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Baldur's Gate 1 No-Reload Challenge

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@Alesia: I'm sure many people are enjoying the approach of your current run (including me), but just haven't said so - by all means keep it up!

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@Alesia: I'm sure many people are enjoying the approach of your current run (including me), but just haven't said so - by all means keep it up!





If anyone wants to help, they can recommend comic books featuring villans/anti-heros. The first line of Alikae's run was a veiled reference to the struggle  I'm facing. What that line really said was "I'm trying to write a comic book, but I don't usually read comic books, so this will probably suck." 


The first part, "Legends are made, not born. You hear that bon mot often," was lifted almost directly from the only comic book I've ever read: The New 52 Catwoman Issue 1




The second part "..in sawdust restaurants and cheap hotels," was an allusion to The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot.


The muttering retreats/Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels/And sawdust restaurants with oyster shells


That was me saying I usually read other stuff.


If anyone knows of comic books that I can read to get the style down, drop by the Lounge. I'd appreciate it!






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Well, a ton of comics have the damsel-in-distress angle - guess Viconia's situation would be a good encounter for that.

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I don't usually read comic books, [...]


I usually read other stuff. 

Same here, so I've no advice for you, nor am I able to say whether your posts have a comicky feel to them (other than the screenies). 

I like the reflections on space and time, art, and perfect harmony between the self and reality.

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Ahhh.... all these people graduating from BG1 and heading to Amn.. and here is Fat Tony, barely out of Candlekeep -- a babe in the woods. 


Tony did make it out without issue, though.

One thing I wanted to show off, though. BG Enhanced Edition has a few little ease of use features. For example, missile weapons stack to 80, there is one (count 'em *one" ) gem bag, one (yes, *one*) scroll case, and you can pick up potion bags. 


Also, on the character creation screen, they've added a "Total Roll" that sums up your abilities scores.... aaannd... it's addictive. It's not that you couldn't do the mental math before. Or that the stats really make that much of a difference. But seeing it there... all set apart... it's like a  mini-game. I must've rolled 100 times just to see what I could get. The highest I've gotten is 94 (not for Tony), but it's just.... addictive... I'm just sayin'







Will post more about Tony this weekend. 


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If anyone wants to help, they can recommend comic books featuring villans/anti-hero. The first line of Alikae's run was a veiled reference to the struggle  I'm facing. What that line really said was "I'm trying to write a comic book, but I don't usually read comic books, so this will probably suck." 


I don't read comic books either but I heard friends say Watchmen is an anti-hero, philosphical/existential comic.


Also, I'm enjoying Alikae's run very much if it wasn't clear already.

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If anyone knows of comic books that I can read to get the style down, drop by the Lounge. I'd appreciate it!

I've never read any of the anti-hero type I think you're looking for.  However, a quick Wiki review suggested you might find some interesting background / ideas for reading starting at:


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Phantasmic 6 {13} - monks party (update 1)
After a slightly unfortunate end to their previous run the monks were quickly underway again on the Sword Coast for their lucky 13th attempt.  I'll spare you any details of their adventuring unless something unusual happens :P.  So far they've followed some well-worn tracks in the ground as summarised below:
- Shoal, Beregost (level 2)
- Nashkel (via Brage) (level 3)
- Cloudpeaks (level 4)
- collected Meilum's bracers on the way to the basilisk area 
- boosted reputation with Melicamp, Bjornin, Joia and Samuel (level 5)
- used 2 scrolls of acid protection, a shield amulet charge and a potion of regeneration while killing numerous ankhegs (the scrolls proved worthwhile there)
- bought equipment at Ulgoth's Beard and used that to take on battle horrors, ghasts and basilisks at Durlag's Tower.
- cleared the sirine menace from the Sword Coast (level 6).
They're about to enter the Nashkel Mine.
Deaths so far have been:
- a critical arrow from Alexander on Phantom when he was trying to get the archer to follow him while attacking in melee, but got a fraction too far ahead.
- a failure to pause the game while answering a phone call cost Spook a life.
- Riggilo survived a stealth stunning attack and then one-shot Phantom with a critical backstab.
After a recent poor streak HPs so far this run are looking very good overall, though it's a shame that the 2 characters who most need the HPs are the only ones below average.
Chimera - L6, 41 HPs (incl. 6 from ioun stone), 62 kills
Spectre - L6, 37 HPs, 72 kills, 0 deaths
Phantom - L6, 44 HPs, 67 kills, 2 deaths
Wraith - L6, 54 HPs, 86 kills, 0 deaths
Spook - L6, 53 HPs, 79 kills, 1 death
Spirit - L6, 47 HPs, 62 kills, 0 deaths

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The fact that Lukes dad killed the old fart in the end makes him the best [Anti]-hero in my mind... not sure how you work that into a Monk tail?

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USSNorway said...

not sure how you work that into a Monk tail?




You know, I'm not sure how she can work your point into a Monk tail, either, but Alesia might be able to weave in a Monk's Tale.

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Tony is out of Candlekeep and off to great adventures. 

He and his troupe made it reasonably easily through to Beregost. Aaaannnnddd.. right into the first CLOSE CALL with Marl. I usually engage Marl, and typically regret it. I had forgotten what a wimp 1st level characters are.




Fortunately, the sleep spell hit Marl just about the time he was ready to turn Fat Tony into FLAT Tony. 

Note that they don't have a healer in the party. So... *several days later*, when they were all healed, they headed back out to the road... Monatron and Xzar had an even closer call... ok.. past close. 




Meh... Tony never liked them anyway. 

Now it's off to get a cleric and maybe head to FAI to get some companions 


--B. Where

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Alikae Dominica: The Black Hand, Shadow Assassin, Dark Moon Monk


Episode 4: The Dance

When the bodies of Greywolf and Prism were found, people noticed. When the emeralds were discovered in the eyes of the sculpture, people worried.
Murder is foul in the eyes of society. Sometimes. Those who murder in service of greed or power are accorded some understanding. It's a sympathy founded on recognition of shared desires: we all have wants. It is only those who kill out of variant princple, or for no reason at all, who are despised. They become the outsiders, the strangers. Only execution will suffice for them.  
Nashkel is a small town. There are few adventures, most well known. I was viewed with suspicion. My situation had become tenuous.
I was not prepared to abandon my encampment at the Carnival. And so I sought to change the town's perception.
The mines of Nashkel had been blighted: the ore tainted, the miners dead. The entire town, the entire region, had been impovershed. This was my solution: Murder again. Murder for principle, and you are feared. Murder for greed, and you are distrusted. Murder for the greed of a village, and you become a hero.  
The question remained: how? Others had tried, and others had failed. Intel was scant, but it was clear that I would face many foes- waves of enemies. This would not be practice. This would be a challenge.
In the hours leading up to my mission, I gathered supplies: a fiery amulet, a displacer cloak, a Potion of Hill Giant Strength, and a Potion of Invisibility. But more importantly, I stopped to think. I had never fought more than a handful of enemies at a time, and never consecutive battles. How would I adapt?
Reflecting, I thought of a story: a story of a monk- a young monk, an intitiate at a temple. These were not warriors monks. And yet they were little different from me. What I seek to achieve through movement, they sought to achieve through stillness. The initiate, eager to impress, studied the temple's daily routine. He found ways to simplify and expedite daily chores, leaving more time to meditate. He shared his ideas, but the older monks were not impressed. If they finished their chores sooner, they would have to sit longer, and their legs would hurt. The initiate was baffled: Why did the monks not wish to meditate longer? He thought on this. And finally he understood: It was all one long meditation -the sweeping -the cooking -everything. It was all one great, extended celebration of the possibilities of existance.
One long meditation. One long dance. 
I understood.
I entered the mines, hidden, encased in shadows. Finally I met my opposition: kobolds. Dozens, and dozens of kobolds. Commandos, guards, shaman, chieftans: all sights trained on me.
The short swords didn't worry me. But there were arrows and poisoned daggers. I could use my Wand of Sleep -or my Potion of Hill Giant Strength- but where would the artistry be in that? Instead, I wove in and out of the masses, in and out of the shadows, in and out of perceptual worlds, assaulting my enemies with only the lightest of touches. I did not battle them. I flowed through them, above them. Legato. 
I was injured. Twice. Arrows as I ran. And yet I was pleased. There is but one thing I dislike about fighting kobolds. They are not pretty. Their corpses make ugly piles. I would prefer a different medium.
As I made my way deeper into the mine, I saw ever more kobolds. I chose to slip by some unseen. A new passage.
Deep in a cavern, I was revealed before two spiders. Here, now, I used my Wand of Sleep to dispatch them in silence. A subtle step.
By then I was nearing the end. The chieftan and his shaman stood in my way. I used my amulets: shield and green. I launched a stealth attack. I missed.
I was surrounded by guards and summons. Here, confined, I learned the beauty of force. Jete. 
Finally I reached the leader: Mulahey. He was the sheperd of this wayward flock. He was my final opponent: the subject of my final movement. 
I used my amulets, fitted my Girdle of Bluntness, and blurred my form with the aid of Shar. I was ready. And yet I almost met my match. With his armor and his shield and his spells, Mulahey's defenses were strong. And he was flanked by many allies: kobolds and skeletons. Flow, subtley, force: I would need them all.
Arrow upon arrow, blow upon blow: I dodged nearly all. A ballet of evasion. And each attack parried, was paired with a blow of my own. I prevailed. I mastered. I danced.
I am a hero now in the eyes of Nashkel. This will prove useful. Shar prefers her followers to be hidden, cloaked in shadows. In the dungeon, I agree. But in the city I prefer to be present, visible, and yet unknowable. I am not alone in this. Haven't you noticed? In the dungeon, the greatest threats lurk unseen. But in the world of men, the greatest villans, the most odious forces, are the ones vying for your attention. This too is part of the dance. 
Areas Visited: Carnival, Beregost, Ulgoth's Beard,  Nashkel Mines
Quests Completed: Nashkel Mines
Notable Enemies Slain: Mulahey, Kobold Shaman, Kobold Chieftan
Notable Items Acquired: Necklace of Missiles, Cloak of Displacement, Ring of Holiness, Short Sword + 1
Level Attained: 5
Ability Attained: Healing Touch

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Nice work Alesia. That is an interesting build. Lack of stunning blow would be rough. 

And your story telling is great! 


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Nice work Alesia...And your story telling is great! 


That's kind of you to say.


That is an interesting build. Lack of stunning blow would be rough. 

Not in BG1, at least. Sunning Blow allows you to stun with melee attacks for one round at 1 to 2 apr. Darts of Stunning let you stun at range at 3 apr for as many rounds as you like. I prefer Darts of Stunning.
In BG2, Stunning Blow is missed more, since Darts of Stunning are rarer, melee APR is higher, and the number of uses per day accumulates, but Frozen Fist, Blindness, Blur, Vampiric Touch, Mirror Image, and the enhanced  Detect Illusions skill are really great, too.
The original Alikae, who was played outside of the challenge, reached level 33. She's still alive and well. She had a nice even power curve throughout the adventure and the illusion spells were a big reason why. I'm fond of the Dark Moon kit, although I suspect that an unkitted monk would be more powerful by late/mid SoA.


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Not in BG1, at least. Sunning Blow allows you to stun with melee attacks for one round at 1 to 2 apr. Darts of Stunning let you stun at range at 3 apr for as many rounds as you like. I prefer Darts of Stunning.


I can see that. I've noticed you often use magics -- wands, amulets, etc. That is common and understandable, but can get expensive. Since you're solo, you've offset the cost. I suppose if you were not solo, you wouldn't have to as much.



Have you ever run the Sun Soul Monk kit ?  Curious how you thin they stack up?



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I can see that. I've noticed you often use magics -- wands, amulets, etc. That is common and understandable, but can get expensive. Since you're solo, you've offset the cost. I suppose if you were not solo, you wouldn't have to as much.


I use potions and limited charge items often (although I restrict item recharge).  


I doubt I spend more on magic than the average player. It's possible that I spend on different things. Playing a solo thief, for example, I almost never bother with the Shadow Armor or the Dagger of Venom. I prefer to buy potions and darts. This approach is more flexible, and in the end more powerful. I don't mind spending money on things that go away, so long as they do their job.


With parties I tend to make the same choices: consumables over big ticket durable, although the approach will vary depending on the party composition.


With a monk in BG1, there really aren't that many durables to buy.






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Have you ever run the Sun Soul Monk kit ?  Curious how you thin they stack up?


This is my first monk play through. I have made limited use of Rasaad, but I don't feel I'm in a position to make a comprehensive comparison.


The Dark Moon kit was basically chosen for me. When I found Alikae's portrait, I loved it. The character in the picture is obviously a Dark Moon monk to me. The Frozen Fist, Blur, Mirror Image, the dark persona: they're all there. 




I may try a Sun Soul some day.





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Phantasmic 6 {13} - monks party (update 2)
The monks did the Nashkel Mine without problems.  After already beating up Lamalha they got a lift to the Bandit Camp.  The fight there was generally fairly easy, although Taugosz survived a stunning attack this time and hit Spirit with a nasty critical.  
However, while resting to heal damage (no healing potions or antidotes are being used in this run) they were ambushed by Molkar.  He was joined by a few remnants from the Bandit Camp, making that a tricky fight they were glad to finish without casualties.
I'll probably go back at some stage to clear all areas properly, but for now the monks ran quickly through the Cloakwood to the mine.  For a change they used the mental domination scroll from Ulgoth's Beard to make Genthore change sides and absorb a bit of damage from the casters.
There was another comedy of errors death in the mine.  The monks had beaten up pretty much all Hareishan's guards, but the mage himself hadn't shown his face.  Wraith gave the boots of Grounding to Phantom for him to drag the lightning bolt trap in Hareishan's direction, but I obviously didn't select the character carefully enough as it was Wraith who ran through the trap - and died immediately.
After coming back from the temple the monks cleared everything in the mine (so I can flood it now, but leave open the option of doing a completionist run).  Davaeorn was exposed to fire from the whole party and didn't have time to summon more than one group of guards.  
I did make the same mistake again as on a previous one of these runs though and rest after completing the mine - getting a second slow poison as a result.
In the City the monks started working through challenges - getting the ogre gauntlets early on to open up most locked doors.  Killing an ogre mage and its guards in the sewers has just got everyone to level 7 - lay on hands providing a huge increase in healing ability.
Chimera - L7, 44 HPs, 127 kills
Spectre - L7, 44 HPs, 152 kills, 0 deaths
Phantom - L7, 51 HPs, 123 kills, 2 deaths
Wraith - L7,61 HPs, 144 kills, 1 death
Spook - L7, 57 HPs, 145 kills, 1 death
Spirit - L7, 51 HPs, 126 kills, 0 deaths

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Alikae Dominica: The Black Hand, Shadow Assassin, Dark Moon Monk

Episode 5: A New Hope?
My plan didn't work as intended. Heroism had brought safety from the villagers but not from assassins, and now my wherabouts were known. A hunter, Nimbul, came to claim me as prey. I was forced to defend myself in the daylight.
Nimbul was vicious- an assassin through and through. Well trained: a craftsman, if not an artist.
His Shield, his Mirror Images, and his Stoneskins frustrated my attacks. I tried to stun him, but he was too fast, and my darts wouldn't hit. My amulets -green and shield- kept me safe from his most deadly spells, but I was still in danger.
Then another monk stepped in: Rasaad, Shinning Light, of the Sun Soul Order. 
We fought together side by side, matching each other blow for blow, until Nimbul fell. I was grateful. And impressed.
Rasaad's skills are equal to mine. We are matched as opponents, and perhaps as companions. We spoke.
We agreed on many points.
Though not all.
We are more similar than dissimilar, but he is a hero with a tragic flaw. He is too complacent. Contentment is a poison, a soporific. It is the opiate of the lesser man. He, Rasaad, has drunk heavily. It makes him inert. Disposable. Where I seek a better world -a world of dignity and perfection- he accepts the world as it is. Where I see the pursuit of my art as the highest good, he would make compromises. He loves the common, the small- he would ameliorate the suffering of the weak. I don't need the reminder.   
In the end, it boils to a simple question: Whether this world, this life, this existance is enough? I say it isn't. I say there is more- that there must be more. He lacks the courage to see what I see- the  courage to face the truth of how tiny, and meaningless, and empty all of this is unless we make it something greater- sculpt it into something greater. I will not resign myself as he has. I will become. This is my truth. 
But then again, maybe the world is beautiful enough as it is? I do love the night.
We, Rasaad and I, should travel together, I think.
Areas Visited: Nashkel
Notable Enemies Slain: Nimbul
Notable Items Acquired: Short Sword + 1, Ring of Infravision

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We, Rasaad and I, should travel together, I think.



Oooh, that would be really interesting in light of his SoA storyline. No spoilers for those who haven't played with Rasaad yet.

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Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 84 - (update 1)

Kaos, half-elf fighter/mage/cleric (Grond0) & Murvil, dwarf priest of Talos (Gate70)


After a few runs with the Enhanced Edition we decided to try one using BGT this time.  That immediately hit a snag as our config files were set up for Gate70 to be the host for the Quad MP game. However, trying to play without adjusting led to the game hanging every time a cutscene played (which is every rest), so we did change them (and will need to keep doing so in future for different sessions).


In the game things have progressed without problems so far.  The duo have moved on from Shoal, via Beregost and Nashkel, to pinch Meilum's bracers and are currently on the way for a date with a bunch of walking XPbasilisks.





Kaos, fighter 2 / mage 1 / cleric 2, 28 HPs (incl. 12 from familiar), 24 kills

Murvil, priest of Talos 4, 28 HPs, 12 kills, 0 deaths

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Alikae Dominica, the Black Hand, Shadow Assassin, Dark Moon Monk

Episode 6: A Deeper Game
In the days following Nimbul's fall, Rasaad and I travelled far and wide, testing out skill against many foes. 
I told him nothing of my connection to Shar. I only mentioned my prefrence for traveling at night. He, a follower of Selune, the Moonmaiden, agreed.
I showed him my encampment at the Carnival
We cleansed northern Amn of bandits
We raided the Black Alaric Cave
We braved the Tower of Durlag
We made a friend 
We grew close
Assassins who came for me were no longer a threat
There was attraction. Bodies touched. I was grateful for that: there is more to the art of movement than combat.
It was beautiful, for a time. The Coast was ours.
But it could not last. We had a falling out. It had been coming. It was my insistence on challenging Meilum -a man who clearly was no match- that brought the conflict to a head. 
When I called Meilum's death "an insignificant and yet necessary step in the development of my art," Rasaad was furious.
He called me a monster. He said I was touched by darkness- that I loved the night but not as he. He said I was afraid. Afraid of truth, afraid of death, and that my fear made me vain and cruel.
I will not be judged by those lesser than me, by those too callow and passive to make something of themselves -by those who lack the talent and will and discipline to perfect their art. He has no right. He is inert. He is disposable.
We fought. Outside. In the rain. 
Neither of us could best the other. We relented. I healed him. We made ammends- or so it seemed. 
But I was playing a deeper game. He had found peace in Nashkel, in the wake of his brother's death, so he told me. That would change.
A few selective deaths on a quiescent night. I did it with fists and I did it with fire. And who will the villagers blame? The silent hero, the savior of the mines, the one with fists of ice? Or the outsider, the stranger, the one who speaks of unfamiliar gods: the one with fists of flame? 
I have left the Carnival. I will not return.  
I am not proud of my actions. They were petty. I can see that. But it was he with his love of smallness who brought this out in me. Their deaths are on his conscience. May the villagers slay him in the streets.

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As mentioned before, Tony and his companions headed to FAI to round up any help they could find. 

There, he became, Tony, Tarnish-Remover



Sometimes, it's good to be a thief. 


Then it was off to the Nashkel mines where Khalid fell.



Tony wondered how Jaheira would cope with the loss of her beloved. 

He needn't have worried...



They headed back to the village and were able to restored Jaheira to life. But Khalid... well.. not so much.

And headed off to get a little more experience before they continued with the mines -- picking up Kivan along the way





Branwen finally made 3rd level, and got hold person, meaning a fight with Graywolf was less than overwhelming.



Proving even Bounty Hunters miss saves sometimes. 


Branwen is 3rd level, but poor Tony, being multi-classed, is leveling painfully slowly. He is 2nd level Thief, 1st level Magic User. 


Even so, it's time to head back to the mines and finish what they stared -- one way or the other. 







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Phantasmic 6 {13} - monks party (update 3)
The monks continued to make their way through the city, taking on all encounters.  They were spotted by a servant taking the Skyship components, which I think is the reason the thieves went hostile (that's puzzled me in past runs), but their backstabs caused no casualties.  
One encounter where I made a mistake was Bheren: I couldn't remember whether he was counted as an innocent, but thought he probably shouldn't be - but he was.
However, by that stage they'd done all the shopping they needed to and I had been undecided about whether to acquire vampiric touch anyway, so it was no great loss.
Most of the action just involved stealth and stunning, but there were occasional uses of wands.  There were no casualties, but I did have to resort to a green scroll of protection from poison in the sewers after the monks had already beaten a large group of phase spiders once before they respawned - with Chimera out of slow poisons and Spook having already used his lay on hands.
With all other encounters available in the city at this stage completed the monks did the Iron Throne.  Again, a round of fireballs were used to kill both Shennaras and the remaining enemies were easily finished off.
After reporting to Duke Eltan they travelled back to Candlekeep - waving on the way to Imoen still patiently waiting at the side of the road for Chimera to arrive.  To be safe Chimera arrived invisible and let the others absorb a few spells before joining in.  A first use of stunning darts then eventually turned the battlefield into a statue park.
In Candlekeep they accidentally murdered the Iron Throne leaders before moving on into the catacombs.  Continuing a theme they cleared all enemies there before leaving and resting to give Chimera DUHM as his last Bhaal power.
Before going back to the City they will be touring round vacuuming the Sword Coast.  I haven't decided yet whether they will be doing Durlag's Tower, but everything else will be attempted.
Chimera - L7, 44 HPs, 181 kills
Spectre - L7, 44 HPs, 239 kills, 0 deaths
Phantom - L7, 51 HPs, 175 kills, 2 deaths
Wraith - L7,61 HPs, 200 kills, 1 death
Spook - L7, 57 HPs, 183 kills, 1 death
Spirit - L7, 51 HPs, 156 kills, 0 deaths

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@Alesia_BH, wow someone broke your heart...


Put tabasko sauce in his shorts too hun! :wub:

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