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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Congrats Alesia, Blackraven.

Condolences Dogdancing, Blackraven for SoA. Kaxir got "Nebbed" in Amn when I tried doing things in a different order, so I'm in the same boat.

Not sure whether to do kensai, blackguard or something different when time next allows.


As I'd worked out a way to redo the final BG:EE fight I'd re-done that beforehand and written it up so might as well post it.


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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 81 - (update 3)

Drizzl, human blackguard (Grond0) & Mhae, human cavalier (Gate70)


Today's session saw the pals closing in on the end game.  They started off in the Cloakwood with an early problem when Drizzl remarked it was odd that a web trap hadn't triggered.  Of course when he came in sight of a spider and went back over it, it did so.  Drizzl was briefly poisoned, but with Mhae out of the web to kill the attacking spider there wasn't much danger.  


Roles were reversed for the next trap after pulling 4 of the 5 ettercaps away one at a time.  The last ettercap had even less chance than the spider earlier thanks to Mhae's immunity to poison.


That also came in handy to allow her to lead the way into Centeol's lair and clear that.


Moving on to the Cloakwood Mine Genthore was pulled away.  Kysus followed, but died from arrow fire before casting


- and the same fate befell Rezdan.  Drasus did rather better, but ultimately not well enough!  


After minimal fighting on the way through the mine Mhae pulled back the battle horrors near Davaeorn one at a time.  They didn't like her combination of plate armour and belt and failed to hit at all.  A single potion of magic blocking then allowed Mhae to confront Davaeorn.



Arriving in the City at last the duo quickly did the poison quest, even though neither the bow or wisdom tome were really needed.  For Marek Drizzl passed over his plate armour to anchor Mhae in place, but that precaution proved unnecessary when Marek immediately suffered a poison overload.  


Ramazith went the same way, although Drizzl had a nasty moment when thinking that Mhae had gone up the tower after the ghasts - actually she was just hiding under the Cloak of Displacement.  Drizzl briefly ran round, but couldn't escape and activated the Greenstone Amulet while waiting for Mhae to clear the enemies using Spiders' Bane.  In the same area Jardak was turning green (though not with envy) even before Mhae chopped his head off to provide one helm upgrade


and Mhae picked up the Helm of Balduran to complete the set.  The luxury of having 2 plate armoured fighters also allowed them to defeat Degrodel's guards comfortably on the way to getting the Cloak of Balduran.


The final action of the session was less successful when Vay-ya managed to get a chaos off against Mhae.  That didn't work too well for her as Mhae cut her down very quickly anyway - so quickly in fact that Drizzl hadn't had time to get into melee range after starting off using her bow.  This time Mhae had not been weighted down and a hop and a skip and a slash allowed her to put paid to an innocent bystander and bring the duo's reputation down to something slightly more reasonable for a blackguard!




Drizzl, blackguard 7, 77 HPs, 201 kills

Mhae, cavalier 7, 81 HPs (incl. 5 from Helm), 123 kills, 1 death


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Another update on Dante. Made it to Beregost but only explored part of it. After the numerous close calls, I didn't feel like pushing my luck against the town's assassins. I'll get them on the way back from the Mines.


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Finding it hard to find a good place to ask about this.  See I've got the Baldur's Gate 4 in 1 box set, and playing through it as a paladin.  I just now came across my 1st undead creatures: skeletons, only to find the "turn undead" ability doesn't work, no matter what I do.  is there any fix?  Why doesn't it work?  The button is faded in and out of battle...


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Dagny, Gnome Cleric/Illusionist (1st & final BG1 update)

I keep on alternating between Gnome Cleric/Thieves and Cleric/Illusionists. After Terra's misadventure with the Tactics bandits in the Athkatla Bridge District, it was time for Dagny.

This post is on my second run though BG1 with her. The first time she got petrified in the Basilisk area when her green PfPetrification scroll expired after six hours (rather than the twelve hours mentioned in the scroll description). I don't normally recycle characters, but I felt Dagny deserved better than an early demise due to an item not functioning the way it should.
My first attempt saw Dagny travel with Imoen, and contemplate recruiting more companions. The current one on the other hand is a strict solo run (of BG1 at least).


Dagny traveled via High Hedge to Beregost to slay four Huge Spiders, appease Marl, receive a Ring of Protection +1 from Mirianne, and give Firebead Elvenhair a book. She then traveled north to the FAI, killing a Rogue Ogre on her way, and returned Joia's flamedance ring to its owner, brought Landrin her belongings from Beregost, and slew Tarnesh after Silencing him. In Ankheg-ridden lands Further north, she stripped almost naked near the monsters' lair so that a DUHM would allow her to haul back Brun's son and some treasure. In the vicinity, she retrieved a bowl from three murderous fishermen for a girl named Tenya. 

The Gnome then headed south again, to help Thalantyr restore Melicamp, but the wizard failed. Charleston Nib and Captain Brage were grateful sources of XP, as were Greywolf and Prism. It was a good thing though that Blindness lasts 10 turns, because Dagny took ages in felling the aforementioned bounty hunter. Neira was next, slain after a successful Hold Person.
Dagny found Bassilus in the Red Canyons. She successfully Silenced and Held him, but as with Greywolf, took a very long in finishing the priest. She had to rely on Blindness again when the Hold effect wore off and a second Hold Person was saved against.
Bjornin's Half-Ogres were put to Sleep and easily finished off for the Medium Shield +1, and Meilum was Blinded and slain for the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise. Again, this took Dagny quite a long time. She was relieved that the swordsman never wandered off toward the dozens of Kobolds that weren't far away.
The Wand of Fire was used against Durlag's Tower's Battle Horrors.
In the Cloudpeaks Rufie was found, Sendai was Held and killed (Delgod and and Alexander ignored), Krumm and Caldo were also Held and slain, Drienne's dead cat returned to the girl, and a duel with a Gnoll won. 

Skeletons that had recently become available, helped Dagny overcome Gnarl and Hairtooth, and pave the way toward the CHA tome. 

Friends (the spell) and a stellar reputation enabled Dagny to purchase the Robe of the Neutral Archmagi, a number of scrolls she would scribe using some of Gellana's potions to concentrate, a Cloak of Deflection, and a Helmet of Charm Protection. A rabbit familiar named Murphy, disarmed a number of traps in Black Alaric's treasure cave, allowing Dagny to loot the place and invest the proceeds in a Wands of Heavens and Fire (i.e. a second one) and a Greenstone Amulet. (I reduced Dagny's HP increase to 6 in Shadowkeeper after Murphy had been summoned). Ardouine and the Worgs, Mutamin and his Basilisks, and (some) Ankhegs allowed to reach lvl 6/6. Korax and Skeletons did all the work in Mutamin's garden,

while Sleep and Skellies were instrumental in dealing with the Ankhegs.


Nashkel Mines; Bounty hunters

The Find Traps priest spell, Murphy's disarm traps skill, and Wand of Fire blasts, helped Dagny reach Mulahey's lair.

Mulahey fell after he was Silenced and Held;
his minions were roasted.

The Undead tombs were raided under Sanctuary. My usual Nimbul strategy (leaving him to the guards so he won't quaff his invisibility potions) failed when he panicked and entered the Nashkel Inn. Dagny barely escaped a surprise Stinking Cloud and had to rely on a Minor Spell Deflection to safeguard her from a Horror before she could finish the assassin.

A potion bag was found in Jenkal's hobbit home. Molkar & Co tracked Dagny down at the FAI where the guards could attack Drakar and Halacan withotut them fighting back, while Dagny took care of Molkar and Morvin using her Wand of Fire.
Durlag's WIS tome was secured. Arghain and Ioin Gallchobhair were slain (Dagny was low on gold and wanted to buy some potions before continuing her quest; I really notice the difference between playing with and without a Bag of Holding).

Lamalha & Co. ambushe Dagny in Beregost after she had restedat Feldepost's. She separated the bounty hunters after she suffered a painful backstab from Maneira.

Flame Arrows were used, the Wand of Fire's Aganazzar Scorcher's function, Blindness, and MSD to prevail over the four amazons. 


Bandit Camp

Dagny infiltrated via Raiken, befriended Tazok, took some loot, and entered Tazok's tent Sanctuaried. There she buffed with potion of defense + oil of speed (and according to a portrait icon, also something that protects against fear, don't remember this though). She paralyzed Venkt with a Wand of Paralyzation she had found in Black Alaric's cave, and fried most of the others with her Wand of Fire. A few surviving bandits, including Venkt, were taken out in melee combat or with sling bullets.

Taugosz and the other bandits outside were left in peace.



After some shopping for potions, Dagny traveled to Cloakwood. Other then looting Centeol's den under Sanctuary the Gnome didn't do anything to make her presence noted, which was easy with three Invisibilities memorized.
At the mine entrance, Drasus and Co. gave Dagny a nasty surprise when they came to the aid of two guards she was scorching with her wand.

Hasted Dagny retreated and buffed with MSD and Shield. Both Rezdan and Kysus had Remove Magics for her, and they rapidly depleted her MSD protection with their spells,
so she ended up consuming potions of magic protection and an oil of speed to stay in control. Fortunately for her, Drasus's Boots of Speed made him the only one to keep up with her when she retreated again to cast Invisibility and maybe summon some Skeletons somewhere. The Gnome paralyzed her foe with her wand,
and finished him. She then went Invisible and snuck past the others.

Dagny didn't rest because she didnt have many anti-magic potions at her disposal. She decided to rush through the mines invisibly (stopping only to arrange the miners' escape), straight to Davaeorn. The Battle Horrors were pretty much unkillable, immune to the Wand of Fire's fire damage, and requiring criticals to be hurt.

Davaeorn and his Battle Horrors made short work of Dagny's Skeletons, but at least the wizard wasted some of his spells on them. He also removed Dagny's buffs, but she solved that problem with her last potions of magic protecyion. Instead of patiently eating up Davaeorn's Stoneskins, Dagny availed herself once more of one of her Wands of Fire to scorch the wizard to death.


Baldur's Gate

Dagny reached the city in good order. She helped Varci Roaringhorn for the Shield of the Falling Stars, secured the Helm of Balduran and the Stat increasing tomes. Ramazith, Jalantha and Marek were all paralyzed. Resar was slain for his scroll of Fireshield Blue. He kept using a Wand of Paralyzation, even though Dagny had swigged a potion of freedom. Dagny took quite some damage due to magic damage.

Dagny's closest encounter with death was in her fight with Larze. She was Stoneskinned. She had also quaffed a potion of absorbtion for very good AC against crushing attacks. But it didn't keep the Ogre from landing hit after hit. I got very briefly distracted, only to see Dagny escape with 6 HPs.
I'm ashamed to write this down and post the screenshot, but it's the truth...

The Wand of Fire was used against the Ogre Mage and his Carrion Crawlers in the sewers, and the Silvershield Estate was looted with Knocks, all for the higher good of buying scrolls and potions and managing reputation for the Divine Wrath Bhaalpower.

In the Iron Throne building Dagny was only interested in Alai, as he carried a coveted Minor Sequencer scroll. Thankfully, after two Fireballs thrown at the acolytes, Alai followed the Gnome downstairs together with Aasim and Gardush. The others remained upstairs. She paralyzed and slew Aasim, scorched Genthore to death, and protected against Alai's spells with a potion, battled the latter in melee.




No battles were done here, but Dagny stole all the scrolls she could find in the library, and buffed against the damage the traps in the catacombs would do and looted the chests with Knock spells.

After some deliberation Dagny returned to the Cloakwood, where she protected herself against magic using a green scroll, and used her wands (Fire, Paralyzation) to kill Genthore, Rezdan, and - her true target - Kysus. The reason: I was beginning to feel enthusiastic about making Dagny form an arcane-heavy crew in BG2, and Kysus had a scroll of Fireshield Red. The scroll was secured,

and would be scribed in Baldur's Gate along with Minor Sequencer, Fireshield Blue, and Vocalize.



In the Undercellars Krystin removed some of Dagny's buffs, but previously cast Skeletons soon distracted the mage, allowing Dagny to spirit Slythe away. Dagny was PfEvil, Blurred, Mirror Imaged, Stoneskinned, and buffed with Holy Power and DUHM she stood her ground in melee combat. With the help of a few Wand of Fire scorchers, she felled the rogue.


Prior to enaging the Greater Doppelgangers at the Ducal Palace, Dagny buffed in accordance with what has become a standard procedure to me: violet potion; fortitude and agility and mind focusing to restore and buff CON and DEX; defense, power, magic protection. Four Skeletons and a Wand of Monster Summoning Dire Wolf were summoned, Protected from Evil, and Hasted. Most of the Doppelgangers were Slowed, after which Belt, the Flaming Fist and Dagny and her entourage were too much for the Doppelgangers to handle.

Both Belt and iia Janneth survived.

As usual I had my character head straight after Sarevok (even though that means several spell slots without memorized spells). Inside Sarevok's sanctum, the Wand of Monster Summoning was depleted to keep Angelo busy while his buffs had to expire, and to make him waste his most dangerous spells. A combination of melee attacks and scorchers did him in eventually.

Diarmid's arrows didn't measure up to Dagny's sling bullets.
His skeletal version was harder to deal with, when Dagny's Stoneskins had run out.
Both Semaj and Tazok fell to Fireballs,
while Sarevok succumbed to a combination of Scorchers, sling bullets, and melee attacks. The killing blow came from her trusty warhammer, the Ashideena.

Here are Dagny's character record and inventory screen, shortly before she traveled to Amn on a commission for Duke Belt.


I prepared for a SoA run with Imoen by recruiting her, dualing her as an Adventurer 7 -> Mage, and having her learn all the spells Dagny had or could buy in Baldur's Gate and Ulgoth's Beard. On the downside, I forgot to pick up both the Claw of Kazgaroth and the Golden Pantaloons.

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Grats Blackraven! I hope you can keep up the focus for Amn...

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Thank you Corey! I took your advice, and Alesia's, and did another run using the same install. The only content I'm completely unfamiliar with, are the Tactics encounters in BG2. I'm inclined to go with a party this time, to improve Dagny's chances of surviving.

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Well done Blackraven.  I have the feeling you could be on for a good run this time ...

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Thanks Grond0! Hopefully your intuition's right :)

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Finding it hard to find a good place to ask about this.  See I've got the Baldur's Gate 4 in 1 box set, and playing through it as a paladin.  I just now came across my 1st undead creatures: skeletons, only to find the "turn undead" ability doesn't work, no matter what I do.  is there any fix?  Why doesn't it work?  The button is faded in and out of battle...

You should just make a new topic for this. In my experience, AI scripts will overwrite your turn undead action. This means you need either have the character doing turn undead to not have a script, or when you want to turn undead, just click the lantern off (before clicking turn undead), so AI doesn't take effect - then the turn undead will keep active. A paladin's turn undead will be a lot weaker than a cleric's but I'm guessing you know that...

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Yes, Blackraven! Dagny is going to come far, maybe even be the one?.. :)


Dont worry about the claw, its good but there are better alternatives in the mid to lategame. Also, the pantaloons, who cares? ;)


Please keep focus, and take my advice: your companions will save you more often than not. Eren has learned this (the hard way). A party of 4 is all you need. 


Good luck, cant wait for more!



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Finding it hard to find a good place to ask about this.  See I've got the Baldur's Gate 4 in 1 box set, and playing through it as a paladin.  I just now came across my 1st undead creatures: skeletons, only to find the "turn undead" ability doesn't work, no matter what I do.  is there any fix?  Why doesn't it work?  The button is faded in and out of battle...

If you're still early in the game I suspect you may not yet be level 3.  Paladins turn undead at 2 levels below clerics, which means they don't get any ability to turn until they are level 3 (and you'll need to be several levels higher to make your ability effective even against weak undead like skeletons).

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Dylan {8} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 3)
The session didn't get off to a good start when Dylan reacted to the arrival of a number of phase spiders in the Cloakwood with a poorly targeted fireball!  
However, he shrugged that off as collateral damage and successfully finished off those spiders before going invisible for the remainder of the trip through the Cloakwood.
At the mine an opening salvo of fireballs killed Rezdan, while Drasus died after stepping into a couple of pre-laid traps.  Kysus used about 5 invisibilities through a mix of spells, sequencers and potions and Dylan had to use up his potion of clarity to negate one chaos thrown at him as well as a regeneration potion and invisibility potion of his own.  However, eventually he was able to get into hand to hand with the mage to finish him off.
After sneaking down to Davaeorn, Dylan used stealth to activate him and hide until all his guards had arrived.  He then stealth attacked the battle horrors before using fireballs on Davaeorn and his guards.  He didn't have quite enough charges to finish off the highly fire-resistant mage, but a few stealth attacks did the job without Davaeorn targeting him with any more spells.
He flooded the mine, but dodged the slave outside to allow him to get Bhaal horror (and to use the reputation boost later to maximise reputation).
In the city he had not yet boosted reputation at the temple when he came across Entillis Fulsom looking for trouble.  He immediately ran away and went to buy some dispelling arrows.  A number of those to eradicate stoneskins, along with arrows of biting, eventually did the job, although he was hit several times by MMMs.  
Stealth shots then accounted for Jalantha to get Dylan his final BG1 level.
Marek also got stealth shots with arrows of biting, though Dylan showed himself after a while and Marek managed to get a magic missile off before collapsing.  The only other target in the City was the intelligence tome - Ramazith being one-shotted to waste the couple of traps under his feet.
After sneaking into the Iron Throne, Dylan was sent back to Candlekeep.  He detoured on the way though to finally settle accounts with the pesky Doomsayer (making things much easier by using a wand of magic missiles to do most of the damage).
He's just arrived at Candlekeep (invisibly in order to avoid the attention of the welcoming party).

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Thanks @Golden! I'll follow your advice and form a party with Dagny :wizard:  (interestingly I've been much less successful with parties... but I guess there's a first for everything)

Keep it up Grond0! Finish strong and let's meet soon in Amn :)

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Dylan {8} - dwarf swashbuckler (4th and final update)
Thanks Blackraven - last one to the Copper Coronet buys the round!
In Candlekeep Dylan robbed the tombs before sneaking past the dopplegangers.  He used stealth to kill the spiders and disarm the traps before taking on Prat.  A scroll of magic protection and fireballs accounted for his helpers, but Dylan had to wait until his scroll had run out before he could coax Prat out of invisibility.  Dylan had no luck dispelling him and was losing out to spells and melee before resorting to horror.  
I thought that would allow him to finish Prat off, but the difficulty of targeting round corners meant he just survived - and almost killed Dylan with one more hit before he hid again for a final shot.
After stocking up on potions and ammunition, Dylan went in search of Slythe - he ran straight into a nest of traps.  At the palace pre-laid traps killed one doppleganger.  His horror had no effect, but dispelling arrows kept most of the rest of them quiet.  The mage had disappeared in a side room and Dylan was trying to tempt him out of invisibility when Belt arrived - so one of the guards must have finished off the mage.  
Sarevok then immediately killed Liia, but Belt was safely out of sight.
Dylan fought his way through the maze using lots of stealth melee attacks before killing the Undercity party, mainly with exploding arrows.  In the temple he activated Sarevok and left him in a corner using an invisibility potion.  All the others except Angelo followed Sarevok, so Dylan fired a couple of exploding arrows at Diarmid to get Angelo to show himself.  He then used 2 potions of magic blocking for protection before finally managing to hide from Angelo and wait for his initial buffs to run out.  Some exploding arrows were topped off by a final LMD to finish him off.  
A last couple of exploding arrows was too much for Tazok before Semaj fell to Necklace fireballs.  At that stage Diarmid still had a scroll of magic protection up, but by the time Dylan had used stealth shots to bring him to the verge of death the scroll had run out and a fireball finished him off as well.
Dylan emptied his Necklace to take Sarevok to injured before showing himself and inviting Sarevok for a game of Catch Me If You Can round the pillars - Sarevok proved not very good at that and stormed off in a huff.

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Drinks are on Dylan then ;)
Anyway congratulations.

Glad you survived Prat. I usually don't bother unless I want his axe or play with Item Randomization. 


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Congratulations both to Dagny and Dylan :)

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Congratulations both to Dagny and Dylan :)



Yuppers. Best wishes to both.



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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 81 - (4th and final update)

Drizzl, human blackguard (Grond0) & Mhae, human cavalier (Gate70)


For the first time in a long while our schedules allowed for an extended session of gaming yesterday.  That would potentially have allowed this pair to make considerable progress with BG2, but as I'll post later you can always find a way to die if you only try hard enough!


Back in BG1 though things were still looking promising ...  


The Iron Throne was the starting target for the session and the combination of Mhae using a PFM scroll and Drizzl shooting poisoned arrows made short work of them.



In Candlekeep the tomes were recovered and the dopplegangers annihilated without trouble.  Prat's party did a bit of damage - some good shooting from Tam causing Mhae to switch targets, but without really threatening.



Slythe used lag to get an attack in on Mhae, but missed and was drawn out of sight of Krystin to find his end.  At the palace 2 potioned-up fighters would have been bad news for the dopplegangers anyway, but poison just added the icing on the cake and both Liia and Belt survived.



The Undercity party were subjected to an incredibly mean test.  Drizzl wanted to see what happened with poisoned exploding arrows and, yes, the poison effect is layered on to the explosion damage - a couple of arrows thus killing the entire party :alien:.



Drizzl was then unable to resist the temptation to shoot a poisoned exploding arrow at Sarevok from long range.  That was fun and meant that when Semaj teleported out he was already badly damaged and went down quickly after being dispelled.  However, it also meant that Sarevok was still hasted and Drizzl's first couple of dispelling arrows on him missed - giving him the opportunity to severely damage Mhae.  However, as the latter turned to run Drizzl finally connected with a dispel and Sarevok died a few seconds later.



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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 82 - (update 1)

Petra, half-elf fighter/mage/thief (Grond0) & Ayce, human dark moon monk (Gate70)


After suffering 2 deaths in the day I thought there might just be time for one more, but the gods were kind in the opening session with our new randomly rolled characters.


The normal opening saw Shoal downed on the way to Beregost.  The ability of dark moon monks to cast blindness allowed Ayce to render Silke helpless there in addition to our other usual tasks.



After getting some bracers from Meilum, the basilisk area offered the next XP feast.  The only glitch there was when Mutamin's pet giant basilisk gazed at Petra before even becoming visible - fortunately she saved and had moved away before the basilisk could try again.  


It's death got Petra her third mage level, allowing her to cast a second level spell.  That meant Mutamin's stinking cloud scroll was put to good use - along with 2 grease spells and Korax it made short work of Kirian and her friends.







Petra, fighter 3 / mage 3 / thief 4, 32 HPs, 33 kills

Ayce, dark moon monk 5, 33 HPs, 25 kills, 0 deaths

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Fighter/Mage/Thief... like that :D ... good luck to Petra (and Ayce) :)

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Dylan {9} - dwarf swashbuckler (update 1)
I'm giving Dylan one final attempt at completing BG1 without taking any damage.
He's made a good start to that having done most of his exploration at the cost of just one of the 6 invisibility potions he's collected.
He's yet to be attacked and, with reputation up at 20 and charisma at 19 (after pickpocketing Algernon), he's just done initial shopping including getting the invisibility ring.  
He's currently at level 6 with 35 HPs (just 0.5 below average), but has just arrived in the basilisk area - if he successfully completes that, it should put him up close to level 8.


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Dylan {9} - dwarf swashbuckler (2nd and final update)
There was an immediate hiccup in the basilisk area when I realised Dylan hadn't stocked up on arrows as soon as he had used the PfP scroll.  As a result he meleed the southern basilisks and was lucky when the greater one missed with an attack before Dylan could react.  Korax did his job with Mutamin, but then failed to even hit any of Kirian's party.  That resulted in quite a lot of ticklish movement for Dylan and the use of 6 charges from the Necklace of Missiles before Kirian eventually became the first victim of his LMD power.
He cleaned up the Valley of the Tombs, getting revenge on the revenant for an earlier defeat there.  That also got him to level 8 and provided him with a new potential weapon of traps (didn't want to risk Dylan damaging himself with those before he was able to set them with 100% success) - Neira became the first victim of those.
At Durlags Tower Dylan used the Greenstone Amulet for the first time to get the wisdom tome.  That left just the lighthouse area as a target before embarking on the main quest.  Unfortunately my habitual lapses in concentration caught up with Dylan there.  He was pre-setting traps for the first group of sirines when this happened ...
I had been listening in to a phone conversation in the background and hadn't switched Dylan's bracers - as a result his chance of setting a trap was only 95% and unfortunately his first failure also resulted in damage to him.
I'll abandon this run here.


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Such high standards Grond0... Anyway I hope you'll have a more successful run soon!

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You have more patience than I do Grond0. Shame we have similar attention spans.  :lol:
Kaxir makes another start (from my pregen character).
Candlekeep chores pay for a long sword and some throwing daggers. First stop is the Friendly Arm Inn where Joia is reunited with her Flamedance ring. Then off to the coast to deal with Shoal the Nereid. 2 levels, 22/30hp gained. 37hp. Not bad.
Back to the Friendly Arm Inn, a gamble against Tarnesh paying off as the first dagger scares him. He still casts Mirror Image, so another few daggers are used instead of chasing the mage around. Once inside, Kaxir presses the Golden Pantaloons into his backpack and shows a clean pair of heels on his way out. Off to help Melicamp, who survives. Level 4 +15/15hp. 52hp. :)
After social calls to Marl and Firebead, four daggers account for two mail-busting ogrillions. Kaxir grabs some ankheg plate before talking to Noober and then locating Captain Brage.
Caldo and Krumm fall to daggers, as does Greywolf (the first dagger hitting him for a critical 22 followed by several circuits of the area). Samuel is transported to the Friendly Arm Inn, and with a reputation of 20 some shopping is done. An ankheg on the way to Ulgoth's Beard is killed without injury. Level 5 +8/15hp. 60hp.
The intention was to dual-wield but having sold off one long sword and only grabbing one magical one the basilisks are melee's one-handed instead. Level 6 +8/15hp. 68hp.
Kaxir saves against horror (conscious decision not to use the greenstone amulet and distance himself from Mutamin instead). Two Melf Acid Arrows are received before throwing daggers kill the gnome, and then the pet basilisk is killed.
After a store-sale and a rest, Kaxir has returned to deal with Kirian and her gang. A cave bear chases him away, and into Korax. With the ghoul recruited Kaxir changes his strategy. All goes well to start with, Korax helping pin down Lindin and Baerin until a lightning bolt fries him.
With Korax down, the attention turns to Kaxir and he fails a save against horror. Peter is out of spells and chasing him around with a Spiritual Hammer, getting two blows in. As soon as the horror wears off Peter is cut down. Kaxir returns to find his dagger had finished off Kirian so loots their corpses with decorum. Time to see what secrets are contained within Nashkel Mine.

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