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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Phantasmic 6 {11} - monks party (update 8)
Inside the library the mage and thief were stunned in an initial attack.  Tuth got some telling blows in with a 40 HP critical taking Spectre down to 1 HP, but he died immediately after that.
In the catacombs Spook used lightning protection to loot the tombs.  The phase spiders all teleported to the main group and were quickly massacred.
The dopplegangers were brushed aside in the next area on the way to the caves.  There they used stealth and ring of freedom to kill some spiders before taking on Prat's party.  Some opening fireballs against them killed Bor, before Prat followed them back to the previous area - to his cost.  
The others were tracked down and finished using stealth.
After returning to the Cloakwood Mine to maximise reputation the monks went back to Baldur's Gate.  Their first port of call was a return to the Iron Throne.  After struggling with the golems in melee last time they took the cowards way out and pulled them downstairs to be shot up with magical ammunition.  
On her own Cythandria was then always likely to struggle.
At the Flaming Fist the mercenaries' glyphs did rather more damage than I expected, but everyone survived.  
After resting up they saved Duke Eltan and saw him to safe harbour(master).
On to Slythe where all the monks used potions - but unfortunately didn't check they had fists equipped, allowing Slythe to survive the initial assault.  However, his choice of a potion of freedom was not a good one and he died soon anyway.  
Krystin managed to catch 3 of the monks with a chaos, but found that her globe was not effective against heavenly blasts.  
The chaos then ran out without any innocents coming under fire before the monks made their way to the Palace - stopping at the temple first to heal a bit of damage.
At the Palace Chimera and Spirit hung back throwing darts of stunning - getting an early victim with the mage - while the others put the boot in.  
That worked well and the enemies were all either running scared, dead or disabled without having done too much damage.  
Spectre then managed to tempt Sarevok away from Liia to save both dukes.
By the time they'd cleared the maze all their buffs had gone and they rested before heading into the Undercity.  Fireballs did most of the damage to the party there,
with the undead just being hit by standard attacks.  That felt a bit tedious though and a slight lapse of concentration resulted in one more death for Spectre from the last remaining enemy.
Rather than fiddle around with inventory the monks went to find a temple before returning to allow Spectre to pick up his own equipment.  Everyone then rested ready for the final conflict.
In the temple everyone except Spectre used a scroll of PFM before Spook went to activate Sarevok and his cronies.  Spectre used a potion of magic shielding to tempt Angelo out of hiding: a brief flurry of darts of stunning were thrown, but his defences were too good and the monks switched to Wand of Heaven blasts to take him down.  
In an attempt to overload Diarmid's defences they then threw a volley of potions of explosion,
but that was insufficient to cause him any concern and the monks switched to ordinary fireballs to kill Tazok and Semaj (though they couldn't get through Diarmid's PFM).  With only Sarevok and Diarmid left I didn't bother waiting for the scroll to go down, but just pulled Sarevok into chasing Spectre while the others meleed Diarmid - taking potions to buff up during that.  
Finally it was Sarevok's turn.  He caused an anxious moment with a critical on Chimera,
but didn't have enough of a speed advantage to hit him again as he ran away.  Another critical on Phantom took him to single figures, but eventually Sarevok acknowledged that it wasn't to be his day.
Rather than report back to Duke Belt I'm thinking the monks will probably go on to do the Werewolf Island.  That's partly to avenge an earlier run that ended to a trap there, but also because it always annoys me that the monks are unable to kill the jailer golem in Jon's dungeon - they need to get up to level 9 there to be able to do the job with their fists.  Spectre, who has the least XP currently, still has nearly 180k showing how thoroughly they've been cleaning up areas.
Chimera - L8, 56 HPs, 342 kills
Spectre - L8, 48 HPs, 611 kills, 2 deaths
Phantom - L8, 47 HPs, 325 kills, 4 deaths
Wraith - L8, 62 HPs, 397 kills, 0 deaths
Spook - L8, 61 HPs, 371 kills, 5 deaths
Spirit - L8, 57 HPs, 321 kills, 0 deaths

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Nice work Grond0 - hopefully you'll succeed with your mission and we can see some monk beatings in Amn.

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Phantasmic 6 {11} - monks party (9th and final update)
After stocking up on magical ammunition the monks went to Ulgoth's Beard to begin their quest to remove the lycanthrope menace from Balduran's Isle.  A set of maps were soon obtained in the City and they were on their way.
The monks quickly explored the islands using fists for wolves, magical missiles for wolfweres and wands for the sirine queen (they were missing her with a 19 with their fists).  Things got a bit complicated at one point when a quest encounter with the largest wolfwere group resulted in 2 further respawns joining in - but they stayed patient and wore down the chasing pack (Spectre using the boots of speed to keep them after her).
Inside the ship they used stealth attacks and movement between levels to work their way up untroubled.  They tried darts of stunning on Karoug, but he seemed to be immune to those.  However, wand blasts and missile fire provided enough damage to overcome his regeneration.  
This time I was ready for the 2 bolts of lightning from the trapped chest and Chimera was only hit once!
Back in the village they reported on the quests and then proceeded to clear the place.  They went through a lot of magical ammunition doing that, as well as large numbers of healing potions accumulated on their journeys, but eventually found themselves back at the boat.  However, prolonged attacks there couldn't overcome the Loup Garou's regeneration and then more Werewolves started arriving from somewhere.  In response Chimera took a potion of defense and blocked the walkway, while 4 potions of hill giant strength gave the others a bit more oomph.  A couple of criticals in the next round of attacks got her to near death and the round after she died - freeing the others to support Chimera with missile fire.  
Chimera had to be watchful and he used a couple of extra-healers to respond to critical hits, but it wasn't long before he was able to play "I'm the king of the castle" on top of a huge mound of bodies.
Back at Ulgoth's Beard the monks waited for dark and then used strength and invulnerability potions - 3 of them also used the last of the heroism potions (I should have bought more of those).  They then tried attacking Baresh and he followed them outside - he was unkillable in his human form, but once the monks stopped attacking him he changed to a Loup Garou.  He also duplicated himself at that point - but not to worry, both of them soon died in wand blasts.
In the cabin a sneak attack on Mendas did 109 HPs of damage, which I thought would be enough to tempt out his inner wolf so immediately backed off and watched it emerge.  
Spook, with the silver dagger, had the only weapon that could hurt the Loup Garou, but fortunately it didn't have much magic resistance and wand blasts came up trumps again to lift the lycanthropy danger.
With just under 205k XP I thought the monks could still do with a bit more, so they showed themselves to Shandalar.  He appeared to bear them something of a grudge for killing his daughters and sent them off to an icy island.  Spook used potions of magic resistance to trip the traps there invisibly before the monks stealthed up to various opponents - mainly using fists and stunning darts (also a nice general use of stunning blows to disable all 4 ankhegs at once).  
One of the first group of mages went invisible and refused to reappear, but otherwise they cleared up everything on the way to get the cloak required to exit.
With no further use for potions they took another selection each before reporting to Shandalar, but attacking him as he teleported proved useless - even with THAC0 of 8 the monks were missing with rolls of 18, while he was also immune to the firebreath potions they tried (at least I got a nice screenshot out of it though :D).
Deciding the slightly over 2,500 casualties they'd inflicted would just have to do B) the monks finally reported in to Duke Belt and have duly arrived in Athkatla.
Chimera - L8, 56 HPs, 367 kills
Spectre - L8, 48 HPs, 662 kills, 2 deaths
Phantom - L8, 47 HPs, 353 kills, 4 deaths
Wraith - L8, 62 HPs, 423 kills, 0 deaths
Spook - L8, 61 HPs, 395 kills, 5 deaths
Spirit - L8, 57 HPs, 339 kills, 0 deaths

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Nice work, Grond0!


You're monk runs are getting better and better.


Good hunting in Amn!






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Nice Shandalar screenshot.


I've never attacked him- the thought never occurred to me.


Out of curiosity, I checked his resource file. Some spoilery fun facts.







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Bl-scs30 update 1.2, 
Earning some cred;
Hear text as mp3,
With Dynaheir we now had a wand user so grabbed the frost from a tree and went horror hunting… as luck would have it, killing some spiders in Beregost earned Imoen a level up and she duelled to mage as well… any way the two horrors at Durlag's Tower are true versions of the species so our frost wand made quick work of them for some easy experience but Khalid lost his nerve fighting the last one and reminded me to keep an eye open for new talent.


Imoen needed quick levels to re-activate her trap hunting skills so we hired ourselves out for various jobs; dispatching Droth for his helmet, killing a Cleric for the bounty money and sicking Minsc onto some Sirines guarding a tome of constitution… then we descended into the mines only to find the big evil demons, was in fact just some kobolds.
Admittedly the Boss/ Sharman had some ability as did the Cleric (Mul-something) commanding them but I had already swapped out J/ Khalid for a Paladin and Cleric by this point so Branwen (the Cleric with 'Sanctuary' active) scouted these two battles… an easy {death by fireball} win.

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Everyone meet Aludra:




Well Aludra 2, Aludra 1 died to Tarnish because all those numbers on the multiclass level screen tricked me into thinking I was higher level than I was for purposes of immunity to sleep.


Credits to this wonderful image for the portrait:




Drunks&Dragons for the name and Mazzy for inspiring shorty girls to be paladins.

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It's tough being a dwarf surrounded by humans but you get used to standing tall and speaking up for yourself. Aludra is a cleric of the Morninglord, she never learned about any of the dwarves deities and besides the lord of light and good and athleticism is right up her alley. The paladin orders of Lathander won't have her but she's a paladin and no bunch of stuffy humans can say otherwise.


As she is standing in the wilderness near Candlekeep, she remembers the events of the last few days and a knot forms in her stomach. Gordon is dead, assassins are after her, and she has nowhere to turn. Maybe she can do some good in the nearby towns.




Like dealing with a dangerous cleric of Cyric. There's no talking to his kind.




Open with a Lathander blessed fireball and melee the villain down (*She hits like a truck, such a pleasant change from Aliira. Also with her physical prowess and good alignment I'm not going to use skeletons. They have no business being in a good cleric's spell book*)




She also deals with the sirines who've been harassing the locals






That's when she discovers somebody's after her




somehow it all ties in with the iron crisis, and Nashkel mine will be her first step to unraveling this mystery.

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Well done realmuzzy, I look forward to hearing the tails of your journey into the sword coasts' issues again mate.


p.s. Humans may stand tall but we stand proud!

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Poor Aludra :( She was on top of the world, a juggernaut of good natured destruction. Mulahey couldn't scratch her




The bandits were routed




but in the end she fell to the party guarding Daveorn's base




Who saves flame arrow for after they cast all their magic missiles and spooks, Rezdan? Who does that!?


*Don't worry though, I'm in high spirits and will be back with a new char soon. This time evil though, we're done playing nice*

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Corthief VIII is level 7 and has made more progress.


He figured it's high time to deal with Karlat. So Corthief VIII backstabs Karlat (who survives that), then leads Karlat. Corthief VIII then finds this pillar which is absolutely perfect for a thief with good hide-in-the-shadows. A backstab makes Karlat's morale break.



Corthief VIII misses his next backstab, but one more hide and attack, yes this backstab finishes Karlat.



One reason Corthief VIII was messing with Karlat was to return Perdue's sword - yet when he goes into the Red Sheaf Inn, who does he see, but a Karlat double! A twin brother? Corthief VIII turns the corner, hides and backstabs this Karlat dead.



Finally Perdue's sword is returned to him.


Corthief VIII works on the Nashkel Mines problem - it was actually pretty hard, as he got swarmed by kobolds by one point - but he made it past them, and then decided to just stealth past most of the mine's enemies. Corthief VIII tries an opening backstab on Mulahey, but whiffs it. Mulahey moves away, and Corthief VIII tries to shoot a bunch of arrows at Mulahey. Mulahey tries some spells, but all fail to the greenstone amulet protection. The minions do not see Corthief VIII and do not approach. Mulahey's morale breaks and he makes a run for it. Corthief VIII does a necklace of missiles charge and goes outside to attack Mulahey. Corthief VIII misses his backstab once more (hmmm), so he goes inside to turn some corners and hide and eventually by repeating this backstabs Mulahey dead.



Melium was found and arrowed to death for his bracers. The key is to run around a rock out-cropping - by careful navigating, Corthief VIII could get enough distance to fire an arrow, then once again running around rock until enough distance, fire arrow and repeat - takes quite a while, but Corthief VIII now has new bracers.


The loot from the Anheg nest was obtained for the needed gold (which got Corthief VIII his new Martial staff) - unlike Corthief VII, Corthief VIII decides the Ankegs are far too dangerous and doesn't mess with them at all, preferring to use an invis potion once loot obtained.


Using a haste potion and clarity potion, Corthief VIII backstabs his way past the sirines guarding the CON tome. One backstab in particular was much higher than normal, Corthief VIII wished most of his backstabs were like this one.



Golems defeated by a mix of arrows of biting plus backstabs from maximum range (staff range of 2 comes in handy here). The loot here finally got Corthief VIII ready for the end-game  with necklace of missiles and sleep wand recharged, Corthief VIII feels ready to press into the main quest.

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Rhapsodian and co., update 3:


I'm terrible at taking screenshots, so... Have some text. :P


The main events of this one was clearing some of the more difficult and obnoxious areas: Ulcaster, Firewine, and Spider woods with the red mages. I ended up using walkthroughs for the traps in all of them because I really don't want to go through the "walk 6 feet with thief. Stop. Wait 6 seconds. Continue." process.


Ulcaster was first, and the only one without casualties. Resist Fear was initially dispelled by the Wolf of Ulcaster, but I had two scrolls unused in the scroll case. The wolves attacking the back line did some considerable damage, and I accidentally used a Fireball instead of a Scorcher from wand like I had intended, halving the health of the party, but all's well that end's well, right?


Icharyd was faced afterwards, and that goes about as well as you can imagine with non-proficient melee weapons and his absurd THAC0. 5 health potions or so later and watching the Call Lightning strikes rain on my team, and his 1,500 experience is ours as well.


Firewine. This goes swimmingly at first, especially with all the traps already known. Captain got 50 or so additional +2 Fire arrows from the kobold commandos that swarmed all over us. The armor gave Fang his level 7, and he's taken over position of tank/frontliner. He can get -8 AC before modifiers in sword-spider form, or -6 and a permanent Fireshield in Salamander form, and this is before drinking any potions or anything. Both forms are also hasted, just for good measure. The fight goes slightly sour in the double-mage battle. The human mage was almost dead when he unleashed the most terrifying spell in BG1 in close quarters: Lightning bolt. Rhapsodian quickly downed a Potion of Absorption, but Frightful was killed by a double ricochet in front of her face. Around 10 minutes later, she's raised and has all her equipment back. I'm even more frustrated since Frightful needs like, 500 experience to get to level 6.


So Spider woods! Note to self: I can't fight 4 mages safely yet without slightly cheesing the encounter or at the very least buffing with stuff. There was a time where the only character I could actually control was Rhapsodian, as Tilly was Charmed, Fang Feared, Captain Confused, Wyvern affected by Power Word: Sleep, and Frightful by a Hold Person. We won, but Captain and Frightful died in the process. Two Raise Deads later, we clear the area and Frightful, Rhapsodian, and Wyvern finally level up to 6, 7, and 6 respectively.


... I have one screenshot, though. Most terrifying ambush ever besides bandits at level 1:


Basilisk started at north. Party ran south; text in panel: Greater Basilisk: Attacks Captain. Me: Pause. Rummage through potion case. One potion of Mirrored Eyes. Gives to Captain, and tells him to start shooting it and grabbing its attention so it doesn't follow and switch targets. Safe in the south, Wyvern placed two more Pro. Petrifications to Tilly and Fang, and another 4k experience is ours.


Last thing we did was to take out the two Battle Horrors in front of Durlag's Tower. One killed itself pretty much on Fang's salamander's Fireshield, which I'm not complaining about.

High time to head to Cloakwood now, though, and now I know my party still doesn't really deal well with multiple mages without Web or Cloudkill cheese.


Stats: Rhapsodian, Skald 7. 50 HP (6 from Familiar). 0 kills. * Bastard Sword, ** Sword and Shield style.

Tilly, Wizard Slayer 6.  66 HP. 179 kills, Greater Basilisk. 1 death. ** Bastard Sword, **** Darts

Fang, Avenger 7. 51 HP. 102 kills, Battle Horror. 0 deaths. * Dart, * Dagger, * Scimitar.

Captain, Swashbuckler 6. 40 HP. 113 kills, Mustard Jelly. 2 deaths. * Shortsword, * Shortbow, * Two Weapon Style

Wyvern, Dragon Disciple 6. 34 HP. 91 kills, Doomsayer. 1 death. * Dagger, * Sling. New spells: Haste

Frightful, Archer 6. 47 HP. 292 kills, Shoal the Nereid. 2 deaths. ** Shortbow, **** Crossbow.

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Glad you survived the ambush, Epsil0!


I've never -ever- been ambushed by basilisks. Nonetheless, each and every game I buy an emergency Potion of Mirror Eyes from Thalantyr as soon as possible. The threat of a basilisk ambush terrifies me. 





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Glad you survived the ambush, Epsil0!


I've never -ever- been ambushed by basilisks. Nonetheless, each and every game I buy an emergency Potion of Mirror Eyes from Thalantyr as soon as possible. The threat of a basilisk ambush terrifies me. 





Interesting - I've been ambushed by basilisks many times. It seems to happen more frequently with vanilla BG 1 also. I've even been ambushed going to and from Ulcaster School on the same trip. For this reason, anytime I am traveling on the East side of the map, my PC carries two mirror eyes potions before doing so.

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Interesting - I've been ambushed by basilisks many times.


Basilisks appear in waylay areas 5600, 5601, and 5901. It's entirely possible that I just don't make transitions that generate those areas.


I'm looking at Dudleyville now and so far none of the transitions I make are among those that can lead to a basilisk ambush. I never go to Ulcaster or Lonely Peaks, for example, and those happen to be the highest risk destinations.


As another example, I go to the Fire Leaf Forest sometimes, but I never go from Fire Leaf straight to the Nashkel Mines or vice versa. I've also never transitioned from Peldvale to Spiderwood, or from Mutamin's Garden to Spiderwood, or from Mutamin's Garden to Gullykin.


It seems like my game world habits have unwittingly kept me safe.


Regardless, I do still carry Potions of Mirror Eyes everywhere. A Potion of Mirror Eyes is usually literally the first thing I buy after leaving Candlekeep.






PS: I do transition from the Temple to Mutamin's Garden and that has the potential to generate a lesser basilisks waylay. But there's only a 20% chance of a way lay and there are 9 different possible spawns. Plus, until very recently, I've always been at level 1 or 2 when I've made that transition. Perhaps there's level dependance?  

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Well then, I've done some modding both BG1EE and BG2EE, and have just started a test run with a new character. Meet Isadora, my feisty Halfling duelist:

(Weapon profs are scimitars and darts. She's clad in studded leather and wields a buckler.)


Here's the WEIDU log for BG1:


I didn't originally intend to include Song & Silence, but ended up doing so to see if I could get Isadora to specialize at character creation. But apparently neither vanilla EE nor RR or S&S makes that possible. (I'm pretty sure that in my BGT install I could.) A notable tweak I included for the first time is: APR_ON_SPEC meaning that weapon specialization (besides warriors only possible for Swashies in my current install) will give Isa an extra half APR.

It will be a no-reload run until she dies, but with stuff like BP Ascension that wasn't written for the EEs, a fix by GrimJim, and SCS v30 some testing in BG2 will be needed. So I shall continue the run anyway.

I've no idea how much progress I'll make in the coming weeks. So far Isadora hasn't achieved much other than being chased out of town after she failed to nick a shiny dagger from Fuller.

The death of her foster father, who had left home with her, at the hands of a giant of man left the lass all alone. She's currently roaming the no man's land between the Friendly Arm Inn and Beregost.

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Love her, I hope she meets success.


I didn't originally intend to include Song & Silence, but ended up doing so to see if I could get Isadora to specialize at character creation. But apparently neither vanilla EE nor RR or S&S makes that possible. (I'm pretty sure that in my BGT install I could.) A notable tweak I included for the first time is: APR_ON_SPEC meaning that weapon specialization (besides warriors only possible for Swashies in my current install) will give Isa an extra half APR.


I noticed this too with a dr kit I was trying. What reason could there be to disallow specializing at start?

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Bl-scs30 update 1.3, 


Bash too Glory;


Hear text as mp3,


An assassin was waiting for us back at the Nashkel inn… first of many as it happens. Minsc went burko on us at High Hedge and we had to put him down with the frost wand before he killed a bystander named Kivan. We asked him to take over the ranger-ing for us and he agreed on the condition that we help him to kill bandits … well as it turns out, killing bandits pays good!




Kivan scouts, Imoen de-traps and plenty of fireballs to go round has us feeling pretty chuff with ourselves as we stumble into an ambush that kills half of our party… well on the up side I got a new level so its true what they say "what doesn't kill you…"

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Yikes USSNorway, looks like a rather rough battle you had there.

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Hi gang,
after something like a 4 year absence from BG, I was enticed by Steam's Summer Sale to pull down BG Enhanced Edition, and BG2 EE and finally got around to another no-reload . 

I'll be running EE un-modded (with bugs and all) just to take it for a ride. 
SO...... For entry #1, I decided on a Fighter Thief.

To keep characters straight, I named him in a way that identifies his class "Fighter And Thief" ...or FAT.

Then, halfway through the creation screen I changed directions and decided on a Magic User/Thief, but was too lazy to think up another name  :)
So, meet Fat Tony:

Who, in his very first combat, reminds me how lowly 1st level thieves are. He gets threatened by an assassin! And... the two stand there waving there weapons at each other without actually... you know... hitting anything.


If it wasn't for Tony's sleep spell... I swear they'd still be there.
Now... off to save the world.



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Love her, I hope she meets success.



I noticed this too with a dr kit I was trying. What reason could there be to disallow specializing at start?


Thanks RM, and as to your question I have no idea. (Good to know that you have it too, so it's no bug.


If it wasn't for Tony's sleep spell... I swear they'd still be there.

Now... off to save the world.


A Fighter/Thief with a Sleep spell? That's nice. Good luck saving the world!

@USSN, careful there!

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Corthief VIII Update


Corthief VIII has made good progress - not without some close calls.


The first near miss was against Bassilus. Corthief VIII was in the shadows and was trying to remove the "fog of war" near Bassilus, so that when Corthief talked to Bassilus all undead would die. However, at a bad time Corthief's hide in shadows failed! Corthief ran as far as he could and tried to do the greenstone amulet but was hit with rigid thinking!



Fortunately, with no enemies in sight, Corthief didn't bother wandering, and just held his position until the rigid thinking wore off. Close call...Corthief VIII then used the greenstone amulet, showed himself to Bassilus and then hid behind the pillar, backstabbed and repeated until Bassilus was dead.


The next incident was against the Sirine's in Shoal's area. Corthief VIII's hide in shadows failed, so he took the time to fire a few arrows of biting at the sirnines. They on the other hand, got a critical and poisoned him and he was dying fast - fortunately, running, elixar of health and hiding saved him. Below is Corthief VIII's revenge on the pesky sirine.



Corthief VIII by the way joined the bandit camp, and just looted the letters and hid, he did not fight. He also got to Drassus and used fireballs from the shadows, plus a finishing backstab to get the haste boots.


Corthief VIII wanted to top off his experience, so he used fireballs from the shadows to take out Kirian's and Molkar's party. Corthief had Korax take out Mutamutin, then with green scroll, Corthief used his speed to hide in the shadows and use backstabs on the basilisks - the lesser basilisks were all one-shotted by backstabs, like the one below.




Corthief VIII checked his experience - Davaeorn and poison quest will get his last level. Ok time for Davaoern himself - Corthief VIII used an invis potion to get to Davaoern's level and de-trap without being seen - then backstabbing Davaeorn's guard dead. Then Corthief used shield amulet and potion of magic shielding, and proceeded to use arrows shots from the shadows - once Davaeorn's mirrors were whittled down, he could then be finished by a backstab.




Corthief VIII will venture into the great city of Baldur's Gate next.

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Nice work, Corey!






Btw. I like the edited cropped photos. That's a good solution.

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Nice work, Corey!






Btw. I like the edited cropped photos. That's a good solution.

Thanks! The cropped pictures are a lot of work for a full party, but for a solo run isn't too bad.

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Thanks! The cropped pictures are a lot of work for a full party, but for a solo run isn't too bad.


Makes sense.


I may try that.



