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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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Fellow no-reloaders, meet Rijkar the Totemic Druid




I wanted to play a druid, and I chose the totemic because it most matches my impression of what a druid should play like. Don't get me wrong something like an avenger can be loads of fun, but in a sort of weird non-druidy way (how did they come up with fire salamander form?)


Anyway, Rijkar is cocky, arrogant and supremely confident in his abilities. His skill and charisma as a hunt master (and Bhaal's essence, but Rijkar doesn't know that yet) made Malar notice him and choose him as a representative in Faerun. He's quite a bit into his adventure so let me convey some of his progress.

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Rijkar recognized the assassins for what they are before they even approached him. Gutter trash from the city, they'd die hungry in the forest trying to land a kill like that. His keen eyes also saw the party sent to intercept him and Gorion outside Candlekeep, but the information wasn't of much use with slow Gorion by his side. The old man fought well, earning Rijkar's respect yet again. Even though he was old and it was his time, he was of Rijkar's pack and he will be avenged.


Now he makes his time in the wilderness, offering goods and help to the townsfolk in exchange for money he needs to prepare himself for the big hunt. How he despises the fat merchants he has to deal with




But as reward, when the assassins strike again he is ready






His pet snakes strangle and slow anyone chasing him, while he is always one step ahead making even plants reach out for the feet of his enemies




His first good hunt is a cleric. He likes clerics, they are loud and more than willing to draw attention to themselves making them such delicious prey. He summons his animal companions and an evil nymph that delights in tormenting mortals. He immunes himself to the power of Cyric and they poison the cleric






As the cleric is dying, Rijkar changes the weather and a lightning bolt incinerates him




As much as he enjoyed that there's nothing like hunting wild creatures. Sirines are an excellent target




The lions that follow him are immune to their charms and shred them with their fast attacks. Basilisks are a close second once you know how to protect against their petrifying gaze.


After spending some time on challenge hunts Rijkar decides it's time to start the grand hunt for the source of his assassin problem. He starts at the Nashkel mine. He quietly goes through the mine to the last level where the leader is. He summons the evil nymph and a snake and makes roots block the entrance to the stupid leader's room.




He turns on the cleric, the nymph's presence preventing spellcasting




culminating in full paralysis and eventually death for the cleric while his minions are struggling with the roots




Once the main kill is secured the minions are devoured by underground beetles under Rijkar's control.




He loots the body and the room and leaves.

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Corthief VIII Update


I am pleased to report Corthief VIII made it past the Duchal Palace, the place where Corthief VI failed.


This is his preparation for the palace and Slythe:



Corthief VIII opened with a dispelling arrow on Slythe, hid in the shadows and tried to backstab but missed. Corthief VIII then ran into a room and hid - Slythe tripped the two snares and quickly died, didn't even have to backstab him.



Time for the big fight, Duchal Palace. Corthief VIII used dispel arrows, sleep and then tried to run and hide, but couldn't do it, dopes were chasing him. So he tried to sleep, but not much luck this time, only two are sleeping - however, all the sleep attempts are making the dopes mad at Corthief VIII! This was great news actually, as there was only one on Belt - Corthief did straight melee (and did fine), and even used melee on the non-sleeped dopes who were ignoring Belt and going for him - and that worked too. Just some arrow shots on the sleeping dopes and yes! In all my solo thief runs, this is the first time to get past this hurdle.



Corthief VIII did some last-minute purchases - he intends to skip the maze and the Undercity as well - just the half-brother left! Wish him luck...


Here's what's he bringing for that fight...


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Good luck Corey - looking promising there ...


Phantasmic 6 {12} - monks party (update 1)
As I posted quite recently, one reason for restarting a run is when a previous run ended as a result of particularly bad luck or questionable game mechanics.  I could say that the latter being responsible for the end of the previous run is the reason I'm restarting, but I dare say that would only prompt sarcastic comments about what was the reason for the previous 10 times :P.
In any case the monks are underway again.  As I noted a while ago I think they do have a realistic chance of making progress quite a long way into BG2, but I realise that claim needs a bit of evidencing ...
The previous run was pretty completionist, but this time they're making much faster progress.  Thus far they've:
- killed Shoal and done some tasks around Beregost to get to level 2.
- travelled down to Nashkel to learn Bhaal CLW.
- saved Arabelle to get to level 3.
- shot Greywolf for his sword and Meilum for his bracers.
- cleared the basilisk area to get to level 4.
- successfully rescued Melicamp before running through various other reputation quests to maximise that.
No healing potions have been used so far, but on the way to Ulgoth's Beard my inability to resist challenges cost the first casualty.  I'd decided to bypass the ankheg nest as no-one had very good HPs, but the ankheg near Tenya was tempting as it would have got everyone to level 5.  I tried to target it with missiles and then withdraw the characters it was attacking out of range before it could get a shot off.  However, at one point I guessed wrong about who it was attacking and was dismayed to see it roll a critical.  
That had a good chance of killing Wraith - and did so.
Chimera - L4, 25 HPs, 28 kills
Spectre - L4, 29 HPs, 51 kills, 0 deaths
Phantom - L4, 32 HPs, 22 kills, 0 deaths
Wraith - L4, 24 HPs, 33 kills, 1 death
Spook - L4, 28 HPs, 34 kills, 0 deaths
Spirit - L4, 31 HPs, 23 kills, 0 deaths

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Corthief VIII the solo halfling thief - FINAL BG 1 Update!


I am pleased to report that Corthief VIII has defeated Sarevok and is moving on to Amn.  This is my FIRST solo no-reload of a single class thief.


One thing that may be relevant is that Corthief's traps/locks skills is exactly the amounts that a potion of thievery and perception push over 100 - this allows more points into hiding and snares, argu-ably more important for a solo thief. Thus a potion of perception and invisibility potion was used to get past the Maze and the UnderCity.


Corthief used his consumables in prep for Sarevok: protection from magic, potion of mind focusing, power, defense, fire resistance, absorption, haste, DUHM, plus two potions of invisibility in reserver, as well as he can replace most of these if they get dispelled.


Corthief approaches the dais from the left, hidden, and fires a dispelling arrow at Sarevok (which connects) and backs off. Only Sarevok and Semaj appear - good. Corthief VIII does an opening backstab on Sarevok.



Then Corthief VIII goes to a nearby pillar on the left and manages to hide. Sarevok moves to Corthief VIII's postion. Corthief VIII connects for the 2nd backstab, and Sarevok is already near death!



It would be difficult to hide again, without bringing the others into play or without taking out Semaj - but Corthief VIII decides now is a good time for an invisibility potion. Semaj has been trying a few things during all of this, but nothing effective. Sarevok moves to where Corthief VIII went invisible, and yes a final backstab sends Sarevok to his father.



Corthief VIII moves on to Amn - feels very good to finally get a solo no-reload of a pure thief of BG 1. No idea about Amn, but will give it a go.

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Well done Corey - good to see Sarevok humbled so easily.

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@Corey. Congrats! Welcome to thiefdom! Best of luck in Amn!


@Grond0. I'm glad to see the monks back in action. Keep'em together.


@Everyone. I recently ran a solo monk through BG1, mostly to get some perspective on Grond0's runs (I've never played a monk and have never really understood the playing style). I probably won't export her to BG2, but I may post on her BG1 run, if there is interest. 





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Bl-scs30 update 1.4,
Served Cold;


Hear text as mp3,


We have a plan and no spiders going to upset it, then we get ambushed… I seriously should have expected it but somehow had it in my mind that we already killed these guys.




Branwen sacrificed herself in the flames to help hold them whilst the party moved back and dispatched the two clerics first for an easy victory. We had to carry her back to fai but that proved fortuitous because I remembered stashing a 'Cloudkill' scroll.




Imoen {invisible} removed his traps and then I sent Dynaheir {also invisible} around to fire the 'Cloudkill' scroll from behind… I expected this to soften him up a-bit but the stupid bugger just stood in the cloud and croocked without firing a single shot.

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Congratulations Corey.


Kaxir has rolled out of Candlekeep once more. Before dying, Gorion asked exactly what the dwarven kensai was going to do with 40 throwing daggers. His foster father will never know the answer (Joia's hobgoblins, Shoal, Mirianne's ogres, Greywolf,Melicamp's wolf and a skeleton for Melicamp) with 1 of the 40 daggers remaining and Melicamp surviving to boost reputation to 19. It's another strong start on hit points too. 24/30 for Shoal, and 10/15 before Greywolf means 49hp at level 4.


Edit, and a fluffed conversation sees him briefly side with Silke. His first action is to attack her, and once dead the merchants join her much to the disgust of Garrick.

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Rijker returns to Nashkel where he is ambushed by a wizard. Wizards are dangerous prey, the prospect of fighting one both thrills and scares him. Fortunately most wizards are scared of snakes




(*i don't remember exactly what he tried but he didn't do much this fight. he just tanked the snake until he died to poison*)


Emboldened, Rijker stalks and kills the wizard Mulahey's letter mentioned. He discovers that his next lead will be in the bandit camp near Larswood. On his way there he notices a group of women amateurishly stalking him so he baits them into showing themselves.




Protected from thought control he summons his animals and later a nymph. The amazon party has no solutions for this and they fall




Another group of ambushers ambushed




They are no match for Rijkar




Finally he infiltrates the bandit camp




He  first neutralizes the mage who is throwing magic missiles at him in vain and then everyone else




The hunt continues in Cloakwood.

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Kaxir has grabbed a tome of Leadership, cleared out the basilisks, given Mutamin a fair start and a clean death, and allowed Kirian a fair start too - she is still alive as is Baerin but Peter and Lindin gave chase and were meleed inside their own entanglement.


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Rijkar is at home in the Cloakwood forest and easily passes through straight to the mine. There he encounters a well prepared group of adventurers guarding the entrance.




He dispels the enemies while his pack is engaging




and then summons a swarm of biting insects




the enemies fall one by one








That clears the way to the leader of the operation




While being burned alive by divine fire the mage still manages to get off a dispel so Rijkar uses a scroll of magic immunity




and finishes the fight that way




*Sorry about the poor writeup. I was a bit disappointed that I had to resort to the run around chasing Daveorn with a stick while spamming everyone else with fireballs strategy. I think since he has so much fire resist it's really difficult to interrupt his dispel with wand of heavens even though I timed it perfectly this time*


The trail leads to Baldur's Gate next.

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Thanks everyone for the congratulations - can't believe it took me this long to get a solo thief success...

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@Corey: Congrats. Good luck in Amn. Making that jump is always a challenge. 

@realmuzzy: First -- love the portrait! 2nd -- I'll be following you. I have almost no experience running Druids and no real success with what little I've done, so I was thinking of trying that next. 



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@Corey: Congrats. Good luck in Amn. Making that jump is always a challenge. 

@realmuzzy: First -- love the portrait! 2nd -- I'll be following you. I have almost no experience running Druids and no real success with what little I've done, so I was thinking of trying that next. 




Ty! I was lucky to find it randomly on the net. I'm not documenting most of the fights in too much detail but I hope it's still an interesting read.

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Rijkar is in Baldur's gate. He is angry though, even though things are going so well for him. He is angry because this old, decrepit mage managed to sneak up to him and he didn't notice




The great hunter didn't see him, didn't hear him, didn't smell him until he was within arm's reach. Humiliated, he listens to everything the mage has to say, accepting to meet with the commander of the city guard.


But first he intends to get to know his new habitat. And it seems it's rough underneath all the civilization, just the way he likes it. There's poisoners




Harper assassins




(burn for trying to use filthy arcane magic to cancel Rijkar's blessings)




any many other who get in his way.


Eventually he connects with this Scar person and starts an investigation into the Iron Throne. Rijkar carefully sets a trap for the leaders




And they oblige




not counting on the paralyzing presence of the nymph. A good pack leader doesn't always command from the shadows, sometimes he projects his own power by smashing his targets




One of his evil nymphs comes to watch and helps with a hold. The last survivor is finished with a flaming sword as is druid custom




Rijkar next travels to Candlekeep, having discovered that the real leadership of the Iron Throne is there. He ambushes some ogres who no doubt wanted to ambush him




and once he is safely in Candlekeep eliminates the Iron Throne presence




He is jailed but he escapes with Tethoril's help and returns to Baldur's gate.

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Kaxir, final update.
Baerin and Kirian are finished off before a trip to the coast to visit sirines and flesh golems. Then into Nashkel Mine where the corpse of Mulahey was trampled on by his minions, and out again to deal with the Amazons. Nimbul was once more taken down by Rasaad (this is so annoying), then Tranzig had his first spell disrupted and never got to try a second. Ardenor Crush and his hobgoblins were diced without issue while Taugosz and his archers forced a rest and their near-dead leader forced Kaxir out of melee and into some dagger throwing.
Inside the bandit tent Kaxir patiently waited for everyone to turn hostile as he used his Greenstone Amulet, having used the Shield Amulet outside. Venkt managed one Melf's Acid Arrow before falling and Kaxir quickly mopped up Raemon, Hakt then Britik.
Cloakwood saw Centeol relinquish a body but on his return Kaxir realise he must have told the despondent brother to clear off so graciously left a meal on the ground for any hungry spiders. Drasus failed to take advantage of a fair start and once he was dead his two mages quickly joined him before Genthore completed their deathly reunion.
After using a potion of freedom in Cloakwood Mine to defeat two ghasts, Kaxir stood around for an hour or two chatting to Yeslick before buffing up for the final assault. He raced downstairs before Hareishan could marshal her defences, and cut a direct path to the final flight of stairs. He elected to fight the next guard with his back to a wall, and by the time his enemy was downed a secret door had been revealed. One Battle Horror was drawn to it's demise but a second proved more stubborn so Kaxir used an amulet charge and went for Davaeorn instead. After a chase around the area, Davaeorn had finally had enough and Kaxir returned for the Battle Horror.
Into the city next. Clean the sewers and drag the stench into the Seven Suns. Pick up tomes (wisdom, intelligence, dexterity). Deal with a rogue basilisk via a potion of mirrored eyes. Leave a sirine to die. Kill off the Iron Throne mercenaries, although as usual they mangled Kaxir badly and he withdrew into the back room with a badly wounded Zhalimar, Gardush and the Doppelganger remaining. Once Zhalimar was down the others had no chance.


Back to Candlekeep, the dopplegangers proving easier than usual but Prat and his gang making up for it - focus on the darts first meaning the arrows to the right get some heavy damage in. Once the dwarf is down Kaxir slices through the bowman then the mage and finally their leader. A few spiders are squashed then two greater basilisks are foiled by an unidentified green scroll (Protection from Petrification courtesy of 4th floor Iron Throne).
Slythe is drawn back and the use of a Potion of Power sees him make much less impact than usual.

Kaxir tries to draw Krystin out for a free Cloak of Balduran but she casts Remove Magic and Kaxir thinks of facing the Coronation without the Potion of Power or having to use his second potion for it and having none left for Sarevok. He runs to the exit to avoid the debuff (a bit annoyed at doing this in hindsight). When he returns there is no sign of Krystin so he gives up and leaves again. She's waiting for him, so he kills her and leaves without the cloak.
The coronation goes smoothly with buffs augmented by DUHM before entering and Kai as things turn ugly. Both dukes survive and Kaxir is sent to the Thieves Maze after successfully goading Sarevok out of finishing the Dukes. A Protection from Undead scroll befuddles two skeleton warriors and then Rahvin's gang are taken apart after a Necklace of Missiles opener.
On to Sarevok and his cronies. A Protection from Magic scroll races around the raised area until Semaj and Angelo fire their de-buffs. Then into a corner with Angelo and Sarevok before using a potion of invisibility and buffing. Tazok briefly rescues Semaj at the expense of his life, then Kaxir uses oils of fiery burning on himself, Angelo and Sarevok before finishing Angelo.
Sarevok is treated to varying amounts of melee and throwing daggers and doesn't last too long.
Kaxir gave almost everybody a fighting chance so used maybe half a dozen more Greenstone Amulet charges than usual, hence a recharge at 10500gp. Exceptions were;
- Jalantha Mistmyr (he'd read the tome so no dialogue option to send her hostile).
- Rahvin and gang. I was trying to avoid Shaldrissa's dispel.
- Ramazith. He refused to go hostile and Kaxir wasn't going to waste time talking to Ragefast.
(oops - realised I forgot the Durlags Tower Wisdom tome. Never mind, not important)


313 kills recorded, plus Tazok, Semaj, Angelo and Sarevok. The level cap was hit some time around Davaeorn.

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Nice Shandalar screenshot.


I've never attacked him- the thought never occurred to me.


Out of curiosity, I checked his resource file. Some spoilery fun facts.








With a standard party, you can beat him with a mage by spamming Magic Missiles in his face + dispelling his defenses with a secondary character.


Breaking lurkerdom just to comment on that; nice runs everyone! Good luck in BG2, Corey.

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With a standard party, you can beat him with a mage by spamming Magic Missiles in his face + dispelling his defenses with a secondary character.


Breaking lurkerdom just to comment on that


Noted! Thanks for the tip!





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I'm not documenting most of the fights in too much detail but I hope it's still an interesting read.


It's been fun!


Detail is always appreciated, but concision has its merits as well. Go with what works for you.





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Grimwald the Wise

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Thanks everyone for the congratulations - can't believe it took me this long to get a solo thief success...


Congrats. :)


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Congratulations Corey and Gate70! Keep good care of your totemic druid; interesting take on his personality, I think he'd like Faldorn. (Speaking of which, why has no one ever made a mod that allows you to instead side with Faldorn and take down Trademeet? Ah well.)


Rhapsodian and co., update 4:

Cloakwood is our destination, and Davaeorn our target. I'd love to say I took screenshots, but... I only have the one, again.

We did a full sweep of all areas for experience, no great risks besides taking on the Druids, which I kind of cheesed by going up and down stairs. I've been noticing something interesting: not even Tilly's melee strikes seem to be causing spell interruption, as I haven't seen a single Druid or Mage fail a spell after she's hit them. If this continues in BG2, there're going to be issues, since I'm counting on her spell failure on hit to counter stuff while we're taking down Skins and MIs.


Drasus' party is pulled apart by showing Fang and then running back to the party. Drasus follows first with the boots of speed, and is promptly crushed by the overwhelming APR. The mages are next, and though they Chaos Fang (... through the Greenstone Amulet, somehow. Both the confusion and Mind Shield icons were on him) the others still have enough damage and APR and Detect Illusion to remove all MIs and Stoneskins and they too fall. Genthore's last, and he's out of throwing weapons. Nice try, but assassins still need more damage to break through us.


Hareishan's party is slightly irritating, especially in the chokepoint, and especially after another Chaos affects almost the entire team barring Captain and Wyvern. They're fortunately enough to keep Hareishan occupied instead of murdering our team. Tilly and Fang almost both kill each other before we finally snap out of it.


And then Daveaorn. Oh, goodness, Davaeorn. Easy for a single player under a PfM. For a party that simply can't protect everyone...


The plan was to use a PfM on Frightful, and have her solo him to the south while the rest of my party held off guards north. Sounds simple, right? I forgot about Dimension Door though. After a Lightning Bolt, a Fireball (I think? It may've been a Sunfire) and two Cones of Cold later, as well as some spells I'm certainly forgetting...


Yeesh. On top of that, we didn't get any Battle Horror experience as they either got fried by Davaeorn himself, or died when he died. Ten minutes of inventory shuffling later, we're back to the FaI to raise them and then finishing the flood brings us to Baldur's Gate proper. We're doing quests right now for the experience, as we're not even halfway to the cap yet. So far we've done: Jhasso & Doppels, the Merchant's League & Doppels, the Greater Basilisk in warehouse, the boy killed in the Temple of Umberlee, the Helm & Cloak fight, the Low Lantern fight, the Ogre Mage & Carrion Crawlers, and finally the Poison quest.



Rhapsodian, Skald 8. 54 HP (6 from Familiar). 0 kills. * Bastard Swords, * Quarterstaff, ** Sword and shield style

Tilly, Wizard Slayer 7. 83 HP (5 from Helm). 237 kills, Greater Basilisk. 1 death. ** Bastard Swords, **** Darts

Fang, Avenger 8, 56 HP. 153 kills. Battle Horror. 1 death. * Scimitar, * Dart, * Dagger, * Club

Captain, Swashbuckler 7. 48 HP. 143 kills, Jalantha Mistmyr. 3 deaths. *Short sword, * Shortbow, * Two-weapon style

Wyvern, Dragon Disciple 7. 42 HP. 99 kills, Doomsayer. 2 deaths. * Sling, * Quarterstaff. New spells: Invisibility 30' Radius, Burning Hands, Horror.

Frightful, Archer 6. 47 HP. 394 kills, Greater Basilisk. 2 deaths. ** Shortbow, **** Crossbow.

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And we attempt to fight the Iron Throne battle man-on-man... And I remember just why that's an awful idea. Chaos makes Rhapsodian break invisibility, and he's soon downed in melee. Now I remember why I dislike fighting SCS on fair terms. I'm unsure of what I'll be doing next, though I might restart Benoni to give him a shot at SCS, and a second shot in Amn.

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Wow Epsil0! nothing like living on the edge of destruction! :)

Nice work getting out of there *mostly* alive. 



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Fine work, Gate and Corey. Congratulations to the both of you.
RM, I like your characters, and Rijkar is no exception. I hope to see him save the Sword Coast (even if that's not a role he envisions for himself).

Epsil0, what a rough ride in the Nashkel Mines, and unfortunately even rougher in Sarevok's temple :( 
I understand your point about SCS. I think limiting or excluding enemy pre-buffs might suit your fair play style.


Isadora, Halfling Swashbuckler, BG1 update 1

I'm pleased to report that Isa has been doing well for herself. Gorion's death left her both sad and rudderless, but a near complete tour of the Sword Coast has turned the intrepid Halfling into a seasoned adventurer. 


Isa paid a short visit to Firebead Elvenhair in Beregost and pacified a drunk in that town's poshest inn. A visit to the FAI was preceded by the discovery of a precious ring. Isa sold it and used the proceeds to invest in her reputation. Friends of Gorion learned that Isa had no interest in being looked after by them. A brooding wizard that seemed to be waiting for someone on the doorstep never saw the Halfling sneak by. Exploration of the northern Sword Coast resulted in Isa befriending a girl priestess of Umberlee, and a farmer named Brun (whose son's corpse was only salvaged with the help of Jaheira's invisibility potion, for she failed to hide from hungry Ankhegs). In the village of Ulgoth's Beard she purchased a Cloak of Displacement, a Returning Frost Dart +1, and a Greenstone Amulet. 


She then journeyed south, southwest. A rogue Ogre south of the FAI and four Huge Spiders, two Ogrillons, three Gnolls, and a couple of Hobgoblins in and around Beregost all fell to Isa's frost dart.


Even further south, in Nashkel, she met a fellow named Noober, found a suit of Ankheg armor, and promised mayor Berrun Ghastkill to look into the troubled Naskhel Mines. On her way to the mines she helped a Half-Orc defeat a group of bandits. When she actually reached the mines, she decided against entering them. She did deal with Greywolf the bounty hunter though, who in applying an oil of speed forced the Halfling to do the same.

The One Gift Lost, a Necklace of Missiles, allowed Isa to deal with two Battle Horrors that were loitering on a narrow path that led to Durlag's Tower, while three potions of mirrored eyes were barely enough for Isa to finish off three Greater Basilisks that were guarding Rashad's Talon, her scimitar.
Inside the tower Isa limited herself to picking up a tome of wisdom (at the expense of Greenstone Amulet charge). But during a later visit, when she had honed her trap detection skills, the Halfling looted several potions and a number of enchanted items she would sell.


On the coast, Isa slew three Worgs to allow a trapped boy to find his mother, and she plundered a treasure cave. She also protected an archaeologist against bandits and his own men, and tracked down cursed Captain Brage, whom she escorted home to Nashkel. 

The South-western coast housed a Gnoll fortress. Isadora didn't visit but she dispatched two Half-Ogres near it, and looted a cave containing a charisma tome.


In the Red Canyons the Halfling ran into chickenated Melicamp (who would not survive Thalantyr's anti-chickenation spell), and she faced a genuine test of her abilities when she took on Bassilus the killer. Unfortunately, most of her carefully laid snares were triggered by a stray Skeleton rather than its master. The level 12 Priest also took her by surprise when he summoned an Aerial Servant. Isadora patiently waited in the shadows for it to be unsummoned. A Greenstone charge protected her from most of Bassilus' magics, when she finally engaged the priest. She was more interested in a ranged duel, but the cleric preferred melee combat. She humored him but might have come to regret that decision if it weren't for her quick retreat after he cast Slay Living. Eventually Isa finished her foe with her dart.

Her looting and bounty hunting had been worth her while though, as it allowed her to purchase a suit of Shadow Armor, the Claw of Kazgaroth, and the Stalwart Defender (Buckler +2, +2 against giant humanoids).


In Ulgoth's Beard Dushai unwittingly relinquished he Ring of Free Action to Isa (the initial pickpocket attempt succeeded), while the Sword Coast's self-proclaimed best swordsman and the allegedly fastest dart thrower, both bandits in reality, parted with their Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise and Bracers of Archery respectively, after being beaten by the Halfling in fair duels. Other brigands that did not live to tell about meeting Isa were Krumm and Caldo, Ingot the Gnoll, and a hunting party led by one Sendai. 


Isadora went Basilisk hunting east of Beregost, but was rudely interrupted by a Gnome wizard (who had better ears than in my BGT/SCSv21 install, as he approached Isa when she wasn't even close to his location). Thankfully it was dark. She accomplished a swift retreat into the shadows, and managed to take out all the Basilisks before she'd face the Gnome again. Greenstone-protected so that no mind or movement affecting spells could endanger her, she engaged the wizard. He injured her with damage spells (Chromatic Orb, Melf's Acid Arrow, Magic Missile) before she slew him.

In the same area, two of four brigands awaited the same fate (Kirian and Lindin).
In the Nashkel inn Isa slew Neira the bounty hunting priestess, so that she could properly prepare for her investigation of the Nashkel Mines.

  • Alesia_BH, Serg BlackStrider and realmuzzy like this