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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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So much action, Alesia, BR, and Aasim! I love it!



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Happy to see you succeed! Congratulations!

As to Dark Side/Horizons, Northern Tales, and Grey Clan, I don't use any of the crazy items, only items I find reasonable. The items I've kept are a ring that gives 50% Electricity Resistance, a defensive (AC lowering) long sword for Garrick, a Paladin Signet Ring that gives a +2 bonus to saves and a +1 bonus to AC, and for Dapper a pair of Gauntlets of the Faithful Warrior that increase Thaco/Dmg by 3 (since Dapper's a Cleric/Mage with 1 APR, and an ever expanding spell repertoire, they don't make a huge difference in my experience).
I do sell most of the OP items so that I can buy loads of scrolls and potions I expect to need in the difficult mod encounters.

Thanks.Frankly, I don't like NS and DS at all - it's not the items that bug me that much but the gameplay. I don't like super-cheese enemies. I can dig an uber-druid in BG2/ToB, I cannot digest that druid creep you meet at Cloakwood mines entrance however (I'm sure you know who I'm talking about :) ).

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Dylan {7} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 1)

Another Dylan has joined the throng on the Sword Coast.  His latest incarnation has made a good start with no alarms.  As with other recent attempts, I'm trying to avoid him taking any damage in BG1, although I think I'll probably let him continue this time even if he does.
So far he's:
- gained 3 levels for killing Shoal + another for tasks around Beregost.  Together with some boots recovered from a hobgoblin that's got his stealth up to a decent level (at least while running around at night).
- travelled off the main roads (to avoid bandit ambushes) down to Nashkel, picking up another level on the way and starting to work on his trap setting skills.  He rested there to get LMD as a Bhaal power before purchasing a PFP scroll and the Necklace of Missiles.
- built up a collection of 6 invisibility potions (1 each stolen from Beregost, Nashkel and Carnival and 3 from Vitiare), without needing to use any.  The only time he's come close to being attacked thus far was when some wild dogs arrived late at an ambush and must have been just about within range when he ran between them.
All kills so far have been with his +1 short bow.  Victims have included several enemies with ranged capability.  They're tricky in SCS as they wander around and thus it's not possible to simply take a stealth shot and retreat to hide again.  However, thus far Dylan has always correctly predicted their movements - always attacking as they are moving across or away from him, to avoid them having any chance of a return shot before he's retreated.

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Dylan {7} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 2)
Greywolf was shot down to get his sword.
Dylan did the same to some xvarts to save Arabelle on the way to find Meilum and improve his shooting arm further.
He used his sword for the first time against Karlat - hiding behind pillars in order to sneak attack.  
While in Beregost he also tried pickpocketing Algernon. With the help of a potion of master thievery from Vitiare, that normally works - but not this time.
He used his first invisibility potion on the way to sort out the basilisks in order to frustrate some hobgoblin archers.  
The basilisks were all shot down, including Mutamin's pets who were carefully pulled out of shouting range of Mutamin before being finished off.  Korax then soaked up just a single chromatic orb before halting Mutamin in his tracks.  
He failed to make any impression on Kirian and her friends though, so Dylan used up 4 charges of the Necklace to kill Baerin, Kirian and Peter
before running and shooting to deal with Lindin.
Dylan was attacked for the first time when I got lazy travelling up to the FAI.  Still staying off the main roads he was going north through Larswood to access the route to Peldvale when I sent him past a group of enemies without stopping to restealth first.  His stealth check failed and he became instantly visible rather than lingering in the shadows briefly - fortunately the Black Talon missed with his shot.
At the FAI a couple of stealth-shots removed Tarnesh, allowing Dylan to go inside openly and return some items to Landrin.  
He's travelled safely back south and is about to explore the Cloud Peaks.

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Good to see all the action on the forums at the moment.  


It's nice to see you, Grond0! We're looking forward to more swashbuckler action!






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Ok people, I've done some experimenting both with an edited Garrick and with Keiria (whom I had kitted as a Skald with Level 1 NPCs upon installation), separately btw. CLUA'd in a Greater Doppelganger a few times in a row, and found that neither Garrick's nor Keiria's song protected my party from the Doppelgangers' Horrors. Am now uninstalling the IWDification component that gave vanilla Bards the IWD Bard songs, and wil re-install Rogue Rebalancing.
Does anyone of you know what the consequences of that will be for Item Randomisation in my current game? I've been playing with Item Randomisation, but my changing my install means that Item Randomisation will be automatically removed and reinstalled by WEIDU. If items are re-randomised or lost, I'd pretty much have to restart... 

EDIT: nevermind, RR Skald song isn't working even after removal of IWD bard songs and after a RR reinstall. Will have to decide now what to do. Dapper will probably have to make a restart fresh out of Candlekeep. Like Aasim I'm getting a bit fed up with BG1. I might go for a simpler install, with fewer mods and no Item Randomisation. Bah, as if I've got nothing better to do than installing.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 81 - (update 1)

Drizzl, human blackguard (Grond0) & Mhae, human cavalier (Gate70)


It seemed as though even death couldn't keep a good man down as Gate70 gamely agreed to rolling up a new character after witnessing the end of both SP & MP runs today.


The random selection turned up a pair of pals and they were soon out of Candlekeep and on the road.  Shoal provided an early level and they used mainly missile weapons to take down a group of Flaming Fist south of Beregost in order to steal their armour (both of them having relied on tough skin up to that point).



After progressing down to Nashkel Drizzl tried to get a reputation increase from Oublek.  However, despite looking like a man, Oublek could see through Drizzl's disguise (I do have a bit of a problem remembering what sex I've chosen when looking through portraits :wacko:).  Undaunted, Drizzl led the duo off to save Arabelle in order to get a reputation increase from Hulrik - but he refused to admit all the xvarts were dead!  


Still wanting to improve reputation in order to get CLW as a Bhaal power Drizzl went south to find Greywolf - and finally got his/her reward.



Meilum got one nice hit in on Mhae, but at the cost of being filled with poisonous arrows and he quickly collapsed.


That encounter also showed up the shoddy quality of Mhae's sword and he led the way to find Arghain to get something a bit longer-lasting (and bigger).  


Then it was on to the basilisk area where the monsters were soon chopped up, while Mutamin became another poison victim.  For Kirian's party Mhae bravely charged in to occupy their attention while Drizzl supported with poison arrows.  The arrows did their job, quickly cleaning up both Kirian and Peter.  Unfortunately Peter had already cast hold person - and though that took a while to register on my screen, it was clearly allowing automatic hits before the hold effect appeared.  


As a result Mhae was dead before Drizzl could do anything to intervene, though she did quickly take revenge.







Drizzl, blackguard 5, 51 HPs, 38 kills

Mhae, cavalier 5, 53 HPs, 19 kills, 1 death


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Good luck guys! But something doesn't add up in your post Grond0 - first you say Mhae was dead before Drizzl could intervene, but then you say Mhae had 0 deaths so far - which is it?


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Good luck guys! But something doesn't add up in your post Grond0 - first you say Mhae was dead before Drizzl could intervene, but then you say Mhae had 0 deaths so far - which is it?


Mhae died. She's greyed out in the screenshot.






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Good luck guys! But something doesn't add up in your post Grond0 - first you say Mhae was dead before Drizzl could intervene, but then you say Mhae had 0 deaths so far - which is it?

What can I say - it's been a tough day and it's hard to remember those picky little details like who died :P.

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Dylan {7} - dwarf swashbuckler (3rd and final update)
When will I ever learn?  After a tough day I should have known better than to push my luck, but I tried to squeeze in a bit more play last night - which resulted in a shocking end for Dylan.
The start of the session saw him have to work hard to deal with Zal and Sendai's 2 archer friends - eventually killing 2 of those 3 with fireballs after tiring of attempting to stay in touch with their wanderings while keeping a constant eye on whether stealth was about to fail.
After completing that and then clearing Caldo & Krumm etc in the next area Dylan hit a problem in the Gnoll Stronghold against the dreaded xvarts.  After going over one empty encounter spot he was retreating back towards it and got trapped when xvarts spawned there - rather than risk being attacked he used one of his invisibility potions up.
After a safe trip back to Nashkel Dylan killed his first victim using LMD.  He then picked Samuel up and was able to take him back to the FAI without encountering any archer ambushes.  That took reputation to 19 and sneaking in to rob the ankhegs and taking Farmer Brun his son back got him to maximum.
On the way to Ulgoth's Beard Dylan had another scare when trying to convince Tenya to stop fighting.  Dylan had hit her 3 times with arrows (though she took a healing potion after the first shot) and expected her to give up when she came out of sanctuary, but instead she tried a command - fortunately Dylan saved.
He purchased equipment from the inn at Ulgoth's Beard - including the invisibility ring to allow him to travel safely.  Armed with that he went to tick off the clearance of a few more areas.  At the mine site he was tempted to try and kill the Doomsayer, which would have got him to level 8.  That was a hard task though as arrows do no damage and the Doomsayer's AC is good so he had to try and manipulate an awful lot of stealth attacks against a wandering SCS enemy.  Towards the end of that I was surprised when the Doomsayer managed to react extremely quickly to a stealth attack and get a retaliation in, but it missed.  
With it at near death and Dylan probably only needing one more hit to claim the kill he pressed on, only for nature to pinch his XP!  
That was not only annoying, but worrying as where there is 1 lightning strike there could be more, so Dylan tried to rest.  The game wouldn't allow that though!  I presumed that was on the grounds that it was still processing the impact of the Doomsayer's death and normally that type of restriction will clear pretty quickly, so Dylan tried again and again to rest, until ...
That was the end of his no damage run and the sensible thing to do would have been to take a healing potion, to allow him to survive another hit (doing 50% of max HPs).  However, I was unsure about whether to continue on anyway and just kept trying to rest a few more times - until the inevitable happened ...

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That was not only annoying, but worrying as where there is 1 lightning strike there could be more, so Dylan tried to rest.  The game wouldn't allow that though!  I presumed that was on the grounds that it was still processing the impact of the Doomsayer's death and normally that type of restriction will clear pretty quickly


Auh...ugly way to go. For 2K XP? :P 

I admire your patience, even single classed fighters have a hard time hitting Doomsayer. That "bolt from the sky" has an odd "projectile", the part of the spell which makes it behave as it does. In this instance, it will fire several times, even if it's hidden from view on random targets within range.

Better example why you couldn't rest - think Web or Teleport Field. For as long as it's active anywhere on map, game will not allow resting.

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That sounds a bit odd.  It's not particularly unusual for me to be trying to rest immediately after a lightning strike ;) and normally there's no problem with that.  Perhaps that's just that the random number of lightning strikes is typically very low (like 1) and therefore the spell has cleared itself immediately.  If that is the case this was clearly a very aggressive lightning storm.  I have been hit 3 times by lightning in quick succession before now, but that is extremely unusual.  In this instance not only was Dylan hit twice, but so was the Doomsayer - the second one targeting his already dead body :D.

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Too bad about Dylan Grond0..


The worst lightning storm I ever had, an Eren was fighting Drassus and co. Only the mage (kysus I believe) was left and lightning struck every round for about a turn, hitting me and kysus equally, but doing no damage to the mage because of mgoi :S...


I was freaking out that fight hahaha



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That sounds a bit odd.

I know, but that how it works. I don't have any experience with storms since I turn weather off before I play (hence can't comment on frequency of hits), but it's the same deal with Call Lightning. Both spells use same projectile.

The Fred

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Does anyone of you know what the consequences of that will be for Item Randomisation in my current game? I've been playing with Item Randomisation, but my changing my install means that Item Randomisation will be automatically removed and reinstalled by WEIDU. If items are re-randomised or lost, I'd pretty much have to restart... 

If you have it on randomise-on-install, then probably. I'm not sure, but I believe that things you haven't encountered will use the new randomisation, whilst of course you will already have what items you have. Thus, you might miss out on some things and perhaps get two copies of others.


I always use the randomise-by-script method so that it's different every time without having to re-install. In this case, I don't think it should make any difference.


Hmm. If you want a very different BG1 experience, you could try Fields of the Dead, if you haven't. It's not compatible with very many other mods and I'm not sure I'd want to try it on no-reload; it makes some kinda crazy changes to some things. IIRC, it does make for quite a difference, though.

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The Fred

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Marcus and Co. have been exploring Baldur's Gate.


We rescued a Nymph from a pair of squabbling wizards (Ramazith's tower was annoying, as usual, but it all worked out OK in the end)


We were hired to seek out the Helm of Balduran by a guy with a rather excessive number of guard creatures at his house (but not enough). We found the adventures he told us to seek, but they didn't have the Helm.


We killed a Basilisk which was let loose in the docks.


We were attacked by a couple of crazy ladies in the Low Lantern, but killed them.


We were poisoned by Iron Throne assassins. Luckily, one of them turned traitor and helped us. We were able to cure him of his geas and kill the other.

This proved far more difficult than it should because A) Marcus got stuck, and so couldn't contribute to the fight and B) I got mixed up, and aimed a Melf's Acid Arrow and Miscast Magic at Branwen instead of Marek, by accident. What can I say? There were a lot of insects in the way! Imoen also died due to Minute Meteors, but it all worked out in the end. Faldorn followed her lesser insects up with a veritable Insect Plague, and Branwen did some melee.


We rescued a dead child from the Water Queen's temple. Basically, the Umberlants were all prats so we just killed them, took the Geas Removal Scroll and the kid, and kept the Tome of Understanding for ourselves.


Next stop is probably the Seven Suns, at Scar's behest. Well, after we find a shop, maybe; we have some stuff to buy and sell.


I'm really feeling the benefit of being high level, now. I still screw up a lot, but even with the reduced party, when we pull out all the spells and things we can (I usually don't), we seem to be able to pack quite a bit of hurt.

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Hmm. If you want a very different BG1 experience, you could try Fields of the Dead, if you haven't. It's not compatible with very many other mods and I'm not sure I'd want to try it on no-reload; it makes some kinda crazy changes to some things. IIRC, it does make for quite a difference, though.

I've playtested that mod when it got EE compatible for Echon. It's a great mod if you're into PnP - but it's virtually incompatible with everything else. I'd definetely reccomend it, at least for one run. 

It's (afaik) the only mod which makes basilisks, winter wolves and spiders really, really dangerous as their PnP incarnations.

And yes, if you haven't played it before, it's probably not really doable as a No-Reload. When you get to know the creatures (like Death Dogs abilities and similar stuff) it's probably a tad easier than SCS.


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Aphril, Elven Sorcerer: Cloakwood Mines to Candlekeep



Ok. Now seems like a good time to update everyone on Aphril's adventures. Aphril made less progress than expected yesterday due to basketball, reading, and generalized revelry. Nonetheless, she and her compatriots continue their insane march: they have defeated Davaeorn, toured Baldur's Gate, and explored the deepest recesses of Candlekeep. They've also made a new friend


Once again this will be a concise note form post. I'm feeling lazy these days. Further, I'm still not entirely committed to this run and am consequently disinclined to invest in its development. That may change. It may not. We'll see


-Aphril defeated Davaeorn using the tried and true (and undeniably lame) Pro Magic + Necklace of Missiles method. Branwen did the honors, since she is the only party member who can survive a critical arrow. I made a point of exposing her to incoming fire, although I have to admit that some of the Necklace of Missile blasts were launched from beyond line of sight. Branwen's achievement gets 4.5 out of 5 stars for lameness. This is my fault, not hers




-The party suffered its first and only deaths in the Cloakwood Mines. These were both absurd, only-on-insane events. Following a divination cast from Davaeorn, Aphril and friends left the mine master's inner sanctum seeking a safe place to re-apply Invisibility. When they emerged, they were greeted by a pair hobgoblin elites. Adara was dropped instantly by a single arrow. Crazy. Rasaad's death was only slightly less absurd. Rasaad had been selected to kill the battle horrors: his movement rate advantage, zero speed factor weapon, and stealth abilities made him well suited to the task. His lack of critical hit protection proved his undoing, however. An injudicious turn left him exposed to a battle horror flame blade strike. A single shot killed him. Again: crazy


-Drasus and Co. were skipped on the way in and out


-Rasaad was raised and then released: his movement rate bonus is no longer required


-In Baldur's Gate, Imoen got her backstab on at the Seven Suns. Little else was accomplished




-The ogre mage ambush was thwarted as follows: Aphril: Invisibility- Aphril; Adara: Invisibility- Adara; Branwen: Potion of Invisibility; Imoen: Potion of Clarity. Imoen went with a PoC rather than a PoI because a charm effect had already been launched by the time she had been able to bring a spell equivalent action into play.




-With the aid of a Potion of Mind Focusing, a Potion of Perception and a Potion of Master Thievery, Imoen claimed the tomes. Branwen killed the spiders under Protection from Poison. Branwen and Imoen killed the basilisks under Protection from Petrification (blue scrolls). Note that the basilisks were a nuisance even without their gaze attacks.




-Recognizing that they'd benefit from having a helmet wearing bow wielder on their side, the party sought Coran's aid. They intuited that he'd be impressed with a wyvern head and so claimed one. Branwen was allowed to tank here, but only after the wyverns had been blinded



-Coran was impressed. He was also pleased with the party's item offerings, which included Varscona, Dead Shot, Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise and Boots of Speed, recently claimed from Drasus




-After presenting the wyvern head to Kelddath, the party was ambushed by wolves. Branwen was once again permitted to tank, but only after the dangerous vampiric wolves had been blinded




-The party finished equipping Coran by taking down Kirian and Sendai. Backstabs from Coran and Imoen eliminated ranged threats. Those who remained were blinded and then shot down
















The party is now collecting experience in preparation for the endgame. They may face Sarevok this evening





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Btw. Sorry for your loss, Grond0. Continued good hunting, The Fred!






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After some deliberation, I decided to go with a CG human barbarian.



Str: 18/60

Dex: 18

Con: 18

Int: 10

Wis: 10

Cha: 10


I made it through the Prologue. I made a couple mistakes involving the quests which resulting in my not buying a helmet but I'm hoping it'll be fine.


And lastly, the video:

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Congrats on Dante's first update, SuperNovice. Welcome to the challenge!






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@ Supernovice,


You have a great voice. Do you make videos often/ stream or anything?


I wish you good luck with the run!




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GL, 007. I've made a new install yesterday, with my standard setup:



So, Ascension/BGT/Revisions/Refinements/SCS/some stuff of my own making. SCS stuff not installed: Improved Sarvok battle & Improved Irenicus in Spellhold.

The mod installed after SCS is my own - you can get info on what it does here (open the spoiler tAB).

My original idea was to roll up a barbarian, but I've settled for something different. Similar to my f/m/c and sorceress duo, I've rolled a f/m/c again. Her name is Lasstha.



She will be going in with two other PCs; a sorceress named Hanntha



And a multiclass thief/illusionist named Stils.



An important thing to note about this guy - he's a specialist mage. I use my own versions of kitted mages. Per illusionist case, this is a rather drastic change. It's not a usual f/m with Necromancy ban anymore - he's banned from no less than *3* schools of magic, including Abjuration. More about what he *does* get read here (open spoiler with Illusionist).


Anyhow, to game (I need to finish BG1 today since I'll be afk for one week, and I want BG2 part to be ready when I get back home!)

After the usual Beregost stuff we traveled north to clear the Ankheg farm for some fast XP. Succesfully done.



Also returned the Bowl to Tenya and killed Dushai. Village didn't turn hostile. :)

Following that, Durlag's. With Wand of Fire, Horrors are no problem. I still had my first death since I allowed one to get too close to Stillo. Sigh, at least the temple is close by.



This was fairly interesting. The basilisk on top detect Pro Petrification and would bite. They have a very solid melee THAC0, so I used a lot of potions here. With our poor to hit chance, Wand of Fire was used liberally. I'll probably need to get another one from Ulcaster as well.



Since we're very low-leveled; Stilo couldn't disarm the trap up there. (generally, with thieves I max out Open Locks first, followed by Traps, then Detect, then Pick Pockets). I automatically clicked on the stash and boom. 1HP left on Lasstha :D



It was a lucky day in Durlag. Sending my people to exit area made Stillo and Hanntha take a "shortcut" through fully trapped area. Incredible, but they both survived.




I cleared out the enemies and left, guardians are not to be touched.



Next, I used poison arrows found in Durlags to kill Mutamin 



And bypassed my horrible THAC0 by fireballing the basilisks.



Dealt with Kirian's gang as well.



Bassiluss...took a while. He had Physical Mirror (50% miss chance, immunity to missiles) and sanctuaried to cast Heal on himself. Wand of Lightning did him however.



Picking up Bracers of Archery is very important with IR, so that's what I did next (Sendai got a Fireball killing both of her helpers). I charmed Vax, had him kill the other, then killed Vax as well. :D



More XP - Droth. He has a nice Helmet (+1 saves, immunity to critical hit effects), and is bugged since he is coded like a human. This means Charm and Hold take regular effect...I spent his spellbook in thin air and killed him; Shoal was also slain.



Skeleton were used vs Sirens.



Now, Ulcaster, for one extra fire wand. This battle is nice with SCS, you get plenty of wolves and undead. Skull Traps were used, even if we'd suffer damage it's kind of neccecary to lower the enemies numbers.



With that done, we return to main plot. Mulahey - pre-set skulls for helpers, and Lasstha killed him solo.



I started using backstabs somewhere around here. Stillo has 3 invisibility castings, which is usually enough to do serious damage, and amazons with their bows/darts equiped allow him to get an additional +4 to damage - which get multiplied by backstab :P . Still finished in melee-style.


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Lasstha, 2nd update


Nimbul got paralyzed by the wand. This allowed solidiers to kill him.



Lovely backstab got Tranzig down. This "piercing strike" is short sword's "critical hit".



Bandit camp was fairly interesting endeavor. It was late, I was already tired but decided to fight them. The idea was to go into tent invisible, kill the mage with a backstab, and then fight since he's the only one who could remove our buffs.

First mistake was a misclick on a guard - this made Stils fire an arrow, revealing his position. Invis potion used.



Back to plan. Backstab did connect for very lovely damage, but not enough. Venkt survived.



And dispels us. he couldn't dispel my sorceress, but Lasstha is a triple multiclass with low-levels, her buffs are gone.



Hanntha dies to arrows.



Meh, I do what I always do. Fireballs + Explosion potions.

that clears the tent quickly.



Some cruising around with Fire wand did most of them, while Lasstha kept few of the enemies tied up in melee. She was cornered and couldn't move. (I'm very reluctant to waste invis potions here).



Some time later, Taugosz dies. It's done now.





Right now, the trio has just finished Cloakwood spider area, and traveling to druid tree triggered an ambush (wywerns&spiders), kill which gave my sorceress level 8 and the ability to cast level 4 spells  - she takes Ice Storm as her first pick.


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