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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Quad multiplayer attempt 5.
Session 7(a)
Strofe, Corheal, Brazi and Wewa have spent a pleasant week mingling with the Coronation attendees, but the atmosphere suddenly takes a turn for the worse.
Strofe is silently thinking this looks bad, with Brazil being buffeted around (multiplayer  characters are easily bumped by enemies), but the party pull together and make their experience count against the greater doppelgangers.
Sarevok takes a couple of bites out of Strofe's studded armour and teleports away. Duke Belt doesn't even look at the bloodied remains of Liia, merely sending the adventurers after Sarevok. They arrive in the Thieves Guild and take the opportunity to purchase missiles and potions before heading down into the Thieves Maze. Corheal uses his boots of speed to greet every enemy as Strofe circles them to practice his backstabs. Brazil and Wewa join in whenever they can catch up, Brazil taking the lead against a second Doom Guard.
Two Skeleton Warriors are pulled away from snares and hacked into pieces so Wewa can focus on the deadly traps. She clears three more towards the end of the maze and safe entry into the Undercity ensues. Strofe sights Rahvin and his gang, allowing Corheal to send in a stream of summons while Brazil casts Entangle. The enemy attention is divided and Strofe starts a series of backstab runs as Corheal draws a few survivors towards the rest of the party and an emphatic victory is never in doubt.
A final rest before entering the Temple of Bhaal. Wewa deals with two more snares, completing a remarkable run of de-trappery that may, or may not, be continued elsewhere. Corheal has summoned a group of skeletons and performed a few minor buffs.
Strofe fires an Arrow of Dispelling at Sarevok but misses.
The stats indicate this was a low-scoring session.
(6 doppelgangers, ~8 blobs, 2 Doom Guards, 2 Skeleton Warriors, Rahvin +5 of whom a few might not have been accounted for by the party, Sarevok who won't be counted).
Gate70: Strofe, Elven Stalker 7. 271 kills (+11), Davaeorn.
Corey Russell: Corheal, Halfling Priest of Lathander 8. 83 kills (+1), Tazok. 1 death.
Grond0: Brazil, Half-Elf Fighter 6 / Druid 7. 191 kills (+7), Greater Basilisk. 1 death.
Dogdancing: Wewa, Elven Thief 8. 42 kills (+1), Greater Basilisk. 1 death.

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Wrecking Crew {13} - dwarf fighters (update 1)
I thought I would have another go with a party of all dwarven fighters.  I'm still using the same SCS installation as with recent swashbucklers and haven't run a Crew through that before, so spent a while re-rolling party members.
To save money only one of the party bought armour in Candlekeep and that proved costly when I absent-mindedly used the wrong character to run round some hobgoblin archers early on - Bugsy died.
There were no further alarms on the way down from Beregost to Nashkel, although I rested on arrival there without thinking about it and got LMD as a Bhaal power, which wouldn't have been my choice with this party.  Everyone has just got their first level courtesy of Greywolf - he was kind enough not to take his oil of speed until he had already drunk a potion of freedom!
The members of Al's gang are as follows:
Al - L2, 23 HPs, 16 kills, **** longbow
Carlo - L2, 28 HPs, 12 kills, 0 deaths, ** flail / ** sling
Baby Face - L2, 25 HPs, 11 kills, 0 deaths, ** 2-handed sword / ** crossbow
Bugsy - L2, 23 HPs, 9 kills, 1 death, ** katana / ** dart
Vito - L2, 28 HPs, 15 kills, 0 deaths, ** halberd / ** shortbow
Mad Dog - L2, 21 HPs, 16 kills, 0 deaths, **** axe

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Best of luck with your Wrecking Crew, Grond0. You and your Wrecking Crew are like me and my all paladin groups...


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Best of luck with the new Wrecking Crew, Grond0!


It will fun to watch Al's team plow through SCS in parallel to Aphril's. They're almost exact opposites.






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Wrecking Crew {13} - dwarf fighters (update 2)
Thanks Corey and Alesia - so far, so good.
Exploring areas in the south-east, the Crew discovered large numbers of winter wolves and cave bears.  The easy XP associated with those got everyone to level 3 before they picked Samuel up and safely returned him to the FAI.
Next they worked their way through the Cloud Peaks - Carlo normally tanking and the others normally shooting.  Armour upgrades acquired there meant everyone was able to equip at least splint. They got to level 4 there.  After a trip back to Nashkel to heal (no healing potions used to date) and resupply ammunition they were ambushed on the way back by an ogre mage.  His 3 sleeps could have been nasty in a relatively confined space, but in each case quick movement after the spell was cast meant that only 1 character was targeted (and 2 of those saved).
The only time when someone nearly died was another instance of natural lightning.  
I referred to that in one of Dylan's runs - this time I found my typical pattern that resting was possible within a few seconds of the strike.  
After going to rest after that the gang took down the xvart village - they maintained separation to guard against Borda's spells, but he failed to complete any offensive ones anyway.  
The equipment gained there also means that everyone has a magic weapon available - although only a couple they are proficient in.
Al - L4, 45 HPs, 112 kills, ***** longbow
Carlo - L4, 51 HPs, 73 kills, 0 deaths, *** flail / ** sling
Baby Face - L4, 47 HPs, 74 kills, 0 deaths, *** 2-handed sword / ** crossbow
Bugsy - L4, 43 HPs, 42 kills, 1 death, *** katana / ** dart
Vito - L4, 42 HPs, 84 kills, 0 deaths, *** halberd / ** shortbow
Mad Dog - L4, 40 HPs, 71 kills, 0 deaths, ***** axe

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Great portraits Grond0. GL.

My new aspirant, Abaddon, the Blackguard (kit is my own homebrew; hope it's decent enough. I made his iconic aura work as an aura, not an innate, unlike in PnP I decided to drop the backstab and grant him some innate spells instead.)



He will be using in-game NPCs to form a party.

Weidu is my standard Revisions/Asc/Refinements/SCS.


As so far, he teamed up with Imoen, took care of some Undead and Beregost stuff to get them both to level 2



Ankhegs part 1 for level 3 (with help from Defence potion)



Proving even Blackguards can be kind for level 4



Back to evil ways for Ring of Free Action



From there, slay some Vampiric Wolves for nice XP



Team up with Viconia



And kill Tarnesh with her help (Silence).



Returning the boots, wine and spider granted Abaddon & Imoen level 5.

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Abaddon, 2nd BG1 update


Adopted Edwin, cleared out south parts of the map. Killed Dyndaheir. Felt good, as always. Raised Charisma to 19.



Now we travel to Durlags, killing any opposition on the way.



Edwin died there to Horrors, but we raised him again; I don't want him to loose out on XP. Abaddon and Imoen gained level 6 there; Imoen dualed to mage. She's lacking few points in trap detection, but she'll be fine.



Left Durlag's without bothering with guardians.

Now it's time to get Imoen's thief level back. It's a long way, but some XP managment can make it a bit shorter. First, basilisk infestation. I buff Jaheira with whatever nice buffs I had, give her 8 poison arrows found in Durlag and she goes hunting under scroll protection.



Mutamin saved vs all poison arrows, apart the last one which actually killed him. :P



Jaheira had no trouble clearing out the rest of the area from the basilisks. With them gone, we attack Kirian's gang.  Web held two of them, but Kirian herself went straight for my mages.



Viccy hits her with Hold and she's done for.



Edwin tosses another Web to prevent any kind of movement, and we clear them out.



I sell a lot of stuff now, visit Ulgoth's and buy whatever I need (Greenstone + Invisibility ring) and go Siren hunting. I didn't bother myself with Shoal's ogre, instead my skeleton army killed Shoal quickly.



Did Bassiluss. Silence was the key, followed my Magic Missiles + Wand of Lighting attacks.



More Sirens + Golems...



Returned to get reward for Bassil. Buffed; summoned skeletons, sent everyone not charm-immune outside. Attacked the priest - he turned my skeletons to pile of bones instantly, did hefty damage with Smite, but died quickly.





This deed alone gave use approx 12K XP. :)  Killing Hurgan an additional 5K, + some lovely loot to sell. Life is good.


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Killing Hurgan an additional 5K, + some lovely loot to sell. Life is good.


But for some a bit too short it seems :P.  Good to see a blackguard playing to his strengths ...

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Wrecking Crew {13} - dwarf fighters (update 3)
The Crew worked their way through a few more areas.  Once more they were hit by lightning - and once again were able to rest within a few seconds of the initial strike.  
With Al already damaged by that lightning I didn't want to give Jemby any chance of getting a spell off.  
In the same area they were able to outlast the Doomsayer
and run Brage around long enough to recover Laryssa's shield - everyone getting to level 5 there.
Bassilus was another victim to be quietly surrounded and then fail to cast a spell under the weight of fire.  
Taking Melicamp back to High Hedge (to get a free chicken dinner) they killed the golems for XP before introducing themselves to Thalantyr.
Finishing off the remaining encounters in Beregost Silke discovered that even the combination of mirror image and stoneskin didn't protect her for long enough to cast further spells.
With reputation up to 20 they indulged in some shopping in the town, including full plate mail, a couple of suits of plate armour (meaning everyone now has that as a minimum), light crossbow of speed, composite bow +1 and axe +1.
After handing in Bassilus' holy symbol the gang cleared the temple area - Carlo saving against one bite from a vampiric wolf.
At the Nashkel Carnival they bought the Necklace of Missiles and various green scrolls before moving on to the Valley of the tombs to finish off the southern areas.  The Revenant was the first victim there, before another natural lightning strike hit Al.  To protect himself from a follow-up hit he cast LMD as the Crew were fighting skeletons and couldn't rest.  Another lightning bolt hit a skeleton before the fight was finished and, once more, the party was able to rest after a second or so.  
After healing up in Nashkel they returned to sort Narcillicus and his jellies out.  Once more they got caught in a lightning storm and this time it appeared that it was the second bolt of lightning that killed the second jelly - as usual, with no enemies left, they were then able to rest after a few seconds.  
That's at least 4 if not 5 occasions in this run where I've been able to rest immediately after lightning has struck (once all enemies are dead) - so I continue to be very sceptical about the idea that resting is impossible just because a lightning storm is active.
Finally getting around to the basilisks, the gang cut through them like a knife through butter - on a particularly hot day.  Mutamin couldn't catch up to Carlo to talk to him - he just had to be careful to keep between the mage's pets and the others.  
To make sure that the 2 casters didn't cause a problem Korax was recruited for them.  
Clearing the remainder of the area then got everyone to level 6.  A good set of HP rolls there brought the gang up to only fractionally below average overall after a poor start.  In addition it's useful that Carlo (as the tank) is the one with easily the highest HP rolls and it's good that Al is the other one who's above average.
Al - L6, 72 HPs, 219 kills, ***** longbow / * long sword
Carlo - L6, 80 HPs, 134 kills, 0 deaths, **** flail / ** sling
Baby Face - L6, 64 HPs, 147 kills, 0 deaths, **** 2-handed sword / ** crossbow
Bugsy - L6, 65 HPs, 90 kills, 1 death, **** katana / ** dart
Vito - L6, 64 HPs, 162 kills, 0 deaths, **** halberd / ** shortbow
Mad Dog - L6, 59 HPs, 133 kills, 0 deaths, ***** axe / * 2-weapon

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Does anyone else see lightning bolts as often as Grond0 does?


They seem oddly frequent in your games, Grond0.






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Good luck with Abbadon, Aasim.






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euhh... that sounded a bit weird :S, I meant to say I'm happy with your playthrough! Dont underestimate demons please!



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Before I forget - congrats Golden28. Lovely write-up with Ascension finale, I'm glad Eren made it through. (Ofc, I'm very  happy so many NPCs got chunked in the process- that brings drama to the table. :D )

Conviniently, I've also had a chunk after using Ressurection Rod once (with IR, it does heal as well as ressurect, but with a delay. This was enough that Slayer Irenici chunks Edwin in Hell). Lesson learned.

Thanks all for good whishes; I have a lot of catching up to do.

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Abaddon, 3rd BG1 update


Returning to main plot saw the end of Mulahey



Amazons above ground - Blight + poison attacks



Nimbul get paralyzation wand, as always. He's can be very annoying with his uber missile AC, but held condition remidies that.



Tranzig - invisibility, poison, done.



Bandit camp was a head-on assault, backed up by 3 jars of flaing oil + Wand of Fire; in addition to two Blights and Call Lighting spells. Massive carnage was ensured.





Taugosz was a bit late for party, hence gets paralysis wand.



We finish with cold steel and some low-level AoE like Glyph/Fire trap.



Helped Aldeth vs Druids, if only since the ring they carry allows Jaheira to memorized +1 spell per level. 



Cleared Cloakwood. I have no use of Spider's Bane, but XP there is nice.



Left the druids be, and made my way to the mines. The plan was to attack the group there with invisibility+poison, but unfortunately that didn't kill one of the mages instantly. Instead, they both fire up their buffs, and the one I hit healed himself with a potion. Bleh..I hate this fight.



Wand was immediately put to good use, paralyzing Rezdan.



Unfortunately, he got stuck in an "odd" place - nobody could actually hit him! Wtf...

Sigh..we simply attack with what we have - skeletons, Blights.

Drasus dies.



Things got a bit rough with numerous summons on the field...big healing potionswere used to keep Abaddon safe.



Rezdan eventually regains his movement capability, and decides to throw a Skull Trap, with little regard for anyone's safety, including his own. He dies, Ogres are badly wounded. Fantasticly idiotic move; but I'm not complaining! :D



Kysus gets one more Wand strike, gets held, and it was done.



As per Davaeorn, Pro Magic was used on Abaddon. He killed both his Horrors himself with Fireburst spells. :)



Since our THAC0 is fairly poor, Viccy decides to put some of her spells to good use - dominating the mage. Let's see what spells he still has...






I make him cast the spell onto himself.



He dies in the following three seconds.



BG city is next.

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Nice work, Aasim- especially at the Bandit Camp.






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Thanks Alesia.

Abaddon, 4th BG2 update


I won't waste time describing BG city exploits - it's a fairly straightforward walk through the city, only to snatch the documents under the cover of invisibility, and return to Candlkeep. Since Jaheira was (fairly) close to hitting level 7 I fought every opponent in the catacombs & caves beneath the castle. We had a bit of a rough time vs Prat (nothing dangerous, only lasted a while); only to have him use Invisibility and wonder off. It's very annoying when this happens.



Back in the city, we have fairly brief discussion with Slythe who explodes in a heap of flesh quickly (Pro Magic scroll used on Abaddon)



Krystin was very resiliant, making numerous saves (4 at least!) vs Paralyzation wand. I expended the first one completely, but the second one got her on first cast  - we finish her off with ranged weapons and travel to ceremony.



Dopes were fairly easy. With Oils of speed & Edwin's magic, we plunged through them quickly. Luckily, no dope escaped through doors.









Mage survived a while, but after Edwin hit him with an Acid Arrow he fell down, and Belt gave his speech. Both him an Liia survived.



Still in search for Jaheira's level 7 (not as a fighter, but level 7 druid can cast Ice Storm), we kill every little thing that moves from maze onward.

Imp.Invis + Pro Magic scroll + Detonation Arrows saw the end of Iron Throne leftovers.



And Silence + spells saw the end of Tamoko. 



Killing various undead in the area finally pushed Jaheira to level  7.



I have her memorize 2x Ice Storm (she wears a ring that grants +1 slot per levels 1-4), rest, and enter the final chamber.

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Abaddon, final BG1 update


I don't really buff here. I do turn Imoen invisible and have her scout for traps that ended my last no-reload. Cool, she finds a few. Can't disarm? Wtf?



So now I need to trigger those...meh.

I use Pro Magic on Abaddon and sent him trap-triggering. Some (arrows) bypassed the protection, others didn't. I was happy to see that lightning traps didn't, and they had no horrible bounces. We also managed to lure the Horrors to us, w/o triggering Sarevok himself. In between their missile immunity and our poor THAC0, Skull Traps seemed to be the best option to deal with them.



With them gone (I killed three) I trigger the main event, and turn invisible.



We're all invisible still. Viccy removes their invisibilities.



I summon some crap, send it to them, and flap my Ice Storms and launch a Cloudkill from a scroll.



This didn't really kill anyone (or did anything much) but Sarevok got very close to us. I decided to change positions, but this made Angelo use his invis.purge. 



He did debuff Edwin, hit him with Flame Arrow (big healing potion used asap), and finally succumbed to 3rd Hold attempt, surviving two Mental Dominations as well. We chop him up.



Semaj ventures in, charms Imoen - Viccy de-charms her just as Hold takes effect again.



Now it's straightforward, summons + ranged weapons.

Unless those damn traps trigger again...sigh. Imoen barely survived. I hate this battle. :(



After four Wand summon castings, numerous Acid arrows, Lighting crossbow bolts & Magic Missiles, Sarevok finally dies. 



Abaddon will be entering BG2 part today.

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Doublepost- :P

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Wrecking Crew {13} - dwarf fighters (update 4)
At the Lighthouse Sil managed to successfully charm one of the gang for the first time - but only as she died.  
The golems in the pirate cave were just shot down with +1 arrows.  Carlo took the tome from there to give him the opportunity to regenerate.
Further up the coast Vito (as the only personable gang member) took one for the team against Shoal.  Ogre Droth caused minimal trouble
before Shoal was chopped down without even asking for a reward.  After going back to Beregost to rest and heal they returned to clear the remainder of the area with no problems.
Heading north Carlo led the way as usual and wasn't hit at all as the Crew cleared away their full quota of ankhegs.  In the next area they helped Tenya (into the afterlife)
before sorting out a zombie problem on the way to Ulgoth's Beard.  They'll be going back there, so left Dushai alone and just contented themselves with purchasing a cloak and an amulet (they didn't have quite enough money for the invisibility ring).
Deciding it was time to get on with the main quest the gang journeyed back south to the Nashkel Mine - ploughing through their first full bandit ambush on the way.  They had no problems clearing out the multitude of kobolds - the shaman lasted just long enough to cast horror, but Carlo saved anyway.  Carlo was tasked to occupy Mulahey, but was held immediately, meaning the others needed to work quickly to finish off archers targeting him before he was killed.  
Resting after that gave Al CLW, which means it won't normally be necessary to go back to town to heal any more.
Back in Nashkel Nimbul's buffs and missile resistance kept him going longer than any previous caster, but he didn't appear to have any decent attacking spells and caused no damage.
Tranzig did a bit better, slowing 4 of the Crew and scaring 1, but was still not good enough.
Rather than go straight to the Bandit Camp the Crew did a bit more adventuring to try and get up to level 7.  They ticked off Peldvale, but left Larswood for now in order to get invited to the Camp to have a go at Tazok. Arriving at Gullykin they then found someone had set an ambush.  Baby Face was charmed early on and then Carlo held - forcing Bugsy to join in melee to distract his attackers.  Mad Dog was also losing a melee contest with Molkar and had to run him round while Vito and Al shot up the attackers (using arrows of biting for the first time).  
They cleared the remainder of Gullykin without incident - including preventing Jenkal from making a getaway.
Before going to tackle the Red Wizards they returned to Ulgoth's Beard to buy the invisibility ring and used that to neutralise the web traps in that area.  They only just killed all of one large group of spiders in time to rest and prevent Bugsy from dying of poison.  
I was rather wary of 4 SCS wizards casting at once and made use of fireballs for the first time - 3 potions and a Necklace charge killing 3 of the wizards before missiles finished off Denak.
Looking for some more quick XP the Crew ventured to Durlag's Tower.  Battle horrors and dopplegangers outside the tower were easy meat, as were some ghasts inside.  For the basilisk outside Al used a potion of mirrored eyes to protect himself.  I was concerned though that he might not kill the basilisk quickly enough and the others came out afterwards - Vito was petrified, but a scroll quickly put him back to rights.  
On the roof Al used another potion while shooting the first greater basilisk with poisoned arrows (from the kobold chieftain in the Nashkel Mine).  He had two more potions, but wanted to keep one for emergencies, so everyone joined in for the last 2 basilisks - using their best ammunition.  Both died very quickly, before even attempting to switch targets.
The trap inside could have been deadly to Vito even after one CLW, so the gang rested on the roof (at the second attempt) before going back inside.  After plenty more rests they were ready to progress up the Tower.  They spaced themselves out for Daital to reduce the impact of stinking clouds and teleport fields before eventually pressing home the attack.  
While resting up after that combat some skeleton ambushers took the last of them up to level 7
- a right load of rubbish there with everyone getting below average rolls.
Al - L7, 82 HPs, 340 kills, ***** longbow / * long sword
Carlo - L7, 88 HPs, 215 kills, 0 deaths, **** flail / ** sling
Baby Face - L7, 61 HPs (-14 from Claw), 275 kills, 0 deaths, **** 2-handed sword / ** crossbow
Bugsy - L7, 74 HPs, 150 kills, 1 death, **** katana / ** dart
Vito - L7, 70 HPs, 259 kills, 1 death, **** halberd / ** shortbow
Mad Dog - L7, 69 HPs, 182 kills, 0 deaths, ***** axe / * 2-weapon


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Well done Aasim - keep the poison going in BG2 (you might like to try poisoning an exploding arrow or two :sick:).

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Aasim, I don't know if this is of any help, but I don't even deal with the traps in the Temple of Bhaal (Sarevok fight) at all - if you creep on the right or left side of the skull image, being careful not to go to close to the walls either, you can pull the enemies to you without triggering any traps. I then usually fight near the entrance, without worrying about traps.

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Aasim, I don't know if this is of any help, but I don't even deal with the traps in the Temple of Bhaal (Sarevok fight) at all - if you creep on the right or left side of the skull image, being careful not to go to close to the walls either, you can pull the enemies to you without triggering any traps. I then usually fight near the entrance, without worrying about traps.

Got it, thanks. I really have very little experience with un-modified version. I don't like it.



Well done Aasim - keep the poison going in BG2 (you might like to try poisoning an exploding arrow or two :sick:).

Heh..we'll see. (Greater) Deathblow HLA + Detonations could be fun.

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Grimwald the Wise

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Does anyone else see lightning bolts as often as Grond0 does?


They seem oddly frequent in your games, Grond0.






I get them, but am not fast enough to get a screenshot. :(


In a recent game, I had several one after the other. :(


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I get them, but am not fast enough to get a screenshot. :(


In a recent game, I had several one after the other. :(

I get them regularly too - but since I am either vanilla or easytutu, I take no damage, so rather meaningless unless I want a pretty picture. : )

Grimwald the Wise

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Aasim, I don't know if this is of any help, but I don't even deal with the traps in the Temple of Bhaal (Sarevok fight) at all - if you creep on the right or left side of the skull image, being careful not to go to close to the walls either, you can pull the enemies to you without triggering any traps. I then usually fight near the entrance, without worrying about traps.


I do the same.


In one game a long time ago, I was playing a solo non-violent game. (wasn't allowed to kill anyone) I thought that I would be forced to kill Sarevok. However, just weakened him with fists and a combination of a trap and an arrow of explosions was enough to kill him so when I finished BG1 I had NO deaths to my name. The installation did not require killing all the bad guys in the final battle.

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