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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Thanks Golden and Aasim. No, I haven't done any other videos or streams. This is my first time recording anything so I'm learning as I go. Spending a lot of time listening to each video to see what I can do better.


Sorry Grond0 and Aasim. :(




Two updates for today:


Lion's Way - first wilderness area so not much happens here.


Coast Way and The Friendly Arm Inn - near disaster on the Coast Way forced me to head to the Friendly Arm Inn before exploring the zone. This video ended up being a bit long; I'm going to aim at keeping them at 20-30 minutes in the future since those are more watchable.

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@Grond0: Sorry to hear about Dylan's shocking death...

@Gate70: I agree with Alesia_BH, you were trying to get around a game-breaking bug of some kind - go ahead and continue to BG 2.


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This video ended up being a bit long...


Could have been much shorter considering the luck (and also some bad luck of course) you had in the Tarnesh fight :D ... not many lvl 1 chars survive 2x2 magic missiles (especially if they go into the fight not fully healed) ;) ...


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Aasim, belated condolences. Sad to fall on the threshold of good times in SoA...

Grond0, my sympathies to you as well. I hope to see a new version of Dylan with more staying power soon.

Dyara, my congratulations on your most recent success with Sarya, and best of luck in Amnwith Dyara! (I read your post in the BG2 thread).

007, I like your videos, including your last, longer one (though ffwded through the non-battle parts). Like Dyara I'd like to congratulate you on surviving Tarnesh, and the critters before him. Please try to be careful, so we can enjoy more of your LPs.

Gate70, congrats to you as well. I had missed your post.

Alesia, how is your arcane team doing? Nice weather intervening? :) (I had considered taking a break myself, but it's been so cold and rainy these days, and today was a national holiday, so... here we are again hehe)

TheFred, thank you for the info on the consequences of re-installing Item Randomiser. I don't like having items duplicated or removed entirely from the game. Dapper and friends shall get a second chance, but I did a new, much simpler install of the game that lends itself better to solo play. It consists of mostly tactical enhancements and cosmetic changes, a number of tweaks, but almost no items, kits or quests. Weidu log:


I tested this install with:

Terra, LN Gnome Cleric/Thief, 1st and final BG1 report


It was not the first time I got an extraordinary roll on a Gnome; still I was amazed :) Starting proficiencies were Staves and Slings, later complemented by Two Handed Weapon Style. Roleplaying is limited in this playthrough as I wanted to take a character into BG2 again, and was willing to compromise on the RPing for that purpose. Although I use metagame knowledge I do try to play her in accordance with her LN alignment (she venerates Gaerdal Ironhand, the only non-goofy, stern Gnomish God, a bit like Helm or Torm in the human pantheon I think).

Terra quested to level 5/5, and 20 rep, without any incident except for the first area transition (to High Hedge area), which saw a concentration lapse on my part nearly end her run.
High return quests that helped Terra reach said levels included: Tenya, Farmer Brun, Charleston Nib, Captain Brage, Greywolf, Droth and Shoal, Meilum, and Bassilus, besides the usual FAI-Beregost-Nashkel quests. Silence and Hold Person, were Terra's favorite spells at those early stages of her adventure.

Easter eggs like the Ring of Wizardry, the Ankheg Armor, and the Ring of Protection +1 south of FAI were all shamelessly collected and used to purchase several valuable items once Terra enjoyed 20 CHA (Foreshadow's ring + Algernon's cloak) and 20 rep. Amongst these items were the Shadow Armor, Wand of the Heavens, Aule's Staff, Sandthief's Ring, Claw of Kazgaroth and scrolls and potions.

Level 6/6 was (barely) reached after a visit to Mutamin's garden where she would execute her most damaging backstab:

Mutamin didn't fall to Terra's first backstab, so she drank a potion of invisibility and finished him off with a second stab.

She then traveled to the Nashkel Mines to pursue the plot of her life story. Overwhelming numbers of Kobolds made her a bit nervous,

but she kept on moving and she never got stuck anywhere. Mulahey was Silenced, Flamestruck with her wand, and Smitten.
Nimbul, was left to the Amnish soldiers, so that he wouldn't use his potions of invisibility. Terra traveled around quite a bit, even all the way to the Gnoll fortress for the Tome of Leadership and Influence, and to Durlag's Tower to pick up a Tome of Understanding, but neither Molkar's nor Lamalha's gang waylaid her. 

Btw at Durlag's Battle Horrors were dealt with using the Wand of the Heavens, with Terra's backstabs being too unreliable or my patience with them too limited. She decided to recharge the wand after that, and was quite surprised that she had to pay 9,000 GP and would get no less than 100 charges. (It also left her penniless at that point.) Skeletons finished off the Tower's Basilisks.


Terra rushed through the Wood of Sharp Teeth, and infiltrated the Bandit Camp via Raiken. She was well prepared for a missile onslaught with the Cloak of Deflection, Boots of Avoidance, Claw of Kazgaroth, Girdle of Piercing, and natural 18 Dex, but she nevertheless buffed with a potion of defense, and she also applied an oil of speed and cast DUHM before enterering Tazok's tent. Venkt required two backstabs.

She cleared the tent with a combination of melee attacks on ranged opponents, Flamestrikes and, when most enemies had fallen, backstabs.
Outside, she even managed to finish off Taugosz, for his Full Plate, which she would never don, but sold for a few thousand gold. (Even playing without Hard Times, gold was almost never abundant.)


In Cloakwood, the Cloak of Non-Detection was picked up and Spiders were slain to see Terra's final level-up as a Cleric (lvl 7). Other denizens of the forest never knew of her presence (except for waylaying Giant Spiders that she survived with freedom potions), until the Mines loomed before her. 

Before battle had started Kysus was taken out of the equation with a convenient critical:

The others fell to backstabs as well. Rezdan had Terra two potions of magic protection.

Inside the mines Terra's stealth and extreme speed (boots + oil) allowed her to reach Davaeorn with her magic protection still intact. The wizard failed to remove her buffs, and thus didn't really form a threat. While his short-duration buffs were still active, Terra focused on his Battle Horrors, taking them down with backstabs and earning her a last BG1 level-up as a Thief (lvl 8).

Skeletons were then used to make Davaeorn waste most of his damage spells and to eat through some of his Stoneskins, before he too fell to a sneak attack.
(As you can deduce from the portrait icon, Terra had swigged a potion of clarity at one point, this because of a Horror Davaeorn cast at her.)

In Baldur's Gate Terra's pace slackened a little as she did some sidequests, such as: 
- the thieving quests (guild and Brevlik - with Thief Charnames, which is more often than not, I almost always do those quests, the guild feels like a BG1 class stronghold and I like Narlen Darkwalk), 
- Varci, 
- Ragefast/Ramazith.
Marek and Lothander were avoided; Chanthalas Ulbright's Wisdom tome pickpocketed (as was the Cloak of Balduran). The Necklace of Missiles was used against the Ogre Mage and its Carrion pets in the sewers.

Anti-magic potions, backstabs and Wand of Heavens Flamestrikes were too much to handle for the Iron Throne acolytes,
except Mr Cloudwulfe, who mysteriously disappeared. Terra lowered her reputation to 9 with the help of BG1 NPC Pack's Bards. This would allow her to get two Divine Wrath Bhaalpowers instead of DUHMs.


In and below Candlekeep Terra avoided any battles she could, fighting only a number of Phase Spiders and two Basilisks. The treasure chests were duly looted.

Interestingly, Terra, a loner up till then, left Candlekeep with her old friend Imoen (lvl 9 Thief -> Mage), whose help I thought might be handy against the Greater Doppelgangers at the Ducal Palace. The two bought and collected some equipment for Imoen: Returning Frost Dart +1, Robe of the Good Archmagi, Quarterstaff +1, Deep Red Ioun Stone, Golden Girdle, and Ring of Wizardry (from Sunin), and Gauntlets of Weapon Skill from Larze.

They also restored their reputation with donations and a few small quests (Brielbara, Nadine/Euric, Noralee), but that proved all in vain when Imoen got her first kill: a little girl that, like other commoners, had gone hostile when the duo took their fight with Sunin outside.

Even without his girl Krystin, who didn't follow Terra back to the entrance of the Undercellars, Slythe was tricky thanks to his many invisibility potions. Terra made him waste those on her summons (Animals, Skeletons), and was reasonably successful with backstabs and her Detect Illusions ability. A Magic Missile by Imoen felled the assassin.

The duo took Slythe's invitation and his letter from Sarevok, and left Krystin to mourn the loss of her lover.


They rested and then went to the Ducal Palace. Terra had already started preparations, with the summoning of a first Skeleton, when Imoen discovered she hadn't memorized Haste (an important reason for taking her along in the first place) nor did she possess a Haste scroll. The two quickly left to buy one such scroll at the Sorcerous Sundries and returned. Three more Skeletons followed and, acouple of buffs later because of shorter spell duration, a Giant Spider as per Spider Spawn. Terra quaffed the violet potion, restored CON with a fortitude potion and buffed DEX with agility and mind focusing potions. Imoen took two of the latter as well. Other buffs included potions of power and magic shielding, PfE 10' Radius and DUHM. Terra managed to set only one of her two snares (at 95 Set Traps), Imoen Hasted the summons.
My strategy usually involves arrows of dispelling but that was not an option for the Cleric/Thief and Mage duo (Imoen hadn't regained her Thief levels yet), so I had Imoen cast Remove Magic, and later Slow, while the hasted summons and Terra, who hit like a truck with her 25 STR and who had poisoned her staff with a vial of Rogue Rebalancing poison, did the dirty work. This strategy worked quite well.

Both Belt and Liia Janneth survived.


The two girls went straight after Sarevok, using stealh/invisibility to ignore monsters, Iron Throne mercenaries, and Tamoko. I chose not to engage Sarevok right away due to Terra and Imoen's inability to dispel his Haste (meaning that the ladies would have to run around too much for my liking while dealing with Sarevok's subordinates). Angelo was the first of Sarevok's minions to show himself, but he vanished when Flamestruck a few times. Not much later, Semaj removed all of Terra's buffs and protections and Tazok exectuted a successful sneak attack. He too disappeared when Terra quaffed an invisibility potion to rebuff and to give Tazok a dose of his own medicine.

Angelo targeted invisible Terra with a Chaos. This shouldn't be possible, and caused some stress, but thankfully Terra saved, as did Imoen.
The situation reminded me of one of Golden's runs, where the same happened, I believe in the Drasus fight.
Anyway, lots of Flamestrikes, Necklace of Missiles Fireballs and Stoneskin-eating sneak attacks later, Angelo fell.
Terra and Diarmid locked themselves in a ranged duel until Diarmid ran out of arrows, at which point he hesitated between staying by Sarevok's side and attacking her in melee. Terra did not relent and finished the archer with her sling.
Semaj was the next one to attack. Two potions of magic protections kept Terra safe from his mind affecting spells; she only suffered some elemental (fire) damage before she worked her way through his Stoneskins and slew her foe.
Tazok and Sarevok were then a mere matter of repeated backstabs:
As the ladies left the premises, they found Tamoko still outside. I had wanted Terra to sneak past her, but the Kara-Turan priestess had already spotted her. Terra's reputation was still bad thanks to Imoen's infanticide, which caused Tamoko to be implacable. Terra ended up slaying the woman and several Skeletons (including Warriors) that fought alongside her.

Terra and Imoen sold the equipment of the enemies they had just dispatched, and with the proceeds salvaged their reputation (which carries over to SoA in BG Trilogy). They then returned to Belt and Liia Janneth to inform them of their success. The girls accepted an entreaty by Belt to travel to Athkatla to negotiate a peace agreement with Amn.


All in all not the most impressive run perhaps, what with the wand recharge, attacking the likes of Mutamin and Kysus while they were still blue-circled, recruitment of Imoen for the Ducal Palace fight, and engaging Sarevok's men one after the other. But at least Terra made it, which was something I wanted after a series of premature endings. There were no narrow escapes except for the Wild Dogs mentioned in the 2nd paragraph and Terra took very little damage in the entire run. Hope she survives Irenicus' hellish dungeon, so that finally some fun may be had in Amn :)

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Alesia, how is your arcane team doing? Nice weather intervening? :)


Basically, yes. I spent the day cycling and beaching.


I did find time for a little killing though, too.



I'll post on the battle tomorrow. See you in Amn, Blackraven!





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Dyara, my congratulations on your most recent success with Sarya, and best of luck in Amnwith Dyara! (I read your post in the BG2 thread).


Haven't played much, though. Took me the whole evening to feature out why the thief0 script didn't work on Dyara (but worked on Imoen)... find trap worked but hide did not. In the end it was very simple... my char was hidden when I made the BG1 final save, script uses a local timer, local timers/variables are stored on the creature inside the save, importing the save turned the timer into a simple variable, thus !GlobalTimeNotExpired() never became true and my char never attempted to hide :rolleyes: :D ...


But congratulations to you too and good luck in Amn as well :) ...

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Haven't played much, though. Took me the whole evening to feature out why the thief0 script didn't work on Dyara (but worked on Imoen)... find trap worked but hide did not. In the end it was very simple... my char was hidden when I made the BG1 final save, script uses a local timer, local timers/variables are stored on the creature inside the save, importing the save turned the timer into a simple variable, thus !GlobalTimeNotExpired() never became true and my char never attempted to hide :rolleyes: :D ...

Sounds to me like it's one of those questions which are simple - after you're told the answer :P.  Well done on sorting it out anyway and best of luck in Amn.

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@ Blackraven. Great run, great great. Cant wait to see more of Terra in BG2. But please promise me to be careful? My heart can take only so much, and it would abhor a little, cute gnome's death.. ;) :S



Blackraven said:

The situation reminded me of one of Golden's runs, where the same happened, I believe in the Drasus fight.



Indeed! Thanks for mentioning, my friend.



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Aphril, Elven Sorcerer: The 'Vok (Or Fear is Good)


Gordon Gekko was wrong: Greed is not good. But you know what: a case can be made for fear


A wise man once said "fear will keep you honest." Ok. Maybe he wasn't a wise man. And I'm not totally sold on his fear-honesty equation. But fear can keep you safe. It can keep you out of trouble. It can keep you away from Sarevok when you're playing on insane and your party members have ~40 hit points. That's exactly what fear did for Aphril. Fear is good.  


Aphril entered the final battle accompanied by Adara, Branwen, Coran, Imoen and Kivan. Happily, everyone got out alive. Fear was a valued ally.


Keeping everyone safe was a matter of managing exposure, and insuring that everyone had a defensive strategy. Aphril and Adara opened the battle in mustard jelly form, invisible, non-detectable (via scroll) and protected from fire. This insured that they'd be safe from both direct attacks and collateral damage from fire based energy attacks that ignore magic resistance. The application of Non-Detection may seem odd to some, but I'm sure Dyara will get it. Serg, too.


Kivan and Imoen wore Cloaks of Non-Detection: one from the Cloakwood, and one from Slythe. They too were invisible, along with Branwen. They were also protected from fire and had Potions of Absorption, Potions of Magic Shielding and Protection from Magic scrolls at the ready.


Branwen, who lacked Non-Detection, was given two Potions of Invisibility to go along with her Potions of Magic Shielding, Potions of Absorption, and fire damage defenses.


With everyone else in hiding, Coran would bear a heavy load. He would be responsible for eliminating all ranged attack vectors to pave the way for the others. His initial defenses would included the Shield Amulet, the Girdle of Piercing, the Cloak of Displacement, the Boots of Speed, a Protection from Magic scroll, a Protection from Poison scroll, a Potion of Defense, a Potion of Regeneration, and an Oil of Speed. His task would be to eliminate Sarevok's haste effect with an Arrow of Dispelling and then leverage his missile weapon AC, Protection from Magic, and movement rate advantage to nix Semaj, Angelo, and Diarmid. With those threats out of play, Aphril and friends could safely join for the finish. It was a lot to ask of one 42 hit-point wyvern hunting dandy-boy. But he got the job done, despite a close call.


Coran succeeded in dispelling Sarevok's haste effect. 




After swapping out his Boots of Speed for Boots of Avoidance, Coran began his assault on Angelo, Diarmid, and Semaj. The only threat here was that of critical arrows from Diarmid. And in fact, that threat did force Coran into hiding: a single arrow did 32HP of damage to the 42HP Coran. He quaffed an invisibility potion, healed, and then re-engaged being now more mindful of Diarmid's position.


Shortly thereafter, Angelo attempted to reveal the party with a Detect Invisibility cast. Enhanced Edition non-detectable, Aphril, Adara, Imoen, and Kivan were safe. Predictably, Branwen was revealed, but she had been prepared for that. She drank one of her two emergency Potions of Invisibility. 


The party was safe once more, but with Semj close, proximity triggered AoE spells would soon be a threat once Semaj's aura cleared. The party readied it's anti-magic defenses and then moved away from Semaj. Coran stepped up his assault on the mages.


Soon Angelo fell, followed by Semaj. Arrow of Dispelling->Arrow of Bitting



Diarmid was next. Stealth kept Coran safe.


The party had hoped to join Coran at this time. But since Tazok was still invisible and a single blow could kill or chunk anyone in the party, Coran used explosives to find Tazoks position. Happily, he was right near Sarevok. Arrows of Detonation targeted on Sarevok did the deed.



Now it was Adara's turn to get into the action. Malison: Sarevok->Wand of Paralyzation: Sarevok->Invisibility: Adara.




Coran? Can you do us one last favor? Juke those skeleton warriors.



Ok everybody: break. Let's do this.






I'm not sure when or if Aphril will move onto Amn. I'll let everyone know.





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Well done Alesia - keep waving that white feather :D.

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Well done Alesia - keep waving that white feather :D.




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Congratulations Alesia! Nice to see you operate with a party, have fun in Amn :)


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@Alesia: congratulations :)


Sounds to me like it's one of those questions which are simple - after you're told the answer :P.  Well done on sorting it out anyway and best of luck in Amn.


Funny thing when I searched the inet yesterday for some help I came upon some old postings about BG2 scripting. I started to read, thought to myself how well written and informative it is and when I looked at the name of the writer it was my own :D ..

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Hoping the brilliant quad play, I have been exposed to, was rubbing off on me, I took a stab at a no-reload this morning. I actually got further then I though I would.

Though most of the game I was kiting and running for my life. Even managed to level. But Hepsa the thief got her butt handed to me by the wolves who were mad I had snuck in earlier and took Mellencamp home.

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Dogdancing, I am proud of you for taking a stab at solo no-reload play. It took me at least 12 tries (maybe more) before I finally got my first BG 1 success. But if you had fun, then that's what counts.


Kiting a wolf can be difficult, but low level thief doesn't want to melee a wolf (no critical hit protection) - the ideal way to deal with them is turn a corner, hide then backstab and repeat.

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Condolences, Dogdancing.


I stay the rock away from the wolves until I've gained a few levels. Wolves are strong. And they're fast. And they're only worth 65 XP. That makes them poor early game targets. If I see a wolf while stealthed, I slip by. If a wolf sees me, I run.


If I felt compelled to kill a wolf with a thief in the early game, I'd use the Wand of Sleep.


Good luck with your next attempt, Dogdancing!





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@Dogdancing: Alesia_BH gave good tips, but she didn't tell you where you would actually get a wand of sleep (I doubt Dogdancing knows) - you get from the High Hedge mage, Thalantyr. Price depends a bit on reputation and CHA, but think you need at least 1000 gold for that - that is very helpful for a thief, I have used it before for that. Need 9 INT to use too, in EasyTutu/BG 2 engines...

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Yuppers. Thanks for filling in the details Corey!





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Another failed attempt here: basically I discovered that PfPetrifcation as per the green scroll lasts 6 hours instead of the 12 the scroll itself explicitly mentions. I wonder if the game is telling me something: come Blackraven go dedicate yourself to other things... :(


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Sorry to hear that, Blackraven.


We love having you hear so we hope you'll stay.


If you do decide to try again, here is my advice. Simplify your install: go with a setup that you know. Then, just play. And when I say play I mean play like a child: with total immersion and wide-eyed amazement. Be fully present. Don't rush. Don't press. Don't think about success or failure. Just be there with your character. Connect with your character. Be your character. Step into the world.


I think you are focusing too much on the goal and too little on the journey. I think you think that you should have made it by now and you are frustrated that you haven't. And now you feel a need to get it done -to have it done. That's preventing you from centering yourself in the action. It's leading to mistakes. When you're in Nashkel you feel like you should be in Amkethran. But you can't be in two places at once. The ground slips away beneath you.


Anyhoo. That's just my read from way far away based on limited info. I may be totally off the mark. I hope you'll keep playing though, Blackraven.


Good hunting!



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Thank you Alesia, your assessment is pretty on target. I don't feel I should have completed a no-reload trilogy by now (though that would be pretty cool), but I do wish I were able to fairly reliably reach late SoA or ToB, which would make the prospect of a trilogy success a bit more realistic. I won't complete the trilogy in the near future becasue I don't know ToB well enough. I'll probably keep trying now that I have the time. Sooner or later my RL will make me move on anyway.

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Grats Gate, Blackraven, and Alesia! Even making it through the first game seems like a pretty big hurdle.


Sorry dogdancing. I'm on my second run through (last one was years ago) and it's definitely a challenge. 


Dyara: That Tarnesh fight nearly did go badly wrong. Only the extra HP from the berserker rage saved me. It's been a long time since I played BG1 and I severely underestimated that fight. I learned my lesson though I think...trying to be more careful. :)



For my own update, Dante made it through the Coast Way on his second attempt. Another area with a couple close calls. Apparently I taste like candy to direwolves but I survived to head on to Beregost.


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Dylan {8} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 1)
I restarted Dylan again yesterday.  As usual he was trying to avoid damage initially and used up 4 invisibility potions to avoid being attacked during area transition ambushes.
He had cleared just about all his intended areas, other than basilisks and sirines, when he encountered a bit more bad luck in the revenant's tomb.  He had just grabbed the potions there and was about to run back near the doorway before allowing the revenant to talk to him when a bat jumped in front of him, causing him to move backwards into talking range of the revenant.  He would have had time to use an invisibility potion there as well, but I had been surprised by being put into that situation and didn't react quickly enough - a drain life attack from the revenant then did the damage.
Luckily Dylan saved against the hold effect of the attack and got his revenge by dragging the revenant over close to the exit in order to use stealth attacks.
His reputation is up at 20 and he'll be doing some shopping shortly before continuing on with his adventures, looking to make quick (but safe) progress into BG2.


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Dylan {8} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 2)
It was too hot today to play games, but I tried anyway - the result was a series of mistakes and Dylan nearly paid the price at the Bandit Camp.  However, he lives to fight another day. 
He started off by taking quite a few swings at the doomsayer, but only connected once before deciding killing it was too much hassle.  He took an easier route with the battle horrors at Durlag's Tower - using the Necklace of Missiles on them.
At the basilisk area Korax performed above and beyond the call of duty.  As expected he took care of Mutamin, but then successfully paralysed all 4 of Kirian's party
- none of them recovered, meaning Dylan's first pre-laid traps of his run were wasted and no fireballs were needed.
At the Nashkel mine Dylan went straight for Mulahey.  Some traps thinned out his support troops before stealth attacks finished off the cleric.  
I then forgot to pick up the letters so had to go back again!
Nimbul had a number of potions of invisibility, but didn't have a weapon he could backstab with and eventually lost out to stealth attacks.
A couple of traps were then enough to scare Tranzig and he didn't recover.
At the Bandit Camp Dylan found he only had 1 charge of his Necklace left and deciding to fight anyway nearly cost him when he was hit twice in quick succession - only having used LMD keeping him alive here.  
He left the tent invisibly in order to rest and heal, but found some more intruders arriving to spoil the party.  He was trying to finish off the last couple of original occupants of the tent, but when Molkar's crew followed him in he decided to just take the contents of the chest and run for it.
Back in Beregost he was looking for a house to burgle in order to reduce his reputation when Lamalha turned up.  He was able to run away and hide, but then I made a mistake by resting in order to throw the attackers off the scent.  That resulted in Dylan getting an unwanted slow poison and didn't work anyway
- so he just went invisible and left them to their own devices.
After belatedly reducing reputation he then went to the coast to hunt sirines - they mainly died in traps.  Shooting down some golems was then just enough to get him to level 9.
He got a welcome maximum 8 HPs for that, but throws up to then had been miserable and his current 47 HPs is still 5 below average.

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Another failed attempt here: basically I discovered that PfPetrifcation as per the green scroll lasts 6 hours instead of the 12 the scroll itself explicitly mentions. I wonder if the game is telling me something: come Blackraven go dedicate yourself to other things... :(

@Blackraven: Sorry to hear of the demise of your PC. Just as a point of reference, in my EasyTutu install, the scroll does in fact last 12 hours (game time) - so you got a mod that changes it. For what it's worth, I think Alesia_BH is on to something - you need to know your install, and if there's too much to know, it should be simplified.

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