 50/56; XP 40,398; Kills 99; Kills XP 24,042; Greater Doppelganger (4,000)
Jaheira: Fighter(5)/Druid(6); HP 55/65; XP 42,992; Kills 128; Kills XP 46,047; Greater Basilisk (4,000)
Khalid: Fighter(6); HP 62/78; XP 39,929; Kills 180; Kills XP 39,799; Battle Horror (4,000)
Edwin: Conjurer(5); HP 27/30; XP 37,736; Kills 20; Kills XP 4,423; Droth (975)

To be continued...

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Dylan {3} - dwarf swashbuckler (4th and final update)
In the city Dylan set about recovering the tomes.  Jalantha survived an opening attack and a couple of traps under her, but once again Dylan found a follow-up critical to make a nasty mess of someone. 
Ramazith had less defence against traps and his death provided Dylan with his last level in BG1.
Marek survived his traps, but failed against a second Bhaal horror and was shot down before he could recover.
Shortly after that Dylan found it difficult to rest in the streets and had to resort to his invisibility ring before hordes of guards came to talk to him!
He then sneaked into the Iron Throne before reporting to Duke Eltan.
Invisibility allowed him to dodge the welcoming committee at Candlekeep and go down to the catacombs.  After looting the tombs there he killed a few dopplegangers before clearing a number of spiders out of the way before taking on Prat.  5 exploding arrows did most of the damage on the others before Prat was coaxed out of invisibility - Dylan using a potion to disappear himself to avoid any spells.  He used a couple of potions of magic blocking, but still took several blows from Prat before finally finishing him off.
Back in Baldur's Gate Dylan made some final purchases before going to find Slythe and drawing him into traps.
At the palace some pre-laid traps did well - killing the shaman and badly wounding the mage.  The latter was quickly finished off
and despite his horrors only affecting a single doppleganger the others did little damage.  
Sarevok managed to kill Liia just before teleporting away, but that was no concern.  
Dylan used speed and stealth attacks to clear the maze and then got out his exploding arrows to deal with the Undercity party.  In the temple he used a magic protection scroll and a potion of invisibility to dump Sarevok in the corner, then patrolled around until Angelo showed himself.  Some running and arrows of dispelling finished him off before more exploding arrows fired from stealth killed the rest of the acolytes.  Sarevok then hunted in vain as Dylan ran round a pillar hiding and backstabbing.
Dylan remembered to pick up the Claw and pantaloons before reporting to Duke Belt and has just arrived in Jon's dungeon.

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Great stuff Grond0! GL further.