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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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I'd always buy a potion case and cluaconsole a scroll case in high hedge (figuring Thalantyr would surely have one and trade 300 gp for it by throwing away 300 gp worth of stuff) and recruit or kill Neera for her gembag. I find a bag of holding too 'OP' for baldur's gate 1, but between those containers I'd have much less trouble with items, even with only 2 party members. 


@ Blackraven: Too bad Ace bit the dust so fast. I dont think you necessarily need a solo pc, although he'd get powerful fast in bg and bg2, a party of at least 4 is just so convenient. You do have to grind through those first hours of bg1.


Haeball should definately be possible to beat, I was just so surprised he was 16/16... A few traps and backstabs, an insect plague of your own, keeping your main char out of natures beauty's range, stoneskins and mirrorimages, poison, death ward, etc. are all possible strategies I'm thinking of against a fighter/druid..



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The Fred

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Perhaps if you could hit him early with some kind of Insect Plague or Miscast Magic; even with that AC, MR and HP, you wouldn't need to get ridiculous to take him down - it's just all the L6 spells he could cast in between which would be the main worry. Still, there are many ways to combat that (insects, Miscast, poison, Melf's, well-timed Magic Missiles, etc) so as a lone guy vs a party it might be doable. It would be tricky though, I think, at BG1 levels.


Meanwhile, Marcus and Co picked up Faldorn. L1NPCs failed me here, leaving her at L5, so I Shadowkeepered her up to 136,000 XP (Yeslick started with more than this, but 136k is the lowest common denominator across the party). The great thing about Druids is, they reach L9 by this stage, so she has access to cool L5 spells! In my playthough, she's a Shapeshifter, which should be fun (I'm not sure if I have some "fixes" installed, but Shapeshifter is probably decent enough in BG1 anyway).


Back in Beregost, I did indeed empty the Bag of Holding. I also said goodbye (for now) to Yeslick and Safana. We're headed for the Gate, and I'll try to do some non-Rogue-required things for a while. To be honest, I can't see anyone getting another level-up any time soon (aside from Safana herself, who is about 20k from L10) so the reduced party perhaps isn't necessary, but I may end up picking up Quayle or THE MIGHTY TIAX. Safana also complained at one point about us not raiding the cave, which we had done before hiring her, so I'm worried the game will bug out and have her leave in a huff (taking my gear with her). I may be able to fix that with Shadowkeeper or something.


I guess I need to decide what my final party should be. I'm tempted to grab Viconia, because she's just a better Cleric (albeit a slightly evil one), though I would have rather taken the reputation hit in time to get the evil Chapter 5 Bhaalspawn power (I don't really need two Cure Afflictions). I feel like I need more awesome magic power, too, so maybe Dynaheir?

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Could have quaffed a potion of invisibility, but decided to gamble. 

Anyway, I'm sure Haeball can be beaten with a normal BG1 party (or even solo character). I'm definitely going to try. Bastard has to pay for what he did.

Malious joins the list of must-kill NPCs.

Gambling = the ideal strategy for no-reload (I should know, I've tried it enough :P).


Glad to see you've also got your priorities right, though remember that revenge is a dish best served cold.

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Tough luck, Blackraven. That mod looks absolutely bonkers, both for CHARNAME and against him!


Benoni, Elven Drow Fighter/thief, introduction

Hello; don't be alarmed, I'm not here from the Underdark! My name is Benoni, and - Look, my hands are weaponless, and I'm only reaching over to give you a letter from my adopted father, Gorion the sage. Yes, the one that was found slain all that time ago. No, I had no hand in it, except as survivor. Yes, my hair's white and my skin is ebony, and - for crying out loud, I mean you no harm! I only wish to tell you my story, if you will be patient, Scar.


It begun when I had just come of age this year, or so one of the books in Candlekeep claimed: I was unsure then and still unsure whether to go by the standard of the rest of my race underground, or by the standards of the Sun elves. Gorion came down from his quarters in a fluster, asking me to gather up any equipment I might need to travel out beyond Candlekeep. I was surprised, let me tell you, since in all these years I've never left Candlekeep for a moment, and books and stories became my life. I still had some minor skill with swords and darts, since Gorion absolutely refused to let me just sit and read the entire day, and Imoen had long since stopped trying to get me out of my comfortable chair when I had a dusty tome in my hands. Gorion gave me a tidy sum of gold, and sent me on my way to the armory to equip myself.



(This amazing, amazing picture came from iara-art's Deviantart)


He told me of a Sirine that was causing havoc on the coast, and he was being sent on a mission to either convince it to leave or end its life before it killed any others. I think he may have known something of the danger to come; I'll never know, rest his soul. We were ambushed, the attackers somehow masking their heat signatures from my eyes. An armored man in black horrors talked with Gorion in low tones. I couldn't make out the words, but from his gestures I think he wanted me. Later, I became sure of it, but Gorion started spell casting, battle spells that I'd never even seen him practice in these twenty years in Candlekeep. He told me to run, and I was afraid. Two archers started chasing after me, but I had some small skill at hiding, even then, and the darkness of my skin was a blessing rather than a curse. I heard screams behind me as a burst of flame consumed the two men, but Gorion yelled at me to get away as far from this place as I could.


That was the last time I saw him alive.


It was several hours later, the dawn had broken, but there was no joy in this sunrise. I was hiding in the cleft of a rock, my right hand gripping tightly onto a dart in case pursuers found me. Another sound met my ears though, the voice of Imoen - you don't know of Imoen? The pink-haired lass that should still be in the company of two Harpers, Khalid and Jaheira? Ah, so you've heard of them, at least. I grew up with her, you see; she was the only other child growing up with me at Candlekeep. She was calling out for either Gorion or I in rather uncertain tones. I forsook my hiding place then, and told her all that had passed. She was eager to help, but I had sparred with her on occasion, and her strength was... lacking. Nevertheless, we backtracked to where Gorion had been fighting, and my worst fears were confirmed: Gorion lay on the ground, his lifeless body torn with multiple cuts. The smell of singed flesh still overpowered the area; we buried Gorion there while Imoen and I decided what to do next. We decided, or maybe only I decided, that she would go and tell those at Candlekeep that Gorion was - excuse me, do you have a handkerchief? Thank you, thank you. That Gorion was dead. 


I took it upon myself to finish Gorion's last task as we knew it, to find this menace on the western coast and deal with it. I told Imoen nothing of this at the time; she thought I was going to the Friendly Arm Inn, or the F.A.I. as I've heard others call it before. Gorion had once said that if there was trouble, I should head there, but... This task ought to be finished.


First, though, two travelers on the road south accosted me, a certain Monty and Xzar. So you've heard of them too, I see! Well, I didn't like the look of either of them, though I think they thought I was from the Underdark on some mission or another. They gave me a couple provisions, and expected me to join them. When I didn't, Xzar said I'd be sorry soon. I didn't think much of it then, but when I learned he was a necromancer later... A couple events made a bit more sense. I spent a day traveling to the southwest, and I was attacked by two undead creatures with paralysis in their claws. A ghast and a ghoul, if you know the, ah, adventurer's terms for them. I'd help the Harpers if you could to apprehend those two, but I get ahead of myself.


I found this menace that Gorion had spoken of; I waited to see what form this danger might take, and I found it as some poor man approached this water spirit, completely infatuated, and she kissed him - and he promptly fell over, dead. I leapt from my hiding place, and started to pelt her with darts, too wary to get within range of her mouth. And, well, let's just say that I completed Gorion's mission. I felt no small satisfaction, Scar, but the victory was somewhat hollow. Gorion was still dead, and his killer presumably still out on the loose. I'm not motivated by revenge much, but in this... My father...


It was time for me to head to the F.A.I.. I arrived at the large gate two days later, and did much as I'm doing now, showing the letter Gorion had given me. The head of the watch there had known him, it seems, and trusted his words. He assigned two or three of his watch to accompany me so that others might not kill me over my skin color. It was not only my skin color that was in question, though! A man in robes accosted me, asking for me by name. When I affirmed it, he immediately started casting battle spells, mentioning that I would be worth quite a bit of gold. My accompaniment of guards immediately told me to run while they dealt with this troublemaker. You can confirm this, if you like: the F.A.I. is only two hours away by horse from here, is it not? I did not start the fight. I helped end it though, with a dart through the mage's neck. The guards had taken some small magical damage, but nothing fatal. A body-search showed that someone was offering a couple hundred gold to end my life, for whatever reason. I read books, for crying out loud!


I met with the two that Gorion had spoken of, the aforementioned Khalid and Jaheira. They gave me no small amount of gold, nine grand in total (Gameplay-wise: I took and sold the ring.) They regretted to inform me that they had their own mission, hunting down a pair of Zhentarim saboteurs, Xzar and Montoran. I told them of my encounter with them, and they almost immediately rose from the table and started getting their gear. Imagine my surprise when they called for Imoen! Well, she apparently followed my steps and went to the F.A.I. as well, and she had wanted to do something with her life besides "charming all those snotty nobles" that passed through Candlekeep. Her words, not mine. Anyways, we talked for a bit, and decided that having a young girl in the accompaniment of one of my complexion was probably going to end with me as a pincushion, and so she would help the two of them hunt the Zhents. I was glad of it, really, since the couple looked like capable company.


I took a bit of mercenary work here to sharpen my skills, stalking an ogre to retrieve a belt, and clearing a house in Beregost of spiders - that was an adventure, I tell you! But - oh, of course, you have other work. I'll continue my story when it's convenient; I have much I want to tell you.


Gameplay: I almost died against the Spiders when I messed up my sequence and tried to backstab one of them and run. The spiders kept zoning as quickly as I did, and one got an attack in, poisoning me. I survived, obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this, but it took a zone and immediately Hiding in Shadows for the split half-second when nothing followed me. A trip to the temple healed me, and I finished the other spiders correctly this time. I've been maxing Move Silently, and have two pips each in Longswords and Darts and a single pip in Maces, looking towards the MoD and IMoD for the NPP in BG2. 27 HP, level 3/4 Fighter/thief.

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Quad multiplayer attempt 4
Session 4.
(a bit lacking in screenshots today)
Cash and reputation meant the Dagger of Venom and Quarterstaff +3 could be purchased at the start of this session before heading into Cloakwood. Wewa took the cloak of non-detection recently vacated by a tasloi, deciding to help Aldeth Sashenstar with his druid problem. A couple of summons were intended to soak up any stray lighting damage but Brazil took the full brunt of one fork and looked in peril until she, Corheal and Strofe all cast cure light wounds. Seniyad and his tree-huggers are now grass-huggers, and a grateful Aldeth said thank you even as Wewa tidied his hunting cabin up.
The next area of Cloakwood saw some well-coordinated extinction of ettercaps, other than Strofe bringing a stray spider in from the rear. He kept it occupied until Brazil kebabbed it on her quarterstaff, and Wewa successfully cleared all the traps to the front door of Centeol's abode. Corheal tanked the spiders and ettercaps while the other party members picked off stragglers or ran them around the building, and then Chelak and Tiber were re-united for one last time. Wewa cleared a few more traps and the spiders to the west of Centeol's were cut down to size. Corheal was keen to explore more but Strofe was concerned about the traps to the south and decided not to risk it.
The third area of Cloakwood saw Izefia pick on the wrong crowd before Peter of the North was laid to rest in a subterranean tree. The druids to the south-west objected to a house clearance and said over their dead bodies - so be it.
A fourth area of Cloakwood is notoriously tricky but no cows were dropped onto the party. Corheal was charmed by a hamadryad but got caught up with his own skeleton while the others dealt with her. Wewa briefly got lost and ran into a respawned group of mercenaries and a bear at the same time as the other party members were dealing with worgs and tasloi. A scramble ensued and a few spiders joined in but eventually the group pulled their act together and regrouped outside a cave.
Corheal was keen to go in and although a plan was briefly discussed he decided to drop sanctuary and summon skeletons at a point where Brazil and Strofe thought he was going to be buried. Everybody else descended into the cave and Strofe made a rare use of arrows (biting) to help nail the wyverns within. Corheal emerged with minimal damage so his plan worked better than expected.
On to Cloakwood Mine (after a misclicked detour far to the north). Skeletons wandered in while Strofe sneaked in for a backstab. He came back for a second, much to the annoyance of Brazil who had spent the best part of a week summoning lightning onto a now-dead mage. 


Corheal successfully held Genthore, leaving Drasus outnumbered and er dead.

Cloakwood Mine had several levels but the party made rapid progress, Wewa using flamer arrows at times and Corheal holding a ghast. Hareishan was avoided, and despite Corheal begging for a rest someone (not me) descended into the final level. While Corheal lamented his lack of skeletons he guided Wewa into clearing some traps. Strofe made a shadowy beeline for Davaeorn.

With the mage badly injured, Strofe managed to hide and tried for a second strike but Davaeorn was wise to this and kept on the move. Corheal had a cunning plan though, getting Davaeorn to spot him and cast a spell, and the plan worked.

Strofe flooded the mine and the way to Baldur's Gate was open. Strofe, being a country-dweller too close for his own good, promptly got scared when visiting the upstairs accomodation of Sorcerous Sundries but his companions dealt with the four mages before he took any injury.

Marek got and took his chance to poison everyone, starting the ten day timer. No time at all was lost in obtaining a cure. Jalantha Mistmyr survived a backstab but not the follow-up attacks from Strofe and Wewa. Ramazith didn't live to see his tower looted from top to bottom, nor did the arcane butler see Jardak die. The Brawlers of Undermountain took a pounding too, and with inventory well and truly squeaking another trip was made to Sorcerous Sundries. The poison quest should be continued next time...


Other matters attended to, but briefly overlooked. Corheal's skeletons dealt with the warehouse basilisk. Strofe evaded Vay'ya's confusion but dragged it towards Wewa and Brazil who both failed their saves but neither were in any danger and didn't attack any innocents.

Gate70: Strofe, Elven Stalker 6. 236 kills (+65). Dual-wielding Varscona / long sword +1.
Corey Russell: Corheal, Halfling Priest of Lathander 7. 58 kills (+27). Ashideena War Hammer / shield.
Grond0: Brazil, Half-Elf Fighter 6 / Druid 6. 164 kills (+64), 1 death. Quarterstaff +3 / Sling +1.
Dogdancing: Wewa, Elven Thief 7. 37 kills (+16), 1 death. Shortbow +1 / Dagger of Venom +2.


Postscript. Not much said about Brazil today. She kept herself quite but the killboard shows she was doing an awful lot of work.

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Haha, Benoni's story comes to a quick halt as I get a bit too arrogant around Mulahey and attempt to make him flee instantly with a backstab. Rigid Thinking + Hold Person is a killer. I'll restart with approximately the same actions as before, so the story should still hold though. :P

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Nice stuff Epsil0! Glad you're going to continue his story :)
Thanks others for their insights re: taking on Haeball. Will keep them in mind.

Rollick, Gnome Cleric/Thief, 1st BG1 installment

Traveled with Imoen and Xzar & Monty (Fighter/Assassin) to Beregost, where he met Tiax (Cleric/Assassin). Tiax had a Ghast that held Karlat so that the the Dwarf could not hurt them or Rollick's friend Red Sheaf guest Finch (Gnome, Cleric/Illusionist) before he fell. Imoen and Xzar left the party to take magic classes with old Firebead, and Rollick, Monty, Tiax and Finch founded the Gnomes and Halflings Appreciation & Support Troupe, GHAST, coined so in honor of Tiax's Ghast that had just saved their lives.

The troupe, often relying on Tiax's Ghast, whom they called Stinky, did most of the smaller quests on the Coast Way between the FAI and Nashkel. This included with the dangerous likes of Dark Horizons' Tristan and Isolde,

and several aggressive Flaming Fist mercenaries. At the Nashkel Carnival a fourth Gnome joined the band: Quayle (Cleric/Illusionist). A bit overconfident thanks to Stinky, the party paid Zordral a visit. The wizard took down Quayle before Stinky held him with a critical.
Also at the Carnival, a green scroll of PfPetrification was purchased. It helped Monty deal with Mutamin's Basilisks. The Gnome himself was displeased what Montaron had done and declined to join GHAST. He Enfeebled the Halfling, but Monty simply left the wizard for Stinky and Korax to feed upon.
The undead duo was also quite effective against Kirian and her friends, although Stinky fell, forcing the party to deal with the four themselves (which wasn't too difficult since all but Peter, who would get a taste of the party's poisons, had been held).
Much too his own embarrassment Monty was defeated by a puny Skeleton that Peter had summoned.
(This was the result of the game's bad pathfinding and my lack of concentration, too carefree I think.) Kirian dropped a CHA tome.

South of Mutamin's Garden, in the Ulcaster area, Hobgoblins were slain for a (second) pair of Boots of Stealth, and in nearby Gullykin a sixth member joined the clique: Alora, a Fighter/Sharpshooter. (The Sharpshooter kit is a Song & Silence thief kit that gets the advantages of allowing GM in ranged weapons and a poison ranged weapon ability every 4 levels, but they can't backstab.) 
I realized that I'd get a lot of poison this way, which wasn't really planned as I'd already kitted Monty, Tiax and Alora this way with the Level 1 NPCs mod. Considered changing one of them but decided not to bother.
So the party consists of two Cleric/Thieves, two Fighter/Thieves, and two Cleric/Illusionists.

Vicky was saved from a particularly dangerous, spell casting FF mercenary thanks to three simultaneous Hold Persons.

Bassilus was Silenced, and finished off by Monty who had poisoned his darts.
Zargal and company were also poisoned. Thalantyr messed up with Melicamp. Charleston Nib and Captain Brage were aided by the party. Greywolf succumbed to poisons and so did Tarnesh. Alora nicked Algernon's cloak, helping the 20 rep party's leader Rollick to an artificial CHA score of 20 (together with Lord Foreshadow's ring of Human Influence). They purchased the Shadow Armor for Monty and a suit of Gnomish Worksman's Armor for Rollick.
In a cave near the Temple of the Morning Rollick snuck past lethal monsters (Astral Phase Spiders, Vampiric Wolves, Sword Spiders and other creatures) and found some treasure of note, including a suit of Ankheg Armor and a CHA tome. On the way out a Sword Spider caught sight of Rollick, who had to run for his life toward his companions, until Quayle Blinded the monster, allowing for another easy kill.
Rollick reached the Golem cave on his own. Inside it, he didn't fight the Golems, he only came to take the loot. A Web trap (the location of which I mistook) nearly got him into trouble, but all went well.
On the North Coast the band had some problems with Shoal the Nereid: she charmed Monty and Quayle couldn't resist her kiss of death, while a Water Weird Held Alora.
Thankfully she said soon after that it was no longer fun. The Water Weird was unsummoned, Quayle raised and the Charm and Hold effects on Monty and Alora were dispelled. Her friend Droth was Silenced, but he either Vocalized in response or was already Vocalized as part of his SCS pre-battle buffing routine. He gave Rollick a scare when he read Chaos from a scroll, before the Gnome could quaff a potion of clarity (muddy aura). I'm pretty sure the spell affected both Rollick and Alora, but I only have a screenshot with a Chaosed Alora. Anyway, Tiax and Monty's poisons finished the Ogre Mage.
The party really tried to rake as much XP together as possible. E.g. Teyngan and company were held, silenced, and felled, Bjornin's Half Ogres were slain, Perdue's short sword was retrieved, Noober was befriended, Sendai and later Vax were cheesily surrounded by invisible NPCs so that Rollick and Monty could finish them without difficulty

When the party went Ankheg hunting, Rollick reluctantly became the party's tank, donning a suit of Ankheg armor. The reason for this was that he had the highest HPs with Tiax and Monty, but the latter two were more effective ranged attackers with their poisons (even though Monty had only one pip in Darts). The campaign went well though, with only one Ankheg forcing Rollick to swig three or four healing potions. The only treasure of note in the Ankheg hoard was a Ring of Energy.
Tenya took plenty of hits but refused to ask the troupe to help her against the fishermen; she fell.

(This surprised me; I hadn't used poisons.) Come to think of it, the party still needs to claim the Flail +1, for Finch...

On the bridge to Baldur's Gate, combined Hold Persons and poisons allowed GHAST to dispatch a band of Elven warriors who had come after Rollick.

More invisibility cheese was enjoyed in the Golem cave, where Monty could slay the Golems from behind an invisible wall of wee folk, using his freshly acquired Returning Cold Dart,
and against Dark Horizons' OP assassins in front of the Gnoll Fortress. The objective, getting the Clerics to level 5 so that they could Animate Dead, was thus achieved.

Firewine Ruins were canceled after the shorties saw this:

So the Nashkel Mines were next. The companions entered invisibly, except for Monty and Rollick, whose stealth abilities were sufficiently reliable. Rollick was fairly successful with a couple of bullets of detonation he had bought from a Halfling in the Red Canyons,
and he also played an important part in the party's confrontation with Dark Horizons' Duergar war party with a Silencing of two Duergar Clerics,
a bullet of detonation,
and two Hold Persons that Held three of the Duergar.
Such was the party's advantage, that involvement of the invisible party members was deemed unnecessary. Only Montaron helped out with his poisoned dart and with backstabs.
Skeletons were used to distract Kobolds and to allow the party to safely reach the final level of the mines.
Mulahey was paralyzed with a wand and finished off by Monty.
Neither the Half-Orc nor his treasure chest offered the party any useful loot, other than a Bag of Holding.

In the Valley of the Tombs, Narcillicus was paralyzed, and the undead were dealt with by Rollick, who had cast PfUndead on himself. One of the tombs contained a Belt of Crushing (the party's second one after one they had bought at the Nashkel Carnival). In Nashkel, the Amnish Soldiers injured Nimbul for the party (that had lain in wait for this to happen). A bolt of dispelling from Alora's crossbow and a good hit from Montaron then did hthe assassin in.


The companions are all level 4/5ish at this point.

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Hi all. I just thought I'd let everyone know that I've kind-of sort-of started a run. It's an insane attempt with a sorcerer duo, Aphril, PC, and Adara, multiplayer NPC.


Initially my intention was to play this game if and only if: 1) the weather was bad; 2) I didn't feel like reading; 3) there weren't any WNBA games on. That's still the rule. But now I'm, like, sun burned so sunny days are "bad" for my purposes. That frees up a lot of potential playing time.


Anyhoo. I can't guarantee that I'll play much, but now feels like a reasonable time to introduce them. Meet Aphril and Adara:






My very first trilogy no reload was a pre SCS Questpack/Ascension run featuring a sorcerer, Alanis, and an arcane heavy party including Imoen, Aerie, and Nalia. My intention is to reboot that group, in a sense, but on insane and with a second sorcerer flanking the PC. It should be fun- assuming I find the time and motivation to play. We'll see how that works out.


Good hunting everyone!





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Safe travels Alesia!


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Second and final update Rollick

I can't believe how poor a no-reloader I still am (especially with parties), even after a zillion attempts in the past 15 months. Not for the first time did babysitting Charname's vulnerable companions prove fatal. Rollick's bane was hasted Morvin, with his ridiculous Dwarven War Axe +2 (1d8 +2 plus 1d6 backswing bonus on a failed save vs death, +1 APR, +1 Dex, +1 AC).  :(

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Blackraven noooo :(!

(That war axe is about as powerful as Crom Feyr in terms of the abilities it has...)


First of all as a fellow no reloader I understand your frustration. But dont give up!..

Also, if I may point something out, to me a no reload is really all about surviving. Whenever one of Erens friends died I was sad, but I also realized it is only fitting to eventually perish when following in the footsteps of a child of murder.. Even good and caring heroes like paladin Keldorn states: "I have buried many fallen comrades.. Let us endeavour to remain hale this day.." I think the survival of charname should be the nr.1 concern when doing this challenge, giving him the best items, shielding him with his companions, keeping him out of danger unless there is no other possibility (and when he's wielding Carsomyr he he). And as I said, I'm glad Eren was a thief because it made me play it safe more often than not. Even then he almost died at least 5 times..

I'm sure you agree/know this already, however your 'babysitting' comment prompted me to say this. You are not a poor no reloader but perhaps there are some sacrifices you ought to make if you want to get a bit further. In any case good luck with the next, I enjoy following you!



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@Blackraven: :(  (I hope you give GHAST a second chance sometime)


Whenever one of Erens friends died I was sad, but I also realized it is only fitting to eventually perish when following in the footsteps of a child of murder.


I wonder what Eren's companions say about this :D.

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Golden you're completely right regarding the babysitting, it should not be a priority. I wonder if I can change my tactics a bit, I always want everyone to survive. (In the past I used to lose interest in a run if I had to raise companions too often.) Either way, thanks for your commiserations, and thank you Dyara as well.

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Grimwald the Wise

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I was just about to post about my second run as a vampire slayer. Had got to level 7 and was going to enter the Nashkel Mines when I was ambushed by some Dark Side Assassins.


I had charmed Aoln and sent him to use up the assassins' spells.


I was invisible.


Confusion was cast on him which also confused me!


Just before the spell wore off I was no longer invisible and in full view. I was panicked and ran into view of some gibberlings who joined in the fight.


Rigid thinking, hold and all sorts of spells were then cast. Flame arrows, Acid arrows, etc.


I don't know what killed me in the end as even the gibberlings were hurting me. :( I never even got the chance to run away!




I have added some new photoshopped portraits in my thread on photoshopping. I would appreciate feedback whether positive or negative.

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@Blackraven, Wise: Commiserations on your latest PC's demise

@Alesia: Best of luck with your run - I hope you enjoy it.

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 I wonder if I can change my tactics a bit, I always want everyone to survive. (In the past I used to lose interest in a run if I had to raise companions too often.) 


There are different ways of handling NPC survival. My first trilogy no reload was with a party. I lost one NPC in the trilogy: a custom archer named Alia, who had been created to escort the PC sorcerer, Alanis, through BG1. Alia made it to ToB, but she was disintegrated by a Sphere of Chaos in the Tougher Illasera fight. That saddened me. After Alia's death, I made a point of tightening up my tactics and the remaining core of Alanis, Imoen, Aerie and Nalia took virtually no damage for the remainder of ToB.


It was a rewarding run, but the loss of Alia still stings.  Her death remains one of the most impactful moments of the run.


If you'd like to keep everyone alive, consider a moderately sized all arcane/ranged party that fights in dense teleport fields. 


Anyhoo. Regardless of the approach you choose, best of luck and good hunting!



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I wonder what Eren's companions say about this :D.


All but 4 are still alive.. :P. they had promising cariers after. The dead knew what they were getting into and helped vanquish great evil ;)



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Second and final update Rollick

I can't believe how poor a no-reloader I still am (especially with parties), even after a zillion attempts in the past 15 months. Not for the first time did babysitting Charname's vulnerable companions prove fatal. Rollick's bane was hasted Morvin, with his ridiculous Dwarven War Axe +2 (1d8 +2 plus 1d6 backswing bonus on a failed save vs death, +1 APR, +1 Dex, +1 AC).  :(


I don't think you are a poor no reloader. I think that axe was dangerous. I also think Haeball was dangerous.


Best of luck with your next run!



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@Blackraven: I'm inclined to agree with Alesia_BH - I don't think you are a poor no-reloader either. You made it very far with one of your solo characters with SCS even, something I can't even do. That feat implies skill. I know I didn't even get a BG 1 success till at least a dozen failures, and for trilogy I think I didn't get a success until maybe 2 years.


Regardless of playing SCS or vanilla, a successful trilogy is all about concentration in every fight - being aware of risks, and doing what you can to mitigate/negate those risks. Knowing when to skip/delay a fight is a part of it too, my solo characters have done that a lot to avoid game ending things like mazes.


One of the things then, is discovering what those risks are - if we don't already know, then our failures (and others too, if reading the thread) can teach us, so we make sure to remember to not repeat said failure.

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There are different ways of handling NPC survival. My first trilogy no reload was with a party. I lost one NPC in the trilogy: a custom archer named Alia, who had been created to escort the PC sorcerer, Alanis, through BG1. Alia made it to ToB, but she was disintegrated by a Sphere of Chaos in the Tougher Illasera fight. That saddened me. After Alia's death, I made a point of tightening up my tactics and the remaining core of Alanis, Imoen, Aerie and Nalia took virtually no damage for the remained of ToB.


It was a rewarding run, but the loss of Alia still stings.  Her death remains one of the most impactful moments of the run.

Exactly. I'm ok with the occasional NPC chunking, and even with raising an NPC once in a while at a Temple. But I want those events to make an impact, and thus to be failry rare (hence my focus on NPCs even at moments I shouldn't). Good that you upped your game after Alia's fall.

If you'd like to keep everyone alive, consider a moderately sized all arcane/ranged party that fights in dense teleport fields. 

I'll take that tip into account. I wanted to go with a caster-heavy party, led by a new Cleric/Illusionist, so that's convenient.}


I don't think you are a poor no reloader. I think that axe was dangerous. I also think Haeball was dangerous.


Best of luck with your next run!



Thank you. Three consecutive failures in BG1 does much to lowers one's no-reloader self-esteem ;)

@Blackraven: I'm inclined to agree with Alesia_BH - I don't think you are a poor no-reloader either. You made it very far with one of your solo characters with SCS even, something I can't even do. That feat implies skill. I know I didn't even get a BG 1 success till at least a dozen failures, and for trilogy I think I didn't get a success until maybe 2 years.


Regardless of playing SCS or vanilla, a successful trilogy is all about concentration in every fight - being aware of risks, and doing what you can to mitigate/negate those risks. Knowing when to skip/delay a fight is a part of it too, my solo characters have done that a lot to avoid game ending things like mazes.


One of the things then, is discovering what those risks are - if we don't already know, then our failures (and others too, if reading the thread) can teach us, so we make sure to remember to not repeat said failure.


Thank you too Corey. Maybe my current install is a bit too hard and also too unfamiliar for me to expect much. I recall writing here when I shared my WEIDU log that my setup should ensure plenty of no-reload failures, so I probably shouldn't complain.
Still my lack of concentration on Rollick in order to keep others alive, is something I'll have to work on if I ever want to be successful with a party. 

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Exactly. I'm ok with the occasional NPC chunking, and even with raising an NPC once in a while at a Temple. But I want those events to make an impact, and thus to be failry rare (hence my focus on NPCs even at moments I shouldn't).


Yeah. On one extreme there is the Lord of the Rings approach, where every friendly death is a major psychic blow. On the other, there's, like, the Stalingrad approach where NPCs are sacrificed en masse. I'd rather be Frodo than Stalin.


There's a middle ground as well. In party play, my bounty hunter, Alesia, is fiercely loyal to Imoen from the start. She later grows attached to Viconia, who she calls "sister," and who brings out the worst in her. So also becomes attached to Aerie, who she adores, and who brings out the best in her. The loss of any of those three would be devastating to Alesia.


At the same time, Alesia is ambivalent towards Jaheria, and she wouldn't be above putting, say, Anomen, in harm's way if he were fool enough to fall for one of her gambits. The important thing is to know your character, and by association yourself.   


Good that you upped your game after Alia's fall.


Getting HLAs helped. I used to believe (and still do believe) that HLAs are over-powered in the player's hands until after Gromnir. I also used to believe (and still do believe) that the game plays best and makes the most sense if you do your class specific stronghold quest and then immediately set off after Imoen. In Alanis's game I limited chapter 2/3 quests in such a way that the party didn't start getting HLAs until the Marching Mountains. That made Irenicus, Illasera and Gromnir far more interesting. It also helped later on. Alanis was at level 23 when she defeated Melissan. 


I'll take that tip into account. I wanted to go with a caster-heavy party, led by a new Cleric/Illusionist, so that's convenient.}



Sounds fun! Just be careful with your scroll management. It's a lot harder to keep everyone safe if someone lacks, say, Spell Immunity or Improved Invisibility or Protection from Magic Weapons. Being a sorcerer PC and choosing Aerie (who already has Spell Immunity in her book) helped Alanis.




Thank you. Three consecutive failures in BG1 does much to lowers one's no-reloader self-esteem  ;)


Understood. But you learned from those mistakes. And learning has made you a smarter, better player, right? So, you have more grounds for confidence now than you had in the past.





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There's a middle ground as well. In party play, my bounty hunter, Alesia, is fiercely loyal to Imoen from the start. She later grows attached to Viconia, who she calls "sister," and who brings out the worst in her. So also become attached to Aerie, who she adores, and who brings out the best in her. The loss of any of those three would be devastating to Alesia.


At the same time, Alesia is ambivalent towards Jaheria, and she wouldn't be above putting, say, Anomen, in harms way if he were fool enough to fall for one of her gambits. The important thing is to know your character, and by association yourself.   

Also more Frodo than Stalin here. Hard for me to enjoy evil.
Didn't know about Alesia's story. Did you include all that in your write-ups? I remember Alesia having company in the Druid Grove area (Jan and someone else I believe), but I have only properly read about her work in ToB, where she didn't have all those NPCs with her.

Already rolled a new Cleric/Illusionist, LG though, so I can't blame myself for not sacrificing NPCs if something similar happens as with Rollick :P 


Getting HLAs helped. I used to believe (and still do believe) that HLAs are over-powered in the player's hands until after Gromnir. I also used to believe (and still do believe) that the game plays best and makes the most sense if you do your class specific stronghold quest and then immediately set off after Imoen. In Alanis's game I limited chapter 2/3 quests in such a way that the party didn't start getting HLAs until the Marching Mountains. That made Irenicus, Illasera and Gromnir far more interesting. It also helped later on. Alanis was at level 23 when she defeated Melissan. 

Agree with you on Imoen (even if I rarely rush to Spellhold). Not sure about the HLAs. I'd say it depends on the setup, the number of NPCs, and the player's skill. In my current install, all SoA priests and mages that can cast level 7 / 9 spells also get HLAs per the hardest respective SCS components. I also have a number of Tactics encounters included. Having a few HLAs won't make my Charnames overpowered (in my hands).


Sounds fun! Just be careful with your scroll management. It's a lot harder to keep everyone safe if someone lacks, say, Spell Immunity or Improved Invisibility or Protection from Magic Weapons. Being a sorcerer PC and choosing Aerie (who already has Spell Immunity in her book) helped Alanis.

Yep, but I think I like the fact that scrolls become much more valuable with many casters.

Understood. But you learned from those mistakes. And learning has made you a smarter, better player, right? So, you have more grounds for confidence now than you had in the past.

It has. There'e still a lot I have to learn though ;)

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Also more Frodo than Stalin here. 


Most of us here are, I think. Serg definitely is.



Didn't know about Alesia's story. Did you include all that in your write-ups? I remember Alesia having company in the Druid Grove area (Jan and someone else I believe), but I have only properly read about her work in ToB, where she didn't have all those NPCs with her.

This was back on the old forum. I used to play role played party games rather than solo tactical games. Sadly, I also tended to abandon games.
Even though it wasn't apparent in her most recent solo run, Alesia has a fully realized personality. She's a battle hardened pragmatist with an obsessive, addictive personality. She also has a sadistic streak bred of personal trauma. At the same time, she is fiercely loyal and capable of compassion. There is little role played Alesia content on these forums, but the description of her personal item, The Quick and the Dead, conveys her combination of ruthlessness and vulnerability. It also explains why she became a bounty hunter.

Personal Item:

The Quick and the Dead

When Alesia and Imoen reached their early teens, they began playing a game at Winthrop's Inn. They called it "Filtch." The object was to create as much mischief as possible by stealing small items from visiting dignitaries. The player who caused the most trouble without getting caught won.

Despite meaning no real harm, simple competitiveness drove the girls to increasingly meddlesome pranks, culminating in a round where Imoen "Filtched" a young bride-to-be's engagement ring and placed it near a bedpost in the Watcher's Barracks. Alesia and imoen agreed that it was terribly clever. Neither of them considered the consequences.

When the ring was discovered, the girl was publicly shamed and privately beaten. Imoen could hear her sobbing through the thin walls at Winthrop's Inn. The girl's former fiance had already left.

Wracked with guilt, Imoen confessed what she had done and explained the "game" to both Winthrop and Gorion. The two conferred: something had to be done.

After a long talk, it was decided that the girls were a bad influence on each other and should be seperated. Alesia was sent to stay with one of Gorion's nephews on a small, rustic farm north of Baldur's Gate. The family was poor, but the experience would be good for Alesia. Or so Gorion thought.

Unfortunately, years at the Keep had blinded Gorion to a simple fact: life on the land can be precarious. All it takes is one bad harvest and poverty -grinding, grueling poverty- can be right around the corner.

It was Alesia's second season on the farm when the bad harvest struck. The family found itself on the brink. Alesia was hungry. And she was scared. Pride and pride alone kept her from contacting Gorion.

Just when it seemed things couldn't get worse, a rumor spread that the infamous outlaw, Quine, was passing through the region. Neighbors readied their weapons, but most knew little could be done to stop the man. The tension was palpable.

On an otherwise splendid morning, Alesia and her guardians awoke to find their livestock gone- including the horses. Without their chickens, they would soon go hungry. Without their horses, they would die- that was certain. Alesia still refused to write Gorion.

When night fell, Alesia loaded a canvas satchel with hardtack, water, and a dull blade. She slung it over her shoulder, and set off into the darkness seeking Quine.

After trekking for what felt like days, Alesia came upon a camp by the river. There were four men: one of them was Quine. There were also six horses. Two of them were Alesia's.

Alesia hid in the darkness and surveyed the camp, stone-still and silent. After a few hours, the campfire went out, and the men retired to their tents. Alesia slipped the blade out of her satchel, and creapt forward.

Trembling with fear, Alesia reached Quine's tent. He was asleep. Not knowing what to do, Alesia instinctively plunged her blade into Quine's neck- leaving it stuck through his throat. Alesia could hear Quine gurgling as she ran for the horses.

Alesia rode back to the farm- with the second horse racing alongside her. And as the chilling night air pierced her skin, her eyes began to tear. She reached into the saddle bag, and when she did, she found Quine's most famous possession: the thieves' hood known as "The Quick and the Dead." She used it to wipe away her tears.

The next morning, a messenger left the farm for Candlekeep. A few days later, Gorion arrived to take Alesia away. Gorion was struck by Alesia's gaunt appearance and icy glare- he had never seen her scared before. The two have spoken little since.

Since her return to the Keep, Alesia has worn Quine's hood whenever she is able. Imoen says she is hiding.

+1 Weapons Speed Factor Bonus
Grants Infravision
Immune to Blindness

Someday I hope to complete a fully RPed trilogy run with Alesia. Someday.


Agree with you on Imoen (even if I rarely rush to Spellhold). Not sure about the HLAs. I'd say it depends on the setup, the number of NPCs, and the player's skill. In my current install, all SoA priests and mages that can cast level 7 / 9 spells also get HLAs per the hardest respective SCS components. I also have a number of Tactics encounters included. Having a few HLAs won't make my Charnames overpowered (in my hands).




Makes sense. Context matters. I wasn't laying down a universal law- just a principle that I've found helpful when I've had the discipline to adhere to it.



There'e still a lot I have to learn though  ;)



I hope so. When there's nothing left to learn it's time to move on.





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Aphril, Elven Sorcerer: Candlekeep to the Nashkel Mines


Well today was sunny and then stormy, making it a perfect day to get started with my new character: Aphril, elven sorcerer. I suppose we should begin with a proper introduction. Here she is:



Proficiency: Slings

Starting Spell Selections: Blindness, Shield

Mods: EE, Fixpack, SCS v 30 (all creature improvement, all tactical components)

Difficulty: Insane

Personal Item: Undecided


Aphril will be accompanied by her friend and confidant: Adara, human sorcerer.


Proficiencies: Darts

Starting Spell Selections: Blindness, Shield

Personal Item: Undecided


Now some of you are thinking: Wow! Two sorcerers. Both with wisdoms of 18! That's crazy talk. Spells galore! And yes: it is crazy talk. And yes: it will be spells galore. By late BGII they'll be a'whole lotta blastin' going on. Assuming Aphril and Adara get there, that is. As crazy as two sorcerers may be in ToB, two sorcerers in BG1 on insane is equally crazy, and not in a good way. Aphril and Adara have a tough road ahead, I assure you. 


With the introductions out of the way, I'd like to move on to a definition.


Tank (n): A player controlled character, typically a warrior, who drinks all your healing potions and dies.


I'm joking, of course, but let's be honest: That sounds about right, doesn't it? Sure. Tanks have their niches. They have their moments. There are phases of the adventure when they can be downright heroic. But all too often they are a bad roll -or two -or three away from chunky-town, especially on insane. Aphril and Adara won't be relying on a tank. They'll be rolling in a convertible at blinding speed. It's safer that way. Confused? Well...










Yeah. Blindness for everyone- everyone expect Aphril, Adara, and Imoen, that is. It's a hassle from time to time, but it sure beats standing around and getting killed. Ask Khalid.


Some of you may have noticed that there isn't a whole lot of EXP going on in those screenshots. That happened too.


Korax killed most of Mutamin's basilisks, although he got oh-so-hungry before he could finish the job.



Flesh golems.



Battle horrors.



Did anyone roll their eyes when they say those invisible walls? I'm with you on that. I don't intend to do that much. But for now...





I wouldn't want to give the impression that the early game was all lullabies and lollipops. It wasn't. There were tough times, too. Did anyone notice Adara's greyed out portrait in basilisk land? Yeah. Adara died. Hobgoblin ambush. Aphril quaffed a Potion of Invisibility. Imoen was saved by her Girdle of Piercing. Adara, in contrast, was quickly cut down, despite an opening Shield cast. This served as a reminder that getting Aphril an L2 slot (Invisibility) was priority one. Fortunately, that happened soon after Adara's fall.




Adara nearly died a second time in Durlag's Tower. While Imoen was clearing the way to the basilisks...



the other ghasts launched a sneak attack on Adara and held her with their opening blow. Fortunately, Aphril was able to rescue Adara with an Invisibility cast.



Imoen then cleared the remaining ghasts while the invisible sorcerers looked on, paving the way for an EXP fest on the roof. Note that Adara was hurt here once again. So far she's been the week link. That'll change.



With Aphril at L5, Adara at L4, and Imoen at L6, the party was ready to take on Mulahey. I'll post on that encounter soon.





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Aphril v. Mulahey (or School's Out)


It's summer school. Baldur's Gate summer school. Everyone else is at the beach.



But you're stuck in class. Pop quiz: "The principle difference between insane and core is that hits do double damage. How do you compensate?" If your answer was: "Umm, like, don't get hit?" Then go ahead and grab your surfboard: you don't need to be here. Don't get hit is the right answer.


That, in a nutshell, was Aphril's plan against Mulahey: don't get hit. To execute, she decided to enlist Branwen's aid. Silence is golden after all.


Aphril and Adara, to the north, were on minion duty. Branwen and Imoen, to the south, were on cleric cleanup. Starting invisible, Branwen and Imoen opened with a backstab/Silence combo. Looking good.




And to the north? Adara breaks with the Necklace of Missles. Northern minions defeated.




The elite kolbods get a Wand of Sleep charge.




The party converges on Mulahey for the finish. Surf's up.



Bandit camp is next.


Current Party:


Aphril, elven sorcerer

Screen%20Shot%202015-06-23%20at%209.01.2Spells: L1: Blindness, Shield, Magic Missle, Chromatic Orb; L2: Invisibility, Mirror Image






Adara, human sorcerer

Screen%20Shot%202015-06-23%20at%209.01.3Spells: L1: Blindness, Shield, Magic Missle; L2: Invisibility




Imoen, human thief






Branwen, human cleric










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